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A few days after his night with Jill, James took the next step in his plan, but this stage would be more difficult. His goal was to fuck Mandy, a long-time friend of his mother, who had also slept with his father and borne his child. He knew that she worked out regularly in the gym near her house, so he decided to join it and see if he could meet her there and get to know her better.

Once he’d joined the gym, he went there every morning before uni, then again at the end of the day. After a few weeks, he noticed that Mandy came in every Tuesday and Friday in the morning for a set routine. And so it was that one Tuesday when Mandy started using the rowing machine, James arrived at the machine next to her.

“Oh, hello, Mrs Price. I didn’t know you came to this gym.”

Mandy looked up to see an athletic young man with a shock of red hair and dressed in tight-fitting Lycra shorts. He was shirtless. It took her a few moments to recognise him.

“Why, hello James. Fancy seeing you here. It’s been years since we last met.”

“Yes, it has been a long time. I’m at uni now.”

“Yes, your mother told me. Are you enjoying it?”

“Oh, very much.”

“Well, I’m going to get back to my routine.”

“Me too. Good seeing you.”

James got onto the rowing machine next to her and started exercising. Mandy glanced at him as she did the same, thinking how much he had grown since she last saw him. Her eyes drifted over his body, noting the size of his thighs and the muscles in his calves, his chiselled abdomen and powerful chest, and the bulging muscles in his arms.

After ten minutes or so he stopped, sweat dripping from his forehead, and stood up.

“Well, I’m off to the weights now,” he said, “see you later.”

Mandy looked up at him as he stood in front of her. Her eyes were level with his hips and looking straight at his crotch. She could see the huge bulge of his balls and a clear outline of what looked like a very large cock standing upright against his abdomen. Her eyes widened momentarily then she looked up at his face.

“OK. I might see you there.”

James turned and walked away, smiling slightly. He’d noticed her eyes widening and thought that she’d want to make sure that she hadn’t been mistaken. When he got to the weight machine, he lay on his back and started his exercise with 40lbs.

He hadn’t been doing it for more than a few minutes when Mandy appeared. She pretended to be getting herself ready but was glancing at him as he lifted and returned the weights in smooth up-and-down movements.

“You’re doing well,” she said.

“Thanks. These aren’t too heavy.”

“They’re not light either.”

She busied herself putting 20lbs on the machine before lying down and starting to lift the weights while trying to take her mind off what she’d seen. She had not been mistaken the first time. He was big. Not only that, he was also stunningly good-looking with a sculptured body. She felt a brief flutter in her chest, then told herself to stop being stupid. He was 20 years younger than she was and was also the son of her daughter’s father.

They both continued with their weights for several minutes before James stood up and said he was going to shower as he had to go to uni.

“Would you like a lift there?” Mandy asked. “I go past on my way home.”

“Really? Thank you so much, that would be very helpful.”

“OK. I’ll meet you at the juice bar after showering.”

James went off to the showers feeling very pleased with himself. He’d broken the ice with her and also noted her interest in him. It would take some time but he felt sure that he would be able to seduce her.

As he showered, he thought about all the things that were going on in his life. He was fucking Sandy once or twice a week, sometimes with Dan there, sometimes not. He was also fucking both Jill and Beth. They had stopped their birth control and were now approaching their fertile period. His cock grew as he thought about knocking them up.

“Shit, mate, that’s a massive fucking thing you’ve got there.”

He looked over to see another man showering nearby. He was older than James but in good physical shape.

“Thanks,” he replied, “I got lucky with my genes.”

“You certainly did. I wish I had your genes. No wonder that chick was interested in you.”

“Really? Was she?”

“You bet she was. You should have seen how she looked at you when you walked to the showers. You’re lucky. I’ve heard that she’s really hot.”

“But she’s married. She’s wearing a wedding ring.”

“Doesn’t seem to stop her. Some of the guys here say they’ve fucked her.”

“Probably just wishful thinking.”

“Maybe, maybe not.”

“Well, I don’t want to make a fool of myself. But thanks for the info.”

James left the shower and dried himself before getting dressed in his normal clothes. Having heard what the man had said, he thought he might try to speed up his assault on Mandy’s marital vows. He’d see how it went when he met her.

Mandy was already there when he arrived at the juice bar. She was drinking some strange-looking concoction that was coloured green. He decided not to go near that and instead ordered tomato juice, sitting down on the stool next to her.

“That was a good workout,” he said, “I feel refreshed.”

“Me too,” she replied.

“Perhaps next time we can work together,” he said, “I like doing sit-ups but need someone to hold down my legs. I also like to have a shoulder rub when I’ve finished.”

“Sure. I’d be happy to do both of those. You can do the same for me.”

