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Teenage Boy Has Sex With His Adult Neighbors - Part One

"When I turn sixteen my adult neighbor becomes my submissive cock sucker."

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I’ve always considered myself lucky to have been able to grow up in the same house with an imperfect, but stable, family. My parents have the types of careers that allow them to stay in one place. Dad owns an insurance agency in a suburb of Madison, Wisconsin, and Mom owns a beauty salon. I always felt bad for the kids in school who were uprooted every few years while their parents chased their nebulous corporate dreams.

After I graduated from college I married a beautiful girl that I met there. We are now living in a suburb across town from my parents and I have started my own insurance agency. My name is James, but most people call me Jimmy. This story is about the events that occurred after I turned sixteen years old while living in that house I grew up in.

My parents lived and still live in a fashionable suburb with upscale homes and good public schools. They were loving and supportive of me but were busy with their job responsibilities. I was often left alone for hours at a time and I was kind of shy and withdrawn as a child. I had a few friends in the neighborhood but never really felt accepted until the Carson family bought the home next door to us when I had just turned fourteen years old.

Norm Carson was forty years old when they moved in and his wife, Lindsey, was thirty-nine. They have a son, named Todd, who was sixteen at the time. Their move to the Madison area was so Norm could take a promotion as a senior vice president in a medical products distribution company. Todd wasn’t around much since he had just gotten his first car. He was out making friends as he started at the new school.

I had plenty of free time after school and on weekends, so I started going over to visit Norm and Lindsey when they were home. I found out that Norm is an HO scale railroad hobbyist and he has an elaborate set-up in his basement. He told me that Todd used to enjoy the hobby with him, but since turning sixteen and getting his car, he lost interest in it.

Norm and I became great friends and I always looked forward to going over to his home when he was playing with the trains. He also paid me to help with some of the yard work since Todd was never around. The second year there they bought a cabin on a small lake about three hours from Madison. They invited me to go up there with them at least six times each summer, and my parents were supportive of me going.

In the spring of the year that I turned sixteen, Lindsey told me that Norm was going by himself the following weekend to open the cabin for the summer. Todd was away at college and I wanted to go with Norm to help. It was the least I could do for all the times they took me with them to enjoy the lake and cabin. School was still in session and I worked hard to finish all my homework so I could go with him on Friday evening.

The plan was to pick up fast food on the way and get up there by 10:00 pm. We wanted to get a good night’s sleep, so we could begin with our chores early Saturday morning. That was two weeks before Memorial Day weekend and it's normally cloudy and chilly that time of year, so we didn’t bother bringing our bathing suits.

For the first hour or so of the drive we just talked about the HO trains, school, and local gossip from the neighborhood. Then just as it was getting dark Norm changed the subject. He said, “Jimmy, I’ve noticed that you have matured into a handsome young man since you turned sixteen in the spring. I’ll bet that you're very popular with the girls.”

Norm was right, at least about the maturing part. I had been a skinny kid with little muscle definition. I filled out over the spring, in more ways than he saw. My uncircumcised cock was then nine inches long and very thick. I also have big, hairy balls, but I couldn’t very well tell him about my genitals. A couple of the girls were paying a little more attention to me then, but I didn’t have any actual girlfriends.

I responded, “I guess that I have filled out a little. I haven’t really had any action with the girls though, at least not yet.”

He smiled and said, “Well, a good-looking young man like you should be all over that stuff. Has your dad given you ‘the talk’ yet?”

I wasn’t all that comfortable talking about sexual stuff with a man my father’s age. It was pretty clear what he was hinting at, and I wanted to at least be polite. I said, “Well, Dad did take me aside to talk about it a couple of times, but he mainly wanted to find out what they were teaching in sex-ed at the school.”

Norm said, “Just so you know, Jimmy, I think we’re good enough friends that if you have any questions, you should feel free to ask me. I can even show you some pictures and videos when we get to the cabin. I don’t want to push anything on you, so just let me know.

If I hadn’t known Norm so well, and considered him a friend, his discussion about sex might have freaked me out. I just let the topic drop, and he didn’t bring it up again for the rest of the drive. Although, I couldn’t help from being a little curious about the pictures and videos he mentioned.

We got to the cabin in good time and built a fire in the old wood stove before going to bed. The cabin has a large family room with comfortable chairs and a big, cushiony, leather couch. There is a kitchen on the front facing the lake and three small bedrooms with double beds. Each of us took a separate room and I was out like a light. The sounds of birds chirping woke both of us up at around 7:00 am.

