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"After gang banging together, Marci and I sleep together"

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"What a day!" I tell Marci as we step out of the shower. "I never dreamed so much sex could be crammed into twenty-four hours."

"I know, right?" Marci giggles. "That's why I love this place. I've had some of my best sex here at Laguna d'Amour."

This is only my first time at this sissy resort, but I already know what she means. I was a virgin to bareback sissy-sex when we got here Thursday night, but boy… I sure do know all about it now.

In only forty-eight hours, I've been repeatedly fucked by probably seven or eight different guys, all but fallen in love with a gay man, been pissed on twice, and I've just been gang banged with Marci. Oh yeah… and I sucked off a stranger in a toilet stall for Mistress.

Everything seems like a blur after being exposed to so much sex that my sissy-brain is practically floating in cum. I love everything I've done so far, except for getting peed on, which would have been worse if we hadn't taken ecstasy before it started. Now I know why Marci likes to be stoned out of her mind when she gang bangs. I'm starting to like the way the ecstasy lets me forget who I am so I can immerse myself in this wonderful world of sexual pleasures.

"How many times have you been here?" I ask as we're drying off.

"Probably fifteen at least. Master first brought me here over a year ago."

"So you've been with him a long time?"

"Almost two years."

"Wow, that is a long time."

"I've been under his thumb so long that I've forgotten what I was like before. Not that I want to remember. My life was shit before Master found me."

"Why was your life shitty?"

"I don't want to talk about it. I think we better get all this cum flushed out our asses, or we'll have stinky-butts in the morning. I usually do it before I shower, except when I have to wash fuckin' pee off me. I need to get my pussy fresh for Master. He'll be wanting to fuck me later."

"He's really gonna wanna fuck you…? After you've just been gangbanged and pissed on?"

"He always does. I must always have his cum, and his cum only, inside me when I go to sleep."

"It sounds like he totally controls you."

"Of course he does, and why shouldn't he? He owns me, and I like it that way," she says as she starts her enema. "I'm not capable of making my own decisions. Only Master knows what's best for me."

"I've given myself to my Mistress, but I still make my own decisions."

"You do really…? Did you decide to have bikini lines tanned on your ass? How 'bout the word 'SISSY' branded on your back? You'll never be able to completely tan it away, you know. And those white sissy-triangles around your tits… did you decide on those on too? Will you decide to have your nipples pierced…? Or will she? And what about the men you fuck? Do you pick 'em…? Or does she?

"She's turned you into a girl so much that you're already past the point of no return, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for her to do. It's what Masters and Mistresses always do with their sissies. How can you actually think that you're making your own decisions?"

"Well, I let her make my sissy decisions, but I decide everything else. I love how she's changed me, and I like being the girl in bed."

"I love it too, Mandy. Being Master's sissy is my life. I'm not trying to put you down when I tell you how she's irreparably changing you. I'm just saying, don't question my devotion to my Master, because you're devoted to your Mistress in the very same way.

"I do what I do for Master because I love him, and my body is his to use as he pleases. He uses me to make money, and because of it, I have more fun and security than I've ever had. And it's all because of Master."

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," I apologize, "I didn't mean it the way it sounded."

"That's okay, babe. I know you didn't. I just want you to know where I'm coming from. What Master does to me might seem abusive to some, and maybe it is, but it turns me on when he does it. He's turned me into a cock-whore, and you might not realize it yet, but your Mistress is turning you into one, too.

"It's all so perfect for us, babe, because we're natural sissies. Our wimpy little boy-bodies are built for this shit. And you have to admit, except for the piss, being a girl with a bunch of men is a blast."

"That's for sure," I agree, "I love having cum in my ass."

"Well, you better get it flushed out of your ass. I'm all done, your turn for the hose."

"I don't know if I'll ever get used to this part."

"Pretend it's a cock shooting inside you," she giggles, "then you'll start liking it."

We switch places and Marci turns on the hair dryer while I'm flushing myself out. As I gaze at her running the brush through her long, brown hair, I'm thinking she's right about us being natural sissies, with our little male bodies. I'm wondering if she was bullied by the stronger boys growing up, like I was. I'm also wondering what her life was like before she became a sissy, and why she's reluctant to talk about it.

