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It was a Saturday night in July of 1979. Kelly was home for the summer from college, having completed her freshman year. She was working as many hours as she could at the deli/bakery where she’d been working since high school. As a result, it was a challenge to find time for a date night, and our fuck sessions were frequently late-night affairs.

But, we got lucky as I had the day off and Kelly finished work at three p.m. We decided to visit our local race track. We were semi-regulars during high school but had yet to catch a race since then. We had invited the other half of our foursome, Patrick and Yvonne to join us, but Yvonne didn’t like anything about racing. Kelly really tried to get Patrick to come along, as her second cock, he almost said yes, but he knew it would be too much shit to take at home.

Kelly was nearly as much of a gearhead as I was. Whether it was the look of a hot car, the sound, the speed, the smell, or the drivers, it all worked for her and could make Kelly’s pussy, very, very wet.

I picked her up a sneeze before five o’clock. Kelly bounded out across the lawn to my car. She was clearly in a great mood! She didn’t even bother to open the car door. She hopped in through the window Dukes of Hazard-style! She plopped onto the bench seat, dropped her sandals (which she’d been carrying) and her bag onto the floor, then turned and crawled over to me and pulled me in for a toe-curling passionate kiss. “You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to tonight. I really need this.”

Slowly, we untangled ourselves and I started up the car. But I didn’t shift into Drive until I took a long look at her. We’d been dating for years by then and she still made my cock stir every time I saw her.

Kelly was five feet two inches tall, most of it leg, with a fairly short torso. Her hair hadn’t been cut since she’d begun grade school and it hung below her butt cheeks. It was parted down the middle and she had it in two ponytails, one on each side, held by leather holders. She was wearing a pair of huge sunglasses (the style back then) that were darker tinted at the top and less at the bottom. The frames were yellow. Kelly had been excited when she found them for cheap at a garage sale.

The yellow frames tied in with her top, which was a bright sunshine-yellow halter top which, to me, was basically a titty sling. Each side was holding one of her massive 32F boobs. It was one of her favorites as it showed a mile of cleavage down her chest.

On the bottom, well, that was in transition… As soon as I pulled the car away from the curb, Kelly pushed off her shorts. She also slid down in the seat a bit, pushed her panties down, and flashed me her beaver. “Freshly shaved!” I felt it and she wasn’t kidding! Smooth as a baby’s butt.

She pulled a different pair of shorts out of her bag. Oh boy! Probably my all-time favorites. Kelly had a pair of white jeans while in high school. After she graduated, she had me help her cut them off into shorts. It took a few snips to get them right at the crease line where her little bubble butt met her thighs. They’d been washed a number of times since and the bottoms of the legs were about an inch of fringe. The inseam at her crotch was barely an inch wide. If she leaned forward ever so slightly you got a nice flash of firm teenaged butt cheek. And they were as tight as a second skin. The only reason she wore panties with them was she said that the crotch seams tended to rub her clit raw.

Kelly didn’t have a tight little sewed-up clam of a pussy. She had full and fleshy labia that were wide open. Even her inner lips were quite open. If you slipped your finger over her slit, her vagina would suck you in like a vacuum. Her pussy was always, literally, open for business and ready to fuck.

After she fought and struggled to get the shorts over her butt and buttoned up, she pulled her other new garage sale find out of her bag. A pair of platform sandals. At the toes, they were about two inches tall and about six inches at the heel. They had inch-wide white leather straps across her feet and around her ankles with gold-colored buckles. She liked them because they were super tall, showed off her toes, made her legs look fantastic, and strapped up tight enough that she could walk in them without fear of falling off of them or twisting an ankle.

Speaking of toes, she also had just enough time to paint her toes and fingernails fuck-me red before I had picked her up. After she strapped on her sandals, she pulled down the visor mirror and added the same color of lipstick to her lips.

Then to finish it all off, she spritzed herself in my favorite perfume. I can’t recall the name, but it would have been inexpensive. Maybe something from Avon? All I know is it smelled like a cross between incredibly sexy and strawberries. Just one whiff and my cock would twitch.

