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Letter Chronicles: Amy's Story

"It's okay to let loose once in a while"

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At my desk with coffee in hand, I take a break from working on tedious reports. Relaxing in my chair, I have a smile on my face as I think about the past couple of days. Hmm… my life has certainly taken a turn for the better after that meeting with Phillip.

Glancing at my pen and stationery on the desk, I decide it’s time to write to my dear friend Susan about that night. After all, she is always encouraging me to get out more…

March 12, 2019

Dear Susan

I hope this letter finds you fit and healthy as I am. When I received your letter detailing your latest adventure, it made me wish I’d gone on that road trip with you. I’ve always enjoyed reading about your adventures and this one was no different.

Do you remember saying that I live a dull and boring life and the next time something different or exciting happened to me, I should write to you about it? Well, get this, I do have a story to tell you. Yes, that’s right, your old friend actually (and finally) let loose. It happened over the weekend — erm, Saturday to be exact — and let’s just say I was a completely different person. Whether you believe me or not, I do advise you to get comfortable and make sure you won’t be disturbed.

It all started when a few friends at work — you know, Laura, Kris and Seline — started talking about their plans for that night. They were going to Howling’s Bar, the new nightclub in town. I was concentrating on my work and barely listening to them when Laura approached my desk wanting to know if I had plans for that night. I told her no, but I didn’t say that I really planned on having a quiet evening alone. Then Laura said that she and the girls had been talking it over and they would like me to join them.

I was speechless, couldn’t believe it. Laura must have seen some skepticism on my face because she added that they meant it. I relaxed a little but, to be honest, I didn’t know if I would go or not. You know me, I don’t go to nightclubs; it’s not my thing. So, I said I’d let her know before I left for home.

At that same time, I overheard Kris saying to Seline that I wouldn’t have the nerve to go. I’m not sure if she purposely said that loud enough for me to hear or if she just talks that loud. But it did prompt me to make a decision. Before I had the chance of talking myself out it (you know I’m famous for that) I went over to them in the Lounge and said I would be going with them.

Susan, you should have seen the look on their faces. Laura was happy. While Kris didn’t show much, it did wipe a smirk off her face and Seline’s, well she didn’t say much but she did wink and give me a thumbs up.

I thought about the way Dan had treated me during the last few years we were together, always controlling and putting me down in some way (maybe I shouldn’t say controlling, but he has a way with words). I guess thinking about that made me a little more than furious and (with the help of Kris’s comment) I thought that night would be a chance for me to let my hair down and have some fun for once in my life.

We decided to meet back at the hotel around 9:30 or so. Laura has the habit of sometimes being late, but I said that I would be there on time.

It was about six before I got home. After a quick bite to eat, I had a nice hot shower. It was so relaxing even more so when I used that Jasmine body wash you gave me (I only use that on special occasions).

I’d forgotten how erotic a shower can be. I started by putting lather all over my breasts, neck, shoulders, stomach, and even in between my legs, using smooth and soft sensual motions to make it slick. My fingers were soapy enough that I could slip them right in my vagina and enjoy how good that feels. Mmmm! I can feel that right now. One finger is never satisfying enough for me, so I tried two and that was enough to get me started.

I rubbed and pinched my nipples until they were hard. With two fingers inside my honey pot and my thumb rubbing my clitoris, I’d not felt so good, especially with the water spraying on my face and body. When I was close to climaxing, I inserted a third finger to finish me off. It was good but not as satisfying as the real thing.

After I got out of the shower, I knew what I was going to wear. You know me well enough to assume it would be black. What you couldn’t know is that my clothes would be tight fitting. See, I took your old advice to wear clothes that accentuated my body shape.

This is the outfit I wore: black tight-fitting short-sleeve turtleneck, gray plaid skirt, my favorite black cowboy boots and a black leather jacket. Yes, I know! I can hear you saying, ‘You’ve had that jacket forever’. As for underwear, I selected a satin and lace purple bra that gives me very good cleavage and matching thong. I have to admit I looked good. You should have seen me —even my hair was perfect. I left it down, all curls and waves falling halfway down my back. My make-up was minimal, concealer and red lip gloss.

By the time I was ready to go, it was after nine. When I got to the Hotel, I saw Laura and Kris talking in the Lounge. They both looked good. Laura had her blonde hair up and she was wearing all black. Her glitter eyeshadow showed off her blue eyes. Kris wore a red halter top (it was almost the same shade as her hair) with black jeans and ankle-length boots. Her short hair was spiked all over, but she did look nice.

When they saw me, their reaction showed they couldn’t believe how different I looked. For the first time, I was beginning to feel self-conscious about how I was dressed. It was a different style for me and to have other people see me like it… well, it was enough for me to blush (I can still do that at any given moment).

