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"A sci-fi hentai story. The hotel purchases several robot maids. Unlike human maids, robot maids also provide sexual services for guests."

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"Watch ooout!" Mika entered the laundry room holding a pile of dirty laundry raised above her head. She dropped the pile on the floor and started stuffing sheets and duvet covers into free washing machines. Sarah and Jay, who happened to be in the laundry room, began to help.

By the old tradition, this hotel network employed young girls as maids, from eighteen to twenty years old. The payment was decent and the duties were simple (although sometimes physically demanding), so the girls were happy to spend all their free time at work.

"Have you heard the news?" Jay asked, untangling the laundry. "The management of the hotel network has bought a big shipment of robot maids and is distributing them to the hotels. We'll get four or five by tomorrow."

"These robots are the big thing these days," Mika said thoughtfully. She closed the filled washing machine, turned it on, and went to the next one. "I wonder what these robot maids are good for..."

"Could they replace us?" Sarah asked worriedly. "I like this job and don't want to lose it..."

"Who knows?" Jay shrugged. "I haven't seen them myself. Anyway, there are only a few of them and they are expensive. It would take a long time to replace all of us at this rate."

"We should find out more about these robots," Mika decided. "Maybe they turn out to be useless after all..."

After work, Mika, Sarah, and Jay gathered in the locker room to change. Six other girls were also changing to or from work. As usual, the girls changed in front of each other without any shame. Their uniforms included everything down to panties, tights, and bras (for those girls who already needed them), so it was a common thing among the maids to be naked in the locker room and shower together.

Everyone was excited about the arrival of the AI maids. Some girls were excited to see them, others were skeptical. Everyone agreed that the hotel management probably wanted to test these robot maids before expanding their use throughout the network.

Jay, who had arrived early and had time to read some information on the Internet, told everyone what she knew. According to the information, the robot maids were intended to perform all maid tasks, unsupervised, potentially replacing humans in that position - the last sentence was not included in the brochures so as not to scare people, but it was obvious.

They heard scratching in the back door lock, and the door opened.

"Hi, girls!" Sam, one of the hotel technicians, looked inside.

"Hiii!" "Hi Sam!" the girls cheered. They liked him. None of them were embarrassed to stand naked in front of Sam because they knew he was gay.

"What's going on?"

"We're expanding your locker room," Sam explained, showing them the room by the door. "Those new AI maids will be here tomorrow, you know. They will be living here. Um..." he paused. "Or stored here? I don't know how to address these robots. Anyway, this will be their place."

The girls looked, curious. The room was exactly like theirs, only smaller and with more sockets on the walls. Everything else was the same, including lockers and some couches.

"Hmm... I have the feeling that we are just adding some more regular girls to our team..." Mika mused.

"Let's see tomorrow!"


Tomorrow morning, everyone crowded into the hotel lobby, even those who were off duty, even those who were on shift, except for a few unfortunate ones who could not break their assignments. Everyone was eager to see the robot maids.

Mika was also here with her friends. They were supposed to be in school, but they all asked to leave today, saying that there was an urgency at work. Really, they were almost telling the truth.

The girls made their way through the crowd to the front door ("Please let us to the front! We are maids, we need to meet our new coworkers!"). People laughed, but they let them through.

Mika really did not know what to expect. Maybe a truck with boxes, some workers unloading and unpacking the robots... Mika imagined them to be like droids from science fiction movies, moving awkwardly and speaking with artificial voices.

The reality was quite different. A simple minivan with the AI company logo pulled up to the entrance, and its passengers opened the doors and stepped out one by one. The girls gasped. These were... not robots!

Five girls, all looking around eighteen years old, followed by the man with papers in hand, walked to the entrance, chatting, smiling, and looking around as any girl would in a new place. They weren't identical at all, they had different faces, hair, heights, and shapes. The only details that caught your eye were their bags with the company logo and their outfits. The girls wore maid's uniforms that could have come from a hentai anime: crimson, short, and revealing. All the newcomers were barefoot.

They were absolutely stunning - not robots, real girls who walked and talked like any girl on the street or in school. Mika instinctively looked at Sarah and Jay - they looked as if they had been struck by lightning and couldn't take their eyes off the newcomers.