It wasn’t long after Kelly completed her finishing touches that we arrived at the track. Kelly gave her nipples a good hard tweaking to help them poke out through her halter top before she stepped out of the car. I was wearing a pair of white jeans, as I typically did to the race track. It was kind of a thing back then. And just like Kelly’s, they were tight as hell. Boner control was always a challenge in those pants. And mine was growing.

Walking with Kelly, especially when she was done up in full-on sexy, almost felt like being in a parade. All eyes would turn and watch. Men would smile. Some would whistle softly. A few brave ones would make a comment loud enough to be heard.

It is so weird living in today’s world. All of the things that men would do when Kelly was young, today would get them chastised, “canceled,” or perhaps even arrested in today’s upside-down universe. Yet Kelly soaked up all of that attention like a sponge. It was the affirmation that her showing off, or displaying herself for their gratification, worked. They noticed her, appreciated her, enjoyed her, lusted for her, masturbated for her, you name it. She got off knowing that she got to men.

And Kelly knew how to put on a parade. She swayed her hips a bit further than normal. That helped her sway her jugs. That motion helped stiffen her nipples. Seeing the look of lust in men’s eyes made her nipples even harder and her pussy would start to flow with anticipatory lube.

After we’d bought our tickets and had entered through the chain-link fence, I stopped to buy a program. Kelly had slowly walked ahead. I almost caught up with her but decided to follow from about fifty feet back. It was an amazing feeling, knowing that probably a hundred men and, who knows, maybe a handful of women too, lusted after her body to the point that their own groins reacted. I caught a number of men casually ‘adjusting’ their jeans in her wake.

Kelly chose our spot to sit. We were toward the top of the bleachers at turn number one. As Kelly turned and sat down, I could see from ten rows down that her nipples were at maximum stiffness. They looked ready to cut right through her halter. No wonder everyone took a long hard look.

As I caught up with her, she popped up and pulled a blanket from her bag. The bleachers were old worn-out wood and not very comfortable. Kelly folded the blanket just so and then laid it down. Of course, that had meant she was bent over for several moments, fussing with it. I could see guys turning to take a peek and then a double-take as they realized they were getting a nice flash of her buns.

There were several concession stands. One was fairly close and above us, although much busier, and a longer wait. Another, at the bottom level toward turn four with rarely a wait but a longer walk. Yeah, you can see this one coming.

Kelly decided she would go buy our first round of beers. She walked back down the bleachers as everyone watched her ass. Then all along the race track front straight away, where the crowd could catch a glimpse. It was also the main walkway, so plenty of opportunities for folks to mindlessly bump into other oncoming folks. Kelly’s boob got brushed “accidentally” by several arms on her trip.

Kelly was a tad disappointed at the concession stand. A couple of summers prior, she had flashed the beer-tender for free beers and even given the guy a blowjob behind the stand. It was only women working the stand on this night. Kelly discreetly held her two beers to her chest to freeze up her girls for the return trip.

As she bounced her tits up the bleachers, guys were slugging each other in the shoulders and generally making it very obvious that they enjoyed the show.

When she sat down, Kelly pulled me down and spoke into my ear, “Those guys in the Pabst caps (who I could see were just three rows below us sitting at the end of the row, as we were), one of them said, ‘those must be some awfully cold beers.’” And with that, Kelly giggled. We cracked our beers and clanked them together as a toast to her nipples.

Kelly made more trips than necessary to the concession stand over the next couple of hours. She heard more comments and several whistles, but her favorites were always from the Pabst caps a couple of rows down. “Damn, wouldn’t I like to be the wiener on that bun,” as she carried hot dogs. “A milkshake sure sounds good about now.” “Do you think it’s safe to open a beer after that much jiggling?”

Kelly had tried to be cool and didn’t make eye contact. But, they eventually got to her and made her smirk. Knowing that they’d cracked the Sphinx, they gave it a better shot next time. Kelly lost it and broke out into a full laugh. I watched her laughing as I saw them congratulate each other.

Qualifying had finished and there was an extended break until the racing started. Kelly went to pee. On her way back, the guys said something to the effect of ‘you never stop to visit.’ Kelly stopped, they quickly scooted and made a small space between them and she squeezed in. They were quite happy, yet a bit surprised.

