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SissyMandy - Branded and Bred

"Mistress brands my body, then gives me to Rob"

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I wake up the next morning to the sounds of waves crashing into the rocks below our resort suite. The coast is always a good place to escape the summer heat of Sacramento, and I'm thinking about how hot it was yesterday when Mistress sent me to suck a stranger's cock. I'm becoming more of a sissy, it seems, as each day passes.

"Morning, sissy," Mistress says as she wakes.

"Mmmm…" I snuggle myself into her, "this is a beautiful place."

"That it is. Beautiful things happen here. You'll see that as the weekend progresses."

"So there's other sissies here?"

"You'll probably see quite a few."

"So… everyone has a sissy?"

"Not everyone. The owners usually set their sissies free to play around for the weekend, so there's always guys looking for sissy-sex. You're free to do that, if you like."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if you see a guy you like, you're free spend the night with him."

"I don't know about spending a whole night with a guy. I'd be afraid he'd want to start kissing me."

"We've already talked a lot about kissing guys, Mandy. I know you don't like it, but it's something you're going to have to learn to like."

"Yuck…! I'll never learn to like it! I just can't do it."

"Funny how you'll kiss his cock, but can't kiss his lips. You'll start liking it eventually, and probably sooner than you think.

"Anyways, while we're here, I'm going to start teaching you about flirting and attracting cock to you. So far, I've been setting you up with cock, and I still will, but it's time you learned how to go after your own cock."

"How do I learn?"

"For starters, by dressing up for breakfast. Go jump in the shower, while I lick your wife's pussy as she's waking up."

"She'll like that."


After my shower, Mistress dresses me in black, fishnet stockings and a tight, gold-colored skirt. My blouse is satin-black, with a gold collar around my neck. I don't like wearing heels again, but Sherry says the more I wear them, the better I'll get at walking in them.

They make me walk around the suite in my heels, showing me how to stick my ass out to catch a man's eye. Mistress pulls my shoulders back so my tits stick out as we go downstairs to eat.

As the hostess takes us to our table, I notice two other sissies eating with their owners. I'm glad Mistress dressed me up because those sissies are cutely dressed as well. They're easy to spot since they're wearing collars like me.

As we're eating, Brenda directs my attention to a very masculine gentleman taking a seat by himself.

"See that guy who just came in…? He's looking for sissy-sex."

"How can you tell?"

"You just know after a while. Do you think he's handsome?"

"I dunno. Kinda, I guess."

"You can tell he's got a nice cock by the confident way he carries himself. Maybe you should get up and walk by him. You know, test the waters."

"Just walk by him?"

"Yeah, walk kinda close to him, but not too close. Wiggle your ass at him, like we showed you."

"Naw," I resist, "I don't think I can do that."

"Do it, Mandy. Start flirting with him, and see if he's interested."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. It's not a request."

"Do it, Mandy," Sherry prods. "You don't have to walk up to him right away. Walk out to the hall first, and get yourself psyched up."

As I reluctantly get up and walk out to the hall, unbeknownst to me, Brenda starts texting with the guy.

'I see you made it, Rob,' she sends him a text.

'Yeah,' he texts back, 'I left Carmel at six to get here. Where's your sissy?'

'She's in the hall, working up the courage to flirt past you. She's the blonde wearing a gold skirt and black blouse. Act nonchalant when she walks by, but give her a smile to let her know you're interested.'

'You know I'm always interested in virgin sissy ass.'

'That's my Rob. I wish you were interested in my ass.'

'I would be if you had a cock. You know you're not my flavor.'

'You gay guys are all the same, but I love you anyways.'

'If we liked pussy, we wouldn't be gay. Is that her coming in?'

'That's her, what do you think?'

'I think she's gonna get bred tonight.'


I'm nervous as hell with my heart pounding as I walk toward him. The closer I get, the more attractive he looks to me, which is a very weird feeling, being attracted to another man.

"I'm only interested in his cock,' I tell myself. 'Sucking a load of cum out of his balls is all that matters to me.' Or so I think.

His face is buried in the menu as I walk by him. I'm sticking my ass out like the girls showed me, but he doesn't seem to even notice. I walk about twenty feet past his table, then turn around to approach him again. This time he raises his eyebrows as I get close. I smile at him, and he winks his eye and halfway smiles as I pass.

