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Author's Notes

"This story takes place on a parallel world where registered nudity and indentured slavery are legal under a government known as “The State”. A young woman is blackmailed and slowly coerced into a life she never expected. This story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Themes include cmnf, cfnf, enf, humiliation, non-consent, reluctance, blackmail, public nudity and public sex."

Casey Reine had lived her whole life in Port Wiluma. It wasn’t a bad place to live as far as towns go. With a population of around 150,000, it had all the perks of city living, such as home-delivered pizza, shopping malls, and movie theatres, while lacking most of the hustle and bustle of big city life. While it was a coastal town, it failed to draw surfers due to an offshore reef that sheltered the mainland from the larger waves. An esplanade ran parallel to the beach along its length. Well, calling it a beach was stretching things somewhat. Further north and south it was crowded with mangroves and smelly mud, while the beach part alongside the esplanade was mostly a cleared patch of a metre or so of white sand in between lapping waves and grassy parks with picnic tables where you could sit and watch pelicans and seagulls while eating fish and chips. Assuming you were happy to share your meal with the local birdlife of course.

Behind the esplanade, a downtown area with shopping malls, offices, and other businesses stretched to the suburbs in the hills beyond. Most people here lived and worked in town, but a significant portion commuted to the nearby capital of Stocksgate, some sixty minutes or so inland on the state highway. Many others were employed at the military base just outside town. Jeeps and personnel carriers were not an uncommon sight on the roads.

The day began as most days did for Casey. She felt tired but good after her usual hour on the track before her first class began. She was in the final year of her two-year post-high school technical diploma, and graduation was now just months away. She’d chosen a career in Graphic Design, as had her best friend, Amelia. Casey’s grades were certainly up there for a Uni degree, but finance had been the deciding factor to settle on a technical diploma instead. Her sister, Jolene, four years her senior and equally academically gifted, had gone on to Uni to study for a business degree, and that had stretched the family’s budget already. Their parents, Michael and Sue, were working class so their incomes were only going to go so far for their two daughters.

Technical diplomas weren’t paid for by the taxpayer like the first twelve years of education had been, but it was still a damn sight cheaper than Uni, so Casey had gone for that. She had no hard feelings about it, though, other than it essentially meant two more years of high school and its draconian rules. At eighteen and nineteen, these older Grade thirteen and fourteen “Tech” students like her were legal adults and segregated from the rest of the high school, with their own buildings and cafeteria, yet they were still subjected to the same pathetic authoritarian high school rules. That factor was compounded by the formidable and staunchly conservative Dean, Eunice Bernstein, who ruled the campus with an iron fist.

The water in the shower was refreshing and she was alone in the locker room. She loved these early mornings. It felt like she had the whole place to herself and being alone was just awesome. It wasn’t that she didn’t like people. She did, and she was well-liked herself. She just didn’t get them. Ok, so she couldn’t read people well. She had topped her classes in maths and the sciences in high school, and she hardly even had to study to do it. So what if non-verbal cues went straight over her head? What did it matter if she had to analyse every conversation afterward to figure out if people were taking her seriously or if they were making fun of her? That only meant she became an expert in faking those cues herself, so no one ever suspected she was any different from them.

Before Christmas the year before, an anonymous “Secret Santa” had left a cheap T-Shirt wrapped in Christmas paper on her locker with the words “I used to be indecisive but now I’m not so sure” printed on it. It was just a gag gift, perhaps meant as a friendly jibe from a friend, or maybe it was an attempt to bully her from someone not so friendly. Either way, it had hurt. A lot.

Decisions weren’t easy if you didn’t have all the facts. How could anyone not understand that? A good decision required all the facts, and nothing less than complete pragmatism. Emotion should never factor into a good decision. “Going with your gut” sounded so stupid. It could only be choice A or B, or no choice at all, and let fate decide when it was good and ready, or when more data became available.

As she towelled off, she looked in the mirror and was pleased to see a hint of her abs coming out at last. She had worked so hard, and it was finally paying off. She took in the rest of her body and liked what she saw for a change. She was tall and slender with long and well-defined legs, and a petite but still athletic frame. Her breasts were small and perky. More jiggle than bounce, but that was ok. “Who needs big tits anyway?” she often wondered. They seemed more of a burden than anything else, particularly for a runner. Although, she had worried that her recent endeavours into fat loss might leave her completely flat-chested, so far, thankfully, it hadn’t taken any real toll on them at all. If anything, they were even perkier and seemed to be sitting even higher on her chest.