They made a little small talk yet pretty quickly went back to flirting and Kelly was right there with them. They were packed in like sardines. Kelly put her hands on their knees and they returned the favor. Kelly smiled. Their hands moved to the insides of her thighs and about mid-way up her legs as they talked. By then the boys were showering her with compliments.

One of them said something about her nipples. Kelly responded that it takes work to keep them that hard. They looked confused. “They need to be pinched, regularly. You’re welcome to help.” With that, they took turns discreetly (they had all sort of leaned forward) slipping hands in and out of her halter rolling and tweaking her nipples.

They tried to make a little bit more room between them. Kelly was able to open her knees far enough that each of the guys took their turns rubbing her inner thigh, right at her crotch, running their fingers under the fringe of her shorts, just ever so barely at the outer edge of her labia. Kelly liked her new friends. “Fuck, you guys are making my pussy wet,” she softly shared with them. In response, they suggested that their cocks couldn’t get any harder. I saw one guy tug his jacket from under his butt and sat it on his lap.

Kelly grabbed his cock over his jeans, her hand hidden by his jacket. He hadn’t lied. He had a nice hard dick lined up and down his pant leg. As Kelly focused on his cock, the other guy found his determination. He was able to maneuver her shorts just enough to allow his middle finger to reach inside her pussy.

Through the grace of Kelly’s pussy structure, breaking the seal of her shorts meant direct access to her vagina. She let out a small squeal as he penetrated her. Once in, he couldn’t do much as his fingers were locked in by the shorts and his hand by her thighs. But he wiggled the tip of his finger around a little. For Kelly, that was better than nothing.

Kelly grabbed for his cock too, not much caring that his lap wasn’t covered by a jacket. He didn’t seem to mind either. The guy with the lap jacket went hard, under her halter, on one of her nipples. Kelly was breathing hard. She whispered to the guys (all three of them had their heads next to each other as if they were in a huddle. It was pretty obvious to anyone who cared that they were probably up to something) that if they kept up their shenanigans they were going to make her cum. She gave it to them like a threat.

They took it just as she wanted them to: As a challenge. They all dialed up the dirty whispering: “Your pussy is so fucking wet.” “I love how your cock feels in my hand, I just wish it was inside of me.” “I’ve never felt such huge tits.” “Make that finger fuck my little pussy.”

The guy sitting at the end of the row shifted so about half of his ass was hanging off of the bleacher. Apparently, it gave him the room needed for his finger to hit her G-spot and a moment later, Kelly orgasmed all over his hand. They all held tight as Kelly got through it. He slowly extracted his wet finger. The other guy let go of her boob and pulled his hand away. Kelly released their cocks.

They went back to a conversation, bull shitting with each other. Kelly could sling it just as well as them. A few minutes later, they called for drivers to line up for the first race. That was Kelly’s cue to stand up and head up a couple of rows to our seats. She did some discreet wiggling as she tugged her underwear and shorts back into place as best she could. I got the whole blow-by-blow story and thought my cock would rip through my jeans. It was a struggle to get it to lay sideways in my pants where it didn’t hurt as bad.

I brought Kelly up to speed on the announcement they made about a dance that night. She seemed to have missed anything the announcer had said? We knew they did an annual dance but didn’t recall when. You had to be eighteen to get in and we hadn’t been old enough the last time we happened to be there on dance night. Kelly was very excited to hear the news and gave me the puppy dog eyes, “Could we stay for the dance?” Well, of course.

Kelly made another beer run during a heat race. Some semi-drunk guy hanging around the concession stand gave her a big hug. But he wasn’t gross about it. He was just a really, really happy guy. Kelly went along with it. His hands slipped to her butt and he massaged her cheeks while staring into her boobs. “Damn, you are the sexist girl I’ve ever seen!”

Everybody else was watching the race. They were kind of to the side of the concession stand and had shuffled further that way, so the ladies selling the beer couldn’t see them. Kelly felt his protrusion around her belly button. It kept growing and soon she had a very good-size hard-on jabbing her torso, but without much room to operate, as his hands on her butt had her pulled tightly to him.

