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"Love has a cost..."

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The Present...

This morning started much like yesterday's: loud music shocking me awake, a heavy body on top of me turning off the music, my neck receiving delicious nuzzles... Except, this morning Danny wasn't in any hurry to leave me to get dressed for work. Instead, there was movement of flesh on flesh as a warm body moved to slip back under the covers to nestle against me... And then on top of me. It all felt wonderful but... I turned my head to the side and covered my mouth with a hand when Danny tried to kiss me. I reached with my other hand and stopped him from pulling my panties down.

"Ahh... Danny," I said behind my hand. "I know that in the movies morning wake-up sex looks great, but I'm always worried about morning breath before I brush my teeth."

"I understand," Danny said, but didn't move off me. Instead, his mouth moved away from mine to nuzzle my neck. His hand stopped trying to push my panties off, but his fingers didn't stop moving over my panties... It all felt great but...

Wait a minute!!! Danny's breath had smelled minty fresh!! I blinked a gummy eye open and asked. "How long have you been awake?"

"A while," Danny murmured into the flesh just under my ear causing me to shudder. "I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I guess it's all those years of having to do farm chores before school that has me in the habit of waking up early."

"Well, at least you didn't wake me up," I smiled behind my hand. Danny raised his head and stilled the fingers on my panties. I noticed him giving my alarm clock a guilty glance.

I blinked until I could focus on my alarm clock. "You son-of-a-bitch," I accused. "You reset my alarm half an hour early."

Danny grinned, looking down at me, no longer looking guilty. He looked hungry. "I didn't want to be in a hurry this morning."

"You horny bastard."

I covered my mouth through another long yawn. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a morning person. I can't enjoy a kiss while I'm worried about morning breath and unless you move off my kidneys... I'm gonna pee all over you."

Danny laughed and slipped off to lie beside me. When I asked if he'd put the toilet seat down, Danny continued his move and left the bed. I shook my head and wondered how long it would take my nerd to learn bathroom etiquette while sharing a toilet with a female. When Danny walked out of the bathroom, I walked in and shut the door. I did my business and brushed my teeth. When I opened the bathroom door, I could smell coffee being brewed. It was cool in my apartment as I stepped out of yesterday's panties and put slipped into a new pair and a sports bra.

Stopping to turn the thermostat to where I wanted it, I followed my nose to the kitchen and picked up my extra-large mug in anticipation of coffee while I checked my phone for any new messages. I was in the middle of yet another yawn when Danny leered, "Do you always walk around with no clothes on?"

"I keep the apartment warm. I wear as much or as little as I want. Why? Do you want me to put clothes on?"

"Oh, hell no," Danny replied decisively as hands reached to deliver a wonderful ass-scratching massage to my ass cheeks. I let Danny have his fun until I heard the gurgle-gurgle-pfft-gurgle-pfft sound that signaled all the water had run through the coffee maker.

Danny looked embarrassed as he said, "Olivia, I wasn't snooping or anything but when I wanted sugar…"

"You opened the tin marked SUGAR and found it full of condoms," I finished. "The sugar is in a plastic container in that cabinet."

"Umm," Danny wouldn't look at me. Instead, he glanced towards my bedroom. "Do you, ahh, bring, you know, clients here?"

"No. It's usually hotels. Sometimes an office and sometimes a house. Danny," I said seriously. "You're the only guy who's been in my bed." Which was absolutely true. Sandra, Tina and others were definitely not 'guys'.

Danny seemed to feel better hearing that and we sipped our coffee in silence for a bit as caffeine woke us up. When Danny gulped the last drops in his cup and moved to pin me between him and the counter again, I stilled his hands when they tried to grab my ass again. I shook my head 'No' and told Danny in a merry voice, "Since you woke me up early, we have time to do chores." Keeping Danny in an excited state seemed a fitting punishment for waking me early.

"I know what chores I want to do," Danny mock growled and pinned me tighter between his body and the counter. I felt the hard cock hidden under his boxers rubbing against my mound.

"Tonight! Hold that thought until tonight," I said decisively while pulling my head away when he tried to kiss me again. "For now, go downstairs and collect all your dirty laundry. Sheets, pillowcases, underwear... Everything! And bring it all up here."

