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Story Length

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I am attempting to write my first story for this site. I have never written a story before, but thought I would give it a shot. Question for those of you that like to write here. Is there a word length that you find is the sweet spot to keep a reader's attention, but also long enough to tell the story. I think my stories will be actual stories, not just a dissertation of a sexual activity. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Partner-in-Lust / Cummunist

Seems that the comfort zone is around 2500-4000 words. But you can always write a long story and split it into chapters (making a series).

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Certified Mind Reader

Different readers have different expectations and attention spans. I try not to think about what readers would like because it puts a major constraint on what I write and makes me feel like I'm in servitude to some imagined audience. Instead, I try to follow my own creative instincts to my own satisfaction, and then release whatever I produce to the world. I don't often get a ton of readers, but the work seems to resonate with whomever it resonates with, and I'm fine with that. Those who don't resonate with it have plenty of other stories to choose from, and I'm fine with that, too. Stick to your vision.

Post-avant-retro-demelodicized-electro-yodel-core is my jam.

Smut-slinging slut

Avidly has the right of it. In a vacuum, stories in the 2300 to 4K word range tend to get the most views. However, the cadence, flow, pacing, and the author's style also have a lot to do with it. However, a well-written or very entertaining or enthralling story can be much longer but read as if it were very short.

Am I a good witch, or a bad witch? History will decide
Still learning, but getting better!

Avidly and Krystal are spot on (2.5 to 4K word range) if you are after the most views and therefore a higher chance of the most likes. However, I would suggest writing what appeals to you and building up your audience (followers).

I feel it is not all about the numbers, it is about what gives you the most satisfaction to write.

A standalone office sex story: Back in the Office

My Unleashed comp entry: "The Pull of the Paddle"

Active Ink Slinger

My stories are never too long, or too short. They end precisely when they need to.

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Well, I wrote it and it is up on Lush. I think it came in at 5200 words, but the overall response has been positive.

Partner-in-Lust / Cummunist

Quote by M_K_Babalon

My stories are never too long, or too short. They end precisely when they need to.

How very Gandalf of you 🤣

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Rookie Scribe

I've been writing erotica on and off for years and only recently started posting my work for others to read. The best answer I can give here in regard to my own experience is to let the story itself dictate such things. How long should the story be? As long as it needs to be. And the more you write, the more you start to get a feel for that kind of thing. You learn what you're good at, what you're not so good at. You learn what kind of characters, themes, settings, plots you tend to gravitate towards. All of that comes with practice. When it comes to erotica, I think one of the most important things is to write it for yourself. Do that, and the rest tends to fall into place. At least for me. Hope this helps.

Also, I just want to say that it's good that you're thinking about sharing your story on here. Or anywhere, really. I say that because I've had a heck of a time actually finishing my stories before I started sharing them online. But after doing that, it's really helping to keep me motivated. So writing a story with the intent to share it right from the beginning can only help you in my opinion.