She looks beautiful preening herself in front of the mirror. Her thin legs look so feminine below her firm ass and flat stomach. Mostly I'm watching the gold chains dangling below her pierced nipples, wondering how mine will feel when they get pierced. Mistress already told me it's coming, and I'm powerless to object to it in any way.


"Hurry up in there, Marci!" Master pounds on the bathroom door after discovering it's locked.

"Almost done, Master. My pussy is nice and fresh for you."

"Forget about your cunt. Get out here, now!"

"Coming, Master."

Luckily, I'm expelling the last enema rinse as Master's yelling at Marci to open the door. It's embarrassing enough doing it in front of Marci, and no way do I want Jeremy to see me do it. Marci hurriedly rushes to the door as if Master will beat her ass if she doesn't.

"Why the fuck did you lock the god-damn door, cunt?" he yells.

"I'm sorry, Master, it must have been an accident. I was covered in piss and needed to get back in the shower."

"Well, don't worry about it. You and Mandy made us a lot of money tonight, so I'm gonna be nice and let you two bitches sleep together tonight, but don't get used to it, you hear?"

"Oh… thank you, Master!" She jumps into his arms. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"This isn't free, you know. You're gonna suck my cock before I leave you alone with her."

"Gladly, Master! You know how much I love your cock!"

"Daddy's gonna let you prove it. Get your ass on the bed. You already know how I want you."

"Yes, daddy. Throat-fuck time for Marci."


As soon as Marci leaves the bathroom, Brenda comes in and kisses me. I can tell she's been sucking Jeremy's cock by the pre-cum taste on her tongue as she French-kisses me.

"I'm so proud of you, Mandy. You did so well on the bed with Marci. I could tell you were loving it."

"I loved it until they threw us in the shower and pissed on us."

"I can understand, but it's just something you'll have to get used to and accept. Together, those seven guys paid $1400 to piss on you for two minutes. I'll never let anyone do that to you unless they've paid through the nose. You made us $1900 tonight."

"You mean I made you $1900 tonight."

"No, sweetheart... US. When we get home, I'll tell you about the plans I've made for us. You'll love it."

"I always seem to love whatever you do."

"That's because I know you better than you know yourself. And you know what else I know about you?"


"You've got the hots for Marci. That's why I arranged to have her Master spend the night with me, so you can have Marci all to yourself."

"Is Rob still here?"

"Rob went back to his room to get some sleep, since you wore his stud-ass out this morning. He saw the sparks flying between you and Marci and told me you needed to spend the night with her, to which I agreed. I'm gonna fuck her Master so you can fuck his sissy."

"Do you like Master Jeremy?"

Mistress gets real close and quietly whispers in my ear, "No, I don't like him at all. I think he's a prick."

"So you're not gonna like having sex with him?"

"Probably not. I'm only fucking him so you can be with Marci. I'm doing this for you, because you deserve a big reward for what you did for me tonight, and I also think you should have a close sissy friend. I tried to get him to uncage her for you, but he wouldn't do it. He's kept her caged for a year."

"Fuck… that's cruel."

"Uh uh… remember what I told you? Never question what a sissy does for her Master. She likes it or she'd leave him."

"Well, yeah, she kinda told me that earlier."

"So respect that, and let her be who she wants to be. I can tell she wants you, so use your little pecker to make her happy. It'll make you happy, too."


Mistress and I stay in the bathroom a few more minutes, waiting for Jeremy to finish using Marci's throat.

"Are you about done out there, sweetie?" Brenda calls out to him. "I'm getting horny in here."

"You lie!" I whisper into Mistress's ear.

"Hush!" she responds with giggles. "I'm doing this for you."

"C'mon out," Jeremy yells. "I'm about done with this bitch."

Coming out of the bathroom I see Marci lying on her back, her head hanging over the edge of the bed with Jeremy balls-deep in her throat. He's thrusting violently into her, with his fingers pulling hard on her nipple chains. 'That can't feel good,' I think to myself, seeing Marci squirming in obvious discomfort.

