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Obey Him - Part One

"Who the hell is X!"

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Getting into work, I notice an envelopesitting on top of my pile of work. I set it to the side and sort out the pile of paperwork cluttering my desk. I figure it is just another 'get together' the girls from the office do once in a while. My job is filing paperwork and mostly computer stuff. It keeps me away from people, which is what I like most about my job.

I can faintly smell the scent of a man from the envelope, which sends a shiver down my spine. In it, is a single piece of paper, which reads:


It’s about time we stop pretending and just get on with it. We both know this is what we want. Why keep beating around the bush. Just let go.



X? Who the hell is X? Is this some kind of joke someone is pulling on me? I look around my little cubical, waiting for someone to start laughing, but no one does. I fold the letter and stuff it in my purse. I have too much work to do, to over-think this. It is hard not to think about it all morning as I do my work. I am baffled at who would play that kind of joke on me... I only work with ladies, so that doesn't make any sense. The only men I see in the work place, are the UPS guys and the maintenance man. It doesn't make sense for it to be him, he is in his seventies!

It is time for lunch, finally, so I grab my lunch and head towards the lounge, where I know all the girls will be. If the joke is from one of them, surely they will say something then... Right? I get there and all the ladies are talking about their weekend plans. They all say their hellos and smile asking me how my weekend went. No one seems like they have a secret or a joke. Of course, now I am even more confused at what is going on.

So, I ask them outright...

“Did anyone put, or see anyone else, put a letter on my desk today?”

The ladies stop talking and look at me with a bit of confusion, themselves. They all look at each other and back at me, waiting for one of them to answer... It is Emily who speaks up first.

“Well I was the first one here today and I saw no one go near your desk except, Lily to give you your daily work... Lily?”

Emily turns to see if Lily might know. I hold my breath, in hopes she might know something, but the letter was on top of the pile, so she might not.

Lily looks at Emily, then me with a shrug. “I saw no letter, nothing looked out of place. What did the letter say?”

“Don't ask her that! That's personal, don't you think?” Sadie hisses at Emily, as if everyone, including herself, wasn't already thinking it. At least Emily had the guts to ask.

“It wasn't anything important, just has me baffled. I think someone is playing a joke on me. Don't worry about it,” I say lightly, wanting to change the subject now. I get up and pick up my lunch mess, throwing it away. I say my byes as I head back to my cubical.

I haven’t even made it all the way to my desk before I see it. It’s another letter! I slowly go to my desk and pick it up. It, again, smells of the mystery man, another shiver goes down my back. I look in my purse and, sure enough, the other is still there. I open it with a slight nervous feeling, boiling up in my stomach, but also an excitement; it is kind of fun in some weird way. It is almost like watching a horror film, the suspense building up, as something scary is about to happen, but you can’t wait for it to happen.

I open it and it reads:

My sweet Alex,

I see you've been working hard today, such a good girl. Have you figured it out yet? Who I am? Come on Alex, I know you feel the same way as I do. Just give in. I have so many plans for us. I want you to come away with me for the week. Today is Thursday you've got time to tell your boss that you need the time off next week... Do it. This is not a request, I'm telling you. I want you to pack only what you think you'll need for a week. I'll provide the rest.



I sit dumbfounded, looking at the letter. I re-read it over and over in my head. Who is this person, who does he think he is, telling me what to do? But yet, without me even knowing who he is, I want to obey him. To do exactly what he is telling me to do... He is telling me, not asking me. This makes me yearn for him. It makes my pussy ache with a deep lust for a man I don’t even know. I'm going crazy! I stuff the letter in my purse, along with the other one. I try to do the rest of my daily work as my mind spins with everything that is happening.

Once my break comes at mid afternoon, I grab my purse to go get a coffee. I need a pick-me-up. I am debating on if I am going to follow through with what “X” wants of me, or not. Can I really just take a week off and do what? Go some place with a stranger? Though he speaks to me, like he knows me but, yet I can’t piece it together. My mind is going crazy. If anything, I suppose I can enjoy the week by myself in my apartment if it is all a joke. That isn't so bad, right? I head back to my office passing the maintenance man. He smiles at me and says hello. How silly was I, to think such an old man would do something like that?

I get back to my desk, half expecting to see another letter, but there is none. I am actually disappointed. I bite my lower lip, as I sigh, thinking I am being foolish about this whole situation. I put my purse away, then I go to the restroom. I can’t help but think this is still a joke. I am over thinking it, as I always do, and need to stop acting like a school girl.

I come back to my desk, to see a letter sitting on top of my cup of coffee, with a single white rose. I sit and pick up the rose and smell it... I love white roses! The red ones are so common and boring, however, I prefer water lilies over roses any day. Clearly this man doesn't know me as well as he thinks he does. I set the rose down and open the letter.