I don't know why, but getting a smile out of him makes my heart throb. I nearly stumble in my heels, barely making it back to the table without falling on my face.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Brenda says as I sit down.

"I almost tripped over myself when he smiled at me."

"That means he's interested, and it's obvious you're interested in him, you little slut."

"Maybe I am," I admit, "So what do I do know?"

"Nothing. You've made your move and let him know you're available. We'll go about our business and let him think about it. If he's interested, he'll start stalking you. Just let it play out, we've got all day."

I keep staring at him as we eat breakfast, but he's playing Mr. Nonchalant, barely looking my way only a few times. Brenda and Sherry giggle to each other, but I don't have a clue what it's all about.

"The sun's coming out," Brenda says, "it's time to see what our sissy looks like in a bikini."

"That's gonna be weird," I say.

"No it won't," Sherry says. "We're not in Sacramento, baby. It's normal to be a sissy in this crowd, so just let yourself go and have fun being a girl."

I'm starting to have fun being a girl. I have to admit, I was feeling kinda sassy prancing around in my tight skirt when I was flirting with that guy.


Back in our suite, I get my first experience of wearing a gaff. It's not so bad having Brenda stuff my male parts into the little pouch. It's when she ties the strings around me and pulls my package between my legs that things get uncomfortable. A thin string intruding up my ass crack isn't the best feeling in the world, but when I pull my bikini bottom up and look in the mirror, I see the benefits.

"Wow, my cock has disappeared!" I say to Brenda.

"Hmmm…" she grabs my crotch, "no trace of a bulge anywhere, not that there's much to hide. You'd look a lot better in that bikini if you were thinner. I'm gonna put you on a diet when we get back home."

It feels kinda cool trotting out to the beach in my bikini and flip-flops. Brenda looks so fucking hot in her bikini top that barely covers her nipples. Sherry's top doesn't cover much more, and my fake boobs make me feel hot as they bounce with every step I take.

We walk quite a ways down the beach before Brenda finds a spot to lay out our towels. I'm getting ready to lay out and soak up the bright sun, when Brenda stops me.

"We gotta switch tops," she says.


"I want you sissy-branded, with sissy lines," she says as she gets a different top out of the beach bag.

The top she puts on me is nothing more than two triangles covering my nipples, held together with strings that she ties around my back. She has me lie on my back while she and Sherry rub suntan lotion into my lily-white skin. It feels wonderful being pampered by my Mistresses.

Probably an hour goes by before Brenda tells me to turn over, and the girls spread the lotion over my backside. Brenda then places several objects on my lower back as Sherry giggles.

"What are you putting on my back?" I wonder.

"That's for Mistress to know, and for sissy to accept. Don't you dare move."

By now, I know the futility of arguing with Mistress, so I just close my eyes and take a nap under the hot sun. Unbeknownst to me again, Mistress gets her phone and starts texting with that guy.

"We're on the beach, Rob, what are you doing?'

'Relaxing in my room after the long drive.'

'Rest up, sweetie. I'm getting your sissy ready for you. She's napping right now while the sun brands her. We'll stop at the bar for a drink after the beach. I want to come in after we get there.'

'Just text me and I'll be right down. Does she know what's going to happen?'

'Not a clue. I'm letting her think she's seducing you all on her own.'

'What a bitch you are.'

'I know. I'm gifted that way. Text you later… stud.'


I feel my skin burning when Mistress wakes me from my nap a few hours later.

"Let's get you out of the sun, love. You're starting to turn red. We'll get a drink in the bar to cool you down. Your tan is coming along very nicely."

Mistress removes the objects from my lower back, and as I turn over, I see her putting them in her purse. They look like the magnetic letters you stick on your refrigerator. I can only imagine the devious mischief Mistress is up to as she replaces my sissy-top with my bikini top and breast forms.

It feels good getting out of the sun and sitting down for a cool, refreshing drink in the lounge. I find myself checking out every guy I see, staring at their bulges and wondering what it would be like to suck each one of them off. I'm getting hungry for cum. I haven't had any since yesterday.

Then I see him walking in. The guy I flirted with this morning, wearing swimming trunks and an unbuttoned, short-sleeved shirt. He looks hotter than fuck. I can't stop admiring his muscular legs, so beautifully masculine, compared to my sissy bird legs. He stops to look around, winking at me when he sees me.

