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Renaistre Beach

"Can a single perfect day alter the course of one's life?"

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It was a perfect day.

Seabirds cried and wheeled overhead as I walked through the sand near the water’s edge, studiously avoiding the rocky patches that dotted this secluded beach in Northern California. The air was warm, much warmer than usual for February, and I planned to take full advantage of nature’s sunny gift.

My visit today was impromptu, with no specific goal in mind. A bit of exercise seemed prudent, perhaps followed by a hike through the adjacent hills. As I sweated and slogged through the deep sand, it certainly felt like I’d achieved a cardio workout. And afterward, the boulder fields surrounding this isolated beach would provide plenty of exploration opportunities. Fortunately, I came well-prepared, carrying supplies in a small backpack and a compact cooler filled with ice and beer.

Weather this warm meant the beach was busy, with clusters of singles, couples, and families scattered here and there. Some played in the sand while others dozed, and the air was filled with the shrieks of those brave enough to test the still-chilly ocean waves. Overlaying it all were the joyful sounds of kids just being kids.

I’d been visiting this beach for several years, and it was my favorite spot to unwind and experience nature’s beauty. Needing relief from my boring corporate career and solitary existence, an office friend suggested that I check out the secluded beaches our area had to offer. After visiting several, I finally settled on Renaistre Beach as having the best combination of visual interest and moderate crowds.

Many of the faces I passed today were familiar, and smiles and greetings were exchanged as I meandered along. The regulars formed a close-knit community, and it always felt good being among people who felt connected to a location. And after three years of visiting, I recognized almost everyone I saw. That is, until I reached a large group who had set up near the end of the shoreline. Here the beach turned rocky, with hundreds of large boulders covering the rising slope into the surrounding hills.

There were several dozen people, a mix of kids, senior citizens, and everything in between. At that moment, a sandcastle-building competition was underway, so I stopped to watch the fun. Some of the younger children were simply dumping buckets of sand for their creations, while others used sticks and spoons to carve elaborate architectural details. I was so focused on the activity, I didn’t notice that someone had approached me.

“They really throw themselves into the contest, don’t they?”

Startled, I turned toward the voice and saw a thirty-something woman beaming a radiant smile. She was striking, with shoulder-length red hair and the deepest blue eyes I’d ever seen. Uncharacteristically for me, I felt an instant connection to her as my eyes skimmed over her bikini-clad body.

“Oh, hi,” I finally stammered. “Yes, especially the two older boys building what looks to be the Taj Mahal. They have some serious skills.”

“That’s Robbie and Sam. They’re brothers who compete over everything. My name’s Caitlin, by the way. Nice to meet you.”

“Hi Caitlin, I’m Bill, nice to meet you too. I don’t believe I’ve seen you guys around before. Is this your first time?”

She paused and then replied, “We’d been coming here for years, but then life became complicated, and the family took a break, until today. This is our first time visiting in a long while. We’re a rowdy bunch, so we like to stay at the far end of the beach to not disturb anyone.”

We chatted for a few minutes until she led me to a large umbrella near the edge of the group. She pointed to a few people, giving me brief details as to their names and how they were related to her. Everyone was so focused on the sandcastle constructions, no one even noticed I was there.

Eventually, we sat in the umbrella’s shade and I pulled out a beer and offered it to her. We clinked bottles and as I took a long pull of the frosty lager, I could see Caitlin checking me out. In my thirties, I kept myself in good shape and hoped my physique didn’t disappoint her. She appeared to be around my age and clearly took care of herself too.

Two beers and an hour of conversation later, sandcastle building had evolved into a dance competition, and I realized I was smitten with her. I was subtly trying to find out if she was single when two young girls approached us and my heart sank. They were identical twins, with the same striking blue eyes and red hair as Caitlin. Seems their iPad was acting up, and they wanted Caitlin to help. She briefly introduced me to Emily and Grace, before setting to work on their tablet. After some furious typing and a few creative curse words, the issue was resolved and Caitlin sent them on their way.

“Your daughters?” I asked, draining the last of my beer and thinking it was time to move on.