His fingers were reaching under the fringe of her shorts and he kind up pulled up the legs of them and was able to get half-handfuls of her cheeks. “My God! Your ass is perfect.”

Kelly replied, “You seem to be enjoying it.”

“Fuck, you’ve got me so damn hard I might squirt!”

“Would you like to do it in my mouth instead of your pants?” The guy went crossed-eyed trying to compute what she said. Kelly couldn’t help it. She had wanted cock ever since she left the deli that afternoon. It was all she could think of. She’d masturbated as she shaved off her pussy stubble. Pabst hat had gotten her off. But she really wanted a cock.

She led him over a knoll, towards the back parking lot. We had fucked at this track several times and she knew the semi-hidden spots, away from the light poles.

Kelly stopped, dropped to her knees, unzipped his jeans and freed a more-than-seven-inch long, slender cock, and had her nose in his pubes on her first stroke. He had his hands on her head and they went along for the ride as she bobbed back and forth deep throating his cock. She held his hip with one hand to steady herself on her platform sandals. She used the other hand to play with his ball sack. He groaned hard and in just a couple of minutes, she felt his sack tighten up.

His hands forcefully held her face tight to his groin. Kelly’s tongue felt three hard pulses run along the bottom of his shaft as he pumped a massive load down her throat. His knees started to buckle and his ass was spasming. It took a minute for him to get steady on his feet.

Kelly held his hardon in her mouth as she sucked every bit of cum out of him that she could get. It took him another couple of minutes before he deflated. Kelly stood up looked him in the eyes and gulped as she downed the last of his load. “Fuuck…” was all he could mutter. Kelly left and bought our beers.

As she passed the Pabst boys they both, not very discreetly, rubbed their cocks through their jeans.

The racing program would go until ten p.m. or later, depending on wrecks and yellow flags. The dance was starting at nine. The dance hall was adjacent to the race track and was on the top floor of the building which had an inside counter-serve restaurant and indoor (versus porta-potty) toilets. Amazingly enough, the bands cranked their amps up so high that, inside, they could drown out most of the sounds of the extremely loud race cars not even three hundred feet away.

Kelly was antsy to dance, so we left the races at nine for the dance. As we walked down the bleachers her Pabst cap buddies asked where she was going? “To the dance!”

We found a high-top table in the back corner. Perfect! Kelly gave me her bag with the blanket, etc. She pulled out her lipstick, perfume, and driver’s license. She slipped the lipstick and perfume into my pocket. Before I left to take the bag to the car, Kelly pulled me in and shouted into my ear, over the roar of the band, to lose my underwear. “Commando!”

Thankfully, no one was in the parking lot. I had to stand up to peel those devils down and off, toss the skivvies in the car, and then get those tight fuckers back on. My cock decided on its own to get hard thinking about my crazy girlfriend and what the rest of the night could entail. I really wrestled getting six inches of raging hardon to lay sideways in that tight 31 waist, 36 inseam jeans on my six-foot-four frame. The tip of my cock was poking out at the entrance of my left pocket. There was just no place to hide it. The pants were too tight to run it down along my leg. Oh well. I knew it would make Kelly happy.

Guess who I found hanging with Kelly at our table? First off, let’s be real. I knew I wouldn’t return to find wall-flower Kelly standing there all alone. Part of what stiffened up my cock was wondering what she was up to while I made the trip to the car.

Kelly leaped at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her tongue in my throat. After she released me and slid down my body, I was properly introduced to the Pabst boys, Ken and Dennis. For those keeping score at home, Ken was the guy who had fingered her to orgasm as Dennis played with her boob. They had all just come off the dancefloor.

Kelly felt my cock as she slid off of me and squealed with delight as she grabbed it and rubbed it. She announced “All the boys are hard! I love it!” And, yes, I could see the other guys had tents in their trousers, but nothing as obvious as my tight-white-pants suffering.

The band started up a new song and Kelly drug me out to dance. Then they flipped the lights from colored lights to black light. There was some fluorescent paint on the walls that glowed but my pants looked as if they were lit from within by arc lights. And they may as well have flashed “look at my cock,” it was that damn obvious.

