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The Garden

"The sudden shock of the cold water made her open her mouth and eyes wide..."

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Competition Entry: Pure Filth

There are two things I enjoy that, when experienced together make me feel wonderful.

All right, I know what you are thinking but no, I mean a hot summer's day and my garden.

Those two things together have the ability to make me forget all my troubles and woes.

You see, when the sun shines, I can potter around in my garden to my heart's content and when the chores are completed and the garden is tidied to my satisfaction then what could be better than relaxing on the veranda of the summer house with a glass of something and the warm sun on my face.

Oh, I suppose I had better introduce myself.

My name is Harriet although I am known generally as Hattie. I am quite tall, five feet ten to be precise, without heels.

I like to keep myself trim and, at forty-six not too old to do a little exercise now and then.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I am no health freak but I do watch what I eat and I have a small exercise machine in the garage which helps keep me trim and firm and helps pass the time when my husband is away on business... which seems more often these days.

Anyway, my garden.

My house is not big but I like it. It is a three bedroom detached bungalow which is situated on the corner of a junction in a small village. The front faces one road whilst the drive, at the rear is connected to the other road.

My beloved garden is at the rear and surrounded by tall shrubs and hedges and is not overlooked. I could run around naked and no-one would see.

Actually, between you and me, I have been known to do just that but only after nightfall, just in case, you know?

In the far corner is a small summer house where I keep most of my gardening implements but there is also room for a small table and two lounge chairs which I pull out onto the veranda when the English weather permits.

The front garden is different, open plan. There is a flower border around the house but to the front and side, following the footpath around the corner is a lawn which I keep trimmed neatly.

So? I hear you asking, no doubt wondering why I am telling you all this.

Basically, I am telling you because something happened yesterday which I thought you just might like to hear about.

Like today, the weather was scorching, by English standards at least, around twenty five degrees in the shade and not a cloud in the sky.

My drive borders my neighbours property and they have various shrubs planted alongside.

Unlike me, sadly, they don't look after their garden and I was sick of not being able to see very well when reversing my car out because of overhanging branches.

Therefore, yesterday I decided to tidy them up somewhat and so, after mowing my lawn and digging my borders, which wasn't hard due to the lack of rainfall lately, I set to with the hedge trimmer and began the task of shaping the shrubs into something more reminiscent of a hedge.

As I worked, I noticed a young woman walking past on the opposite side of the road.

Nothing unusual about that but the way she was dressed caught my eye.

Once again, I can almost hear your thoughts churning over.

Shorts? Tight shirt, small skirt maybe?

Haha, no, nothing like that. She was sporting a kind of hippy look but with a difference. Even on this hot day she was wearing jeans and those loose style ankle boots, you know, with the laces up the front but not fastened?

She also wore a light jacket but it was her hair which struck me, it was long and streaked dark blonde and had been pulled back from the sides and tied together at the back. Something like the Viking style I suppose. It wasn't neat, just roughly done but that was what what made it look so striking.

I couldn't help but watch her disappear up the road, admiring how her jeans accentuated the soft curve of her bottom as she walked.

Well, that was it. I returned to my hedging and thought nothing more of it.

Almost an hour had passed. I had finished lopping and cutting and was now clearing up the mess ready to take to the tip.

I happened to look up as I lifted a handful of debris and noticed the same young woman walking back from whence she had been only this time, she was on my side of the road.

As she neared I dropped the leaves and twigs into the garden box, stood up and wiped my brow with the back of my hand.

This time I noticed something else about her. She was wearing a loose t-shirt under the unfastened jacket and from the way her small firm breasts were moving it was obvious she was braless!

For a second I was mesmerised by their movement but quickly looked away as she approached. I doubted she could have seen what fascinated me as my eyes were hidden by my large framed sunglasses.

To my surprise, she didn't walk past but stopped alongside me.

“Hello,” she said. “Your garden looks nice.”

“Oh, thank you,” I replied with a smile and removed my glasses.

“I like a nice garden,” she said, looking around at the colourful plants and neat lawn. “Maybe, one day, I shall have one of my own.”

“Hopefully you will,” I agreed but once again I was drawn to the tiny points that had appeared in her t-shirt.