Laura told me that I had nothing to worry about, what I wore suited me. Kris was very surprised, and she told me as much. She was impressed by how small and shapely I was and asked me why I kept covered up instead of showing off. I said that I liked to camouflage my body and I like an air of mystery, having people wondering what’s under my layers of clothing.

As you can tell, it was the first time they’d seen me in a skirt since I started working there. Their expressions made me feel good. I glanced around for Seline and asked where she was. Apparently, she’d cancelled for some reason and so it was just the three of us. You wouldn’t believe how nervous I was. I had the butterflies doing a wild tango the whole evening.

We left in a taxi. I would have suggested driving my car, but I might have a drink or two. Then again, even if I didn’t drink, at least I didn’t have to worry about my car. It was safely locked up in the hotel’s parking lot.

For the short time we were in the cab there wasn’t much talking. Well, Laura and Kris chatted while I took in the sights and tried to calm my nerves.

When we arrived, I was surprised about the building. It looked like any other two-story building except for Howling’s Bar and a wolf’s head all in red neon lights. A walkway on one side of the building led to the door at the back through which we went to the bar and the main floor. I was told that the top floor was the main office and that about five other rooms were used for meetings.

I scanned the room. A good-sized bar along the facing wall, at least 20 tables scattered around with about five chairs to each table. On the left, a dance floor and a few more tables while on the right a door was access to a quieter area with pool tables.

I took in the atmosphere created by a lot of people, loud music, and smoke. What also caught my eye was an old jukebox in a dimly lit corner. I thought it looked cool, then I noticed someone sitting alone with a cigarette in hand. In that one moment when our eyes met, he raised his glass to me. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough light to see exactly what he looked like but I was intrigued.

Laura tugged on my arm for attention and I said that I was just taking it all in as they dragged me toward the bar. Yeah, I must’ve looked really cute! They ordered beers for us and I had no idea what was going through their heads because, as you know, I don’t drink. Well, I looked from Laura on my right and Kris on the other side and took a sip from the bottle. Yeah, I did it very quickly. I mean, I downed it.

Not only did I surprise Laura and Kris but also the bartender. He looked at me kind of strangely and asked if I wanted another. I took the chance to let my hair down and told him that I would rather have a shot of tequila without the lemon and the salt. Susan, you should have been there! Laura and Kris were speechless (I think for the first time). Anyway, I took the shot and didn’t even flinch. It felt good going down. Kris said she was amazed, didn’t know that I could drink that straight down. She also asked what other surprises I had up my sleeves. I told her that she would have to wait to find out and winked at her.

Something I hadn’t noticed until I was at the bar was a booth in a corner between the bar and pool room where a DJ was playing his music. From what I’d heard so far, it was mostly hard rock (the 80s and a few 90s, the kind of music I listen to) and he was pretty good. Laura and Kris told me they were going to play pool and I was welcome to join them. Hearing the music, I was more interested in dancing the night away and I said thanks but I was okay right there.

After they left, I’d barely had two sips from my glass when a guy asked me for a dance. I said “Sure, why not?’ and let him lead the way. He was a pretty good dancer, and I was dancing crazy. After all these years I still remember a few dance moves you taught me.

That was the first of many dances and each time I was on the dance floor I had a feeling that I was being watched. Each time I turned and saw that guy near the jukebox, he always raised his glass.

It didn’t make me uncomfortable or anything. Instead, it made me curious and I found out soon enough who it was.

It was getting close to 2 a.m. when I was about to order a wine cooler at the bar when Laura came up and told me that she and Kris were going home and I could join them or stay there. I told them to go on without me and I would see them on Monday at work. I wanted to find out who was watching me and why.

As Laura walked off, I turned towards the bar again and this time I bumped into someone. I still have that habit of bumping into people or things and I was just as embarrassed about it. You wouldn’t believe who that someone was. Yep, it was that guy by the jukebox. Oh, Susan, I was so self-conscious I knew my face was beet red. But I did get a better look at him.

He was tall — the top of my head reached his chin — clean-shaven and cute (give or take, in his late thirties or early forties). His smile was enough to send my heart racing. He also had dark hair in a short style which looked long enough to run your hands through. I was tempted to do just that while he said sorry for being in my way, but he hadn’t expected me to turn around so quickly. His voice was so soothing and seductive that it made me weak in the knees. It was a good thing that I was holding onto the bar! Anyway, I told him No problem and apology accepted.

There was a U2 song playing and he asked me to dance. I immediately accepted but I was extremely nervous because, as you know Susan, I never really slow dance with anyone. The thought of being that close to someone makes me jittery.

On the dance floor, he gently took my right hand and put it close to his neck and I raised my left hand to link my fingers behind his neck. Brushing over my hands, his hair felt very nice indeed. With his arms around my waist and hands loosely linked at the small of my back, he held me very close. The funny thing was that we fitted each other perfectly and there was no awkwardness between us.

