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Author's Notes

"Learning what they both like ... and don't like, brings them even closer."

Chapter 4 - A Whole Lotta Spankin’ Goin’ On

Part 18 – Susan Takes Over!

One afternoon, Susan called me at work and started a bizarre conversation. We’d have our differences, but this call was just contentious from the start. I don’t remember any of it, primarily because of what it prompted, but I hung up feeling very uneasy. It seemed like she was intentionally provocative but for no apparent reason. The reason became clear when I received a text about thirty minutes later.

When you get home tonight,

you are to take all your clothes off,

go directly to the room upstairs,

and sit in ‘the chair’ facing the door.

What time will you get home?

6 PM Miss!

Don’t be late!


I didn’t know what she had planned, but I had an idea and suspected I would like it a lot! When I got home, her car was in the driveway, so I was sure to follow her instructions to the letter, except for being intentionally a little late. Walking in the door, I announced my arrival but got no response. I stripped off my clothes in the kitchen, piled them on the table, and went upstairs, my dick getting harder with each step. I got to the room with no sign of Susan but sat in the chair as instructed. Staring at the doorway in anticipation of her arrival, I had to wait for what seemed an eternity.

She must have been waiting in my music studio as she entered the short hallway leading to this room from that direction. She walked slowly and deliberately without a word while she waited for a reaction to her appearance, which I didn’t see until she stood in the full light of the doorway, and then WOW!

The corset was the first thing anyone would notice. I guess you’d call it a halter corset, as a few inches of midriff were visible between the bottom of it and the tight, black bikini panties below. A half-cup bra on top enhanced her breasts, while vertical ribs around her waist accentuated her figure, and lace around the bottom, which ended just below her navel, matched her perfect little panties!

Her face was smiling at my reaction when I finally got around to looking at it, but there, too, she’d gone all out being beautifully made up. Still, her hair was different, much fuller somehow and maybe a bit shorter, but fitting the image she was trying to portray. Finally, I hadn’t noticed the black high heels until she started walking towards me, but what a picture! If I hadn’t been hard already, I would have been instantly so when she walked in!

“You like?” she asked as a challenge.

“Oh God, yes, Susan! You look …”

“You can call me Miss today,” she instructed with a slightly stern but otherwise emotionless face. “You’re going to learn some lessons today! Get up!” she ordered, and I did so instinctively, giving my seat to her.

 “First, you’re going to learn not to be late … especially when I warn you not to be … so get over my knee! You’re getting a spanking first!”

“Yes, Su … uh, Miss!” I replied as I lay in her lap, relishing the feeling of her smooth, firm thighs against me.

“When you tell me you’ll be home at six, you’d better be home at six! Not six-oh-three!” she said, spanking surprisingly hard and very fast.

“Yes, Miss! I’m … OW! I’m sorry! Please! It’s so ha …”

“… so hard?” she finished for me. “Does your poor, little bottom hurt? Maybe this will feel better!?” she said as she spanked even harder, at least as hard, if not harder, than she had ever spanked me before. Not knowing what to expect, I was only a little surprised that it didn’t last very long, and I got up off her lap to kneel before her, as instructed.

“Now, you’re going to lick my pussy! And you’d better make it good because if I don’t cum you’re gonna get spanked again! Take my panties off!” she instructed as she lifted herself off the chair enough for me to slide the little panties down her thighs and off. Her phone appeared from somewhere, and she punched at the screen and turned it around for me to see.

“You have three minutes to make me cum!” she said, showing me a timer set for three minutes. “You can only use your tongue, so put your hands behind you!” As I did, she moved to the edge of the chair, her glistening pussy just over the edge. “If I don’t cum!? You get three minutes of fast, non-stop, hard spanking across my knee! Then you’ll get another chance to make me cum, but you’ll have five minutes with the same penalty for failure! Do you understand?”

“Yes, Miss!” I replied enthusiastically as the reality of my fantasy coming to life sank in.

“Ready? Go!” she said, pressing the button to start the timer and spreading her legs in invitation.

Knowing I could likely make her cum in the three minutes allotted, I didn’t dive in with quite the same gusto as I would normally. Kissing and licking my way up her thighs, I took a slow, steady approach to ensure my failure. My tongue reaching her tender lips, I licked slowly and affectionately, which still had her reacting with squirms and moans. Using only my tongue was more difficult as I could only affect one spot at a time.

