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The Prescription - Taken

"What exactly does one do with a prescription? You take it!"

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-The Wait- 

“Code Blue 3 North.”   

The overhead announcement blared to life just before the sun came up and broke the silence like shattering glass. 

“Code Blue 3 North.” 

Before the second ‘Code bl…’ was through the intercom I had my stethoscope and the ICU pager in hand.  

“Code Blue 3 North.” 

With practiced movements, I jogged through the halls and stairwells to the patient who I knew needed us. Upon arrival, there was the poor floor nurse who looked like a deer in headlights struggling to bring the crash cart to the room with a growing audience. 

The rest of the code team wasn’t here yet. Years of practice and training in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support had allowed me to approach the situation with a cool head. Quickly assessing the situation, they said he’d become unresponsive during morning vitals. The nurse aide called for help, and they quickly started CPR. I had the nurse begin recording as we applied AED pads. A mostly flat tone and a long flat line with too widely spaced beats showed up on the monitor. Asystole with escape beats and no pulse. I pushed a round of epi and had them resume compressions. His nurse was getting into his history when the ER doctor entered calmly. 

“What’s the situation?” he asked curtly. 

It was ten minutes later, and the man had a pulse, for now. We were wheeling him back to the ICU for intubation. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It had to be close to 7 AM. Shit always hits the fan after six. Someone must have said the “Q” word. Shaking my head inwardly, we arrived back. I gave a report to the oncoming shift, but not before getting the post-MI guy situated and updating his family and cardiologist. Finishing up, I checked my phone.  

Matt: "Exciting morning?" 

Me: "The usual" laughing emoji

It was the last night of my rotation, and it had been a particularly long week. It wasn’t just the 12-hour nights that drug it out. It was anticipation. I gathered my things and texted again.  

Me: "TGIF" kiss

 I didn’t expect a reply, as it was the start of his day. Clocking out and pushing through the door into the morning air was always so satisfying. It was even more so now.  It was two months since that first night together, and it had been fire ever since. Any time we could, we’d spend time with each other. He took me slowly through levels of bondage, and I began to crave it. He asked me how I would feel being used without being allowed release. I never gave orgasm denial much thought before, but we have been exploring that, and I’m hooked. 

Just the other day I went over to Matt's townhouse for our dinner date, but he was still finishing a few notes. I thought it would be fun to tease him, so I sat in a chair across from him in his home office and spread my legs.  By caressing my nipples through my shirt, I sought to arouse him and myself. With the other hand, I gently brushed my clit through my blue cotton panties exposed by the now immodest skirt. As I met his gaze, the rhythmic typing slowed. He’d accepted my challenge.  

“A tease huh? Is that what you want?” 

“I just don’t want you to be bored,” I giggled.  

He was not laughing. I thought maybe I’d gone too far. When he said,  “Go get the throw blanket off the couch and the white rope out of the chest.” I gulped. 

'Uh oh' 

Moments later, I lay naked on my back on the desk beside the computer. The blanket cushioned me. My knees were tied in the bent position and my wrists strapped to them. When I got the rope, it felt fairly soft, now it was unyielding. It anchored me to the spot and my mind firmly on my Sir.  

The only order was to hold still, so I quieted my mind as well. The clock seemed to tick louder across the room. 




Still, I lay, trying to be good. The setting sun streamed in through blinds and illuminated the dust floating in the air. The keystrokes continued like a fragmented melody.

-Click, click, click 

‘He always gives me such good attention.’ 

-Click, click, click click, click 

‘How long have I been laying here like this?’ 

-Click click, click click, 

‘How many patients did he have anyway?’ 

-Click click, pause, click  

My pussy and ass were bare to him, and without a touch, my breathing became heavier.  Listening to him typing away as if I wasn’t there did something to me. I had to lay there and wait for him to decide to use his... his... plaything? His property? What if he really did do nothing? I wasn’t sure which I was, but I knew I was helpless and completely at his mercy.  

-Click click, click 

-Tick, tick, tick 

The need to cum raged higher. He had the power, and he was fucking toying with me. I started moaning with need without realizing it.  Deftly he took my discarded panties and tucked them into my mouth. There was the slightest hint of sweet musk that was my own flavor.   

“Shhh. I’m trying to focus. Almost done, sweet girl.” 

-Click, click, click click, click

There was a pause in the noise of his typing. Was he going to put his mouth on me? Fuck me?  

‘Oh please.’ 

It was then I felt a cool breath of wind on my entrance.

'Was he blowing on me?'

