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Author's Notes

"If you are coming into this series partway through, you really should start from the beginning."

The next morning, December 31st, I got a call from Karen, thanking us for the fun time the previous evening. Apparently, John was in fine form after we left and she really appreciated all our help in making their fantasies come true. After we hung up, I told April and Maeve about it. “Are they invited tonight?” April asked.

“I didn’t think they’d be ready for an orgy!” I answered. She looked at Maeve and they exchanged knowing glances. “We’ll be back in a while,” she said. They grabbed their coats and left. I watched them cross the road to our most recent lovers’ house. “They’ll be here!” I said to myself, going back to preparing the chowder and other food for the evening.

The girls returned after about ninety minutes, their faces aglow with after-sex happiness. “They’ll be here!” said Maeve.

“What did you do?” I asked.

“We all fucked John,” Maeve answered, “one at a time.” She smiled and kissed me. I could taste him on her tongue. “He may not be very big, but he is big enough!”

“He is that!” said April, and they went upstairs to get ready. Apparently, getting ready included having a screaming sixty-nine before getting in the shower. My wives-to-be were insatiable!

Ted and Lisa arrived together a little before six; Mandy showed up about ten minutes later. I hadn’t told the girls that she was going to be there so they appeared a bit confused when I introduced her as my friend. A skeptically raised eyebrow from Maeve was her response. John and Karen arrived last. I had asked everyone to dress up a little, as I had something special planned for after dinner.

Everyone was mingling and although the core five of the group knew what was going to happen later in the evening, the other three were left to speculate. They all knew that the five of us had slept together in pairs as well as a group, but what they didn’t know was that they would be invited to join us as well. I had spared no expense on the drinks; lots of champagne and good old scotch were the main preferences. After dinner was over, I got everyone’s attention.

“My friends, I am so glad you are all here tonight,” I began with April and Maeve beside me. “As you all know, Maeve, April and I have a special arrangement, both personal and soon, business as well. It is not what you would call a normal relationship but it is one we enter into freely and without reservation.” I paused to take a drink.

“Mandy is my lawyer; she handled my divorce and she handles most of the arrangements to put our relationship in as good a legal position as we could manage. I have asked her to perform one more task for me, and she has agreed to do it. Over to you Mandy.”

“We are gathered her this evening, for good company and good times. While our dear friends cannot legally have a marriage that includes all three of them, a symbolic ceremony is appropriate. Stuart, if you will.” I handed over the rings that I had bought on my trip to Boston, along with my own that has since been delivered.

“These rings,” Mandy continued, “are a symbol of the love that Stuart, April and Maeve share between them.” April gasped, Maeve took a sharp breath. “They demonstrate to the world that they share a commitment to each other and to no one else. We all know how they have chosen to share their love and live their lives. We have all been part of it, well, you have, I haven’t,” she looked directly at Maeve and April, “yet. Stuart wanted you all to witness this ceremony for what it is, a joining of three people into one.” I took the smallest ring off Mandy’s outstretched hand.

“April, I love you. I want to spend my life with you and Maeve. Will you accept this ring as a symbol of what we share?”

Her tears were flowing and she didn’t try to hold them back, “I will!” I slipped the ring on her finger. We kissed softly and I turned to Maeve.

“Don’t you dare say ‘Same question!’” she growled. I took a deep breath.

“Maeve, you know how I feel about you; anyone who knows us does. I want to spend my life with you and April, will you accept this ring as a symbol of what we share?” She too was crying unashamedly as I slipped the ring onto her finger.

“I will,” she choked through her tears. “My God yes, I will!” We kissed.

Mandy spoke again, “There is a third ring, for Stuart to wear. April, Maeve, will you do the honours?”

April picked up the ring and placed it in Maeve’s hand. “He loves you more than he does me,” she said, “you do it.” We kissed and expressed our love for each other. Maeve turned to me and slipped the ring on my finger.

“By absolutely no power vested in me by anyone to do anything, I now pronounce you husband and wife and wife! Would everyone please kiss the brides!” A huge group hug developed as our friends gathered around. I lost track of who was kissing who until I noticed John and Karen standing back a little. I went over to them.

“Is this what I think it is?” John asked.

“Depends on what you think it is,” I answered.

“Is this one of those weddings like you see in the porn movies, where everyone fucks everyone?”

“It is, and you guys are welcome to join us if you wish!” I kissed them both. They looked at each other briefly and nodded.

“We’re in!” said Karen and she went directly to Mandy. “It’s nice to meet you, Mandy. Stuart has told us so many nice things about you!” She placed her hands on either side of Mandy’s face and pulled her down for a long, hot kiss. Everyone cheered!