His eyes sear into my brain as I stare at his bare chest. It's obvious he works out a lot, judging from his abs and sculptured pecs. If I was to draw a picture of the perfect male body, I swear it would look just like him. He looks at me just long enough to make my clitty quiver, before taking a seat at the bar.

"There's your dream boy again," Mistress says to me.

"I knooooow," I say in a daze, unable to take my eyes off him.

"I told you he'd start stalking you. Better grab him before another sissy catches his eye."

"I'm scared, Mistress, I don't know what to do."

"Just walk up to the bar like you're ordering a drink. Let your body language tell him what you want. Then let him make the next move."

I don't really want to, but my body is screaming for him. I timidly get up, suddenly feeling very sexy in my bikini and flip-flops. My unbuttoned beach blouse is open enough to let my breast forms stick out as I pull my shoulders back and rest my elbows on the bar. I stick my ass out as far as I can, hoping he'll somehow notice me.

"What's your name?" I melt when he finally speaks to me.

"Mandy," I timidly reply.

"I'm Rob. I saw you walking by my table in the dining room this morning. Can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure," I say as I sit on the barstool next to him. "I wasn't sure if you noticed me when I walked by you."

"Are you kidding? The way you were flaunting your sissy ass? Of course, I noticed you. You looked hot in that blonde wig and gold skirt. You're even hotter in that bikini."


"Yes, really. I'd ask you to join me for dinner if we hadn't just met."

"True. We don't really know each other."

"Just because we don't yet, doesn't mean we can't. Where do you live?"


"I drove up from Carmel."

We talk for maybe a half hour, and I'm more attracted to him with every word he speaks. He leans forward a few times like he wants to kiss me, but I pull back. The thought of kissing a man still disgusts me, but I giggle like a girl when runs his hand up and down my legs. I can't deny the strong sexual attraction I have for this man.

"Do we know each other well enough now for me to ask you to dinner?"

"I like to," I say, "but I'll have to ask my Mistress first."

"Go ask her. Ask her to come over and talk to me."



"Hey… hot bitch," Brenda giggles when I return to the table. "He must like you. He talked to you long enough."

"Gawd… I feel so light-headed. I don't know what's gotten into me."

"I know what's gotten into you. You're falling for a man, sissy-girl. Enjoy it. Love it. Embrace the sissy that you are, Mandy. I've been training you for this."

"He asked me to dinner!"

"Did you accept?"

"I did, but I said I'd have to check with my Mistress first. He wants to talk to you."

"You know I've already given you permission. I'll go talk to him and lay down the rules for my virgin sissy."

"I'm so proud of you!" Sherry tells me as Brenda makes her way over to Rob. "There's nothing like having a man all to yourself and making love with him all night long."


"Looks like you charmed the daylights out of my little sissy," Brenda says to Rob.

"I didn't have to do much. Your little bitch is so ripe to be taken."

"I can't think of a better man to pop her cherry than you, Rob. I've loved you for so long. I've never been closer to a man I've never fucked."

"We don't have to fuck to be in love, Bren. There's so much more to love than just fucking."

"Yes, so much more indeed. You've taught me that over the years I've known you. So you think you can be gentle with her? This one's very special to me, and I don't want her hurt."

"I'll treat her like I'd treat you. She doesn't seem to like kissing."

"No, she doesn't. We've talked about it, but the whole gay-taboo thing she was raised with is holding her back. We won't tell her you're gay until after you've de-flowered her."

"I wasn't intending to, and I bet I'll have her kissing and loving it in the morning."

"If anyone can, you can, Rob. You wanna pick her up at our suite? I'll have her dressed to kill, and I'll make sure she's cleaned out real good inside before I give her to you."

"Gotta have a clean ass to pop a bitch's cherry. I'll fill her ass so full of cum, she'll never be the same."

"They never are."


"OK, kiddo," Brenda says when she returns, "sissy's got a hot date! Let's go up and get you ready for sex! There's a lot to do to get ready for a night like this."

I'm not sure why I feel so giddy when we get back to our suite, but Mistress seems to know. She takes me into the bathroom first thing and closes the door. She gives me the sweetest kisses, sweeter than she's ever given me before. My little clitty is hard as hell.

"Mmmm… sissy is excited," Mistress strokes my clitty.

"I can't help it, Mistress. I'm so excited!"

"You don't have to stop it tonight, baby. Your clitty is throbbing for a man. Let it stay hard for him. Let him make you cum."