While slim, her hips had an undeniably feminine curve to them, and she sported a firm but shapely bottom. Her pubic hair was quite dark and contrasted sharply with her pale skin. She trimmed the excess hair sometimes in summer but only just enough to stop it poking out the sides of her swimsuit. She couldn’t understand the trend of shaving it all off like some of the other girls did. To her, pubic hair was a badge of womanhood, and shaving it all off was unthinkable. Gross, so slutty. Only a girl with no self-respect and aspirations of becoming some man’s fuck-toy would willingly do that. Plus, the hair helped hide her extremely prominent and protruding labia minora, which she thought was abnormal and ugly.

So far, no boy had seen it and she intended to keep it that way for now, but if she did fall in love and decide to have sex with someone someday, knowing it was well disguised amongst the thick hair might allow her to feel a little less self-conscious about him seeing or touching her. So with her nineteenth birthday approaching, maybe she was getting to be a bit of an old maid by today’s standards, but that was no reason to rush out and throw herself at just any boy just yet. When it happened, it had to be someone special who would love her for who she was, not for whatever she looked like naked.

She gave her shoulder-length, mousy-brown hair a quick brush and then just a little lip gloss. Perfect. Modest and clean without being skanky.

“Hi, Casey!”

Casey turned to see Amelia walk in and put her sports gear in her locker. It felt like she had known Amelia forever, and she regarded her as her best friend. Sure, she was pleasant to everyone, but Amelia was special. As close as they were though, she still felt self-conscious to be standing around in her underwear in front of her. She quickly turned her back to button up her blouse and put on the wrap-around knee-length skirt she had been forced to wear that day. It was an awful design, attaching only by Velcro. Casey loathed it and seldom wore it but had been putting off doing her laundry so all of the dresses she preferred to wear were dirty.

“How was your run today?”

“Not bad,” Casey replied. “I feel like I’m getting quicker at last. I even finished with a sprint!”

“That’s great!” replied Amelia. “I wish I had half your willpower. I might have a bit less of this fat ass.”

Amelia was maybe a size larger than Casey. Perhaps a little curvier but certainly not fat.

“Oh, you’re not fat by any stretch of the imagination, but you’re welcome to join me anytime,” Casey responded, secretly hoping Amelia wouldn’t take her up on the offer. She so loved the solitude of her morning runs.

“As if,” Amelia replied. “Whoever put the words ‘fun’ and ‘run’ together in the one sentence had a screw loose as far as I’m concerned.”

The girls giggled and continued getting ready for their first class, which they shared today.

“Wassup, bitches?”

The girls both groaned and rolled their eyes at each other. It was Cassandra Bloccato, a “popular girl”. Many idolised Cassandra, regarding her as the be-all and end-all. She was gorgeous, flawless, and rich. As the saying goes, every boy wanted her, every girl wanted to be her. But, she was also horribly self-obsessed and dreadfully condescending to girls like Casey and Amelia who she regarded as lower life forms. Cassandra was studying hospitality, but they had a few shared classes like Business Economics and Personnel Management.

“I hope I didn’t interrupt you two dykes in the middle of munchin’ each other’s rugs or nuthin?” Cassandra jibed with a sarcastic smile while chewing gum, open-mouthed as usual.

Casey sighed. Cassandra’s running joke about Amelia and Casey being lesbians had persisted since junior high school and it was getting so old. Amelia wasn’t one to be bullied, though, and she usually had a comeback.

“Why? Are you jealous Cass? Is no one munching your skanky old rug these days?” Amelia responded.

Cassandra sniffed and was then distracted by several members of her posse entering the locker room.

Amelia and Casey were silently thankful for the interruption and gathered their things with a look and a giggle between them.

As they prepared to go to class, Casey jumped a little as her familiar ringtone came from her bag just as she had picked it up. With a sigh, she put it down again and fished around inside for her phone.

“Who could it be at this hour?” she wondered. Perhaps her mother with something she had forgotten she supposed, but it was her sister, Jolene.

What the hell could she possibly want?

With a four-year gap between them, they were never very close, to begin with, and rarely even spoke these days after Jolene had started attending University across town and had decided to also leave home for some independence.

“Hey, sis. What’s up?” Casey asked as she answered the phone.

“Casey, I was hoping I’d catch you before you started class. This is kind of awkward, but I need you to listen carefully.”

Casey could tell by the tone of Jolene’s voice that she was upset and had something important to say.

“Oh, Jesus…” Jolene continued, “ok, it’s a long story but I don’t have much time, and you probably don’t either. Um… fuck! The short version is I’ve been doing something not quite legal… Um... let’s just say I’ve been using my newly acquired business skills, along with a chemistry major I know, um… to create a supply chain to help pay my tuition. I wouldn’t be able to afford to be here at Uni without it.”

Casey was shocked to hear that her sister was a drug dealer, but she let her continue without interrupting. She knew everything she needed to know at this point.