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Kelly was the one keeping track and she was letting me know every time she saw another female checking my package. Somehow through the music and the racing noise, she let me know that Ken told Dennis that she was shaved and he felt very left out having not experienced that himself. The nice thing about the corner location of our table was that Kelly had simply turned her back to the dancefloor, and unbuttoned a couple of buttons on her shorts. Dennis slipped his hand in, felt her smooth mound, and tickled her clit until she pulled his hand out. No one was the wiser.

I found out that Ken and Dennis were thirty and had been best friends since childhood. They acted surprised to hear Kelly was only nineteen, but she saw the lust grow in their eyes.

Kelly had been keeping track of a shark who had been circling me on the dancefloor. She took her leave as I spun around and stopped with a gal who stared at my lump for a moment before she noticed my face.

Kelly was back out on the floor with Ken and Dennis. “She looks busy,” was what my new dance partner observed. At the end of the song, Kelly swiped her lipstick and perfume from my back pocket and hit the restroom. She got back as we were dancing to a slower song. The chick was making sure she was brushing up against me just enough to keep me stiff.

Kelly was pretty lit and kind of barged in pulling me over to dance with her. She unknowingly nearly started a catfight, but I calmed the other gal down. I knew Kelly had been drinking too much so I was being slightly more careful with my intake. “I want you to fuck me so hard tonight I have to beg you to stop,” she slathered into my ear along with plenty of tongue and slobber.

It would have been easy to chalk her immediate behavior up to jealousy. Yet, I knew better. I am Kelly’s protector. Always have been. She found herself in a Ken and Dennis sandwich and wanted me close enough to keep an eye on her. She only thought I wasn’t because she’d drank too much beer.

I noticed that it had been quiet for longer than normal outside. Quickly, the dance hall began to get crowded. The races were done. There were a surprising number of women there in small groups, many done up to the nines. Lots of couples of many ages. And a bunch of Lone Wolves on the hunt for pussy. I  find people-watching to be a very enjoyable hobby and it was fascinating viewing that night as connections were made.

Kelly and Dennis appeared from the crowded dancefloor. We still had claim over our table but Ken and I had pulled it closer to the wall to keep folks from packing in behind us. Kelly and Dennis both looked like they were ready to burst. I recognized her look. I thought she may ask for the car keys as a place to go fuck his brains out. Nope. Her itch was more urgent than that. She stood Dennis between Ken and me, with his back turned to the crowd. Kelly dropped to her knees, unzipped his jeans, and pulled out a raging, longer than mine, cock.

Dennis stood like a statue. Ken and I both were occasionally leaning back to catch a view of Kelly’s mouth at work. All of us guys were pretty shocked at her next move. Kelly stood up and swapped places with Dennis. As she leaned forward, laying her boobs on the high-top table, she unbuttoned her shorts and shimmy, shimmied them down past her butt to just above her knees.

Yes, it was fairly dark, but if anyone came over to look at us instead of the crowd, we would have been busted. Yet, everyone had enough to drink and was lathered up enough, that likely no one would have cared.

Kelly pulled Dennis in behind her. As she was up on her platforms sandals, he had no problem at all poking her hole on the first attempt. He wrapped his hands to the front of her hips and pulled her butt tightly against himself. He made a thrusting action with his butt. Kelly came within moments. She leaned her head onto the table and groaned as she was fucked. Dennis seemed like he was in a zone and Ken and I casually watched them fuck for a good ten minutes.

Dennis finally got close. He leaned over and asked me where he could shoot it. That was the first time anyone had ever asked me that, instead of Kelly. But, I was buzzed and horny. I told him she was “on the pill” and to “fill that pussy up!”

Dennis grunted and grabbed hold of her very tightly. Kelly looked at me and groaned “I feel him cumming!” Knowing that he was blasting in her vagina got her off and she came all over his cock. It was her cum that dripped onto the floor first. After Dennis was finished he pulled out and his pud dropped to the floor in one big splat.

Dennis quickly stuffed his shrinking hardon into his jeans and zipped up. Ken didn’t wait for anyone. He took Dennis’ place as fast as anyone could. Kelly went less than thirty seconds without a cock inside of her.

