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The Deviants of Dorchester - Episode 4: Jack-of-all-Trades, Master of Her

"He calls her ma'am by day; she calls him Sir at night."

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Author's Notes

"The Hotel Dorchester has been a staple of the London scene since the 1900s, and if these walls could talk, oh, the sultry tales of debauchery they would tell. Get ready for a summer of steamy stories as the authors that brought you Kinky Kitchen Fun last fall now bring you a heatwave full of sex, secrets, and surprise in our new series, The Deviants of Dorchester."

Thwap! Thwap! Thwap!

Claudette closed her eyes as the hot water flowed over her face and shoulders, washing the last remnants of his cum from her cheeks and lips.

Thwap! Thwap! Thwap!

Steam enveloped her curvy body as her nipples hardened just thinking about the sound of the soft leather smacking the skin of her swollen outer lips. Her walls clenched as she remembered the sting, and then a rush of juices immediately released without her control.

Claudette was already hotter than the temperature in the bathroom, just picturing herself spread eagle on the bed last night, hands and feet bound to the post, staring into Viggo's crystal blue eyes as he teased and taunted her with his favorite flogger. 

Her hand snaked down her voluptuous curves and found her clit, still tender from last night's play, and began circling as she remembered the smile Viggo sported just before he landed the flogger on her widespread pussy. Softly at first but growing in intensity, as were her screams of desire.

"Master, please, I need to cum," she pleaded, back-arching, hips bucking.

"What's that, my girl? What do you need?"

"To cum, Sir, PLEASE," she begged louder.

"Yes, girl, you will cum and cum again and again and again tonight. You will be begging me to stop, you understand?" Viggo laughed a masculine, guttural sound of glee that was mischievous, with a hint of danger. That laugh never failed to turn Claudette from the good girl her mother raised to the bad girl her mother would immediately send to the convent.

"Yes, Sir. I understand."

With that, he plunged three fingers easily into Claudette's wet cunt and fucked her hard. Leaning in, his tongue masterfully sucked and licked her pearl until she made sounds she had never heard before.

"Now cum, my darling. Cum for Sir."

And she did! Her pussy walls squeezed his fingers hard while flooding his hand and tongue with her cream. Her screams of pleasure were met with his moans of delight as he lapped up every drop of her sex syrup that he had helped create.

Viggo was kissing up her tummy as she regained her breath and giggled, saying, "Master, that was amazing. You are too good to me."

Taking a break from sucking on her nipple, Viggo stated matter-of-factly, "Oh kitten, we have just begun."

Standing in the shower, Claudette rubbed herself to near climax, thinking of the rest of the night. Viggo took her like he never had before, and she gave herself to him completely. He took her gently. He took her roughly. He took her every way in between. They came, they slept, then repeated.

By 3:00 a.m., she was so spent she couldn't move anymore. Her muscles quivered, and her mind was foggy, but he held her tightly as she drifted to a peaceful sleep. By the time she awoke, Viggo had already left for work, and now she was ready to cum in the shower, just remembering last night.

One hand bracing herself on the wall, the other ravaging her aching clit, she moaned into the water stream, picturing his big, thick cock ramming in and out of her pussy, her legs tied wide apart, her body a vessel for his pleasure. And this thought of pleasing him, making him cum all over her tits, drew that ache from deep in her soul, traveling up through her body and exploding in pleasure of her own.

"Holy Fuck," Claudette yelled and collapsed to the shower floor in a shaking mass of satisfaction.


After composing herself, Claudette completed her shower and the rest of her morning routine. When she exited the bathroom, she saw that Viggo had laid out her clothes for today: a classic gray skirt suit with white pinstripes and white silk shirt, her favorite floral lace bra with matching thong, and nude silk stockings with garters, and black patent kitten heels to finish off the outfit.

Claudette had to smile at Viggo's thoughtfulness. She knew that he would have preferred the four-inch heels, but he also knew that this was the start of a hectic week at The Dorchester for Claudette, and she would probably be walking ten miles around the hotel today alone. So best to comfortable and sexy, rather than just sexy.

As Director of Event Planning, she and her staff oversaw all weddings, conferences, galas, and whatever else might be booked at The Dorchester outside the typical overnight guests. This week was an International Summit on Robotics and Neurological Disorders. Participants from around the globe would arrive today and tomorrow, with meetings running Wednesday through Saturday. Claudette had already packed a bag and would be living at the hotel the rest of this week to ensure everything ran perfectly.


As Claudette entered The Dorchester through the employee entrance, she was met by her assistant, Ava, with a large macchiato, double espresso, and her schedule of attendees, the first of which was arriving in thirty minutes. Just enough time to drop her bags in her office and make it down to the front lobby.

