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Game Of Love

"Eric is beautiful, intelligent, popular. Eric's life takes a sudden turn when fate brings Sergio, who tries to win over Eric in a dangerous game of Love."

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Author's Notes

"Hello guys, this is my first time posting here and I am hoping to hear from you. So don't be shy, drop your honest reviews. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Comments, critiques and tips are welcome!"

Love... Love is a game that both can play and win. But we always have to remember that games are deadly serious and you do not play them to enjoy them. There's a saying, 'Not knowing what you want is one thing but not knowing what you want and getting a person's feelings involved is another thing..... No need to play games.'

But sometimes, the game of love can bring changes that make you feel complete. Love is but the discovery of ourselves and the delight in the recognition.


University is undoubtedly one of the most important and funniest times of a person's life. It is here where people get the freedom they want, live anyhow they want, and make certain decisions for themselves. It is here where the high and mighty and all backgrounds meet.

And in the university, we find different kinds of people. There are geeks, the in-betweens, the rejects, and the most popular. And of course, the latter is where we find a few cool people that follow trends and are popular amongst their peers. Some of them are loved while others are hated. But one thing that matters in the university is that you're cool or you're really, really cool.

"Hey, Smith!" A bunch of girls passing blushed as they waved at the handsome hunk standing outside a big building.

"Hi!" He waved back, smiling brightly.

He was wearing a beautiful red shirt that was tucked into dark blue skinny jeans with white shoes on his feet. His hair was short on the sides and a bit longer in the middle. He was tan-skinned and cool and many girls admired him. But of course, that's not our man.

"Look at those girls." Riya laughed. "They just fucked you with their eyes."

The two just laughed.

And of course, there's Riya, a really beautiful blonde girl with a body to die for. She was dressed in a really beautiful tight black dress that showed off her killer curves with blue high heels on her feet. But she's not the one either.

"By the way..." Riya glanced at her watch. "...what's taking him so long? He's supposed to be here by now. We're already running late."

And the moment she said that she could already feel everyone's attention-getting drawn in one direction and she didn't need to be a genius to know what had made them act like that. She took a sigh and both she and Smith were just welcomed by a gorgeous view.

And here was our main man, going down those stairs like a gorgeous model, taking away the breaths of everyone that saw him. It was almost the same reaction when they saw him. Maybe that was what it meant to be considered the most beautiful boy in the whole of Zelda University.

As he came down those stairs, things seemed to go into slow motion. The way he moved his perfect body, the smile on his face, and just the way he moved. It turned everyone that looked in his direction on.

Eric Sandoval was a bomb, a force to be reckoned with. He had a rare beauty that many would kill to have, a beauty that would make Aphrodite herself jealous. He was admired by both guys and girls in school, both gay and straight.

Eric Sandoval was a beautiful boy with the most gorgeous piercing blue eyes and a very beautiful admirable skin tone. His lips were pink and kissable and he had beautiful, long, black hair with copper highlights that reached his back and made him look even more beautiful.

He was wearing a beautiful red striped, designer's t-shirt with tight black skinny jeans and white expensive looking sneakers. His body was a bit feminine and everyone couldn't keep their eyes off that beautiful big, bubbly butt that drove them insane with fantasies. He was carrying a beautiful black backpack.

Not only was he a really beautiful boy, but his sense of fashion was also from out of this world. He was rich and considered one of the most popular boys at school but the most beautiful. His hair blew backward as he came down those stairs and when he smiled, people's hearts started racing.

He raised his hand and started waving at his best friends and they waved back. He was one happy soul and the university was lucky to have him. He flipped his gorgeous hair lovingly and almost everyone felt like dying right there. Shit! He was teasing them.

"Hey!" Riya called happily.

"Hi!" Eric said in a sweet tone as he rushed to his friends.

He gave them both a hug, chuckling sweetly. "I know what you are gonna say. I know I am very late but it's not my fault. I received a call from mommy and..."

"Yeah... yeah... yeah!" Smith said, rolling his eyes. "We're already late and the professor will kill the two of us."

"Two of you?" Eric gasped, placing his hands on his chest. "Why am I being exempted from the people he'll be killing?"

"Because you're the brightest student he's ever had the pleasure of teaching," Riya said with a raised eyebrow, right before she cleared her throat. "Eric Salvador, you surprise me and impress me at the same time. You're rich, very handsome and you're probably the brightest student to have ever walked in my class and this program." She did great at impersonating the professor's voice that all three of them ended up laughing.

"You're insane," Eric said, slightly hitting on her. "Anyway, let's go before you accuse me of bad grades next time."

The three friends started going to their school although they were a bit late. Eric and his friends had been best friends since they were kids. They had been in high school together and they were now in the university together. Eric and his friends were both freshmen at Zelda University, the best university in the country. Although both of them had reached 18 years, Eric had only turned 17 a few months back.

Eric was doing a bachelor of arts in industrial design while both his friends were majors in fashion design. They did most of the courses in the first year together. And since the first year was almost over, they knew that they were gonna be having different courses come next year. So they had to utilize that time and enjoy it. It was great and all of them came from well-to-do homes.


"Hey! I already said that I was almost there." Eric said as he glanced at his watch. "I just got caught up in something but I am already there."

'That's what you said fifteen minutes ago.' Riya said on the other end of the line. 'Anyway, just hurry up because we're already here.'


Eric cut the call and started hurrying. He was nearby but...

"Eric!" He heard a voice behind call. "Eric, please wait!"