“Great. That’s settled then. Now tell me how your family’s doing. Are the girls well?”

“Oh, they’re in top form. Pamela’s finishing school this year and will be going to uni to study sociology. Patricia still has two years to go.”

“And Mr Price?”

“Tim is on top of the world. Work is keeping him very busy, but he’s enjoying it.”

“And Mrs Price?”

“Mandy, please, James. Mrs Price makes me sound so old and conservative. I’m fine, thanks. Looking after two teenagers is interesting and time-consuming, but next year it will slack off a little.”

“Well, it obviously suits you. You’re looking fantastic,” he said, placing a hand on her arm, his fingers brushing her skin lightly.

Mandy felt her skin tingle as he did so, and a frisson of excitement shoot through her body. She opened her mouth slightly. James saw her reaction and smiled. This was going to be much easier than he had thought.

‘You’re looking pretty good yourself,” she said, “and very different from the skinny boy I last saw a few years ago.”

James didn’t take his hand away from her arm. Instead, he gently stroked her skin. Mandy shuffled on her stool and nearly jumped off it when he pushed his leg against hers.

“Oops, sorry,” he said, moving back.

“That’s alright,” she replied, laughing, “if I didn’t know you, I’d think you were trying to get off with me.”

“Well, what would be so strange about that? You’re a sexy woman.”

“James!” Mandy exclaimed. “I’m old enough to be your mother. And I’ve known you since you were in nappies.”

“I know and I should behave better, but I think you are extremely attractive. What young man wouldn’t want to be with you? But I’m sorry if I’ve offended you.”

“No, James, you’ve not offended me, rather you’ve surprised me. But we should probably get going now.”

“Sure,” James replied and got off his stool, standing back for Mandy to get off hers, then following her out to the car park.

Mandy’s head was spinning as she led the way and her heart was racing. This boy was coming onto her and she was enjoying it, but her head told her it was wrong. She’d had a long affair with his father and somehow it didn’t seem right to contemplate anything with his son. But that didn’t stop the warm glow that she felt in her groin.

They arrived at the car and Mandy unlocked it. James opened her door for her, standing aside for her to get in. She got into the car and James closed the door before going round to the passenger side and getting in. Mandy started the car and they drove off without speaking. Mandy was embarrassed at the way her body had acted instinctively to James, but then she remembered the outline of his genitals in his Lycra shorts and wondered what they would look like unclothed. She blushed and quickly dismissed the thought.

They arrived at the university and Mandy stopped the car.

“Thank you so much for the ride, Mandy,” he said as he got out.

“It’s a pleasure. See you on Friday at the gym.”

James turned round and walked away as she drove off. He was delighted with his progress. Next time he’d step up his flirtation and, if he was lucky, it wouldn’t be too many more meetings before they’d go back to her house and fuck her. But that was for the future. For the next few days, he was going to fuck Jill.


Harry came to fetch him at 7.00 pm as arranged. James let him in and told him to sit down while he got ready. He was packing a small suitcase.

“I’m moving in for a few days, Harry,” he said, “I want to make full use of Jill’s fertile period.”

“Are you sure about this?” Harry asked.

“Come here, Harry.”

Harry walked over. James pulled down the zip of his fly and, taking Harry’s hand, put it inside his boxers to feel his balls as he looked into Harry’s eyes.

“You feel those, Harry? They’re twice as big as yours and are full of fertile sperm which I am going to ejaculate into your wife’s cunt. They will wriggle their way up her cervix and into her womb to find an egg to mate with. When they do, one of my sperm will pierce the wall of one of her eggs and fertilise it to create a life. Jill and I are going to make a baby. Does that answer your question?”

“Yes, Harry.”

“Good. No more questions from you. Just do as I say.”

“Yes, Harry”

“Good man. Now bring that suitcase and let’s go.”

Harry picked up the case and they left to drive to Jill and Harry’s house. Harry parked the car and the two of them went to the front door to find Jill standing there.

“James!” she squealed and threw her arms around him.

She kissed him all over his face before letting him go and dragging him inside by the hand. Harry followed behind with the case.

Jill was dressed in a black dress that finished on the knee. The top was quite low cut and the mounds of her bosom were clearly visible. She did a little twirl in the middle of the living room floor.

“Do you like it?”

“It’s stunning,” James replied, “but how long is it going to stay on?”

“Oh you naughty man,” she said, laughing. “You’re going to like what’s underneath as well.”

“You mean you’ve got something on underneath?”

“Of course. You’ll want the pleasure of taking it off,” she replied, then turned to her husband. “Harry, take James’s case to the bedroom and move some of your clothes out of the wardrobe and hang his up. Afterwards, please get us something to drink in the living room.”