I should perhaps explain at this point that whilst I am married and have been for twenty-five years, I have always appreciated how attractive some women can be and just what it is that draws men to them.

She didn't see where I was looking as she had been scanning the garden as she spoke but when she looked back at me I realised that she also had a very pretty face.

“I haven't seen you around here before,” I said to her. “Are you visiting someone maybe?”

“Oh no,” she said, her pretty lips spreading into a wide smile. “I have come to live with my Aunt and Uncle just up there.”

She pointed back up the road in the direction from which she had appeared.

“I am studying for a degree at the college and went home for lunch.”

This time, as she said 'college' she pointed in the opposite direction, down the road.

I was a little puzzled. She seemed too old to be at college.

“Oh, but...” I began. “Have you swapped colleges then?”

“No, I just started here this term.”

She must have noticed my uncertainty and smiled.

“Oh, you thought... Don't worry,” she said with the sweetest smile. “I'm only nineteen. Most people I meet think I am in my mid-twenties or something.”

She paused before suddenly thrusting her hand towards me.

“I am Ediline but you can call me Eddie if you want to.”

“I am Harriet,” I replied with a bright smile. “And if you want to, you can call me Hattie!”

For some odd reason, this sweet young woman made me feel twenty years younger and suddenly, I wanted to know more about her but she said she had been home for lunch.

“I had better not take any more of your time,” I said, releasing her hand. “I don't want to make you late for classes.”

She chuckled and the sound was that of a gentle waterfall or a babbling brook washing over the stones.

“There are no classes this afternoon, just free study time. I don't have to rush off.”

“Oh, that's nice,” I replied, quite at a loss of what to say.

She looked at me with her head cocked to one side as if weighing something up before she spoke.

“I could help you with this,” she said, quite out of the blue and indicating the piles of cuttings strewn across the drive.

“Oh no, there is no need at all. I can manage on my own.”

I was being polite, if truth be told, as I would have enjoyed her company and hoped she would insist.

“I am sure you can,” she said and I thought I saw a twinkle in her dark brown eyes as she spoke. “I just thought it would be nice but...”

She turned back towards the road.

“No, wait!” I tried not to sound desperate. “Tell you what. If you really have no classes then all right. We'll tidy this up and I will get us a drink. We could sit on the veranda with it... if you would like to, of course.”

The last bit I added as an afterthought, thinking I may have sounded a little controlling.

She paused for a moment, her head to the side and her lips pursed sideways as she considered the offer.

“Yes, all right then,” she replied finally. “I would like that.”

It didn't take much more than about half an hour to finish the job with both of us working but I was finding it more and more difficult not to look at her. The movement of her small firm breasts inside her shirt was keeping me enthralled and, though I didn't like to admit it, was getting me a little excited.

As we walked across the back lawn towards the summer house, Eddie slipped the jacket from her shoulders, the fabric of her 't' tightening across her chest momentarily as she slipped it over her arms.

This time she caught me looking and I smiled innocently as though I had just glanced at her.

In the summer house, I kept a small fridge. It was an old one which we were going to throw away when we modernised the kitchen but as it still worked my husband suggested we keep it there to cool drinks in the summer. Inside I kept wine, beer and, since we didn't always drink alcohol, some bottles of mineral water.

Eddie opted for water and I poured some into a glass for her along with several cubes of ice from the freezer compartment.

In the heat, the glass immediately became wet with condensation and I passed it to her carefully.

“Thank you,” she smiled sweetly but then, the wet glass suddenly slipped through her fingers and the icy water cascaded like a waterfall down her front and into her lap.

The glass itself bounced off her knee and landed with a thump on the wooden decking floor without breaking.

The sudden shock of the cold water made her open her mouth and eyes wide as she gasped for breath and jumped to her feet but then, to my utter amazement, she whipped her shirt over her head in one swift movement.

I didn't know what to do and just gawped at her perfectly formed breasts with nipples as tight as a drum because of the cold water.

“Damn! That was cold!” she said, breathing out slowly and then began to laugh.

“Your face!” she said between giggles. “Haven't you seen boobs before?”

I shook my head very slowly.

“No... erm, well, yes, of course but not like...”

The words tripped and fell in my astonishment and she looked down at her chest.