“Well, someone found out. Oh God! I’m in so much trouble. I don’t know who he is, but I think he’s a cop and not a nice one. He has all the evidence and showed it to me in a text. He hasn’t arrested me yet but he’s threatening to if I don’t play along. One of his demands was for your phone number. I don’t know why he wanted it, and I don’t know what he wants with it, but I had to give it to him. I think he’s going to contact you. If he does, can you please play along? I’ll make it up to you. I’ll pay you back somehow if he wants money. Whatever. Just please don’t make him mad, and please don’t tell Mum and Dad.”

“Well, ok I guess,” Casey responded, somewhat puzzled by the revelation. “I haven’t got much money, though, and Mum and Dad are barely scraping by. What could he possibly want from me, do you think?”

“I have no idea, but maybe it’s something to mess with me. He said he was going to contact you. It all happened so fast, and I didn’t have time to call to warn you sooner. It’s just lucky I caught you now, so you’d at least be somewhat prepared.”

“Ok, sis. I guess we’ll find out what he wants soon enough,” Casey replied assuredly despite the bizarreness and potential danger of the situation. “Look, don’t worry about a thing. I’ll handle it and get back to you if there’s any trouble.”

“Oh, this means so much to me. Thank you, Casey. Thank you.”

“It’s no trouble. Don’t worry. You’ll get through this. Um... look, I need to get to class. Is there anything else I need to know?”

“No, that’s all I know at this stage anyway. Look, he’s probably just going to pump you for more shit on me, but I really have no idea. I’m so sorry if he upsets you or asks you for money or something. I’ll pay you back if he does, ok?”

“It’s fine, sis. It really is. Just relax. I’ve got this ok.”

“Oh, I owe you big time, Casey,” Jolene answered with more than a little relief. “This means so much to me. Ok, I better let you get to class, and I’ll go back to panicking, but this is on me, not you, ok?”

“It’s fine, sis,” Casey repeated. “Look, I better go. I still have 10 minutes, but the teacher has a reputation for giving tardy students detention, so I like to get there early.”

Casey was surprised when her phone dinged to indicate a text message while she was still talking. She wondered who it could be. Few people texted her. She wondered if it might be the cop already that Jolene had mentioned.

“Ok. Thank you again. Fuck! Ok, just remember. I’ll do anything to make it up to you or reimburse you if he asks for money, so please play along,” Jolene added.

“I will, sis. I will. Ok, see you later. Maybe we can do dinner at home on the weekend or something?”

“Well, we’ll see how this shit plays out first, but that sounds cool if it all blows over by then. Fuck! I better let you go. Ok, I’ll see you then. Bye.”


Casey hung up and checked her messages. Sure enough, there was a new text from an unknown caller.

“The rules - 1. no arguments. 2. no questions. 3. no blaming me if caught. text back Y if clear”

Um... ok then… So, it’s not money then. Does he want me to do something illegal? What could he possibly want that I can give him? Is there something I might have access to here on campus that he wants maybe?

She remembered Jolene begging her not to make him mad. She guessed she had no choice but to see where it went for the time being.



“Take your panties off & put them in your bag. Reply back with an upskirt pic as proof. You have 5 mins to comply.”

Oh my God! What? The guy is a perve? That’s it? Who is going to see this picture? Jesus! I’m an eighteen-year-old Tech student, and this guy… well, I don’t know how old he is, but if he is a cop, then this is some seriously fucked up shit! If he is a cop, though, that probably means he has something serious on Jolene. Something serious enough to make him think he could get away with this, and he could probably manipulate the law to his advantage if it ever came back on him. He’d almost certainly have his bases covered before he got this far…

Casey had a million thoughts running through her head, none of them good, and no time to think about it. The guy had given her just five minutes and she had only ten minutes before class. It was decision time, and she had to decide fast. The mention of a “first” task sounded concerning. Was there to be more to come? Was this just a test before he asked what he really wanted from her? There was only one solution with the data available so far.

Reluctantly and with a great deal of trembling, she followed the instructions to the letter. She entered the nearest cubicle, slid her panties down her legs, and put them into her bag. Then she awkwardly spread her knees apart, put her phone between her legs, and pointed it between her thighs. Her instinct was to close her legs and definitely not take that photo. There was nothing else for it for the moment, though. With a quick check to ensure that her face or anything else that could identify her would be visible, she looked up at the ceiling, closed her eyes, and then clicked the shutter button.

Her finger paused over the “send” button for almost a minute before she finally hit it, and then it was done. Over. And someone, a complete stranger, now had a very graphic picture of her naked pussy.

Within seconds she got a response.

“Thank you. Keep your phone with you today. Panties stay off. I’ll be checking. Nice meaty vag btw. Legs wider next time.”

He would notice that! Checking? Next time? What the fuck?

