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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 35


Active Ink Slinger
Congrats to the winners (*slowly clapping*). I'll be sure to read the top 3 stories in particular.

It was a tough genre, but it was so welcome. I'll definitely look out for the next competition. Great to get my feet wet, much less soaked!
Active Ink Slinger
I'm with Padfoot... I come from a very conservative, Christian family. So no self-confessions to them at all. That's partly why I stayed with my ex for so long. He really brought out the freak in me. He would turn on the porn and try to get me to act like the girls on film. Not going to happen.

And I also just discovered I must say I really enjoy watching the sensual scenes. Not too into the hardcore stuff or DP. I like to see kissing during sex, not just sex. But I watch it on occasion.
Active Ink Slinger
The fact that I just bought my dog some dog boots. Now her paws won't freeze or be burned by all the salt outside. It was so heart-breaking watching her lift her paws in the snow out here. Now she has boots to match her pink army jacket. lol
Active Ink Slinger
Don't cave to peer pressure and just enjoy these next 3-4 years. School isn't free, so don't waste your time chasing pussy. Get your degree, find a great job, then pussy will find you. Simple.

I'm still a virgin and I'm 25 yrs old. While at university (Go Lions!) I worked for the promo team so I was invited to all the varsity parties and was in constant communication with the mens and womens varsity teams: basketball, hockey, volleyball, football, rugby, water polo ... you name it, I was there. I had many invitations to experience cock (and some pussy from the womens rugby/hockey teams, lol) but I'm still looking for something a bit more special.

I never met anyone then worth my "cherry" and maybe only know one man right now worth it.

Study first ... everything else will come naturally my dear!
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, boobs were definitely designed for men's (and some women's) pleasures. My guy likes to hold mine like he's conducting an experiment. He squeezes, lifts, squishes together, licks, fondles, bites, cases his head between them ... I just sit there and wait for him to get over his amusements. Then he latches on to one with his mouth and squeezes the other.

As for problems, I have to always wear a sports bra, usually a size smaller so it's tighter and holds better. I choose the bra + sports bra combo as I'm very active in volleyball and soccer, and always running for buses. I don't like them to bounce too much, plus it brings unwanted attention. I normally sleep on my side or with a pillow below me if on my tummy. Plus, when it's my time of the month, they are super sensitive! ... Would you like me to continue?!
Active Ink Slinger
I love to ride my man; I hear that's called "cowgirl". It gives me more control, plus he has access to suck my nipples and hold me much closer. And I can watch his facial expressions.
Active Ink Slinger
I've watched my ex jerk off, but that's only because he was getting frustrated with me. When I tried to help, I guess I did it too slowly. When he took over it was super fast. I thought everything was going to fall off. lol
Active Ink Slinger
When my guy rubs my upper arms or the tops of my hands. It's such a simple touch, but it gets me heated up right away. I can't think when it happens!
Active Ink Slinger
Thank you all for your replies! It's definitely food for thought.

Sometimes he makes me feel so special like he'd be willing to wait a bit longer. But I know men have their needs, and I'm not trying to torture him on purpose, so I do help him out with masturbating when I can.

And other times I wonder what I'm waiting for, especially considering that there are even fewer virgin men out there, and little chance that I'd find one. I do want to experience sex (and sex with him!), but I guess I'm waiting for all my stars to align themselves.
Active Ink Slinger
I've been seeing a guy on and off for nearly a year. I'm a virgin (yes, we still exist) and he has known this from our first conversation. We met when I was 24 and he was 28 years old. He's been telling me I will be his since the first date. Anytime I ask him what he wants, he says he wants to fuck me (he even said he wants to make love to me a few times).

But now that it's been almost a year, I'm wondering if I should give it up to him? Or I'm not sure if he'll leave for good once he's had me?

So men, what do you think his intentions are? Your honesty is welcome and appreciated.

Merry Christmas!
Active Ink Slinger
Funny I should happen upon this discussion. My ex recently texted me that he wants to fuck me. (Then he called me and put some scenarios in my head, but that's a different topic.) But, as a virgin, my response to him was, "I don't want to be fucked like a whore, I want to be made love to like a respected woman!"

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to fuck him as he has a juicy dick and we'd get wild, but for my first time, I definitely want to make love.