She laughed and said, “No, they’re my sister’s kids. Mona’s over there, the tall redhead with a ponytail.  I’m childless, but lately we’ve become so close, they might as well be mine. The two even made me this bracelet.”

She waved her hand near me and I saw a simple plastic bead bracelet with both girls’ names.

“Yeah, no kids for me either,” I replied, feeling relieved. “Somehow, children never fit into the equation for me.”

Silence fell over us as we both thought about our life choices. It confused me as to why not having kids suddenly felt like I’d messed up. There was still time to be a father, I thought. Maybe it was the bustle of joyous activity in front of me, or the fact that Caitlin seemed lost in deep thought.

I waited for a beat and said, “Penny for your thoughts?”

She startled, almost as if waking from sleep.

“Hey, feel like taking a walk?” she asked, a bit loudly, perhaps sensing that the mood had darkened. “There are paths through the boulders and even some shady spots.”

Without waiting for a reply, Caitlin grabbed my hand and I picked up my backpack and cooler and followed. She led me through a gap in the boulders and within seconds the party noise subsided, and the only sounds were the ocean breeze and waves crashing on the rocky beach. For several minutes, we wound our way through dozens of boulders until we reached a cave formed by a jumble of huge stones. Inside, there was plenty of room for two, and it was shady with a thick layer of windblown sand as a floor.

“This is my secret spot,” Caitlin whispered, though no one else was around to hear her. “In the past, when the family got too boisterous, I used to sneak away and come here to drink wine and think about life.”

“Nice and secluded,” I agreed. “And there’s plenty of room to stretch out and be comfortable. The entrance is even tall enough for us to walk upright.”

We entered the space and the air temperature dropped significantly. Between the deep shade and salt breeze, it was quite inviting. Digging through my backpack, I found a large blanket and spread it over the soft sand.

Caitlin laughed, “Were you a Boy Scout? Looks like you’re well-prepared.”

“Ha, never a Scout. I just like to be comfortable.”

We sat and I cracked open two more beers. We chatted about our lives and how we’d come to find this beach. I told her about my boring career in finance and learned that she’d once been a physician, but no longer was. But when I tried to probe further, she seemed reluctant to say anything more. Wanting to keep the conversation moving, I mentioned a promotion I was chasing as another tiresome rung on the corporate ladder.

 “I never liked ladders,” she replied. “Too linear. I prefer a more varied path with lots of exciting side adventures. Though to be honest, I’ve since learned that exciting and dangerous can be two sides of the same coin. But what’s the point of living if you aren’t willing to take a few risks?”

After three beers I had a slight buzz and while it seemed that her comments needed more context, I suspected it was better to save any secrets for another time. For now, I didn’t want to risk killing the mood. Instead, I moved closer and took her hand in mine.

“Caitlin, I know we’ve just met, but I feel a spark and would love to get to know you better. Would you be interested in dinner one night?”

Her pause seemed to stretch on forever, and I could see real sadness in her eyes. Now my brain began to whirl. Was she married? Did she not find me interesting? Did I not measure up? Finally, she broke the silence.

“Yes, I feel a spark too. But sadly, it could never work. I’m no longer from this area, and I had to travel quite far just to be with my family again. And I know from experience that long-distance relationships never work.”

I started to object, but she shushed me. And in reality, I knew she was right. Long distance sucked.

“What I’ve learned,” she said softly as she moved closer to me, “is that every moment counts, and we should seize any opportunity before us, rather than wait for another day.”

We stared into each other’s eyes, silence filling the surrounding space. Her eyes widened as I leaned in to kiss her. The soft touch of our lips was electric, a million ripples running through our bodies. Then our eyes closed, and we pulled each other into a tight embrace, tongues meeting for the first time.

After several minutes, we broke for air and sat back, both breathing hard. My cock was semi-erect, forming a bulge along the leg of my shorts and Caitlin’s nipples were now stiff points, poking the thin fabric of her lavender bikini bra. Her pale skin was flushed from her cheeks to the patch between her breasts, emphasizing her beauty.

“Wow,” she exclaimed. “It’s been a while for me, and I think I forgot how good kissing can be. And from the look of your cock, it seems you’re enjoying this too?”