Casey had considered putting her panties back on but now thought better of it. She wished more than anything she could have worn shorts today or even a proper dress instead of the stupid skirt. It had a tendency to blow open at the worst possible moments.

She grabbed her things and exited the locker room, her mind reeling with what she had just done. She was more than a little aware of the extra breeziness beneath her skirt and hoped she could avoid stairs today. She also made a mental note to remember to keep her legs closed anytime she sat down.

The hallway was busy with students getting to classes. Casey joined the throng and spotted Amelia a short way down the hall beckoning to hurry up. She increased her pace as much as she could in the crowd. Amongst all the bustling she vaguely felt someone brush past her hip and a voice saying “whoops-a-daisy, sorry” followed by giggling and running. She turned to see Cassandra running away with something waving in her hand.

Weird… What is she doing?

Then it occurred to her that something suddenly felt very wrong. She looked down to discover she was completely naked from the waist down! She was momentarily confused but then screamed as realisation dawned on her that Cassandra had taken advantage of the stupid Velcro clasp, whipping off her skirt and running off with it, leaving her standing in the hallway half-naked before she even felt or realised anything had happened.

The scream caused everyone to stop and look straight at her. Shrieks of laughter began when they saw the bottomless student standing stock still in the hallway with her hands at her sides making no effort to cover her exposed pussy. Obviously, she was the butt of a prank or a wardrobe malfunction, or perhaps it was a dare or an exhibitionist stunt since she wasn’t wearing panties. Casey finally recovered enough of her senses to use her hand to cover her privates and then looked around for a room she could run to or something to cover herself with. Her only option was to get back to the locker room, but her way was blocked by dozens of jeering onlookers.

“Nice ass!”

“Oh, my God that’s the hairiest minge I’ve ever seen!”

“That’s so hot.”

“Yeah, baby, take the rest off!”

“Flaunt it, honey.”

“There’s enough wool there for a whole sweater.”

“Oh, her hand’s in the way. I missed it.”

Casey muscled past them all the way back into the locker room, then collapsed on a bench sobbing.

How could this happen? How could Cassandra be so mean? What have I ever done to her? Was this all a setup?

“Are you ok, Casey? I didn’t quite see it, but I heard what happened,” Amelia consoled as she burst into the locker room. “Oh, let me get you a towel or something and I’ll see if someone has a spare skirt. Maybe Lost Property will have one your size?”

Oh God no! Lost Property is in Bernstein’s office, and I don’t want to explain this to that bitch.

Her fears were almost realised, though, when a teacher entered the locker room. It was Mrs Daly.

“Miss Reine! What do you think you’re doing?”

“Um... Please, Mrs Daly. Someone took my skirt,” Casey explained.

“Well that may be, but why aren’t you wearing any underwear?” Mrs Daly demanded.

“I err… Um...”

Casey suddenly remembered the rules in the blackmailer’s text and quickly scrambled to come up with a plausible excuse other than blackmail. At this stage, it was better to keep her cards close to her chest until she knew who was behind all of this and what it was about. To reveal she was being blackmailed now would mean she would also have to reveal why, and that could land Jolene in jail.

“I didn’t have any clean ones at home, so I had to come without them,” she tried.

“A likely story,” Mrs Daly replied, clearly not believing her. “Perhaps you should go and explain it to Dean Bernstein?”

“Oh please, Mrs Daly. This is embarrassing enough. Can you please let me off this time? I promise it won’t happen again.”

The door opened to the locker room and Cassandra came in carrying Casey’s skirt.

“I found this out in the hallway. I don’t s’pose nobody knows who it belongs to?” Cassandra asked with a sneer.

“Give it to the girl at once, Miss Bloccato, and the three of you better hop to it and get to class,” Mrs Daly scolded.

Casey quickly grabbed the skirt from Cassandra and fastened it around her waist.

“Miss Reine, at morning teatime, go to Lost Property and find something to wear under your skirt, and I better not hear of any other escapades from you for the rest of the day or it will be the Dean’s office for you.”

“Oh no, Mrs Daly. It won’t happen again. I promise,” Casey responded, hanging her head, clearly embarrassed by all the attention. Not to mention being so exposed just moments earlier.

Mrs Daly departed, and the three girls set off smartly to get to their classes.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some kind of slut or somethin’?” Cassandra asked Casey as they walked. “It was s’posed to be a harmless prank. How the fuck was I s’posed to know you didn’t have nuthin on underneath?”

So now it’s my fault someone ripped off my clothes in the hallway and left me exposed?

“Look, just forget about it, Cassandra, ok?” Casey replied. “We’re almost late for class and I don’t want to talk about this with you.”