Ken was too worked up to fuck Kelly slowly and for a long time. He banged her like a jackrabbit and three minutes later, he nutted. Kelly never really had a chance to cum if she wanted to. She was just there to provide him with a warm slit. Ken pulled out and backed away. I could see his dick was a fair amount shorter than mine. He watched his load slowly form a drip at the precipice of her vagina. Pretty sure that I’d seen enough in life by then to determine that, clearly, Ken was a dribbler, aka Kelly’s least favorite of all cumshots.

She stood and pulled her panties up. She was trying to get her shorts up, but they were so tight and she was boozed up, that she wasn’t having any luck. I hugged her from the front, grabbed the sides of her shorts, picked her up off the ground, and shook her booty down into that white denim. Kelly of course was squealing the entire time. Thankfully, the band was loud as hell.

When I set her down she asked me for her perfume and lipstick and then made a beeline to the restroom. Of course, I hadn’t buttoned up her shorts. She didn’t seem to notice. Ken and Denis, having deposited their loads in my girlfriend, decided that it was a good time for them to disappear.

Kelly came back looking gorgeous and refreshed. She asked about her new friends and I had to break the news. Kelly was sincerely disappointed they had left. I think she may have been wanting to try a round two? In any case, my eyes were on her hot little body and I was taking inventory: Only one button holding the halter top closed which meant nipples and tits could fly out at any moment – check; nipples at full stiffness – check; two top buttons on her shorts clearly unbuttoned – check.

I had to ask how her trip had been? She said she was flying to get to the restroom as she really did have to pee. “And your trip back?” she admitted that she was grabbed by a guy who pulled her to the middle of the dancefloor.

“His hands were everywhere, but I didn’t mind,” she said. She shared that at first he was playing with her nipples and she didn’t quite realize that he’d unbuttoned her halter. Then he was French-kissing her, which I well know absolutely melted her. When he was struggling to get a hand in her shorts she helped out by opening a couple of buttons. She said he was both confused and happy to find that she had a bare beaver. He had a couple of fingers shoved inside her and got her off just as the song ended. She said, “Thank you!” and slipped away to find me.

I slid my hand down the front of her shorts and found a very wet clit and slit. “Where are your panties?” Kelly explained they were too full of Dennis and Ken’s cum to wear, so she’d thrown them away.

For the rest of the time that the band played Kelly danced, sometimes with me, sometimes without as I wasn’t an all-night kind of dancer. She did have to button up one more button on her halter to keep her boobs at least a little under control. Yet somehow another button came open on her shorts?

Every time that I danced with her, she looked beyond happy. She said her pussy had “a few visitors and was feeling goood.” She had kept rubbing my cock through my jeans keeping me so fucking hard that I could barely take it. She rubbed circles around the tip of my cock and then pulled her fingers up and licked them. “Tasty!"

I was a bit confused so reached down and did a quick check. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised that I had a pretty large wet spot where my cock had been pumping pre-cum for who knows how long.

I didn’t buy a single beer at the dance. Guys were always bringing over a pitcher for Kelly. I helped out but tried to not get stupid that night. Kelly, by the end of the dance, honestly, was wasted. And I probably drank more beer than I realized.

At one a.m., the band shut down, the clean-up lights came on and the slow push to get a couple of hundred drunks to leave began. It was after one thirty by the time Kelly and I found ourselves outside. It certainly wasn’t cold, but it had cooled off enough that it was fun to see her nipples spring back into action.

We were both loaded and she obliged me without hesitation by unbuttoning her halter and showing off her girls. Her nipples were at maximum attention looking like a pair of red peanut M&Ms. Everybody else was also boozed up. Some didn’t notice, some did, some asked if they could feel them, and some didn’t ask. Kelly didn’t care. They were out, do what you want.

There was a walkway defined by the chain-link fence leading from the dance hall to the parking lot. It was maybe a hundred feet wide at the building and gradually made its way down to maybe twenty feet wide where it dumped into the parking lot. Most folks were leaving but a couple of dozen, maybe more, we just hanging around, not ready for the party to be over. Granted, most of them were totally shit-faced, but hey, not in a position to judge.