"C'mon, baby," Brenda coaxes him. "Let me take care of that for you downstairs."

Marci gasps for air when he pulls his half-hard cock out of her throat, giving an extra tug on her chains as he does. He looks either upset, or frustrated. I'm not sure which.

I hear Brenda whispering as she hugs him, "Are you sure you won't unlock her for my sissy? Mandy was really wanting to suck on your bitch. It's not really fair to me if your sissy gets to suck, and my sissy doesn't. I'll suck you extra special if you let me have her key."

Brenda has a convincing way of bending people to get what she wants. She wraps her hand around his cock, gently rubbing her thumb into his slit as she whispers, "Please, baby, pretty please?"

"Why should I? She hasn't seen her dick in a year."

"Don't you think that's long enough? What would it hurt to let her out for just one night?"

"Well… well…"

"Gimme her key, lover boy, I'll thank you for it later."

"Well… okay, but just for one night," he takes Marci's key off his keychain and hands it to Brenda.

"Thank you," Brenda tells him as she hands me Marci's key. "Let's give our sissies some privacy. They earned us $3800 tonight. Don't you think they deserve it?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Jeremy reluctantly admits.

"Then thank your sissy before we leave them alone."

Jeremy hems and haws for a few seconds before he mutters, "Thanks, Marci-girl. You're a good little sissy."


"I hope I don't regret uncaging my bitch," Jeremy tells Brenda as they're going down to our suite.

"Why should you regret it? You're just letting her have a little fun that she should have earned by making money for you."

"The longer you keep a sissy caged, the easier it is to control that sissy."

"That's only true up to a certain point. Once you break them and get them under your control, then it's time to give them things to keep them happy. They fuck better when they're happy, and a happy sissy is a more productive sissy."


As soon as Mistress and Master leave the room, Marci jumps off the bed and runs into the bathroom, looking a bit upset.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"No, everything's right!" she excitedly says.

"I thought something might be wrong when you ran in here so fast."

"I just want to brush my teeth to get Master's taste out of my mouth before I kiss you."

"He was really pounding your throat when we came out. It looked like he was pissed about something."

"He was pissed alright, but not at me or anyone else. He was pissed because he couldn't cum. Once he cums, it usually takes him hours before he can cum again. Since he already blew his load into your ass just before the guys got here, he might be impotent until tomorrow."

"So he's not really the stud he thinks he is?"

"No," she laughs, "not even close. But I still love him. I can't believe your Mistress talked him into unlocking me."

"Mistress can make any man do almost anything she wants. She's like a goddess."

"She's definitely a hot lady."

"She's even hotter in bed."

"You've been in bed with her?"

"Well, yeah… she IS is my Mistress, after all, and she's in love with my wife."

"Holy shit…! You're married? And she has sex with your wife? How does that work out?"

"Really well, actually. Our sex life sucked before Mistress came into our lives. She's taught us how to have fun with sex."

As Marci's brushing her teeth, I tell her about the night I found Brenda in bed with Sherry, and how they forced me into strap-on sex that night. I'm comfortable telling Marci about how the strap-on sex gradually turned into real-cock sex that night at the motel. It's the kind of stuff I'd never tell anyone else, but I have no problem telling Marci. It's probably because she's also a sissy, so I know she can relate.

"There…" Marci rinses the toothpaste from her mouth, "I'm free of Jeremy's cock!

"That's interesting how you let two women turn you into a sissy. But you know, they couldn't have done it if you weren't already a sissy to start with."

"I know I've always been a sissy. I just didn't know it until Mistress showed me. Sex is so much fun, now that I've accepted myself as a sissy. Especially with you tonight, seeing how beautiful you are and how experienced you are."

"You're beautiful too, you know. Why do you think I kissed you last night? The moment I saw you, I couldn't resist kissing you."

"I liked it when you kissed me."

"I only kissed your cheek. I really wanted to kiss your lips, but sissies can't kiss like that in front of a date."

"We're not with dates now."

"Then what are we waiting for? This could be kinda fun, don't you think?"