Eric groaned, rolling his eyes. He slowly turned and found a cute guy coming to him with a brilliant smile on his face. He had blonde hair and his dress was on point. He came from a really rich home.

"Hi!" The guy greeted. "I thank God that I have seen you today. You've got no idea how long I have been looking for you. But as they say, beauty has nowhere to hide."

"What do you want, Tony?" Eric asked rudely, crossing his arms on his chest.

Tony licked his lips, getting closer. "You!"

"Me?" Eric laughed, shaking his head. "And why if I may ask?"

"You know why?" Tony grinned. Shit! He couldn't help but stare at those lips that he wanted to kiss so badly. "I know that you know that I want the two of us to be an item. Look, Eric..." He tried to touch his hand but Eric moved it away. "'re the most beautiful guy that I have ever seen. Going on a date with you that day was the most amazing thing but..."

"Before you finish that sentence..." He paused and frowned. "...No! I don't wanna go on a date with you and I don't want to do anything with you ever again, get that?"

He started going away but Tony gripped his hand and pulled him back.

"Wait! Why do you like doing this to me? I am a very handsome guy." He said, opening his arms widely. "I am very rich and I can take care of you. I am a senior and I have a very expensive car."

"Good!" Eric smiled brightly. "Then you can drive yourself home!"

He tried to go away but was pulled back again. The guy was seriously getting on his nerves. He was getting mad and he was only a few seconds away from telling him something so bad.

"Wait!" He chuckled softly. "You don't have to be rude, baby. Come on, I know that you're rich too but that's what makes us very compatible. I can take very good care of you and your needs. All I need is a chance to date you. I am very good-looking, I smell nice and... I am very good in bed."

Eric clenched his fists, groaning angrily. "Really? I don't understand why you are so obsessed with sex when you're so fucking bad at it!" He snapped, raising his finger at the surprised-looking guy. "Moving your hands in the dark is what is called the dark room and not sex. Now listen to me, whatever you thought we had in the past is over. And if you have any self-respect remaining, do not ever approach me or even call me. If you do that..." He chuckled bitterly, eyeing the man from head to toe. " won't like me, I swear. Excuse me!"

He furiously turned and left from there. Tony remained standing there, watching the boy as he left from there. Shit! He was so fucking horny just by watching his bubbly backside as he went away from there. God! How could he have missed that? Shit! He was so obsessed with Eric.


"Hey!" Riya waved, taking a sip of her cocktail in the pool. "You're finally here!"

Etic sighed, taking a seat on the pool chair while putting his bag down.

"And in your clothes. Why don't you change and then join us?" Riya suggested, smiling at the guy.

"Maybe later!" He took the juice that was on the table nearby and started drinking it. "I don't feel like getting in."

"Hey! That's not yours." Smith groaned as he got out of the pool. He was only putting on a tight boxer briefs and the outline of his big cock was visible. "Go and get yours."

Eric chuckled. "That's not happening and you know that. You're getting a new one."

"Hmmm..." Smith groaned as he took a towel and covered himself. "Anyway, what took you so long?"

Eric sighed. "That stupid guy, Tony! I don't understand why he won't just leave me alone. Why can't some people just understand that nothing can happen between us? I am sick of him approaching me every time."

"Err... maybe because he's in love?"

"Love?" Eric raised an eyebrow. "We both know that he's not in love. And we also know exactly what he wants from me. He's obsessed with me and I will not give him the pleasure of having me."

"You may be right about that," Riya said as she got out of the pool. She was wearing a sexy red bikini. "But what about the other guys that approach you? You need to give one a chance. Who knows..." She shrugged. " of them might just be your future husband."

Eric smiled brightly. "I am not interested. Besides, I am not complaining, am I? Why don't you accept one of them on my behalf?"

"Because I already have one, you idiot?" Riya slightly hit him on the shoulder. "You're the one that needs a man. Smith and I are both dating and you're the only single guy. Don't you think you've stayed single for too long? I know that what happened in your first relationship was too bad for you to bear..."

"And even if it isn't about that..." Eric sighed and got up, staring into the pool. "...I haven't seen a man that I can completely give myself to, a man that I can trust." He turned and faced his friends. "When I see that man who is worthy of me, I will get into a relationship. But for now, I love being single because I am free."

Riya shrugged. "I hope that man comes very soon because... because this is now getting serious. You're considered the most beautiful boy in the entire school and you've got both male and female admirers but you're not interested in any of them. I do hope that someone comes very soon."

"And even if he doesn't, I will still be happy." Eric smiled. "I have you guys and my mom."

He looked at the both of them and smiled brightly. He was very happy as long as he had his buddies. After all, he didn't know if he was ready to trust someone else. He didn't even know if he was ever gonna fall in love again.


And then there is the type that makes everyone they meet just wanna have them inside of them no matter the gender. These are the kind that is usually playboys because they know they can have anyone that they want. And some of them like to keep away from trouble. Wanna bet?

Anyway, here we are again, in the university gym. It is considered to be the best where you'd find hunks with ripped muscles, big abs, and bodies to die for. Many people usually join the gym to have pics of these muscle gods. But of course, to also have a view of their packages. That is the life that our next character lives.

Here he was, punching the bag with his entire strength. His body was sweaty and the way the sweat rolled down his perfectly toned body was deliciously beautiful. He was breathing heavily, his eyes fixed on the punching bag even as he hit it as hard as he could. He was sexy.