“Of course,” Harry said. “James, what can I get you after I’ve unpacked?”

“Some cognac, thanks.”

“And you, Jill?”

“A glass of red wine, please.”

Harry went off to the bedroom with James’s case while Jill and James sat down on the couch. Jill snuggled close to James who put his arm around her shoulders. She turned up her face to look at him with dreamy eyes. James kissed each eye gently, his tongue licking her eyelids, then nuzzled her neck, running his tongue up and down it as he sucked the flesh between his lips. Jill shivered with pleasure, wriggling into him.

James tilted her head back and licked her neck underneath her chin then up the other side, before blowing gently in her ear.

“You won’t be able to walk when I’m finished with you,” he whispered.

“Mmmmm,” she answered.

He kissed her on the mouth, his tongue exploring inside, licking under hers. She put a hand on his chest and unbuttoned his shirt then rubbed the thick hair inside, her fingers brushing his nipples. He put a hand on her thigh underneath her dress which had ridden up her leg. Her skin felt soft and smooth.

He moved his hand round to feel her inner thigh. She opened her legs slightly, making it easier for him, and thrust her hips forward so that his hand moved higher towards her groin.

They carried on kissing and touching for several minutes as James caressed the soft flesh of her inner thigh, slowly moving his hand up until his fingers brushed against her panties. He could feel the outline of her labia through the thin material.

He rubbed his fingers up and down as Jill moaned into his mouth. The material felt very wet and soon bunched up and slid to the side, exposing her engorged and slimy labia. He tickled them gently then slid his fingers up to rub over her clitoral shaft.

“Aaaaah,” Jill sighed, rotating her hips. Her kiss became more passionate as she sucked on his tongue. At the same time, her hand left his chest and moved down to rub his cock through his jeans. She could feel it straining against his fly.

Harry had returned to the living room and was standing there staring at them, the drinks in his hands. He put them down on a table and sat on a chair, watching them intently.

James’s fingers played with Jill’s clit, feeling it harden and grow. It wasn’t long before the little nub appeared from the folds of skin. He let his finger gently rub across it, making her hips jerk and eliciting another gasp from her as she desperately scrabbled to undo his jeans.

James broke their kiss and looked round at Harry.

“Harry, go and turn back the bed then get undressed then stand next to it and wait for us. Take our drinks with you.” James instructed peremptorily.

Harry got up and left to do as he was told as James returned to kissing Jill. He was still playing with her clit, enjoying feeling her squirm under his touch. Jill had managed to unzip his jeans and pull out his cock, and her hand was now wrapped around his shaft.

James broke their kiss again and looked at her.

“I think we should make ourselves more comfortable. Let’s go through to your bedroom. Harry should have everything ready by now.”

He took his hand away from under her dress and stood up in front of her. She reluctantly let go of his cock as he did so, then let him pull her up to stand in front of him.

“Right, Mrs Bridges, lead the way to your marital bed,” he said with a smile.

“Follow me, Mr Jones,” she replied, taking him by the hand and walking towards the bedroom. He walked with her, his cock bobbing in front of him. They arrived in her bedroom to find the bed turned down and a naked Harry standing next to it, playing with his cock.

“Leave your cock alone,” James rapped, “I didn’t tell you to play with it.”

“I’m sorry, James,” Harry replied, dropping his cock and looking down.

“Get over here and take off your wife’s dress.”

Harry did as he was told, unzipping Jill’s dress and placing it over the back of a chair. Jill stood in her matching bra and panties. They were flame red in colour, lacy and see-through. Her panties had a large wet stain.

“Now take off her underwear.”

Harry stepped forward and undid her bra then pulled it off her as she stretched out her arms. Still holding it he pulled down her panties to her ankles. She stepped out of them. Harry stood up holding them both.

“Do you want to lick her panties?”

Harry didn’t reply, instead, he put her panties to his face and inhaled the scent of her arousal then sucked the gusset, tasting her fluids.

“Put them down now and come and undress me.”

Harry put her underwear on the same chair as her dress then came over to James and pulled off his shirt, folding it and putting it on the chairs then coming back to undo his belt and the waistband fastening of his jeans. He pulled them down and James stepped out of them. Harry picked them up, folded them and placed them on the chair before returning to pull down James’s boxers and, after James had stepped out of them, putting them on the chair.

“And my socks, Harry, don’t forget them. You don’t want me to fuck your wife in my socks.”

Harry dropped onto his knees and pulled off James’s socks. He was still on his knees when James swung his hips so that his cock hit Harry on the cheek, leaving a smear of precum. He got up and put James’s socks on the chair.

“Wait there until I tell you otherwise.”

James went over to Jill and kissed her, then cupped her tits in his hands as his fingers and thumbs twiddled her nipples.

