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Undercovers Detective chapter 3

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I walked behind Alex as we made our way back to Greer's office. All I could think about was that firm, round, curvy ass swaying in front of me. I was pretty sure what would have happened had we not been rescued from the jammed elevator. All my principles had been tossed away like yesterday's trash. This was the second time in less than two weeks that I had my hands on my partner's perfect, soft flesh. The first time being cleaning her up after that drunken night at Chubby’s Bar. Then today, the unexpected malfunction in the elevator led to kissing her sweet lips and feeling her magnificent breasts. The next time, if there was a next time, I could only imagine…

"Nice of you to join us,” Greer said, as we tapped on his office door. “I just heard of the mishap in the elevator.”

We entered the captain’s office to resume our previous conversation, acting as if nothing happened.

"And Frank—”

"What?" I asked.

"You might consider cleaning the lip gloss off your neck and collar."

Alexia's face turned crimson, as I attempted to wipe my neck with a handkerchief. The room was filled with not so polite chuckles.

"We bumped into each other in the dark after the lights went out in the elevator," I tried to explain in vain to even greater laughter.

"Enough of this!” Greer exclaimed, and then looked directly at Alex. “We have some real, pressing issues to discuss here! Bottom line is that we can't progress any further until I get a confirmation if the two of you are with us on this."

Alex stared at me, waiting for my reply. "Well... I guess I'm in," I hesitatingly declared.

All attention was on Alex now, but she avoided any eye contact and kept her head down. She was about to make the biggest decision of her life. I put my hand on her shoulder and whispered in her ear. "You don't have to do this."

She stood there in silence, knowing the gravity of the situation.

"Are you in or out!?" The captain grew impatient.

“I'm in,” she uttered, in a hush, mousey voice.

"Speak up, woman!"

"I'm in!" Alex repeated, a bit louder.

"Good! From this point on, whatever information shared is only privy to the people in this room. We are each others life lines. Have I made myself clear?” Greer addressed everyone, as they nodded in agreement. “Here are the folders for each one of you. Look them over carefully. Memorize what you can, because those documents will not be leaving this office. This is all the information we have to date, including Victor's information, Janine's undercover operation, and whatever intel we received from Big Bob. These files are classified at the highest level.”

He let out a long sigh and then added, “We will be formulating this plan on a daily basis here in my office as more information is available. This operation is set to start Friday, in five days. Details, details, details! They are critical, people. Your life depends on them."

Janine walked over and sat down next to Alex, placing her hand over hers. Alexia was trembling at the touch.

"We need to talk,” Janine said to Alex in a low voice. “Just you and me. Here’s my address. Meet me there this evening around seven. Come alone. We have a lot of ground to cover. Pack a bag, you'll be staying with me for a while."



I stepped off the elevator on the eighth floor carrying my travel bag as Janine directed. The room direction sign posted on the wall showed 817 thru 835 to the right. I fumbled through my purse, looking for the card Janine had given me. "Just as I thought: 835.” I knew that in most hotels, the end rooms were penthouse suites.

The hall was dimly lighted, as a majority of hotels typically were, but I could tell by the upkeep and decorating this was an upper-class establishment. Stopping in front of the door, I hesitated and looked at my Movado watch. It showed I was ten minutes early.

I took a deep breath and tapped lightly with the door knocker. After a few moments, the door opened and Janine greeted me with a smile. She was dressed in a hotel terry cloth robe. "You’re a bit early. I was just getting things set up. Come in."

"Sorry, I’m always early it seems. Just one of my many flaws,” I said, walking in and looking around.

It was obvious that this was an upscale penthouse suite by the furniture and impeccable decor. This was not typical hotel motif. The draperies were swagged linen. It had a large screen TV, and a fully complimented bar. There was a curved staircase leading up to a second level.

"Put your bag anywhere. Make yourself a drink and get comfortable. I will be back in a jiffy," Janine said, heading up the stairway.

I went behind the bar, looked through the selection in the cooler, and thought to myself how all the hotel bars had the same small liquor bottles.

"If you need more ice, I can get some in the machine," said a deep, male voice. I turned around quickly, startled to see a pleasant looking man grinning at me from an overstuffed swivel chair in the corner. He was African American, very muscular, and easy on the eyes.

"Hi, I'm Tom. I work with Janine—didn't mean to startle you."

"She didn't say anything about you being here... I'm Alex,” I replied.

"I guess I’m her best kept secret then," he chuckled. "Let me make you a drink. You’re going to need it. What do you like?"

"Jack. Straight up. Make it a double,” I answered.

"No rocks?"

"Nope.” I watched him carefully. "So what's going on here?"

"Janine will explain it all when she comes down. Have your drink and we can talk."

I sat down on a bar seat, sipping my drink, and asked, “What’s your association with Janine?"

"Well... my job is to pose as her pimp and body guard,” Tom replied.

"What do you mean by pimp?"

"Like I said, Janine will explain everything." He flashed me a pearly white grin.

