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Stalking an Angel

"A young man's chore because something special when he meets the girl of his dreams."

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Competition Entry: Winter Adventure

It started as a game. Actually, it started as an assignment, but he turned it into a game.

Theo had almost grumbled when his uncle had called him into his office.

When Theo first started working for his uncle, he had planned on starting at the ground floor and working his way to the top. Starting at the ground floor in an advertising business is easy; there is always a lot of grunt work. Working his way up had taken a lot of effort, but after six years, he was starting to make a name for himself with their customers.

Any time his uncle called him into his office, none of that mattered. Whenever his uncle called him into his office, it was always to assign some low level task. Theo might grumble, but he knew better than to refuse.

Theo had to wonder about the assignment he had been given. If he didn't know any better, he would have guessed it was more of a reward than a chore.

The task was simple. His uncle was trying to hire a new young designer away from one of his competitors. His uncle had learned that the designer wasn't happy living where she was. He had tried to bribe her into visiting their city by offering to pay for her visit and a tour guide. The young woman had accepted the tour, but refused a guide.

Theo's task was to shadow the woman as she toured the city. At all costs, he was to ensure that nothing bad happened to her. Also, if possible, he was to steer her toward the highlights of the city.

She made the first half of his job easy, and enjoyable as well.

It was a beautiful winter's day. It was cold enough that the snow wasn't melting, but warm enough that the sunshine felt good. The woman left her hotel on foot, and Theo was able to easily follow as she toured the main square, a museum, and an art gallery.

It was just before lunchtime that he saw a way to fulfill his second directive.

She had picked up one of the tourist maps of the city. They were available everywhere, and they did a pretty good job of highlighting the major attractions. He saw her circle her choices for her next destination on her map. As they walked through the bustling crowds of a shopping district, he was easily able to exchange her map for one that he had marked up.

She had frowned when she had consulted her map and she saw the changes. He was pretty sure that she hadn't noticed him, and she didn't pick him out of the crowd as she looked around. She studied the map again, and then followed it to the marked destination.

One of Theo's friends owned the small restaurant that he had directed her to. It wasn't yet on any maps, but it had the best food around. The young woman had thoroughly enjoyed her repast and the friendly service.

While she was eating, Theo had carefully added his markings to her original map, and then added some new ones. He slipped the waitress some money, and then watched as she managed to exchange the maps without getting caught.

Theo loved the surprised smile that the restored map brought to the young woman's face. He also liked how quickly she found the new markings he had made. He wanted to stay and watch her some more, but he knew he would have to hurry to the next destination to set up the next swap.

The next destination was a small shop that made hand-blown art glass. Theo's mother loved to visit the place, and she always wondered why it never made it on the maps. Theo had a feeling that the young woman would like the place, but he hadn't considered how to exchange the maps when she got there.

The man that was working at the shop gave Theo a suspicious look. He refused to take money, but he took the map and agreed to consider exchanging with the woman. All Theo could hope was that the man would be as reticent with the woman.

Theo was able to exit the shop well ahead of the young woman's arrival, and he found a place to sit in the park nearby. He was pretty sure he would be able to see if the shopkeeper made the exchange. All he had to do was wait.

He saw her enter the shop. He saw the shopkeeper pull out the map, and he saw her surprised look as she scanned the area around the shop. The two spoke, and the shopkeeper gave her the second map without taking the first one back. Theo started scheming how to get another map and plant it where the woman would find it.

The young woman said something nice to the shopkeeper, and suddenly he was all smiles. He escorted her around the shop, pointing out various trinkets. She must have asked to see the rest of the glassworks, and the shopkeeper escorted her into the back workroom. Theo had been on that tour several times, and he knew he had at least a half hour to wait. He considered going to get another map and moving on to the next destination, but he had given her two options, and he didn't want to guess incorrectly.

Theo had been waiting in the park for almost a half hour when someone stopped behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He had mostly been ignoring the other people in the park. It was a beautiful day, and there were mothers with children playing, and shoppers stopping to sit and take a break. He had heard the footsteps coming up behind him, but he had not paid attention to them.

He turned quickly, and came face to face with the most beautiful young woman he had ever seen. In four hours of following her, he had never gotten a good look at her face until that moment, and he was smitten. The smile on her face belied the words that she spoke.

"The shopkeeper says I should call the police," she informed him. "I'd like to give them an accurate report, so why don't you tell me who you are, and tell me exactly how long you've been stalking me."

Theo swallowed hard. "My name is Theo, and my uncle is hoping to hire you. He asked me to make sure you didn't get in trouble. It was my idea to direct you to some of the better places that aren't on the map."