We saw three different women in various stages of undress performing various acts. One was on her knees, with her shirt and bra pulled up exposing her little A-cup titties, blowing two guys at once. She had an audience of a half-dozen other guys watching and cheering her on. Another girl had her pants down to her ankles and was standing up with her back smashed into the fence by a clothed guy who was almost violently finger-banging her. We watched for a minute and it sounded like she was cumming and cumming, so we deemed that she was fine.

We had walked maybe a couple of hundred feet into the parking lot (actually it was just a field) and saw another gal, a tiny little thing, was on the trunk of a car while a guy with his trousers dropped to his ankles was boning her. There were two guys on either side helping to hold her up as their buddy plowed her field. There was also a handful of guys and gals hanging around that seemed to be part of their group.

The remaining folks walking past took a couple of moments to watch them fuck. The tiny chick was completely naked and pretty damn good-looking. Even Kelly joked that she “wouldn’t mind taking a turn with that one.”

Drunks never speak as quietly as they think. The guy doing the fucking had heard Kelly and shouted to her, “She’s all yours, take a turn!” About ten people turned and looked at Kelly.

One of the guys holding the girl up said, “Hell, she ain’t gonna do it.” Kelly had just made a passing joke. But what she heard then was a gauntlet being thrown down. You do not fuck with Kelly like that.

Kelly marched right up the fucker of the fuckee and said, “My turn.” The dude laughed and pulled his dick out and stepped back. The first thing Kelly noticed was that he was a short little shit, maybe five and a half feet tall, but he was all cock. Kelly squatted and started eating that little pussy. I stepped closer to get a good look. Beautiful! Although I could tell that most of the other guys were focused on Kelly’s tits, moving around to her sides to get a better view.

Kelly needed to prove something and she was going at it with all she had. Nibbling on her clit, fingers in her pussy, her free hand twisting her tiny nipples. Kelly was making headway. Five minutes into it and the chick started jerking and squirming. Kelly put her pedal to the metal and a moment later the girl squealed out that she was cumming.

Satisfied that she got the job done, Kelly stood and stepped back. The two guys holding the tiny chick lowered her to her feet. Then she left with a dude that had been quietly watching from the back of the small crowd, still with no clothes on.

Short dude, long pecker was still hanging out with his handful of folks and said to Kelly, “Okay, that was impressive. Congratulations.”

Drunk Kelly pointed at his cock and said, “No, that’s impressive,” as she eyed up his more than half-hard cock. At that moment it was probably seven inches long. He waddled toward Kelly and got right into her personal space.

“You want to try it out?”

“I want to see it hard.” The guy started stroking his schlong. Kelly watched for a minute and then dropped to her knees. He jerked it as she sucked on his head. When it stopped growing it was huge, around nine inches.

Fully erect, he took a step back and said “like that?” They both kind of looked at each other as if ‘now what.’

Kelly glanced over at me and then looked at him and said, “I want to feel it in me.” She stood up and pushed down her shorts. I helped her get her sandals through the leg holes and then held onto her shorts for her. She bent at the waist and held onto the trunk of the car. The dude waddled between her legs and swung his bat around for a minute before he stuffed it into her cunt.

By then it was just his group of five or six folks, plus me, but we were all enjoying the show. The guy tugged at Kelly’s loose halter. She pulled it off and tossed it to me. She was naked except for her sandals. The guy was reaching around and playing with her jugs as they fucked.

Kelly looked over her shoulder at him and said, “I want you to cum in me.” Until then the guy was kind of fucking for show. Meaning, I think, he was enjoying showing off his prowess to his friends. Hell, I had no idea how many women had stopped to fuck him by the time we showed up? Tiny chick may have been his first or many his tenth? No idea?

But Kelly’s comment seemed to have sparked him. “Oh, you do? You think you can handle that?”

“Fuck me as hard as you can. I can take anything you’ve got.”

The dude found a new gear. He was impaling her with his monster as hard as he could slam it. I think most girls would have tapped out.

