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Author's Notes

"Going off on a tangent of the last 'You Need a Spanking' series recommended by Splinter73 with Chloe taking up the mantle from her mom and new daddy!"

Chloe returned to school for her junior year in a better state of mind than ever. With her mom married to a wonderful man she now considered her daddy, she no longer worried about her. With Mark and her mom sharing her love of spanking, she had another connection to them both, and the whole situation gave her renewed hope that she’d find someone with whom she could share.

Diving deeply into her studies was even easier with this pressure, or need, to satisfy her desire no longer her primary preoccupation. She worked hard to get the year started, and only a month later did she start looking again for social opportunities.

On weekends, when she’d completed all her work and had no other responsibilities to tend to, the longing to be spanked would blossom in full flower. She imagined being led to a suitable chair, having her pants pulled down and draped over the knee of a capable man, ready for a long, hard spanking on her panties and then her bare bottom. The pain would always be powerful but delicious to the last spank, after which the sex varied; the spanking was always the main event.

One Sunday morning, she awoke from a powerful dream, the details of which escaped her seconds after full consciousness. Alone in an apartment without a roommate now, thanks to Mark, her mind wandered through her pent-up needs. She pictured meeting a cute guy at a party with whom she conversed easily. When he excused himself for a moment, she took notice of his perfect butt in just-tight-enough pants as he walked away. The next part of her mental masturbation surprised her.

Whether prompted by the imagined sight of his bottom or the dream she’d had, she suddenly recalled Mark’s pickup line he’d used on her mom. ‘You need a spanking’ was something you could say in a flirty conversation and, depending on the reaction, either dismiss it as a joke or further the conversation until who, how, and when were being discussed.

The problem was if she said it, wouldn’t she be the one giving the spanking, not getting it? She let that thought germinate for a while, her unexpected reaction being, ‘Yeah, so?’ Her mother’s description of the first time she spanked Mark came to her. ‘If she could do it and liked it?’ It amused her to think that her mother might become a role model for a spanking relationship.

Enjoying the sight of a cute male bottom brought new thoughts to mind, picturing them in some submissive position, waiting for her hand. At the same time, other male attributes determined whether he’d be a suitable candidate to handle her. Too muscular, and she’d be afraid he’d hurt her; too meek, and it might not hurt enough. With this new attitude, she seemed to have made her search for a viable partner-in-crime a little easier. While she’d prefer someone capable of making her bottom deliciously sore, she might also like someone who’d appreciate the feel of her hand.

Attending parties again, she had a few dates but almost no sex. She wasn’t one to jump in bed on the first night. The closest she came was when she’d let a guy get in her pants and clumsily finger her to a mildly satisfying climax, but she was also a little more drunk than usual and regretted it the following morning.

At a party full of strangers apart from the host, she mingled and started conversations with guys whose motives were clear but were getting nowhere. Sizing up some enticing male bottoms, she finally homed in on a guy with his back to her, engaged in conversation with a group. His tighter-than-usual khakis showed off firm, round cheeks, and she nursed her glass of spiked punch while imagining him pulling his pants down at her command.

The group conversation broke up with everyone in a fit of laughter, and the object of her imaginings turned to face her. Recognition dawned on both their faces, and he smiled as he approached her.

“You’re Chloe, right? From Psych class?”

“Yes! Jamie?” she asked in response.

“The same!” he said with the same cute smile. “So, what brings you to this party?”

“I know Sherry, but nobody else … except you now!” she said with a smile.

Conversation flowed easily, starting with experiences in the class they shared, but they moved on to other fun topics, finding they had more in common than expected. Apologizing for leaving early, he asked if she’d meet him for brunch the following day. Chloe agreed, appreciating that he didn’t immediately go for a night of partying and drinking to get to know her better.

He arrived a little late, saying he’d encountered unexpected traffic, but Chloe dismissed it easily.

“Where were you coming from?” she asked with empathy.

“On campus, or just barely. The Delta frat house. You have any trouble finding this place?”

“No, I live close by, a couple of miles up 24.”

“So you have an apartment then? Do you share the cost with a roommate?” he asked, getting a little more curious about that than she thought he should.

“No. I live by myself. After two years of dorm living, I’ve had enough of roommates! And you’re with a fraternity?”

“Yeah, they say it builds character. Judging from the members, I’d agree that it builds characters,” he joked, emphasizing the ‘s’ in characters. Her questioning look suggested he elaborate. “I mean, they’re all great guys, and it’s not as crazy as some, but still, there’s plenty of silliness I could do without.”

