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1 week ago
Bi-curious Female, 51
United Kingdom


Attention Whore

Quote by sprite

one of the perks of my position is that i can suspend or ban accounts at whim. don't push it, girlie.

I'm sorry but...

The original post on this thread was completely inappropriate and should have been deleted immediately. If added nothing to the general guidance of story submission criteria and was merely a 'Moderator' venting their spleen after a difficult day, not for the first time.

But, we've all had them (difficult days that is).

However, the thread hardly qualifies as a 'Site Announcement'. It is also completely pointless and worthless as the only people reading and commenting on it are long standing and highly accomplished authors who if they chose to capitalise or use extended vowel and constanant sounds as part of a story would do so with a clear understanding of what they were trying to achieve.

I for one am always truly appreciative of the efforts that Story Moderators make in checking our stories. Without them there would be no site, but to have a Moderator threaten to ban an author 'at whim' simply is unacceptable.

A little while ago a 'Moderator' told me in a PM that if there were issues those were best resolved by a private message/conversation rather than making public statements. I think she should heed her own advice.

I'm reporting this thread and the comment above as I believe it constitutes bullying behaviour contrary to the sites Forum Guidelines. If I'm banned 'at whim' as a result of that, so be it.

Attention Whore

Quote by Jen

You can choose either way with each transaction smile

Thank you, Jen.

I've been having a bit of a think about all of this overnight.

If I've understood it correctly there are two ways coins are created:

a. they are distributed to new members when they purchase their membership.

b. coins can be purchased.

I'm not sure how many users will purchase coins. Not many I suspect. All of which creates a problem that you have a 'marketplace' with little to no liquidity.

So, it's my belief that if you want to make this work in a meaningful way then you need to add liquidity to the marketplace... some fiscal easing if you like.

To go back to a point kiteares raised earlier, the focus on new members as the only coin holders. What about all those with existing memberships? Or those who have contributed to the site for years/decades?

Shouldn't existing Gold and Platinum members receive an allocation to spend to thank them for purchasing their membership? Doesn't Sprite or Darkside or Kristin or even yourself deserve some allocation for the contribution they've made over numerous years. Not much of course. Not enough to 'cash out' and be deemed a financial payment but enough for them to use within the marketplace.

Anyway, just some thoughts and I've probably misunderstood something somewhere, in which case please feel free to ignore me.


CG Xxx

Attention Whore

Just read through the thread and I think I've managed to understand how this works (which probably means I've got it completely arse about tit).

Anyhows, I just wanted to say that I feel this is a really nice addition to the site and clever low/zero cost way for readers to be able to recognise authors or stories they cherish.

Not expecting to make any money and should I be gifted any coins I'll most probably regift them to others whose writings I enjoy. So excellent all round.

One small question, it might have been covered and I missed it, but will the gifting/tipping be anonymous or identifiable by the recipient?

Attention Whore

What I find frustrating about this is the anonymity.

For years I didn't allow any scoring on my stories. I don't really agree with the principle of assigning a story a score and generally don't score other author's works (if I like it I'll leave a comment or send a message, if I don't like it I'll leave it for others to enjoy).

In more recent times I decided to allow scoring as long as it was accompanied by a comment. Something I did to nudge readers to comment who would not have done so otherwise.

Since the relaunch, as far as I'm aware, both of these options have now been removed (and if they haven't I would be grateful it someone could let me know how I action either of them), so now a reader can add a score (of any number) without it being evident to me, the author, as to who (or why) they have done so.

So would it be possible to have either of these scoring options re-activated?

Attention Whore

It's been a couple of days and nobody has replied so I'll give you my thoughts.

It seems you've created yourself an insoluble problem in your imaginery landscape, so either you'll have to adjust that landscape or ...

What I would do is to write it as a spoken scene. She doesn't actually spank him, she narrates the idea of spanking him and then both can respond to the arousal that ensues. This also sets up the possibility of her spanking him in a subsequent chapter when they find a suitable locale.

So, for what it's worth that would be my solution.

Good luck.

Attention Whore

Quote by JamesLlewellyn


But then he withdrew from her gash

With result making an enormous sp-LASH

It came roiling in waves

Left her crying in raves

While leaving her teeth to g-nash!

Tis an untruth, a lie.

Your deluge wouldn't drown a fly

There's barely a sip

Decorating the tip

And my kitty is arid and dry

Attention Whore

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Let's not get into name-calling, CG, or we'll be here all night!

