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In a New York Minute - Part Seventeen - Chapters 65-68

"Mac and Grace prepare to head back to Europe"

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Chapter Sixty-Five

Mac sat at his desk and let his mind wander back to that day a little over two years ago when he’d spent the day interviewing potential candidates in hopes of selecting the perfect escort. The entire process had been an epic fail until the very last applicant. Then his whole life changed in a New York Minute when Grace Remy walked through that door. She’d been everything he’d ever wanted but didn’t know he was looking for.

He found himself reminiscing lately about those early days since they were planning to return to Europe. He was looking forward to traveling with Grace again. He’d fallen in love with her and found himself on their first time in Europe together. This time, they’d be working on making baby number two.

“Earth to Mac,” Grace prompted him back to the present moment.

“Sorry, I was just reliving some of the highlights of when we were first getting to know each other and how our relationship bloomed into more than I could have ever imagined.”

Grace felt her heart flutter. “You’re such a romantic.”

“You helped discover that particular quality in me. You changed my life, Grace.”

“You changed mine as well, Mac. Although we are strong, capable people, we’ve become better versions of ourselves by being together.”

And that was the crux of it. They’d grown into happier, more contented people because they’d found each other.

They gazed into each other’s eyes a moment longer before Mac said, “I suppose you’re here to review our itinerary.”

“Yes, but I have this powerful urge to bend over my boss’s desk and let him have his way with me first.”

Mac grinned as his cock went from half-mast to full-on hard-as-steel status. He said nothing, but closed the door and locked it.

“Take off your panties, my naughty slut,” he commanded.

Grace feigned indignation but did as she was told.

“Now give them to me.”

He inhaled her scent from the pale pink lace before stuffing the thong in her mouth. “That ought to keep you quiet. Bend over my desk and spread your legs open a bit. I want to inspect that pussy of yours before I use it for my pleasure.”

Grace felt a shudder of lust ripple through her body as Mac ran a finger along her drenched slit.

“You’re so fucking wet,” he mused. “I’m guessing that’s because your pussy requires attention.”

Grace nodded and felt her arousal grow when she heard Mac unzip his pants.

“No need to get naked,” he stated, “when I can just whip out my dick and stick it in your dripping hole.”

Grace’s hips began to rock instinctively as she waited for this feral mating. She felt the rush of desire when he grabbed her hips and plunged into her.

“Good thinking wearing a dress today; I always enjoy it when you give me easy access to your body.”

He put one hand on her back to hold her down on the desk while he fucked her with slow, deliberate strokes. Her muffled whimper was a huge turn-on, and he found himself wanting to hammer into her. But he forced himself to go slow, knowing it was driving his sexy redhead wild. Grace’s legs trembled, and her whimpers turned to moans as her first climax took them both by surprise. Mac put his hand over her mouth and reprimanded her.

“Shh! We don’t want the staff to hear you while I use you. You need to stay quiet, or I’ll have to pull out and stroke myself and cum on your creamy ass.”

A loud knock at the door startled them.

“Mac? It’s Avery. I have the projections that Grace and I worked on and thought you’d like to review them. I can’t find her anywhere.”

“She’s in here, going over our itinerary. I’ll look at your report after we’re done.”

“Oh, okay. Do you need any help, sir?”

Mac stifled a laugh. “No, we’ve got everything under control in here.”

“Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be right out here at my desk.”

“Thanks, Avery.”

Turning his attention back to Grace, he said, “Not a sound out of you, do you understand? I’m going to fuck you hard, fast, and deep, and fill you with my seed. If you want to cum, you’ll have to do it silently.”

Mac pounded his rigid pole into his wife’s sweet honey until he was ready to blow. Just then, he felt Grace’s entire body shake as her soft, wet walls squeezed his cock, triggering his orgasm.

He removed his hand from her mouth and pulled out, wiping his dick on her ass.

“Good girl staying quiet. Clean yourself up, my sweet slut. I need to get those reports from Avery.”