"When was the last time you pooped?" she asks me, out of the blue.

Somewhat taken aback by such a personal inquiry, I tell her I did it right after lunch.

"I have to teach you about something that's not so fun," she shows me an enema kit. "Do you know what this is?"


"Remember watching the sissies doing it in the videos?"

"Yeah, it didn't look very fun."

"It can be, if you think about why you're doing it. A sissy always cleans herself for her man. Do you think you can do it by yourself?"

"I think so."

"Good, I'll give you privacy then. Open the door when you're finished. Make sure your liquid is perfectly clear the last time you rinse. Remember, you're going to be sucking whatever goes up there tonight."

It's somewhat embarrassing giving myself several enemas before I'm clean, but I'm glad Mistress gave me the privacy to do it by myself. Before opening the door, I gaze at my naked body in the mirror. The hours in the sun have truly branded me with the sissy lines Mistress told me about.

There are lily-white triangles about four inches in size, prominently displaying my sissy nipples. My skin has started turning golden-brown, with white skin in the female shape of a bikini bottom around my ass. All-in-all, I kinda like the look, although now I won't be able to take my shirt off around men, like at the gym.


Mistress takes extra care with my makeup while Sherry glues sexy fingernail extensions on my nails. She paints my toenails to match, as Mistress puts false eyelashes on me. I've never felt so sexy. I've never felt so girly. I've never felt so ready for sex, as I do right now.

Mistress gives me a pair of sheer white nylons to roll up my legs and lacy-white panties. I ask her why everything is white, and she tells me it's because I'm still a virgin sissy.

The transparent nipple suction cups Mistress glues on make my nipples stick out about an inch-and-a-half. My nipples are clearly visible through my sheer-white, transparent bra. Mistress says no breast forms tonight. This is pure sissy-sex tonight, and Rob wants a pure sissy, not a girl wannabe.

My see-through crop top blouse leaves nothing to the imagination. My nipples are fully exposed, with bare skin from my waist to just below my bra. My tiny, hot-pink mini-skirt barely covers my ass and my clitty throbs when I see myself in the mirror. I'm dressed in full-blown sissy mode, my clitty is bulging against my mini-skirt, and I feel fuckin' hot!

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The last thing Mistress gives me are new black leather boots. With three-inch heels, they come halfway up my calves. They're actually quite comfortable to walk in, compared to the heels I wore this morning. I'm prancing around, showing off in front of the girls, when Rob knocks on the door.

"Answer it, sissy," Mistress says, "You know who it is."

Rob looks handsome as hell in a dinner jacket and white shirt. His jaw drops when he sees me.

"Day…um, girl! he gasps, "I've got the hottest sissy in the whole resort! "

He leans forward like he's gonna kiss me, and I freeze and pull back. He kisses my forehead instead, and that's not quite so hard to accept.

"Your sissy looks fabulous," Rob tells Brenda.

"She's not my sissy tonight. I'm giving her to you. Treat her like you'd treat me."

Rob takes my hand and kisses it before taking me down the hall towards the elevator.

Mistress says to Sherry, "Say goodbye to the Mandy you've known, Sherr. Once they've been bred, they're never the same.I think you're gonna love the new Mandy."


As we approach the entrance to the dining room, I can see that I'm not the only sissy dressed up to the max. There are two other sissies with their dates waiting to be seated.

They're wearing tiny mini-skirts like me, and their blouses are transparent, like mine. They're both branded with white sissy triangles of untanned skin around their nipples. One of them has had her nipples pierced, with cute little gold chains dangling from the posts embedded under their areolas.

She smiles at me as I admire her nipple chains. She comes up to me and rapidly whispers one word in my ear, "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck."

She then giggles and kisses my cheek before the hostess takes her and her date into the dining room.

"That sissy was pretty damn hot," I say to Rob.

"You're as hot as she is, Mandy. You turn a sissy-lover like me on."

"You're turning me on, Rob. I've never felt like this with a man before."

"Does that mean you'll come up to my room after dinner?"

"Uh huh... my little clitty is throbbing."

Rob looks down at the unavoidable bulge pressing out from my mini-skirt. I'd be embarrassed about it, but the other sissies have bulges too, and they seem to be proud of theirs.