They discussed final details all the way to the executive office wing. As they neared Claudette's office, Ava said, "Oh yes, Viggo, the maintenance manager, stopped by and left some requisitions in your office for signature. Something about the seating for the luncheon on Thursday."

Claudette tried not to smile, but she couldn't control the heat that rushed up her body from between her legs to her cheeks. Even his name had the power to make her blush and gush.

What was he up to now?

Claudette hurried into her office and found said requisition statement folded, sitting in her inbox. She read:

"Be a good girl for Sir; drop those panties in an envelope and bring them with you to the lobby. I will retrieve them from you there."

She read the note over again, then inhaled slowly, envisioning Sir's engorged cock entering her tight pussy from behind last night; three slow, deep strokes, then he slid his cum-slick rod between her cheeks and around her rim.

Claudette steadied herself against the desk as her entire undercarriage instinctively clenched and ached simultaneously. She felt her nipples stiffen against the soft lace of the floral bra.

With her next breath, she could almost feel him making three more slow, deep strokes into her sodden trenches before he slid his steel rod between her lips and stroked her clit with his manhood. Her memories sent shivers up her spine and essence seeping down her inner thigh.

The intercom disrupted her daydream. "Are you ready to head down, ma'am?"

A breathless "One second, Ava," was the most she could do while her mind swirled in sex and orgasms and HIM.

Claudette reached up her skirt, pushed her thong up deep inside her tunnel to ensure it was completely soaked in her juices, and then slid the thong off and into an envelope, sealing it tightly. But before pulling her skirt down, she pushed two fingers deep inside herself and moaned quietly. She removed them and licked her own honey from her fingers.

Oh God, I love the taste of cum, she thought.

Being with him was making her so bold and bringing out this sexual side of her that she never knew she had.

Claudette composed herself and headed out of the office with an extra sway in her step.


The glamour of The Dorchester lobby was never lost on Claudette. She spent most of her days in the executive wing in offices that looked just like any other office building. But this was her favorite part of the job, coming to this side of the hotel and meeting with clients.

As she and Ava stood waiting for the delegation from France to arrive, Claudette casually looked around, trying to figure out how Viggo might retrieve his envelope. Before she could worry another moment about that, the glass doors opened, and in walked her first attendees.

Claudette immediately went into work mode, greeting everyone in fluent French, getting the party checked in, and discussing the schedule for the week. As she looked down at her notes for details, there sat the thong-filled envelope with a darkened spot beginning to form. Claudette swallowed hard as she realized that her panties were so saturated that her sex juice was seeping through the envelope's paper, much like it was seeping down her thigh at this moment too.

"Let me show you to your suites so you can rest after your journey."

Claudette called the lift for the group to take them up to the fourteenth floor. As the doors opened, her mouth dropped open when she saw Viggo standing in the corner. He was quite impressive in his spotless uniform, broad shoulders, bulging biceps, and standing a foot above everyone else. Viggo was a true representation of his Viking heritage.

How did he time that so perfectly?

Claudette stepped into the lift, and Viggo stepped directly behind her. He squeezed his hand on her ass, then asked quietly, "Ma'am, did you get my requisitions this morning?"

"Yes, I did Viggo. Here it is, signed." Saying his name was a bit like marbles in her mouth; so foreign to her, but obviously, that was necessary at work. She handed him the envelope and caught a hint of a devilish grin as he noted the growing wet spot.

"Thank you for your promptness, ma'am. It is much appreciated."

Claudette nodded and smiled, knowing that what Sir meant was Good Girl, you will be rewarded.

And she liked his rewards a lot!


The day proceeded with delegation after delegation checked in. Claudette's face was so tired that she thought surely there was no way she would ever be able to smile again after today. She returned to her office late, realizing that she had never even stopped for lunch today. Exhaustion and hunger overwhelmed her as she flipped through messages and to-dos absent-mindedly. The phone rang, and secretly she considered not answering in case it resulted in something else she had to attend to tonight.

But the thought was fleeting, and of course, she answered. Before she could even start her name, his familiar voice came over the line like a warm hug.

"Shut the computer off. Come to Staff Suite C. Your bag is already here. I will take care of the rest."

Staff Suites were rooms on the employee side used for days when an executive was here late and needed to be in early the next day. She wisely had planned and booked one for the rest of the week, just in case.

Claudette approached Suite C and noticed the door slightly ajar. She knocked softly and stepped inside to find the room bathed in candlelight and soft music. The door closed behind her, and Sir wrapped her in his safe embrace. She melted into him; she was home.

Without words, Sir led Claudette into the bathroom, where he had drawn a bubble bath. He slowly undressed her, kissing every part of her war-weary body and helping her into the tub.