He had been in the gym for hours. He loved what he did because his body was turning out to be something sexy and amazing. Suddenly, as he was busy punching the bag, he heard footsteps behind and with a final punch, he furiously turned with his fist clenched, raising it in the air.

The scared look from the handsome man in front of him was sure enough to make him grin evilly. The guy looked caught off guard. He was handsome with short brown hair and a wonderful body.

"You think you can sneak up on me, Steve?" Sergio laughed, dropping his fist. "I am far much smarter than that and you're gonna have to work harder than that."

"You're no fun!" Steve groaned, chuckling angrily.

Sergio laughed, picking a towel that he started wiping his hair with. Sergio was a very handsome young man, 21 years of age, and very popular in school. He was known as the hunk of the century and was probably the most famous guy. He was super, stinking rich, and was known as the best student in his faculty. Sergio was in his final year and was probably gonna graduate as the best student in business administration. His family was also very powerful although his father was no more.

Sergio Alvarado was a tall guy. He had piercing gray eyes that many people found sexy. His hair was in a quiff and he had a well-shaven beard that added to his hunkiness. His body was muscular and those visible six-packs made almost everyone he met fall for him. His lips were gorgeous and kissable too. He was so famous that he had every guy that he wanted. No one resisted him.

Sergio was putting on gorgeous shorts with nothing on top which showed off his marvelous abs. And when he smiled, even the angels above probably admired him.

"So what's up?" Sergio asked, wrapping the towel around his neck. "I thought you were gonna join me for the gym session today?"

"Nah, I had some catching up to do," Steve said, shaking his head. "And besides, I don't understand the reason why you come here when your body is perfect already. You don't need the gym. Do you know how many people would kill to have a body like yours?"

"No!" Sergio shook his head. "Tell me!"

"A lot and besides..."

"Sorry!" Sergio apologized as he rushed to his ringing phone. When he looked at the phone, a smile popped up on his face as he answered it.

"Trev!" He chuckled. "I have been waiting for your call for so long. What's up, baby?"

There was silence on the other end.

"Baby?" Sergio frowned. "Are you still there? Are you okay, my love?"

'I am fine, bae!' The sweet voice on the other end spoke. 'It's just that I miss you so much. I feel like I am gonna explode if I don't kiss you in the next second.'

"The feeling is mutual, baby." Sergio moaned, leaning towards the wall. "It's been long since I kissed those lips and made love to you. I miss it a whole lot." He didn't mind that his friend was there listening to the conversation.

'Hmmm....' Trevor sighed on the other end. '...If not for mom that insisted I study abroad, I would...'

"She only wants what's best for her son." Sergio grinned. "And besides, it won't be long now. Just a few more weeks and you'll be back home for the semester break."

'Yeah! And I can't wait. When I return, I'll talk to mommy. I'll convince her to let me finish the final year in that country. Then we can be together and we can plan our wedding.'

Sergio laughed in satisfaction. "That'll be great and I'll make crazy sweet love to you. I promise."

'Can't wait!' Trevor moaned on the other end. 'Anyway, have a great day and I'll talk to you in the evening. Love you!'

"Love you too," Sergio said with a smile.

He cut the call and remained standing there like a statue with a smile on his face. Only God knows what the hell was going on in his mind. He was really happy.

Meanwhile, Steve went right in front of him and snapped his finger in his face, bringing him back to reality.

"Did you fuck him in your thoughts?" Steve laughed at the top of his voice.

"What, you perv!" He laughed, throwing the towel on his face. "Why would you ask something like that? My thoughts are none of your business. Anyway, where is that idiot friend of ours?"

"Chasing sex as usual." Steve laughed. "Henry thinks about nothing but sex. I am sure he'll be in the room when we go back. Are you ready?"

"Yeah! Let me just take a shower!"

"Cool. Hurry it up. Don't go jerking off in there." He teased, making the both of them laugh.

Sergio just shook his head and went to take a shower. He truly had crazy and stupid friends. But anyway, he wasn't an angel too.


"Oh come on," Eric laughed as he placed a bottle of milk in the fridge. "I already told you that I wasn't interested in clubbing."

'Smith and I will be there.'

"Yeah, with your significant others." He rolled his eyes, closing the fridge. "And besides, I don't want guys to be hitting on me there. You know how I hate it. So you have fun and..." He paused and glanced towards the door. "...hold on, I think there's someone at the door. I will call you back later."

He cut the call and placed the phone on top of the table. Eric rushed to the door and quickly opened it. But the moment he opened the door, his smile started fading and he simply froze in the doorway. He was looking at the person standing at the door with a teasing smile on her face.

She was really beautiful with dark long hair that was tied in a ponytail, revealing her face on which makeup was gorgeously applied. She was wearing a beautiful tight yellow dress that reached her knees with yellow high heels on her feet. She was a woman in her mid-40s but could easily pass for a thirty-something old.

Eric would have been happy but the woman screamed trouble and he didn't like her one bit. His mood just changed when he saw her standing over there. He hadn't expected her.

"Surprised to see me?" The woman gave a bitter chuckle, letting herself inside. "Don't be, because I like to keep things that involve me close to myself. I know exactly what it means to keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Eric closed the door and slowly walked inside. The woman was looking all around the place, nodding her head. Eric lived in a classy and fabulous apartment that was owned by the school and cost a lot of money. It had a really beautiful white background with paintings of nature.

It had a small living room with just two white couches, and a huge table, and behind it was the kitchen. It only had one room but it was really beautiful.

"Nice place you've got here." The woman said, nodding her head. "My husband sure likes to waste money on useless things, don't you think?"