My clitty gets instantly hard when she starts nibbling on my ear lobe. We're both still really high on the ecstasy, although it's not as intense as it was when we were servicing all those men. I feel so erotically mellow as we get acquainted with each other in a much closer way.

"Let me unlock you," I say we're kissing.

"I'm almost afraid to look," she says as I drop to my knees. "I haven't seen it for over a year."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid to see how much I've shrunk. The longer you go without erections, the smaller your cock gets."

I've never heard of that before, but then, there's a lot about this sissy lifestyle that I haven't yet heard about. I'm fumbling the tiny key into the lock, wondering how Mistress gets mine on and off so easily. Finally, after a little trouble, her cage snaps apart and I gently pull the locking ring past her little ball sack, surprised that I don't see even a stubble of pubic hair.

"You're smooth as silk under here," I look up to see her hands covering her eyes. "You must have had the cage off to shave your pubes."

"I've had all my hair laser-removed," she says, "I don't shave anymore."

'Shit,' I'm thinking to myself, 'Marci's really into this sissy lifestyle'.

She feels so feminine when I kiss the smooth skin around her tiny cock and cup my hands around her firm little ass. I want to just dive on it, but I remember that it's been a long time since she's been free like this, so I lick at the tip and suck on her head before patiently taking her into my mouth.

Her clitty gets so excited when I swirl my tongue around her little head that it springs to attention, so happy to be released from its prison. Despite it's small size, her petite shaft feels so dainty my mouth and every bit as good as any big cock I've sucked.

Marci's struggling to keep her breath steady as her hand strokes at my male head of hair, since my wig was removed before the guys gave us our golden shower. She guides me to swallow more of her dick, and before long I've got my mouth around all of her hard four inches. I'm sure it feels as wonderful to Marci as it does to me as my own dick twitches each time her little scrotum touches my chin.

"Oh, God, Mandy," Marci grabs my head, "I forgot what a blow job even feels like."

"You taste so sweet."

"Let's get on the bed so I can taste you too."

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"Ya wanna?" I swoon as I stand up.

"Of course I wanna, silly. We're both sissy-sluts, and this ecstasy has me in a really horny state of mind, so what else could I possibly want to do?"

We don't immediately go right into the bedroom when I stand up. We spend some time just holding each other and kissing as we rub our hard little sissy cocks into each other. Hers is the first cock I've seen that's smaller than mine, but it's turning me on more than the biggest black cock I've ever had.

Our kissing is the most intense I've ever experienced, more intense even than I've ever experienced with Sherry. I'm not sure if it's because of the sex drug we're both high on, or if it's because I'm with another sissy, but damn, it sure does feel good!

I run my fingers through her long, brown hair as we slowly waltz our way to the big round bed in the other room. She dims the lights to create an ambience where we can barely see each other, yet completely able to feel each other in a surrealist glow of erotic awareness.

Within moments, we're lying together on the big round bed, our naked bodies deliciously entwined. Her firm feminine-yet-male body pressing against my flesh feels so divine in a way I've never imagined. Our hands explore every inch of our backsides, fervently running down our lower backs to grab at the taut flesh of our skinny little buttocks.

The sensation of her hard sissy cock against mine is absolutely delicious. Our clitties throbbing against each other, depositing little droplets of pre-cum along our shafts as we kiss, our twitching cocks burning and yearning for more.

Marci glances down at my swollen, gumdrop nipples, placing her thumb on each one and gently rubbing back and forth. She immediately sets me into moaning as my body trembles to her touch.

"Ahhh, these are sensitive, huh?" Marci says as she drinks in my soft moans. "Your nipples are hard like a girl. I love how they stick out."

"Mistress keeps them under suction cups all the time."

"Hmmm, nice," Marci says softly as she sucks one into her mouth.

I know my nipples are more sensitive now after being under suction for months, but I'm surprised by how intense the effect of Marci's sucking is having on me. Marci moves up to kiss me, closed lipped at first, but soon our tongues are intermingling again, circling each other, tasting each other. I hold her in place by the back of the hair, with my other hand running up and down Marci's back. She never stops playing with my nipples as our cocks keep grinding into each others' bodies.

