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Str8 Scally Seeks GBF

"Answering an ad in the classifieds can get you somewhere surprising ..."

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As I turned the shower off, the first sound I heard was the sound of my friend, Jessie, laughing. The kind of cackling laughter that you just know is going to end badly for someone. In this instance I had a sinking feeling that it was going to be me.

I dried myself and got dressed – boxers, socks, jeans, t-shirt – brushed my teeth and my hair, sprayed a little aftershave and walked through my apartment until I got to my lounge where Jessie was sat – sprawled – on the sofa, a copy of the local paper in her hands.

“Listen to this: 'Well-built guy 62, likes gardening, scrabble, seeks solvent sub'. Sounds great. Or maybe you'd prefer: 'Alan, 62, well built, 16st, sub, seeks dom guy'. First of all, what happens to people at age sixty-two? Secondly, you have one starred.”

“Jessie ...”

“No, wait. I like it. 'Str8 scally seeks GBF-' I'm assuming that's Gay Best Friend? '- for friendship only. Must like gaming, nights out and lager.' Wow. Profound. Nights out? Hanging round the Spar? Sounds dreamy.”

“Fuck off. Besides, I told you I was busy this afternoon.”

She laughed. Another burst of cackling static. “You're meeting him today? Holy shit, are you crazy? I mean, I know it's been a long time, honey, but personals? He sounds a laugh riot.”

I gave her a shrug as I moved around the room, gathering my wallet, keys and phone. “I just thought it'd be, you know, a laugh. It's not like I have a rocketing social or love life. Besides, you know that I really dislike most gay guys.”

“Uh-huh. And you wonder why you're still single.”

“No, I don't, actually. And before you even start, this is not some kind of internalised homophobia. What do you say about most other women?”

“That they're either slutty or dumb. Or both.”

“Yep. I don't call you misogynistic.”

“Maybe you should call the guy who likes Scrabble ...”

“I'm going. Which means you're going.”

She pouted. “Can I come?”


“Can I at least stay here?”

“The last time I left you along in my flat I came home to find you watching porn. My porn. Gay porn.”

“So? Far hotter than straight porn.”

I scowled and she threw up her hands. “Fine. I'm going. Don't get your panties in a bunch. But if he's cute, I want a photo. If he's proper hot, I want his number. No reason for you not to share. It's not like he'll be sucking on your manly root.”

“Thanks, Jess. Now get out.”

She left as I left and on the way down in the lift and to the parking garage I filled her in on the plans that we'd made for meeting. Which, to be fair, were pretty loose. Meeting in a pub – not a bar, an actual pub – to see how we got on and then maybe out for a few more beers later on. No big deal.

Was I nervous? Damn right. After all, I was meeting a straight guy who self-identified with a subculture that wasn't known for its acceptance of gays, who had put an ad in the paper to meet a gay guy, albeit ostensibly for friends. A normal, well-adjusted person wouldn't read, let alone respond to, a personal ad. Yet I had. I wasn't sure what this said about my current frame of mind, but by the time I'd reached this conclusion I was turning into the pub car park.

I hadn't told Jessie, but he had already sent me his photo. All those personal ads are based on text messaging so we'd swapped numbers and he'd messaged me a pic. I brought it up as I waited.

Lookin fwd 2 mtg u l8r! Btw this is me. Gary

Underneath the text speak hung a photo of a fucking hot young guy. Dirty blond hair cut short, but a bit scruffy, dark eyes, body angled mid-way between side on and front on. And what a body! Dressed in a white polo shirt with blue stripes, the curve of his fine chest and those of his arms were clearly defined. His hands were pushed into the pockets of his navy blue Adidas trackies. The expression on his sculpted face was somewhere between an amused scowl and an attempt at seriousness.

I couldn't figure the possible reason for him wanting a 'GBF'. I mean, what kind of guy – what kind of straight guy – advertises for a gay friend? And what kind of gay guy responds? Although I'd told Jessie that I was doing it for a laugh, I really wasn't sure why I was sat in a pub car park on a Saturday afternoon about to meet some stranger for something that wasn't even a date.

I clenched and unclenched my fists, hoping to work the trembles out, and decided that it was now or never. Do or die. I opened the door, slammed it shut and clicked the lock and alarm. I walked toward the back door of the bar, but paused when my hand hit the doorplate. Not too late, a voice in my head said.

“You going in mate or wot?”

Startled, I turned to see some old guy stood behind me. “Yeah, right. Yeah.” With that I really had no choice, pushed open the door and went in. As the old guy shoved past me, I was pretty sure he mumbled “Fucking poof”. Great. Brilliant.

