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Moderator of the Month Hall of Fame

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Our Forum, Chat and Story Moderators do an exceptional job keeping the site running smoothly.

They give their time freely, and often go out of their way to help people. It can be a thankless task.

However, as a small way of saying "thank you", each month we give a $100 prize to a Moderator who's put in a little bit extra / stood out from the rest, over the course of the month.

Here are the recipients of the M.O.T.M. awards, since we kicked this off:

Cydia - Oct 2023

Techgoddess - Sept 2023

Leftlingula - August 2023

Tight1piece - July 2023

Firstblush - June 2023

Krystalg - May 2023

Venus18 - April 2023

Cydia - March 2023

Dronette56 - February 2023

kryslalg - January 2023

Cydia - December 2022

WannabeWordsmith - November 2022

Dronette56 - October 2022

Stormdog - September 2022

Cydia - August 2022

krystalg - July 2022

Georgia_27_8 - June 2022

Dronette56 - May 2022

VioletVixen - April 2022

AppleByBoom - March 2022

StarBelliedBoy - February 2022

AngelWorthy - January 2022

MollyDoll - December 2021

dronette56 - November 2021

tams_back_yay - October 2021

SimplyJohn - September 2021

Jen - August 2021

WannabeWordsmith - July 2021

AvidlyCurious - June 2021

Leftlingula - May 2021

MollyDoll - April 2021

FirstBlush - March 2021

SimplyJohn - February 2021

Tams_back_yay - January 2021

WSCLG - December 2020

Bluestars - November 2020

SimplyJohn - October 2020

Saucymh - September 2020

Laura - August 2020

Clum - July 2020

Buda - June 2020

SimplyJohn - May 2020

El_Henke - April 2020

TrinityX - March 2020

Tams_Back_Yay - February 2020

FirstBlush - January 2020

Saucymh - December 2019

CurvyGalore - November 2019

Bluestars / Mollydoll - October 2019

TangerineSky - September 2019

Sprite - August 2019

ChrisM - July 2019

Jen - June 2019

TrinityX - May 2019

Bluestars - April 2019

Lauradj - March 2019

Firstblush - February 2019

MollyDoll - January 2019

8 of our most active Mods (who don't dominate the list below!), received an Xmas gift for December 2018

Robertl - November 2018

CurvyGalore - October 2018

SimplyJohn - September 2018

CurvyGalore - August 2018

Firstblush - July 2018

TrinityX - June 2018

ChrisM - May 2018

Browncoffee - April 2018

Kee - March 2018

JWren - February 2018

TrinityX - January 2018

Jen - December 2017

Ruthie - November 2017

Curvygalore - October 2017

Saucymh - September 2017

Liz - August 2017

sweet_as_candy - July 2017

Mollydoll - June 2017

Robertl - May 2017

Ruthie - April 2017

Shortnsassy - March 2017

ChrisM - February 2017

Sweet As Candy - January 2017

Buz - December 2016

Callisto - November 2016

WSCLG - October 2016

Saucymh - September 2016

Sprite - August 2016

KatieElizabeth - July 2016

Callisto - June 2016

WSCLG - May 2016

SimplyJohn - April 2016

CurvyGalore - March 2016

JWren - February 2016

Kee4fun - January 2016

Ruthie - December 2015

Sweet As Candy - November 2015

KatieElizabeth - October 2015

Saucymh - September 2015

Jen - August 2015

Ravenstar - July 2015

KatieElizabeth - June 2015

stormdog100 - May 2015

shrpsf - April 2015

Simply Sweet - March 2015

TrinityX - February 2015

Liz - January 2015

SITTING - December 2014

WSCLG - November 2014

TopThis - October 2014

Delphi - September 2014

Buz - August 2014

Clum - July 2014

Dani - June 2014

ChrissieLecker - May 2014

Sweet As Candy - April 2014

SimplyJohn - March 2014

Madame Molly - Feb 2014

A huge thank you to all our moderators. Without your efforts, this site wouldn't be where it is today (without a shadow of doubt, the best of its kind on the web).

Nicola xx

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by nicola
Our Forum, Chat and Story Moderators do an exceptional job keeping the site running smoothly.

They give their time freely, and often go out of their way to help people. It can be a thankless task.

no, it COULD be a thankless task, working for another site, or for another boss. here, i always feel appreciated else i wouldn't be doing this. thank YOU for that, Nicola. you should give yourself the award some day.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Chat Moderator
Thank you for this Nicola, it's very thoughtful of you. Lush is a great site and has an awesome team that I am very proud to be a part of. I appreciate the members here that keep the site rolling and make this a great environment that I look forward to visiting on a daily basis. =d>
Active Ink Slinger
Congratulations to ALL moderators, the unsung as well as these outstanding few. My thanks for keeping this site running smoothly and making my [these days] infrequent visits most enjoyable.

In addition to the very special Nicola , I want to thank Trinity who keeps bringing me back here to read.

The quiet and always horny old guy in Sunny Florida USA
Bonnet Flaunter
As a site user I am so grateful to all the mods (and Nicola) for keeping the site running smoothly and making it a unique creative and supportive community. Lush is a great place to be, but that takes an awful lot of background work!
Prolific Writer
Congratulations to all the Moderators who have earned their title.

Thank you to Nicola for this wonderful site, Gav for the technical end and to all the moderators that work so hard helping all of us.

They're all volunteers and do their best to move the queue along so our stories and poems hit the front page.

Thank you all for putting in your time to making this the greatest place to publish on the internet.

I thank you all for helping me in the two years I've been here. I have become a better writer from all the help here.

Congratulations to the Moderators of Lush.

Rainbow Warrior
It all flows from the top, Nicola. You set the tone for excellence here, and it inspires everyone on your team to go above and beyond, so congrats and many thanks to the hard-working mods, but to you as well!
Every time I have seen a question asked or a point made to a Moderator it has been professionally handled. The Moderator I have seen most frequently asked is Trinityx and she has always been friendly, polite and helpful. She is very patient and in all the times I witnessed able to satisfactorily respond to the question. To me Trinityx and the other Moderators reflect very well on the site.
Quote by Bound2plsu2
Every time I have seen a question asked or a point made to a Moderator it has been professionally handled. The Moderator I have seen most frequently asked is Trinityx and she has always been friendly, polite and helpful. She is very patient and in all the times I witnessed able to satisfactorily respond to the question. To me Trinityx and the other Moderators reflect very well on the site.

YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY!!! I agree...

omg .... I actually agreed with someone ? .. even if they were right ??

AND I hugged them????

I must be sober

quick ...

Active Ink Slinger
I have been here long enough to know virtually all the women on our deserving list of Award Winners. I also know from being a former Uni Prof that the day I hated most was the day I had given a written exam, and had to face correcting a hundred or more essays line by line. It is grueling work.
Then people complain you took too long to correct them(!!), or ask, what's grammar got to do with it? Then your significant other complains "you never have time for sex anymore!" I can fill a whole page with the difficulty of the job, so these Moderators ROCK!! THANKS YOU FOR NEVER HAVING CYBER-SEX WITH ME---OOPS! THANK YOU FOR THE INCREDIBLE AND VIRTUALLY THANKLESS JOB YOU DO.
OH, and I would love to have virtually any kind of sex with any or all the women I know on this list. hehehe
Active Ink Slinger
Could I add my thanks and appreciation to all the moderators in Lush Stories, who have helped me so much over the time I have been here, especially with getting me to the point where my stories nowadays need very little in the way of correcting. Their patience with me has been awesome. I just want them to know that their work and effort is sincerely appreciated.