“You’re fucking sexy,” he said then bent down and licked the top of her tits as he played with them. She reached down and fondled his cock. James put his arms around her and, lifting her up, carried her to the bed and laid her down on the edge, her legs dangling down. He knelt in front of her and, pushing her legs apart, thrust his face into her groin.

Jill held his head in her hands as his tongue found her slit, licking up and down her labia, sucking them between his lips, nibbling them. She felt the blood rush to her genitals as everything swelled and warmed up. She felt something running down the crack between her butt cheeks.

James sniffed her cunt, the smell of her arousal starting to fill the air. He blew gently on her slit as he licked, then slowly inserted a finger at the bottom of her slit, gently pushing it into her opening, then running it around her vaginal entrance, feeling the flesh just inside.

“Oh, James, darling,” Jill murmured, her hips jerking.

James pushed his tongue between her inner labia which were now protruding, licking at the juices in her pink slit. They tasted more pungent than normal and were more gelatinous, signs that she was ovulating. He licked and sucked, enjoying her increasingly rhythmic movements and little mewls of pleasure. After a few minutes, he stopped and turned his head to Harry.

“Come here, Harry, and lie between my legs. You can suck my cock while I suck your wife.”

Harry came over and lay down on his back and shuffled under James between his knees. He could see James’s cock and balls just above his head. He shuffled back towards the bed so that his shoulders rested against it and his mouth was now level with James’s cock. He stuck out his tongue and licked the underside, then reached up and pulled back his foreskin so that he could lick James’s glans.

Harry sucked James’s cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the unsheathed glans, feeling the smooth skin which was covered in precum. He licked all around, sucking gently as he did so, swallowing the stream of precum sliding down the back of his tongue. He stroked his own cock as he sucked James’s, his mind immersed in pleasure.

“Your cuck husband is a really good cocksucker,” James said to Jill, then returned to sucking her cunt. Jill closed her eyes and licked her lips as she enjoyed the sensations. After a while, she opened her eyes and lifted her head.

“I need you now. I need you inside me," she said. “Harry can play with himself.”

“You heard your wife,” James said to Harry, who reluctantly let James’s cock slip out of his mouth.

James got off his knees and helped Jill properly onto the bed to lie down with her knees raised, then took two pillows and put them under her hips, lifting them up and presenting her cunt ready to be invaded. He climbed onto the bed and knelt between her legs, his cock near her waiting cunt, which was dribbling with her juices. Jill reached down to feel his balls, lifting them and fondling them, then put her hands on his hips as she looked into his eyes.

“You’ve got lovely balls. Big and hairy and heavy.”

“Full of sperm for you,” James said. “Harry, come here and get in the bed.”

Harry did as James said. He got on the bed and knelt next to them. James reached out and grabbed his cock.

“This is not going anywhere near Jill’s cunt for a very long time. The only cock that goes there is mine. Her cunt belongs to me. Now tell me you understand.”

“I understand.”

“Hold my balls, Harry.”

Harry reached over and lifted his balls with his fingers, moving the testicles around as he did so. He wished his were like that, low-hanging and large.

“You’re holding the genesis of your next child, Harry. One of the millions of sperm in my balls is going to fertilise one of your wife’s eggs and create a baby for you. Your child, but with my DNA, not yours.”

Harry felt a sickly hollow in the pit of his stomach as he heard James’s words, but at the same time a surge of lust running through his groin. His cock jerked and he groaned involuntarily as he imagined James’s cock spraying inside his wife’s vagina, thick semen coating everything with wriggling spermatozoa.

“It’s time now, Harry. Put my cock inside your wife’s vagina, and tell us both that you want me to impregnate her. You want to see her swell with my child.”

James watched Harry’s face as he struggled with the conflict of lust and humiliation. Over the months, he had learned that Harry enjoyed the conflict, that it was part of his sexuality, his sexual make-up. He needed the humiliation to satisfy as part of his sexual satisfaction.

“I want you to make my wife pregnant, James,” Harry said.

He took James’s cock and rubbed it up and down Jill’s slit then pushed it forward into her opening, pulling back his foreskin as he did. James’s glans slipped in slightly then stopped as it met the resistance of her entrance. James leaned forward and put his hands on the bed as he gazed into Jill’s face then pressed forward slowly, savouring the moment his glans popped through her vaginal opening. He loved that feeling, the resistance that suddenly gave way for the walls of her vagina to fold round his cockhead, tickling his corona as he sank deeper and deeper into her.

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“Oh God,” Jill murmured, "oh, that feels so good.”

She lifted her legs and locked them around James’s waist as she tilted her hips upward. She put her hands on his chest and gazed dreamily into his eyes, her lips parted, her breathing heavy.