The people in the lobby stepped aside to make way for the AI maids. The girls stepped in and stood, bowing, waving and smiling. Mr. Simpson, the top manager of the hotel, shook hands with the escort, they exchanged a few words, signed the papers, and the man went back to the van.

"Welcome to our team!" Mr. Simpson said to them. "I believe you'll fit right in."

"Thanks! We'll do our best!" the AI maids bowed and laughed.

Mika was amazed. They laughed just like humans, she could not tell the difference!

"Girls," Mr. Simpson said to the maids, "help your new colleagues to their place. I will be with you soon to talk to you all." He turned to the other people in the hall. "So, you have seen them. Gradually, in time, you will all have a chance to get to know each other better. For now, please return to your duties!"

The crowd began to disperse. The human maids approached the robot maids. They looked at each other curiously.

"Please..." Sarah held out her hand, and the nearest robot maid took it gently. "Oh... Please follow us. We will show you our place."

"Of course! Thank you!"

And the girls, both human and robot, left the lobby.


"This is the maid's room," Sarah explained, leading the newcomers to the maid's room. "This is where we change, shower, rest, and everything else. And your room is here..." She showed them to the back door.

The AI maids nodded, entered, and began unpacking, exchanging words and looking around. Their bags contained two spare sets of the same uniform (which they stashed in the lockers) and plug cables (which they casually tossed on the tables and couches under the outlets). That was all.

The girls crowded around the door, staring curiously, not knowing how to begin the conversation. Fortunately, Mr. Simpson had just entered, so everyone turned to him.

"Hello again..." he sat down in the nearest chair. "Please take a seat, this could be a long talk..."

"So the future has come to us," he continued as all the girls sat around, the AIs between them. He winced. "Let's skip the catchphrases. I'm sure you're all insecure and curious about your future, all of you, I don't make a difference between humans and robots here. Well, I'm in the same completely new reality as you now... So let me give you some advice."

"Threaten newcomers just like normal girls," he continued. "I have seen them in their factory, and I assure you that would be the best thing to do. Make friends, talk to them, help them learn our rules, everything. The rest will follow."

The AIs nodded and smiled. The girls looked at them, and some of them smiled, too.

"Any questions at this point?"

Mika raised her hand.

"Mr. Simpson..." she began. "Will we... will we eventually be replaced by them? Will we lose our jobs?"

Mr. Simpson sighed. "Eventually, I believe, even I will be replaced by an AI," he said. "But not yet. Please do not be afraid. We won't be firing anyone for years to come. You may have less work soon, but your salary won't go down."

The girls sighed with obvious relief.

"Think of this as just the staff expansion," Mr. Simpson continued. "Because it really is. Our hotel network is expanding its services to guests." He paused. "You all know the rules, don't you? About what guests can and cannot do with you?"

The girls nodded in agreement.

"Well," Mr. Simpson smiled. "That part of the hotel rules is about to be updated. I'm sure you have noticed the AI maids' uniform. It's not just to distinguish them from humans. It reflects their duties."

The girls held their breath.

"Yes," Mr. Simpson nodded. "The AI maids can do everything you can do, and they will perform all the duties alongside you. And besides, the guests are allowed to have sex with them."

The girls looked at the AIs in disbelief. They looked back and nodded, smiling.

"You heard me right," Mr. Simpson continued. "They are not human, so human rules do not apply to them. As you are the hotel employees, many rules prohibit guests from having sex with you. AIs, on the other hand, are considered equipment, so there are no prohibitions regarding them. But you, I repeat, you human girls, are still forbidden to have sex with guests!"

The girls were silent. Then Jay raised her hand.

"So let me guess. The new rule for the guests would be: you cannot fuck the girls in black and white, but you are free to fuck the girls in crimson?"

Mr. Simpson chuckled. "Exactly. The wording is more formal, but the meaning is exactly the same. And also..." he looked at the AIs. "You are all still protected from physical harm and abuse, humans and robots alike. For humans it's considered a crime, for robots, it's considered damage to valuable hotel property, but either way, you're all protected the same."

Some of the girls breathed a sigh of relief. Others exchanged glances. The AIs nodded silently.

