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Chapter Seventy-Seven

After treating Grace to breakfast in bed, Mac texted Bjorn to arrange their transportation for the day.

They spent their day as tourists, including taking a horse and carriage ride at The Open Air Museum, enjoying views of Copenhagen from a boat on The Grand Tour from Nyhavn, and a trip to pet kitties at Café Miao.

Mac watched several of the cats warm up to Grace quite easily, especially a sleek black cat who was aptly named Panther.

“When I was a little girl, I had a black cat named Sam. He looked just like this sweet kitty,” Grace said as she cuddled him and rested her cheek on his fur.

Mac wanted very much to ask her more about her childhood pet but wondered if that would dredge up unpleasant memories. He decided it was best to be patient and wait for her to broach the subject.

Later at the hotel, Mac spent some time going over his presentation while Grace took a nap. He could have used one himself. But he figured he should at least freshen his memory on the details of this acquisition.

The CEO of the firm he was acquiring was technically Frederick Flemming. However, he was in the process of retiring and only worked when he felt like it, which wasn’t often these days. His COO, a woman named Kiersten Jorgeson, took control of the firm during the past year. She was committed to the merger as long as she remained at the helm. Everything he read about her suggested she was more than capable of continuing to lead the Copenhagen office. But he would ask Grace to give her opinion after the presentation and the cocktail party tomorrow.

He laughed to himself as he realized how much he had come to depend on Grace in making important decisions. They made a good team.

When he finished revising his slides, he saw that Grace was still sleeping. He stripped down to his boxers and crawled into bed with her. She snuggled against him and sighed.

“Wanna skip dinner tonight and just get room service later?” he whispered in her ear.

She opened one eye. “I can wake up if you want to go out.”

“I have other things in mind for you if you wake up,” he said seductively.

“Oh,” she said, opening the other eye. “Well, that sounds like fun.”

“I bought you a gift that I’ve been holding on to for a bit. I think now would be a great time to give it to you.”

“Mac, I don’t need gifts,” Grace protested.

“Humor me,” Mac said as he reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a small package. He handed it to her.

Her brow furrowed when she opened the box and found a sleep mask. “It’s a sweet gift, but I don’t use a sleep mask. I have no trouble falling asleep.”

Mac grinned. “As I said, humor me. Slip it on and tell me if it’s comfortable.”

Grace shrugged and did as he asked. “Yes, it’s quite comfortable. But I…”

Mac chuckled as the lightbulb went off in Grace’s head.

“Oh, it’s a blindfold. What a naughty little gift! I love it!”

“Good,” he said. “Leave it on.”

“Mmm-hmm,” she replied.

Mac hadn’t been sure how she would react. Back when they first became physical, and he had tied her up, she’d asked him not to blindfold her. Yet, here she was, seeming to be more than okay with the idea.

Sensing his hesitation, even though she couldn’t see his face, she said, “Hey, I’m fine with this. I trust you, Mac.”

Three little words never felt more powerful. I trust you.

“Lie back so I can look at you. You are so damned sexy in this leopard print bra and matching panties.”

“I’m not sure this tiny triangle with butt floss qualifies as panties. But I do feel very sexy in them. You selected well.”

“I wasn’t sure if you liked what I had picked. Very often, I see you without panties,” Mac laughed.

“Surely you aren’t complaining that I leave my body easily available to you,” she teased. “I mean, isn’t it nice to reach up under my skirt and have no obstacles between your fingers and my nectar?”

“Take off the bra and panties. I want you naked, my feisty little redhead.” Mac grabbed Grace’s hand and put it on his aching bulge. “See what you do to my cock?”

“No, I don’t see since I’m blindfolded. But I do feel it, and I think he wants to come out and play.”

“You’re so sassy!” He scolded playfully.

She was about to tell him that he liked her that way, but she was rendered speechless by the sensations his fingertips were causing as they teased their way up her inner thighs.

“Mmm,” was all she could manage.

He let his fingers continue their erotic dance along her skin, tracing circles on her bare mound before they skimmed across her belly and skirted around her breasts. Grace moaned softly as he worked his way up her shoulders and neck.

“You could have chosen any guy, but here you are with me,” Mac said. “I guess that makes me damn lucky.”

“Mmmm-hmmm,” she murmured. “No one’s ever made me feel this way. No one has ever taken the time to love me slowly like this.”