A month ago, I would have thought this was so gay, to be pushing my cock into another male's cock like I am right now. But I've fallen so far down the rabbit hole of sissy life now that the thought never even enters my mind. I'm totally lost in the enjoyment of Marci, just like she's lost in the enjoyment of me.

"How-ya feeling, babe?" she coos to me.

"Fuuuuuuuck... I can't believe how horny I am. After the day I've had I should be tired, but I'm not. It's weird."

"It's not weird, it's the ecstasy we took. That's why you're still horny as fuck, and so am I. We're gonna be horny for a long time before this shit wears off," she says with an adoring smile on her face and a warm, inviting glow in her eyes, "So, my sissy love, what you like to do?"

"I don't know..." My mind races. "Everything?"

"Hmm, sounds great," Marci purrs and plants a quick kiss on my mouth. "I'm good at everything."

"I'd like to be," I respond, wondering why I said it.

"Like to be what?"

"Good at everything."

"The more you do it, the better you get, and the more you'll love it."

"I'm not sure I can love it any more than I already do."

"You wanna find out?"


"You know what I wanna do?"


"Suck your balls while you suck mine."

"Sounds hot."

"It is," she giggles. "Sissy-to-sissy cocksucking is the best there is. Do to me what I do to you."

She initiates things by dragging her nipple chains across my swollen breast-nubs. There's plenty of room to roll around on this huge round bed, and she makes good use of it as she turns herself around to kiss me with her body positioned the opposite direction of mine.

After a few tender kisses she works her way down my neck, making sure her neck is close enough for me to kiss her the same way she's kissing me. There's something so deliciously erotic about two sissies playing with each other like we are, scratching our nail extensions across our sissy skin, kissing our sissy nipples, and getting greedily hungry for each other's sissy clit.

Her nipple chains brushing across my face adds a delightful new twist, falling into my mouth as I suck her nipples the same way she's sucking mine. Rolling my tongue around the gold posts protruding from her areola reminds me that Mistress says I'll soon have nipple posts just like Marci's.

"Isn't this fun?" Marci giggles as she licks down my abdomen.

"Like sexual follow-the-leader," I respond, pushing my tongue into her navel as we both open our legs for what we both want.

"Follow me, lover," she says as her clitty-head slides across my forehead, edging ever closer to where it wants to be. We're both hard as stone as our cocks get within reach of our eager tongues.

I'm an inch-or-so longer than her, so her tongue touches my head before hers is in reach of mine. I don't know how she's sending these electric sensations up my spine with just the tip of her tongue on the tip of my cock, but one thing becomes evident right away. She's a way better cocksucker than I've ever thought of being. The more we get into it, the more I see how much I can learn from her. She's been into the sissy lifestyle longer than me, and I want to be just like her.

She's already been making me squirm with delight as her tongue spreads my pee-hole apart. When I lick the delicious drop of pre-cum waiting for me in her own slit, she stays a step ahead of me. As I'm getting into the pleasure of licking into her tiny hole, she very gently slides her teeth along my glans, gripping me right under the ridge.

She keeps just enough bite to hold me still, while fluttering her tongue all over my head. I'm going out of my mind, barely able to maintain myself as her teeth erotically glide side-to-side. Following her lead, I slide my teeth over her little head, stopping where I think her shaft starts, licking the tasty pre-cum flowing out of her.

"Easy there, honey," she flinches, "don't bite too hard."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You're not hurting me, it's just a little too much bite."

"I can't tell how hard I'm biting."

"Pretend your teeth have sex nerves that you can only feel when you're turned on. Don't think it, feel it, let your sissy-brain guide you. You like my little sissy-dick, don't you?"

"I love your sissy-dick. Your smallness is so different than any man I've sucked."

"Sissy-dick is sweeter than stud-dick, as far as I'm concerned," Marci says as she runs her teeth up and down my stiff shaft, "cuz we're more female than male."

"Yeah… sissy-dick is very sweet. I fuckin' love this!"

"Keep following me, babe, let me show you special pleasures only sissies can have."