"Anyway," Mr. Simpson concluded, "the changes will come gradually. For now, I suggest you get acquainted with the robot maids and share your experiences. Your supervisor will come to you later, I have things to do."


He got up and left. Everyone watched him go. Then Sarah turned to the AIs.

"Do you have names?" she asked shyly. "How can we call you?"

"Of course," she smiled. "I'm Martha." She pointed to the nametag on her chest.


"Nice to meet you."

"Um... and how do we call you... together? As a species? I don't like the word 'robots', you don't look like robots at all... and 'AIs' doesn't sound nice..."

Martha smiled. "Our developers call us aimees. Short for 'AI maids', you see. You can use that word too."

"Aimees... aimee... Nice!" Sarah smiled.

The girls approached each other curiously. Soon they were talking animatedly, overcoming their awkwardness. The aimees told them a little about themselves. They are created in a factory, spend the first days of their lives in the development lab, and then go to the training center to practice and learn maid duties and customer service. They all start with the same pre-trained core personality but quickly develop individual traits. They are given different physical appearances because too many identical girls just look creepy...

"That's just some joke!" Nataly, one of the human maids, exclaimed. She examined aimee Olga's hand closely. "You can't be a robot! You look too natural! Look!" she pointed at her hand. "Your skin is just human! With all the little wrinkles, hairs, scratches! You have thumbprints, you have uneven nails! I don't know why, but you're just a girl in disguise!"

Olga laughed. "Yes, our designers have really done wonders! Since we are also meant for sex, we have to feel human in every detail! But look..."

She took off her dress and stood naked. Everyone stared. Olga had a perfectly human body, with all the fine details and natural irregularities. Then she pressed three points on her sides and her belly opened. There were electronic and mechanical blocks inside. Olga turned around and the details moved inside her.

"See?" She closed the lid and became fully human again. "We're just very thoroughly made."


Mika sniffed Martha's neck. It smelled nice... knowing that Martha was an aimee, Mika would say the smell was artificial. But really, it was like a human girl with a nice perfume.

"Could we use the shower?" asked aimees.

"Why, of course! That's our communal shower! Welcome!"

"Do you need to wash as well?" Sarah asked.

"Of course!" Olga replied. Naked, she stopped on the way to the shower and lifted her foot, sole up. "You see, we don't sweat and our skin isn't oily, but we still get dirty and have to wash. Especially our soles, because we are always barefoot."

"And why are you barefoot?"

"Because it looks sexy, of course!" Olga laughed and they all went to the shower together, girls and aimees. They pressed against each other, helped each other clean up, kissed occasionally... By the time they got back to the room and started putting on their uniforms, everyone was comfortable with the aimees. They felt like their new human friends.


The aimees were really good maids. They already knew everything a maid needed to know, they just had to learn the places and the rules of the hotel - and they learned them in one day. The girls liked to work with them, and the aimees were always handy and ready to help with heavy tasks.

The hotel guests were informed about the new kind of maids, and everyone was curious. However, some were afraid of robots, so the aimees did not approach them. Instead, the girls offered to help. Guests liked both types of maids, and everyone was satisfied.

On the third day, Mika and Martha made their usual route through the floor, cleaning the rooms and changing the sheets. There was a guest in one of the rooms, a handsome man lying on a bed with a book.

"Sorry," Mika said. "We'll come back later to clean..."

"Oh no, no problem!" he smiled and moved to a chair. "You're not bothering me, please do your job."

They quickly finished the routine and were about to leave when he said, looking at Martha: "Wait, please... Are you the AI maid they told me about?"

"Yes, I am!" she smiled at him.

"Unbelievable..." he took her hand and examined it more closely. "You look completely human... And... may I... um..."

"Absolutely!" Martha laughed. "Go on," she told Mika, "I'll catch up with you later."

Mika blushed a little, nodded, and went out, leaving a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob.

She cleaned another room, then came back and listened to the passionate moaning from the previous room. The DND sign was still there, but, well, she would not disturb them... Mika carefully opened the door a little and peered into the crack. Martha, naked, was enthusiastically riding the man, his hands on her small breasts, her hair flying up with every movement. She was panting and moaning with such pleasure that Mika felt butterflies in her stomach. She quietly closed the door and went to clean the next room.