Mac tucked himself back in his pants as Grace blew him a kiss and hurried into his bathroom to put herself back together. Unlocking the office door, Mac poked his head out and called Avery into his office.

“Where’s Grace?” Avery asked, his brow furrowed.

“She’s just using the restroom. She’ll be out in a moment.”

“Oh, okay.”

When Grace emerged from the bathroom, Avery noticed her hair was down when it had been pinned up this morning. Had he interrupted some personal time? He checked his phone and saw no text from his Uncle Bentley, the house manager. Normally if Mac and Grace had activities that they wished to keep private, Mac let Bentley know, and the staff would all get a message about what floors were off-limits. Neither Mac nor Grace seemed to act oddly, so Avery decided he must be mistaken.

They discussed the projection reports and went over the game plan for what business needed attending to by Mac and Grace in the European offices.

“Sylvie’s updated passport arrived this morning,” Avery commented. “So, she is all set. But it made me wonder, do you have a passport for Dominic Jordan?”

Mac paused and frowned. “Babies need passports?”

“Yes, sir, they do.”

Mac looked frantically at Grace. “Did you know that?”

“Yes, of course. DJ’s passport should be here any day now.”

With a sigh of relief, he looked at his wife and chuckled. “I should know better than to doubt you, darling.”

“Regarding the itinerary, if you have any questions or concerns about what I’ve arranged, don’t hesitate to ask,” Avery said.

Suddenly his attention was drawn to a ball of pink lace sitting on Mac’s desk. Mac’s eyes moved to see what Avery was looking at and, seeing the panties, grabbed them quickly and stuffed them in his pocket before Grace was aware of what had transpired.

Mac winked at Avery, who nodded and grinned. Fortunately, Grace was none the wiser.

When Avery was back at his desk, he sent a text to his man, Nialls.

If we worked together, would my panties end up on your desk?

His response came quickly.

Have your randy bosses been at it again? If we worked together, we’d never get anything done. And as for panties? There wouldn’t be any because I’d require you to be naked all day.

Avery felt his face turn red and his dick twitch.

I’m going to be picturing that all day now.

Me too. Come home early if you can swing it. We can play boss and admin tonight.

Great, now I have a full-blown erection and can’t leave my desk.

I’ll blow your erection later.

When Grace came out of Mac’s office, Avery blurted out, “I need to leave early today.”

Grace’s brow furrowed. “Of course; is everything okay?”

“Umm, yes, fine. Nialls just asked if I could come home early. I told him I would ask.”

Grace grinned slyly.

“Booty call?”

“No! Yes! Ugh!” Avery stammered.

Grace wiggled her eyebrows. “Leave at lunchtime. That’s an order. You’ve covered for me plenty of times. I can handle things this afternoon.”


“Really. But confirm all of the hotels for me this morning if you would, please.”

“You’re the best, Grace!”

“I try.”

Avery sent one last text to Nialls.

I have the best boss ever! She’s letting me go at lunchtime.

Then felt a shiver of desire when he read Nialls’ response.

I’ll be waiting for you.

Avery shuddered and shook it off. He’d better get started on the confirmations, so he’d have them all finished in time to go home for an erotic afternoon roleplay.

Chapter Sixty-Six

When his to-do list was completed, he knocked on Grace’s door.

“Come in.”

“All hotels have been confirmed, and all contacts for venues are listed in this folder,” Avery said as he handed the information to Grace. “All the heads of the offices have been notified you will be in town, and they’ve been asked to schedule time with you on the days you are there.”

“Thank you, Avery, you’re quite efficient and thorough. I appreciate all this. So, where is Nialls taking you this afternoon?”

“To bed,” Avery blurted out, his filter shot to hell by his arousal. He was instantly mortified.

Grace laughed. “Well, I can’t think of any place better to be. Enjoy your afternoon. You’ve earned the time!”

“Grace, I can’t thank you enough. You’re the coolest boss ever.”

“Hey, what about me?” Mac asked, feigning indignance as he stepped into Grace’s office.

“You’re pretty cool, too,” Avery laughed.