“Yeah,” I laughed. “Work’s been so busy, I haven’t had much time to date. Then suddenly, you come into my life and make me remember what I’ve been missing.”

I leaned in to kiss her again and groaned as she squeezed my cock through my shorts.

“Why don’t you undress and show me what you’re hiding?” she cooed.

As I quickly shed my clothing, Caitlin yanked the strings of her bikini and tossed the skimpy garment aside. Now we were both fully exposed, and my cock instantly became erect as my eyes drank in her stunning beauty.

“Caitlin, my god, you are gorgeous…”

She blushed at my compliment as she grasped my cock and slowly stroked the entire length.

“Thank you for saying that. It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt pretty. And you look damn hot yourself.”

Moving closer, we kissed as I touched her toned abdomen and slid upwards, cupping her soft breasts in my hands. My fingers massaged Caitlin’s tits, palms rubbing over warm stiff nipples. A deep sigh escaped her lips.

Moving my lips to her neck, I trailed wet kisses down her chest, finally taking an areola into my warm mouth. I sucked her tit as my tongue slid over her rigid peak, causing her to gasp. Moving my lips from breast to breast, my hand drifted lower to the downy softness of her pubic patch. Her hair was trimmed short, tight curls of scarlet slipping sensuously between my fingers.

“Goddamn, Bill,” she groaned, “this is magnificent torture. Please don’t stop.”

“Mmm,” I mumbled, my mouth full of her breast.

My fingertips slid over the little button of her clit, and her hips bucked involuntarily. Pushing deeper, I drifted through the warm, soft petals of her labia, slippery wetness coating my fingers. As I reached the bottom of her cleft, I detoured around her vagina and worked my way further between her legs. Finding her tight rosebud, I used my slippery fingertip to massage her anus, dipping inside just a bit.

“Oh, oh! Be careful, ass play is new to me.”

“No worries,” I said as I kissed my way down to her tummy. “It’s just a bit of foreplay.”

As my lips touched her pubic hair, she tightened the grip on my cock, signaling her heightened excitement. My tongue kissed through her soft curls until I felt the fully engorged bump of her clit. Using my lips, I kissed her little pearl and then sucked it into my mouth, caressing it with my tongue. Again, her hips lifted with pleasure, pushing her pussy harder against my mouth.

Her excitement was so intense, it broke the rhythm of stroking my cock as she gave herself fully to the pleasure I was providing. While sucking her clit, I moved my fingertips to the entrance of her vagina, feeling her heat and wetness. It was easy to slide a finger inside her velvet sheath, enjoying her snugness. My cock ached in response, and I knew I’d need relief soon.

I finger fucked her with one, then two digits, pushing her up the long slope toward a climax. She had her fingers knotted in my hair, pressing my face firmly against her hot pussy.

“Oh God, that feels so good,” she moaned, her words echoing in the small space.

I moved over her thighs as I continued to eat her out. My face was slick with her essence, and my rock-hard cock was pushing the blanket into the sand. Caitlin bent her knees and opened her legs wider, giving me better access, and as I suckled her clit, her body shook mightily as an orgasm hit. Her pelvis lifted as she dug her bare feet into the sand, and I moved my hands under her ass and squeezed both cheeks.

“Bill, oh Bill, goddamn, it’s too much. I’m exploding…”

Her body stiffened completely as her climax peaked, and we both rode the wave for a full minute before she relaxed back onto the blanket. We were breathing hard and as I moved off her pussy, I saw her big smile.

“Hi there,” I said with a grin. “Has anyone told you how beautiful you look after cumming?”

“Not particularly,” she cooed. “But then no one has ever made me cum this hard before. Your mouth and fingers were magic.”

I moved up beside her and grabbed two beers from the cooler. They were still icy, and the cold liquid felt great on my parched throat. In the afterglow, we kissed and drank while we slowly recovered from our sex play. All the while, my cock remained a stiff spike, waiting for relief.

Noting my condition, she said, “If we don’t do something about your cock, I fear it might break off. I’m tempted to give you a blowjob, but what I really want is for you to scratch the itch I have deep inside me.”