"I'm gonna take care of that little bulge for you," Rob rubs my throbbing clit in front of everyone. Looks like the other sissies have the same thing on their minds. Sissies love to fuck, you know."

"So I've heard. These girls are way more experienced than me. I've only done it a few times. Always with rubbers."

"I hate rubbers," is all he says as he squeezes my ass.

"I have your table ready?" the hostess takes us in to be seated.

Quite a few guys are eyeing me as we walk in, probably because my puffy nipples are so prominently displayed for all to see. I'm feeling sexy. I like being on display.

As our waitress brings us our food, I notice Brenda and Sherry coming in with two guys they must have picked up. Knowing Brenda, she probably has a collection of guys she can call anytime she wants.

All through dinner, all I can do is stare into Rob's gorgeous eyes, soaking up the vibrant, masculine lust emanating off him. I'd have never thought I could get so turned on by the thought of spending the night with another guy, but my little clitty hasn't been soft since he asked me to dinner.

My phone buzzes with a text from Brenda.

'Having fun, little one?' she texts.

'Oh God, Mistress,' I text back, 'I'm sooooo horny.'

'So you like Rob?'

'That's an understatement. I adore him.'

'How'd you like to be bred tonight?'

'But you said you already had someone in mind for that.'

'I do have someone in mind. You're having dinner with him right now.'

'What…? Rob's my breeder?'

'Yes, darling. I told you you'd fall for him right away, didn't I?'

'You mean you arranged this whole thing?'

'I arranged for him to be here. The rest you did yourself. I told you I'd ask you if you liked him before I gave him final permission, didn't I?'

'You did, and I do. Thank you, Mistress! I wanna be bred tonight…! By Rob!'

'Do it with my blessings, Mandy. Mistress does indeed love you, and so does your wife. Bye.'

A few seconds later, Sherry texts me, 'Go for it, baby. This is what I want for you. I love you more than anything!'

I'm so excited, I could pee my pants as I put my phone away.

'What was that all about?' Rob asks.

"It was Brenda. She set me up with you, and I had no idea."

"I'll make a little confession. Brenda and I have been the closest of friends for many years. She's an incredible lady, and the cleverest bitch I've ever known."

"I'm in love with her."

"Me too. I've loved her for yethe. So… now that you know this was kind of a set-up, do you still want to spend the night…"

"With you?" I interrupt. "Yes! I'm so ready!"

Just then Rob's phone buzzes and he chuckles as he reads rhe text.

"Is it from Brenda?" I ask. Rob just gives me his phone so I can read Brenda's message:

'My sissy is all yours to go bareback. Fuck her good, Rob, but don't hurt her. She's very special to me, that's why I'm trusting you with her. Bring me a happy sissy in the morning.'

We grin as Rob puts his phone away. "You ready to go fuck?" Rob asks in a very masculine way.

"Let's go!" I can't wait.

Brenda and Sherry wave at me as we leave the dining room, but I hardly notice. All my attention is on Rob!


As soon as we get in Rob's room, I can tell this is going to be different. The few guys I've been with so far have treated me like a dirty slut, only interested in cumming in my ass or mouth. Rob is different. He's interested in me, he's gentle with me, he's respectful of me.

Instead of throwing me on the bed, he takes me to a small couch where he sits beside me and just gazes into my eyes. His gaze melts me as our lips are drawn closer together. I swear I'm not going to kiss him, pulling away when he gets to close.

"You don't like kissing?"

"I'm sorry, Rob. I can't. It's just so gay. I can't do it."

"That's fine, may I kiss your neck then?"

"Go ahead, I'd like that," I say, letting my head fall back.

He takes me in his arms, kissing not only my neck, but also my ears, my cheeks, my forehead… everything on my face except for my lips. He's turning me on like I've never been turned on before. My hands are all over him, unbuttoning his shirt so I can feel his perfect muscles covered with just the right amount of hair.

I offer no resistance when he takes off my blouse and unsnaps my bra. My tits are so sensitive under the transparent suction cups that I moan when Rob leans down to bite them. I feel like such a girl in his arms, his sissy girl, ready and willing to please.

My hand creeps into his pants, where I find what I've been wanting all night. A big, hard, cock! I unzip him so I can wrap my hand around his manhood. It feels so awesome, so big, so inviting. I've got to taste him soon, but Rob seems to be in no hurry. I work my hand all the way into his pants, and I can't believe how smooth he feels as I run my fingers up and down his hardening shaft. His balls feel so heavy in my hand, I can't wait to get them in my mouth.