Her smile hardened without detracting from her beauty. "I am Angelique," she stated. "I told your uncle that I did not want a paid guide, that I'd prefer to discover the city on my own."

"If you promise to stick to the map," Theo said, "then I will let you be, and still report to my uncle that your tour was trouble free. Please enjoy the rest of your day."

"Not so quick," she insisted. "Where are you sending me next?" she asked as she pulled out both maps. She barely looked at the map as she pointed out the new destination he had marked. Theo wondered why she asked, when she already knew the answer.

"Skating on the river," he answered. "There are rental tents at both the north and south, and they are both about the same distance from here. You can rent at one end and drop the skates at the other, if you wish."

"Are you a good skater?" she asked nicely.

"I am good enough," he answered with a humble shrug.

"Then you must come with me," she insisted. "It has been a while since I have skated, and I will need an arm to hold so I don't fall and hurt myself."

"I would be delighted," he smiled.

Theo was more than delighted. He was happy that she hadn't followed through on her threat, and he was exceedingly pleased to be openly escorting such a beautiful young woman. He couldn't wait to see what the afternoon would bring.

In less than two minutes on the ice, he knew that she had lied to him. She had held his arm for the first few tentative steps, but in moments, she had matched his rhythm to glide along smoothly beside him with her arm resting on his. She had smiled up at him when he shifted to take her right hand in his right hand to free up his left arm to drape over her shoulders. She had even leaned into him as they enjoyed themselves.

They had started at the north end, and it took them nearly a half hour to get to the south end at the leisurely pace they had set. He had pointed out some famous businesses and buildings along the way.

"So where shall I tell the police you kidnapped me to next?" she teased as they approached the area where they could drop off the skates.

"I may be the worst abductor ever," he teased back. "Perhaps I am letting your beauty distract me from planning ahead. The proper place to steal away to next would be the cocoa stand at the Institute of Technology. Sadly, that's located at the north end."

"Are you too tired to make it back?" she teased.

Even as she spoke, she turned around to skate backwards in front of him. She put her hands on his chest and leaned into him as she used her skates to brake. She dug in at the last moment, and used his momentum to push off, propelling him backwards. He had no choice but to trust her as she pushed him back the way they had come.

"Do you need me to push for a while?" she added to her tease.

"I doubt a novice skater such as you could manage to go that far," he said with a laugh.

With a quick glance backwards, he accelerated to smoothly skate away from her pushing arms. She laughed and cut sideways to find a clear path to speed up and pass him. He was able to continue skating backwards and stay ahead of her for a moment or two, but as she drew ahead, he had to do a high speed turn to face forward and catch up to her.

He worked to match her stride as he came up behind her. Even with the shorter stride, he was able to push harder, and he was able to catch her hips with his hands and pull their bodies together. She laughed as she caught his hands with her own. And then she squealed with delight as he started pushing harder.

"That's too fast," she cried joyfully as he pushed her along.

She stopped skating and brought her skates in to run parallel as he pushed. That allowed him to lengthen his strides, and he pushed even faster. Her grip on his hands at her hips tightened.

"Oh, slow down," she cried out with a nervous laugh.

For a few more strides, he maintained their speed, and then he eased off. Before too long, they had slowed to their original slow pace, with him pushing. They were both breathing hard.

Suddenly, she spun around again, and she let him push her along backwards. Her hands caught his shoulders, and she gave him a huge smile. Without interrupting his stride, she perfectly timed a quick lunge in to plant a kiss on his lips. He barely registered the warmth of her lips, and then they were gone.

"That was fun," she laughed.

"Yeah, it was," he agreed with a smile as big as hers. They held each other's eyes as they slid smoothly along the ice.

It was far too soon that they arrived back at the north end. After they turned in their skates, she slid in under his arm as she waited for him to lead the way.

He took her across the street and they entered a building. He led her straight to the elevators, and they took it up to the observation deck on the roof. He playfully tried to sneak a kiss in the elevator, and she playfully blocked him. She teased that he might earn one if the cocoa was good.

She forgot all about the cocoa as they walked out onto the roof of the building. They were only eight floors up, but the views included the downtown parks and a long stretch of the river. She ran to the edge with her map while he stopped to buy the cocoa. She smiled at him when he stopped to drink in her beauty as she stood at the edge and compared her view with the map.

Without even waiting to taste the drink, she gave him a kiss that warmed him more than the chocolate ever would.

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They held each other's free hand as they drank the cocoa. She smiled and admitted that it was every bit as good as he had promised. He gave her a hopeful look, and asked what she was doing for dinner. For the first time since she had caught him, the smile faded from her face.