“What's wrong with them?” she asked, seemingly puzzled.

“Oh gosh, I'm sorry. No, nothing at all, they are perfect, I wish mine were so pretty. I just wasn't expecting you to whip you shirt off like that.”

She didn't seem to be making any effort to cover herself so I passed her jacket to her and she draped it over her shoulders but made no effort to close it.

For what seemed like forever she held my gaze and I was unable to break from her until,

“May I ask something, Hattie?”

Still a little embarrassed I simply nodded and she took a step closer to me.

“Do you like girls?”

What an odd thing to ask, I thought.

“Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I?”

She took another step towards me and was now close enough to touch.

I realised that she was no longer looking at my face but lower and I looked down at myself.

I realised then that my own nipples were so hard that they too were obvious through the fabric of my thin cotton bra and blouse.

Eddie slowly raised her hand and stroked a finger across one aching tip and even through two layers of fabric her touch was like a bolt of electricity coursing through my whole body starting with a spark at the point of contact and ending with a dull pulsing between my legs.

I had never experienced a feeling like it and my whole frame was taut as a bow string and when her fingers closed around my breast I could do nothing to stop her.

She looked me in the eye and smiled but I just stood and looked back at her, unable to make the slightest movement.

When her soft lips touched mine it was as though my insides melted and my brain just closed down, shutting out everything but the softness of her lips and the firm caress of her fingers.

Slowly, very slowly, I began to react and my mouth opened to accept her inquisitive tongue. I raised my hand and closed my fingers blissfully around her warm, naked breast as her jacket slipped from her shoulders and pooled on the wooden deck behind her.

My heart was pounding with a desire I had never before known, not even with my husband when first we had made love.

I closed my eyes.

Beneath my hand I could feel the urgent pounding of her heart as I caressed her soft flesh and pinched her long nipple. I sensed more than felt the air being drawn from my lungs when she inhaled sharply as my finger and thumb squeezed and stretched the pliant flesh.

It was like a trigger! She pushed me back off the decking and onto the lawn at the same time tearing my blouse open and pushing up my bra and before I knew what was happening I was on my back on the soft warm grass with her astride me, her lips drawing my aching nipple deep into her mouth.

I no longer cared that we were outside in broad daylight, nor that anyone could walk in through the high gate at any time.

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No, I was oblivious to everything but this beautiful teenager who made me feel so alive!

At first I pulled her down onto my breast but then I began to caress her back, moving down until my fingers reached the loose waistband of her jeans and slipped inside.

In my mind I could see her beautiful denim clad rear disappearing into the distance and now I was touching that same warm flesh.

Damn it, I wanted her so much now and I pushed her off me and rolled her onto her back, feverishly unfastening the button then drawing down the brass zip before puling the thick blue cotton over her buttocks.

In no time at all, her boots and jeans were lying beside us on the grass and I hooked my fingers into the waistband of her briefs and pulled them off in one swift movement.

She was naked now and for the briefest of pauses I looked at her lying there flushed with desire and thought how incredibly beautiful she was.

That pause was my undoing for in that second she took control.

“Take them off!” she hissed and I couldn't resist her. I quickly got to my feet and pulled my ruined blouse off and unhooked my bra. I pushed down my long flared jogging pants and stepped out of them and before I had the chance to do anything else she said,

“And those.”

Without any argument I pushed down my panties and stepped out of them and, for the first time ever I was in my garden naked, in broad daylight!

I looked down at Eddie and she appeared to be assessing me, her eyes travelling over every inch of my body until they came to rest on my recently waxed mound.

Slowly, she smiled and uttered just one word.


I could feel my skin burning and it had nothing to do with the sun.

“Turn around,” she whispered and I obeyed without question. I worried that my buttocks might have sagged due to my age or that my hips had widened, even though I had never had children but it was all just fear.

Then she asked me a strange question.

“Can you touch your toes?”

“Yes, of course,” I replied and without a thought duly obliged. It suddenly dawned on me as I bent forwards that such a position would reveal everything to her and I would be totally exposed to her gaze.

I heard her draw in a sharp breath and I stood upright again.

“Did you like what you saw then?” I asked her.

She grinned but remained silent.