“What about me?” asked John, sidling up beside them.

“You’ll get your turn!” his wife replied, taking Mandy’s hand and dragging her upstairs. John was left with a helpless look on his face as his wife abandoned him to slake her thirst. April went up to him and kissed him softly.

“Why don’t you and Maeve go upstairs and you can do to her what you did to me last night?” she purred, licking his ear and kissing his neck. Maeve took his hand and led him up to the spare bedroom, which left Lisa, Ted and me downstairs.

Lisa came over to me and kissed me, “Why are we missing out on all the fun?” she asked, reaching for my cock. Ted went to April and took her hand, leading her away. Luckily, we had four bedrooms, although one of them would soon be converted to a home office. As we passed our bedroom, I heard Mandy exclaim, “A jacuzzi! I’ve never done it in a jacuzzi!” I heard the water start running as we made our way past. I half thought about stopping to watch them. April and Maeve had made love in that tub several times and it was a sight to behold!

Soon, the sounds of lust were filling the house as Karen and Mandy pleasured each other. I don’t know exactly what John’s trick was but next, I heard Maeve screaming his name, begging him not to stop. Ted, Lisa and I got each other adequately warmed up and soon she was on her back on the bed with my cock pushing at her ass. Her fingers deep into her pussy as I fucked her; she soon reached her climax. Her orgasm was no less loud than Maeve’s but not nearly so loud as Karen’s as we all came in fairly rapid succession. The sounds of passion faded as round one was completed. I knew there would be more rounds to come.

We had bought new robes for everyone. April, Maeve and I made sure we all had one and we reconvened downstairs. Drinks were refreshed and plates of snacks were put out along with several packages of personal wipes to ensure that bodily fluids didn’t drip onto floors and furniture. The silence was becoming awkward when Maeve spoke up.

“So hands up if they’ve never been to an orgy before?” Everyone raised their hand and laughed. “Fuck. I was hoping someone knew the protocol.” More laughs. “So, how do we do this?”

“Spin the Bottle?” suggested Mandy.

“What are you, fourteen?” asked April.

“I’ve heard of key parties,” said Karen. “You remember honey, three years ago at the campground, the folks at the next site were telling us about them.”

“That kind of restricts partners,” Maeve said. “We were kind of hoping that everyone would get a chance to be with everyone, if they wanted to.”

“I know,” said April. “We can let the ladies pick their partners; we go in order of, ummm, experience. This is Mandy’s first time so, why don’t you go first?”

“Okay.” She placed her finger on her chin for a moment. “I’ve never had a black lover,” she reached out and took Ted by the hand. He kissed Lisa and went back upstairs.

“Ok, Karen, you’re next.” Said April. Karen thought for a moment, then she stood up and took Lisa’s hand, surprising us all. That left me, John, April and Maeve.

“Stuart, Honey, do you mind?” I shrugged.

“Of course not!” I said. “Have fun!” She had already been with John but she took his hand and led him away.

“The original couple,” I said to April.

“The original couple,” she answered back. “I think we’ve created a monster!” We both laughed.

“I love you,” she said. “Tonight has been perfect.” We kissed like lovers.

“It’s not over yet!” I said, pulling her down to the couch. Our robes opened and she straddled me, still wet from her previous encounter with Ted. Again, the house filled with moans, sighs, shouts and screams as passions were unleashed, powerful orgasms achieved and copious amounts of sexual fluids were ejaculated. Turns out, Mandy was a real screamer, holding nothing back when she came, her cries drowned out all others. An hour later, we were all back in the living room, recharging and talking about the sex we’d just had.

“I want to show you all something,” said Lisa. “Remember I said I would be able to deepthroat Ted? Watch this!” She got down in front of him on her knees and took him into her mouth. A bit at a time, he disappeared into her until she stopped, took a deep breath and swallowed his cock into her throat.

“Holy fuck!” breathed Mandy, “she did it!” Karen was on her hands and knees, her face close to Lisa’s as she studied how she did her magic trick of making Ted’s cock disappear into her throat. “Holy fuck!” she exclaimed again.

Lisa took her mouth off Ted, licking his shaft clean and kissing the head of his cock. “Maeve, you taste delicious, as always!” Karen went to her husband.

“I’m gonna try that!” she said, getting down on her knees and pulling John’s robe open. She took him in her mouth as April got down beside her to coach her along. Before long, her nose was against his tummy and a small lump was in her throat. She pulled off to take a breath and Mandy was right beside her.