Eric felt something enter him and he clenched his fists. "What are you doing here? I don't remember telling you where I stay or giving you the invitation to come here."

"Oh come on dear," She threw her hand seductively, still wearing the smile. "It isn't bad to check what my husband's money is doing, all of it? Who even knew that my husband's illegitimate bastard son would get enrolled at such a school?"

Eric slightly closed his eyes, feeling anger sweeping him off his feet. "Look, Giada or whatever your name is, get out of here. Your husband didn't spend a penny on my education. My mother paid for everything and..."

"Oh, the bitch didn't tell you?" She laughed at top of her voice, folding her arms on her chest. "She's too ashamed to admit to her bastard son that she allows another woman's husband to fuck her so that he can give her some breadcrumbs."

Eric closed his eyes, feeling tears forming. "Get out!" He snarled. He felt so much anger that it felt like he was gonna pass out. "Please, leave, or else I am gonna call security to throw you out."

"You've got some nerves, huh?" Giada laughed. "Look at you, all grown up and pretending like you don't know the truth. If you can't bear to hear the truth then I suggest you tell that whore to stay away from my husband. Tell her to leave him alone because he has a family to cater to. He has a family to take care of and he doesn't..."

"Please!" Eric snapped, stamping his foot on the floor. "Why the fuck won't you tell him yourself. If you're such a great woman then why does he still feel the need to chase my mother? I'll tell you....." He got closer with his fists clenched. "That's because he finds something in my mother that he doesn't find in you."

"How dare..."

Shit! Giada got the shock of her life when Eric caught her hand and threw it away. She hadn't expected that. She held her hand, breathing like a monster in a cave. She was super mad.

"If that's all you came to say then get the fuck out of my room!" He snapped, opening the door furiously. "Get out of here!"

Giada snarled. "You've made a big mistake, boy! You'll pay for this together with your mother. I promise you that."

"Until then!" He gestured. "Get the fuck out!"

Giada gave him an angry look before she stormed out of the room, cursing as she left. Eric banged the door behind her. He then leaned towards it, sliding down while fighting off his tears. It was really painful to live like that.

Who was that you ask? Well, that was Giada Sandoval, Eric's father's wife. Well, in this case, you might call her, 'the legal wife.' This was one of Eric's greatest pains and nightmares, the very thing that haunted him even during the day. He could remember it very well as it happened just a few minutes back.


7 years ago...


10-year-old Eric was rushing downstairs as fast as his legs could carry him. He was only halfway when he stopped and saw his mother crying while gripping his father's arm. His father was carrying a huge bag and Eric knew that something was wrong.

"Brice, please..." Laurel cried, pulling on his arm. "...please, don't leave us alone. I beg you. Please!"

Brice stopped in his tracks and looked at his wife. His face was wet too and he seemed to be in pain. "Laurel, please, let me go." He sobbed softly. "This isn't easy for me too. But I can't do anything about it. I love you so much but.... but I don't know how Giada found out about my other family. She's back in this city and she has given me a second chance but that chance comes with leaving my other life behind."

"No!" Laurel sobbed uncontrollably. "You can't do this to me. You know that I love you so much. And Eric is very young. He needs his father, please."

"I can't lose everything because of you," Brice said softly. "I can't lose my family, my kid, and my wealth because of you. As for Eric, he'll understand me one day. I am not going to abandon my son because I love him so much. It hurts me to leave you but we both knew this moment was gonna come."

"No!" Laurel cried, shaking her head.

"Maybe this was all a mistake from the very beginning." He cried. "I shouldn't have engaged in it. I shouldn't have made you my mistress."

Laurel stopped crying the moment she heard Brice's words. She slowly got up, staring into his face with tears rolling down her cheeks. Then suddenly, she gave him a hot slap.

"How dare you!" Laurel snapped, breathing like she was in labor. "How dare you say that to me after everything that you've put me through? You might have forgotten that you're the one who put me in this situation. You lied to me and used my love against me.

You told me you were still single and you got me pregnant. Even after finding out I stayed with you for the sake of our son and hoping to build a family with you. But now you're making me look like a fool."

"I am sorry!" He muttered. "I am truly sorry. It's my fault but you'll be fine. You're an attorney and you can cater for yourself and our son. Besides...."

"Get out of here!" Laurel furiously pushed Brice. "Go then. Get the hell out!"

"At least, let me see my..."

"And tell him what?" She chuckled bitterly. "That you've had your fill and you can go back to your legitimate family? Don't you dare ever come close to me or my son again? I will work hard and provide the best for him. He'll never lack and he'll never feel that he's missing something. Get the fuck out!" She angrily pushed him. "Don't ever show your face again, you bastard."

Brice left but not before taking a glance at his son who was standing on the staircase with tears on his face. As soon as he left, Laurel closed the door behind him and fell to her knees, crying like a little kid.

"You betrayed me." She sobbed uncontrollably. "Brice, you son of a bitch! How could you?"

Eric stood on that staircase watching his mother sobbing like a little kid. Never in his life had he ever thought that everything that he held dear to his heart, everything that he knew about his family were all lies and that they would all come crumbling to the ground. He couldn't believe it.

He started feeling dizzy and then his strength left him. The next thing he was rolling down the stairs and by the time he reached the stairs, he was bleeding from the nose and mouth. The last thing he heard before he passed out was his mother calling out his name. When he woke up, she was holding his hand tightly and her eyes were swollen. A bandage was wrapped around his head and it was hurting. He was lying in the hospital bed.