Still, she was enjoying it, though I was sure she wouldn’t cum within the allotted time. Gently sucking her lips into my mouth, I wondered how much time had elapsed. Her pleasure became apparent as she pushed against my face, trying to add to the stimulation. I was running my tongue up and down her slit when the timer went off.

“Mmm, that was nice,” she said sweetly, “but I don’t want nice! I want to cum hard in your face! And you didn’t make me cum, so get over my knee for your spanking!” As I lay over her lap, she put the phone on the floor in front of me. “It’ll start as soon as you press the button, and you can watch the time pass so slowly as you get spanked!”

I pushed the button, and she started immediately, constantly, consistently hard spanking. Concentrating on one cheek at a time, the stinging pain built quickly. By the time two minutes had passed, I was amazed that she still kept up the pace. She got in one really hard one just after the timer went off, punctuating the end of my first spanking with an exclamation point!

“Mmm, nice and warm!” she commented, touching my stinging bottom. “Bet it really stings, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, Miss!” I replied.

“Well, you think about what five minutes of that will be like while you try to make me cum again!” she scolded as she moved to the edge of the chair again. “Gimme the timer!” she instructed me, showed me the five-minute timer, and pressed the start button.

Diving in again, I tried only moderately successfully to hold back as my desire to see her writhing in ecstasy was winning. I could sense when she was escalating and backed off somewhat to keep her on a ‘simmer’ and not boiling over! I was enjoying it, but I imagined it was a bit of torture for her to be so aroused only to have me back off. It had to be frustrating, but the five minutes passed surprisingly fast.

“I can tell you’re not trying hard enough!” she accused with an unsteady voice as she wanted to cum. I decided we wouldn’t get to the seven-minute spanking as I lay across her knee for this one. Again, I was surprised she could keep up the pace, though she switched hands several times. She had me squirming on her lap by three, and by four, I was pretty sure I couldn’t take seven minutes of this as it really hurt! Still, there was pleasure in it, but I wondered whether I’d ever been spanked like this before, relentless smacking for five whole minutes.

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“Unh!!” I groaned as the timer went off, and she gave me a hard one on each cheek!

“Ooo, you’re burning hot and bright red now! Something tells me you’re going to try a lot harder this time!” she said as she moved back into position and started the seven-minute timer. I started slowly again with tender licking up and down her wet slit and built slowly, backing off a couple of times to make her think I was going for another spanking, but then I went for the gold!

Sucking her swollen labia into my mouth while my tongue went up and down, in and out, and finally concentrating on her clit, I had her moaning, squirming, and pressing her cunt into my face wanting to cum so badly! I wished I could use my hands as I’d love to have her cheeks in my hands, pulling her dripping peach into my face.

“Oh! Ohh! Ohhh! Oh my g …” and over the edge she went! I did use my hands now to pull her to my face as she shook and shuddered with her pussy still in my mouth! As she slowly calmed, she pulled my face into her crotch, trying to wring every last bit of stimulation from me. When she finally stopped shaking, she reached down to pull me in for a sloppy, wet kiss, tasting her juice as our tongues entwined.

“Was that good enough, Miss?” I asked as my fingers found her flooded slit, with my tongue following close behind to gently stimulate her precious pussy.

“Yes, it was excellent! Mmm, that’s good too! Oh, I bet you’d like to get your cock in there, wouldn’t you? Hm? You want to stuff that big, hard cock in my dripping wet pussy and fuck me?” she challenged, returning to her domineering role. “Not yet! I have something else in mind for you first! Get up!” she commanded, and we stood together.

“Come over here. Now lay on the corner of the bed at an angle, that’s right, with your cock perched right on the corner! Good! I’ll be right back,” she finished as she picked up her panties and left the room, turning right into the bathroom. When she came out, my jaw must have dropped open at my shock of seeing her with a ribbed rubber shaft attached to her crotch with a series of leather straps, a strap-on!

“Somebody’s gonna get fucked, but it’s not me!” she declared as she positioned herself behind me. “Spread your legs!” I’d barely done so when I felt something dripping on my anus. “You need some lubrication for this!” she said, spreading the slick fluid around and even into my ass.