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“Can I try?” she asked.

“Be my guest,” Karen answered. She kissed Mandy and moved aside and, after a bit of coaching from April, she too was able to take John into her throat. They switched back and forth as the rest of us watched. Soon, John’s orgasm took over and he grunted. They took their mouths off him and let him paint their faces with his come. They cleaned it all off each other’s faces, so much for my worry that Karen, John and Mandy wouldn’t want to join in!

We all took another respite to recharge and rehydrate. It was now getting close to midnight when Ted spoke up. “Would everyone mind getting dressed?” We all looked at him quizzically. No one seemed ready for the party to end. “Please,” he said, and we all went off in search of our clothes. It took about ten minutes before everyone was moderately presentable.

April, Maeve and I got out fresh champagne that we had been saving for our midnight toast, bringing the full glasses out on trays and making sure everyone had one. At a few minutes to midnight, Ted spoke again.

“If you had told me this time six months ago that I would be here with all of you doing what we’re doing, I would have said you were all crazy.” Everyone laughed and agreed that all of us had seen a huge change over the last year. “And,” he continued, reaching for Lisa’s hand, “if you had told me that I would meet this wonderful person, I would have said she doesn’t exist. But she does and we have had many long talks over the past few weeks.” He stopped to take a drink. Maeve whispered to me that she thought he was going to pop the question to Lisa. “On Christmas Day, I asked Lisa a very important question and she said yes. So, consider this to be your invitation to our wedding on June 21st!” He took a ring box from his pocket, “Here baby, you can put this back on now!” She shook her head and held out her left hand for Ted to do the honours. No sooner was the ring on her finger than she was nearly tackled by Maeve and April.

“We’re so happy for you!” April beamed after they had shared some kisses, the three of them. They then went to Ted and kissed him as well, “Congratulations, you guys!” Everyone else took their turn congratulating the couple with kisses hugs and handshakes.

“Ten! Nine! Eight!” Mandy began the countdown and everyone chimed in, “Two! ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” and we all began an eight-person group hug as we toasted our friends and lovers with best wishes for the new year.

As the commotion died down, the couples paired off for their own private celebration of the moment, leaving Mandy, who didn’t have a partner, alone. She gazed longingly at the rest of us, “Does this mean that you guys won’t be playing with us anymore?” she asked Ted and Lisa. They waved her over.

“It means,” began Lisa, “that we have decided that we won’t be adding any new people to our group of playmates. We might pull back a bit but we will still get together with you all every so often.” She kissed Mandy. “In fact, we were thinking you might help us ring in the new year in style!” She took Ted’s hand on one side and Mandy’s on the other and they went upstairs. April, Maeve and I had quickly changed the sheets during our latest pause so the beds were all ready for more action.

Karen came up to the rest of us and took April’s hand, “My husband can’t get enough of you, and neither can I.” She kissed April teasingly and took her hand, leaving Maeve and me alone. We held each other tightly as we looked at each other. “Congratulations,” I said, “You have been named Matchmaker of the Year for 2019!” Maeve giggled and reached up to kiss me.

“What incredible nine months these have been,” she whispered. “To think, this time last year, the only one of us I knew was April, she’s the matchmaker!” We kissed again and I slid my hand down to her pussy. She stopped me.

“You know what?” she said, “I just want to watch our friends enjoy this new lifestyle.” She took my hand and led me upstairs to our bedroom, where Mandy’s face was buried in Lisa’s pussy while Ted fucked her from behind. “Didn’t take them long!” she purred. Lisa waved us over but she shook her head, leading me across the hall. Karen and April were on their knees in front of John, whose face was a picture of rapture at being orally serviced by his wife and our beautiful friend. We wandered back and forth between the two rooms in response to the change in volume and pitch of the noises our friends were making as they satisfied their lust.