Susan, you wouldn’t believe how good I felt to have someone holding me that close. It was very intoxicating. All I could smell was the leather from his jacket and his aftershave. I was getting turned on by him and he bent to whisper in my ear that I smelled so good that he could just eat me up. He also mentioned he’d been wanting to dance with me ever since I came in. He’d been building up the courage to ask me. So, it was him watching me all that time, waiting for the right moment to ask me to dance.

When the dance was over, he led me to his table and we finally got around to each other’s names. His name is Phillip Howlyn. I had trouble trying to keep my eyes off this guy to concentrate on what he was saying.

Once we started talking, I didn’t want it to stop. We discovered that we shared a love for reading and both love Stephen King and Anne Rice. For once I’m glad that I’m not the only one who’s a bit morbid (Yeah! I still have vampires on my mind). Before we knew it, it was closing time. The lights came up and people started leaving. As I prepared to stand, he put a possessive hand on mine saying that he didn’t want to go just yet. Stay and talk, he said, and maybe have another dance or two. I tell you this guy had started a feeling inside me that I can’t put my finger on.

We didn’t say much but he held my hand, doing light tracing patterns on the back. It was so ticklish, but I did everything to stop pulling back — I liked the feeling too much. I relaxed more, my hand resting on the table.

When all the clubbers had gone, only a few staff remained to clean up. Phillip left the table to talk with the bartender and the waitress. When he came back, he said that he had told them to go home and he would clean up tomorrow. I thought that was unusual (Why would he say that?) and it didn’t dawn on me that he was the owner of the place.

After the staff left, Phillip got himself a bottle of beer. He offered me a drink and I told him a peach wine cooler would be fine. He turned off the lights but kept one by the jukebox and bar dimly lit. When he saw me eyeing the drinks, he told me not to worry because he was good with the boss.

Then I said, ‘You own this place! I would never have thought.’

He looked amused and told me that he didn’t always make an appearance. He occasionally did it to check how the place was running and making sure there weren’t any problems.

Being alone with him, I began to feel nervous, not knowing what to expect. Phillip put a few quarters into the jukebox and made his selections. He took my hand and said he wanted to feel me in his arms again. We resumed dancing and I relaxed, thinking it must be either the effects of the alcohol or maybe the music. He held me close again, so close I could feel his heart beating very strongly. I felt very comfortable and very warm (imagine that now). By this time, my leather jacket was off. Instead of talking, we were feeling each other, his hands all over my back and shoulders while I stroked the back of his neck and fingered his hair. I didn’t want the moment to end.

Then he whispered that I looked very beautiful. I thought I must be dreaming but I turned my head away in shyness. He suddenly stopped dancing and lifted my chin so that he could see into my eyes. ‘Amy, don’t you know how beautiful you are? Not just on the outside but inside as well.’

I told him that was something I didn’t hear all that much. He said I was very beautiful and that my eyes did it for him. Not only were they a deep blue but very expressive as well.

Then he bent to kiss me. It was a light sensual kiss, very pleasurable. I held onto him trying to savor more of the kiss. I felt his hands on my back and then he fondled my breasts through my turtleneck, pinching my nipples and making them more erect. Any other time I would shy away from anybody who would touch me, but I wanted Phillip to do more much, much more.

As if sensing what I wanted, he took me to the bar and lifted me onto the counter. He paused and was considerate enough to ask me if I wanted to continue and said he wouldn’t be upset if I said No. Instead of answering him with a simple Yes or No, I locked my legs around his waist and pulled him closer to me. In my best sultry voice, I said ‘Does that answer your question?’ Then I bent to claim his lips, kissing him hungrily as our tongues intertwined.

While kissing, I was busy unbuttoning his shirt and when I couldn’t go any further, I ripped the rest open. I enjoyed the feel of his coarse chest hair and I rubbed and teased his nipples until they were hard. Oh, if anybody saw us at that moment, they’d have thought we were devouring each other.

Phillip unhooked my legs and swung them around so that I was lying on the bar. The look in his eyes was that of a very hot-blooded male ready to ravish his willing captive. He pulled off my turtleneck and was fascinated by my bra, but he said that it had to go. As soon as he removed it, his hands went to my breasts, holding them, feeling their weight. Just my size, he said, so big and firm and very exquisite. He took a nipple in his mouth and suckled on it, making it hard while squeezing my other breast and tweaking that nipple. It felt way too good.

Suddenly, I felt something cold at the base of my throat and it went all the way down to my stomach. Phillip had a wicked gleam in his eyes — and an ice cube in his hand. I watched him place the ice at my throat again and trail down to my breasts. He stopped and, instead of having another ice cube on me, it was his hot mouth, his tongue licking along the icy trail. It was the first time I’d experienced anything so sensual. It made me shiver, not so much with cold but with excitement and fascination at what he would do next.