I did my best to stay still, but inevitably gave in to moaning, wiggling, and clenching my pussy. 

“Such a needy girl,” he drawled standing up. He had his cock out stroking it. “I should punish you for not following orders.” He circled around the desk, surveying me. “What do you need?” he pulled the blue, saliva-soaked cloth from my mouth. 

“I just need you. Please, Sir!” 

He gave a hum and pulled the blanket until my head hung off the edge of the desk. 


Obeying with urgency, I did open and felt him plunge in as far as he would fit. The position eased his entrance, and his grunts spurred me on. I could not hold on to his thighs, could not stroke him; I could only lie there and take it. It was heavenly. Knowing just a breath, or just a flick in the right place would set me off, made me want it more. I could feel drool sliding down my cheeks. Tears due to the assault on my throat must have ruined my make-up. I didn’t care. I could smell him, sweat, and my wetness. God, I was so close. My hands struggled against the restraints, just as I sensed him nearing his finish.  

“So fucking hungry for it. Couldn’t even let me finish.” He sped up his thrusts while holding both sides of my head, “Guess who won’t get to now.”  

He buried his cock in as far as it would go and held it there. His cock tip in my throat, and his balls pooling over my nose. I swallowed around him, struggled for air and waited, knowing he would release me in seconds.  

Air filled my lungs with a great inhale as he pulled out of my mouth and stroked himself to a guttural, groaning finish. He sprayed his cum on my face, down my neck, over my breasts and on my belly. I closed my eyes and began to try and come down, when I felt his lips take mine. I thought I was floating for a moment, but it was just him sliding me back fully onto the desk. He licked my face clean and fed me his seed in a deep kiss. I shuddered and melted into it. That glorious full beard was scratching my face just right.  

“Thank you, Sir,” I breathed out. 

“You know the rule,” he chided gently as he began untying me. 

“Yes, no cumming until we get there,” I sighed. 


I was sitting in the parking lot outside of my apartment recalling that encounter earlier this week. Thinking about it had gotten me wet, I didn’t even have to check. Silly me didn’t even remember driving home. 

Climbing out of the car and making my way inside, the butterflies were starting already. How ever was I going to sleep? Today was going to be a day of firsts. Matt asked a couple of weeks ago if I wanted to go with him on a weekend trip. I thought he meant to go to the beach, kayaking, or something. His ideas for us both excited and intrigued me.  

He wanted to take me on a swinger’s weekend that his Dom friend hosted. It would be about six people plus us. He had given me time to think it over. After one day, I decided to go. I had virtually no experience in BDSM when we met and had even less with swinging, but the unknown thrilled me.  

Adding freshly laundered items to the suitcase, I went over my packing list. Yes, today was Friday, and we would hit the road this afternoon. Sleep was the last thing on my mind. 


-The Road to Surrender-  

The mid-afternoon sun weakly shone through grey skies and bare trees. Their silhouettes cast fleeting shadows as we cruised down the scenic highway.  

“You’ll like it. It’s butted up against a golf course. There are small condos for each couple to stay in.” I nodded trying to envision it. “There’s a pool, a gym, a great room... Things like that. He owns the property and rents it out for yoga and couple retreats. They even did a small wedding there once.”  

I giggled, “Sounds really nice.”  

“Yeah, I came up just after he finished it for a grand opening party. It got a little wild,” he laughed. 

“You and your friends, I’m sure,” I stuck my tongue out at him. 

After a leisurely two-hour drive, we arrived at “Longside Haven”. He had described it but had not really said how breathtakingly beautiful it was. We parked the truck in front of the small building with a “welcome” sign above the door. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I jumped out with a grin on my face. I walked across the small lot to the grass, which was green in winter.  

‘How did they do that?’  

I stopped and breathed in the fresh air. My eyes closed on instinct, and I felt Matt’s arms encircle me from behind.  

“Like it?” I opened again to take in the shimmering lake before us. Trees dotted the edge and the rolling green extended to the left. To the right was an impeccably kept lawn with neat flower beds currently sporting evergreens and the odd statuary. Landscape lighting made the whole place feel calm. I turned a bit to the condos scattered around what must have been the office. There was a flagstone walkway winding through the buildings and plantings. It really was lovely. 

“I love it.” 

He pecked me on the forehead and grabbed my hand.  

“Let’s go see Andrew about a room. It’s cold!” 


The inside was as immaculate as the outside. While it was obviously a new build and furnished in a neat and contemporary fashion, it was welcoming. Andrew had been nice and despite his large imposing frame, he exuded kindness. His silver hair reminded me that he had trained Matt some time ago. I was curious now about the other people that would be here. 