“Thanks! Why are we cool?”

“Because you’re letting me leave early to enjoy time with Nialls.”

“Oh, well, then, yes, we are cool. Enjoy yourself!”

“Oh, I intend to!”

Mac looked puzzled after Avery walked away.

“Where are they going?”

“To bed,” Grace laughed.

“Oh! Well, that’s, um, good for them.”

“You’re cute. We do the same thing, you know. And don’t say we don’t advertise it, oh ye who texts Bentley.”

Mac shrugged and pouted. “Maybe I wanted an afternoon with you. Now you’re too busy with work.”

“You’re incorrigible. We actually owe him some time seeing how he has covered for us, so you could drag me up to the sixth floor to have your way with me.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he teased.

Grace shook her head and laughed.

“Go finish going over projections while I research this new benchmark software. If we finish our work, we can repeat this morning's performance, only in my office this time.”

Mac wiggled his eyebrows, making Grace giggle.

Unfortunately, the day got busy, and the afternoon rendezvous never happened. Mac was still on a call when it was time to get DJ, so Grace went by herself to relieve Sylvie from her duties.

“Ms. Grace, I just wanted to thank you so much for this opportunity. I adore DJ and am so excited to travel with you.”

“We appreciate you being available to travel with us. And I want you to know that you will have some time to yourself most evenings and occasionally during the afternoon. Plus, there will be times we do touristy-type things together. But always our treat, so the only thing you’ll need to spend money on is any souvenirs or whatnot.”

“I’m so excited!”

“Tomorrow, I’ll share the finalized itinerary with you, but I will tell you that we shall begin in Paris.”

“My friends will be very jealous. I’m going to Paris!” Sylvie beamed as she handed DJ to his Mama.

Grace’s heart warmed at the sight of Sylvie being a typical giddy teenager. She was so mature with how she handled her nanny job that it was nice to see that giggly spark. Grace had a brief flashback to herself at that age, just about to start at the university and thrilled with the world of opportunities it would bring. She was still so innocent then, and so unaware of what awaited her. So blissfully ignorant of the pain and shame that would change her life forever.

She shook off the morose feeling and remembered that it had all led her here with Mac. If someone had told her during her darkest days that she’d be married to a fantastic man with an incredible son, a beautiful home, a fabulous job, and a goofy little cat, she would have thought them a liar.

Oh, the cat! What would happen to Merlin?

Grace brought DJ into the kitchen, where she found Bentley taking inventory in the pantry.

“Hello, Grace. Did you bring this young man down for a treat?”

“Actually, I was looking for you. With all the travel plans happening, it slipped my mind that we have Merlin, and I don’t know what to do with him while we are gone.”

Bentley grabbed a teething biscuit for the baby and motioned to Grace to have a seat.

“Would you like some tea, Grace?”

“Sure, but…”

“You needn’t worry about Merlin. Mac has already asked me to stay here at Stewart House while you are gone. I’ll move back into the room on the main floor where I used to stay before you came to us.”

“You stayed here a bit after I arrived if I’m not mistaken. Why did you stop?”

“Yes, that’s correct. McKinley, or rather, Mac, told me it would no longer be necessary to be a live-in house manager since he’d be home more frequently. It took a while for my wife to get used to me being home every night, but we muddled through,” Bentley laughed. “She’s actually looking forward to some time to be a night owl while I’m here.”

“Oh, but still, that’s a lot of time apart.”

“There’s always conjugal visits,” Bentley said, winking.

This made Grace smile. “Well, be sure to have as many as you need while you mind the cat and the house.”

“She may stay a few nights here and there.”

“I feel much better knowing Merlin will not be alone at night.”

“He’s a fun little kitty; I will enjoy his company.”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer one of the guest rooms?”

“I’m very sure. I still have some of my things in my former room and bathroom. It will be easier to stay where I am used to, but thank you for being gracious enough to offer one of the suites. You’re aptly named, my dear.”

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Grace sighed. “My father always said to live up to my name. I discovered along the way that being gracious wasn’t so hard.”