"Baby?" Laurel cried. "You're finally awake."


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Laurel sniveled, trying her best to smile. "Son, listen, your father... he... He is gone." She chuckled in pain. "...he is gone and it will just be you and I alone. But I can assure you that... that we'll be very happy. I promise."

Eric dropped his head to the other side and just cried. He had unimaginable pain inside his little heart and he felt like someone had stabbed him there. Memories of them being happy started forming in his head and they started hurting him even more. From that moment, he knew that his life wasn't gonna be the same.


Present day


Eric was in tears. His face was between his palms and he could feel the wetness there. Thinking about everything was causing him so much pain. He just wished Brice wasn't his father and maybe everything would have been normal. That was one of the darkest things that Eric lived with. He might have been popular due to his beauty and rich but somehow, he lived a lonely and painful life.

"Damn you, daddy!" He cried softly. "Damn you!"


Sergio was seated on the couch with his legs folded, busy on social media. He had a brilliant smile on his face, chuckling from time to time due to what he was reading. Almost everything in what he was reading was making him excited. He couldn't believe that some people had even made a fan page for him. It was hilarious and the comments there were so satisfying. So many people crushed him.

Eric and his friends lived in a really big, classy three-roomed apartment. It was expensive and it had all the luxuries that they all needed. It was very expensive but they all came from rich homes so they could afford it and even more than that.

Suddenly, the door opened wider, alerting both Steve and Sergio. They looked towards the entrance and saw a smiling guy coming inside, rubbing his hands. He was handsome. He was tall and muscular and his skin was perfectly smooth. He was dressed in a gorgeous shirt that was folded at the sleeves and tucked in black trousers with black shoes on his feet. With that smile on his face, his friends didn't need to ask him where he had been because they knew.

"Finally, the king of fling emerges." Sergio teased, chuckling softly. "We were starting to wonder if you were ever gonna come back. We thought the boy you were with gave it to you so hard that you decided to take him overnight!"

"It was the other way around." Henry moaned, rubbing his crotch. "I gave it to him hard. You should have seen him cry while I fucked his brains out and..."

"Enough with your story!" Steve rolled his eyes, putting his book on the table. "We're not interested in hearing how you roughly fucked some guy and probably ruined him for a few days."

"Look who's talking!" Henry laughed, pointing at Steve. "You're the one to talk."

"What?" He chuckled nervously. "I accept that I have random sex but it's once in a while. A guy needs relief from pressure. And besides, you two are the kings of sex. You're sex freaks."

Sergio raised his hands like he was surrendering. "It's not my fault that they present themselves to me. I only give them what they want. I don't chase them. They're the ones that do the chasing. I only get to enjoy myself."

Henry and Sergio did their sexy secret handshake, smiling evilly at each other.

"Tell the boy. Tell him." Henry laughed, throwing himself on the couch. He was really tired. "And besides, I am thinking of getting into a serious relationship."

"You?" Steve laughed, pointing at him in mock. "Oh please..."

"I am dead serious." He shrugged, his face getting stern. "You see... I have been eyeing this boy for some time now and I think he's the one." He began smiling as the image of the boy started forming in his head. "He's beautiful, calm, rich, and very intelligent. If I have that boy... I swear, I'll change my ways. I'll never look at another boy again."

Sergio and Henry were beyond shocked. They looked at each other before staring at Henry like they'd seen a ghost. Of course, both of them wanted to say he was joking but that look on his face proved that he was very serious.

"Please, tell me you're joking." Sergio gasped, getting closer to his friend. "Are you sure you're Henry?"

"I am serious." Henry sighed gloomily, biting his lip. "He's everything that I want. He's got everything. He's the perfect package. I plan on proposing to him tomorrow."

"Whoa!" Steve's eyes were wide open. "This is so deep and hard to believe. The best flinger I know is now thinking of getting into a serious relationship. Now I am dying to know who this boy is."

"As if I would tell you." Henry shook his head. "You're gonna find out as soon as I propose to him. I will introduce him to you officially as my boyfriend."


"Don't ask because I am not telling!" He laughed, getting a cushion from the couch which he threw at his friend. Then he got up and left the living room in laughter.

Steve looked at Sergio and the expression on his face was to die for. "Is he serious?" He muttered.

Sergio shrugged. "I don't know, man. But guess we're gonna have to wait to find out."

Both of them of course knew the kind of person their friend was. He wasn't one to take relationships seriously. At least, although Sergio had sex from time to time with random guys, he was in a serious relationship with a boy that he loved his entire life and couldn't wait to marry him.


"I am telling you, the whole thing was just totally boring!" Smith said, smiling brightly as they passed the entrance of their class. "I have never been to such a boring party."

"Well, you just have to admit that parties are not that fun when I am not there with you," Eric commented. "I am the party boy and whatever party I go to, it must catch fire."

"Hmm...." Riya raised an eyebrow. "Says who, Mr. Sandoval?"

"I don't have to say it!" He smiled brightly. "Tell me, which party that we've gone together ended up being boring? And also tell me which party you've attended without me ended up being fun?"

Smith and Riya looked at each other right before they looked at the sexy smiling boy. They wanted to say something to oppose him but then...

"See! You don't even have anything to say." He entered the classroom and went to his favorite spot to sit. He was really happy because that was gonna be his final lecture that day and then he was gonna go shopping with his friends.

Riya entered the room after him and got the shock of her life when as soon as she entered, someone handed her a beautifully decorated basket that was also perfumed. It looked classy and expensive. She looked inside and there were expensive chocolates of all kinds, some wonderful flowers, and a beautiful white handkerchief.