Within the quiet warmth of the condo, we unpacked some essentials. Dinner was in an hour, so we had a moment to rest. After placing my toiletries in the bathroom and bag near the closet, I laid on the king bed and watched Matt. He was fussing around with chargers and shoes.  

“Tired baby?”  

My eyes shot open; I hadn’t even realized I’d slipped off.    

“A little.” He lay next to me and beckoned me closer. I curled into his side.  

“I don’t want you to be taken too off guard tonight. I want you to be prepared for what we are going to do.”

Nodding, I replied, “Okay.” 

“We will all be around a table eating together. Though, one or two may be kneeling on cushions and being fed by their Master or Mistress. At some point, I will ask you to do things in front of the others. If you aren’t comfortable with something, give me your safe word.” He paused. 

“Yes, I will.” 

He waited until I met his gaze. 

“I want you to know, you’re beautiful on the inside and the outside. I’m proud of you for giving up the reigns to me. Knowing you don’t necessarily need anyone or anything you can’t get for yourself, but willingly bend for me? Fuck. I can’t get enough of it.” I smiled sheepishly in response. “You make me want to be a better Sir than I ever was before.” 

Burying my face into his neck, I replied, “Thank you, I like to do it. It makes me feel... whole,” he squeezed me tighter against him. I added, “Will you be, um... sharing me?”  

“If you decide to play with someone else, which is okay, just know I’m going to take you back for myself.” Letting out a relieved sigh, it seemed like I had been holding my breath, and I just now realized. 

“Rest for a while. I’ll wake you up.”  


 -Down the Hatch- 

Dinner was a normal enough affair with roast chicken and vegetables. white wine and bread, and even cherry pie for dessert. There were eight of us around the sturdy table. Andrew and his pet, Laura. They must have been in their sixties. Lyda and her Sub, Donnie chatted with the first couple. Though, I could not stop staring at the last one. Liam and his boy Justin were quietly chatting between themselves. Liam reminded me of some Norseman with that blonde hair and those muscles. Justin was slight of build, with dark curly hair and golden skin; they contrasted in the best way. Now and again Liam would feed him from his own plate with his fingers, and the look on his face spelled ecstasy. I drew my gaze back to my plate and felt Matt’s lips against my earlobe.  

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“See something you like?” I instantly flushed red. How did he do that? 

 “I... um... maybe.” I dropped my eyes. This was so new, I knew I was safe, but it was cheating. Wasn’t it? 

“You want me to watch you with them?” I glanced at them and gave a little shake of my head. There was a pause.  

“Ahh. You want to watch me?” he whispered. I tried not to be so obvious but still squirmed in my seat.  

“Justin is cute,” I hedged, not wanting to say it.  

The dinner plates were cleared, and the pie was being served. The scent of the bittersweet cherries filled the room. The presentation was beautiful with the warm fruit settling onto the saucer. The delicate scoop of whip on top slowly melted onto the flakey crust and dripped into red and white swirls. I picked up my fork and began eating. It was delicious. Everyone seemed to be enjoying it. There was sharing of whipped cream and kisses with gifts of cherries. I was almost done when he called me.  

“Baby girl, on your knees.” It was like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water on my head. At my perceived hesitation he added, “Tell me your safe words.” 

“Red to stop. Yellow to slow down, Sir.” 

I knew what he was doing. He was reminding me that I could use them. Nodding, I slipped from my chair to the carpeted floor. He’d pushed back a little from the table to let me in between his knees.  

“Go on,” he thrust his hips up like he was adjusting in his seat and leaned back. “Kiss me.” 

Resting my hands on Sir’s denim-clad knees, I pressed my face into his crotch. I took a deep breath and began leaving open-mouthed kisses on his growing erection. The air was thick. The faint scent of detergent on the jeans did little to mask the fragrance that was all man. It made me hot and a little dizzy. For all intents and purposes, this was a quadruple date and here I was about to suck him off like... like a... I didn't know what like. 

His nimble fingers unbuttoned the fly, reached in, and freed his cock and balls. Though I had seen and felt him countless times, this was different somehow.  

When I began to lean in, he stopped me. Sir brought two fingers covered in whipped cream to my mouth and I opened it. He messily fed them to me, dragging them across my lips to spread the cream. I sucked on his fingers as though I’d had nothing in days. My tongue worked feverishly to clean every bit of sugar from him. Too soon, he withdrew them, but returned with another smear and gently wiped it onto his waiting cock.  