“Your father would be very proud of you,” Bentley said, resting a hand on her shoulder. “You have a kind and generous soul and you always put other’s needs first.”

Grace felt herself get a bit choked up. When no words would come out, she smiled and nodded.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Grace shook her head and forced herself to breathe. “You didn’t. Sometimes you say something that reminds me of my father, catching me off guard and tugging at my heart. Please, don’t ever stop.”

Bentley was moved by her words. “I hear Claudette made brownies for dessert tonight,” he said, comforting her as a father would.

“There goes my plan to lose a few pounds before we travel,” Grace laughed, wiping away the tear that escaped.

“Don’t be silly; brownies have no calories,” Bentley scoffed.

“Well, that’s a relief!”

Grace finished her tea and took DJ to the play area until dinner.

Bentley sent a text to Mac.

Your wife is missing her father today. I wonder, does she have any photographs of her parents that we could put in a frame in her library?

Mac read the text and found himself moved by Bentley’s thoughtfulness.

I will work on locating some photos. Thanks for being so astute.

The following day, Claudette took over for Sylvie so she could sit down with Grace to go over plans for the trip.

“As I mentioned, we’ll start in Paris. We are returning to Le Bristol Hotel. The suite we have arranged for has three bedrooms and plenty of space. From there, we will head to Munich. Our friends Max and Virginie will host us in their home for a few days. There isn’t much work to be done, but they are dear friends. Then off to Amsterdam and Copenhagen before we head to Vienna. We are leaving open the possibility of adding other cities if things are going well. But we’ve never traveled with a baby, so I didn’t want to over-commit.”

Sylvie’s eyes grew wide. It was starting to sink in what a fantastic opportunity it was to travel with the Stewarts as their nanny.

Grace continued, “As it is, seeing this all mapped out seems like a lot. But honestly, I think much of what we will be doing is showing off our baby boy since Brendan O’Sullivan has been doing a great job of keeping everyone on their toes.”

Sylvie nodded. “I’m sure everyone will be happy to meet DJ; he’s such an adorable baby.”

“Do you have any questions regarding the trip?”

“Will there be time to see the Palace of Versailles?”

Mac walked in and laughed when he heard Sylvie’s question. “Have you met my wife? She’ll make sure we take plenty of time to enjoy the places we’re going. Sorry to interrupt; I need you to sign off on these reimbursements.”

Grace frowned. “Why do you need my signature? What did you do before me?”

Mac bent down and kissed Grace on the forehead. “I was lost before you, darling. But as far as needing your signature, these aren’t work-related. They are improvements that the tenants made to your house in Queens.”

“You mean your house in Queens.”

“You’re name is on the deed, darling, not mine.”

Grace shook her head and laughed. She glanced at the paperwork Mac had handed her and scribbled her signature where it was needed.

“There you go. Now, go away so we can finish our discussion,” Grace said playfully.

Mac pretended to pout. “You never let me have any fun.”

Sylvie observed their playful banter and sighed. Someday she hoped to have a relationship like theirs. They were crazy about each other, which showed in how they exchanged glances.

“Anyway, yes, there will be time for sightseeing, although your mother would prefer I not let you wander too far off on your own. But no worries, Mac is right; enjoying our surroundings is very important to me. So, if there are places that you really want to see, don’t hesitate to mention them. We want this to be a fun experience for you as well.”

Sylvie’s annoyance at her mother’s overprotective nature dissipated when it became apparent Grace would make sure there would be time for fun.

“I promise to let you know.”

Chapter Sixty-Seven

While Mac was bathing DJ that night, the baby was busy babbling up a storm.

“Um, Grace. Can you come in here, please?”

Grace sighed. “I’m a little busy here.”

“I’m serious, Grace. Get in here.”

Grace set her laptop aside and rushed into the bathroom. “What’s so important that you couldn’t wait…”


Grace felt her eyes well up with tears when DJ’s face lit up upon seeing her.


“That’s right, DJ, that’s Mama. Isn’t she so pretty?”