Danny definitely wasn't thinking about laundry and maybe, probably, definitely if he'd pushed the matter, I would have forgotten about laundry, too. Instead, he nodded, dressed and left my apartment. Danny brought his laundry and added it to the pile I had on my bed. He held up a pair of red thong panties and observed, "My laundry never had it so good."

"My cleaner can have dirty thoughts about me now," I grinned. "This is the first time I've had men's clothes mixed with mine."

I crushed all our clothes into my large, wheeled hamper I could roll to my cleaners later and then we made up my bed with clean sheets. I showed Danny how to tuck the corners in to my satisfaction. Danny joined me for my morning shower though we didn't have time for the game of Hide-The-Salami he'd been looking forward to this morning. We were in the real world now. Where there were schedules to keep. While we dried off, I asked Danny if he wanted a Slutty/Sexy fiancée or a Nice/Sexy fiancée to show off to his co-workers. He decided on Nice/Sexy.

When Danny kissed me to return to his apartment to dress, I decided he deserved one last, well-deserved tease for waking me so early. Still naked from our shower, I draped myself over my bed. It was still cool in the apartment and my nipples were hard as I traced them with my fingertips. In my sexy voice, I asked, "Danny, are you sure you need to leave now?"

"God, Olivia! You're cruel."

"It would be cruel if I were teasing you instead of inviting," I replied while lightly running my fingers between my legs.

Danny took a step towards me as I rocked my ass in that invitation, then stopped after a glance at the alarm clock. "Dammit! We're already cutting it close on time and we still need to dress."

"I can dress Nice/Sexy in three minutes. I wonder what you can do in three minutes," I asked in my best sexy voice while lazily raising and lowering my hips.

"You're evil, Olivia," Danny stated as he walked quickly out of the bedroom. A moment later I laughed wickedly when I heard my door slam. Yeah, I'd teased Danny. I knew his stupid work ethic wouldn't let him miss the subway. If Danny had given in to temptation? I would have enjoyed every minute of role-playing an Evil Temptress leading an innocent down the road to Perdition.

Being a call girl gives me plenty of practice in dressing quickly. I was ready by the time Danny returned dressed in his overalls. We had a long subway ride to a part of town I'd never been to. I entertained Danny as he watched me pull one thing after another out of my large carry purse so I could do my makeup. The trip ended in the outskirts of the city where abandoned industrial buildings slowly returned to nature.

The sky was blue with a promise of warmth later in the day. This was proving to be a long Spring with cool mornings and decently warm days. It was a short walk to a very large, fenced lot that looked like it was where rubble came to die. A concrete and brick building that was barely distinguishable from the piles of debris scattered about was the office.

I'd selected my clothes with care. A close-fitting knit pullover that molded to my tits and small waist. It had a scoop neck that showed a small amount of cleavage and hinted there was much more left unseen. The skirt was shorter than anything I would have worn when I was a temp in an office, but they didn't need to know that. It was an outfit that showed off my assets, yet I could wear have worn to an office as long as I didn't forget and bent over at the waist to flash ass cheeks. I made certain to flash my engagement ring at every opportunity and, of course, I charmed all of Danny's co-workers.

I met Danny's boss and hopefully his report to Danny's mom would be favorable. Danny had told me I couldn't wear heels where he worked so I'd brought tennis shoes to exchange my heels for. Wearing a safety helmet at a jaunty angle, I crunched across pebbles, gravel, and broken chunks of brick to a not-so-distant part of the yard. In front of me was a huge pile of loose bricks at least ten feet tall and twenty feet long and wide. Behind me were wooden pallets with different types of brick stacked on them.

"So! What I do is separate any bricks still stuck together and knock off any mortar still on the bricks," Danny instructed me as he picked up a rock hammer. "Then I stack the bricks by type on the pallets."

Danny had told me this the previous evening. I still found it difficult to process. "This is what you do," I asked, still not quite believing him. Danny nodded.

"And you get paid to do this?"

Danny nodded again.


"I told you I'd have to show you what I do for you to understand," Danny laughed. "You see, when the company wins a bid to tear an old building down, my boss will truck the bricks here. These are old bricks. Many of them are over a hundred years old. Modern bricks look nothing like them. So, let's say someone wants something built today but he wants it to look a hundred years old... He'll want these bricks. Believe me, my salary is nothing compared to what the company charges for these old bricks."