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Half an hour later, Martha found her in another room and hugged Mika from behind, kissing her ear.

"Thank you!" she whispered happily. "What a great guy! He fucked me twice!"

Mika laughed quietly. "Did you like it?"

"Oh yes!" Martha almost moaned. "The best sex ever!"

Mika looked at her friend. Martha's dress was slightly disheveled, drops of water on her bare legs - she had obviously washed up after sex. Mika smiled and they continued on their way.

"Um..." Mika said as they carried dirty sheets to the laundry room. "How is it for you? You sounded so natural! Is it all just an imitation?"

Matha shrugged. "It depends. Technically, my whole self is an imitation of a human. On the other hand, if you mean that I'm thinking 'Let's moan this time, and now let's contract my vagina', then no. Our neural networks are very similar to human ones, so I just do what feels right."

"And... do you really feel?"

"Of course I do! I feel touches, I feel emotions, I feel pleasure, just like you!"


Mika thought in silence all the way to the laundry.


Later, when Mika was changing out of his work clothes and Martha was going naked from the shower to the aimees room, Mika asked:

"One more question, please... And you gladly fuck anyone who asks you, don't you?"

"Yep!" Martha smiled so brightly that Mika could not help but smile back.

"But... What if you're not in the mood? What if the man looks disgusting? Don't you ever feel used and humiliated?"

Martha paused and thought for a moment.

"How to say... Are you ever not in the mood to breathe or to see or to walk freely?"

"What? No, of course not!"

"It's the same for us aimees. Our intended tasks feel so natural to us that we are always in the mood to do them! Whether it is cleaning, calculating, or having sex - we always want it and never get tired of it!"

"Wow..." Mika tried to imagine this attitude and felt butterflies again. She stood up determinedly and took off the rest of her clothes. "And, I guess... do you also like sex with girls?"

"Of course!" Martha laughed, walked over to Mika, hugged her and they began to kiss. Mika moaned softly. Martha smelled so nice... They rubbed against each other and gently sat down on the couch, continuing to kiss and hug. Mika reached between Martha's legs, ran her fingers over the smooth, warm mound, touched the clitoris, and gently inserted a finger into the hole. Martha moaned with pleasure and suddenly leaned forward and began to eat her out, licking the wet vagina and teasing the clit. Mika gasped and arched her back, feeling waves of pleasure throughout her body.

When she came to her senses, they were hugging and kissing again, and Martha was masturbating. Mika removed Martha's hand and replaced it with her eager lips. Martha moaned softly and trembled as she approached orgasm. Mika sucked harder and Martha shuddered and cried out in ecstasy. Then they cuddled on the couch.

"You know..." Mika whispered. "I've never had sex with anyone before. You are my first..."

Martha kissed her cheek. "Thank you. And you are mine."

Mika gasped. "Really?! But you seem so experienced!"

Martha laughed. "You see... We train in the development lab and go through different scenarios before we even get to the training center. In the process of learning, we try every possible option thousands of times. So yes, I know everything, I've done everything - but it's only in my head. It's all virtual, you see, I haven't lived it yet. So the man today was my first real man, and you are my first real girl."

They kissed again. Mika was reluctant to leave, but her family was waiting for her at home.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere!" Martha giggled. "We'll continue tomorrow!"

Mika smiled and got dressed. Martha remained naked, connected to the charger and the Internet with other aimees.


This went on for the next few weeks. The hotel guests soon got the idea that the AI maids enjoyed fucking, so aimees often did more fucking than cleaning. And all the human maids were having sex with the aimees during their breaks. Some got jealous at first because they were falling in love with particular aimees, and there were only five aimees for two dozen girls, but the aimees were so sincere in giving their unlimited love to everyone that there wasn't much room for jealousy. The girls also started having sex with each other.

Mr. Simpson was just happy about the improved mood of the maids, their increased performance, and the increased guest flow. Everything worked better than ever at the hotel.

Mika was in love with Martha. Martha loved her back - or so she said, and Martha never lied. They had sex every break, several times a day, and in the evenings they met in aimees' room and sometimes stayed there until morning, sleeping together in the same bed, cuddling.

"Do you really sleep?" Mika asked her once.