“Oh, my heart! Yes, baby boy. I’m Mama. Oh, Mac, he’s finally saying Mama!”

Mac got up to grab a towel since Grace was there with the baby.


It was Mac’s turn to get a little choked up.

Grace smiled and pointed at Mac. “Yes, DJ, that’s Dada.”

Mac bundled the baby in the towel and dressed him in a dry diaper and some footy pajamas covered in primary-colored balloons. Then he grabbed a bottle and sat in the rocker with his son. As DJ held his own bottle these days, Mac stared into the boy’s eyes as he rocked gently.

“You know what your Mama did? She made me the happiest man in the world. She’s like a magic fairy. First, she turned me into a man who cares about others. Then she made me a husband and, later, a father.”

Grace poked her head back in. “Don’t forget to tell him I made you a best friend too.”

Once Dominic Jordan was tucked away for the night, Mac entered the bedroom, where he found Grace reading emails on her laptop.

“Did you get everything squared away with Sylvie?”



“Oh, yes. I feel very good about bringing her with us, Mac. She’s genuinely fond of DJ.”

“I’d say the feeling is mutual. He lights up when I drop him off with her in the mornings.”

“It’s funny. I would never have chosen someone so young to care for our baby, but she certainly does a great job.”

“It all worked out very well. I’m grateful that Claudette found a solution for us. I fully intend to take advantage of that in Paris.”

Grace felt like she’d been punched in the stomach. “You do?”

Mac continued, “Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t I? We will have three bedrooms after all. Plenty of opportunity to get freaky.”

“You want to get freaky with her in Paris?” Grace said, feeling ill.

“What? No! Oh my God, Grace! Why would you think that? I want to get freaky with you. Having Sylvie along will allow me to have moments alone with you.”

“Oh, that makes so much more sense. It was just the way it sounded.”

“Regardless of how it sounded, why would I say anything like that to you?”

“I don’t know. I’m sorry. Now you’re mad.”

“Damn right, I’m mad. I can’t believe you’d think for a moment that I’d want anything to do with Sylvie. She’s barely more than a child herself, despite being a wonderful nanny. And I love you. So, in the future, please know that you are the only woman I want to get freaky with.”

“I’m sorry. I know that; truly, I do.”

“Grace, if this is going to be an issue…”

“It’s not. I just misheard you, and I should totally know better than to think you’d want anything to do with anyone but me. Let’s not make this a bigger deal than it is. I screwed up by misunderstanding you. The last thing I want to do is fight about nothing.”

Mac said nothing. He didn’t want to argue, but it bothered him that Grace would even believe for a moment that he would want to get freaky with their nanny. He looked at Grace and saw misery swimming in her eyes. He remembered what Bentley told him Grace was missing her father and wondered if that wasn’t the underlying issue. He had a choice here to stay annoyed with her or to let it go.

“Grace, I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. I could never want anyone more for the rest of my life. I’m simply excited that there are three bedrooms, making it easier for us to have Grace-style sex.”

Her eyebrows furrowed. “What is Grace-style sex?”

Mac shot Grace a devilish grin. “Noisy.”

“Uh!” Grace protested. Then she gave up the pretense and nodded. “You’re not wrong. But I can be quiet, or sort of quiet, when I need to be.”

“And my point was, the way the suite is set up in Paris, you won’t need to be quiet. Okay?”

Nodding, Grace said, “That makes so much more sense than the way my tired brain heard it the first time.”

“Maybe we need to get that tired brain in bed.”

“But I was hoping for at least a quickie.”

“Fine, you get a quickie, and then it’s off to bed with you.”

“Yes, Dad.”

“Careful, or I’ll think you are trying to earn a spanking.”

“Who says I’m not?”

“A quickie with spanking?”

“Just a few swats; consider it foreplay.”

So, Mac relieved Grace of her panties, put her over his lap, and spanked her just enough times to get her juices flowing and his dick nice and hard.

He pulled her onto his lap, so she faced him and said, “Help guide me in.”

She did as he asked, and they moved together slowly at first.