Lisa and Mandy were locked in a sixty-nine with Lisa on top, Ted just positioning his cock at her back door. Mandy wriggled her hand up to rub Lisa’s pussy between licks and sucks on her clit, slipping her fingers in every so often to tease her g-spot. A squeal from across the hall caught our attention. We went back across to see John pounding himself into Karen as April sat on her face. He and April were kissing as they fucked. April noticed us and motioned us to join them but again, Maeve shook her head. A wail from across the hall distracted us. We went back across to see that Lisa and Mandy had switched again and now Ted was withdrawing himself from Mandy’s round ass. He applied more lube to them both as Lisa whispered encouragement. He pushed himself slowly forward and he slipped into Mandy’s butt; another wail came from her followed by her pleading, “Keep going! It hurts so good!” Lisa massaged her perineum as he started moving in earnest. She looked up at us and smiled before going back to her task of eating Mandy’s pussy. We stayed put, Maeve and I massaging each other’s sex as we watched our sexy friends pleasure each other. Under Lisa’s ministrations, Mandy was first to the finish line, a full-throated scream announcing her arrival. Ted was next but instead of unloading into Mandy’s backside, he pulled out and painted Lisa’s face with his issue before slipping himself back into Mandy’s ass for the post-race cool-down lap. Maeve moved up beside Mandy’s face and urged bringing Lisa to the promised land; a few moments later she got there, a long loud, “Oooooooooooooohhhhhhh,” telling everyone that she too had been satisfied. They uncoupled and Maeve couldn’t help herself, pulling Mandy with her, she and our newest playmate cleaned Ted’s spunk off Lisa’s face with their fingers, lips and tongues. Just then, the other three emerged from the spare room, their faces a picture of pure contentment.

April came to my side, John was on her other, holding his wife from behind, wrapping his arms around her as we watched the finale of our friends’ performance. Her face clean, Lisa pushed everyone off of her and moved to kiss each of them, saving her man for last.

We all gathered again in the living room, a collection of spent, sweaty bodies. The couples had again gravitated to each other but this time, Mandy was cuddling with Ted and Lisa. “Poor Stuart,” said Karen, “he’s our host and he didn’t get any action in the last round.” I shrugged my shoulders and said that it was fine.

“It most certainly is not fine,” said Mandy coming over to me. “You have introduced me to a new and wonderful world, Stuart. But I have bad news, you’re going to have to find yourself a new lawyer. It’s unethical for a lawyer to sleep with her client.” She kissed me deeply. “And,” she continued, “I haven’t given you a blowjob yet. I don’t want to be the only one of the group to be left out!”

“Well, you’d better get to it!” said Maeve. She took my hand and sat me on the couch, sitting on one side while April sat on the other. 

“Come on, Mandy,” said April, “let us watch as you give our wonderful husband a nice blowjob. We’ll even let you keep his cum all to yourself.” Mandy adopted the position and drew me into her mouth, and what a wonderful mouth. Her tongue traced circles around my head every time she rose up before opening wide and plunging back down. Ted and Lisa took the big chair across from us and watched; Ted’s fingers in Lisa’s pussy, John and Karen took a similar position crossed-legged on the floor in front of them.

Mandy continued favouring me with her skills, my arousal was nearly complete, turned on as I was from watching our friends enjoy the show. Maeve and April’s hands roamed all over my chest and stomach, occasionally straying to fondle Mandy’s delicious breasts and nipples. Usually, I try to hold off as long as I can but this night, as soon as I felt I was about to come, I just let go, giving Mandy no warning as I blasted my seed into her mouth. She gagged just a little before backing off, keeping just the head between her lips as I spurted. She held my balls until they stopped spasming, taking her mouth off me and opening it wide to show everyone her cum-covered tongue before swallowing the lot.

Smiling up at me, she winked and said, “Here goes!” taking me back into her mouth before my erection deflated and, pausing as my head reached her throat, took a deep breath and swallowed my cock into her throat. She held herself there for as long as her breath held out before pulling back up off me and, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, said, “I knew I could do it!” She moved up over me and kissed me, the taste of my semen still on her tongue. “Thank you,” she whispered, then turning to Maeve and kissing her. She then turned to April and kissed her as well. “Thank you all. Tonight has changed my life forever!” She stood up and moved over to the other four, kissing and thanking them in turn before getting to her feet and announcing, “I’m going to bed. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome but, fair warning, I snore!” She blew us all a kiss and we watched her beautiful ass wiggle up the stairs.

“We should be heading home,” said John, “I’m beat.”

“Wore you out, did we?” asked April.

“I’ve got one more in me, I think,” he replied, caressing his wife’s full round and especially perky breasts, “and I think I want to give it to my wife.” He kissed her before helping her to her feet. They gathered their clothes, got dressed and kissed everyone before leaving. Lisa and Ted similarly announced their departure to bed, leaving us three to ourselves.

“Fuck it,” Maeve said. “We’ll clean up in the morning.” She took April’s hand and led her up the stairs. “You coming?” she asked.

“If I can,” I answered and I chased them up the stairs. We got into bed and I moved my hands to their pussies.

“And you call us insatiable!” Maeve said as she climbed on top of me and April took her place straddling her head. Together we reclaimed our own as our moans and sighs filled the house, drowning out the snoring of our guests.

Written by CaressofSteel
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