"I see you two are getting acquainted," Janine joined the conversation while she walked down the stairs. She was dressed in a red thong, matching colored heels, and wearing nothing else but a smile. Her big breasts bounced with each step she took.

My mouth dropped wide open and I tried to utter my obvious shock at what I was seeing. "Wha ... What is this about?"

"Well, Hun, I thought you would like to see your new uniform. Didn't they explain that your undercover character is a cocktail waitress?"

"Um…yes, I guess they did, but..."

"But you thought you were wearing a three-piece suit?” Janine laughed. “Sweetie, this is a topless bar with nude dancers! You’ll start as a waitress and work your way to dancer."

"No way!" I gasped, in disbelief.

Tom sat back, looking visibly amused.

"I told the captain you didn’t have what it takes to work undercover, being a prissy little rich girl and all. That’s why you are here, Hun. If you can't perform in front of Tom and me, then you certainly can’t do it in front of fifty drooling perverts while carrying a tray and getting pinched on the ass."

I shot her a defiant look. "I just didn't have the whole scope of the job explained to me. If you can do it, so can I,” I replied, never being one to back down from a challenge.

"Well, sweetheart, your outfit is upstairs. Go up and change,” Janine instructed, not looking confident about her new protégé.

I stood up and walked toward the stairway while Janine followed closely behind me.

"I can change by myself. I don't need your help. It’s not rocket science taking your clothes off," I said with sarcasm.

"I want to help with your makeup,” Janine offered.

"I told you, I don't need your help."

"We’ll see."

Tension was as high between us as two alley cats fighting over a chicken bone. Janine was the one in control, but my pride was always my greatest weakness. At this point, I was like a person stumbling around in the dark.

I know now, in retrospect, that Janine sensed I would be dangerous—dangerous to myself, my partners, and the mission, unless I parked my pride at the door.

There was a black thong laying on the bed, and a pair of black pumps.

"They are sevens."

"I wear a six-and-a-half,” I replied with a frown.

"Not according to your records."

I glared at Janine and proceeded to remove my jacket and blouse, hanging them up neatly as I undressed. Once I was down to my panties and bra, Janine reached over to unclasp me, but I knocked her hand away. I unfastened my own bra, letting my breasts fall free, and hung the brassiere on the hanger.

"Very nice!" Janine looked impressed.

"I'm glad you approve,” I said, as I slid down my panties and hung them on the hanger with the bra.

"No, no… that will never do."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"That garden you have growing between your legs.

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That will never work. You must go shave."

"Well, I don't shave my cunt for anyone!"

"Fine—I’ll just tell the Captain you're not fit to do the job."

I rolled my eyes and huffed in frustration, "Where's the fucking razor?"

"Everything you need is in the shower. There’s a new razor and shaving gel there for you. Don't forget to use the oil afterwards. It prevents a rash."

"Well, fuck you very much," I answered, with open hostility.

"Wait a minute, Missy. Sit on the bed. We need to talk," Janine gently pulled me by the wrist.

"Girl, I know this is all foreign to you, but everything I’m going to teach you is absolutely essential and critical to the success of this operation. You have to live the part, and be the part. I’ve spent three years of my life gaining the trust of these people, and I won't see it jeopardized. If you continue with this, you’ll move in here with me. I will introduce you to a lot of different people, and situations. You are no longer Alex, the homicide cop. You are Alexia, barmaid and exotic dancer. Again, you need to live the part and be the part. Got it?"

I felt a bit fearful and shell-shocked. After a few moments of silence, I said in a soft, apologetic voice, "Yes, I'm sorry."

"When you finish, I’ll help you with the makeup. Take your time. I have a phone call to make."

I disappeared into the bathroom to do as I was instructed, but I paused and peered through the crack in the door.

Janine went to her purse and unzipped the side compartment, taking out her backup phone. She dialed and waited for the answer. "This is Janie. We met at Greer's office this morning....Yes, that's me. I need your help. How fast can you get to the Embassy Suites? .... We are in room 835.... My partner will brief you when you get here... Ten minutes is perfect... I'll see you then."

Then, Janine sat at the makeup mirror and slid open a hidden compartment on the table skirt. She pulled out a little vial and tapped a small amount of powder on the glass top and scraped it into a line with a credit card. Then, with a rolled up bill, she inhaled, making the line disappear. "Ahhh,” she moaned aloud.

I continued on with the business I came in here for. Sitting on the tub edge, I lathered myself with the gel and made careful strokes with the razor, watching my hair come off in clumps. Somehow, this was sexually stimulating. The very thought of another person other than my parents seeing me baby-naked was incredibly erotic.

I finally emerged from the shower, wrapped in a towel. Janine beckoned me over. "Let me see," she said, reaching under my towel.

"It's fine," I moved away.

"Don't be so shy. You are going to have to get used to me touching you. We are going to dance together and be roomies. Let me ask, have you ever been touched by a woman before?"

"No! Of course not! Well... I did kiss a girl once. We were practicing on each other so we could learn to kiss boys."

"Well, that is where we can start. Kiss me."

