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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 36
United States


I'm Mike and I'm here to read and write stories. I'm also a story moderator here. I prefer to have an actual conversation with someone other than cyber. If you wanna have a chat, then please feel free to give me a poke or open a chat window. I'm open to just about anything and anyone, so don't be shy . I've enjoyed my time on Lush thus far and hope to continue to meet new people and have more fun! My favorite categories are Anal, Group Sex and Reluctance. If you wanna know anything else, please feel free to ask me!

I enjoy the good ole outdoors. I love hiking, camping and 4wheeling. I also LOVE football. I'm a football guru and follow it religiously! My favorite team is the Denver Broncos. Not a whole lot of people I know like the Broncos, but that's just fine by me.

Favorite Books
I enjoyed the Harry Potter series. That's about all the books I've ever read.

Favorite Authors
J.K. Rowling obviously haha.

Favorite Movies
Favorite of all time? I can't really pin point it to one movie since there are SO many great ones over the years. Currently I'm a fan of A-Team.

Favorite TV Shows
Dexter, The Walking Dead, Orange is the New Black and Sons of Anarchy.

Favorite Music
I listen to rock, a bit of hip hop, but most of all I love country music.
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The Johnson Chronicles: The Open Marriage

I agreed to an open marriage without understanding the full ramifications of things to come

Not going to lie, when she first approached me about the concept of an open marriage I was intrigued, I was excited, I thought to myself: hell, I get to hook up with whoever I want and not have to feel guilty about it! Granted, I knew I’d have to be comfo...

The Chair - Part 2

Seeking his own revenge, Henry unknowingly opens a door that may ruin their marriage for good.

“Sophie! Where the fuck are you?” Charlotte screamed, not bothering to put her clothes back on as she searched Sophie’s house for her presence. She ventured down the hallway towards her room, following the sounds of Sophie’s moans, until she found her rid...