‘Was that precum at the tip?’ 

He crooked a finger at me, and I dove in. I didn’t just like whip, I loved it. He had to know that now. I nibbled and licked along the shaft, took him in, sucked and repeated. It was intoxicating. When I was going to get a taste of his balls, various noises from the room filtered into my awareness. They were sounds like I was making but jumbled together. That’s when he took my chin and beckoned me up and onto his lap.  

“See what you’ve started?” he asked, as he grabbed my ass to hold me in place.  

I looked around and was stunned at the sight. There were certainly a lot less clothes than before. Master Andrew’s pet had taken the place of his plate, and he was feasting on her. Mistress Lyda had her sub on all fours and was paddling him from the sound of it. 

‘Oh my fuck.’  

Liam had his boy on his lap facing the room. He was edging him and talking in his ear. Justin kept glancing at us, and I stared at them.  

Sir rocked me against his hardness, 

”Tell me what you want,” I ground my damp pussy down and looked back at him. 

“I want to see you take Justin. Use him like you do me.” He smiled at me. 

"We’ll see if they’ll go for it.”  

My excitement must have been evident, by the needy way I began rutting on him. I was creeping closer to orgasm. Before I could express my need, he stilled me with his hands.  

“Shhh. Not yet, sweet girl.” 

He slowly urged me to stand and tucked himself away for the moment. Taking my hand, he led me out of the dining room and into the great room. There was a large hearth with a roaring gas fire. Overstuffed sofas outlined the open-concept room. There were ottomans and club chairs, fluffy carpet and rolled blankets. It was cozy. I was still looking around when the others trickled in.

He looked at me. “Undress me.” 


-Like a Pill- 

Moans filled the room. I wasn’t sure who was the loudest. Sir stood near the fireplace facing me getting sucked off by Justin, and he made it look easy. He swallowed that thick cock down on almost every bob. Sir thrust into his mouth a couple of times. Before too long, Justin was on all fours and Sir knelt behind him spreading his cheeks.  

‘No... He wasn’t gonna...’ 

Sir licked him from balls to the top of his ass crack and started working fingers into his hole. Justin pushed back against him with sinful moans. 

I was mere feet away on the couch naked with my knees up and rubbing myself. That was the rule. I could watch, I could touch, but I was not to cum yet. The sight of him with that guy nearly undid me.   

Sir’s now lubed fingers started a rhythm in and out of what had to be a tight ring.  

“Fuck yourself on my fingers,” he ordered. 

Immediately Justin began a circling motion that was mesmerizing. Sir angled his fingers toward the ceiling, to mimic an upward a cock. That was when Justin really started dancing on it and begging,  

“Please fuck me, Sir. I need your cock.”  

“I don’t know, I’m not convinced,” Sir teased. He was stroking his cock with his other hand though.  

‘Fuck, I can’t deal with this. It's too fucking much.’ I stopped rubbing to keep from cumming. 

 Justin groaned but did not touch himself. That must have been a condition.  

“Oh please. I fucking need it, make it hurt!” 

Sir was already withdrawing his fingers and getting ready with the condom. He pushed in, not very gently, and held there. Justin was still, but his grunts never ceased. Not giving him much time to adjust, Sir began to thrust at a punishing pace. The steady smack of hips meeting ass resonated throughout the room mixing with the other debauched tones. He did not slow, or waver in his efforts. Muscles bunched and worked. With the reflection of the fire on their now sweaty skin, they looked almost animated.

Sir started, “What a needy boy you are. Getting fucked while your Master watches you.” 

I glanced to my right where Liam sat gently rubbing the bulge in his pants. His composure baffled me. I knew I was a lit fuse. They must do this sort of thing all the time. 

“You love getting used like this, don’t you? Rough and fast?” He reached down and grabbed those curly locks pulling him up, “Want to be my cum dump, boy? Leave you dirty and raw?” 

Justin’s begging was getting incoherent, and I could see the tell-tale signs of Sir’s release. One hand was on Justin’s hip and the other was tangled in his hair. Sir’s fucking sped up until he suddenly released him, pulled out, and snatched the condom off. He spurt on Justin’s ass without much in the way of any vocalization. It was hot, but what burned me up was his gaze that bore into me as he brought himself off. He glanced at my exposed wetness for a moment, then stared into my eyes.  

My pussy wept and clenched painfully. Sir had just fucked another man and cum on him for me for my lustful benefit. Seeing him take his pleasure no matter who watched had me wanting things. No, it had me wanting to do damn near anything for my Sir. Frozen to the spot, he must have seen me drifting back to the edge. 