I panicked and stood there, frozen in place, not knowing what to say or do. Janine reached out and yanked the towel away with one hand, while pulling me close with the other. Our breasts were crushed together and our lips were millimeters from touching. Janine whispered, "Come here, I don't bite."

My senses were at a peak. I had never been in this situation or even considered it, but the feel and scent of this woman triggered a hidden desire deep inside me. Janine softly touched her lips to mine for just moments. I moved my arms around Janine's waist, pulling her close. Setting all reason and any preconceptions aside, I kissed back with the urgency of a thirsty person seeking a cool drink of water. Janine leaned back, pulling us onto the bed, but our kiss was not broken. I shuddered as I felt a finger slide between my pussy lips. The caress was soft and experienced, knowing exactly where to go and what to touch. I was dizzy with pleasure. This felt so much more intense than doing it myself.

"Ohhhh, don't stop!" I moaned.

Janine shifted her position, moving her tit to my mouth. I took to it naturally, sucking and squeezing her erect nipple between my lips and flicking the tip of my tongue back and forth. We were both delirious to the overwhelming pleasure that captivated us. Janine responded by moving down, kissing my breasts, my chest, and then my belly. Sensing where this was going, I parted my legs, allowing her access to my wanton and wet womanhood.

"I want you," Janine panted breathlessly.

The aroma of my wet and swollen pussy was inviting Janine to consummate her desires, and she moved her mouth over the prize. I thrust my hips up, inviting the anticipated pleasure. Janine inserted a finger in my opening and simultaneously licked my juices with the tip of her tongue. She tickled my clitoris until it was unhooded and erect.

"Ahhhh, that feels soooo good," I beckoned for more.

Janine swung her body around so she was offering herself in the same way. I had no experience in this, but followed Janine's lead, emulating her actions. We both laid there, intertwined, pleasuring each other and reaching for the same goal. Our insatiable lust ruled the moment. I was a good student and followed her lead. I used my tongue, probing and licking, and bringing Janine to a body shaking orgasm. I was soon to follow, screaming my pleasure.

"Ohhhh, that's it… Please don't stop… Ahhh!”

We both lay like a couple of athletes exhausted from competition, catching our breaths.

"That was unbelievable," I uttered in satisfaction.

"Well, it was not planned like that, sweetie. I only wanted you to feel comfortable with touching me and us being nude with one another. That was an unexpected bonus."

"I have never done anything like that before. I don't know what this means. Am I gay?"

"Hun, don't read more into this than what it was. I sensed you had a big need and little sexual experience. Is that true?"

I lay motionless, contemplating how much to reveal, and then I answered, "Janine, I was focused on my education and career. I denied myself such frivolous desires as sexual interaction."


"Meaning... I am a virgin. This was my first."

“Your first with a woman?”

“My first with anyone.”

"No fucking way!"

"Way! So where do we go from here?"

"Well, being undercover means you have to be a good actress. You're going to have to win an academy award to pull this off, Hun. If you can be comfortable in your own skin and learn how to give a good lap dance, you could pull it off. I wish I had stopped at that, but... it is what it is. Put on your thong and heels and let's go down to greet your public."

After I put my "uniform" on, Janine motioned me to come over to the dressing table.

"I need to show you a couple things. First, we need to spray some of this glitter on you," she said, while shaking the can vigorously and spraying my skin systematically, starting with the upper torso, working her way down.

"Next, you need to rub this ice on your nipples to make them hard," Janine instructed, taking an ice cube out of her drink and rubbing my areoles until my nipples were erect. I jumped at the first touch.

"Last, you need to use nipple gloss," she said, while wiping the color on each nipple.

"Perfect! You are beautiful. But before we go downstairs, I want to share a few things with you."

Janine reflected back when she was new to this and told me how much easier it would have been if she had someone show her the ropes rather than learning as she went along, improvising, breaking the rules and making her own. She was determined to help me avoid the same mistakes and hardships.

Then, standing up and gazing at herself in the full-length mirror, Janine evaluated herself. “Not too bad for thirty-three, am I?” I could see she was looking critically at herself. She squeezed her full, natural breasts, then turned and slapped her firm round ass as if to say she was proud of the hard work it took to stay so fit.

Janine led the way and I followed. Tom whistled his approval as we walked down the stairs. I looked around the room and suddenly froze, covering my breasts. I saw Frank sitting at the bar.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I exclaimed. Frank didn't answer.

"Come on, Hun. You can do this," Janine encouraged.

I thought to myself that this was a day of firsts, but with Frank it was not a first. He’d already seen me nude before. I dropped my arms, exposing my pert, full breasts, and I confidently strutted down the stairs to my waiting audience. My tits bounced and I swayed my ass confidently, proving I could do the job.

"Way to go, girl! You are hot," Janine cheered me on.

“Now you will have to learn to lap dance,” Janine said, holding up my arm in victory.

Both Frank and Tom were grinning like a couple of Cheshire cats.

To be continued.

Much thanks to Bethany Frasier for her edit.

Written by ChuckEPoo
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