Marci then engulfs my entire shaft, balls and all, making me gasp at the shear pleasure of it. Somewhere between the erotic combination of the sex drug coursing through my system, along with the being in bed with this beautiful sissy, my brain stops thinking and my senses take over. My entire body is buzzing with the most wonderful sensations I've ever experienced as I wrap my lips around her petite little cock and easily slide down to her little ball sack.

Marci thrusts her hips forward and I instinctively open my mouth to take in her sissy scrotum. We both squirm and send erotic vibrations into each other as we hum 'mmmmm's' at the same time. It's so delicious having a her little cock in my mouth, with plenty of room to wrap my tongue around her. We must have spent the next half hour simultaneously running our tongues up and down our little sissy shafts.

I'm actually starting to feel the imaginary nerves in my teeth as we love-bite each other around the base of our genitals. I would have done it all night if Marci hadn't let my cock fall from her mouth. She puts her arms between my legs, spreading them apart and pulling them back until they're resting inside her armpits. In this vulnerable position she engulfs my balls as I do the same to her.

With her balls in my mouth, my eyes can't help but focus on her sissy pussy. My first impulse is to go for it like I would a woman's pussy, but my senses hold me back until Marci goes there first. She stays on my balls for a few minutes, teaching me with her actions how to drive a man crazy just by licking his balls. I'm thinking I can't wait to get back in bed with Rob so I can do to him what she's doing to me.

My cock is so incredibly aroused that it feels like it might explode at any second. Strangely, the pleasure seems to intensify tenfold, but the ecstasy keeps me from cumming. Marci sucks hard on my sack, pulling it almost to the point of pain before releasing me all at once.

I've still got her balls in my mouth as she licks me just below my scrotum at a pleasure point I didn't know I had. I quickly follow suit to lick between her legs with my nose now resting near her hole. I would have expected an unpleasant smell this close to her dirtbox, but after cleaning ourselves so thoroughly in the shower, there's just the pleasant smell of feminine body wash.

I can't hold myself back as my tongue knows where it wants to go. Her asshole puckers to the first touch of my tongue as she pushes her tongue into my hole. We're both still gaping after being repeatedly fucked for several hours earlier, and I'm surprised at how easily my tongue penetrates her. I'm just as much surprised at how damn good her tongue feels inside me.

I close my eyes as I gently kiss around her puckered anus, taking a moment every now and then to pause and enjoy the full sensory experience of us mutually making love to our most erotic place that makes us sissies. After showering her hole with kisses, I slowly extend my tongue to lick around her rim in circles. I'm rewarded by a groan of pleasure from Marci as she places her mouth back on my cock to show her appreciation.

I continue my exploration of her outer ring, gently licking around it and stopping occasionally to let my tongue catch in the slight recess in the center. It's so erotically satisfying when her pussy opens slightly so that my tongue can stiffen and push into her like a vagina. I continue licking, exploring, and probing Marci's asshole as she focuses most of her attention on my throbbing cock.

Her wailing moans become loud and constant as my tongue strains to penetrate deeper into her love hole. The way she's sucking me lets me know that she will be the female and I will be the male once we've satisfied our desire for oral pleasures. Our appetite for oral delights seems insatiable as we continue like this for God only knows how long.

The ecstasy has us both a in highly sensitive, yet mellow erotic mood as the effects of the sex drug begin to wear off. The intensity has all but gone away, but our desire for sex is as strong as it was when we fucked those eight guys on this very same bed.

"I can't believe how horny I still am," I tell Marci as we become saturated with oral sexual satisfaction.

"I can believe it, babe. We're really getting into each other, you and I."

"It must be the ecstasy," I suggest.

"That's only part of it. The ecstasy just makes what we're feeling feel better."

"I'm still pretty high."

"Me too, Mandy, but it's not all ecstasy. I'm more high on you than I am on the drug we took. Do you feel it too?"

"I dunno. With all the sissy-sex I've had the last two days, I'm not exactly sure what I feel. I just know I love this feeling."

"It's love, sweetheart. You've fallen in love with the sissy you've become. We were built for this kind of sex. That's why you feel so good. We were born to please men with our bodies, and we're only happy when we do.