Norm fixed us a good breakfast of bacon and eggs and we headed outside to work. It was still chilly while we took down the storm shutters and stored them in the garage. By the time we pulled the ski boat out of the garage and launched it in the lake, the clouds were dissipating, and the sun came out. We just pulled the boat up onto the beach until we could get the dock into the water. We couldn’t believe what a beautiful, sunny spring day we had to work outside.

By lunchtime the only major job left was to assemble the dock in the lake. That is a difficult and heavy job. The dock had to be taken apart and stored each year so the ice forming on the lake wouldn’t destroy the dock supports. That job would take several hours so we took a break for lunch.

Norm grilled us hamburgers for lunch, which we ate with pork and beans and chips. We got back out to work on the dock about 1:00 pm. It was still sunny and had warmed up to almost eighty degrees.

Before we started assembling the dock Norm stuck his foot in the water and said, “You know, Jimmy, we should really take advantage of this warm day and go for our first swim of the year. The water is still cold, but we can swim a little and then sit on the boat to warm up in the sun.”

I always enjoyed swimming in that crystal-clear water but then remembered that we didn’t bring our bathing suits. Norm was already taking off his clothes when I said, “Yeah, that would be fun, but we didn’t bring our bathing suits.”

He replied, “Hey, it’s just us guys here and there’s no one out on the lake right now. We can just skinny-dip for a little while. It shouldn’t be a big deal. I’ll get us a couple of towels.”

I wasn’t that eager to strip down in front of my adult neighbor but decided that it might not be that big of a deal since I knew him so well. Norm returned with the towels and finished undressing. I waited to take off my pants until he was bending down to remove his underwear. It was surprising to me that a grown man would have a rather small dick and balls. It was soft and looked to be maybe three inches long. It's also thin and almost obscured in his thick pubic hair.

He quickly jumped into the lake and I finished undressing. I felt proud that my soft cock is over six inches long and much thicker than Norm’s. I jumped in and the cold water almost took my breath away. We swam and splashed around for only a few minutes before climbing back onto the boat. Norm got out first and sat on the cushioned bench seat in the back of the boat.

Norm was just leaning back on the seat as I got out and sat on my towel next to him. I was self conscious about being naked and really wanted to get dressed, but the warm sun felt good on my cold body. It was kind of weird sitting there naked next to my forty-two-year-old neighbor. My cock had been shriveled by the water but was beginning regain its former size. I glanced over at Norm and noticed that his dick had almost completely disappeared in his pubic hair but was starting to grow a little.

After a few minutes Norm looked over at my crotch and held his gaze a lot longer than I thought he should have. He kept staring at my meat as he said, “Oh my, Jimmy, I had no idea that have you matured that much. That’s really a nice, big cock you have there. It must really be huge when it’s hard. Pardon me for saying so, Jimmy, but you must enjoy playing with and stroking that thing. You do jack off, don’t you?”

It was really getting weird then and I probably should have ignored him and gotten dressed. For some reason though, I felt a tingling deep in my groin. It was arousing to me that a grown man was showing interest in my cock that way. I hadn’t been that much into pleasuring myself but didn’t want to admit that to him and look like a nerd.

I also didn’t want to overplay it, so I said, “Well, it’s kind of creepy talking about this with you, Norm. But yes, I have masturbated a few times.”

He laughed and said, “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I remember when I was your age some of my friends and I would even do each other. Have you ever had anybody stroke your cock for you, Jimmy?”

I was starting to get nervous and said, “Well, I’ve heard about boys who do that and even other stuff. I’ve never done that with anyone though.”

Norm thought for a few moments and replied, “It feels wonderful to have someone touch you that way. It would make me very happy if you would let me do it for you. You don’t need to do anything to me unless you want to.”

I knew it was wrong. But I was curious about what it would feel like to have another person, and especially an adult male, touch my cock. My curiosity helped to overcome my nervousness. I didn’t want to seem too eager, so I said, “Okay, Norm, if you really want to. You have to stop though if it makes me uncomfortable.”

Norm smiled and said, “Thank you, Jimmy. I think we’ll both enjoy this.”