Hastily tossing my half-empty beer aside, I took her into my arms and kissed her hard. As our tongues danced, I moved between her legs and she spread herself wide for me. Grasping my shaft, I wiped my cockhead through her wet, warm pussy lips before moving to the entrance of her vagina. Her heat was intense and as I pushed forward, my glans slipped easily into her tight sheath.

I paused, enjoying her firm grip on my penis, loving how my entire head was being squeezed.

“Oh, oh, it’s been a while,” she groaned. “Please be gentle with me.”

 After a minute, I pushed in a bit farther and moaned as a few inches of my shaft were enveloped in her wet heat. My body tingled with pleasure and I had to tamp down my libido, lest I cum too quickly.

“Ah, that’s better,” she sighed, “it feels wonderful now. Can you go deeper?”

In one continuous push, I slipped fully inside her until our pubes were crushed together. I settled more of my weight onto her as we kissed. Her breasts felt fantastic on my chest, stiff nipples poking my skin. As I began to thrust, my chest rubbed her nipples, making them even harder.

Using short strokes, I set up a slow rhythm as I made love to Caitlin. Her body responded as she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. After a few minutes, she began to thrust upwards, matching my stroke. In response, I shifted to long, deep strokes, pulling out almost completely before plunging fully into her again.

With each deep stroke, she emitted a little grunt of pleasure that turned me on more than I could believe. I sped up the pace, trying to drive farther with each thrust. Caitlin wrapped her legs around my thighs and pulled me deeper, allowing my cockhead to just kiss her cervix with each plunge. We were both sweating buckets now, and my heart rate was off the charts.

I reached the point of no return and just as I opened my mouth to ask if I should pull out, my climax exploded. A burning jet of semen shot out of my cock and blasted Caitlin’s cervix. A second jet quickly followed, and I heard her cry.

“Oh, I can feel you cumming! It’s so warm!”

As she called out, she climaxed and her body shivered as the orgasm rolled through. Her vagina clamped down on my cock and I felt ripples along my shaft as she milked my semen. Now we were both grunting as I continued to pound her pussy and spurt more ropes of seed into her body. I hadn’t cum this hard since I was a teenager, and it felt like I’d attained nirvana.

Slowly, our bodies relaxed as our orgasms faded, and we gulped air into our starved lungs. We were drenched with sweat and the cave seemed much warmer than before. As our breathing calmed, we resumed kissing, allowing my cock to remain inside her snug sheath. But far too soon, I softened and slipped out of her embrace.

“I need another beer,” I croaked, my throat parched from the exertion.

Caitlin smiled weakly and nodded her head in agreement as we untangled ourselves and sat up. I grabbed the last two beers and handed her one. We clinked bottles and each took a long pull of the cold brew. We were flushed from exertion and both riding the post-coitus high of mind-blowing sex.

“Caitlin, sweetheart. I know this might sound like a line, but that was the best sex I’ve ever had. You are a wonderful lover.”

She smiled and nodded her head. “I believe you when you say that because I feel the same way. Sex has usually been good with most of my partners, but there’s something about you that pushes all my buttons to the max. I only wish we’d met years ago. Maybe life would have gone differently. But I’m glad we got together, if only for today.”

“Considering what just happened, perhaps we should rethink the long-distance never works thing? With passion this intense, wouldn’t a relationship be worth trying?”

In the dim light, I could see her eyes moisten with tears, and I knew the answer was going to be no. As much as I wanted this, for whatever reason, she didn’t. And I had to respect that.

“I’m sorry, I can’t. Even though I love being with you today, I know in my heart that the intensity was partly due to this being a one-time thing. Though it pains me to say it, sometimes the universe grants us a single perfect day, and we need to be grateful for it. Okay?”

Just as I opened my mouth to beg, distant voices called for Caitlin. Girls’ voices. I guess they knew about her secret spot.

“Quick,” she hissed, throwing my shorts at me. “Get dressed, we only have a minute.”

We yanked on our clothes mere seconds before her two nieces appeared at the entrance, peering into the dim interior.

“Aunt Caitlin?” Emily asked, or maybe it was Grace. I didn’t really know which was which.

“I’m here, Grace,” Caitlin replied. “Is everything okay?”

“We’re tired and want to go home now. Can you take us, please?”