"How to tell... We have to restart our neural networks several times a day, but each restart only takes a second. So we don't need to sleep and can work non-stop. But when I have nothing to do, my clock slows down and I go into a kind of trance. That could count as sleep."


One day the girls noticed dildos and strapons in the aimees room.

"Wow! Do you use those things too?"

"Of course we do! Some female guests like to be penetrated with something bigger than our fingers. We do not have male genitalia in our inventory, but these things work just as well!"

"Mmm..." Mika looked at Martha with puppy eyes. "I want to know what it feels like! Would you penetrate me?"

"And me!" Sarah jumped into the aimees room.

"Me too! Me too!" Jay, Nataly, and a few other girls joined them.

In a few moments, Mika closed her eyes and gasped as she felt something so thick, hard, and long slowly thrust into her. Other girls gasped beside her. For most of them, except the oldest, it was the first penetration in their lives.

Martha began to move inside her friend, gently penetrating deeper, stretching her walls, and hitting sweet spots. Mika moaned and felt Martha's lips on hers.

"Well, how is it?"

"Amazing..." Mika breathed out.

"Not painful?"

"No... Ohhhh..."

Martha's thrusts became faster and faster and Mika lost control. She was sweating, writhing in pleasure, moaning loudly until she finally reached the peak of bliss and collapsed on the carpet. Other girls screamed in orgasm as well.

"You are... magical..." Mika whispered, covering Martha with kisses. "Do me... do me again..."

And Martha did. And other aimees entered human girls again. And then human girls penetrated each other with strapons. Soon everyone was exhausted, lying on the carpet, catching their breath.

"I wonder..." Nataly whispered. "What do you aimees get out of this?"

All the aimees turned to her, smiling. "Pleasure!" Martha replied. "We get the same pleasure from it as you do. Just like yours, but without the possibility of tiredness."

Since then, there had been even more sex in the maid's room. The girls began to think about fucking guests, and only Mr. Simpson's constant reminders of the rules kept them in line.


When Mika came to work one day, neither Martha nor the other aimees greeted her. At first, Mika thought they were working somewhere in the rooms, but then she looked around and saw all five aimees sitting motionless on their couches. Mika's heart began to race. She had never seen them like that!

"What's wrong?" she shouted. "Martha! Olga! Lisa!... Are you okay?.."

"S-sorry..." Martha answered with difficulty, still not moving and not turning her head. "Our l-last sof-t-tware up-pdate went w-wrong... We f-filed the support req... request... They w-would fix us b-by-evening... B-but now w-we can't move... S-Sorry... D-do without us t-today..."

"Oh gosh!" Jay gasped behind her. "Not today!.."

"The football team!"

All the girls gasped. There was a famous football team staying at the hotel, and they had specifically asked all five aimees to their rooms today after the game...

"We can't put them down," Jay said firmly, looking at the girls. "We just can't!" Everyone nodded.

"What are the chances the aimees would be fixed in time?" Sarah asked.

"I would not rely on that."

"Then..." Mika looked at Martha. "I need your spare dress, my love."

She started undressing. A moment later other girls joined her.

"You guys are crazy!" Jay exclaimed. "Twenty players, for you five!"

"So what?" Sarah shrugged. "If aimees can do it, so can we. Come on, girls!"

An hour later, five barefoot girls in crimson dresses were walking down the hallway to the football team rooms. There was a real competition for the most aimee-like body. Mika, Sarah, and three other girls won. Jay was too tall for the dress.

Mika had envied Martha for weeks for being able to walk around barefoot and lightly dressed, especially at the end of the shift when the uniform dress and shoes felt too hot and heavy. And now she felt light air currents against her skin and the carpet under her feet.

Their plan was based on the fact that most hotel guests stayed too short to begin recognizing the maids. To them, they were simply five aimees going about their business. They simply had to avoid meeting anyone from the hotel staff. Fortunately, they knew every corner of the hotel and every schedule - where and when their colleagues were supposed to be working today.

They stopped at the door of the large party room. There was music and excited male voices behind it. Mika took several slow breaths. "What would Martha do if she were me? How would she get in?" she thought.