James carried on driving his cock into her, feeling the walls of her vagina tickling his corona and stimulating his shaft. He bumped into her cervix, causing her to flinch, then felt his cock slide under it, its opening rubbing the top of his glans, until he felt the end of her canal. He stopped moving, enjoying the sensation of flesh against his slit as he felt precum dribbling out of it.

Jill felt marvellous. She could feel this gorgeous, warm, rigid, pulsing member inside her, stretching her opening and filling her void. She felt so full of it, so stuffed. She clenched and released her pelvic muscles, making her vagina ripple around his shaft.

James felt her cunt caress his cock and smiled at her, then started thrusting. He used short strokes, keeping his cock deeply embedded in her, just rubbing his glans back and forth underneath her cervix. Not too fast and not too hard.

Jill moved with him, her hips thrusting up against his downstrokes, then away from him as he withdrew slightly. They were in perfect rhythm together, fucking gently for several minutes before slowly starting to speed up as their arousal levels rose.

Harry watched in awe at the two of them, James’s butt going up and down, his gluteal muscles clenching and releasing, his shoulder blades rippling and his back muscles standing out. He saw Jill’s tits bouncing gently with their body movements, her stomach taut with moving bulges as James’s cock rearranged her insides.

He saw the thick shaft emerge on each upstroke, glistening with their fluids, the prominent veins sticking out, surrounded by his mass of flame-red pubic hair contrasting with Jill’s coal black curly bush. He saw the ring of white around the base of it, picked up from her copious lubrication mingled with his precum.

Harry thought it was the most beautiful, exciting, and pornographic sight he’d seen. His cock felt like a bar of steel, throbbing and itchy. He stroked it gently, trying to relieve its tension.

James turned his head to look at Harry. He smiled as he saw the lust on his face as he jerked his cock. He turned back to Jill who was starting to pant.

“Tell your husband what it feels like being fucked by me.”

“Oh God, Harry, it’s unbelievable. He’s so thick,” she gasped, then started breathing out in little ‘whew’ sounds as though she were in labour.

James speeded up his thrusts and increased the length until his cockhead was travelling the whole length of her vagina with each stroke, almost all the way out then all the way in. Harry could see the outline of the base of his cockhead through her labia as they were dragged out clutching it tightly, then dragged back in with the thick shaft. His heart pounded as he watched, anticipating the moment when James would shoot his cum into her vagina.

Jill’s body was now bouncing underneath James, her tits flailing around. She had moved her hands to grip his forearms, digging her nails in as she concentrated on the feelings of intense pleasure shooting through her groin. Her eyes were closed and her head moved from side to side as she grunted and groaned.

Harry gazed in wonderment as they fucked, amazed that James was holding off for so long. They must have been fucking like that for ten minutes when Jill gave a piercing cry and flung her arms out on the bed. Harry grabbed one of her hands and held it tight as she lifted her hips off the bed, her body rigid.

“Aaaaaaargh,” she cried, her cunt spasming rhythmically as her orgasm flooded through her body. James held still at the end of a thrust, his cock deep inside her cunt and clenched his muscles trying to stop his impending climax, but it was too late. He felt his balls tighten and a wonderful glow at the base of his cock followed by a rush of semen up his urethra that erupted out of the end of his cock to jet into Jill’s vagina.

In the back of her mind and in the middle of her orgasm, Jill was aware of his cock growing inside her and a rush of warmth flooding around it. Her nerves went into overdrive as the sensations overwhelmed her and her mind seemed to float into the sky. She felt his cock pulsing in time to her rhythms and imagined the thick stream of semen shooting out of the end and filling every crevice inside her, swirling around and coating everything.

Harry watched James’s butt as his muscles clenched and his hips thrust slightly with each ejaculation. He imagined her cervical entrance opening and millions of spermatozoa wriggling up her birth canal and into her womb to search for an egg to fertilise. He felt a stab of pain as he realised what was happening, that another man was impregnating his wife and that another man’s baby would grow inside her. But the raw sexual power of the whole act quickly obliterated that thought as he felt his arousal level peak and with a groan he climaxed, a few spurts of semen erupting from his cock and dribbling onto the sheet.

Jill was still orgasming as James ejaculated for the sixth and last time. His cock was still hard, but no longer spasming. He let himself down slowly to lie on Jill, his chest squashing her tits. He could feel her cunt still pulsing around his cock as he lay still, waiting for her.

Eventually, she came back to earth. She unhooked her legs from his waist and put her feet on the bed. He lifted himself up and put his hands underneath her legs, lifting them up and putting them over his shoulders. That lifted her hips higher and made sure that most of his semen stayed deep inside her. Once there he brushed his fingers over her lips.

“Hello there,” he said, “welcome back.”