"I can't believe people will pay so much for bricks," I said, picking one up and only half believing Danny.

"Old bricks," Danny stressed. "There's big money in hand-hewed beams from old barns and houses. Weathered lumber planks... Old poured glass panes... Even old doorknobs. You'd be amazed at what rich people want built to look old."

"You mean rich idiots. When you get me my money, no way will I waste my millions on this crap," I declared and tossed the brick back onto the pile. Dusting off my hands I added, "I want a yacht! Not some old/new building or wall."

I looked around. There was no shelter at the brick pile. "You work here part-time when college is in session, what do you do when it's cold or raining?"

"I dress warmly and when it rains or snows there's always something I can help out with in the office or the warehouse."

Now I knew how Danny stayed so buff. Moving heavy armloads of bricks from one pile to another would be a nice workout. 'For some, but not for me,' I thought. I had other ways to work off calories. More comfortable and enjoyable ways.

Danny's co-workers were watching us from the office windows, so I moved to put my arms around Danny's neck. I molded my body to his for a long kiss with tongue. For their entertainment, I reached down to grab double handfuls of tight ass cheeks disguised under Danny's overalls before moving away. I returned to the office to drop off my hardhat but didn't stay long. I had to go back to my apartment. I had a subway to catch and laundry to drop off at my cleaners before meeting the guy I had an appointment to fuck.

I was tired of subways, so I caught a taxi to the hotel where I was to give a Nooner to my first client. In the taxi, I called Danny to test out his new Bluetooth. It worked perfectly. He could work and talk at the same time. Danny was much more interested in what I was doing than what he was doing. Where I was going and what I'd be doing once I got there. The taxi driver seemed very interested, too.

I had an incoming call from Marla, so I had to put Danny on hold to take it. Marla had called to offer me a Cinderella Date for Friday. I call night appointments Cinderella Dates because they ended at midnight or the price Marla charged for her girl's services went up. Way up! What Marla was offering me was a looong Cinderella Date that might last from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening.

A rich guy was hosting a poker game for some high rollers. The game would start Friday evening and last until Sunday evening or until there was one guy with all the money. The rich guy did this every three or four months. He invited equally rich friends and maybe a well-known professional poker player to add some class to his games.

This was the guy who'd thrown the bachelor party that became my first gangbang. He'd liked how I'd assumed the role of 'hostess' for the poker game in the basement. He's requested Marla to send me twice for his games since then. Six or seven rich guys showing off their wealth by losing money... And by tipping their hostess Mucho Dinero. The money I'd earned from the last poker game had bought me my living room furniture. My very expensive furniture.

"Do you want the assignment," Marla asked.

"Hell, yeah!" I said after doing the math and deciding my period wouldn't start until after this weekend. I'm very regular and there was a two-day grace period before my period started. I reminded Marla of the days I wouldn't be working next week. Marla never understood why I didn't work during 'that time of the month.' She always reminded me that she had clients who liked earning their 'Red Badge Of Courage'. As for me? The thought was just icky! Even a whore has to have limits. Besides, getting fucked pretty much every day really wasn't as exciting as Danny thought. I liked having my days off.

I was already making plans about what I could do with the money I'd earn. Plus, it was an easy gig. Most of the time I'd be serving drinks, making sandwiches, and emptying ashtrays. All while looking sexy, of course. My only other duty was to be available if a player wanted to take a break from the game for a trip to a bedroom. I would also be expected to make myself available to console players who'd lost their stake and were out of the game.

Marla told me to be outside her office building at a time on Friday. A car would pick me up. Marla didn't know where the poker game would be held. The last time I'd been a 'hostess' the driver hadn't even known the final destination. He'd gotten a call to let him know after he'd picked me up. This would be a cash game with a half-million-dollar buy-in. There would be three or four million dollars in cash at this game and security would be tight.

While I had Marla on the phone, I told her of my desire for more Cinderella Dates and fewer Nooners. Marla had been in favor of this ever since I'd rented my small Mom Apartment and moved 'permanently' to the city from my parents' house. The reason? I made Marla more money being an 'escort' for a couple of nights than I would for a week of Nooners. Plus, they were easy assignments. Like the one this weekend. I'd be tired by Sunday when the game broke up but I'd also be several thousand dollars richer.