I went over to the bar – luckily the old charmer had disappeared through an open doorway into what sounded like where the pool table was – and on the way tried to subtly scan the room. No Gary. This was good. Unless he'd set me up like the prize twat I was.

“Yes, luv, what can I get you?”

The barmaid had one hand on a pump and one on her ample hip. She looked dirty. Not as in unwashed, just like she'd take it any which way.

“Uh, pint of ...” Pint? Of lager? Great. “Lager top. Carling. Cheers.” No idea where that'd come from, but she seemed happy and so far nobody had bashed my head in with a pool cue. I handed over a note, got my change and sipped.

My phone chirped from my pocket. I retrieved it. Text message. From Gary.

Bit l8, b there in 5. Get me a Stella?!

Needless to say, that Stella was the first of many that was drunk that day. As soon as he sat down, Gary and I hit it off. He wasn't as I expected. Well, not really. He said that he wanted a gay mate because he'd never had one – never known any gays at all. I wasn't really sure how to take it, but that seemed to be okay.

We left the pub and went to his. Although I'd had a couple in me, I was the one with a car so it seemed pretty obvious. He said that he wanted a couple other of his mates to meet me to see if they'd mind me hanging out with them more often.

Fine. Whatever. If they were half as hot as Gary was then that was fine with me. Getting back to his flat was fine, although I was a bit wary of where I'd parked. He said it was fine, that nobody'd touch it as I was with him.

It wasn't the nicest group of houses and flats, but I have to say that I'd been in worse. As soon as he unlocked the front door I could smell … well, I guess that the only way to sum it up was 'man'. Sweat, old clothes, deodorant, a bit of damp. A strange combination, but despite the initial nostril pinch, it wasn't too bad.

About thirty seconds after we got in the door, and just as I popped the tab on fridge-cold can of Carling that he offered me, there was a knock.

“Gaz? It's me and Ricky.”

Gary chuckled. “You'll like Mikey and Rick. If they take the piss, just take the piss back, right?”

I shrugged. “Right.”

He went out into the hall and I heard the door open. I thought I heard a deep voice say something like “Is he here?” before it was shushed. Yep. He's here, and not deaf. I put my hand on my knee to stop my leg jiggling up and down.

“Y'alright?” I didn't stand up, but smiled and nodded. The first lad that came in – Mikey – couldn't have been more than twenty, slim, grey cotton trackies, grey Lacoste hoodie and a white polo shirt. Definitely cute. Nice smile. Dark eyes, like Gary, but black hair. When he turned to sit in a chair after a brief “Alright?” I noticed that he had a pretty good ass too.

The other one, though, was a different kettle of fish. Fucking huge. Not that Ricky was fat. By no means. He was just …. big. Big head, shaved hair which made his ears stick out, round blue eyes, solid arms, thick legs. I guess he was the bruiser of Gary's gang – too stupid to do anything bar hit things. He threw himself into another chair and I caught what looked like a truncheon snaking down the inside of his trouser leg. Holy hell.

We were all on our third or fourth can when Mikey decided to pipe up.

“So which one of us do you fancy?”

“Mikey. Shut the fuck up.”

“Nah, I'm not being rude or nothing. Just wondered, you know.”

I looked at him and he winked. Ricky had a bit of a pink blush going on, and Gary was sat on the sofa next to me with some kind of grin on his face. Uh-huh.

“Do you all want your cocks sucked or something? Because I'm pretty sure that you could've just got some little slut drunk.”

Gary's grin got a little wider. Ricky's blush got a bit deeper and he just stared at his shoes. Mikey just laughed and grabbed his crotch.

“Sure we can get some bitch to do it, but we figured that there's some things a guy can do, you know? Besides. I've had all the sluts around here.”

I really wasn't sure what was going on, even after Mikey's statement. I decided to push this cocky little scally a little further.

“Fine. Stand up and get it out. I'll give you the best fucking blowjob you're ever going to get.”

He didn't move.

“Come on then. I'm ready. If you want your cock in some other guy's mouth then come give it to me.”


He shrugged. “Your fucking idea, you tosser. Follow it through or fuck off.”


Mikey stood up and pulled his trackies down to his ankles, followed by his Next boxers. Not a bad cock on him. Nice set of balls.

“Take your shirt off. I don't want your hem in my face.”

Instead of taking it off he flipped it over his head, leaving it around his neck and shoulders.

I moved forward off the sofa and knelt in front of Mikey.

“You like the look of it, you little fag? You want my cock?”

I paused, my lips maybe half an inch from his swollen glans and the pearly bead of precum that glistened on the tip.

“First of all, it's a good idea to not piss off the person who's teeth are going to be wrapped around your dick so fuck off with the 'little fag' comments.