"I wanna suck you, Rob," I pant as he sucks a nipple into his mouth.

I can't believe how supple those suction cups are. I hardly notice they're even there as Rob traces his masculine tongue around them.

"I wanna suck you, Rob," I say again, but Rob's more interested in pleasuring me, than receiving it for himself.

He pulls on my mini-skirt zipper, and I help him slide my skirt down my legs. He bends down to kiss my hard little clitty that's been throbbing for hours. I let out a helpless moan when he pulls my panties down just enough for my clitty to peak over the top.

His tongue flicks at my slit and licks the pre-cum that's been dripping for the longest time.

"Have you ever been sucked off by a man?"


"I love your pretty little cock," he says before pulling my panties all the way down and taking me all the way into his male mouth.

I squirm as his tongue takes me to places I've never been. I never see my cock again as his tongue massages my ball sack between his slow licks up and down my shaft. I'm pulsing like crazy, and don't know how long I'll last. It turns out I don't last long at all, the way he's working me over.

I grab his head, "I'm gonna cum real soon if you keep this up," I warn him, because I know men don't like cum in their mouth.

He ignores my repeated warnings until I can't take anymore. I let out a huge 'aaaaaagh' as my load shoots into him, and I hope I haven't pissed him off. He keeps right on pleasuring me until my five inches shrinks back to three-and-a-half. When he finally releases me, he grins and shows me a mouth full of cum.

"Want some?" he cleverly tempts me, knowing I'll have to kiss him if I want the cum-treat sitting in his mouth.

I'm so much in a daze I don't even think. "Yeah," I say the moment he asks me, "I can't resist cum."

"Neither can I," he says as he comes up and presses into my wanting, open mouth.

I put my arms around him as my cum spills from his mouth to mine. In seconds, I'm kissing this man as deeply and passionately as any woman would. It turns me on more than I could have imagined as he completely dominates me with his huge, hard cock pressing against my little spent clitty.

"Oh God, Rob, I've never kissed a man before."

"It's the same as kissing a girl."

"No, it's not. You're so much stronger than a girl, more dominating than a girl."

"It's how you feel with the person you're kissing," he says before stuffing his tongue back in my mouth. "And the your sissy-cum makes it so delicious."

"I wanna taste your cum. I wanna suck your cock."

"I'd love that, Mandy. I only sucked you off first because you've been so excited. I wanted to settle you down so you could really get into it."

"I'll get into it. This feels so much different than the other men I've been with."

"That's cuz I care for you. Those other guys only cared for themselves."

He stands up and lets me take his pants off, and when his cock pops out of his bikini briefs, I can't believe the beauty of it. At least eight inches long, he's very thick and uncircumcised, the first uncut cock I've seen. My eyes fixate on it as I drop to my knees, running my fingers up and down it as I do.

I look up at him like they say to do in the sissy videos, as I open my mouth wide to take him in. My tongue rolls around his foreskin, noticing how unique this feels compared to the cut cocks I've had. Where his head starts popping out, it tastes of sweet pre-cum. As I work the foreskin further down, I discover his entire head is coated with the candy-cum.

I immediately love it. Playing with the head of his cock with my tongue, I moan with him in my mouth, savouring my first uncut cock. I'm lost in pleasuring him, addicted to the sensation of his cock going in and out of my mouth. The groans coming from him are turning me on like never before. A half hour or more into my devotion, he stops me. He picks me up like a leaf and carries me over to the bed.

"I was getting too close to cumming," he says, "and we both know where this load is supposed to go."

"My pussy," I say with a smile on my face, "I want you to breed me, Rob. Breed me good, I want all of it."

"Just lie back and relax, pretty flower, enjoy everything I'm about to do with you. I'll be loving it as much as you will."

All I can do is lie back as he gets between my legs and lifts my knees up and apart. He takes my cock back in his mouth and sucks me until I'm throbbing hard again. He runs his nose along my hard shaft, sucking my sack and working it over once more. I never knew my balls could feel so erotic, especially in a man's mouth.

He bends my legs further backwards and I feel his tongue circling my skin just below my balls. There's a sensitive spot there I never knew about, but Rod does, and he exploits me with it. This man is actually making love to me, treating me like a beautiful sissy-girl.