He patted himself on the back in his mind and lowered his mouth to taste an exquisite breast.

“You have such beautiful nipples. I like how hard they get when you’re excited. It makes me want to suck and nibble them.”

“Feel free to enjoy them as much as you like,” she said, nearly purring.

He continued to do just that while his fingers grazed lightly along the curve of her hip and snuck down between her legs.

“Holy fuck, Grace! You’re dripping wet!”

“This is so erotic, Mac. You’ve got me revved. Every sensation seems more intense because I can’t see what you’re doing; I can only feel it.”

He rubbed his fingertips softly along her slick, swollen slit until he landed on her hard little pleasure button.

“Oh!” she gasped softly.

Mac smiled and moved away from her nipples now and down between her legs. He let his tongue glide along the same path until it pushed her open and dipped inside.

“Oh, God, Mac!” Grace cried out as her back arched, and she flooded his mouth with her sweet honey.

But Mac was just getting started. He continued to feast until she came three more times.

“God, Mac, I need you inside me! Please!” she begged.

His cock ached to be swallowed up into her soft, wet heat. He rubbed the head of his stiff shaft against the pink folds until he opened her up and slid all the way in.

“God, you’re so tight, baby,” he said as he moved in and out of her slowly. Long, deliberate strokes drove her wild as she pleaded with him to take her harder and faster.

“No, Gracie. You deserve a sensual, unhurried fuck.”

It was the sweetest torture she’d ever experienced, and it was sending delicious shock waves through her body. He rubbed her little nub again and picked up the pace, pumping into her now. She met his every thrust until her climax ripped through her, and she screamed, “Oh, fuck, yes!”

Mac’s balls were slapping Gracie’s ass while he hammered into her sweet pussy. “Oh, fuck, Grace! I’m gonna explode!” Then he erupted, filling her with his seed while she clamped down on him, milking him dry.

“Christ, Gracie, you make me so fucking happy!” Mac blurted out in breathy pants before collapsing on the bed beside her.

When he removed her sleep mask blindfold, he saw tears in her eyes.

“Gracie, what’s wrong?” he asked with panic in his voice. “Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “No, not at all. I’m just overcome with emotion. You were amazing!”

Mac pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “I love you, Grace.”

She curled up into him and sighed. “I love you, too, Mac.”

Mac ordered a Margherita Pizza and Pasta Salad from Mazzoli’s, and they ate in their bathrobes out on the terrace of their suite.

“Mmm, this is hitting the spot,” Grace said as she shoveled another spoonful of pasta into her mouth.

Mac loved that Grace enjoyed food and wasn’t afraid to eat a hearty meal. Louise had been a picky eater and would often exist on salads alone.

“Do you want some wine?” he asked.

“No, thank you. I’m parched. Water sounds better at the moment.”

“All that heavy breathing made you thirsty.”

She grinned. “No doubt.”

After they’d both had their fill, they went back inside, where Mac suggested they snuggle on the couch. Then he pulled her hairbrush out of the pocket of his robe and said, “I believe I owe you a serious hair brushing session.”

Grace beamed. “Oh, you are pulling out all the stops tonight, aren’t you?”

“I just want you to feel happy and loved.”

She turned to face him for a moment. “I do feel happy and loved. Thank you, Mac.”

He was delighted to hear her moan softly while he brushed her long, red locks. Twenty minutes later, he carried her into the bedroom and made love to her again.

As they were drifting off to sleep, Grace said, “I know what I want to do for our wedding. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow night after the cocktail party.”

Mac smiled in the darkness. His cold feet had completely warmed up, and he couldn’t wait to make Grace his wife.


Chapter Seventy-Eight

In the morning, Mac headed down early to get the lay of the land of the room he’d be presenting in. He also wanted to make sure that all of the technology was working correctly. Kiersten arrived early as well, dressed conservatively in a navy-blue pantsuit with a white silk blouse. She had pulled back her blonde hair into a tidy bun, and she wore gold, dangly earrings.

Mac and Kiersten were discussing the dynamic of the group that would be attending the presentation when Grace walked into the room. She wore a pale salmon pink sheath dress with a skinny gold and black belt, a black suit jacket, and black ankle-strap pumps. She’d left her hair curly today and wore it half up and half down, pinned back with a black and pink barrette. She looked stunning and, yet, very professional.

“Hello, you must be Grace,” Kiersten said, extending her hand.

