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Do you write...

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Voyeur @ f/64
stories of a Lushy nature that you don't intend to publish (too personal, too taboo, too whatever) just to purge them from your system? Or can you keep them at bay, back of mind?

I often have to purge out these mind worms. The analog tedium of writing long hand works best, I've found.
That's kind of how I started writing erotica many many years ago (university undergrad in the eighties). Having a high sex drive, I tend to fantasize a lot and writing them down seemed a natural way to get them out of my head. And back then, pre-Lush, pre-Web, I really had no way to publish them nor did I really want to at that point.

As for the me of today, I do have some taboo fantasies that come to mind now and then that I am reluctant to add to my "brand" here. I will write them down to, as you say, get them out but if I publish them at all, I often end up nerfing them.
Active Ink Slinger
Well I have found a way to not only get those "unLushable" stories out of my head, but publish them as well (on another site). So Now when I write a hard story, it's not a waste of time! I hate to see a good story go to waste!
Simple Scribbler
Not just Lushy stories, but many subjects I write to purge from my mind. I have written and thrown away a ton of writings.

A great therapist introduced me to writing as a therapy tool 20 yrs ago. Its a genius concept for releasing mind-hogging matters.
Voyeur @ f/64
Quote by KimmiBeGood
Not just Lushy stories, but many subjects I write to purge from my mind. I have written and thrown away a ton of writings.

A great therapist introduced me to writing as a therapy tool 20 yrs ago. Its a genius concept for releasing mind-hogging matters.

About that long ago, I started doing the same thing. I was having horrible recurrent nightmares. The lady I was seeing had me start writing out each one in as much detail as I could. It was often hard, but almost always purged them out of my head. I've kept it up on and off with other issues ever since.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by kistinspencil
stories of a Lushy nature that you don't intend to publish (too personal, too taboo, too whatever) just to purge them from your system? Or can you keep them at bay, back of mind?

I often have to purge out these mind worms. The analog tedium of writing long hand works best, I've found.

I have written many stories that end up being to personal or to weird for this site. I think they are still in my rubbish bin.
Active Ink Slinger
I haven’t yet. I am here because I’m horny all the time and need a fun outlet.

Also because I am trying to learn to structure dramatic scenes better.

If I can find the conflict in a story where the answer is always yes—yes I’ll fuck your boss honey, yes I’d love a threesome, yes you can both cum in my mouth—then I figure I can make any story dramatic.
Active Ink Slinger
Yeah, some I keep to myself or post elsewhere. Forcing myself to write at all is hard, so I'll do it even if the end result isn't suited for one place or another.
Active Ink Slinger
I have two novels in process, one in rough, the other in a second rewrite that i have no intention of posting here. The first one has some "naughty bits" but the second has none because they don't work in the context of that story. I have a pure SF story I'm planning for an anthology Lush is for smut.
Word Hacker

Oh, yes. I have a chapter in my ongoing story To Dream Among the Stars that I'll have to completely rewrite. I've created something too dark, too violent for this site. Even writing it was difficult and uneasy, so it's going to stay in my first draft version. Only my therapist has seen it and it will most likely stay like this.

Otherwise, I usually write things that are out of my imagination, so no issue there. There is only one story in my working folder that is based on reality, I don't know what to do with it. I might publish it, but it touches on emotions still somewhat close to heart. Will see.

To Dream Among the Stars: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A-9B 10 11A-11B 12
Latest standalone stories: Friendly Heartbreak (Flash Photo) - One Hell Of A Meal

Easily amused

Oh, yes, I have all sorts of little written odds and ends that will never make their way into any story. They are all dumped in a file on my laptop (I couldn't write a story longhand to save my life). Someone someday, after I'm gone, may wonder what all those weird little files are and start reading.  Uh oh.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)