Jill smiled at him. A smile of happiness with a hint of love. She could feel his semen sloshing around inside her and somehow knew that at that moment she was pregnant, an egg had been fertilised. A warm glow of satisfaction and contentment spread through her, together with a feeling of fulfilment. This was her purpose, to bear his child, to prolong his line.

They lay together like that for several minutes until Jill started to feel uncomfortable. She shifted her legs off his shoulders and put her feet down on the bed, her knees raised. James lowered himself to lie on her once again, this time kissing her gently, first on her mouth then all over her face. She kissed him back, then closed her eyes. After another few minutes, she straightened her legs out.

James understood and arched his hips to pull out of her, then rolled off to lie next to her on his side. He watched as Jill took Harry’s hand which she was still holding and put it onto her abdomen.

“Perhaps there’s a baby in there just like our first one,” she said.

Harry rubbed her abdomen, feeling her pubic hair under his fingers, his mind full of mixed emotions. He remembered the evening when James’s father, Alan, had impregnated Jill with Holly. He’d had the same feelings of failure, jealousy, pride, lust, and joy as he was feeling now.

“Let’s hope there is,” he replied.

Jill reached up and stroked his face, but didn’t say anything. After a while Harry lay down on his side, facing her, after which they all fell asleep.

James woke up sometime in the middle of the night with a hard erection. Jill had turned on her side facing away from him but backed up against him so that they were spooning. His cock was squashed against her butt cheeks. He reached down and, pulling his hips back, positioned it underneath her cunt then lifted her thigh slightly and pushed her so that it slid underneath between her thighs. It slipped easily as she was still wet with his semen, which had been oozing out of her slit.

James started moving so that his cock slid back and forth against her labia. It wasn’t long before she woke up and he felt her hand on the underside of his cock, pushing it up as she lifted her thigh. He changed position slightly and felt himself enter her. As his cockhead slipped in, he thrust forward and in no time was completely embedded in her slippery passage.

Jill was still quite sleepy as she felt his warm, rigid member slide into her cunt, stretching and filling her vagina. Not only did she feel safe and secure with him inside her, she also felt whole, as if a missing part had been restored. She reached back for his hand and put it onto her abdomen over her womb where she was sure her fertilised egg was growing.

James felt the warm confines of her vagina fold around his cock, caressing and tickling it. He loved that feeling and liked having it available whenever he wanted it. He kept still for a long while, simply enjoying the sensations, then started moving, slowly and gently with short strokes. Jill responded, using her pelvic muscles.

They both enjoyed a slow, languid coupling with minimal movement, but both of them experiencing heightened sensations. This was not an intense, frantic fuck, but a more settled and secure one. It also allowed them to take their time. For James this meant luxuriating in the pulses of pleasure he felt without letting himself climax. For Jill this was much more emotional, allowing herself to bond with the father of her newly-conceived child.

Slowly they both climbed the mountain of excitement. Jill’s breathing became irregular and she started gasping. James felt his cock prickling all over and his balls moving in his scrotum. He concentrated on the feelings until they suddenly reached a peak and he could no longer stop his body from reacting. He felt a wave of pleasure overcome him as his cock jerked and a stream of semen jetted out of the end into Jill’s hot vagina.

Jill felt his ejaculation and the change of viscosity inside her. She felt the warmth of his semen swirling around as his cock jerked rhythmically inside her. Her vaginal muscles clenched and released in time with his ejaculations, as if to squeeze every last drop of semen out of him, and she let out a long, drawn-out sigh as a feeling of complete submission and belonging flooded through her body.

After a while, James’s cock stopped jerking and his body relaxed as satisfaction spread throughout. He took his hand off her abdomen and caressed her breasts, tickling her nipples as he wondered how much bigger they would grow. He was looking forward to that. He was breeding another man’s wife and that made him feel hugely powerful. He slowly started to drift off to sleep.

Jill closed her eyes as she allowed herself to enjoy being bonded to him. For James, this was simply a sexual bond, but for her, it was more, even though she knew it would never be reciprocated. She knew he had no emotional feelings for her, but that didn’t matter because he still made love to her and now she was carrying his child. She felt at peace.


The next few days were much the same. James and Jill fucked repeatedly. In the mornings they would fuck after waking up then shower and dress before Harry took James to university. On the last day of James’s visit, the schedule changed. It was Friday and James told Harry to pack his case and take him back to his residence. Harry duly did so and dropped James back at his place.

James went inside and got out his gym kit as he was going to meet Mandy as arranged. This time, however, instead of tight-fitting Lycra, he put loose-fitting jogging shorts into his kit, then picked up the bag and went off to the gym. When he arrived, he went to the changing room and changed, then walked over to the rowing machines. Mandy was already there.

