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Animalistic Expectations Chapter #1: Realization

"A story of a man's sexual experiences and his determniation to reach the highest sexual euphoria."

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Why do some people morph and evolve into such incredibly free sexual creatures who demand absolute euphoria in their sexual lives?  He continued to soap up his body. The water beaded up on his skin as he looked it over. Years ago, he would never even care to notice his own body, let alone, judge it or contemplate how he could improve it further. Now, every time he had any clothes off, no matter if it was just his shirt, or every single article, he studied and compared to his last memories.

Why do some others continue to regress and lose that drive and desire that they once enjoyed so endlessly? They have glimmers of it, on rare occasions, but that seems to be few and far between. How can one be such a sexual dynamo, oozing sexuality, and slowly and steadily require less and less? She must have forgotten that euphoria! That's the only plausible explanation!
Love was never the issue...he loved her from that first day. She was physically perfect in his eyes, even before he heard her voice. She was short and cute. She was playful, friendly, approachable, and genuine. She had a bounce in her step and a carefree approach to life. It was intoxicating to most that surrounded her. Her long brown hair, those green eyes, and that smile could put him into a trance. Then, nothing else would exist around him. He would imagine what everything else must be like underneath.

She had beautiful, large breasts, especially for her body frame. When he got lost in her, he could notice her nipples, at times, protruding out of her white blouse. They must be perfection! How could they not be perfect? Everything must be perfect...everything! Her slight, delicate hands along with every other naked, visible feature only guaranteed perfection underneath, where the casual acquaintance's vision stopped and the "special friend's" vision continued. He knew that he would probably never be lucky enough to be in the latter description, but one could dream!

Then, she spoke, and just as he already knew, she was perfection to him, in every way. She was intoxicating. He wanted more of her every time he heard another word or got another glimpse. Everything else seemed to disappear whenever she was in his presence. He was sure she had no idea of his true thoughts, but man, was he ever hooked! He would go home and think about her. He would go to sleep to her image ingrained in his mind. It wasn't sexual, it was love. Love was never an issue.

Now the lather was getting thicker. It's important to cover the entire body with a thick lather. Sometimes, it takes awhile to get the soap to create the right consistency. Usually, once it starts though, you can continue a general pace and pressure with continued desired results. He was close to hitting his desired weight, after years of work. He never wanted to become that "gym rat", nor did he. It was slow and steady for years. The weight increased. The reps increased. They became too easy. The weight increased again. Music fueled him, in the beginning, and then he realized there needed to be more. Admittedly, he is a bit of a supplement nut now, but it seems to work. Now, it's a protein bar in the morning, a weight gainer on off days, lunch and dinner. Then, a protein bar in the morning, lunch, pre-workout drink #1, pre-workout drink #2, weights, music, and that final workout drink during...oh, and then, dinner.

He looked down, as he inspected the results. The lather now covered nicely. Once I get this final 3 to 4 pounds on, I definitely need to start to cut. He had been getting increasingly concerned about his rounding stomach. That had never even been imaginable, as a concern, until recently. He was both satisfied and proud that he was so close, but a bit surprised that he would actually have to work at toning that area now. When he first saw her 20+ years ago, he was a rail. There was nothing to him. Long hair which was wavy and curly with no true design, mustache (yeah, that awkward first try at facial hair), and whatever t-shirt his hand found first that day. The jeans were ripped most of the time. It didn't matter. As the years went on, he always smelled of cigarette smoke. It got up to a pack a day...sometimes more. Why shave when it wasn't necessary? I don't care if they look at me! I hope they do! I'm not them...nor do I ever plan to be anything like them. If you keep laying out in that sun, you're going to get cancer, you idiots! Besides, it's MUCH more comfortable in the air conditioned house anyway! They're all just sheep anyway.

Now, as he continued to inspect his body, he was never happy, but yet, satisfied. Looking back, comparing and contrasting to his younger self, what a transformation. Of course, the transformation was not just physical. It was an attitude readjustment. It was an emotional awakening as well. All of these changes/improvements just fueled the drive further. If it could be more intense, even by one extra extra spasm, it was worth pursuing.

It's amazing how confidence can breed comfort. It's far from cockiness, it's confidence. He hated cocky people. That never changed. His values, morals, and beliefs never wavered...just his general attitude and outlook on life. It was so cliché, but he knew it was true that you only live once, and it's over in a heartbeat. Why didn't he realize that sooner? Who knows, but he wasn't about to miss anymore now that the revelation had been achieved.

His size was definitely never an issue.  It's funny how some seem to have such blatant confidence, which borders on cockiness, and that same person is incredibly insecure when they get between the sheets. Maybe they are entirely secure and confident, but have no idea how bad they suck! Haha! Poor souls. Women must LOVE those types! All this buildup and outer beauty and sexiness...just to disappoint and crash right back down to earth, without even realizing it! Fucking assholes!  His cock stood out, even soft, dangling amongst all the suds and water beads. Straight down to his toes, he took an overall survey of his body. The results, although never enough, were very rewarding. He was happiest with his arms, but he needed to start working on his chest and stomach. Since he had began grooming everywhere, he could definitely see the definition well as the lack of! The chest needed to get bigger, and stomach smaller. We are not talking dramatically here...just a continuation of the toning. He was never satisfied, no matter if it was concerning his body, work, house, car, sex, or life. There can always be improvement, but this was never a compulsion. It was a standard of excellence. After all, she was worth it and he never wanted to disappoint her. He wanted to impress her and make her feel special, comfortable, and lucky.

