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The next morning was all sunshine. The couple went to the restaurant and had the Bridal Breakfast including mimosas. Valerie was on top of the world. Sitting across the table with real linen and the elegant setting was something she had never experienced. Then she looked at her husband. Her husband. Valerie’s heart fluttered.

The server, attired in a white shirt, black bow tie, and comber bun poured their coffee from a silver coffee pot. Valerie was speechless. She looked at Jeff and her heart melted. He looked like a movie star to her.

They casually had their breakfast and made plans for the day. Valerie wanted to go around to the shops. She had never seen so many elegant things. Jeff watched his new bride as she perused the different shops. He stayed outside for the most part, fancy dresses, and fine jewelry weren’t on his top ten.

By mid-afternoon, the couple decided to stop at a little shop with three tables and chairs in front. They ordered sandwiches and a bottle of wine that was suggested by the owner. The afternoon air was getting much cooler, so decided to dine inside.

Their order came with the sandwiches cut into four pieces. The server opened the wine and poured a small amount into the glass in front of Jeff. He tasted the wine and smiled his approval at the server. He poured Valerie’s first. At the first sip, she closed her eyes and sighed.

“My beautiful bride,” Jeff said smiling at Valerie, “we might as well talk about our honeymoon. It will be a few days before the job is finished. Then I can take some serious time off. Have you thought about where you would want to honeymoon?”

Valerie answered with an emphatic “Yes”.

“I want to go to the cabin. I want to do all the things we did the first time you brought me there.”

“Baby, it’s going to be December. It might snow.” Jeff reminded her.

“I don’t care, “Valerie responded in a rough tone,” “Oh, that sounded a bit rude, I’m sorry. I want to spend my honeymoon with my husband and the magical places he showed me. The enchanted path, the waterfall, everything. Mostly the wonderful love he made to me. The place where he stole my heart forever.”

Jeff chuckled, “It did not sound rude Ginger Snap. To me, it sounded like a girl wanting a dream to come true. Nothing rude about that. The look on your face as you thought about the places we saw together. It was the first time I had ever seen them that way. To me it was a place to hunt and fish, with you it was an Enchanted World. That can only happen when two people are deeply in love.”

On the way back to the hotel, they walked the opposite side of the street. Different shops, different Ohs and Ahs from Valerie. There was a curious little shop squeezed between two larger shops. It was just a bit wider than a double stairwell. Jeff was curious.

When Valerie came out of the shop she was in, Jeff held out his hand to her.

“Baby let’s go into this little shop. I don’t know why, but it is drawing me in. What do you think?”

“Sounds like fun,” Valerie smiled back.

When they walked in, a little bell tinkled softly. It did not bring an attendant. They heard the sounds of a waterfall, birds fluttering, and the ceiling was made of clouds passing over a blue sky. They wandered through the shop leisurely examining what seemed to be little displays.

Not really for sale, but to stop and watch. The little displays were mesmerizing. Jeff heard Valerie quietly call him from the back of the shop.

“Jeff,” Valerie’s voice was pure excitement, “this looks exactly like the waterfall you took me to at the cabin. It’s almost a miniature of it. I could almost feel the spray from the water when we walked behind the falls. I can even smell the water and feel the coolness of the cave on that hot day.”

“This is amazing, Valerie. This entire shop reminds me of our places at the cabin. This is weird, almost spooky. Did you start something magical at lunch?” Jeff’s face looked amazed.

They were slowly walking to the front of the shop to leave. They stopped and looked at every display along the way. When they got to the counter just before the door, Jeff and Valerie stopped dead in their tracks. They looked at each other, then again at the counter.

On the counter was a replica of the waterfall, they admired so much. Next to it was a paper bag still folded. A small person, almost childlike walked up behind the counter. He just looked at them for a moment and smiled.

“Do you like the fountain? There is only one like it in the world. If it pleases you, take it.” And he walked away.

“We just can’t take his merchandise without paying. But he didn’t give us a price or anything. How do I know we will leave enough without insulting him Valerie, this is nuts.”

“Jeff, I hope you don’t think you married a person with mental problems, but when he came up to the counter, I felt calm. Almost warm. Why the waterfall? We were just talking about it. I think it’s, it’s – I don’t know. All I know is we are supposed to have it. Don’t ask me how I know.”