“Yes, hello, and you must be Kiersten.”

“Yes, I’m very pleased that you are here. A few guys think they should take my spot as we merge with Mac’s company. They are rather archaic in their opinion that men should be in charge, and they were quite unhappy that Frederick chose me to take over the firm,” Kiersten said.

Mac pondered that detail for a moment. Then he had an idea.

“Grace, will you run my presentation today? That way, I can observe the employees and get a better feel for how they respond.”

Grace turned her head and smiled. She’d seen him do his presentation enough times that she felt confident that she could pull it off without a hitch. But she was amused at his suggestion that he be the one to observe the group. Not that she didn’t think he could do it. It was just different.

When Kiersten went to greet her staff, Grace asked, “Okay, McKinley Stewart, what are you up to here?”

Mac smiled. “Well, I was going to offer you Alice’s job when we got back to New York. But ten minutes ago, I decided I’d much rather give you the title of Chief Operating Officer. With my firm roughly doubling in size thanks to the success of this European tour, I need to have someone who can run things on a day-to-day basis. I know I’m kinda springing this on you, but we both know that you’re more than qualified for the job.”

“Doesn’t this kind of thing have to be run by your board of directors?” Grace asked.

He frowned, “Do you honestly think I won’t get approval on this? A great deal of credit for the smooth transitions these past several months belongs to you, Grace. You’re perfect for the job. Please say yes.”

Grace shrugged. “Yes.”

Mac laughed, “I thought it would be a lot harder to convince you. Thanks for making this easy on me.”

“We can talk salary and benefits later,” she said, grinning. “Now, let’s get this presentation underway. You need to start, of course. Then you can introduce me when you’re ready for me to take over.”

The look on some of the men’s faces was priceless when Mac introduced her as the COO. One of them leaned over to his colleague and coughed, “Sallope!”

The other man whispered hoarsely, “Oui. Elle baise le patron.”

Mac frowned, not understanding what they were saying.

Grace smiled sweetly and walked over to the men, leaned down, and said, “Con. Je parles Francais.”

They both turned beet red and fell all over themselves, apologizing for their disrespectful behavior.

Mac turned to Kiersten. “What did I miss?”

Kiersten grinned. “The man with the green tie called Grace a bitch or a slut, probably the latter. The other man agreed and said she fucks the boss.”

“What did she say back?”

“She called him an asshole and said that she speaks French,” Kiersten said. “They are complete idiots, and they are part of that group who think women are only good in the bedroom, not the boardroom.”

“Oh, jeez. Grace will eat them for lunch,” Mac laughed.

When it was time for a break, Mac saw Grace approach the two men. He moved just close enough to hear without being too obvious.

“Gentlemen, although I use that word loosely, you should know that your behavior is unacceptable. Yes, I do fuck the boss. We are getting married a week from Saturday. But I didn’t sleep with him to get this job, however. I got it because I have three college degrees, speak four languages fluently, have worked with foreign dignitaries in Africa, and possess organizational skills that would make your head spin. I slept with him after I got the job.”

“We meant no harm. We were joking around as men do. You know how it is,” the green tie guy said.

“No, I don’t. I have no tolerance for misogynistic bullshit. So, if you value your positions here, you will want to keep in mind that Kiersten Jorgeson will no longer tolerate your brand of joking from now on. She will remain your direct supervisor. If you have a problem with that, please don’t return after lunch.”

Then Grace walked away from them as if they were fleas that she flicked off her jacket.

“Ms. Remy, you’re an ass-kicker,” Mac said, grinning.

“Apparently, I’m a boss-fucker too,” she said mischievously. “I’m really good at that, by the way.”

At the end of the workday, they all headed into the Nimb Bar to enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. The two idiots did come back after lunch but had chosen not to attend this gathering. Grace had taken off the black suit jacket and turned her business attire into a sophisticated cocktail party look. It was conservative yet provocative at the same time.

Kiersten grabbed herself a martini and joined Mac and Grace as they mingled. “Can we sit for a few moments? I have some things I would like to say.”

Mac and Grace looked at each other and then back at Kiersten. “Sure,” Mac said as he ushered them all to a table by the window.

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Kiersten took a rather large sip of her drink before she spoke. “I just would like to say how much I appreciate your support in keeping me on to run the office here in Copenhagen. I was leery of giving up control of the firm after Frederick pretty much handed it to me. But he and I agreed it would be foolish not to accept your very generous offer.”