“Hello Mrs Price, uh, I mean, Mandy.”

“Hello James,” Mandy replied, breathing heavily.

“Don’t talk now, you need your lungs for the exercise.”

Mandy smiled. She noticed that he was wearing shorts this time and that his muscular legs were covered in thick, red hair. The boy had really matured, she thought.

James got onto the rowing machine and started exercising before slowly increasing the speed of his strokes until he was rowing quite fast. Mandy glanced at him sideways. After some time he slowed down again and then got off the machine. His top was damp with sweat, so he took it off.

“I’m off to the weights.”

Mandy gawked at his toned body, glistening with sweat, his chest hair matted. He looked like a Greek god to her.

“I’ll join you.”

He waited for her to get off her machine, then the two of them walked to the weight machines.

“What are you starting with?” James asked.

“20 lbs.”

“Lie down and I’ll get it ready.”

Mandy lay down on the mat. James loaded the barbell and stood behind her head, lowering it down onto the stand. As he had thought she would, Mandy looked back and up at him then gasped and drew in her breath. She could see straight up his shorts and he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Instead, she could see his hairy, pendulous balls and his huge, uncircumcised cock hanging down.

“Are you OK?” James asked.

“Uh, yes. Just recovering from my rowing.”

James smiled. He had planned this and her reaction was just what he wanted. He looked at her Lycra-clad body lying on the mat and saw that her nipples were sticking out. He wondered what she would say if he leaned over and fondled them, but he wasn’t going to do that, instead, he imagined it as his cock started to grow. He clenched his pelvic muscles, making it swing.

Mandy continued to stare up his shorts, her eyes wide, a glow of arousal spreading through her body. She could feel her pussy moisten as she reached up to grab the barbell and start lifting it, but her eyes never wavered. She was not going to show what was going through her mind and, indeed, her body. James watched her for a while, enjoying the movements of her lithe, attractive body, his cock now semi-erect and starting to push out the material of his shorts.

“Well, you seem to be in a good rhythm,” he said, “I’d better do the same.”

He stepped to the side and started preparing some weights for himself, placing them on the machine next to hers. She glanced at him as he did so, a little disappointed that her private show had come to an end, but with her mind whirling. She knew that he was fully aware of what he was doing and was waiting to see how she reacted, but she didn’t know what to do. She felt flattered that such an attractive young man was interested in her, but also a little scared.

Mandy and her husband, Tim, had their own rules. They had long ago worked out how to manage their marriage, and agreed that each was free to sleep with others, but that they would tell each other if they did so. There were no secrets. Tim was also a submissive cuckold who enjoyed watching Mandy with other, more dominant, men. This had started when Mandy was seduced by Alan, James’s father, who was also the father of their two daughters, Pamela and Patricia.

As Mandy tried to process all of her thoughts, James started lifting his weights. He had seen Mandy’s interest and now had to work out how to build on it and break through her natural defences. He turned his head to look at her and saw her looking at him. That encouraged him and he imagined her face as his cock pushed its way into her cunt for the first time. He felt it harden and grow at the thought.

Mandy saw him looking and also saw the movement in his shorts. She was in a quandary. He was the son of her children’s father, Alan. What would he say if he knew? What would her husband say? Why was James doing this? Why the interest in a woman old enough to be his mother? All of these questions would need answering but, in the meantime, what should she do?

They both lay there lifting and lowering their weights as their minds thought about the same thing, but from different angles. Eventually James decided he’d had enough. He let his weights down onto the stand and turned on his side.

“Let’s go and get cleaned up then have a drink.”

“Good idea, I’ll meet you at the juice bar in fifteen minutes.”

They went to their respective changing rooms to shower and get dressed, then went to the juice bar. James got them a couple of energy drinks and they sat down at a table. He was properly dressed now in a short-sleeved top and jeans. Mandy was also in jeans but with a blouse partly open, showing her cleavage. James looked her in the eyes as he reached out and held her hand.

“I feel a little embarrassed that maybe you saw that my body had reacted to you. I’m sorry if you did and if I offended you, but I find you extremely attractive.”

Mandy blushed.

“Oh, James,” she replied, smiling but with her heart beating faster, “how could I be offended? Yes, I did see, but I couldn’t imagine that you would find a woman of my age attractive. Anyway, our two families have been friends since you were a baby. I even changed your nappies. It just seems so strange.”

“Well then, you have an advantage,” James said, laughing, “you’ve seen me naked but I haven’t seen you naked.”

Mandy blushed again, her face going quite red.

“You’re blushing,” he said, smiling.

“Of course I am. You’re making me.”

“Mandy, you’re beautiful. I’d love to see you naked,” he said as he pushed one of his legs forward to move between hers. Mandy felt a jolt go through her as their bodies touched.