The iced water turned my nipples into hard kernels and, while he took my right breast to his mouth, he stimulated the nipple on my left breast, causing me to moan in ecstasy.

He said he was being very slow so that we had time to savor and satisfy each other. Then he trailed his tongue over my stomach right to the waist of my skirt. I remember vividly what he said then: ‘No matter how much I love seeing you in this skirt it has to go.’ In a flash, I was in nothing but my panties and my boots. He was like a crazed maniac, growling and telling me that my sexy underwear had to go as well. Quick as lightning it was somewhere on the floor.

Then he took an ice cube to my womanly charm. The sensations of having the cold cube, his hot breath, and his moist tongue, were very, and I mean very, tantalizing. I could feel a climax building as he kept thrusting his tongue inside me, tasting my juices, while holding the ice cube on my clitoris. I couldn’t hold on any longer and lost what control I had, crying out passionately.

Believe it or not, Susan, that took a lot out of me. I’d never been taken that far so quickly. Phillip, with a Cheshire Cat smile, said ‘Amy, you taste like honey, so sweet and natural.’

Curious about how I tasted, I kissed him. And it was very tasty! I was gradually shedding my shyness and went for a deeper kiss. It was very arousing and now it was my turn to play with him.

By this time, Philip was naked. I guess while I was enjoying his attentions, he’d also managed to get out of his jeans and underwear. You know, he was nice to look at. He had a fine physique with well-defined muscles… hmm, another weakness of mine...

I was thinking that this was a dream: no guy could be so perfect and know everything that turns me on. Anyway, I digress…

I looked at him, a devilish smile on my face as I picked up an ice cube and looked at his hard erection. His manhood was pleasing to the eye, not only hard but big as well, just perfect. It nestled in a nice patch of dark hair and I was spellbound by the view.

With the ice cube in my left hand, I stroked his shaft very slowly, up and down, up and down, followed by my hot breath, the contrast teasing him beyond belief. I fondled and rolled his swollen testicles with my other hand, all the time watching his face. You wouldn’t believe how helpless he looked.

The song playing on the jukebox was Flesh for Fantasy and suddenly he said ‘Baby, you’re better than any fantasy. Whatever you are doing, don’t stop!’

With that much encouragement, I decided to take him fully in my mouth. I didn’t have any trouble and he tasted of salt and musk, very alluring. I started at the head of his penis, licking him with the tip of my tongue like I would if I was tasting something new (well, in a way, I was…. lol). Then I licked all around, tasting him. That caught his attention and he tried to talk but all that came out was a groan. I wasn’t sure if he would last much longer or not. I guess he hadn’t expected me to do anything like that.

By this time I was wet and hot and ready for him to fill me. Phillip seemed close to climaxing, so I straddled him and guided his rod toward my womanhood. After he slowly penetrated my entrance, I rode him with wild abandon.

If giving Phillip head caught his attention, you should have seen him then. He was clearly flabbergasted that I had all this pent-up energy inside, and I was letting it loose. I had thought of going slowly, taking my time, but once I had him inside me, I felt like I was on fire.

With amazing speed, I was no longer on top but beneath him. I saw the devil in his eyes (only in a manner of speaking, of course) and he was intent on paying me back. Still inside me, thrusting hard and fast, he latched his mouth onto my neck, tasting me and giving me little bites.

Just having his breath on me was enough to make me squirm, especially on one of my most sensitive areas (yes, that’s the reason I keep my neck covered). It wasn’t enough that he was paying attention to one side, with his free hand he lightly stroked the other side, whispering how desirable I was and that I’d enchanted him. Then he went to my breasts and I groaned in pleasure.

We were nearing our sexual peak, and after a couple of hard thrusts, we both climaxed. He collapsed on top of me and I felt exhilarated.

Minutes later, he got off me and said that I made a good image for him to think about.

I was lying naked on the bar after being well ravished and gazing at him with a sultry look in my eyes. I got the impression that we were both well pleased with each other.

The only thing, though, I didn’t want to leave.

We took our time getting dressed and I helped him clean up. Then, very abruptly, told me that he wanted to see me again, not just to have sex (which would be a bonus) but on a regular dating basis. That left me speechless (for about the first time).

When I regained my composure and voice. I told him that I would like that very much.

He said that for our next date he hoped that I liked ropes. Then he winked at me.

Well, there you have it in detail, Susan. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed telling it. Now I must take a hot shower (wink, wink).

I do hope to hear from you soon.

Oh yeah, me and Phillip have our first date set for Friday and I can’t wait.

Your friend always,


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Written by Soleil_Rouge
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