“I am never going to get into a conversation about the sixth sense you girls have. It’s been proven too many times. If you think he offered it to us, we’ll take it.”

“I truly believe he meant it for us,” Valerie assured him.

They walked back to the hotel room and got their swimsuits on. Valerie removed the present from the bag and placed it on their chest of drawers. She couldn’t stop looking at it. When Jeff saw Valerie in her new swimsuit, he gave her a long wolf whistle.

“Baby, you look great. Maybe I should take a blunt object with me to the pool.”

“Jeffery, stop. You’re such a flatterer. Oh, and don’t stop that part.”

When they got to the pool, other couples were sitting around. They started up conversations with them and enjoyed their company. The was an older couple sitting in lounge chairs holding hands. Valerie and Jeff walked up to them to say “Hi”. When they did the wife spoke up.

“Hank, meet the newlyweds. And what are your names.”

Her face was turning red when Valerie responded. “My name is Valerie, and this is my husband, Jeff. How did you know we are just married?”

“Well,” Hank explained, “Agnes mentioned to me how often you would look at your rings and the smile on your face. A new bride looks radiant, and you my dear look radiant.”

“Guilty as charged. Jeff planned everything. I was completely surprised. He treats me like a queen,” Valerie boasted.

“Hank and I wish you many, many years of blessings and happiness. Remember, always do everything you can together.”

Jeff and Valerie smiled and thanked them and found chairs not far from them. A server came by took their drink order, and asked if they wanted a snack. They declined. Jeff told Valerie the Bride’s dinner was prime rib. Valerie was all for waiting.

They stayed at the pool for a couple of hours then decided to go to the room and relax. When they walked into the room, they both stopped and looked at the present. Still wondering how it happened.

As always, Valerie went to freshen up first, then Jeff. Their bed had been turned down and looked inviting. They were quite tired from the excursion on the main street. Valerie looked at Jeff, he nodded in agreement.

Valerie slid under the covers then Jeff followed. She moved back until her bare butt was planted firmly against Jeff. He reached over Valerie and caressed her breast. He loved feeling this intimacy with her. They fell asleep wrapped in their love.

Jeff woke up first. He gently nudged his bride out of her slumber. Valerie stretched and smiled at Jeff through sleepy eyes.

“Prime rib, anyone?”

Valerie was jumping out of bed, “Count me in,” she said.

They went into the dining area and the maître d’ escorted them to a table with a sign: Reserved Mr. and Mrs. Thurman. Valerie was trembling a little with all of the excitement. Jeff felt like he had been crowned king and Valerie was his queen.

The waiter brought the champagne, poured their glass, then set it in the iced bucket on a stand and left. He returned about ten minutes later with the menu. A six-ounce cut of prime rib, rare. Your choice of two sides, and beverage. They looked across the table at each other.

“Valerie, this has been wonderful. Beyond my every dream. But I want you to know, it means absolutely nothing without you as my wife.”

Valerie was looking at Jeff in the eyes. She was staring at him. Her eyes turned pink and filled with tears. “Jeffery,” Valerie’s voice was shaking. “You have said many beautiful things to me but what you just said, I cannot tell you what my heart is feeling. My, God, I am a very lucky woman. Thank you for loving me.”

That’s when they noticed the server was standing there waiting to place their meal in front of them. Valerie was trying to shed her tears when she looked up at the server. He was smiling at them.

“Pardon me for being so bold, sir. I have witnessed many wonderful scenes. The exchange between you and your new bride was the most beautiful and moving I have ever experienced.”

He placed their dinner and then filled their champagne glasses. Smiled, bowed respectfully then left. They smiled at each other and began to casually enjoy their feast. They reminisced about the day they accidentally bumped into each other outside of the courthouse. When Jeff brought up their first tryst behind the grass bush, Valerie blushed. She reminded him they were only in third grade.

When Valerie started talking about the cabin, she teared up. She took Jeff on a stop-by-stop tour of memory lane. She didn’t miss anything. When she started to talk about the waterfall she stopped.

“Jeff, that shop we were in. It seemed to me like a replica of the cabin and the surroundings. And what about the waterfall statue sitting on the counter, and that little person? I felt so good there. I don’t understand any of it.”

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“Valerie, I don’t have a clue. I agree with everything you have said. It was such a small shop compared to the others, and there was not another one like it. I felt a sense of peace there as well. And the little person, I am clueless. In fact, Baby, I’m clueless about the entire experience.