“Like initiations?”

“That wasn’t so bad, actually. I did get paddled, though! Ten swats in front of everyone!” he said with a surprising gleam in his eye. She stored that away for future reference.

Brunch was friendly, the two chatting away like old friends sharing school experiences and related matters. He asked if she’d like to take a kayak out on Newman’s Lake, but with a paper to write, they settled for a short walk in a nearby nature park. She agreed to let him take her to dinner the following weekend, and they kissed for the first time upon parting.

Chloe thought about it all the way home. A short but pleasant kiss preceded a longer joining of their lips. She loved how he took her face in her hands, giving his full attention to it and not using it as an opportunity to grope her. She couldn’t keep her mind from returning to the look on his face when he mentioned the paddling he’d taken as a fraternity initiate. She recalled that the first physical feature of his that had got her attention was his cute, round butt. As she imagined him taking his pants down to be taken over her knee, she wondered if she might be the predator in this burgeoning relationship.

A couple of weeks later, on a more typical college date, they were at a club with crowds of students, loud music, and lots of drinking. It only took a single drink for the flirting to become overt. Both were useless on the dance floor, but they enjoyed watching each other’s bodies moving to the music.

A long, slow song brought them together for the most physical contact they’d had yet. At first, looking over each other’s shoulder, they made eye contact when each insinuated their leg between the other’s. Their hips suddenly became fluid, grinding away at the swaying body of the other. Their lips came together, drawn like magnets, for a long tongue-twisting dance in their mouths. With eyes both open and closed, the kiss seemed to last forever, yet it was over too soon when the song ended.

They returned to their booth, Jamie sliding in next to Chloe. After sipping their drinks, she felt his hand, first on her knee and then sliding up the inside of her thigh. It felt so good, but it was also much more aggressive than he’d been, and though the music and boisterous atmosphere was a perfect cover, she still felt it was too public.

Turning to look into his eyes, she saw lust, and though she was feeling it between her legs as well, she put her hand on his and removed it, smiling to his face as she did. It must have been the alcohol because the next statement was not on her mind, but out it came.

“You need a spanking!” she scolded, almost not believing she’d actually used Mark’s line, but was aware enough to pick up on that same look in his eyes.

“Oh really?” he said, trying to cover his reaction.

“I’m sorry,” she said, trying to decide what to say next. He seemed to be tossing it off as just a funny phrase, and though he’d had that ‘look’ again, she wasn’t confident enough to follow up on it.

“That dance was … exciting?” she said as a question, “and I’d love to continue what you just started, but not here.” She kissed him gently, saying, “Want to go to my apartment?” No further discussion was necessary, and in minutes, he was following her to her place.

All the way there, she questioned the wisdom of what she was doing, but her wet panties won out as she squirmed in her seat, anticipating something she’d gone without for too long; a good fucking. She thought again about her dropped pickup line but decided against acting on it – this time.

Jamie followed patiently behind as she made seemingly endless turns, all the while thinking about Chloe and her response to his trying to get in her panties. He decided to be careful and gentle, hopefully reading her signs if she wanted more. He’d blown too many chances by being too eager. He, too, thought about the hint she’d dropped; at least, he hoped it was a hint. The fraternity paddling wasn’t his first experience with spanking, but the first had been just playful and unfinished. Still, it started him thinking about it, and he could barely make it through a week without it coming to mind. He wasn’t expecting anything tonight, but maybe soon?

Cars parked, they headed to her door arm-in-arm, Chloe not minding in the least that his hand had slid down to her ass. She opened her door, dropped her purse on a nearby table, and turned to fall into Jamie’s arms. Kissing passionately, their hands explored freely with their bodies pulled close. Finally, she gracefully pulled away.

“Would you like something?” she asked, trying to be a good hostess, but he replied before she could clarify that she meant a drink.

“No. Just you!” he replied with a smile and buried his face in the cleavage Chloe allowed, having opened two buttons of her blouse on the way home.

They eventually found their way to her bedroom, where they sat on the bed, each opening the other’s shirt and pressing their chests together once bare and fell to the bed. Chloe on her back, he kissed his way down her neck and between her perfect tits before caressing one while licking and sucking the other.

Chloe moaned as the firm, but gentle touch excited her further. She appreciated his tender approach, but it had been too long, and she wanted more – now! She took his hand and guided it down over her tummy, past her crotch, and up her short denim skirt, pressing his fingers onto her soaking wet panties. She groaned as his fingers slid through the slit formed by her tight panties, soaking up even more juice.