“I’m thrilled that we could come to an agreement,” Mac said. “You have a few employees whose views might not make them a good fit. But I will leave that to your judgment.”

“Actually, I’d appreciate Grace’s help in that matter. I feel like I’ve let a lot of chauvinistic behavior slide because I’ve been too busy trying not to look like a bitch. The funny thing is, I was secretly looking forward to you taking charge of things, Mac. But I feel like your strategy of having Grace run the presentation was even more effective,” Kiersten admitted.

Mac grinned. “I agree. Grace did a much better job of squashing some of that ignorant behavior, and it allowed me to do the kind of observation that she normally does. I’m glad you approved.”

“How long will you be staying here in Copenhagen?” she asked. “I know you said you’re getting married a week from Saturday.”

“We’ve allotted two weeks for the transition,” Mac said. “So, that means we will be here for a few days following the wedding. But if you feel like you need more support, we can stay longer. We have a few companies I’ve been courting in the U.K., primarily in Scotland and Wales, and there is a little firm in Ireland that has caught my eye. However, we don’t have anything specifically scheduled, so we are flexible.”

Kiersten laughed. “I guess corporate power couples don’t take honeymoons?”

Grace smiled. “We are just finishing up planning the wedding. We haven’t gotten as far as the honeymoon. I figured we’d take a trip somewhere after we complete the acquisitions.”

Mac looked at Grace with pride. She truly seemed to embrace and understand his world. They would be partners in life, business, and everything in between. What an ass he’d been to think he didn’t know her well enough. She was what he’d been searching for his whole life!

Kiersten excused herself from continuing to mingle. Grace was about to stand up to do the same when Mac grabbed her hand and said, “No, stay here with me for another minute or two.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on in that clever brain of yours?” she asked playfully.

“I just wanted to tell you that today has been like an amazing pair of thick, cozy socks,” he said, kissing her hand.

“I can usually follow your logic, but this time you have me baffled,” Grace admitted.

“My irrationally cold feet feel warm and toasty now. Watching you in action today made me realize that I was foolish to have any doubts. You are the most delightful mix of a force to be reckoned with and a submissive little minx. I’ve won the fucking lottery with you, and I almost fucked it up, despite warnings from people like Lars and Franz.”

Grace laughed softly. “You have the oddest way of complimenting me, and I adore it. It’s so uniquely you. How long do we have to stay?”

“We can probably sneak out in about half an hour.”

Grace stood up and leaned close to Mac’s ear. “Good, because I need you inside me.”

He felt his cock twitch and had to wait another minute before he could stand up.

It was forty-five minutes before they could make their exit. When they headed to the elevator, Kiersten looked on with envy. She’d been so involved in trying to fill Frederick Flemming’s shoes for months that she hadn’t had much time to focus on her personal life. She wondered if there were other women out there like Grace. It was a damn shame she was spoken for because, from the moment she’d laid eyes on her this morning, all she could think about was how it would feel to have someone like Grace in her bed.

Chapter Seventy-Nine

The next morning, Mac was tying his tie when he said, “You know, we never talked last night about the wedding plans.”

Grace came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “That’s because I couldn’t talk with my mouth full of your cock.”

“God, you’re sassy!” he said, turning around to embrace her. “Your throat did a fine job participating, too.”

“Now who’s being sassy?” she teased.

Her hair was in a bun this morning, with a few loose curls framing her face. She wore a slim black dress with an aqua jacket and low aqua pumps.

“Seriously, though, if there is something I need to do for the wedding, you just need to tell me.”

“I need you to invite whoever you wish. As I’ve said, I have no one to invite. Unfortunately, we will have to throw protocol and precedent out the window and invite people via phone as there is no time to print up and mail invitations. I have no idea how many people you have in mind, but I envision no more than twenty people, if that,” Grace said.

“I’m thinking Lars and Inga Van den Berg, Franz Huber, Iker and Jacinta Sala, and Max and Virginie Becker. I think it would be polite if we invited Kiersten Jorgeson, and perhaps Frederick Flemming, although I’m not even sure he’s in town.”

“That all sounds good, thanks,” she said. “Would it be odd to ask your ex-girlfriend’s father to give me away?”

“Huh?” he asked.

“I feel a rather lovely connection to Franz Huber. Do you think it’s weird if I ask him to walk me down the aisle?”