I was startled when I felt someone tap on my shoulder from behind me. They did the old tap on the wrong shoulder to make you turn the wrong way nonsense. I turned to my right as I felt a small hand tightly grip my by-then pained cock through my too-tight jeans. I turned back and one of long cock's female friends had dropped to her knees in front of me and was trying to undo my buckle.

I quickly helped get the belt and zipper out of her way and released my sore boner. The chick swallowed me in one gulp. Her mouth felt amazing! Her tongue was all over my cock. One hand was stroking me as her head went back and forth and the other was playing with my balls. Perfect! Her nose would stop for a few moments and rest on my shaved-bare groin as my dick enjoyed her throat.

I’m not going to lie and say I held out for an hour. I did not. I had wanted to cum so badly for hours. That chick was an expert cock sucker. I made it maybe five minutes. “I’m gonna cum and it’s a lot,” was, I felt, fair warning. She replied by using both hands to grab my butt and she pulled me as deep into her as my dick could go.

I fucking erupted! I mean, it just exploded. I felt throb after throb through my cock as I came and came. My balls had been teased to the breaking point and she had provided a perfect place for my mega-deposit.

She finished me off like Kelly. Her lips held my cock tight. I could feel her throat gulping my load. She kept sucking to get every drop out of me. By the time my dick had shrunk to its half-size non-erect self, she released me with a pop. She stood up and kissed my chest (she was even shorter than Kelly) and said, “since she had my boyfriend tied up, I thought your cock looked like it needed some help.” She had no idea!

The trunk was getting noisy. Long cock was building up a sweat. Kelly was cumming, yet again. I could tell from his look that he was focused. It was coming to a climax. Either he was fucked out and would quit, or he’d give Kelly what she wanted.

He grabbed her hips tighter. Kelly groaned out a dozen “oh, fuck’s” and then screamed as she came with a violent spasm. Seriously, I thought she might bleed or something, the way her cunt was being attacked. Seconds later the dude rose to his tippy toes and shouted “Fuck yes!” He pushed his cock through Kelly and nearly pushed Kelly through the car. One final shout of “Damn!”

He dropped from his toes to his feet. He eased up from her back, so Kelly could get her chest off the trunk. He released her hips. He slowly waddled backward pulling his dick from her pussy until, once clear, it dropped to his thigh like a felled tree. It was so fucking heavy at full hardness that it aimed straight down. He stepped back and pulled up his jeans.

We all stared at Kelly’s cunt like we were waiting to see the puff of white smoke. A minute later his load slipped out and splatted to the dirt. Kelly had turned to look for me while some older guy that had been lurking toward the back of the group quickly stepped forward with his hard-on in hand and blasted a shot of cum onto Kelly’s back. He disappeared just as quickly.

Kelly stood up. “Everyone good?” I helped Kelly stand up and walk. She was naked, my pants were still open and my dick was hanging out. We were quite a sight.

We walked to the car. I helped Kelly get in. She was asleep before I opened my door. At her house, I knew the drill. I tugged her out and tossed her onto my shoulder. Just as I got to the front door, her stoner older brother showed up. “Somebody drinks too much?” We laughed. He opened and held the door for me.

I carried Kelly to her bedroom and laid her naked body on the bed. It took me too long to unbuckle her convoluted sandals, but I eventually prevailed.

I saw her again Sunday evening around nine. We sat outside and talked. She didn’t remember much of anything after we left the dance. All she knew was that her pussy was, to her, surprisingly sore for what she remembered had happened. I filled her in on the rest. She couldn’t believe she had eaten out some random chick. Patrick and Yvonne were our best friends (and with full benefits) and things had happened within our foursome, but just some random pussy that she walked by? Kelly shook her head in disbelief.

She was very happy to hear that I had my balls drained. She hadn’t noticed any of that, but to her defense, she was having the living hell fucked out of her.

She really wished she had a clear memory of the huge cock as she always really enjoyed those feelings. I gave her as much detail as I possibly could. Even though her cunt ached all the way to her core, she was getting wet hearing the story. She had to ask me to stop before she needed the fucking she couldn’t yet handle that night.

Written by GoodToBeMe
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