Caitlin smiled sadly and looked at me. “I’m sorry, but I think it’s time for us to leave. I’d hoped there would have been more time, but…”

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I tried to hide my annoyance and said, “I understand, but if the girls want to go home, why do you need to take them? Shouldn’t their mother handle that?”

Caitlin gently touched my arm before taking my hand.

“There’s nothing I’d like more than to spend a few more hours with you, but things with my sister are complicated, and I’ve sort of become responsible now for Emily and Grace. Please try to understand.”

We stood, and she took me into her arms and kissed me. Ignoring the teasing from the girls, we hugged for the last time. Another quick kiss and she was gone, taking Emily and Grace with her. I should have left with them, but I was annoyed at the interruption. Instead, I just slumped back onto the blanket and thought about what had happened today. An encounter like ours was once in a lifetime, and not giving our relationship a chance seemed wrong.

As I worked on the last of my beer, fatigue overtook me and without realizing it, I fell fast asleep. When I awoke, the sun was low in the sky, but fortunately, our footprints in the sand were still visible enough to follow back to the main beach. I was saddened to see Caitlin’s family had cleared out too, and most of the beach was now empty. With a heavy heart, I trudged through the sand back to my car and drove home.


For the next week, I couldn’t focus on anything except Caitlin. How could I let her slip away from me like that? In just a few hours, she’d become more important to me than anyone, ever. Distance be damned, my brain screamed. She was worth fighting for. It was then I decided that I’d quit my job and move near where she lived so we could be close. This would at least give our relationship a fighting chance. But before I could do that, I needed to find out her address.

So, I took a leave of absence from my job and started going to the beach every day, hoping that her family would visit again. Caitlin had mentioned that her family used to frequent the beach and now that they were coming again, it should just be a matter of time. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a long time.

After a month of daily visits, I switched to four times a week, concentrating on the weekends. When another few months passed without success, I reluctantly returned to my job and hit the beach on weekends. A full eight months after Caitlin and I met, my luck finally turned. It was another Saturday, and as I walked the beach, I realized that a large group had gathered by the boulders at the edge of the shoreline.

I’d been fooled by large groups before, but as I got closer, I could see several redheads and my pulse quickened. I began jogging and then running as I approached the crowd. I was now close enough to see faces I recognized, relatives that Caitlin had pointed out to me. My heart was in my throat as I walked up to the closest person, an older man setting up an umbrella.

“Excuse me, sir? My name is Bill Jennings and I visited this beach in February when you all were here for a party.”

He squinted at me, shading his eyes from the sun, and said, “Hello Bill. My name’s Liam. Yes, we were here last February, but I don’t recall seeing you. What’s this about?”

“Oh, thank God. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you. I’ve been coming here for months, hoping I’d see you all again. I was worried that you might never return.”

Liam looked at me without smiling and said, “That’s all interesting, but what’s this got to do with me and my family?”

“Sorry, I know I’m babbling. I’m just so excited. Let me explain. When I was here in February, I met one of your family, and we kind of hit it off. But she said she lived far away, and I never thought to ask for her phone number. Since then, I’ve been trying to reconnect.”

Now he looked annoyed. “Son, I think you have the wrong family. There are almost thirty of us and we’re all local. No one lives far from this beach. Who is it you think you met?”

“Her name is Caitlin, shoulder-length red hair, dark blue eyes. About thirty-five. She was…”

Now Liam’s face darkened, and he scowled at me. “Mister, I don’t know who the fuck you are or what scam you’re trying to run, but you have five seconds to leave, or I’m going to kick you in the balls!”

“Wait, no,” I protested, putting my hands up in defense. “It’s no scam. I was walking the beach last February and Caitlin approached me, and she was the sweetest woman I’ve ever met, and I just wanted to get my phone number to her. You can ask her nieces Emily or Grace, I met them too!”

That’s when he rushed me. He closed the gap so quickly, I was caught flat-footed as he barreled into me, knocking me to the sand. He jumped on top of me and began punching, all the time cursing at the top of his lungs. I managed to push him off, but he wouldn’t stop and charged me again.