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Second of all, you're the one begging me to suck it. So let's not point fingers, eh?”

“Uh, so are you still gonna … Oh fuck!”

The last he moaned out as I thrust my face onto his hard pole, almost swallowing it down my throat. Pretty sure none of the sluts he knew had ever deep-throated him in one go before. I continued the assault, hearing him jibber above me. I slipped my mouth off of him and nibbled his shaft, working my way down to his balls. I noticed that they smelt suspiciously like soap, but I'm not going to pass comment on personal hygiene.

I kissed first one then the other, delicately sucking each one into my mouth, again hearing him moan. I looked up at him and saw he had one hand pinching his nipple whilst the other was flat against his stomach.

I moved behind his balls, running my tongue toward his ass. I hoped that the soaping exercise had been thorough, but everything seemed pretty good so far.

“Jesus! Nobody's ever done that before!”

I rocked back on my heels. “You think that's hot, then turn around and bend over.”

“What? You're not fucking me.”

Actually, I hadn't even considered that. Now, obviously, I thought immediately about planting my own seed deep in his bowels. The little fag.

“I wasn't going to. Trust me on this, though. You'll love it. Just bend over.”

“No way!”

Gary piped up. “Rick – bend him over, yeah?”

The man mountain grunted and stood up, looming over the pair of us. I gulped as I could see that the trouser snake from earlier was very much alive and very much reacting to the sex in the room. He put one meaty hand on the back of Mikey's head and drove him into the chair. I almost felt sorry for Mikey. Almost.

“Uh, thanks, Ricky.”

He nodded, but didn't move back to his chair.

I moved forward, adjusting Mikey's hips, pulling his legs apart. I could hear him mumbling something, but it was smothered by the cushions. Again I closed in on his nakedness, this time making sure that I kissed the back of his balls. I felt his sack contract and the moan that went through him. My tongue moved backward and up, travelling along the root of his cock muscles until I reached his crack.

In one long move, I licked it up, slicking up his ass, but barely touching his hole. I felt the electric jerk that he gave as my hot, wet tongue flicked over his most sensitive of areas.


The scream that time was audible, even through the cushion.

I moved my tongue back down, slowly, lapping, until again I reached his tight little hole. I flicked it a few times, feeling his reaction get more and more intense as I did so. Oh yeah. One of us was a little fag alright, and I was fairly sure that it might not be me.

I carried on teasing his hole for a few minutes until I moved to pushing it into him. He pushed his body up on his arms and let out a burbling groan of pleasure. Or what I took to be pleasure. I pushed more and more of my tongue into him, spreading his ass cheeks with my hands to allow me greater access.

“Hey, Ricky, turn him over.”

“What? Why have you stopped?”

Ricky's huge arms made short work of flicking Mikey's body over on the chair. I gestured for him to pull his body right down, and then lift and push his legs right back. He did so without comment, and in a few seconds Mikey's twitching asshole was facing straight up.

I reached to my side and freed Ricky's mighty lovestick. And mighty it was. It jutted out from his body at about a ninety degree angle and was over eight inches long. By quite a way. And thick … It was about as thick as one of the cans that now lay forgotten around the room.

“Holy shit, Ricky! That's fucking immense!”

He gave off a rumble which I realised was him chuckling. “Can't get any girls to take it.”

“Christ, man, I can tell you where to go if you ever want a mouth or a hole to put it. Jesus!”

Gary laughed and I turned. I'd kind of forgotten about the guy who'd drawn me here in the first place. “What about you, Gary? What are you packing in there?”

“Oh, you'll see. Later.” He smirked at me.

My attention was brought back to Mikey who was still laying in the chair – admittedly with Ricky holding your ankle you wouldn't be going anywhere.

I had an idea that, with his lack of experience, Ricky wouldn't last long. Which was pretty much perfect for what I wanted.

I somehow managed to get my mouth around the tip of his behemoth and ran my tongue over the top, getting it nice and warm and wet. At the same time I jerked away at the monster. There was no passion here. This was just about making him cum as soon as he could. Warm, wet friction.

My plan worked and in a couple of minutes I felt him start to shake. I left off with my mouth and directed his pulsing cock to the wetness that was Mikey's asshole.

“No way is he putting that in there.”

“Course he's not.” I winked at Ricky. “Come on, big guy, rub your cock over that hole. Oh yeah, man, doesn't it feel good?”

“Oh yeah …”

“All wet and warm and waiting for you.”

“Uh-huh ...”