Mac grinned. “I think he’d love that. Of course, Johanna is going to want to come, but I won’t do that to you.”

Grace smiled. “I think you should invite her.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I think you should also invite Salvatore Gianni. And then I can play matchmaker. She is exactly the kind of woman he prefers. I think they’d made a great couple.”

“Well, there’s no guarantee that either one of them will attend. But, what the hell, it might be fun to see them have a go at each other,” Mac mused.

“That sounds like a lovely list. Let’s call Franz together so that we can extend the invitation, and then I can make my unusual request,” Grace suggested.

“Is there no one that you’d like to stand as your Maid of Honor?” Mac asked gently.

Grace felt a pained look fall across her face. How sad and pathetic must she seem to have no one to fill that role?

“I have an idea if you’d like my opinion,” he continued.

“Yes, I am open to suggestions.”

“You seemed to connect well with Virginie Becker. I realize that your Maid of Honor should be someone you are very close with, but…”

“Yes,” Grace interrupted. “I can’t think of anyone else I would choose, and she was so hospitable when we joined them at their house for dinner.”

“Who are you asking to be your Best Man?”

“Lars. I imagine he will be only too happy to make sure I don’t fuck things up with you,” Mac laughed.

“Do you suppose we could invite Adele to be our flower girl?”

“I think she’d be tickled pink to be included,” Mac agreed. “So, let’s invite the Beckers together, too. That way, you can be the one to ask Virginie and Adele if they’d like to participate in the wedding.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Grace, where is it going to be?” Mac asked quizzically.

“We will get married at Harmony Pavilion in Tivoli Gardens and then have our reception at Nimb Terrasse. Then in the evening, those who wish can join us on some of the rides, the milder ones,” she clarified when she saw the panicked look in Mac’s eyes. “There will be fireworks since it’s on a Saturday. That should make it extra special.”

He watched her eyes sparkle as she filled him in on details. She still needed to confirm the photographer, the florist, and the bakery, all of which were on-site at Nimb. She was still contemplating what to do as far as music, but she still had some time.


Chapter Eighty

They had transition meetings until 3:00 p.m., but after that, they were free until Monday morning. They went back to the suite and called Franz Huber.

“Grace, how lovely to hear from you and, of course, you too, McKinley,” Franz said when he answered his phone. “How is everything going? How’s your head been, Liebling?”

“Much better,” Grace said, winking at Mac. “We are calling because we are getting married a week from tomorrow in Copenhagen and, we know it’s short notice, but we would love it if you could attend.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

“I have a favor to ask, Franz. I have no one to give me away. I was hoping that you might be willing to do so,” Grace asked tentatively.

Franz, moved by her request, took a few seconds to respond. “I’d be honored to walk you down the aisle. Goodness knows if I will ever have that pleasure with Johanna.”

“Oh, speaking of Johanna, Mac is inviting her as well.”

“Oh?” Franz sounded surprised.

“Yes, he and I have a mutual friend that we think she’d hit it off with,” Grace said playfully.

“Ahh, the poor fellow. Well, it can’t hurt to try!”

Next, they called the Beckers, who were thrilled to be invited and even more delighted to be asked to be part of the wedding.

“I don’t know if you have chosen a musician yet, but Max plays guitar and sings quite beautifully,” Virginie said. “He’d be honored to play for you.”

“That’s so sweet, but I want Max to enjoy the celebration,” Grace replied.

“At least let him play for your ceremony. I will email you a sample of his playing and singing. I know it sounds as if I am bragging, but I think Max’s voice will persuade you.”

“Of course, I’d love that. Thank you! Oh, and please bring the boys as well. We’d love to see them, too.”

While Mac called the other potential guests, Grace watched the video of Max Becker’s version of Train’s Marry Me. It took her breath away.

When Mac came into the living room, he saw Grace on the floor with her laptop and tears streaming down her face.

“Grace, what’s wrong, baby?” he said as he crouched down to wipe her tears away.

“Nothing is wrong. Virginie was right; Max is perfect for our wedding ceremony. I will speak with the wedding consultant to arrange music for the reception, but Max is our guy for the wedding itself.”

“So, happy tears?” he asked, clarifying.

“Yes, very happy tears,” she said as a few more leaked out.