The girls straightened their shoulders, raised their heads, knocked, and entered the room. Twenty pairs of men's eyes immediately stared at them. The girls smiled charmingly. Mika felt unbelievably embarrassed and scared. But Martha would not be afraid, she would be brave and confident...

"Hello, ladies!" the coach called to them, rising from his chair. "What brings you here?"

Mika smiled wider and stepped forward. "Hello! We heard that you asked for our support after the match. Congratulations on your victory! We brought congratulatory gifts for each member of your team!"

The girls held up a basket of beer and snacks. The players cheered. Mika, feeling unusually high, light, brave, and mischievous, hugged and kissed the one closest to her. Sarah, beaming with joy, hugged another one. Other girls followed. The players' cheers intensified.

The girls spent the next hour passing drinks, chatting, laughing, dancing with men, hugging, kissing. Mika found it incredibly easy to flirt and make compliments - Martha had been doing it for weeks! The players responded lovingly to her jokes and kisses. Mika wanted to laugh out loud.

Soon she and the other girls were lying naked on the beds. She could hardly remember how she got there. One moment she was dancing in her uniform dress, and then - she was already naked, with strong arms around her and a big hard cock thrusting into her. She laughed with joy and hugged and kissed the man. She heard similar sounds from other girls around her.

The next two hours were pure bliss for Mika. Men took turns with her, Sarah, Nataly, and other girls. The girls felt like queens. The players admired their petite bodies, tight holes, small breasts, soft skin, and waxed pubic hair. The girls responded with admiration for the men's muscular bodies, deep voices, big cocks, and passion.

After all the players were completely satisfied, the girls took a quick shower together, kissed each player once more, put on their crimson dresses, and left, followed by whistles and shouts of approval.

They were walking back to the maid's room, hugging, laughing, and feeling wonderfully dizzy, when they ran into Mr. Simpson.

"Aimees?" he raised his eyebrows. "Stop. What?! Mika, Sarah, Nataly, Dora... What are you doing?!.."

The girls froze, frightened. Mr. Simpson frowned and approached them.

"Why are you dressed as aimees? Where are the aimees?!"

Mika opened her mouth but couldn't find the words. Nataly burst into tears.

"Sorry sir... It's just that... The football players specifically requested the aimees after the game, and the aimees had a bad software update problem..."

"They couldn't move at all!" Sarah added. "And our hotel's reputation was at stake!"

"You always tell us that the guests have to get everything they want!" Mika sobbed.

"Within the rules..." Mr. Simpson grumbled, but he relaxed a bit. "What a complicated situation you put me in..."

"Um... Could you pretend you never met us?" Nataly asked innocently.

"What? No. No. Things don't work that way! I need to make a real decision."

Mr. Simpson thought for a moment. Mika and her friends stood frozen in front of him, clutching the empty baskets.

"Alright... Listen. I should punish you. But you really strove to maintain the reputation of the hotel. So I forgive you this time. But only this time! If I ever catch you pretending to be aimees or otherwise having sex with the guests, you will be fired! Got it?"

"Thank you! We got it! Thank you!" the girls bowed and ran to the maid's room.

Mr. Simpson looked after them. "Girls!" he grumbled, shaking his head and walking off.


"Oh gosh!!" Mika almost cried in relief. "We avoided punishment!"

"But now I'm scared..." Nataly sobbed. "What if Mr. Simpson tells our mothers?"

"He won't," Sarah waved her hand. "He forgave us, remember? He never changes his mind once he makes it up."

"Let's drink to that!" Mika suggested.

Laughing and sobbing, they rushed into the maid's room. The others immediately surrounded them.

"So what?" "How was it?" "Are you okay?"

Mika told everything while the girls listened with big eyes.

"Wow!" Jay whistled admiringly. "You were so brave!"

"That was awesome!" Nataly hugged Mika. "We saved the day today!"

"Now I envy Martha even more!" Sarah giggled. "Being able to walk barefoot in public, wearing sexy dresses, talking to guests, getting fucked by them..."

The other girls giggled. Mika and Sarah exchanged looks.

"How are the aimees?"

"Finishing the patch installation, they'll be here soon."

"We're already here!"

The aimees entered the common room. The girls laughed and rushed to hug and kiss them.

And we won't tell anyone what they did together for the next three hours, right?

Written by Bisamrattan
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