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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Can you describe how you feel during that first moment of entry when a cock fills your pussy at the beginning of intercourse? Is it anything special or is it merely the first cock-thrust of many and no more memorable than any of the other thrusts?

From a guy’s point of view, it is for me a fleeting moment of ecstasy engulfed with an avalanche of feelings – comfort, security, belonging, and exquisite pleasure surpassed only by the ensuing orgasm.
Active Ink Slinger
Have you ever rubbed on out simply because you knew how good the orgasm was going to feel, even though you weren't particularly aroused beforehand?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
1. Lamp shade
2. On/off switch
3. Battery operated

The question for the ladies was:

If a genie granted you 3 wishes that could only be used to enhance your sexlife, how would you use them?

You must tell me, Adagio, how is the weather on your planet?
Active Ink Slinger
A while ago I wrote 3 stories about a genie who lived in a magic lamp. The heroine of the trilogy was granted 3 wishes by the genie and she used them to satisfy things in her lovelife.

If a genie granted you 3 wishes that could only be used to enhance your sexlife, how would you use them?

I know that similar questions have appeared in the forums numerous times before. But this time please limit your wish choice to sex.
Active Ink Slinger
It would be nice if the Met staged naked ballet. Naked gymnastics in the Olympics also would have been great, as would naked doubles figure skating. But I digress…

The question was what would I like to do naked.

I would like to sit in the stands naked and watch naked ballet, naked gymnastics and naked doubles figure skating.
Active Ink Slinger
I cannot imagine sitting down in front of my keyboard and banging out a story cold without having some idea in mind beforehand. If I did attempt that, the result would more than likely be pure stream of consciousness and make absolutely no sense to anyone.

Generally – never when I am looking for it – a fragment of a potential scenario will hit me. I will take that fragment and mentally develop it into a story, working out most of the details in my head before writing anything down. Once I begin to type my characters will sometime take on a life of their own and often the storyline gets tweaked a bit. But usually the story does not change much.
Active Ink Slinger
I know someone who calls it her tutu. Another her joojie (not sure how that's spelled)
Active Ink Slinger
Suppose you are stranded on a desert island. Whom would you rather have as your sole companion – a well endowed handsome stud who has absolutely no interest in oral sex or a guy with a small cock who is eager and skilled in the art of cunnilingus? The men are equal in all aspects – looks, personality, etc. – but differ only in penis size and oral sex appetite.
Active Ink Slinger
Plus I'm allowed to fuck your wife.

When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? by George Carlin
Active Ink Slinger
...a uniquely flavored kernel ideal for kettle corn. It is rumored that after munching a fistful of kettle corn prepared this way, a popular member of Lush was so…
Active Ink Slinger
"Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand." - Woody Allen
Active Ink Slinger
naked man named Spider who sat down beside her if she could lick him since he looked so delicious.
"Yes, you may," he replied excitedly, then stood in front of her and....
Active Ink Slinger
which was probably the wildest latex-glove water-balloon fight that ever took place in this hospital. The puddles of water had dried overnight but there were still fragments of...
Active Ink Slinger
Visually, neatly trimmed is the most erotic for me. But with the lights out, shaved or waxed.
Active Ink Slinger
Nobody in my life knows that I write erotic stories and share them here. It's my own little secret.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, I am definitely turned on by my own stories. If not, then I would not bother writing them down. Hotbabeuk pretty much described my writing process:

Quote by Hotbabeuk
I write the story in my head over the corse of many days, sometimes weeks. Then when l'm totally happy with the general story I start writing it down. I never write it in one night because l think it can be rushed doing that.

I really take my time, and generally end up masturbating and the end of each session. If I don't then that tells me it's not good enough. How can l expect it to arouse the reader if it fails to arouse me?
Active Ink Slinger
I write for myself but at the same time I do make an effort to please the reader. I regard my stories as acts of sex.– set up and character development being the foreplay – the culminating action, the deed itself – and my reader as my partner. I always want to please my partner.

My stories are all personal fantasies of one sort or another that have turned me on. At any given time when my mind is not occupied with the real world, I will have the fragment of some fantasy floating in my brain. Writing gives me the opportunity to explore where these fragments might lead. I usually don’t know how a story will end until I sit down and begin to write it. Once begun my stories almost write themselves.

While I do not write for votes or comments, I do very much appreciate when a reader takes the time to give me their feedback. I post my stories for others to read and getting that feedback is the only way that I know someone is actually reading. And of course, it is nice to know that someone out there is getting turned on by what I wrote.