“How about we take a break and go for a swim?” he suggested. “Lars said yes to being my best man, and all of the guests have been invited, and every single one of them has said yes.”

“Well, then we deserve a swim!” she said as she got up off the floor. She grabbed her laptop and sent off a quick email to Virginie, saying they absolutely wanted Max to sing and play. She added a request that the boys be ring bearers. Then she went to put on a swimsuit.

She selected one that Mac hadn’t seen on her yet. It was mint and black and had a strapless bandeau top with a bow tie accent and matching pucker back bottoms with strappy sides. It showed a lot of skin but surprisingly covered all her parts well enough not to be considered indecent.

Mac’s tongue nearly fell to the floor when he saw her. “Holy fuck, you are stunning!” he blurted out.

Grace laughed and said, “Well, you picked this out for me.”

Mac grinned sheepishly. “To be honest, I thought you’d take one look at that suit and say hell no. So, the fact that it’s on your body and looks even better than it did on the model in the picture is making my cock stand up at attention.

Grace threw her head back and laughed heartily. Then she walked over to Mac, pulled the waistband of his swim trunks away from his body, and said, “Down boy. You can come out to play after we cool off and relax in the pool a bit.”

Mac put a hand under her chin and lifted it for a kiss that was so tender that Grace felt her heart skip a beat.

“You talk about me being a mix of things, but you are incredibly lusty one moment and hopelessly romantic the next. I won the lottery too, Mac. I’m the lucky one here.”

As they entered the pool area, Mac felt a swell of pride when he saw other men looking at Grace. He wouldn’t stoop to feeling jealousy, as his fiancée seemed oblivious to their stares. She only had eyes for him at the moment, and he felt loved and desired. Had Louise ever looked at him this way? Or Johanna? He couldn’t recall either of them or any other woman he’d dated looking at him like this. There had been plenty of lusty looks, he admitted. He was an attractive man with dark hair and a big dick, after all. But love? No, no one before Grace had ever gazed at him with eyes that said I love you.

But there was lust and mischief in those big blue eyes as well. Grace gave Mac an impish grin and then surprised him by diving into the pool and going underwater. No adult female in his world had ever gotten their hair wet in a swimming pool.

He jumped in and went under too. When he came back up to the surface, Grace was right there and wrapped her arms around his neck. She looked so sexy in that swimsuit with her hair hanging in wet ringlets and her face damp and dewy. He kissed her passionately and backed her against the wall. Then he put his lips against her ear and whispered hoarsely, “I’m going to make you cum, Grace.”

Before she had time to protest, his fingers were inside her bikini bottoms and teasing her pink folds, already puffy with desire. He zeroed in on her hard little nub and watched her eyes roll back into her head. She tried hard not to be obvious, but her hips couldn’t help but rock subtly as she felt her juices flowing.

His cock ached to fuck her right here in the pool, but that was a little too risky. He didn’t want to get thrown out of the hotel with only about a week until their wedding. But he could probably get away with fingering her pussy and making her squirm.

Thank goodness people tended to look away when they saw public displays of affection. However, an unintentional moment of eye contact with an older gentleman made Mac realize that at least one person was staring. The man had a huge grin on his face and had bunched up a towel and placed it on his lap while he sat in the lounger and watched Grace’s face.

Mac knew he should probably stop, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. Instead, he moved his fingers faster and added a bit more pressure, causing Grace to moan.

The voyeur now had his hand under the towel. Mac was sure the guy was stroking himself, but he couldn’t blame the guy. He continued to rub her clit as three fingers moved like pistons into her wet hole. She was about to cum, and he debated stopping and leaving her frustrated and needy. But he knew the guy watching needed to see her climax almost as much as she needed to get there.

Grace put her head on Mac’s shoulder, but he whispered, “No, darling, you need to keep your head up. There’s a guy who is watching you. He needs to see the look on your face when you cum. You don’t want to disappoint him, do you?”

She was too close to the edge to care that someone was staring, or that Mac was encouraging it. She did as he asked and even opened her eyes for a brief second to gaze directly into the onlooker’s eyes. Then she let her eyes flutter as her orgasm shook her entire body. Mac held onto her as she went limp, and he looked up to see the observer go glassy-eyed and lay back in his lounger while his body shuddered.

“You just made that man cum, you wicked little slut. Let’s get out of the pool before I can’t control myself and fuck you right here in front of everyone,” he said sternly.


Written by techgoddess
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