“Now, I understand it's best if you relax as much as you can,” she instructed as I felt the shaft tip against me, pushing very gently! I didn’t want to tell her I’d done this before with one of the Dommes I’d been with and knew that relaxing initially was almost impossible when someone was trying to shove a rubber shaft up your ass!

She pushed slowly and gently, gradually penetrating me. The first inch is the hardest, but the feeling often described as ‘fullness’ is appropriate. A few inches in, she pulled partway out again and then in again a little deeper. Repeating this process, she was in after four or five tries and started fucking slowly as well.

I like the feeling of having something in my butt, and I showed her by pushing back against her, encouraging her to stroke longer and harder. Before long, she was pumping me good with our combined movements, creating a slapping sound as her hips smacked into my sore, red bottom, and I could feel the ribs of the shaft as they passed my sphincter going in and out.

“Mmm, my naughty boy likes to have his butt fucked, doesn’t he!”

“Yes, Miss,” I replied less than enthusiastically.

After a few minutes, she reached around with her right hand, grabbed my hard cock, and started jerking me off. It took longer than we expected, but I did cum with my hips jerking spasmodically as Susan pulled slowly out of me.

She wasted no time taking the strap-on and her clothes off to jump on the bed with her legs spread, ordering me to fuck her! As I crawled up to her, I made a detour to lick her pussy, which she reacted to immediately and helped with getting me hard again. Suddenly remembering I’d just cum, she practically pounced on me, taking my dick in her mouth to suck me back to a full erection.

“Fuck me, Mark! Please? I want you in my pussy!” she said as a request, not a demand. I slid in easily as we were both wet with our combined bodily fluids, and we fucked gently, almost playfully, and kissed affectionately. Susan was no longer ‘Miss’ but her usual loving, giving self. We rocked together, looking into each other’s eyes when we weren’t kissing, as our bodies moved together almost effortlessly. Never reaching a hard, fast climactic peak, we fucked slowly, enjoying each thrust that prolonged our loving pleasure. As long as it was, we came together, holding each other tightly as we rolled on our sides, just enjoying the feeling of our bodies pressed together for several minutes.

“Did you like that?” she asked with a somewhat doubtful tone.

“I loved the pussy licking lesson,” I said, avoiding the other.

“Yeah, I liked that too! You know you could have made me cum in the first three minutes!”

“Probably, but then you wouldn’t have gotten to spank me like that, which was much more painful than I expected! You really surprised me by keeping up that pace for so long! I would have gone for a seven-minute spanking, but I wasn’t sure I could take it!”

“I learned from the best!” she said, rolling on top of me and kissing my face all over. “What about that last bit? When I, you know, fucked you?” she asked with more doubt.

“Do you want an honest answer?” I asked. She nodded and gave me a gentle, loving kiss. “It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t as exciting as I thought it might be. I was both excited and not excited seeing you walk in with that cock strapped to your crotch!” She looked at me questioningly. “It was exciting to see you doing something that seemed so out of character for you, but because it was so unlike you, it also lost something. I’ve done it before, you know.”

“You did?” she asked, somewhat surprised.

“Yeah. That was one of those ‘Dom’ things they tried that I didn’t like.”

“Why didn’t you stop me!”

“First of all, I thought you might be very excited to be doing it, and I didn’t want to spoil your fun, but the way you’re asking me about it, I’m guessing you didn’t like it either?”

“No. Not really. I didn’t like controlling you that much. The other part was fun because we love spanking and you licking my pussy!”

“Also, while I didn’t like a Domme, I thought it might be different with you, and the only way to find out was to go through with it. It was a surprise, though! I’m sure you bought it at Jack & Jill, but where’d you get the idea?”

“Gi … Giovanna said you’d like it. When she suggested it, I said I didn’t think you’d like it, but she said that based on other things you’ve bought there, she thought you would,” she said, finishing with a questioning tone.

“I do like having something in my bottom … quite a lot actually, but more like you’d use a dildo, not with that domination angle to it.”

“I’m so glad you told me. Will you show me what you like?”

“I will, another time, though?” I asked.

“Yeah. How about a sexy shower?” she asked with an impish smile, and we headed downstairs holding each other tightly. We showered and licked and fucked as long as the hot water lasted, putting the not-so-great memory behind us.


I hope you enjoyed this fantasy come true episode of Susan and Mark's story! Please remember to 'like' and/or 'favorite' it if you did! Thank you for reading it!

Written by 2bespanked
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