I had my own reasons for wanting more Cinderella Dates. There was the added money, of course, but my real reason? I'd had more fun on the few Cinderella Dates I'd agreed to than I had giving Nooners. There were some Preferred Customers I'd continue to see. Charlie, for certain. I liked being tied up. And there was Harry, whose name was always followed with a silent 'the Horse' in my head because, well, do I really need to explain?

I disconnected from Marla to call Danny back to inform him that he would have to occupy himself this weekend. I told him why and he went quiet. "C'mon, Danny. Don't be like this," I said. "You knew I'd have to do things like this. We agreed I'd need to keep my regular job to remain 'under the radar' of anyone looking for me. If I turned down an easy, high-paying job..."

"I know. I do know but that doesn't mean I have to like it," Danny replied in a grumpy voice.

I disconnected when the taxi pulled up to the hotel. I went up and pretended that the old guy with the flabby body was the best lover in the world. A long sixty-nine had finally gotten his dick hard enough for him to move on top of me.

He was inside me, happily humping away when he suddenly stopped in mid-hump. I was playing with my tits for his enjoyment and his gaze was fixed on my left hand.

"Are you engaged," he asked incredulously. I'd forgotten I was wearing my 'engagement ring'. This was hardly the time for a long explanation, so I just answered Yes.

"Does he know what you do?"

I decided that one lie deserved another, so I said my fiancée didn't know how I earned extra money. This seemed to excite the man on top of me. My being engaged had caused a subtle change in our relationship. I wasn't just a whore he'd hired. I was a fellow cheater! He was cuckolding another man's woman!

I'd fucked him before. Those times he was a one-time-only fuck. Today he was so excited he came twice. After cleaning the sex between my legs, I made him promise to call me again if/when he was ever in town again. I caught a taxi to a hotel for my second appointment. In the taxi, I counted the bills he'd slipped into my bra. It was more than double what he usually tipped. Who says Cheaters-Never-Prosper? The gift didn't move the old guy up to my Preferred Customer list, but it made his big pot belly more bearable.

My second client had pretty much the same reaction as my first. He became more excited, more energetic when he noticed my ring and I explained that my fiancée had no idea I was cheating on him to earn extra money. I got a larger-than-usual gift again before he left the hotel room to go home to the wife he'd told me he was going to divorce. Lying on the bed counting my money, I wondered why I hadn't bought myself a ring long ago if it caused such a reaction! I guess men liked the idea of being a cuckolding secret lover more than being a paying client.

I had time to go shopping at a specialty outlet after my second client. I was in my apartment snipping tags off the outfits I'd need for the weekend when Danny arrived. He'd showered in his apartment and smelled like soap. Danny may not have liked what I would be doing this weekend, but he certainly approved of the wardrobe I'd be wearing.

Three French Maid outfits in different styles and cuts. All black with frilly panties and yards of white lace. Another plus to these outfits was the small slit in the panties, hidden by a short skirt, that wasn't readily apparent unless I bent over. Short skirts, very deep-cut bodices and crotchless panties...  I thought I was dressed for the occasion. All the maid outfits were pretty much the same, so I only tried one outfit on for Danny.

"The smallest chip in the game is worth a thousand dollars," I told Danny. "These are all rich guys who want to flaunt their wealth. When the players get a little drunk from too many drinks and a little punch drunk from lack of sleep..." I took Danny's hand and moved it under my skirt to place it between my thighs. A finger discovered these were crotchless panties and pushed inside me. Danny's finger went deeper when I told him, "You'd be amazed at how many poker chips will be left in my pussy cleft."

I let Danny finger me for a couple of minutes before I pulled away, promising to change into my final costume for his approval. When I came out of the bedroom this time, Danny's eyes went wide. My 'costume' was a leather collar and metal leash. I pushed his knees apart and knelt on the floor between them before handing Danny the leather handle of the leash.

"Towards the end of the game, when everyone is tired," I tell Danny. "I change into this and hand one of them that handle. For the last hour or two before the game ends, I do anything the holder of my leash commands."

"So, anyone can ask you to do anything?"

I shook my head, no, "Anyone holding my leash can command me to do anything."

Danny laughed, "You're telling me that however holds the leash can command you?"