He had been working mainly on his arms, throughout these years. Slow but steady, and now he was definitely satisfied with the results. There is always room for improvement, but his definition and tonality bred confidence, for sure. Back to the cock...haha...he always had an inkling that it was above average. Ever since he started playing with it and watching porn, he seemed to be on par with the "professionals". Of course, he had no game at all, back then, so it didn't do a thing for his confidence. Since there was no confidence, there were not many women to give him a second opinion either. So, he might get to compare to those pros, but he didn't get many opportunities to hear the true "rating".

The first couple of women that got to weigh in on the matter were just as inexperienced as him. Both said, "Oh, it's so big!" How much credibility could he put into those words? Don't most women tell their lovers it's perfect anyway? Still, it didn't make him feel bad. He would love to know what a more experienced woman might say though. At the very least, the rating would hold more weight! He imagined that she must be in that latter category. How could she not be? She oozes approachability, which oozes comfort-ability, which leads to sexuality, which must lead to experience. Oh, how he dreamed of experiencing that experience, the entire time knowing that the chances were very slim and probably would always stay in his dreams.

So, let's fast forward a bit now. He did get her! Who could ever imagine?!?! Eventually, after years and years, he just went all in and confessed his feelings and attractions. She submitted to them quite quickly, now looking back. I mean, it wasn't immediate. She made him work a tiny bit, but for the most part, it didn't take long. That only meant that she must have felt these same attractions and he was simply too down on himself to even notice. Now, though, who cared? He got her! She kissed him! He melted. He couldn't even contemplate what else could be down the road. She was so incredibly out of his league, in his opinion, so who could ever imagine that this could get more and more intimate? It was like all those dreams coming true and he was almost in a fog, as it was unfolding.

Now, it was time to rinse. He stepped underneath the shower head and let the water wash away all the lather. Slowly, the suds revealed the rest of his body. Nowadays, he kept up on his shaving. This was not limited just to his face either. He had now been fully shaving his cock and balls for years, not to mention, making sure to get everywhere in the general region. He was fully shaved and smooth everywhere that only "special friends" could enjoy. He also shaved his chest very closely, but still left a bit of hair. She like it that way. He might have decided to try fully shaving it as well, but her opinion won every time. His legs were still fairly hairy but there was no chance he was going to be a masculine man and shave his legs! His back was always naturally smooth with little to no hair.

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Overall, looking down as the suds revealed all, he was satisfied. He began to soak his hair, preparing it for shampoo.

He had quit smoking years ago now. Ever since then, he felt like he might as well try to start taking care of himself a little bit. She stuck with him through all the years, and he hardly gave her any reason to, in the looks department. Granted, he always worked hard and tried to provide everything he could for her. He knew he did a great job, in that department. He always wanted her to be comfortable. He just never really tried to make her proud to "show him off". Why not start now? That's how it all began. That's where the transformation began.

She never got boring to him. She was always sexy. That never changed throughout all the years. She always worked on her body. She went to the gym. She went to the beach. She dressed nicely. She never wanted to go out looking dull, even if it was just to the grocery store. She was perfect to him. That never changed. Even though she was never happy or satisfied with herself, he was always still pinching himself to make sure this whole journey was really a reality. Many years had gone by, and still he thought he was one of the luckiest men alive. The least he could do was start to make himself presentable for her.

He had always seen himself as "that guy" who every woman turned to and looked at when the two of them were together. Why did she choose him? What is she doing with him? The guys would think the exact same thing, for different reasons. All of this was part of his lack of confidence but now, he was going to change that. That is how we ended up where we are least, the short version of the story.

As he began to rub the shampoo into his hair, he continued to wonder. Is it because they get bored? Are they looking for something new...or...SOMEONE new? Does comfort breed mediocrity? Not for him, it didn't. If anything, he has never been more sexually hungry. It was simply so perplexing to him. If that sexual euphoria can take his mind, body, and soul over with such a tight grip, why wouldn't every living creature want to continue to reach for those heights, each and every single time? There was no reason to just have sex...the boundaries needed to be pushed each and every attempt. Why wouldn't every living being on the planet feel precisely the same? It went beyond the physical act, for him.

It became animalistic.

He thought back to specific instances. One of which was their first time. She made him wait a little while. Just like the short amount of time it took her to submit to his dating requests, she didn't make him wait too long to actually experience her experience either. She had blown his cock, but she wouldn't let him enter her just yet....but, again, not too long. By the way, there was no downplaying those amazing blowjobs either! She was beyond words! Beyond anything he had ever experienced in his past. It was numerous levels up! A totally different playing field! Imagine what the first entry would be like? He continued pinching himself, just like he does still to this day.