He leaned over and carefully took my cock in his hand. I was young and inexperienced but still recognized the look of sheer joy and lust on his face at being able to fondle a big, teenage cock. My meat started to harden as he slid the foreskin back over the damp head. It only took a few seconds for me to get fully hard.

Norm scooted over closer, so he could take my balls in one hand while stroking my cock with the other. I was leaning back on the seat and it was surreal watching my adult neighbor and friend being so enthralled playing with my cock and balls. I wouldn’t have believed it, but I was already well on my way to shooting my wad.

We were both breathing heavily, and he was staring hungrily down at my cock when he said, “Fuck, Jimmy, your cock is so long and heavy and thick. I’ve never seen or felt such a long and thick foreskin like yours either. If you like what I’m doing to you, you can touch my dick too. But only if you really want to.”

Before that day, when I experienced the feeling of someone else stroking my dick for the first time, I would never have believed that I would even consider touching another boy or man’s dick. I was aroused from not just his physical touch, but also the mental rush at being intimate with a man for the first time. I knew that I wanted to rub his dick too.

I twisted around a little and reached for his dick. Knowing his lustful state, it wasn’t surprising that his meat was rock hard. His dick must have been four and a half inches long and kind of thin. I took it into my hand and he flinched slightly as I began to stroke his little dick. He was likely as surprised as I was at my willingness to touch him.

Both Norm and I were oozing precum. We were getting sweaty in the sun and I was aroused even more by the smell of our damp and musky crotches and the precum. At that point I wanted, no needed, to ejaculate. Just as I felt Norm’s dick start to throb, I knew that I was there too.

As my cock jerked in his hand, Norm breathlessly moaned, “That’s it, Jimmy boy, cum for old Norm. Let me see your thick, teen cock cream.”

I felt Norm’s cum oozing over my hand as I sprayed squirt after squirt of my semen and sperm onto my stomach. The distinctive aroma of our ejaculations blended with the musk of our hairy groins. Norm looked down at a thick rope of my cum that had run down his hand. He smiled at me and brought his hand to his mouth, sucking down the tangy juice that came from my balls. I felt his much smaller cum load on my hand but had no intention of tasting it.

He then started leaning down towards my chest and stomach. I had no doubt that he intended to eat that splooge as well. Just before his mouth reached my chest we heard a boat approaching nearby on the lake. Norm looked disappointed when he said, “We better get back into the water, so we can clean up and my neighbors from across the lake won’t find out that we're naked.”

We jumped in and swam around for a few minutes, waving at the people in the boat as they passed by. After they were a safe distance away, we got back onto the boat and grabbed our towels to dry off. By then the euphoria of my ejaculation had worn off and I was feeling ashamed and embarrassed at what Norm and I had done together.

Norm still had that look of yearning and desire on his face as he said, “Fuck, Jimmy, that was so wonderful! I'm pleased that you were willing to try it. Thank you for humoring a dirty old man. For now, though, we better get busy and finish erecting the dock before it gets too late. We’ll have plenty of time to talk about this tonight and ….”

His voice trailed off and I could only wonder what he was going to say. Somehow, we managed to get through the rest of the afternoon without talking about what happened on the boat. My mind was spinning with the realization of what I had done, and especially what he had done to me. I never had any previous indication that Norm was a fucking sexual pervert or anything. It was natural for me to be disgusted with myself. Surprisingly though, the nastiness and newness of what we did together made me even more anxious to learn what Norm was going to say when he didn’t complete his sentence.”

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We finished assembling the dock segments at around 6:00 pm. All we had to do on Sunday were some of the final opening procedures, like cleaning the cabin and wood stove. We also had to clean the refrigerator and make sure that the hot water heater and plumbing system were functioning properly after the long, freezing winter.

Norm grilled two steaks and fixed us some baked potatoes for dinner after we took our showers to remove the sweat and dirt of the day. We just wore loose athletic shorts and t-shirts in the cabin. Signal reception wasn’t very good at the cabin, but he does have a DVD player attached to the wide screen television. That TV is one of the more modern conveniences in the cabin.

I started flipping through the channels and the reception was lousy as usual. I heard Norm rummaging around in what I knew is a locked cabinet in his bedroom. He soon returned to the family room with one of those black, nylon DVD albums.

He handed it to me and said, “I need to lie down for a nap for a little while and thought that you might enjoy these videos. Be warned that most of them are XXX rated but I think you might enjoy them after our little encounter on the boat today. I...

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Written by edlangston
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