"Your uncle isn't the only company that I had contacted for work," she informed him. "I am very impressed with his company, and I like that he was concerned enough for me to send you. I very much look forward to meeting with him in the morning. Unfortunately, I arranged to meet with the other party for dinner tonight. I am tempted to cancel, but I really shouldn't."

"I'm tempted to beg, but I probably shouldn't," Theo offered with a sad smile.

"Speaking of which," she said, "I should probably head to my hotel to get ready. Will you escort me there?"

"I would be delighted," he answered truthfully.

The hotel was only a few blocks away. They walked the entire distance with their arms around each other's waist. Theo had to laugh when she pulled him into the gift shop that was adjacent to the lobby. She gave him an expectant look as she caught his hands in her own. Theo looked at her beauty, and he wondered how far he should push to get her to change her plans.



Theo's Fantasy

Theo looked into her eyes.

"I want to kiss you again," he told her. She waited expectantly for him to follow through. "If I kiss you," he continued, "I won't be able to stop. If I kiss you, I will have to hold you close, and I will twist your arm behind your back and force you to ask me up to your room. When we get to your room, I won't stop kissing you until my lips have touched every bit of you, and I will hold your arm until we are through."

Her eyes momentarily dropped to the floor. They were even more expectant when they lifted back to meet his.

"Don't forget to force me to call and cancel dinner," she instructed. "Kiss me."

Their lips met. She melted into his arms. She pushed away. Her eyes chastised him, and he nearly frowned. She caught his hand with her own, and she forced him to twist her arm behind her back. He smiled and lifted, forcing her body back against his own. They almost kissed again.

The crabby woman behind the counter grumbled, "Either buy something, or be on your way."

They both laughed, and Theo quickly bought Angelique a single flower. As she held it to her nose, he caught her other hand and bent her arm behind her back. She laughed as they quickly crossed into the lobby and they practically ran to the elevator.

In moments, they were in her room. They kissed fervently as they removed their jackets. Their lips separated for a moment as they both stripped their shirts off. She moaned in need as his fingers expertly unhooked her bra, and then her moan deepened as he kissed his way to her upturned breasts. She forced his lips back to her own as she forced his arm to twist hers again.

"Dinner," she reminded him between kisses.

"Make the call," he demanded, and he lifted her arm again.

She spun in his arms. She pulled her cell phone out and started typing a text.

He pulled her body back against his own, and they both groaned as she rubbed her ass against his hardness. He started kissing her shoulders. He continued to kiss lower as he reached around and opened her jeans. He kissed down the length of her spine as he worked her jeans and panties down her legs.

When his hands got past her knees, she stepped out of her jeans and kicked them aside. With a hungry growl, she bent at the waist and spread herself as wide as she could. His tongue dove into her from behind. She tasted divine. He felt himself being torn, because he knew he would never remove his tongue from inside her, but he needed to take even more from her.

"Oh, fuck," she moaned. "Fuck me!" she added, and he knew they were on the same page.

Two more deep licks gave him the time he needed to loosen his jeans. He kicked them aside, and he quickly stood behind her. He caught her arm behind her back and lifted it just a bit.

"I'm only going to ask this once, and I think you'll understand why," he said. "Did I hurt you earlier, or does this hurt now?"

"Not really," she smiled, "but why do you ask?"

He pushed her forward, twisting her arm and bending her body at the waist, in preparation of entering her.

"Because I have barely begun to kiss every bit of you," he answered, "and I intend to twist your arm to force you to accept me like this, and any other way that I can think, and I'm not going to stop until you are thoroughly kissed, or until we must stop for breakfast."

"Oh, it hurts horribly," she said with a barely concealed giggle. She tried to keep from smiling, but she couldn't stop her grin. "You'll probably have to twist one behind my back and one behind my head when you make me ride on top of you!"

Theo felt himself swallow deeply, and suddenly he was back in the gift shop. Angelique's eyes were closed and she was waiting for a kiss.



Angelique's Fantasy

They looked into each other's eyes.

She had loved spending the afternoon with him, and she couldn't help but smile expectantly as she drank in his rugged strength.

"I must have one more kiss," he informed her, "and then I will wish you a pleasant evening. I do hope that you were able to see everything of our city that you wished to see."

She debated for half a moment before answering him. "There is one other place I wished to see, but I would have to cancel my dinner plans if I took you there. It’s not on any maps, and it may take some time to find it."

"What place is that?" he asked, just as she knew he would.

"Porte d'Noir," she said quietly.

"I've never heard of it," he answered with a puzzled look.