“Have you done this before?” I asked her, narrowing my eyes to little more than slits.

She shook her head.

Now it was her turn to blush.

“No. I haven't done anything with anyone before but when I saw you looking at me it just seemed right. I hoped that you would show me.”

I knelt on the grass, facing her.

“Eddie, I haven't done this either. I have fantasised about it but never done it but, now we have started...”

Without finishing the sentence I placed my lips firmly upon hers and pushed her slowly back onto the grass.

“You do realise that you may have started something unstoppable young Lady...?”

She looked me right in the eye and, as I held her arms way above her head stretched out on the lush, green lawn she smiled a mischievous smiled.

My eyes must have been sparkling with the delight and wantonness I felt inside and I lowered my head and again, pressed my lips hard against hers, even going so far as to nip her lower lip and tug it gently only to release it again.

I began to work my way down her body, paying special attention to her sweet pointed nipples.

They were straining so hard that they had become like fingers trying to reach up to the azure, cloudless sky above.

I was incredibly hot by now and it had nothing to do with the sun. Suddenly, after years of desire and fantasies, it was really happening, right here in my own garden.

I bit down suddenly and hard.

Eddie gasped and arched her back as I stretched her tiny breast to a point then released it to spring back.

She squirmed and pressed herself against my naked leg as I knelt on all fours between hers and I swear I could feel her moisture already!

That was it then, now I was going to find out and I continued to run my tongue down over her soft pale flesh, pausing at her belly button and gently toying with her glinting blue gemstone piercing that adorned it.

I ran my fingertips down her flanks as I kissed and licked her flesh until I reached the line of her neatly trimmed pubis.

Here was a 'Garden' trimmed as nicely as my lawn! A tiny triangle of coarse blonde hairs pointing neatly to the place where my own desires were taking me.

I let my tongue tarry curiously amongst those short hairs which were much softer than I had envisaged.

Even though I had not yet reached her intimate place I could smell her arousal and feel her heat.

She was squirming in her excitement and I held her hips, loving the movement and teasing her by running my thumbs back and forth across her prominent hip bones and pressing them again and again into her soft hollows.

Suddenly, my tongue dipped into her sweet valley and encircled her engorged clitoris. I teased it, twirling around and around and gently sucking, coaxed it from its hood.

Eddie raised her knees either side of my head and pushed her mound against my mouth and, in a flash of memory again I saw that sweet denim clad bottom of hers as she walked up the road.

In an instant my hands were on those now naked orbs.

Her buttocks were so small and firm that my hands almost covered them as I pulled her up to me, caressing and squeezing her pliant flesh.

My tongue explored more and more of her hot, and yes, very wet sex.


Eddie's breathless voice hissed my name.

“I want to, that is, if you...”

Without any more of a pause than to reply, 'what?' I continued to tease her sweet sex.

“My fantasy, I, I...”

I stopped then and without moving away from her, raised my eyes.

“What would you like,Eddie. What is your fantasy?”

Even from such a disadvantaged position I could clearly see her pale skin redden slightly.

“I love to play with my bum, Hattie. Would you, erm, you know...?”

I felt a gush of warmth between my own legs. I too had a predilection for the alternative and so, without another word, I slipped my hands below her knees and raised them until they were almost against her breasts.

I stared at her in awe. That wondrous bottom was now just inches from my face and stretched tight.

Because of the position in which I held her, her buttocks were spread and her rosebud, as pretty as any in my garden was totally exposed.

I watched, fascinated as a tiny bead of milky fluid appeared and trickled down her tightly closed orifice.

I had to taste her and, lowering my head I tentatively touched the tip of my tongue to her anus.

To my delight, it twitched and then, as she relaxed, opened ever so slightly, allowing me to carefully penetrate her forbidden place.

She tasted heavenly as my tongue pushed inside the smooth ring of muscle and she began to groan uncontrollably, her breathing restricted by her legs folded tight against her belly.

I couldn't help myself and I pushed through as far as my tongue could reach, feeling her sphincter pulsing with every slight movement. It gripped and then relaxed until I was as far inside her as my tongue would reach.

I began to move my tongue in and out, slowly at first but then I tasted another trickle of moisture and I began to increase the speed, pushing, licking, pushing.