“But you took me in there. You were the one that encouraged me to look around. You were standing by the waterfall waiting for me. Somehow it was all you. My Magic Man.”

When dinner was finished, they went into the lounge for after-dinner cocktails. Abby, the lady behind the bar, offered her congratulations and asked what they would like to drink. She gave them a drink menu and looked at Valerie.

“Can I make a suggestion?”

“Sure, what do you think I would like.” Valerie was curious.

“I think you would like a coconut martini and for you sir, maybe a scotch neat, or with one cube. Am I close?”

“I have never had a martini, much less a coconut martini. Sounds yummy.”

“Abby, I’ll have the scotch neat, and make hers a double. Maybe after a couple – “

“Jeffery Thurman, behave yourself. Ooo! You are such a stinker,” Valerie admonished.

They were laughing as Abby prepared their drinks and set them in front of them. They smiled, kissed, and clinked their glasses together. Abby watched and smiled enjoying their new life.

Valerie loved her drink and ordered another as did Jeff. They were not in a hurry for the weekend to be over. Tomorrow they would go home, and they wanted to postpone it for as long as possible. Abby fixed their drinks so they could finish them in their room. Abby thought to herself, they are going to be together for a long time.

When they got into the room, the bed was turned down, and the little chocolate was waiting on their pillows. Valerie opened one and held it between her teeth. Jeff gently bit a portion of the candy and kissed Valerie. Jeff looked into her eyes and told her he loved her. Valerie wrapped her arms around Jeff’s neck and kissed him. Her eyes were tearing up.

“Jeff,” Valerie’s voice was trembling, “I love you so much. You are my entire world.” Valerie put her arms around his waist and pressed her head against his chest. Jeff thought to himself, he had never known love until Valerie. He held her close.

Valerie went to the bathroom to freshen up, Jeff went into the other washroom. He took the robe Valerie had bought in one of the shops but refused to let him see her other purchase. When he begged her to see it, she just teased him. She would show him the box and then quickly hide it behind her back.

Jeff put on romantic music that he found on the wall stereo in the bedroom just as Valerie came out. Jeff just stared at her. She was radiant. Her red hair was tucked in a bun, her makeup almost gothic, the way Jeff liked it. Her lipstick blended in so well with her complexion. But her dressing gown. Her beautiful, beautiful dressing gown.

It was white and flowed to the floor. The bodice was sheer and dotted with tiny pearls with a high neckline. It was just sheer enough to partially conceal her full breasts. A satin sash tied at her waist and streamed down almost to the floor. The gown was not as sheer, but it did allow Jeff to see a shadow of her legs that was accentuated by her matching white high heels.

She stood in front of Jeff with her hands clasped in front of her. She was looking at Jeff and he could see the blush of her cheeks through her makeup. Valerie swayed a little to entice Jeff to say something, but he was mesmerized.

“Valerie! You’re gorgeous. You are more beautiful the Venus could ever be. I’m afraid to touch you. You are as perfect as a porcelain doll. If I touch you, you may break. Oh God, Valerie, you are so beautiful.”

“So, my husband is pleased. I am so happy, but I am sad. You are afraid to touch me because I may break. Please believe me, my husband, I will not break.” And with that Valerie removed the pin from her hair. It slowly cascaded toward her shoulders. Then she seductively shook her head, and her hair framed her face.

Jeff walked over to Valerie and looked into her eyes. He grabbed her around her waist and gently but passionately kissed her. He could feel Valerie’s legs weaken a little as he kissed her. When their lips parted Valerie inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled. Jeff kissed Valerie’s neck down to her shoulder. Valerie trembled under his advances.

“I could kiss you all night long. You are delicious. Valerie, you are gorgeous. Can I buy you a glass of champagne, my wonderful wife?

“Mmmm, I like that idea. You look so handsome in your robe. Do you like it?”

Jeff had Valerie’s arm around his. As he escorted her to the couch he responded, “Yes, it is very comfortable. I have never had anything like this. But then I have never had anyone as wonderful as you.”

When the bottle was empty, Jeff offered Valerie his hand, which she accepted. They locked their arms again and Jeff led her to the bedroom. When they got to the doorway, Jeff lifted Valerie in his arms, and kissed her as they crossed the “threshold”. Once inside, he gently laid her on the bed. Valerie looked so beautiful with her red hair tossed on the pillow.