“You need to do somethin’ ‘bout that bush though, girl. Holy fuck. It looks like you got a small animal down there,” Cassandra laughed as she set off in a different direction to her class while Amelia and Casey continued on to theirs.

Thankfully they all made it just in the nick of time. Hopefully, this was the end of it.

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The class passed without further event and Casey was beginning to feel a little more settled, despite being acutely aware she was wearing no knickers, and that the only thing between her and another episode of public embarrassment was the stupid skirt held together with flimsy Velcro.

As she sat in the Tech students’ cafeteria enjoying an apple for morning tea, she knew Mrs Daly’s suggestion of getting pants from Lost Property was pointless. She had underwear in her bag already. She just couldn’t put it on until she knew more about what this guy texting her wanted.

Just as she started to consider the blackmailer’s motive again, she almost jumped when her phone dinged with another text message.

“Upskirt pic. You have 2 mins to comply”

Oh God! Again?

She quickly made her way to the bathroom and found an unoccupied cubicle before performing the degrading task once again. She reluctantly parted her legs and put the phone between them to photograph her most private area, and then clicked the shutter.

“What was that sound? Are you taking pictures in here?” asked a voice from a neighbouring cubicle.

“Uh, no sorry. I was just texting a friend and clicked the wrong button by mistake,” Casey quickly responded.

Dammit, I’ll need to turn that sound effect off on my phone or set it to silent next time since he’s going to keep checking up on me this way. Why is this important to him anyway? Is he masturbating over thinking about me not wearing panties or does he just want pictures of my pussy? Surely one picture is enough to wank over, though?

“Are you sure? It sounded like a camera to me. You know cameras aren’t allowed in here. Maybe I should check your phone.”

Oh God! She’ll see these pictures, as would a teacher if she reported me and it got confiscated.

She quickly deleted the images and made a mental note to do that immediately after any further pictures of that nature made their way onto her phone.

“Yes, sorry. It was just a mistake. You can check if you like, but there’s nothing to see.”


Thankfully the girl gave up her pestering at that point and Casey heard the door close as she left. Remembering to set her phone to silent, she quickly took the embarrassing image again and sent it before deleting it once again.

Dammit! These better not end up online, or linked to me in any way at least…

Her next class after morning tea began with Casey so conscious of her pantieless state she was barely able to concentrate on anything else. She assumed her new tormenter would leave her alone at least until lunchtime now. She was wrong.

About half an hour before lunch, her phone buzzed and sure enough, it was him again with another request for an upskirt pic to ensure she was remaining underwear-free.

“Upskirt time. 2 mins”

Oh God! What do I do this time?

She had only two minutes to comply and she was in class! She considered asking the teacher to be excused but knew this particular teacher would not be willing, especially with it being so close to lunchtime. In any case, she wouldn’t have time to make it there anyway. There was nothing for it. She would have to do it here. It was more than a little relief to know that she at least had her phone muted now.

She glanced around furtively to ensure no one was looking, then quickly smuggled the phone under her desk, parted her legs, and positioned it between them. She took the picture, quickly checked it was ok, and then sent off the text. She remembered to delete the image before secreting the phone back into her bag.

After she put her phone away, she glanced back up to find a boy looking at her. OMG, had he been watching her the whole time? He made a puzzled face at her and then resumed his work. Casey hoped he was just confused, imagining what she might have been doing and he hadn’t actually seen anything.

The remainder of the day continued without issue with just one more “upskirt” request, again during class in the late afternoon. This time Casey was prepared and managed to pull it off without any real difficulty or anyone noticing.

Perhaps I’m getting used to it now? As if there’s any level of getting used to anything like this! Fucking pervert!

At last, the day was over, and the halls filled with students packing up their things and making their way to their cars and bicycles outside. After a quick visit to a toilet to put her underpants back on, Casey made her way to her bicycle. She had just put her bag on her back and was about to mount up for the trip home when her phone dinged again. She sighed and slung the bag back to the ground to fish out her phone, wondering where she could go to get her knickers off again, but it was a different request this time.

“Go to the West Side Park. Jolene will meet you there with further instructions”

Oh God, now what?

The West Side Park wasn’t far out of her way, but there was nothing there apart from a walking trail through the forest. It was rarely visited these days and had fallen into disrepair. Casey couldn’t imagine what she would have to do there. She grabbed her bike and set off to find out.

On approach, she spotted Jolene’s car in what passed for the parking lot at the run-down park, and soon Jolene herself came into view, pacing around not far from it. She looked upset.

Jolene had just turned twenty-two, and despite being four years older than Casey, she was several inches shorter with a slightly chubby figure, dark brown hair, and noticeably larger breasts. They shared almost no similar features or interests and rarely spoke these days since Jolene had left home. Few would ever guess they were sisters at all.