Looking up from her tasty tit, he saw the sexy smile that told him to step it up. Finding the button and short zipper of her skirt, he opened them and slid it down easily over her upraised hips, tossing it aside. Flat on the bed, she spread her legs slightly, encouraging him to lie between and taste her. One hand cupping her and the other pulling on the elastic, her panties came down with his finger swiping the already drenched fabric through her slit, sopping up plentiful syrup to be inhaled when he brought the light blue cotton to his nose, a bouquet he savored.

“Eat me, Jamie!” Chloe moaned as she raised her knees, spreading herself open for him to feast on her fragrant flower. “Eat my pussy!” she added, surprising herself with her graphic request.

There was nothing he’d rather do more for her, seeing this as his rightful way of giving pleasure. He was meant to be between a woman’s thighs in this way. He smiled as he moved into place, with one hand slowly gliding down her left thigh while his lips kissed and licked their way down the other.

When fingers and tongue met in her smooth slit, Chloe’s gasp made his cock twitch. He loved how her hips rose to press harder against his face as he enveloped her lips in his mouth while his tongue glided up and down her voracious vulva.

Whether it was his talented tongue or the fact that it had been too long since she’d had such attention to her pussy, she was pleased to find her first climax coming quickly. Her body stiffened and then jerked spastically as the feeling washed over her. Expecting a break, her surprise was audible as he continued munching on her cunt. “Oh fuck!” she cried as his hands grabbed her ass and pulled her into his face for a second climb to that fantastic summit. Both afraid and hungry for more, she wasn’t sure she could take it as no one had ever done this to her before.

“Oh God, Jamie!” she screamed as another orgasm was a second away. Her thighs shook as it came, and unlike before, she savored the crests crashing over her and wanted more. She wasn’t disappointed as his tongue continued its marathon while she grabbed for his hair and pulled him into her crotch, demanding another climax.

He couldn’t be happier as he relished her control, pulling his head this way and that, as well as holding it steady while she played with his extended tongue, rocking her hips up and down. She let go as another monster wave approached. With three fingers inside, he was practically punching her pussy as he pounded them into her while he nibbled on her clit, driving her beyond anything she’d experienced before.

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Reduced to grunts and gasps, her body was losing control, but her mind focused only on the coming climax, unbelieving that it was still building. It finally came as an explosion, her body rolling to its side into a fetal position with Jamie’s face still clamped between her shuddering thighs.

“Holy shit!” she said repeatedly, barely above a whisper.

Released from his self-imposed captivity, he lay next to her and touched her gently, everywhere, delighting in an additional shudder when he’d find a sensitive spot. Pulling her towards him, she lay exhausted on her back and finally opened her eyes to see his smiling face, pride at what he’d given shining through.

“That was amazing!” she said as she sat up and kissed him with a level of lust she didn’t know existed in her.

Intending to give at least a fraction of what she’d just gotten, she reached for the waist of his tented slacks as he lay back to accept her gift. With his hips raised, she quickly pulled both his jeans and tight briefs down and off, tossing them off the bed. His erection springing free wasn’t a surprise, but its size was. Though her experience was limited, the length didn’t impress her, but the girth had her clenching her still-dripping pussy at the thought of it stretching her open.

“Mmm, I hope it tastes as good as it looks!” she said, not knowing again where this sexy, playful attitude was coming from.

Moving between his parted legs, she took him in hand and stroked slowly, the fact that her hand couldn’t wholly circle his thick shaft making her cunt squirm. Knowing she should wait to feel his penetration, she resumed her original intent to give and placed her mouth over the glans only, licking the underside to his appreciative moans. She swore he was getting even bigger but put the thought aside as she sucked on her fleshy candy.

Jamie always loved seeing the look on a woman’s face when first presented with his size, especially when they also clamped their thighs together almost defensively as they imagined taking him in their tight pussies. He smiled when he saw her realize her hand didn’t reach around, but that thought was lost as he felt the tip of her tongue teasing that small ‘v’ on the underside of the head.

“Ooo, yeah, Chloe! Mmm, don’t stop!” She wasn’t overly experienced at this, but she had a few tricks up her sleeve and intended to use them all.

Getting a firm grip just below her mouth, she squeezed and stroked while her tongue licked the head ravenously, returning to that sensitive spot underneath, which had him writhing in no time. Not wanting him to cum quite yet, she backed off, taking as much of his thick organ in her mouth as she could, and sucked him in, flicking the tip with her tongue as she pulled him out, only to inhale him again.