I lowered my head and answered subserviently, "Yes, Master."

Danny finally began to understand and looked at the leather handle in his hand. "So, I command you now?"

I immediately lowered my forehead to touch the floor and like a good sex slave, I asked, "What is your wish, Master?"

Danny wasn't an idiot and he commanded me to stand up.

Whispering a subservient, Yes, Master... I did.

Danny remained sitting on the couch. "Don't respond in any way to what I do," he commanded and pushed a hand between my legs.

I kept my head bowed and had to bite my lip from moaning in gratification as Danny began to finger my pussy. Trying on my outfits in front of Danny... Seeing how he'd salivated at seeing me in a sexy dress while knowing I'd be exposed like that in front of other men... I could see that Danny was hard in his jeans and Danny discovered I was wet as his fingers penetrated me. Two fingers began slowly stretching my pussy while a thumb began to circle my clit... My thighs trembled and I couldn't stop the whimper that formed in the back of my throat.

Shit! I wanted an orgasm! For two days Danny had fucked me. Old, flabby men in offices and hotel rooms had fucked me. Damn it! I didn't just want an orgasm. I was practically vibrating in my desire to come!

As commanded, I stayed as quiet as I could. My legs began trembling the longer Danny fingered me. I couldn't stop the high-pitched, quiet whimpers that signaled my need for release when his thumb pressed harder and began to play faster across my engorged clit.

Pulling his fingers from me, Danny stood and put his fingers in my mouth to be sucked clean before we kissed.

"Get on your knees."

"Yes, Master." I knelt and watched as Danny's jeans and underwear pooled around his ankles.

"I think you know what I want," he commanded.

"Yes, Master."

I didn't suck Danny's cock for more than a couple of minutes before he commanded me to stand up and gave me a push...

"Go to your bed."

"Oh! Yes, Master!"


The Present…

In the taxi, I couldn't seem to keep my legs still. Scissoring my legs caused flesh further up to press around my clit. Moist pussy lips sliding around and against my clit gave me happy thoughts as I closed my eyes. Leaning further into the seat and remembering the sex Danny and I had had last night and this morning just got me hotter, wetter and made my legs scissor faster until I had to force myself back to the present.

Last night Danny had demonstrated to my very satisfied satisfaction that he was a quick learner on how to make a woman come with fingers and tongue. He'd fingered and licked me to orgasm and even as my body tensed and relaxed as my climax slowly lessened, even as I tried to even out my breathing, his hands were pushing my legs open wider. Kissing his way up my stomach and tits to my neck before taking me. Our sex had been slow, long, and very, very satisfying as Danny told me to assume different positions. There were plenty of kisses, licks, and sucking on hard nipples. Danny sucked my nipples to hardness, also.

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At the end, he'd pounded his cock into me while I screamed at him not to come, not to come yet as another orgasm began to make itself known as a distinct possibility. By the time he groaned, he couldn't wait any longer and came, both of us were covered in sweat and my muscles were in spasms as my mind emptied of everything but how my own orgasm felt. 

Out of breath, with muscles still quivering from my climax as Danny pulled out, I couldn't have moved if the apartment had been on fire. I felt so good I didn't even open my eyes as Danny pushed my legs together and only mmm'd softly as my abused thigh muscles relaxed. I smiled as Danny brought a warm, damp cloth to clean his cum from between my legs. It seemed I'd trained him well. I was asleep almost as soon as he pulled the covers over us to spoon.

This morning my alarm clock had cut my sleep time by half an hour again. Danny said he'd forgotten to reset the alarm when I gave him a squint eye. His breath was minty fresh again this morning when he kissed my squint-eye mood away. I wondered how long he'd been awake. Watching me sleep? That was kind'a creepy.

Danny didn't try to stop me from going into the bathroom for my morning toilette, but he was waiting outside the door to hustle me back into bed when I opened the door. I was laughing at how quickly he picked me up and tossed me on my back. I was still bouncing on the bed when my panties were pulled over my ass and down my legs. Both of us were ready as my legs opened to accept the body settling between them. When I playfully accused Danny of lying that he'd 'forgotten' to reset the alarm, he gave up trying to convince me he hadn't. He was too busy playing with my tits and sucking on my nipples before putting me on my hands and knees to pound my ass into next week.