“Casey, thank God you’re here,” greeted Jolene. “Fuck! This whole thing makes me sick.”

“Hi, sis, so what are we doing here anyway?” Casey asked. “He said something about you having instructions for me?”

“Yes, but you’re not going to like it,” Jolene answered nervously. “I don’t like it. It’s fucking weird! If you want to back out, I’ll understand. I’ll just have to accept my fate in front of the courts, whatever it may be.”

“Don’t be silly, sis. How bad could it be?” asked Casey. “You know you’ll probably get Indenture for drug dealing, and anything has to be better than that. I’ve heard what happens to Indents, and the terms are so long that your life would be over, even when you get free again.”

Some years prior, the State had instated a legal form of slavery known as ‘Indenture’ as punishment for non-violent crimes. It was a cost-effective way of dealing with overcrowded prisons and the burden prisoners placed on the State economy. People could also voluntarily sign an indenture, which was often used as a way to settle debts between private parties amicably. “Indents” were generally used for domestic duties and other drudgery, but there was really no limit to what you could do with them. While not officially sanctioned, some of the prettier ones were even kept in harems or used in prostitution. It was typical of the State to turn a blind eye to corruption and misuse of the laws if it got the job done. In this case, making Indenture a scarier punishment meant making it a more effective deterrent.

To further increase the deterrent, the terms were usually surprisingly lengthy as well, even for relatively petty offences. That often meant giving up careers, marriages and even family, which in many cases were unrecoverable, so it was not uncommon for many people to choose to remain Indents voluntarily for their remaining days. While that guaranteed food and a roof over one’s head, the drawbacks were that Indents had no freedom, no autonomy, and no rights or say in anything at all. These factors meant that the temptation for citizens to commit various crimes was greatly reduced without as great a reliance on expensive prison systems, so society had definitely improved as a result.

“Ok, I’ll tell you,” Jolene began, “but I want you to know that if you want to back out, I’ll understand and take full responsibility for what I did.”

“C’mon, sis, just tell me already,” Casey demanded, raising her eyebrows. “Just give it to me straight so I can at least decide for myself.”

Jolene’s hesitation was starting to make Casey feel more than a little nervous.

“Ok, fuck! He... dammit! Ok, he wants you to take all of your clothes off right here and put them in my car. Then he wants you to walk naked all the way around the forest trail and back to the car before you can dress again.”

“Oh, I see…”

Casey’s heart sank. On the one hand, maybe it wasn’t such a big deal, but on the other, she knew how mortified she would feel being naked out in the open and in front of her sister. She hadn’t been naked, other than showering or getting changed, in as long as she could remember. No one had even seen her naked since she was a toddler. She also had to consider what the consequences might be if someone she knew saw her, or what might happen if someone saw her and called the police. The State took a very dim view of public indecency, and offenders usually faced terms of Indenture for it.

“That’s not all of it,” Jolene continued. “He wants me to record you doing it and he said he wants to see you smiling and not trying to hide anything like it’s something you’re totally up for, and I have to send him the video afterward as proof you did it.”

“Um...” was Casey’s only response.

“No, I can’t have you do this!” Jolene announced with tears forming after noticing Casey’s obvious discomfort. “I’m not letting you do this for me. Not for anyone! It’s my own stupid fault I got into this mess, and I won’t have you punished for it. I’m texting him back now to tell him to shove it up his ass and let the chips fall where they may.”

Jolene took out her phone and started tapping the screen.

“No wait, sis!” Casey responded, putting her hand to Jolene’s to stop her typing. “Maybe this won’t be so bad? Look around. There’s no one here. If we’re careful we can probably pull this off without being seen.”

Casey could see how upset Jolene was about all this and her heart bled for her. Surely this task wasn’t that bad if that’s all it would take to help her out?

“Are you sure?” asked Jolene, wiping tears from her face. “This is too much for me to ask from you. I’ll owe you big time, to say the least.”

“Yes, I’m sure. Look let’s just do it and get it over with,” Casey replied. It was the only decision possible at this point.

The sisters went over to Jolene’s car, and after a careful look around to make sure they were alone, Casey somewhat reluctantly started taking off her clothes. As much as she had decided to fulfill the task of her own accord, it was still terrifying for her to be actually doing it.

A few moments later she was standing in her underwear and was a little surprised at herself that she had managed even that much. She decided to be brave and just do it without overthinking it. She abruptly slipped off her bra and immediately bent over to slip her panties off, almost in the same action. Then she deposited her clothes into the passenger seat of Jolene’s car and took a step back to survey the area again for anyone watching. It was difficult to resist the urge to hunch over and try to cover herself, but she forced herself to be bold and stand up straight with her hands at her sides as if she was still clothed.