You've not told your boss yet, that you need the week off. Do you not trust me? This angers me. Do as I said. It wasn't a request. Remember that. I hope you like the rose. I know that you prefer water lilies but I figured a rose was more befitting for now. Go speak to your boss. Do it before I do it for you. I'll pick you up at 6:00 pm at your place after work. Don't be late.



Who is this man?! How does he know I haven’t spoken to my boss yet? Or who does he think he is, saying if I don’t, he will? What the hell? He even knows about my favourite flower. This is freaking me out, but somehow, I feel the desire burn deeper inside me for him. Someone who calls himself X! I have to laugh out loud at the thought of all this but quickly snap my mouth shut not wanting anyone to hear me.

I place the letter in my purse with the other two as I sit thinking of what I'll tell my boss. I come to the decision I'll tell her I just need a small vacation. I have three weeks worth of time built up and could really use it, even if this was all a joke. I get up and head towards Kim's office. I have known Kim for six years and worked for her for five. She is a great lady. I know she'll let me have the time off.

I knock softly.

“Come in,” she speaks lightly through the closed door.

I go in and smile at her, taking a seat. “Kim, can I talk to you?”

“Of course you can Alex, what's up? You look frazzled,” she knows me too well.

“Well, that is what I wanted to talk about. I need a small vacation. I thought, maybe after tomorrow, I could take next week off. I'll make sure all my work is caught up. If not, that's okay, too.”

My heart is racing as I speak to her, I feel flush and overwhelmed as I think she'll figure out why I'm taking the time off. Am I really doing this?!

“Aw Alex it's about time you did. This is a perfect time for you to take time off. By all means, please, take your vacation time and use them! Enjoy it. If you want, take two weeks. We can try and mange here without you.”

She always said I was her hardest worker, which is probably why I was the only one to stick around. Everyone else always moved on. I was happy with my job and didn't need to move on like the other girls.

“Thank you, Kim. I'm not sure two weeks is needed, but maybe. I'll let you know by the end of next week, if I'm not pulling my hair out with nothing to do!” I jokingly say to her, not sure if this is really going to happen. I can't believe I am listening to a mystery man, but even if it's not real I am starting to look forward to some 'me' time, if it isn't true! I get up, knowing I have a lot of work to get done, if I'm taking time off.

“You'll be fine. I'll see you in two weeks, Alex.”

“Thank you, Kim... I'll see you tomorrow. We'll grab lunch together.”

“You got it, honey.”

Kim never speaks to me as an employee when we are alone.

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We're too good friends to do so, but she keeps it professional around the others. I walk out of her office, my hands shaking a bit. I try to get the wave of excitement building up inside me to calm a bit, until I go back to my desk. There sits another letter! I open it, holding my breath.

“That's a good girl.”

That's all it says. I feel the heat boil deep inside me, as I let out a soft whimper. Those four words shoot deep inside me, as my breath hitches. I am getting turned on by words on a piece of paper. How does he know I spoke to her? I look around again, seeing if anyone is around and, of course, there isn't. I sit down and finish my work. Before I know it, it is 5:30 and my day is over. I pack my things up to go home and as I go to my car I let the day’s events race through my mind.

Once home I go to get my mail and head inside. I look through it, seeing bills and junk and ads for things I don't need or want. Mixed in it all is a letter... From 'him'. I know it is, by the handwriting. I take a deep breath. He does know where I live! I open it quickly, smelling the scent of him on the paper again.


I know you've had a long day and heading for another tomorrow. Please make sure you get plenty of rest and don't forget to pack your things tonight. We've got a lot to do tomorrow evening. I'll see you then...



This is really happening, isn’t it? I take a deep breath, as I go to make myself some dinner and then take a shower. As I am shaving my legs, I can’t help but think of this mystery man and what he wants from me. Who is it? He clearly knows things about me that not just anyone would know. So who is it? I can’t think at all who it could be.

I am packing my things, unsure what I should bring, since I had no idea what or where he is taking me. Am I stupid to do this? Yes Alex! My inner self screams, but is dancing, she is so excited. I pack some comfortable clothing, warm ones too. It is almost mid November.

I climb into bed after I am done and keep thinking about this man. How much he has turned me on in a single day, with the few words he has spoken to me. I re-read the letters again and again. The way he calls me “good girl” delights me. I find myself caressing my breast with one hand as the other wanders down between my thighs. I am wearing no panties, as I feel how wet I am at his words.

I caress and tease my clit and think of his touch on me. I am breathless and so turned on, at the thought of him touching me. I can almost hear his voice saying my name, calling me his good girl. I can hear myself moaning as I slip a finger inside myself. I find my g-spot, as I move in faster and deeper as I come closer to an orgasm. I buck my hips towards my hand. I feel the wave of orgasm closer as I move faster. I let out a long, moaning whimper and I come so hard, my body shakes. My mind is racing with the words on his letters, I orgasm harder.