“Not yet,” he said softly.

Just then, Liam was there taking over the trembling sub. Sir rose from the floor and took the few steps to me, his wet cock still half hard. He dropped onto the cushions and pulled me onto his lap.  

“You seemed to enjoy that,” Sir suggested knowingly. 

“It was kind of a fantasy. So hot.” I rubbed my soaking pussy along his shaft. 

“And you were so good for me.” He grabbed my hips aiding the movement 

“Thank you, Sir. I’m already so close,” I groaned. “I can’t...” 

“Then don’t. Let it go, sweet girl. Rub yourself on me. Show me how bad you need it.” 

I looked down and watched his hard cock vanish and reappear below my slick pussy. It left my wetness all over him. Friction was getting harder to find. So, I rocked my hips a little faster and grounded down to apply pressure on my clit.  

“Sir, I’m gonna cum,” after nearly a week of teasing I finally could. 

“Yes, that’s it. Cum all over me. Give me all of it. Don’t you fucking hold back.” 

A sting surprised me as he swatted my ass with both hands, then gripped it. He flexed his hips jamming that fat cock up against me and I lost it. I could only hold on as my pussy spasmed with unbelievable strength. My whole body stiffened, and I felt that familiar pressure give way. The words would not form to warn him before the warm fluid gushed out of me. It pooled between us before coating our thighs and running downwards. His rising groans mingled with my loud moans as I continued to slide back and forth on him.  

I was riding high and enjoying the wave, when he grabbed me around my waist and guided me to the rug. Before I knew what was happening, he had my knees up and apart. Sir was lapping at my pussy, sucking on my lips and clit. It was still sensitive from the orgasm. I attempted to close my knees and squirm, but he held me in place licking me more insistently. Hollering and whining, I was a wreck at this point. After a moment, he showed me mercy by withdrawing his tongue and settling his knees closer. Quickly his cock shoved in, and he began that maddening rhythm.  

-Thrust! Slow pull back. 

-Thrust! Slow pull back. 

He was buried deep with every penetration. It was easy to match his thrusts. I was going to cum again.  

“Please, oh please...” I moaned 

“Still need it don’t you?” He ground his hips into me at the end of each thrust.  

“Yes, so much,” I squeezed around him. 

“Mmm. That’s my girl.” Thrusting a few more times, his breath came in pants, “I’m gonna cum, and you’re going to hold on to it.” My breath caught. 

‘Wait what?’  

At my surprised look, he continued, “You said you wanted to be owned? Fucking take my cum.” We’d gone without condoms for some time, but only briefly mentioned this. 

“Show them you’re more than just a fuck. You’re mine.” 

The sound that came from me was guttural. I was cumming again with clenches, spasms, and full body convulsions. Sir must have watched my raptured state, because he kept the same maddening pace through it. When I was almost done, he leaned back on his haunches pulling me with him. His grip on my hips had me meeting each slap. He pounded into me harder than he ever had before.  

Was he growling?’' 

I held on and watched through half-closed eyes as he railed me until he gave a shout. He pressed his cock all the way inside as hot jets of semen pulsed from deep within. Sir continued to give me slow thrusts through the pulses as he held me tightly. The thought of him shooting into me elicited another shiver. He finally stilled and leaned down to plant breathless kisses on my mouth.

Slowly, he sat up and pulled out of me. We both looked down and watched as white spunk began to drip from my stretched opening. He took two fingers and plunged them inside. They were the same fingers, I noticed, from the whipped cream earlier. He raised them, now dripping wet, to my mouth. I opened obediently and sucked on them. The taste was a wild mix of myself and him. It was addictive to be sure. I met his eyes as I gripped his hand and nursed on those fingers. There was a possession and arousal in his face. He slowly withdrew his fingers and kissed me gently. Smiling, he said, 

“See what you’ve done now?” I looked around. The other couples were cuddled up with each other around the room in silence. Unbeknownst to me, they’d done... whatever and now watched us appreciatively.  

“I didn’t mean to, um...” 

“Shhh.” He wrapped me in his arms and drew me to his firm chest. “You were amazing and I’m proud of you.” I took a deep breath and let it out. 

“You’re mine, sweet girl,” he said softly, tightening his arms. I felt him kiss me on the shoulder. Ignoring happy tears that threatened, I turned and folded myself into him. 

As hushed murmurings started around the room, I settled and rested in the assurance of what we shared. The weekend was just starting, but I knew the best and biggest steps were yet to be taken. 

Written by Tight1piece
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