Jeff sat on the edge of the bed and bent over to kiss her. She was smiling at him, and as he got close to her lips, she closed her eyes. He traced her lips with his tongue, then put his lips to her. Valerie gave a deep sigh when he kissed her.

Jeff sat up, and Valerie reached out to him as far as her arms would reach. Jeff removed his robe and Valerie inhaled sharply and gave him a seductive smile. He reached for her sash and untied it slowly. He kissed the place where it was tied, Valerie mewed.

He gently began to unbutton her gown, one button at a time. When it was undone, Jeff kissed her chest and down to the waist of the gown. Valerie slid her arms from the top, then Jeff gently lifted her. Jeff undid the clasp that held her satin and lace bra fast and removed it.

Jeff caressed her breasts and firmly kissed them. Jeff rubbed Valerie’s hard nipples between his thumb and finger. Valerie was running her fingers through Jeff’s hair and moaned as he slowly aroused her.

She rolled on her side so he could unzip the skirt part of her gown. He held the zipper in his thumb and finger, and as he unzipped it, he ran his finger against her soft back. Valerie responded with a high-pitched soft squeal and her flesh broke into goosebumps all over.

Jeff removed her shoes and set them beside the bed. He slid his hands between the gown and Valerie’s flesh and slowly pulled the gown from her waist. Valerie visibly shivered as his hands ran down the length of her body.

When Jeff saw that she was wearing a white garter belt to fasten her nylons, he bent down and kissed Valerie just below the bottom of the garter belt. Valerie squealed softly again. Jeff was arousing her as he had never done before. And he had always given her wonderful love. This was over the top.

Except for the garter belt and nylons, Valerie was lying naked in front of Jeff. She felt as though this was the first time, he had seen her naked, and Jeff’s reaction was perfect. He looked lovingly at his wife, and she felt as though he adored her. He did.

Valerie opened her legs just enough for Jeff to kneel between them and reached toward him.

“Husband, take your wife,” Valerie looked longingly at her husband.

As Jeff lowered himself onto her, she pulled her legs toward her shoulders. Jeff was kissing her, and she was returning the passion. Jeff parted her vaginal lips and slowly entered Valerie. As he did, he was sucking and caressing her breasts.

He would use his tongue and circle her hard nipple and lick it back and forth. Valerie would push Jeff’s head against her breast to make him suck her harder. Her other breast was being fondled and the nipple rubbed between his thumb and finger. Valerie started panting when Jeff added his long slow strokes in and out of her inviting opening.

All of Jeff’s attention was taking its toll on Valerie. She knew with his arousal; that she couldn’t hold out much longer. She wanted to have a long slowly building orgasm, but Jeff was getting her hotter and hotter. Her climax was not far off.

“Jeff, ah, ah, I can’t, ah, ah wait. Oh, Jeff!” Valerie’s orgasm flowed over his cock and onto his balls.

At that moment, Jeff had lost control as well. His orgasm shot from his balls covering Valerie’s vaginal walls. He continued to cover her insides, as she washed over him. The two lovers enjoyed a simultaneous orgasm mixing their sex juices.

Jeff didn’t stop stroking in and out of Valerie. Valerie had her legs wrapped around his waist as though he would never be released. She humped to meet every stroke of Jeff’s cock.

Valerie looked at Jeff, “Baby, I can’t do any more. Jeff, you have loved me so wonderfully so many times, but nothing like this. I will never forget how you loved me tonight.”

“You were absolutely wonderful Mrs. Thurman. Valerie, you are a wonderful woman. I’m so thankful I married you.”

Valerie cuddled next to Jeff. His cologne drifted around her. She cuddled even closer. Jeff put his arm around her and held her tight. Jeff loved her perfume and the feel of her soft skin. Having her breast against him gave him a feeling of calm and purpose.

Valerie got up to go to freshen up. Jeff looked up at her. She was beautiful.

“I should have gotten your little washcloth. I’m sorry, Baby.”

“No, not this time. I want to keep all of it inside of me. It’s part of you.”

When Valerie came back, she got under the sheet with Jeff. They cuddled up just as they had before. She felt so secure in his arms, and he felt so loved in hers. The activities of the day and the loving ushered the newlywed to a soft slumber. The little waterfall’s soft light kept watch over them. But they didn’t notice the light.

Written by DepartedSoul
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