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16 hours ago
Straight Female
0 miles · Kentucky


Simple Scribbler

Morning Rumpies wave

Headed home. Had wonderful trip.

Thanks for checking on my prisoners, err, I mean guests in storeroom 4, Bear! kiss

Enjoy Sunday, y’all ❤️

Simple Scribbler

Mr Ape, I’d love where you are going! Please tell us how it goes and your fav spots! smile

Simple Scribbler

Hi Rumpies! wave

Keep this quiet but I snagged a secret serviceman. He’s hogtied in Storeroom #4. biggrin

Ignore any cries for help. I think he’ll settle in nicely.

Simple Scribbler

Update!! We thought she left in black cars that pulled out, but we just came back to our floor and were surrounded by hunky security. I was hoping for a strip search… deep cavity search biggrin but they just swished wand around us and checked our purses. Maybe I could sneak one of them and his wand into my room later! smile

Simple Scribbler

We think Kamala Harris. Glam squad just arrived upstairs. Red dot on floor in room 2 doors down from us. Coast guard circling hotel on lake. Security everywhere. We ate breakfast in lounge with secret service. I decided to make a joke,” Trump’s not here, is he? If so, I’m leaving.” Hahaha! They smiled, then shook their heads no. Haha! We overheard talk of political rally in Pennsylvania.

Simple Scribbler

FuzzyLion, thank you (ruffles your mane) and vacay is exactly what I needed.

And more to my story… security in halls and in VIP lounge!!! Who’s here???? Me wanna know!!!

Simple Scribbler

Thank you, Scott and Kat! ❤️

And something bonkers just happened. When we arrived at our hotel on Lake Erie, the front guest upgraded us for free to the top VIP floor. My sis is a Bonvoy member, and sometimes gets free upgrades. We had to use a key to get to the floor. It’s been awesome… they’ve provided free food and drink in a lounge for breakfast and late day happy hour. Now, a knock at the door and I opened it to find the manager and a swat team, bomb squad guy and canine sniffer asking if they could inspect our room. Wtf!!! I asked what was going on and she said a very important person was checking in tonight on our floor and security required a check of every room! 😳😳😳 Dog stuck his nose in all our bags, then they left. I asked her if I should be concerned and she told me tonight I should feel as safe as I’ve ever felt. Wtf??? Who is checking in????? Crazy!!!!

Simple Scribbler

Morning, Rumpies wave

On a short break from work (before work breaks me).

Enjoying the water and sun ☀️

Love you all! ❤️

Someone water the boys in Storeroom #4, please. smile

Simple Scribbler

Yes. I was at an estate sale and heard a buzzing noise. Looked down my shirt to see a bumble bee on my bra. I ripped off short, bra, ran around screaming. My friend gathered my clothes and dragged me down hall and shoved me in a bathroom to redress. 😳

Simple Scribbler

Just came out of hiding in the laundry room with Butters. 80mph winds just roared through and I’m surrounded by huge trees. Power just came back, thank goodness. Trees,limbs down.

Give me a stiff drink, please!

Simple Scribbler

Quote by construction65

Lush is hard to get stories published tbey are egotistical about amis placed period coma or other punctuation these atr mostly sex stories i dint think people you rrsf them.atr yry comcernec about a punctuation error

Any reputable publisher, Lush or elsewhere, will require correct spelling and punctuation. And none will publish something like what you just wrote. Even readers who just want a wank will care because they can’t follow a story with no punctuation.

Simple Scribbler

Read Kat’s story. Read Carlton’s, too! There must be something in the coffee and donuts here to produce such great writers! ❤️ I highly recommend both!

Enjoy the long weekend, Rumpies!

Simple Scribbler

Hiya, Rumpies! wave

I’m sorry for your loss, Bear! ❤️ Don’t worry, Fuzzy Lion, Ape, and I will keep a 👀 on the drinks. wink

Enjoy your trip, Kat! ❤️

I am off work til Tuesday! Woohoo!

Simple Scribbler

Hugs to all my Rumpies family! ❤️

Here’s a new pic of Buttercup. She’s all grown up now at 8.5 pounds (and all tail). All my other cats had reached or exceeded 20 lbs, so she feels light as a feather to me.

I’m increasing chiropractor visits until work eases in July. Sigh.

Another great SS entry in, if interested. We’re at 6 entries now!

Severe weather day today. Stay safe, everyone! kiss

Simple Scribbler

Wow, Fuzzy Lion! So glad everyone’s safe! ❤️

Crazy scary weather. We’re close to 90 all week. Use to be that 90s was reserved for August. sad

Morning, all! I’m tired but still moving. Four days then a four-day break, then two days and another four-day break, so I’m looking ahead with a smile.

I’ll be in my corner with a big white furball discussing time travel. smile

Simple Scribbler

Quote by Seeker4

NO RAISINS!?!? How can you have oatmeal cookies with NO RAISINS?!?!


Okay, whatever. Scarfs two cookies

And a Red Rose to go with those.

Long weekend here in the Great White North. Hope to have a story in the SS comp by the end of it. And our summer trip planned.


Yay! You’ll make entry #4. I’m gonna pimp again on my profile here… ssssshhh… don’t tell higher ups biggrin

Simple Scribbler

Hiya, all! wave

Weddings are fun, Kat! ❤️

Bad weather not so much, Fuzzy Lion! 💔 Prayers for all suffering!

Can’t wait to read your comp story, Sara! ❤️

And da Bear… start another caffeine drip for me, please. Busy work day… I’ll be in my corner… with the plate of chocolate chip cookies smile

Simple Scribbler

Morning Rumpies! wave

Kimmi tired. I’ll be in my corner. Hopefully I’ll find something furry and soft to nap on.

Simple Scribbler

For me, The Black Rabbit series. (Ignore wrong title on link to first story. I changed title after saving in drafts.)

Five characters, set in the Roaring Twenties, in New York City. I think viewing the setting and costumes would bring these characters even more to life. smile

Simple Scribbler

Morning Rumpies! wave

It’s a lovely, rainy day in Kentucky!

And LYFBUZ, you must tell me your flirty line that got you that date, or I shall drag you to Storeroom #4 and flog it out of you. 😊

Simple Scribbler

I am the brains that tells the computer what to do. I could tell it to delete all your money from your bank accounts. 😈 But, I probably won’t. 😇

Simple Scribbler

Hi Tonya!!! I love your littly dances. I loved to dance, and still do!

My son is 26 now, but seems like he was a toddler just yesterday. Time flies!

It’s so nice to hear from you! ❤️

Simple Scribbler

Quote by techgoddess

Hang in there!

Kimmi’s drinks are on me tonight. 🍷

Thanks, Kat! 😘

I’m too old for this middle-of-the-night install shit. sad