“Naughty boy,” she said, trying to relieve the situation.

James decided that he’d pushed enough for today. He wanted her to think about what had happened over the next few days before coming onto her again.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that,” he said.

“Nothing to be sorry about. An old lady needs to be flattered from time to time.”

“I better be going, then.”

“Would you like a lift?”

“That would be great, thank you.”

They left to go to her car. James opened her car door to let her in then went round to get in himself. During the journey they didn’t talk very much, arriving quite quickly at the university where Mandy stopped the car. James got out and went round to her side of the car. She rolled down her window.

“Thank you so much, Mandy. I hope you have a good weekend. I’ll see you on Tuesday.”

“Thanks, James. You have a good one too. See you then.”

James looked at her then quickly leaned into the car and kissed her on the mouth, his lips open, before pulling his head back out of the window, turning round and leaving without a word. Mandy was stunned. She had not expected that, but had certainly enjoyed the feel of his lips on hers. She looked at his retreating form, her heart beating wildly, and in that moment made her decision. She wanted him and she would have him. She drove off.

James was feeling delighted as he walked away from her. He knew that he’d breached her first defences and that it was now simply a matter of time as long as he didn’t make any catastrophic mistakes.

He thought about the events of the last week or so. Things were going to plan. Jill was now probably pregnant with Harry supporting the addition to the family. Mandy was on the way to the same destination although she did not know it yet. Beth and Peter hadn’t called him back yet after his ultimatum, but he knew they would. She needed James and would talk Peter into it.


James spent the following few evenings at home. After the week’s activities, he felt quite tired and needed a few early nights without interrupted sleep, so he made sure that he was alone except for Sunday lunch when he went to his parents’ house.

When Tuesday came around, he was feeling fit and full of vigour, looking forward to meeting Mandy again. He decided that he would repeat his choice of gym clothing, so packed his shorts in his gym kit.

When he arrived at the gym, he changed into his shorts only with no top and went straight over to the rowing machines. He was there first and sat down on one of the machines and started exercising. He hadn’t been going for long when Mandy arrived. She was dressed in her usual Lycra outfit.

“Hello, James. How are you? Did you have a good weekend?”

James stopped rowing and sat still on the seat, his knees drawn up.

“I’m great, thanks. Yes, I had a good weekend. What about you?”

“Oh, very good, thank you. I better get going.”

She sat down in the next machine and soon they were both exercising.

Mandy had been telling the truth when she said she’d had a good weekend. She’d told Tim about James and that she wanted fuck him.

“Are you sure?” Tim had asked. “He’s Alan’s son and also Pam and Tricia’s half-brother. That’s a bit weird.”

“I know, but he’s irresistible. He has an animal magnetism and I’m very drawn to him. And it looks like he’s even bigger than Alan!”

“Does Alan know what you have in mind? Or Jenny?”

“No, but I suppose I’ll tell them sometime.”

“Well, if you’re sure. Do you want me there?”

“Not the first time.”

“Alright. When will that be?”

“Tuesday morning.”

“Oh, that’s alright. I’ll be at work anyway.”

“I know, that’s why I picked it.”

Mandy pulled her mind back from the conversation she and Tim had had and concentrated on her rowing. She looked over at James and knew she’d made the right decision. The boy looked magnificent. He had a body that was so masculine and powerful, and an aura of control about him. Just looking at him made her pussy wet.

They had their usual time of exercising on the rowing machines then moved to the weights. It was here that Mandy had decided to get things moving. James once again did his trick of standing over her to put the barbell on the stand for her but this time when she reached up it wasn’t to take hold of the barbell. She stretched out her arm and put her hand up the leg of his shorts and grabbed his cock.

It took James completely by surprise. He went rigid and stared at her then came to his senses and bent his knees slightly. Mandy stroked his cock then fondled his balls before removing her hand and taking the barbell. Neither of them said a word. James looked at her lifting the weights then turned round and went to his machine, loaded the barbell, then lay down and started lifting. Neither looked at the other for several minutes until Mandy put down her barbell and turned to him.

“Would you like to come to my place for coffee?”

“Thank God you asked. Yes, I’d love to.”

“Well, just get your kitbag and meet me in the car park. Don’t worry about showering, you can do that at my house.”

James couldn’t get off the machine quickly enough. He replaced the weights then scampered off to the changing room, scooped up his clothes and rushed to the car park. Mandy smiled as she saw him rush. She wasn’t in a hurry and keeping him waiting would enhance the moment.

She joined him after ten minutes. He escorted her into the car and then got in on the passenger side. They drove to her house in silence, both of them wondering what the other was going to do next ……

Written by aljames21
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