Another couple of jerks and I knew he was just about ready to fire his load. With one hand I continued jerking him, but with the other I held his huge purple knob down onto Mikey's hole. With a grunt Ricky spasmed forward, crushing into Mikey's ass and filling the hair-lined dimple with a string of thick cum. Another spurt erupted and fired off across Mikey's body, hitting him in the face. I hadn't noticed Mikey playing with his cock, but all of a sudden, as more and more of Ricky's pent up spunk emptied over his cock and balls, Mikey let out a scream and fired a fat load up his own chest and onto his mouth.

Ricky was still panting and grunting, pulling on his cock to completely empty his nuts. I was impressed at the amount that he'd let go.

“Thanks, Ricky. You can sit down now if you like.” He looked like he might topple at any point, but he stumbled back to his chair. “Now it's my turn.”


“Shame to let Ricky's juice go to waste.”

I stripped out of my jeans, but kept my boxers on, seeing as how my cock was already jutting through the fly. Admittedly, not as impressively proportioned as Ricky over there, but I hold my own. As it were. Reaching forward I scooped up fingerfuls of the cum that was covering his belly and chest and rubbed it into my own hardness. I knew that it wouldn't stay lubricating for long, but I had no intention of going for the long haul. If Mikey's ass was as tight as I thought it would be, plus what I'd already witnessed, then I really wasn't going to last long.

I bent over slightly, pushing my hard and slippery cock into the slick groove of Mikey's ass. I found his hole, still full of Ricky's first deposit, and pushed my way in.

“Nonononono,” was all I could hear from Mikey. I was pretty sure that he could get up or at least push me off if he wanted, but his hands were thrown behind his head, which rolled from side to side, his upper teeth biting into his lower lip.

I made another push and slipped inside him, the cum acting as the perfect lube.

“Fuck, Mikey, you're so fucking tight. How come nobody's had your ass yet? Mmm.”

Another push and I started to pull back, fighting against the urge to slam forward. Slowly, back and forth I rocked until his ass had grown accustomed to my entry. I placed my two hands on his ass cheeks and thrust forward again, causing him to let out another wail of pleasure.

“Please, please.”

“Please what? Please stop?”

“Please, just fuck me … I need you to … Oh god, just do it.”

I looked at his dick that was hardening again, so I went for it. I shoved myself forward and into him, giving him every inch of my sex before pulling back. I tried to match my rhythm to his fervent wanking, and didn't do too bad a job.

I could feel the sweat running down my back and between my ass cheeks. The feel of another slicked up cock was something that I wasn't expecting and was slightly worried that it was Ricky. But no, a twitch of my head showed me that it was Gary, gloriously naked and erect, his cock sheathed in shiny latex and clear lube.

Instinctively I spread my legs a little wider, and stopped fucking Mikey, just pulling him gently on and off of me, allowing Gary to find my ass and enter me.

Enter me he did and I let out a cry of delight. I reached around behind me and, with one hand, gripped his hip, holding him close to me as I moved forward, into Mikey. I worked out a rhythm whereby on my back stroke I'd impale myself further onto Gary, and my forward stroke would equal Gary's back one.

This we managed for another few minutes before Mikey started whimpering.

“Oh shit, oh shit, I'm gonna cum again … fucking hell …”

I pushed forward, feeling my cock twitch against his prostate, increasing his orgasm. Again his cock spewed out cum, although less than before. I rode the tremors of his fire and quickened my thrusting. “Christ, Mikey, I'm gonna cum. Right in you …. Oh fuck, oh fuck … FUCK!” With a last exultant shout I felt my orgasm tear through me, ejaculating my own ream of hot, sticky cum into Mikey.

I could feel Gary still going for it behind me. Leaning forward, which served to thrust my sensitised cock deeper into Mikey, I met his mouth and engaged him in a long, tongue-feuding kiss. Gary grabbed my hips and kept going at it until, all of a sudden, he pulled out, ripped the johnny off and stood over Mikey and me. A couple of wanks and he was firing a volley of spunk over the two of us. I felt it spatter over my cheek and nose, hot and smelling of licorice.

After a few seconds I pushed myself off of Mikey and, with a grunt, withdrew my foamy cock from his ass.

I was panting, Ricky was grinning, and Gary was sitting on the edge of the sofa, wiping his cock with his undies. I looked down at Mikey who was a bit glazed.

“You okay?”

“Uh … yeah. Ow. I ...”

I whispered to him. “Go to the toilet. Now.”

He struggled to his feet and waddled from the room.

“So, you staying the rest of the day?”

I turned to Gary and laughed.


“I'd say you passed. Wouldn't you, Rick?”

“Hell yeah!”

I let out another laugh and threw myself next to Gary.

Straight scally seeks GBF.

Straight my ass.

Written by AshkeJ
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