By now, his screaming had attracted attention, and several of the younger men rushed over to intervene. Liam was wild, and it took several minutes for him to calm down enough to speak coherently. The entire family had now gathered around us, all glaring at me. I just stood, with my arms by my side, trying to stay calm and look passive.

“This bastard,” Liam spit, “is trying to either scam us or maybe something even worse with his lies. He needs to leave. Now!”

One of the men glared at me and stepped closer. “That true, friend? You trying to start some trouble?”

“No, no trouble, I assure you. I’m just trying to reconnect with Caitlin. We met here last February and...”

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd, and even the man in front of me grimaced.

“See, Conor, I told you. He’s here to make trouble.”

Conor stepped closer to me, fists now balled. “I think you need to leave now, friend. While you still can.”

I stepped back two paces and said, “But I don’t understand. I just want to get my phone number to Caitlin, and if she doesn’t want to reconnect, then at least I tried. Why is such a simple request causing this anger? I even met her nieces, Emily and Grace. They can at least confirm we met.”

Suddenly several of the women erupted in sobs, and before I could react, Conor closed the distance and punched me solidly on the chin, dropping me like I was nothing. When I came to, I’d been dragged into the shade of an umbrella and an older woman was applying a wet cloth to my forehead.

“I don’t know who you are, mister,” she muttered, “but once you can stand, you need to get out of here. You stirred up a pile of emotions, and no one is thinking kindly about you right now.”

“But why?” I asked. “Did something happen since you all were last here?”

She looked around, making sure no one was close, and leaned in to whisper. “I can’t even guess who you met or where you got those names, but Caitlin, Emily, and Grace died on this beach five years ago, God rest their souls. They drowned in the ocean, and we stopped coming here for a long time. Last February twenty-third was the fifth anniversary of their deaths, and we decided to come back to honor them. So, there’s no way you met them this year.”

I was stunned. “That’s impossible, I spat. I met Caitlin. I kissed her. For God's sake, we made love!”

Now she looked at me with a mixture of pity and annoyance. “Conor must have clocked you right hard. You aren’t thinking straight. I saw their bodies, I cried at the funeral. There’s no way in heaven that Caitlin is who you saw this year.”

I had no response. My head hurt, and her words made no sense. I knew what she was telling me couldn’t be true, but it was obvious the family was delusional, and I wasn’t going to get anywhere with them.

“Here, drink some water and then see if you can stand.”

I sipped the icy water, which made my head hurt even more. I struggled to stand and managed to get to my feet without wobbling too much. But standing had attracted attention, and I could see many angry glances aimed at me.

I mumbled, “Thank you for taking care of me, and for the water. I don’t understand what’s going on, but I’ll leave now. I don’t want any more trouble.”

Without glancing back, I stumbled away, trudging through the hot sand to the parking lot where my car awaited. I managed to start the car and open the windows, but it was a long time before my brain cleared enough to let me drive home.


A few days after my misadventure, my head had stopped hurting, and I was able to ponder what I’d been told. Despite her good intentions, the woman who provided care and spun the preposterous death story must have just been trying to get rid of me. One way to find out, I thought, as I signed on to our local newspaper’s, the Plainsville Ledger, website.

I paid the subscription fee and searched the archives, looking for the February twenty-fourth edition, five years ago. As I waited for the cursor to stop spinning and the page to load, I took a long pull of my beer, thinking back to that magical day when I first saw Caitlin’s cobalt blue eyes.

A ping announced that the page had loaded, and as the image appeared, I froze. Before me were three full-color photos of Caitlin, Emily, and Grace, under the headline:

Three family members lost in tragic accident’.

My beer tumbled to the floor as I read the scant text.

On February twenty-third at approximately one o’clock in the afternoon, three members of a large family who came to visit the secluded Renaistre Beach, drowned when they were unable to escape a deadly riptide. Caitlin Walsh, thirty-five, and her twin nieces Grace and Emily Ryan were excited to try out a birthday-gift float toy, and despite the chilly water and family’s concerns, the three went swimming anyway. Within minutes, they found themselves trapped in a powerful riptide that carried them almost two miles away.

Despite attempts by the family and local lifeguards to rescue them, the strong current drove the three hapless swimmers against the boulder-strewn shoreline, where they were injured by blunt force trauma and eventually drowned. The coast guard recovered their bodies a few hours later, several miles from the site of the accident.