“Turn around?” he asked, adding, “Please?”

Without taking her hands off his cock or the sac she playfully kneaded, she rotated, lifting her leg over his torso and putting her toy back in her mouth. Groaning as she did, he pulled her hips down enough that he could lift his head and reach her gaping wet slit with his tongue again.

“Ohhh!” she mumbled with a mouthful of cock and was momentarily distracted as his tongue darted into her flooded cave but returned to her task with renewed vigor.

Unable to concentrate on her cunt staring him in the face, he played with it while Chloe was bringing him to his first climax. Feeling her tight grip on the base of his cock he knew she’d have to let him cum, his whole body tensing with the strain. ‘Oh shit,’ he thought when her free hand moved underneath him to slide a fingertip between his cheeks, finding his tight star. He couldn’t possibly hold on any longer.

Chloe could feel the strain in his body before, and it multiplied with her tapping his anus. Giving him a final lick or two, she pushed her fingertip into his ass and immediately felt the pulsing at the base of his cock. Releasing her grip, she watched him explode, streams of semen firing into the air like the exhaust of a rocket, only to come splashing down all around him, a small splash landing on her breast.

Pleased with herself, she turned around, sitting on his shrinking cock and smiling at his still-twitching body. She leaned forward and kissed him, tasting herself on his lips. Barely kissing back, he was still recovering when she sat back up.

“Now, what shall we do to get you ready to stuff that enormous cock into my tight pussy?” she asked, getting increasingly comfortable with sexy banter. Her smile turned to surprise when he replied.

“Sit on my face?” he asked softly and sincerely. “Please? Sit on my face, Chloe?” he begged, ever respectful of the authority he wanted her to have.

At first, puzzled by his demeanor but eventually catching on, she moved forward on her knees until her legs straddled his chest after he’d pinned his arms to his side intentionally. Adjusting a bit forward and back as she tried to place her quivering, wet lips above his, she stored away several other clues to what she thought he really wanted. Squatting down, she started with his nose sliding through her syrupy slit, moving down to squish her wet lips against his closed mouth.

“Eat my cunt, Jamie! Make me cum in your face!” she said in a voice she thought he’d react immediately to.

Having his hands restricted, he would show Chloe what he could do with just his tongue, and he started with long slurping licks from her ass to her clit. Aided by her rocking hips, wiping his face with her soft, wet lips, he groaned at his delicious confinement. He loved his subservient position as though being forced to please her, yet nothing could be further from the truth, as this was better than any prior attempts he’d made.

Chloe rode his face, grinding her swollen wet pussy against his it, and felt his tongue trying to situate itself instead of being a squirming, writhing muscle to wipe her pussy on. Giving him a chance, she stopped and let him slither up inside her, pleased with his reach. She felt his mouth attach itself to her while his tongue fucked her with darting penetrations. Her breathing quickened as another orgasm approached.

He felt her body stiffen and then bend at the waist as she came, placing her full weight on his face while her juice flowed into his welcoming mouth. As before, he was relentless, wanting to make her cum multiple times while perched on him like this.

Another explosive climax already had her wondering how much more she could take, but she wasn’t given a choice as he renewed his tongue-twisting tricks in her twat. Alternating between pulling her lips away while sucked into his mouth and licking feverishly at her clit after she popped out of his mouth with a slurpy wet sound, he brought her another orgasm before she’d recovered from the one before.

Her body twisting and gyrating on his face, she felt like she had no control at all, totally at the mercy of his tongue, and she came twice more in rapid succession. Her chest heaving from heavy breathing, she tried to assist but felt almost helpless as a climb to yet another summit began.

Reading her correctly, he knew this was likely the last time and did what he could to prolong it, not quite edging her, but not continually stimulating either. He wished he had his hands free to hold her in place so he could launch a sustained attack. As though reading his mind, Chloe stopped, just stopped with her pussy in his mouth, allowing him to do what he wanted.

Feeling nothing but his tongue slithering through her sloppy wet slit to flick repeatedly at her clit with each cycle, she gasped between uneven breaths holding on as long as she could. Again, it just kept building but ebbed when he traveled her slit, only to build again when he dabbed her clit. Finally, he concentrated on her nub, furiously slapping it back and forth with his tired tongue, her body shaking with the strain of holding on, but finally released, squirting a steady stream of her clear fluid all over his face and the bed.