"When I first saw you last night, I knew that our destiny was to become lovers, and here we are."

"How did you know?"

"I just did. When you've had as much sex as I have, you'll be able to just look at someone and you'll know that you'll be having sex with that person. It's sort of a sixth sense that most sissies develop over time."

"I know I wanna have sex with you."

"I know you do. You wanna fuck me? I want you to and I'd love it if you did."

"Did you know we were gonna be doing this when we took the ecstasy in the sissy bathroom?"

"I did. I knew it last night. That's why I told you that you were gonna fuck me before the morning comes when we took the pills."

Without saying another word, Marci squirts some lube in her palm and runs it up and down my cock as we get into some of the most sexually intense kissing I've ever experienced.

"We might be falling in love," she whispers in between kisses.

"If we do, you'll be the second person I've fallen in love with this weekend."

"It's natural for sissies to fall in love really fast with their best lovers. I'm in love with five people right now, and you'll be my sixth. Cuz I already know I'm falling in love with you."

"You're in love with five guys?"

"Four guys and one sissy. Her name is Cassy, and I hope the three of us can be in bed one night. She taught me most of what I know."

"She taught you well. You're the best lover."

"Come, baby," she lies on her back, spreading her legs for me, "come fuck me like a woman. Let me show you what a sissy's ass can do."

She stops me when I pick up the lube to get her ass slicked up, "No, baby. Sissies don't need much lube. You're little stud cock will penetrate me just fine with the lube I already put on you. Come fuck my pussy, sweetheart. We're gonna be in love within a few minutes."

She holds her arms out for me as I excitedly mount her like I've mounted Sherry so many times. She lifts her legs around me as my sissy cock finds her hole all on its own.

"Oh, God, baby!" she cries as my five-inch rod slips into her gaping hole as easily as wet female pussy.

"Damn," I moan, "you feel so good in there, baby."

"As good as girl pussy?"

"Don't tell my wife or my Mistress, but I think it feels better. So much tighter than a vagina, and I should know, I live with two very fine vaginas."

"It's sissy pussy, baby. Now you know why men love fucking us so much. Yours tight as mine. I'm gonna fuck you after you fuck me."

"Mmmm…yeah! I want that!"

"You'll get that after you finish what you started. Fuck your sissy sister, fuck me like we've known each other for years."

We both let out moans of pleasure as I slowly push my last two inches into her skinny little ass. I'm slow and gentle at first, taking my time as we get used to the glorious feeling. Then our lust for each other begins to take over and I pump into her with more aggression.

"Oh God, yes!" she moans, thrusting her hips hard as my balls slap against her ass. "Fuck me, harder!"

Our lips instantly lock as I pump her hard and Marci works her ass around me, squeezing and releasing my cock with each thrust. It feels out of this world, pounding her sissy ass with her legs wrapped tightly around me. We hold each other tight, locked in a deep kiss as we move as one. Her ass feels so amazingly tight as she squeezes and cuddles my cock buried deep inside her.

I can't last much longer and Marci knows it, so we switch positions with me sitting on the edge of the bed. She straddles me and sits on my cock as she wraps her arms around me and kisses me very deeply. My hands alternate between holding her torso and stroking her nipples as she works my cock inside her ass.

Her hard little clitty, coated in pre-cum, rubs against my tummy as she bounces up and down. My hands move down to her cock, which makes her moan in pleasure as I stroke her. Her cock is so aroused that pre-cum is dripping over my hand.

All of a sudden, she kisses me hard and shoots a load of cum in the air, which makes me start to cum inside her ass. I feel my cum spurting and keep thrusting as long as I can until eventually, we fall back onto the bed, cooing at each other and spooning our spent bodies together.

After a few minutes of cuddling with our arms around each other, I feel so very content. I've met an amazing sissy-girl who is more than I could have wished for as a friend. Marci tells me that she's now in love with me, and while I'm not sure what sissy love even feels like at this point, I'd be a fool not to think that I'm probably in love with her, too.

Written by Jilluvscox
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