Our morning sex had started as energetically as our sex last night had started slowly. Energetic enough that even now in the taxi, I could still feel the pounding my pussy lips had taken. I was sore between my legs but it was a good kind of feeling. It was a soreness that tells a woman she's been fucked hard and long.

Jesus Christ! I thought I'd been having a lot of sex but in the last few days, after I'd fucked clients during the day, I had a horny, near virgin waiting for me at home. A horny, near virgin who'd been thinking about pussy all day. Remembering the last time he'd had pussy and was counting the hours down until he could get more pussy. 

In the back seat of the taxi and out of sight of the driver, I slid my hand up the hem of my short skirt. Massaging the ache in my thigh muscles caused different movements higher up. Fleshy parts higher up between my legs moved and pulled as I massaged. Even more pleasant sensations reminded me that I'd been royally fucked. But in a good way. This is a soreness that reminds a woman she's had great sex!

Handing the cabbie money, I slid out of the taxi while trying not to let my short skirt ride up to indecent heights. Standing in front of the office building where a man was waiting for me to brighten his morning, I adjusted my short, black skirt and tucked the silk blouse into its waist. As I entered the building, smiling at the man waiting up to hold the door open for me, I tried to remember where the bathrooms were in this building.

I had two clients today. I gave some thought to going into the public female's bathroom. I usually kept a small plastic bottle of lubricant in my purse. Especially before I saw my first client of the day, I'd sit on a toilet and squirt lubricant into my pussy so I wouldn't be dry. This morning I knew I was wet and horny from thinking about the great sex I'd had last night and the energetic quickie this morning. Since I was moist already, my four-inch heels click-clacked on the polished granite floor as I walked towards the elevators as if I owned the building.

I felt good. I knew I looked good as men checked me out while trying not to be conspicuous about it. My blouse was cut to hug my trim waist and though I had it buttoned to show only a hint of cleavage, I didn't have to show cleavage for my large breasts to be prominent. My black skirt molded to my hips and firm butt. The skirt stopped at mid-thigh to expose much of my long, toned legs that gave me much of my height.

Exiting the elevator on the correct floor, I gave the receptionist my new fake name while I channeled Daisy Duke and spoke in a fake Southern accent. At Danny's suggestion, I didn't use my fake German alias anymore. After asking his secretary not to disturb us, Jeffrey closed his office door and pulled me close, whispering that we didn't have much time. That was fine with me. If I wasn't here for the full two hours I could do some shopping before my next client. Jeffrey quietly engaged the door's lock before kissing me. Jeffrey's wife didn't trust him -for good reason- and the secretary probably had his wife on speed dial.

A client who wanted a happy in his office while not having much time was old hat to me by now. I was ready to go to my knees or to lean over a desk. Rubbing my hand over the bulge in his trouser, nonplused I asked, "Do you want pussy or a blow job."

"Blow me," Jeffrey replied as hands pushed down on my shoulders until I sank to my knees.

Ya know? Some think that shit like this doesn't happen. After all, I may be easy but I'm not cheap! For a guy to pay Marla big bucks just to have me show up for a quickie blow job? Yea, well, this guy may have an entry-level position in this corporation without a large salary, but you'd recognize his last name if I said it. He comes from a family that has 'Old Money'. Shit load amounts of old money. He may be paying his dues now in a crap office while his boss gives him more crap just so he can someday be the boss crapping on his subordinates… But, if he wants a fifteen-minute happy to help him get through a shitty day, he's going to get his happy!

My hands got busy. In no time I had his hard cock in my hand and pulled through his pant's fly. As I knelt, I didn't need to look up to know Jeffrey was watching as I played with his length. Slow stroking with my hand while flicking my tongue over the shaft from the hairy base to the bulbous, purple head. Because Jeffrey had said he didn't have much time, I didn't play for long before I started seriously fucking his cock with my mouth.

When I took his tip deeper into my mouth, Jeffrey put a hand on the back of my head as he leaned forward and pushed his cock to the back of my mouth. I slipped my hands around to grip ass cheeks through his pants. It hadn't taken long for my blow job to become Jeffrey fucking my mouth. Balanced on my heels, I removed my hands to let Jeffrey control the pace and depth of his cock moving in my mouth.