Her fountain eventually stopped, and Chloe looked down with shock, having never done that before. She was apologetic when she found her voice again.

“Oh, Jamie! I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t be! I loved it!” he cried, the smile on his face showing his sincerity. He was beside himself as he’d never gotten a woman to squirt before, bathing in the shower of her unexpected ejaculation.

“Oh my God! I can’t believe what you just did to me!” she admitted as she rolled to her side to lay next to him. Taking the bedsheet, she wiped his face ineffectively, his appreciative smile never waning. Catching sight of the erection she’d created, she took hold of it, gently sliding her hand along its length.

“Give me a few minutes, and I know just where to put this!” she said with a subdued but sexy smile.

“I’ve never made a girl do that before,” he confessed, his hips moving in rhythm to her gentle stroking.

“Well, that makes two of us, as I’ve never squirted before, but it was a fabulous feeling!”

Touching and kissing each other gently, they rested for what was to come. Chloe was the first to move, and still gripping his cock, she lay on her back, her knees up and her legs spread wide.

“Come on! Stuff this into my tight, little pussy, but take it easy, okay?” she said with a bit of apprehension about taking so much into her lightly traveled tunnel.

“Maybe it would be better with you on top?” he offered with an ulterior motive. “With you in control?” he added. Suggesting she’d be able to take him in at her pace and preference was for her benefit, but he’d always wanted to be ridden. She agreed as it would be a first for her as well.

Climbing on top of him again, she realized how tired her legs were and suspected this would be the final act of the evening. She didn’t have to raise too high, as length wasn’t the problem, but targeting her tight opening with his massive head was. With plenty of remaining lubrication, she guided him up and down her slit before finding the right angle and position.

She held her breath repeatedly as she lowered herself onto his fat cock. She’d take a little in, pull out, and then take a little more, eventually sitting down and feeling an unfamiliar fullness. Keeping him inside but squirming around, she finally felt comfortable enough to rise an inch or two and back down, moaning at the tightness this giant cock created.

Watching her facial expressions was exciting, knowing his big, fat prick was the cause. He liked watching it disappear slowly into her stretching pussy, but enjoyed seeing her lips clutching at its girth as she rose, only to be pushed in again when she sat.

In and out just a few times, Chloe was amazed to find another climax coming so soon, which arrived with a few quick stabs. It was a different feeling this time as she remained impaled on his thick dick. She moved her hips in a circular motion, enjoying every last wave crest as they passed over her.

“My God, Jamie! It’s so big!” she said as she started riding again, his fat phallus fucking her.

Running out of strength, she leaned forward, putting her hands on his chest, and he reciprocated by taking her beautiful breasts in his. Pushing her chest into his hands, she picked up the pace, feeling him filling her so completely with each stroke in and then the emptiness when he came out.

Seeing she was struggling to keep it up, he started pushing up into her as she was coming down and pulling back as she rose. They fell into a rhythm with him jerking the last inch or so into her dripping pussy with a grunt from her on each thrust.

The pace quickened, and they both felt the end coming, accelerating as it approached. Alternately gasping for air and holding their breath, they worked together as wet, slurping sounds from her pussy filled the silence between gulps of air. Just barely able to stay in position, Chloe stopped and let him pound her from below as the final crescendo built.

“Ah – ah – ah – ha – ha – ha,” they gasped in unison before crying out when the last push came, his seed blasting into her.

Panting, Chloe’s head dropped, her hair falling on his face, while still not believing he’d fit inside her. She wished they could do it again, but apart from lacking the energy, her sore pussy was begging her not to.

While his hips remained pressed against her, only lowering when he’d shrunk inside her, Jamie couldn’t have been happier, feeling he’d given all he could and then some. He, too, wanted it to continue, but her needs came first, and right now, her body language said ‘no way.’

Having fallen to her side in complete exhaustion, she regained a steady, deep breathing as her body calmed slowly. Exhausted in his own way, Jamie brushed the hair from her face, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand, while a satisfied smile dawned on her face. He kissed her face and her lips gently.

“Wow,” she said, looking into his eyes.

“Yeah,” he replied simply.

With their mutual satisfaction complete, they lay together, quietly reliving an incredible evening together with several ‘firsts’ for them both. Remembering fleeting comments and gestures, each wondered what they might mean for the next time they were together like this, hoping it would be very soon.


I hope you liked Chloe in this new direction for my 'You Need a Spanking' series! Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it you did! Thanks for reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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