Whoever had sent that must have been someone really rich. Who was she kidding? It was probably from her boyfriend because he had grown fond of giving her gifts. But none of them was as nice as the gift she received at that time. She didn't even get to ask the person who gave her and she was smiling like an idiot.

"Whoa! Someone's blushing!" Eric teased. "Who's it from?"

"I think it's Scott!" She said, taking in a deep breath. "That guy is just too sweet."

"Whoa! That looks amazing!" Smith said, rubbing his hands. "Why don't you open it? I am sure there's a note somewhere. I know how this thing goes. He is probably asking you for a date later."

Riya's cheeks became pink and she felt her heart begin to race. She opened the basket carefully and truly, there was a note there. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world and she kept on staring at that yellow note, her favorite color. She wanted to kiss it and...

"What does it say?"

Riya took a deep breath.

"'To the most beautiful, sexiest, and the classiest person I know. The first time I saw you, my heart began racing and I felt like I was gonna die. I couldn't understand what it was at first but with time, I realized that you're my missing puzzle piece and I wanna hold you in my arms for the rest of my life.'"

At first, Riya's smile kept on getting bigger and bigger until it began fading. She looked at her friends who were caught in a moment and she just became blank. She glanced at Eric and then at the note before she just began staring at him. Eric was confused by the way she was staring at him.

"What?" he shrugged. "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there anything wrong?"

Riya slowly stretched her hand towards Eric, handing the note to him.

"I don't think this is for me," Riya said softly. "It's for you."

Eric's smile instantly faded the moment he heard that. He looked at the note and took it abruptly from his friend. Then he began reading it.

"'My Eric, my Angel, and my love. You're as beautiful as the first flower in spring. All I dream of since I first saw you are having you in my arms, kissing those sweet tender lips, and making sweet love to you the whole day. I don't think I can suppress these feelings anymore. That's why I will confess to you in person and reveal myself to you.

"I will be waiting for you in the school cafeteria and it doesn't matter if it takes me the whole day. You won't have a hard time finding me because a man in love cannot hide. See you later, my love, my baby, and my beautiful future.'"

By the time Eric was finishing the note, half of it was folded as he had gripped it harder, almost ripping it. He was breathing harshly, clenching the note. His heart was racing and he felt like something had possessed him. He couldn't believe what he had just read.

"Eric!" Riya called but he didn't even look at her. "Baby, are you okay? You don't..."

But she didn't even finish her sentence when Eric rose from the chair furiously and started rushing out.

"Eric!" Smith called.

But he didn't even look behind to talk to him. Both of his friends knew trouble when they saw one. Riya just picked up her bag together with his and followed him behind.

It didn't take long before Eric reached the school cafeteria. When he entered inside, it was dark. He couldn't see anything at all.

"Hello!" he called softly. "Anyone here?"

But there was no answer and it was really strange for the school cafeteria to be closed at that time. And maybe the note had all been a stupid prank. That was all it was, a stupid prank. Eric took a deep breath and was about to turn when all of a sudden, the lights went back on and a lot of balloons fell right on him.

Before he even realized what was going on, a lot of people were clapping while coming toward him. They seemed happy and they were all dressed beautifully. They were smiling and clapping as they came to him.

Eric was shocked but then he saw, a beautiful golden banner at the back of the cafeteria with the words, 'Eric Sandoval, will you be my boyfriend?'

Eric didn't even pay detail to the other things in the cafeteria. His eyes were completely glued on the banner that had his name. The whole place was decorated beautifully with wonderful and expensive decorations, balloons and there was slow romantic music playing in the background but he didn't care.

He had a heavy feeling in his stomach as his eyes scanned the whole place to see how well the place was decorated. The whole place looked like a billionaire had decorated it to propose to his long-time fiancé. His eyes moved slowly, looking at the decorations and the people that were smiling at him.

But then he froze again when his eyes caught a handsome young man coming towards him with a smile on his face. He was wearing a deep blue designer's one-piece suit that fit him so perfectly with a white shirt inside. His hair was perfectly gelled and combed backward and that smile on his face was beautiful. He was holding a beautiful bouquet. And then his eyes got wider as the guy knelt on one knee and stretched his hand, holding out the flowers to Eric.

Eric's heart began racing and honestly, what he felt at that moment was something that he couldn't describe. It was really deep and he too couldn't understand it.

"I know this must be surprising for you, baby." The man said in a deep manly voice. "But I have never been so sure of myself before. What do you say, you and I?"

Eric felt like someone had just hit him right in the heart. He was instantly swept off his feet by anger.

"What?" He gasped, shaking his head. "Excuse me? Did you write this? What's all this?"

The man chuckled. "As I said, this must all be a surprise to you but I am serious. You're the most beautiful boy I know and my heart tells me that you're the one."

Eric was beyond shocked. He didn't know how to react so he burst into laughter. He started laughing at the top of his voice, surprising everyone there. At that same moment, his friends arrived and they froze when they saw what was going on.

"Say yes!" The man said, holding out the flowers. "These are for you."

Suddenly, Eric stopped laughing and his face became stern. Shit! The man was serious. He wasn't joking at all.

"Err... excuse me, what's your name again?"

"Oh sorry..." The man chuckled. " name is Henry Monta..."

"I don't give a damn!" Eric seethed. "How dare you! Who do you think you are to do all this and put my name into it? Look Mr. Henry or whatever your name is, I am not interested in all this because I am the type of boy that can't be bought with ..." He gestured. "...with this. I don't know you and I don't care to know."