“You feel so good inside me,” Grace moaned.

“It feels so good to be inside you,” he replied. He drew Grace in for a kiss as their bodies rocked in tandem. Pulling her top over her head, he flung it aside and cupped her full breasts. He kissed and licked her nipples, then sucked on one while rolling the other between his fingers. She continued moving in deliberate strokes on his lap as he switched breasts to ensure they got equal attention.

Grace arched and quivered with the rise and fall of several climaxes while Mac kissed her neck and continued to massage her breasts. It was sensual and erotic how he mixed the gentle movements with tiny nibbles.

Soon, they were panting and bucking, the friction of his manhood inside her bringing them over the edge as they came hard together.

He held onto her for a moment and whispered, “I love you, Gracie. Only you. You’re my heart and soul.”

Grace nuzzled his neck and said, “I love you too, Mac. Always and forever. You’re my whole world.”

As he kissed the top of her head, he made a mental note to find a photograph of her parents. Bentley was right; she needed a reminder of the people who loved her first.

Chapter Sixty-Eight

As the week progressed, Mac insisted on letting Sophia do the bulk of the packing after agreeing to allow Grace to select what needed to be packed as a compromise.

“I will, however, be packing the sex toys. I have no interest in causing the staff’s tongues to start wagging.”

“You’re bringing sex toys to Europe?” Mac teased. “Such a horny little slut.”

“You’re the one who put being freaky in my head.”

“So, I did. I must be the horny slut. Be sure to pack the ball gag so we can keep you from screaming during all the orgasms I plan to give you while we are away.”

“And here I thought you’d simply stuff my panties in my mouth.”

“You’re bringing panties?”

Mac winked at his wife and gave her a playful swat.

“Three more days until we leave. I’m looking forward to a mix of business and pleasure with you. And I can’t wait to show our beautiful boy to our friends.”

Grace smiled. She was looking forward to Paris too. She headed to the library to select a few books to take along. While she mostly read on her tablet, sometimes she enjoyed the feel of a hardcover book in her hands. She found a couple she hadn’t read yet and turned to head to her office but stopped when she noticed a new picture frame.

Upon further examination, she realized it was a photograph of her father and mother. Setting down the books, she picked up the frame and gently touched the glass protecting the photo with her fingertips. She couldn’t breathe for a moment. Clutching the frame to her chest, she sat in her chair and allowed the tears to flow while she rocked.

Oh, Mama and Papa, I love you and miss you so. I wish you could see how my life has turned out.

She stayed there for another ten minutes before gathering her composure, setting the photo back on the side table, and heading down to her office.

Mac noticed her eyes were red, but he had to take a call. While he put the business line on speaker phone so he could listen in, he grabbed his cell and sent Grace a text message.

Hey, are you okay?

He was relieved when she replied.

Better than okay. Thank you for the picture of my parents. I had a good cry when I first noticed it, but having them here in our house makes me happy.

Mac made a mental note to thank Bentley. It was wise to place the photo there and let her discover it herself. He had worried that she might be annoyed that he’d gone through her storage boxes to find the photograph, so he was relieved that she didn’t ask how he had located the picture.

He found himself needing time with her. So, he continued to give only half his attention to the conference call and kept texting his wife.

Are you free for lunch?

No, sorry. I have that meeting with the new PC distributor for our East Coast Region. I’ve already canceled on him twice.

No worries.

Do you remember the last time we were looking forward to Paris?

How could I forget?

Let’s wait until we get there to have sex again, just like last time. It will make it extra special.

Grace, that’s three days from now.

I’m worth the wait.

Yes, you are. But my balls will be so full that I’ll end up choking you with my gallons of cum.

Dreamer! So, is that a yes?

I must be crazy, but yes.

It will be fun.

Yes, it will be fun. Ugh, I’d better start paying attention to this call. My turn is coming up soon. Love you, Gracie.

Love you, Mac.

When he finished the call, he reread their texts. Three days without Grace’s pussy? What the hell had he agreed to?

Written by techgoddess
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