She was mewing like a contented cat and my own desires took over.

I began to lap at the moisture which was flowing freely and I replaced my tongue with my forefinger.

At first I entered her slowly but she was pushing back, urging me ever deeper and her hole was no longer gripping me but was relaxed and pouting.

I couldn't help myself as I inserted a second finger alongside the first and I could tell she was stretched more than she was used to but still, I pushed them in deeper, lubricated by her own juices.

I wanted, nay, needed to cum now and my free hand slid down between my legs and massaged my own clitoris feverishly. I could sense Eddie's imminent orgasm and I wanted mine to happen at the same time.

From deep inside her I heard a low growl begin to rise interspersed with heavy panting as she fought to breathe against the restrictions of her legs and severe tension of her muscles.

The growl grew in pitch and intensity as her orgasm took her and she cried out and gripped my fingers so tightly that I could no longer move them either in or out.

It was the trigger for my own, intense release and as the flood of pleasure flowed through me I pressed my mouth hard against her mound, drinking like a drowning woman until, released, we rolled onto our sides and tried desperately to regain our composure.

It didn't take long.

“Oh Wow, Hattie! That was unbelievable! I have never come like that, never!”

I had to agree with her, in all the years I had been married, neither had I!

Suddenly, Eddie sat up.

“Right, Missus. Now it's your turn!”

She bid me get onto all fours and as I obeyed her she reached into her bag and pulled out a shiny, gold vibrator.

“It is clean, I promise you,” she grinned.

At that moment I couldn't have cared less where it had been because the thought of what she may be planning to do with it had turned my insides to mush.

I didn't have to wait long before I felt her warm breath against my buttocks and then her hot, soft tongue began to flick over my own tight rosebud.

My Husband, Jack had never been anywhere near that part of me, always thought it disgusting and so, even though I was twenty-seven years older than her, Eddie was about to take my anal virginity!

As she licked and teased me I sensed rather than heard a quiet buzzing and suddenly felt a dizzy sensation against my straining clit. She was pressing the length of the vibrator into the groove of my sex and the sensations were beyond belief.

I wanted to enjoy it for ever and I was struggling to hold back the inevitable explosion but I tried my damnedest.

The sweet buzzing vibes were penetrating deep within me as she pressed the tip against my pubis but then she moved it!

She ran the tip down my soaking wet valley and I was panting with the anticipation of her entering my burning sex. I was teetering on the edge, hanging on, knowing that as soon as that hard metal tip entered my dripping hole, that would be it but no, she didn't!

Instead she ran the tip around the sides, once, twice and I tensed, ready for release but she then moved on.

“No,” I thought, “she can't...”

But she did. The vibrating phallus circled once, twice around my tightly clenched sphincter and then, slick with my own excitement, pushed through the resistant ring and on, deeper and deeper.

That was it!

The vibrations so deep within me were like nothing I had ever felt before and seemed to make my whole being buzz like it was on fire. Coupled with the feeling of incredible fullness my orgasm exploded like a nuclear bomb.

I cried out in ecstasy, falling forward onto the grass, shaking violently, the smooth metallic intruder sticking out between my buttocks like some insane weapon.

“Get it out, get it out,” I cried, the sensations now becoming painful as wave upon wave flowed through me.

To my amazement, Eddie, deliberately slowly removed the toy from me and, as I rolled onto my back, raised it to her mouth and sucked it clean.

That simple act sent another minor tremor through my exhausted body.

She knelt between my legs and gazed down at me, my breasts rising and falling as I tried to take in more oxygen.

“I thought you hadn't done this before,” I panted with half closed eyes.

She shrugged, still licking the vibrator.

“I haven't,” she replied with a smile. “I have seen videos and dreamt that one day I might find someone who shared my, erm, 'interests' shall we say?”

“Interests?” I smiled, putting heavy emphasis on the plural. “You have others?”

She nodded, coquettishly and replied.

“If you would like to share them.”

I looked directly into her gorgeous blue eyes.

“I have had twenty-five years of straight, boring sex followed by snoring. Hell, Yes, I want to share them!”

She giggled.

“The summer holidays are coming up soon...”

Written by Annamagique
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