Ms. Walsh was a physician at Methodist Hospital, while Emily and Grace were students at a local private school. Services for the three will be held at Mountain View Cemetery on the twenty-eighth. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Plainsville food bank, where the three deceased frequently volunteered their time.

I reread the article until my eyes were too blurred from tears to continue. An icy chill worked its way along my spine as I thought about what this all meant. I was not a believer in ghost stories and quickly pushed those thoughts aside. My brain pondered the conundrum for hours, until I could only conclude that I’d suffered some sort of hallucination in February. Perhaps I’d read this article years ago and while I was hallucinating, my brain wove an elaborate fantasy incorporating these people. Nothing else made sense.

Of course, from an emotional standpoint, knowing it was imaginary didn’t lessen the loss I felt. My feelings for Caitlin were genuine, even if what I thought I’d experienced wasn’t. But no matter how logically I tried to view the situation, part of me would not let go of the belief that it had all been real.

Wanting to do something, anything, I decided to return to the beach and look for Caitlin’s cave. Even though it had been almost nine months, I was confident I could find it again. The next morning I went back and walked the two miles to the boulder field. Finding the first gap in the boulders was easy because it was right by a concrete trash receptacle.

But once inside the maze of boulders, it became more difficult. Our footprints were long gone, but I knew we hadn’t walked that far. Today, the majority of caves I passed were small, nothing like the large space we’d visited. It was just a matter of searching methodically.

Several frustrating hours later, I was ready to give up when I spied a shadow from the corner of my eye. Turning, I looked up the slope and saw a large dark expanse marking another cave entrance. I followed the path and breathed a sigh of relief as I recognized the place Caitlin had led me to. I steeled myself and stepped through the entrance.

Inside, it was hard to be sure, but I thought I saw some old footprints. The sea winds had erased most of it, making it impossible to be sure. Disappointed, I kicked my way through the sand in frustration. My third kick struck something solid, and I used my hands to dig. I unearthed a beer bottle, and as I knocked the sand off, I recognized my brand. Thinking back, this must be the bottle I threw aside when Caitlin invited me to fuck her. Of course, my rational side whispered, plenty of people drink this beer. Anyone could have left it here.

Now I was even more determined. Dropping to my knees, I methodically ran my fingers through the sand, looking for other clues. Ten minutes later, I felt something, deep down. Frantically, I clawed the sand and came up with a multicolored bracelet, made of square plastic beads. I recognized it instantly as the one Caitlin was wearing when we met. Each cube had a letter in black, neatly spelling out the names Emily and Grace. It must have slipped off her wrist as we passionately wrestled on the blanket.

Back home, I sat in my study staring at the bracelet. Here was proof that what I’d experienced was real. But the newspaper article and dust up with her family were also real. How could both storylines be true? This was a mystery I feared would never be solved. Even if I dared approach the family again and showed them the bracelet, they’d never believe it. Rather, they’d assume it was just another scam on my part. I felt so defeated.

With no real options, I went back to my job and my life, as it was, and tried to put the experience behind me. Most days, I succeeded, but the nights were another thing entirely. Sleep became difficult, and night after night I dreamed of Caitlin, Grace, and Emily. It was always the same, a simple rerun of my memories, played out like a video. Nothing ever changed. No matter how many times I dreamt of them, the details were always the same, until one night, they weren’t.

It was a restless night in late January, almost a full year since my saga began. I’d developed a heavy drinking habit, and this evening I’d hit the bottle even harder than usual. Passed out in my recliner, TV sound muted, I again dreamt of Caitlin. But this time, it was different. In this dream, she simply stood near me and whispered in my ear, telling me things that made no sense. But it was Caitlin, so I listened, boy did I listen. And as the dream faded, if anyone had been standing in the room watching me sleep, they would have seen me smile and nod.


I’d been counting the days since my mystery dream, and at last, it was February 23rd again. Grabbing a pen and paper, I wrote a short note explaining what led me to this moment and outlined a simple will, giving all my money and possessions to the Plainsville food bank. I smiled, knowing Caitlin and the girls would have been proud of me for my charity. I sealed the envelope and propped it up on my desk, making it easy for the authorities to find. Grabbing my backpack, I hit the road for the final hours of my life.