To say Henry was shocked would be an understatement. He made calculations on the outcome of that proposal and all of them had come out great. Eric was supposed to be hugging him and kissing him and not what he was saying to him. He was no longer smiling. Everyone in the room just looked in shock. Henry was one of the heartthrobs in school and they hadn't expected that.

"Excuse me!" Henry gasped. "What's wrong with it? Is it too little for you? Look, I can buy the entire world for you if you want me to. I have the money and I am ready to spend it all on you right now. Just be my boyfriend and that's all. I want you to say yes to my proposal."

Eric had never felt so insulted in his entire life before. His heart started pounding violently and he clenched his fists, staring at the idiot smiling at him.

"You want me to say yes?" He smiled and watched the guy's face brighten. "Alright, I will say yes!"

"Really?" Henry's heart jumped and he rose from the floor, acting as he'd just won the lottery. "Oh, thanks a lot." He moved closer but...

"Not even in your wildest dreams!" Eric said sternly, pushing him away. "Just take a very good look at yourself and tell me if truly, you think you can win me over with your stupid ego and your money. Even if I were to accept a proposal, it wouldn't be from a guy like you. Mr. whatever, the answer is no!"

Henry felt like someone had poured hot coals on him. "What?" He gasped.

"You heard me!" Eric said with a bitter chuckle. "If you don't mind, I will excuse myself. You can enjoy this showoff party with your friends."

With those words, he furiously turned and started leaving.

Meanwhile, Henry who had never felt so insulted in his life before was looking like a puppy. His hormones had resurfaced and his anger rose to the surface. His body trembled and his breaths were harsh. He wasn't gonna let him go.

He quickly gripped his arm and pulled him back, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"What are you doing?" Eric gasped.

"No boy has ever refused my proposal before." Henry chuckled bitterly. "Come off your high horse already and accept my proposal. There's a lot I can do for you that no guy on this campus can. I am a senior, I am super rich and my performance in bed is the best."

With those words, he leaned forward and tried to kiss Eric. He was almost there when he felt a hot slap on his face. He quickly let go of the boy, taking a few steps away from him. His cheek felt like it had been burnt by a terrible wildfire and before he even realized what was going on, he received another hot slap and another and then followed by a series until he found himself on the floor seated on his ass, holding his cheeks while staring at the boy that looked like an ancient warrior.

"How dare you call me here and try that stupid stunt with me! Do I look like those cheap local sluts that you seduce with your cheap change? Don't you ever, ever approach me in your life again otherwise this campus and your family will soon be missing its fool." He tried to leave but slowly turned and stared at the man that looked like a chicken.

"You know what, I think I have an idea about this... this proposal." He got closer to the guy. "Why don't you take your proposal and take a long dive into the Nile for all I care? Or better still, you can take it and shove it up your ass!"

He furiously turned, ignoring the gasps from people, and stormed out of there. He was so mad. Henry remained seated there, feeling like an idiot. That was a first and he could already see the people in the cafeteria mocking him. He hadn't expected that to happen.


"Eric! What was that for?" Riya asked as she rushed behind him. "Did you have to do all that?"

"Damn right I had to!" He snapped, furiously turning. "Did you see how that bastard tried to kiss me and he insulted me? I will not take any such nonsense from anybody from this campus no matter what position they think they hold in society."

"But that was harsh!" Smith sighed. "You could have rejected his proposal better. Did you have to slap him?"

"If I had a better chance than that... I would have killed that bastard." He snarled. "What nonsense? Who does he think he is?"

"I understand that but you should have given him a chance..."

"Don't ruin my mood with what you're about to say." Eric slightly closed his eyes. "I am begging you. I have better things to do than listen to a stupid rich boy who thinks he can buy everyone with money. I have my own money and I don't need anybody to take care of me. I am already late for a lecture and if you'll excuse me..." He angrily took his bag from Riya. "...I will be in class."

With those words, he stormed out of there leaving his friends in awe. That was the worst they had seen from him.


Sergio carefully sat on the couch, putting his coffee and cookies on the table near him. He had a really beautiful smile on his face and he didn't wanna wipe it for any reason whatsoever. He was dressed in just cargo shorts and a black vest, letting his sexy body get the air it needed.

"Come on, baby..." He chuckled happily. " know very well that I miss you more and I can't wait to have you in my arms."

'Hmmm....' Trev moaned on the other end. '...I haven't seen you in like what, five months? I know exactly how high your sexual appetite is. I just hope you haven't replaced me with some cheap whore over there.'

"What?" Sergio laughed, shaking his head. "You're one in a million baby and no matter what happens, no one will ever replace you in my heart. I promise."

Trev laughed on the other end. 'That's reassuring. I know that even if you fuck guys over there, I own your heart, body, and your soul. You'll be mine forever and ever.'

"Only yours and..."

Before Sergio could finish his sentence, the door flung open and he got the surprise of his life when he saw Henry coming inside, breathing like a monster. He banged the door behind him and Sergio got a little bit scared and confused. Even Steve who had been reading a book stopped and rose from the couch, eyeing his friend from eye to toe.

"Babe... I am gonna have to call you back." Sergio said in a low tone. "Something came up."

Without even hearing his boyfriend's answer, Sergio cut the call and put his phone on the table. He started getting closer and that was when he saw them, hand prints on his friend's already red and swollen cheeks. He was beyond shocked.