Without incredible detail, that first night was unforgettable. It was his first taste of the experience he knew she would provide to him. She carefully planned her outfit, and man, was it sexy! Everything he imagined, in his wildest fantasies, was just what stood in front of him. She was breathtaking. He can remember working up to that moment with her. She controlled most of the scene, of course, due to her experience. It was obvious, she knew how to navigate the night. She directed the show, so to say. Back then, she even seductively assisted putting on the condom. Every slippery part of the experience was sexual...and then, he entered her for that first time.

It was euphoria.

She knew EXACTLY how to make it her own! She knew EXACTLY how to make him slip into that subconscious state of bliss, inside her wetness and embrace.
When all was said and done, which wasn't just one time around the track, he can remember her saying that he fit her perfectly. She had commented numerous times, throughout different conversations, about how big he was, but now, the latest revelation was the most rewarding of all. He fit her perfectly! Forget the size, the thickness. None of it mattered, even though she actually chuckled in an amazed and impressed fashion, about how large he truly was. Fitting her was the most rewarding compliment of all. She told him it was like he was made for her. His exact shape and size filled her perfectly. She had never had better. Most women probably tell their partners that they are big, or thick or whatever. She told him all of these things, and then more...and he knew she was entirely genuine. All of her experience, that he assumed she had, granted immediate weight to her statements.

He was on top of the world.

Is it not obvious that she was a sexual dynamo? Let's look back at another example. It was another night of fun, flirting, drinking, and laughing. Now, it was time to go back to the hotel room. She hated that he smoked, but she accepted it, only for him. She always hated the smell, but she lived with it. He tried his best to keep it away from her. Once they went back up to the room, they got comfortable. They took out the mixer and mixed up another full container full of drinks. They both shared the mixer. The whole time, they continued to laugh, kiss, lick, touch, talk, drink, and tease. The alcohol continued to loosen the inhibitions...and clothes. Before you knew it, he was naked, and she was in another one of her incredible outfits. Of course, all of these outfits granted access to all the important areas. God, that night, they fucked! They fucked all night long. He could remember how much fun it was. They laughed, even during intense, wet thrusts. They would describe a specific sexual act, and then, attempt it. It was fun, and pure bliss. The room smelled of sex.

He could remember, they would have an entire conversation while he was deep inside her. They would rhythmically work each other, almost like an afterthought, as they continued to focus on the conversation. It was purely sexual. He would finish a conversation, and then, without warning or permission, in one full swoop, his head would be in between her fully opened legs. She would be giggling and moaning, all in one breath. She would drip inside his mouth the exact same time she sipped another drink. He would drip endless precum from the tip of his cock, as he slurped up her juice.

Back then, she wouldn't just cum....she would explode! She never squirt, but she oozed. It was much more amazing, intense and powerful than squirting. He would eat, finger, and work her beautifully shaved and dripping wet pussy. Climax after amazing climax, she would shiver. Then, he would take a step back, in the shadow of the moonlight shining through the window, and just admire the aftereffect. Cum juice would literally drip out of her. It wasn't just a drip was more of a stream. It was milky and white, with an amazing consistency. It was simply stunning to admire.

That night, they would fuck. He would cum. She would actually allow him breaks, to smoke. As stated before, she hated his smoking, but allowed it, because it was him. He would explode spasm after spasm of cum, and then, get out of bed, entirely naked, and sit in the bar stool across the room and smoke. It was just pure satisfaction and bliss. They would continue to sip their drinks, and continue the conversation, during this time. His cock would glisten in the dimly lit room, with all of their juices, as he sat there. It all happened in one natural progression. There was no stop and start.

Sex, oral, drinks, laughs, tongues, moans, screams, orgasm, cum, sweat, and euphoric sighs...all in one continuous session. This lasted all night long. After he smoked a couple, the next condom was snapped on, and onward with the show! Orgasm after orgasm, scream after moan, and thrust after thrust, their sweaty, glistening bodies connected in one perfect euphoric, animalistic experience. Some of his orgasms, he would shoot onto her body. There were a couple of times that it landed much further than either one of them expected. Both of them would explode into laughter at the sight. Sometimes, she would be wiping his affection off of her chin at the same time! Who knows when it finally ended that night...but, when it did, they fell into each others' arms and fell deep asleep as one.

He continued to think back to these experiences that they had shared. There were endless examples to point out. He could rattle through them, almost as if he was turning a page in the book.  So how could she be satisfied now? She NEEDED sex before. It was so intoxicating. Where was that sexual dynamo now? These questions continued to race through his head as he finished rinsing the final suds off of his hair. He shut the water off, and began to direct the water off of his naked body. He grabbed the towel and completed the task, as he stepped onto the bathmat.

If these first few experiences held any weight, imagine what the next 10+ years of experiences had held? He had been down many, many different avenues since those early days. What about her? He wondered what thoughts, desires, experiences, and avenues might she have explored throughout this time as well. Although the questions continued to swirl, the answers to his undying desires were about to be revealed, one by one. This was only the beginning to the story...and the first act had only been explored during that 15 minute shower. Wait until he gets dressed for the day! be continued

Written by Intensely
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