I made it to Renaistre Beach without incident, locked my car, grabbed my bag, and traversed the soft, sandy expanse. As in the past, I nodded and acknowledged several people along the way, trying to look as normal as possible while my insides roiled with nervousness. Finally, I made it to the gap in the boulders, by the concrete trash bin, and walked the path to Caitlin’s cave.

Minutes later, I reached the cave and stepped inside. Here, it was much cooler, and as I opened my backpack and spread the blanket, I began crying. I wasn’t sure why, but a well of emotions had opened, and the stress of the past year poured out. I cried for what I’d lost and for what Caitlin’s family had lost. I cried for the end of this life and a future I’d now never know. And I cried for the unknown that awaited me.

Looking at my watch, I saw it was nearly one o’clock. Time to get moving. I sat on the blanket and took a single, warm, bottle of beer from my backpack. I also pulled out Caitlin’s bracelet and stretched it over my hand onto my wrist. It was too small for me, and for a frightful moment, I thought it might break, ruining everything. But it didn’t break, and I held my hand in the air, admiring how the tight band cut into my flesh.

Checking the time again, it was now one o’clock, so I removed the already loosened bottle cap and took a deep swallow of the warm, slightly chemically tasting beer. Suds overflowed the bottle and onto my lap, and despite my fear, I managed a small smile at the mess. This was it, now or never. I took another big gulp of the bitter brew, closed my eyes, and thought of Caitlin.

What happened next is hard to explain. I may have fallen asleep, though that seemed unlikely given my heightened stress level. But I do know that a cool breeze wafted through the space, and when I opened my eyes, beautiful Caitlin stood before me. She wore the same lavender bikini as when we’d first met, and which I now knew was what she wore on the day she died. I tried to speak, but could form no words. Seeing my distress, she smiled and spoke for me.

“I know, it’s confusing. Just give yourself time to adjust. I’m happy you understood my message. Dreams can be tricky things to manipulate.”

I tried to get up but found myself frozen. Again I attempted to speak, but still couldn’t. This time, she frowned and shook her head at me.

“Just allow yourself to relax. The paralysis is temporary, but a necessary step for what comes next. Soon it will be impossible to breathe, but try not to panic. You must trust me.”

Minutes later, as my brain screamed for breath, Caitlin knelt, took me in her arms, and kissed me, tongue sliding between my stiff lips. Though I couldn’t move, her kiss sent electric shocks through my body and I felt joy no words could ever describe. Just her touch was sufficient to eliminate my fear and make me understand that I was precisely where I needed to be.

“It’s time,” she whispered. “Take my hand, you can stand now.”

Stiffly, sluggishly, I rose to my feet and took her into my arms. Hugging tightly, we kissed, and the last thing my mind registered was intense love and magnificent happiness, as a cool breeze whirled around us and my vision faded. Outside the cave, the lonely observer of what just occurred was an aging seagull, who squawked in alarm and frantically flew away when the surrounding rocks were bathed in blinding, lavender light.


From the Plainsville Ledger, dated June 24th, page four:

Local resident, William Jennings, 35, was found dead in a cave along the border of Renaistre Beach yesterday. Two hikers, taking a break in one of the many caves, found Mr. Jennings's remains and called the police. The coroner reported that the death appears to be by natural causes, but an autopsy will be performed due to the deceased’s age and apparent good health. Authorities estimate that Mr. Jennings died between three and six months ago.

A wallet belonging to Mr. Jennings along with other personal effects were found with his remains. Also found was a broken bead bracelet with the names Grace and Emily on it. Police ask that anyone with information about Mr. Jennings, Grace, or Emily, to please contact them.


Thank you for making it to the end of a different style of story from me. I wanted to write a tale where sex was an integral part, but also optional. And if the sex scene was rewritten to be more PG-rated, then the story would still be interesting.

Hopefully, I’ve succeeded and you found it worthy of your time. Any feedback, positive or negative, will be appreciated! - Nightwish


Written by nightwish
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