"Now, baby girl, take a nice long soak, then dinner will be here."

Claudette had no idea how much time had passed when he returned and helped her from the tub, gently drying her body, wiping her face, and kissing her passionately. As she started coming alive and reaching for his growing excitement, he stopped her, saying, "First, you must eat something."

Sir wrapped her in a plush bathrobe and led her to the table. They dined on chicken marsala and drank an exquisite pinot noir.

"Now, come sit on my lap like a good girl."

Claudette felt revived and happy to be alone with Sir after such a long day. Memories of last night and this morning flooded her memory and body.

"Master, I masturbated in the shower this morning for you. Just thinking about our playtime last night."

"Good girl, I love it when you pleasure yourself." Sir untied the robe and slid it from Claudette's shoulders. "Go lie on the bed and show me what you did."

Claudette did as she was told. She lay on the bed with her knees up and legs spread apart, so Sir had a good view of her glistening pussy. She began rubbing her clit in circles with three fingers as she did this morning in the shower.

"Do you enjoy masturbating for Master?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You were such a good girl today; I have a surprise for you."

Sir pulled Claudette's favorite vibrating dildo from the nightstand. She giggled and moaned simultaneously, bringing out that deep, impish laugh in him.

The feelings they could bring out in each other with just a look or a laugh or a touch; they were meant for each other.

Sir placed the dildo at the entrance of her tunnel as Claudette continued to stimulate her clit. He turned it onto the lowest speed as he began to pinch her nipple between his lips. He pinched harder as he pushed the dildo in slowly. As slow as an iceberg, centimeters at a time. It was so slow she wanted to ram her hips down on it, but she knew better. She knew his way would feel better in the end.

The vibration rattled her entire body; her ass clenched, her stomach tightened, her thighs squeezed, her cunt walls clamped around the device.

"Holy Fuck, MASTER!" she yelled, a little louder than she expected.

"Who is your Master, baby girl?"

"You are, Sir, you are!"

"I said, WHO is your Master?"

"VIGGO, you are my Master, Viggo you are!" Claudette lost all sense of where she was and what was happening around her. She gave herself to him and to the glorious feeling he was giving her between her legs.

Sir was pumping the dildo hard and deep now. He turned the setting to high, and Claudette's hips shot to the ceiling. He pistoned the dildo in and out, in and out, harder and harder. Then slower until she begged for more, then he returned to his vigorous rhythm.

"What do you want, my good girl?"

"I want to cum, Sir, all over your fucking cock."

"Good answer, my love. Whatever you desire."

Sir threw the dildo on the floor just as he heard that familiar squeal from Claudette that indicated she was right on the edge. He rammed his thick dick into her sopping cunt balls deep and sent her over the edge.

Her pussy clasped his cock hard, and the rest of her body seized into one long joyous rocket ride into orgasmic orbit. A visceral groan erupted from her as her orgasm blasted through her body and her pleasure sent him into orbit as well.


After resting for a bit, they moved under the sheets and slept the rest of the night, nestled in each other's arms until the alarm clock ruined their peaceful slumber. Sir bathed her in the shower, and they prepared for the day.

At the stairs, each headed their separate ways with a quick kiss, Claudette to the executive offices and Viggo to the maintenance department.

Claudette stopped at the kitchenette for coffee, and the executive assistants were all atwitter with the latest gossip.

"Ladies, what is all the chatter about?" Claudette inquired. "Or do I even want to know?"

Ava was the first to pipe up with a sheepish grin, "A couple of the cooks stayed in Staff Suite B last night, and they heard a couple getting frisky in Suite C."

Claudette was suddenly very interested in stirring her coffee. "Well, is that really news? Doesn't that happen a lot?"

Another assistant chimed in, "Well, it seemed kind of kinky. The woman was screaming that he was her Master!" And the ladies erupted in embarrassed giggling again.

"Well, to each their own, I guess," Claudette said and tried to hurry away.

Ava yelled hurriedly, "The woman said Viggo was her master…and the cooks said it sounded like you."

Claudette stopped in her tracks and felt the blush consume her face.

What should she do? Should she lie? Should she admit it? She had known this moment would come at some point.

With complete confidence, Claudette cleared her throat and turned to face the gaggle of gigglers.

"If you must know, yes, it was me. Here I am the executive, and he calls me ma'am. But outside here, he is my Master. And believe me, I scream that loud because it's the best sex I have ever had in my life!"

The gaggle fell silent, and Claudette walked to her office triumphantly.


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Copyright © 2022 lilcoffeeluvr111

All rights reserved. This story or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a review. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Written by LilCoffeeLuvr
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