The staunch lady behind the counter said, "That's no place for the likes of you two. He's too sweet to be taking you to a place like that."

Angelique nearly laughed at the puzzled look that Theo gave the older woman.

She hardened her tone just a bit as she said, "That's why I would be taking him."

Angelique did laugh as Theo turned the look on her. It was a happy laugh, and he smiled.

"Give me that map," the older lady growled. She studied Angelique's eyes for a moment, and then put a mark on the map. "Tell them Vera sent you," the old lady suggested.

Angelique smiled her thanks to the lady, and made Theo buy her a single flower. She held it to her nose as she pointed at the map and told him, "Take me there."

He seemed more than pleased to be spending more time with her. She wondered if he would feel the same way in the morning.

At first, she thought the old lady had lied. Once she realized what she was seeing, she nearly laughed.

The mark on the map had brought them to an adult gift shop. Near the front, it was very tame. There were sexy costumes, and massage lotions. Further in, the wares turned naughty. There were dildos and vibrators in every shape, size and color. Theo pointed to a set of open crotch panties with an open-nipple bra. She could tell he was imagining what she would look like wearing only those. She smiled at him and led him deeper.

Toward the back of the store, there was bondage equipment, and other fetish gear. Theo's eyes were bugged out as he looked at the ball gags and riding crops. He barely noticed as Angelique bought a plain black leather collar with a short silver leash. He even laughed when she made him put it on to check the size.

As soon as he had the collar in place, she gave the leash a tug. The collar was designed to pull just a little tighter with a tug, and it scared him. As he reached to remove the collar she gave it another tug.

"Don't touch the collar, or I'll pull and hold it tight," she commanded. His eyes went wide with surprise. "Now, get on your knees, follow me, and do as you’re told."

She gave the chain a tug when he didn't move.

He quickly moved to his knees as he started to say, "Angel..."

Another tug silenced him. "You are not to speak," she commanded. His jaw worked like he was going to complain, but he looked at the leash and kept silent. She gave him a smile, and then she bent to give him a warm kiss.

"Keep following directions, and there are plenty of rewards for you," she said with a smile. The smile faded quickly. "Don't make me tug the chain," she reminded him.

With that, she turned and stepped to an unmarked black door at the back of the shop. She gave it two smart raps.

After a moment or two, a deep voice from a hidden speaker said, "Go away." It was hard to tell if it was a man or a woman.

"Vera sent me," Angelique said confidently.

The door opened, and a mountain of a woman stepped out. Her dark eyes appraised the couple.

"The Mistress is out," she pronounced in her deep voice. "Is this a tribute, or a solo adventure?"

"What do you mean?" Angelique asked. She already knew the answer, but she wanted Theo to hear the answer.

The larger woman looked Theo up and down. "Some slaves will bring in pets for the Mistress to abuse, as a tribute. As I said, the Mistress is out." She gave Angelique a measuring look. "Some young Mistresses will bring in their slaves to test them and then offer rewards or punishment."

"Solo," Angelique answered right away.

"There will be watchers," the mountain informed her.

"Let them watch," Angelique insisted. "I'm not afraid to unleash him if they try to touch."

"So be it," the woman agreed. She stepped aside as she pushed the door open.

Angelique had been watching Theo's eyes throughout her discussion with the woman. Rather than fear, it was anticipation that she saw in his eyes. She knew it wouldn't long until she was rewarding him. She decided right away that his first reward would be the opportunity to lick her to orgasm. She heard herself moan as she considered the pleasures they would share after that.

Angelique heard Theo swallow deeply, and she opened her eyes. She was still in the gift shop, waiting for a kiss.


Their eyes met again, and they both blushed. They could each see their own fantasy reflected in the other's eyes.

"You better buy me a flower, before we both get in trouble," Angelique suggested.

Theo smiled as he handed her the single bud, and she raised it to her nose.

"Will you...?" she started to ask.

"May I...?" he asked at the same time, and they both laughed. He deferred to her.

"Were you going to ask me to invite you to breakfast, or were you wondering where my mind just went?" she asked sweetly.

"If yours went where mine did, we will get in trouble," he teased. "May I meet you here for breakfast?" he asked.

"Yes, please," she answered with a smile. "But you must promise that you will take me to dinner tomorrow night." She blushed as she smiled at him. "Maybe we can go for a walk afterwards, and we can compare our fantasies."

He blushed as he returned her smile. "I don't know if that's a good idea. Mine was a little bit dark."

"Well, then," she said as she leaned in and gave him a quick kiss, "If it was only just a little, we're definitely going to hear yours first!"

Written by bad_mann_ers
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