"Henry!" Steve gasped, a frown appearing on his face. He too was shocked. "What's going on, dude? Were you attacked or something?"

But Henry just remained standing there without saying a word.

"Henry!" Sergio called in a raised voice, getting him back to reality. "Dude, what's going on? Did someone attack you on the way here? What's up?"

Henry clenched his fists and when he released them, he groaned angrily, stomping his foot on the floor.

"Dude! Say something. Who did this to you?"

"He did!" He said harshly. "Fuck, that boy did this to me. I have never been so humiliated in my entire life before. I have never felt so low and so stupid before. That boy fucking humiliated me in front of my friends, coursemates, and admirers."

"What?" Both Steve and Sergio gasped. "What the fuck? Who?"

"The boy I proposed to." He groaned.

"Wait!" Steve chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. "So you were the one the guys I met were talking about? You mean a boy did this to you and you couldn't do a thing? It's so not like you."

"What was I supposed to do?" Henry snapped. "This is not like any other boy on this campus. He's very different and maybe I was kinda caught off guard and I didn't know how to react."

"Are you serious?" Sergio laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Take a very good look at yourself. You're a mess. A boy did this to you and you just let it go? You're Henry fucking Montagracia for fuck's sake. The very sound of that name should put fear in..."

"Like I said..."

"Who the fuck is this boy anyway, huh?" Sergio glowered. "Who is he?"

"Eric Sandoval!"

Although Henry's voice was really low, both of his friends heard it loud and clear. It was like he shouted it but he had muttered the name. Both guys looked at each other right before Steve burst into laughter, shaking his head. He found it very funny.

"Eric Sandoval?" He asked, literally mocking the guy. "You went to propose to Eric Sandoval? I can't believe this. You had the balls to approach that boy? You know, you're very stupid. I could have told you not to but you didn't tell me anything. Now, look at you..." He shook his head and went back to sit on the couch. He was still laughing.

Henry was pissed and a bit hurt. "Are you being serious right now? I just..."

"What do you want me to say?" Steve shrugged. "I don't have anything to tell you but the truth. You don't have a chance with that boy. He might be younger and a freshman but the way he carries himself... you don't have any chance with him. Some people on this campus call him the iron boy and if you hadn't been busy thinking with your cock then you would have known that."

"Excuse me!" Henry chuckled bitterly. "Did you just..."

"Guys, please!" Sergio who had been quiet spoke. He moved to his friend and looked at him. "You mean that freshman did this to you?" He laughed. "I can't believe it."

"It's not funny!"

"It is." Sergio laughed. "I mean, look at yourself, man. A freshman slapped you and you look like a roasted sausage."

"He is..."

"So what if he's famous, the most beautiful boy on campus, I hear." He laughed. "It doesn't mean anything, man. I can't believe you got rejected and not only did you get rejected, but you also got a hot slap. This is so embarrassing."

Henry was super mad. That wasn't what he had expected from his friends. "This is Eric we're talking about. You heard Steve. He's tough as nails."

"Maybe for you guys and everyone else," Sergio said as he took a seat, picking up his phone from the table. "But no boy can ever reject my proposal. That would be an insult to me, my fame, and my dignity. That person who can reject my proposal has not been born yet. And I don't think that person will ever be born."

Henry frowned. "What are you trying to say?"

"Yeah, really?" Steve was curious.

"Well, what I am trying to say is that I am too sexy and fabulous to be rejected by any boy." He said cockily. "No man born of a woman can ever reject my proposal and even if they try, they're only playing hard to get. It will only be for a short time. They can't go to the extent of slapping and humiliating me."

Henry was beyond shocked at first. But then he chuckled nervously, shaking his head. He found it funny.

"Is that so?"


"Okay!" Henry folded his arms, an evil grin appearing on his face. "I say that you cannot manage this boy. You cannot woo Eric no matter what?"

Sergio laughed. "Is that a challenge?"

"No! But actually..." He chuckled evilly. " that you've said it, I will challenge you." He got to his friend and sat closer to him. "Eric is the most beautiful, sexiest, and popular junior on this campus. He rejects any proposal but of course, since you've said no man born of a woman can reject your proposal..." He laughed. "...I challenge you to woo Eric. Get him to accept your proposal."

Sergio laughed mockingly. "You are serious about this?"

"Dead serious." Henry nodded. "And not only will you get him to accept your proposal but..." He paused and grinned evilly. " must also have hot sex with him, fuck him!"

"Oooooooh...." Steve moaned mockingly. "You're a dead man." He laughed, pointing at Sergio. "You're dead because there is no way you're wooing Eric and not to talk of having sex with him. It's an impossible mission. I am with Steve on this one, sorry."

Sergio chuckled. "And if I win the challenge?"

"You can ask anything you want from me, anything and it shall be done," Henry said, crossing his chest as a sign of how serious he was. "But remember, all this must be done before our semester comes to an end which is in just a few weeks."

Sergio grinned like an evil warrior. "Challenge accepted. Not only will I do what you've challenged me to do, but I will also do it in the shortest possible time. That boy will get the best fuck of his life and he'll forget about all those guys that have ever fucked him. And of course, it will be revenge for what he did to you."

Henry and Sergio looked at each other, smiling like idiots.

"Let's shake on it!" Steve suggested, stretching out his arm while opening his palm.

Henry put his hand on Steve's palm, gripping it tightly. And then the man of the game put his and the three of them held each other's hands tightly, smiling at each other.

"Let the game begin!"

Written by Vanalas
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