I fall into a deep sleep afterwards and dream of him. I don’t remember much, until the next morning, when the buzz of the alarm wakes me. I get up, excited for the day. I am ready to go to work and get my day over with. I want to see who this man is. I grab my luggage and things for work. I open my door to leave the house and see a small box. I pick it up and bring it to the car with me. It is from him! I can smell his scent again. Oh how it smells so good. I put my things in the trunk of my car, before I slip into my car and turn it on, to let it warm up, as I open the box. On top is a letter.

I begin to read it and bite my lower lip.


I hope you slept well. I, myself, got plenty of rest but am ready to set forth with our plans for the upcoming week. I want you to do two things for me. I want you to first, when you get to work, take off your panties and go the day without them. I don't want you in them when I pick you up. And secondly I have sent you a blindfold. When I come to get you, you are to have this on. I'll reveal who I am all in good time. Do as you're told, pet.



No panties?! Blindfold?! Pet?! What? Who is this man? Oh God who is this and what is he doing to me?! I want to obey him. It burns deep inside and I don’t even know who he is... I open the box to see a simple black silk blindfold in it, with another white rose. I can’t help but smile. I drive to work, with my heart racing fast. Once I’m at work, I put the box he sent me in the trunk with the luggage and make my way into work. I go right to the bathroom, as he had told me. I slip my panties off and stuff them into my purse. I go to my desk and I see a letter, along with a third rose. This man is unstoppable.

I can’t help but blush as I pick up the letter and open it.

“That's my good girl. You're learning quickly. Keep it up.


I raise a brow and sigh lightly. Learning quickly, eh? I simply did what I was told. It doesn't seem like that big a deal. I place the letter in my purse, near my panties. I get right to work and bust through all my morning things before eleven. I sit there daydreaming a bit, thinking of what is going to happen this evening. I keep thinking how crazy I am, for doing all this with a man, I'm not even sure I know. I can’t even think of who it might be. Once lunch rolls around, I go to find Kim. We have a lunch date.

I find Kim ready to go, as we walk towards the front of the building. Whenever she and I went out for lunch, we always went to the small café a street away, so we simply walked. We get there and, to our surprise, it is fairly quiet, for lunch time. Not that either of us mind. We both order the same thing we always do and sit down to catch up.

“So, what are your plans for this coming week?” Kim asks. She is always the one to break the ice. I think she noticed I had been a bit quiet on the walk over.

“Honestly, I think I'm going to catch up on some house work and veg about. I will go and see my family. I can't ever get enough time with my nieces. As you well know. Maybe go and get my hair done.”

I can’t outright tell her what is going on, but she looks at me like I am crazy. Like my plans are a bit boring for a whole week off.

“You know, Alex. Sometimes you scare me. I've known you for a while now and you need to get yourself a man. You need to get out and have fun and start living your life! Get a man!”

“So, I can only have a life with a man? The last one I was with used me for all I had and left me with nothing, but debt. I think I'm all set with that. I am doing just fine alone. If anything, I'll get a cat,” I tease her.

I know I am ready to start dating but hadn't met anyone in a long time. It doesn’t help that I don’t go out, unless it is something child related, with my nieces. That doesn't seem to do the trick for finding anyone, now, does it?

“You need to meet someone. They're not all so bad. There are bad apples out there but not all are. Go for it!”

She seems excited at the thought of me meeting someone. I figure that what I am doing tonight is really meant to happen. We finish lunch, as she goes on and on about her boyfriend and how they've been thinking of marriage. It makes me think of the night before. As we get up to leave, she is talking about how she is going to miss me the next week or so, but that she is glad I am taking some time. I promise her, I'll go out to the club at least once on my time off.

I can’t get X out of my head and what his name really could be. Though, for some reason, X is starting to stick and makes me giggle. Who calls themselves that? When we get back to the office, I see another letter on my desk.

I feel my heart leap as I open it up.

“I hope you’re as excited as I am for this, Alex. I've wanted this for a long time now. I've wanted you for a long time. See you in a few hours. This will be my last letter.

Until tonight


I work the rest of the day, not talking to anyone else, as I finish my work. I even skip my last break of the day, not wanting to leave the others with my work. Once 5:00 comes rolling around, I get my things and go to my car. I am about to go home and be whisked away by someone I don’t know. I feel my heart thumping so hard into my throat.

I stand by my car, waiting for him, blindfold in place. I am wearing my long hair down, which hangs easily around my shoulders and back. I'm wearing a form fitting, comfortable skirt that goes two inches above my knees. I am showing just enough cleavage to be sexy, but not overly, since I had gone to work. I’m wearing a simple black pair of heels with leggings. I wear little make up, for it isn't my thing to wear much. As I wait for him, I am half tempted to run and hide under my bed. What am I thinking?!

To be continued...

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! 
Written by Poppet
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