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2 days ago
Bisexual Male, 34
0 miles · Dublin


Rookie Scribe

I always enjoyed the transformation scene in "An American Werewolf in London" where you can hear bones breaking and refusing, and I've always thought that that should be explored more in fiction. The whole 'reoragnising your anatomy' thing.

Though I can see why it wouldn't be erotic.

Rookie Scribe

I don't mind them. I only really didn't enjoy receiving one after my wife and I had a long discussion about the mechanics of shark teeth, though.

Rookie Scribe

There's a drunk man violently throwing up on the pavement outside, backed by the lovely chorus of sirens in the distance.

Who on Earth gets drunk on a Monday night, anyway?

Rookie Scribe

That's actually what I'm currently working on, an ongoing story about demons. Currently it only features a Succubus, but if I manage to retain a decent work ethic, I'll be including other demon types too. Mostly ones I've made up. But I'm sure that's okay.

Rookie Scribe

My wife and my therapist knows.

My wife has read my work.

I will die before I let my therapist get her hands on it.