“Um... aren’t you supposed to be recording me?” Casey prompted.

Jolene appeared to be stunned that her sister was now actually standing in front of her completely naked out in public and was actually going to go through with it. Casey’s impressively toned physique didn’t go unnoticed either. Although she did have the fleeting thought that Casey’s breasts seemed a little underdeveloped, and she was surprised at how much pubic hair she had.

“Oh, yes, right,” Jolene responded, hitting the record button on her phone, and shakily pointing it at her naked sister. She had to put her other hand around her wrist to try to steady it.

As they stepped away from the safety of Jolene’s car and her clothes, Casey felt so strange and horribly conspicuous to be naked out in the open. She suddenly remembered she was supposed to smile, so she did while looking straight at the camera.

“Ok let’s go!” Casey announced, making an effort to be cheerful for Jolene’s sake.

They headed towards the start of the forest trail with Jolene leading the way walking backward as best she could while pointing her phone at her naked sister. Casey had to take special care to walk casually and resist the overwhelming urge to cover her breasts and privates, especially with Jolene’s phone pointed at her recording everything. She wanted to grit her teeth at least but kept her mind on maintaining her smile. She was determined to show the blackmailer when he saw the video that it would take a whole lot more than this to break her spirit.

From a distance, they looked a somewhat bizarre sight. Two girls strolling through a public place, one fully clothed, and another completely naked and smiling like it was the most normal and natural thing in the world for her. It felt far from normal for Casey, though, no matter what her outward appearance might be conveying.

They were barely halfway around by Casey’s estimate when a noise alerted them to someone approaching. It was a man on a mountain bike. He was intent on his riding and didn’t notice the naked girl at first. When he did, he actually stopped, rubbed his eyes, and stared with his mouth agape. He probably couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Casey’s instinct on seeing his approach was to jump in the bushes and seek cover but she quickly decided against it. He had already seen her. Any such effort now would make it seem even weirder. She decided instead to be bold and pretend to be a nude model doing a private photoshoot with her photographer.

“Take a picture, it lasts longer,” Jolene suggested sarcastically, but then instantly regretted it when he took her words literally and pulled out his phone from his backpack.

“Don’t mind if I do,” he replied. “My buddies will never believe this. Can I get a selfie with her?”

Casey had little choice but to continue the nude model ruse she had come up with and agree to it, standing totally naked and smiling beside the fully clothed stranger as he took a selfie of them together.

“Thanks,” he commented as he put his phone away again. “Ok, you two enjoy your day!” At which he promptly mounted his bike and continued on.

Casey dreaded where that picture might end up and who might see it, but it was done now.

The car park came into view once again and Casey’s spirit lifted markedly at the sight. She was extremely thankful to see her ordeal was nearly over and they had encountered no one else during the humiliating mission.

Suddenly a car approached on the road outside. They hadn’t heard it coming. Casey calculated that it would pass mere metres away, so her nakedness would be totally obvious to everyone inside. Her mind instinctively prompted her to seek cover again or to at least cover herself but there was nowhere to go, her clothes were locked in Jolene’s car some distance away and she almost certainly had already been seen by the car’s occupants anyway. So once again all she could do was resort to the nude model ruse again, maintain her position in full view, and not react like she had something to hide. The driver of the car had obviously noticed her. The car suddenly screeched to a stop to reveal four young men inside, none of whom Casey recognised. She was momentarily thankful that at least she didn’t know them.

At first, they all seemed to be in shock and just stared at her through the windows, but then all four doors opened simultaneously, and the occupants got out.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” asked the driver.

“Oh my God, she’s totally naked,” said another.

“She’s beautiful!”

“That bush though…”

“Guys, we’re on a photoshoot. Take a good look if you like but we have places to be so we need to get out of here,” Casey responded, hoping the explanation would be satisfactory so she could dress again and leave as quickly as possible.

“Aww, did we miss the main event? Could we at least get a selfie with you?”

Casey’s heart sank. She knew she couldn’t come up with a reasonable excuse to say no at this point. She did just admit to being a nude model on a photo shoot after all, but the idea of nude pictures of her being in the possession of strangers chilled her to the bone.

“I guess so, guys, but you’ll need to be quick,” she reluctantly replied.

The boys quickly gathered around her while swapping places to take turns so each could get a shot with their own phone. Casey was beyond mortified but kept up appearances by putting her arms around the boys at either side while keeping her knees together and smiling as much as she could. They would never know just how hard this was for her to do.

Then suddenly to her complete horror, as if on cue the boys on either side of her grabbed one of her legs each and lifted her up off the ground in a seated position, pulling her legs open so her vulva was totally exposed to the world!

