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1 hour ago
Bisexual Female, 29
0 miles · Athens



Strangers In The Night

Just a long-time fantasy, told from the guy's perspective. Maybe I'll write it from the girl's too one day to explore how two people can experience the same fuck differently.

Drinking alone at the bar was not exactly his thing, but there was nothing else to really do at the hotel, and certainly not in the city - those desert metropolises were a marvel to behold but pretty boring after a while, especially since alcohol was forb...

A Friendly Pounding

I give a long-time friend what he always wanted - me.

I had just broken up with a boyfriend and I was twenty-two, so it felt important and sad, although I hadn't been head over heels for the guy. Point is, I would rather have just stayed inside that evening, but I had promised Alex we'd go for a drink so I d...

Adventures Of A Half-Orc Whore, pt.II: The Colour of Sex Magic

Race: Half-orc, Class: Whore, Skills: all of them

"I'm sorry, did you say you need an 'adventuring companion?'" she asked incredulously. "Mistress Globb, does this guy know he's in a whorehouse?" Her halfling boss shrugged. "My team and I are embarking on a short-term quest in the mountains," the fellow...