In my passionate moanings, I feel wetness around my pussy hole. No one's ever licked my asshole before. I never dreamed it could feel so good. It's like I have a real pussy as his tongue probes my sissy-puss hole. His tongue is strong as he pierces my most private place.

The tonguing leads to fingering, and before I know it, he's got three fingers inside me, working me open, stretching me so gently and comfortably. It's pure pleasure letting him have his way with me. My ass is hot with desire, and I start begging for it.

"Fuck me, Rob," I quietly ask, "Your sissy is ready."

Rob ignores me and takes my cock back in his mouth as his fingering gets more aggressive.

"Fuck me, Rob," I ask again, wanting it more than before.

He takes my balls in his mouth as if I hadn't even spoken. He's fingering me hard now, pushing into me deeper, harder, faster. He comes up to kiss me and I accept him unconditionally.

"Ready to give me your cherry?" he whispers so romantically. "Once it's gone, it's mine forever."

"Yes, Rob, Yes! I've been ready. You can have it. Just fuck me! Please… fuck me!"

He doesn't say anything else, only pressing his lips hard against mine, making me squirm, making me want to beg.

Finally, his fingers withdraw, and I feel his gigantic head pressing into me. I feel an incredibly erotic tingling around my ring as he stretches me and slips his head into me. He pauses to let me get accustomed to his intrusion, constantly kissing me and wrapping his tongue around mine.

Once I'm relaxed around him, he seems to know exactly when I am, he slowly pushes his entire length deep inside me, touching me in spots I never knew I had. My arms wrap around him as he slowly withdraws halfway before fully penetrating me again.

"Oh God, Rob!," I cry, "You're so damn big!"

"Oh God, Mandy," he responds, " You're so damn tight!"

He starts pumping me with full, slow strokes, making my ass pulse around him. I can't believe how glorious this feels. I can't believe how good he fucks.

He picks up the pace, fucking me faster as my pussy gets accustomed to his size. I kiss him with reckless abandon, wanting it more, wanting it harder. He gets on his knees and picks me up, his cock still buried in my ass. I wrap my arms and legs around him as he bounces me up and down his magical love-stick.

My passion builds as I feel a tingling in my legs. With my arms around his neck, I help him lift me up, so I can feel the full penetration when gravity slams me back down. The tingling spreads to my balls as he bounces me faster and harder, never releasing my mouth from the clutch of his lips.

Sensations I've never felt start shooting up my spine. It's going straight to my head as my clitty begins to pulse. I scream with pleasure as Rob continues his relentless pummeling of my hole.

"Fuuuuuuuuck!" I scream.

"Cum, bitch!" Rob edges me on. "Gimme that sissy cherry, you little slut!"


"Give it to me…! Give it up… Sissy-girl!"

I wiggle my ass back and forth on him, my pleasure is overwhelming. I'll give him anything he wants at this point.

"Take it…! Take it if you want!"

Rob throws me back on the bed. He's treating me like a slut now. I wanna be treated like a slut. I AM a slut!

He pins my ankles behind my shoulders, my ass pointing towards the ceiling. Sinking his cock into me again, he pounds me into the bed as I cry in ecstasy. I feel my ass warming up. It suddenly feels slippery in there as he erupts a load of hot cum into my virgin ass.

The tingling sensations I've been having suddenly overwhelm me. My clitty jerks uncontrollably as Rob sinks every bit of himself into me. "Fuuuuuuuuuck," I scream again as cum oozes out of my clitty and runs down my tummy. My first full-bodied, sissy orgasm is everything they say it is in the sissy videos.

My screams are muffled by Rob, as he kisses so hard, harder than Sherry has ever kissed me. I hold on to him tightly as my convulsing body shakes on its own. Rob never stops kissing me as my orgasm runs its course and I come back to reality.

"You're a hot piece of ass, Mandy," Rob says as he pulls his cum-coated cock out of my ass.

"Fuuuuck…" I moan, "I never dreamed it could be so good."

"You've still got dessert to lick."

"Your cum…? Off your cock…?"

"Yeah, my bottoms tell me it's the best part."

"Mmmm…. gimme some, stud."

Cum never tasted so good as when Rob straddles my face and dangles his soft meat in my mouth. I clean his cock like a sissy obsessed. A sissy who's been properly bred.

A sissy who can't wait… to do it again.

Written by Jilluvscox
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