In shock, and not quite understanding the full gravity of what had just happened, Casey’s only thought was to tighten her grip around their shoulders to keep her balance. Time seemed to stand still as she looked at the boy holding the camera and heard the shutter clicking multiple times. She looked over to Jolene and saw that she was still filming. She briefly wondered why she wasn’t stepping in to put a stop to it but her focus quickly returned to the problem at hand. The boys’ grip was so firm that she had no hope of struggling free, and certainly didn’t want to land on her face on the hard ground even if she could. She suddenly felt more violated, and frightened, than she ever thought possible. The redness of her face must have been totally obvious.

“Put me down please, guys. I didn’t agree to this,” she begged with a noticeable tremor in her voice.

Thankfully the boys noticed her obvious discomfort and immediately complied.

“Sorry, we didn’t mean to frighten you. You are very lovely.”

“It’s ok,” Casey lied. “Now, can you please move along? We really do need to be going.”

“Oh, ok. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

At least they seemed polite. A moment ago, Casey feared that things would get ugly, but they did actually seem to be nice now. Perhaps the sight of a naked girl brings out the worst in boys, but a maiden in distress brings out their best?

With that, they all got back into their car and waved as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. As their car disappeared, Jolene unlocked hers and motioned Casey over. She didn’t need to be told that twice! She eagerly retrieved her clothes and hurriedly dressed again.

It was finally over.

“It’ll be dark soon,” observed Jolene. “What do you say you put your bike in my car and I give you a ride home? It’s the least I can do after that.”

“That’d be lovely, sis, thanks,” Casey replied, still more than a little shaken by what she’d just experienced.

Jolene’s hatchback was a little small, but after removing the front wheel from Casey’s bike and laying the back seats down, they managed to fit it in.

The girls rode along silently in the car when Jolene placed her hand on top of Casey’s. Casey was surprised at the gesture as the two had never been close, but perhaps it was understandable after everything that had just happened. Maybe some good could come out of this horrible experience by bringing the two sisters closer together.

After arriving at their parents’ home, they retrieved her bike from the back of the car.

“Wanna come in and say hi to Mum or Dad?” Casey asked.

“Nah, I really need to get back to studying. Plus, I’m supposed to send you-know-who this video tonight and I don’t want to keep him waiting and risk pissing him off.”

Casey had momentarily forgotten about the video. She silently prayed it wouldn’t end up online somewhere. Likewise for any of those selfies taken of her today for that matter. She couldn’t stand the thought of anyone she knew seeing any of that. She was having enough trouble getting her head around the idea that she even did it.

Sleep did not come easily that night. As she mulled over everything that had happened, she almost felt sick at the thought of it and was blushing even now in the privacy of her own bedroom. She could still feel the boys’ hands on her legs as they lifted her up into that degrading position. Strangely, the thoughts also caused a definite wetness to form, and her hand crept between her legs. She rarely masturbated. If she was honest, she had really only done so a handful of times on the recommendation of a magazine article that said women should get to know their bodies.

Now, though, this was overwhelming. It had an urgency. A hunger. Her hand increased its pressure and speed to a surprising level of fury. This was something new to her. Something beyond her control had taken over and she was unable to stop. She felt the orgasm coming on much faster than she had experienced in her past dabblings. She barely had time to prepare for it. It was huge. Her body started to shake all over and she felt it all over, like every atom within her body exploding at once. Luckily, she somehow managed to roll over and bury her face into her pillow to muffle the screams of pleasure she was otherwise unable to contain. It went on for so long that she started wondering if it would ever subside. She wondered briefly if she would even care if it didn’t. It was an amazing sensation. Finally, it did subside, and rationality returned to her thoughts once again.

What the fuck was that?

She felt disgusted with herself that she seemed to have been turned on by the horrible events of the day. It made her feel sick. Then to her great surprise, as she thought about what she had just done to herself and why, the stirring returned even stronger than before, and she found herself repeating the experience. She could smell her own arousal wafting up from between her legs, so she put her fingers close to her nose to get a stronger sense of the scent, then slowly tested what it tasted like by putting a fingertip on her tongue. It was strange. She licked it and then put it into her mouth and allowed her tongue to envelop it, before drawing it out and moving it back down to her vagina. She could feel her pubic hair was completely drenched now. It took no effort for her finger to find its way inside. Perhaps another finger as well? Oh God, she was so wet! Three fingers. Oh God! This time the orgasm was even stronger. Was something wrong with her? Self-disgust should make a normal person nauseous. This, though, seemed to awaken something savage and primal in her for some reason. At the same time her rational brain was appalled, loathing every second of it, but she seemed unable to stop it.

The cycle of disgust followed by pleasuring herself happened two more times before she collapsed and fell into a deep sleep, probably from exhaustion as much as anything else.

Written by VelcroFist
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