Besides, you've got a better vocabulary than I do because you cheat and make things up!

Just like Shakespeare, I guess.

Pish, tosh and flibberdygibbets, Mr Bear. I have never made up a wordle in my entire life. Cross my breasticules and hope to die.

Attention Whore

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

How about one of these frozen daiquiris! Actually, take the tray, I gotta run!

Thank you. So kind. Lovely to see you.

Attention Whore

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

So, lemme see – are you the gal that wanted the clean glass? Or the other one?

What? No Cumshots?? I'm told that, next to a Douche, they're quite refreshing!

Of course I want a clean glass, Mr Bear. What sort of slatternly slut do you take me for. And lots of fruit and ice and umbrellas and bits of twig and other such paraphernalia xxx

Attention Whore

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Bon soir, madam! Et bienvenu!

Whadda'll ya have ta drink?

Something in a glass, please.

Nothing squirted from a hose of any description.

Attention Whore

Quote by dlcalguy

Cumgirl said you may think it's wacky

Or even a little bit tacky

But when my boyfriend wanks

He mustn't shoot blanks

I'm really turned on by bukkake

Body curled his back it was hurty

His cock edging nearly to spurty

Jism splattered his face

With a decorous grace

Crying 'my baby, she loves me dirty'

Attention Whore

Quote by JamesLlewellyn


And fuckle it did, with a will

Rucking up and down, in her jill

Then erupted with glee

Drooling down to her knee

Making sure that she'd had quite her fill

The explosion it was but a trickle

Dribbling from his poor ruckled pickle

Bare soiling her gash

It was just a splash

Her innards it hardly did tickle

Attention Whore

Quote by JamesLlewellyn


Yet, despite this, she had the last chuckle

When he tried to withdraw, he was stuckle

Because her kegels so strong

Gripped him so hard and so long

That his todger became very ruckle

'Oh poor ruckled dick', she did chuckle

'On this I really must suckle'

With a purs-ed lip

Tongue lashing it's tip

She soon restored it ready to fuckle

Attention Whore

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

So I stepped forward, cock in my hand

And stroked my rigid, red gland

"Can I make this one cry

When I shove this up inside

And will she also beg to be tanned?"

A glorious member hoved into view

A tumescent todger, if slightly askew

She whimpered, she cried

As he pushed it inside

Ravaging her with his fleshy kazoo

Attention Whore

A whip, a plug, and handcuffs too

All awaiting our helpless ingenue

Left tied to the bed

Limbs achingly spread

Virginal sheets drizzled with dew

Attention Whore

Salty devil's spawn

Palate pooled and chin splattered

Face fucked yet again

Attention Whore

Buttoned up tightly.

Noose necktie, stiff upper lip

Giddy heart gleeful

Attention Whore

Would mourning absolve

Stomach, sperm soldiers splattered

Penile deflation

Attention Whore

Quote by kistinspencil

The new year is near

I'm hoping for someone fresh

and adventuresome

Bedding fresh laundered

Flesh twisted debauchery

Soiled sheets testament

Attention Whore

Heaving pyres blazing

Abraded, and mouth abused

Furnace sparks needily

Attention Whore

Tremulous desire

Plaintive and supplicant flesh

Offering essence

Attention Whore
Quote by Fluttered
Quote by CumGirl

Autumn's tendrils creep

Summer's display, wilted blooms

Springtime halcyon

And, yes, this is about sex. 

It is always sex

Sex, is always my answer 

Yes please, & right now

Ampersand has three

Syllables squeezed together

Cocks & Cunts

Attention Whore

Autumn's tendrils creep

Summer's display, wilted blooms

Springtime halcyon

And, yes, this is about sex. 

Attention Whore

Again, I expect this has been reported already, Curvy, but just in case. When an author replies to a story comment the original commenter is not getting a notification of a reply. 

And what's happened to 'Friends Activity', how am I supposed to know what I'm meant to be doing if I don't have my friends behaviour there to guide me? 

Anyway, I'm sure they're both already on the 'to do' list, but I thought I'd raise them anyway just in case. 

Attention Whore

Apologies if this has been covered somewhere. An author I follow has recently published a new story and I didn't receive a notification.

Is this because this aspect of the site isn't functioning correctly currently or. ??? 

Thanks in advance for your reply. 



Attention Whore

Red heels and trenchcoat

Buttonless. Wrists belt tethered. 

Exposed flesh windswept

Attention Whore
Quote by Fluttered

My haiku are shit

My micro not much better 

Poetry not bad 