Jeffrey had a nice-sized cock but with as much practice as I've had sucking cock, I wasn't in danger of choking on it as I felt the tip slide deeper. I quickly unbuttoned my blouse and pulled the material to the sides of my chest. As Jeffrey's cock began a steady, fast rhythm, I wanted any drool I had trouble swallowing to drip onto the exposed swell of my breasts above my bra's half-cups instead of silk. Walking out of his office and past his secretary with the front of my blouse wet would no doubt undo Jeffrey's attempt to disguise our meeting as business and not as hanky-panky. The usual sounds of a busy office came through the door to mix with the quiet, gah, gah, gah, gah wet sounds coming from my mouth as Jeffrey continued to face fuck me.

Looking down to watch his cock appearing and then disappearing between my lips- perhaps thinking of his secretary and co-workers working and walking by only a few feet away on the other side of the closed door- it didn't seem to take much time before I heard a soft, drawn-out Ooh God... Jeffrey stilled his movements and fingers gripped my hair to hold my head still.

A quiet groan and a cock tip pushed against the back of my throat signaled Jeffrey's readiness just before I felt his cock contract. I clamped my lips around the base of his shaft. Crotch hair tickled my nose as one hot stream after another splashed against the back of my mouth to coat my tongue. The familiar taste of cum flooded my mouth. Hard, short hip thrusts pushed cock deeper until I had to force my head back against Jeffrey's grip on my head until I wasn't in danger of choking and spitting saliva and cum on his trousers.

Tightening my lips around Jeffrey's flesh, I held my head still as cum and spit mixed and collected in my mouth. Jeffrey relaxed his fingers in my hair and his attempts to throat fuck me eased as he enjoyed a couple of minutes of just having his cock in my mouth feeling my mouth movements as... Trying not to slurp loudly around the cock between my lips, I began swallowing the large load left in my mouth. With my hands on Jeffrey's thighs, I pushed him back until only the tip of his cock remained between my lips. Jeffrey groaned and caught his breath as my hand stroked and milked the last drops of cum from the still-hard shaft.

Finishing with a last milking stroke and a long tongue lick of the cockhead to get any last cum, I kept my fist wrapped around Jeffrey's now slightly flaccid shaft as I sucked hard on the tip. Jeffrey's hizzz of indrawn breath told me how good it felt for him. I sucked harder before letting the very purple and engorged bulb slip from my mouth with a soft pop of air.

I kept his now much smaller and malleable shaft in my fist as I stood. Jeffrey wasn't a short man but with my high-heeled assisted height of 6'4" I was a couple of inches taller as we remained close. Jeffrey's eyes were on my now mostly exposed boobs and he worked another button open before pulling my blouse wider to expose more of me. My lacey half-cups barely covered my nipples. I stood still and quiet as fingers pulled bra cups down and my boobs popped out. One hand still holding cock, my other hand went to the back of Jeffrey's head to pull his mouth to my soft tit. Jeffrey seemed perfectly content to suck on one nipple and then the other while his hands molded my breasts. 

While he had his fun I continued to play with his cock and balls. We continued in this way until he finally came up for air as, with a series of last hard sucking pulls on my erect nipples, he moved his mouth away. Most men are leery of kissing me after I've swallowed a mouthful of their, or someone else's, cum. I pressed my body close to his and trailed light kisses to the side of his neck instead.

"Damn, I wish I had more time today," Jeffrey moaned. He hadn't let go of my breasts with his hands at the same time his mouth had. I moaned to show him how good it felt to have him squeeze my tits hard.

"I do, too," I agreed back softly, trying to sound like a woman in need. "I'd love to have a hard cock inside me." I put my fingers over his and pressed them deeper into my boob while rubbing my body against his. Between kisses to his neck, I continued to whisper, "Are you sure you don't have the time… Bend me over your desk… Mmm, I'm getting wet just thinking about it…"

Okay... It was all lies. So, what? Men love to hear a woman beg for their cock. I'd had plenty of cock yesterday, last night and this morning. I was secretly glad it seemed he wouldn't want a repeat blowjob or a quick fuck. That wasn't something you let a client know though, so I groaned like a bitch in heat as hands gripped my tits harder.

Jeffrey finally seemed to have had enough of my body. With a regretful sigh, he backed away. Even though I was uncomfortable I didn't put my boobs back into my bra. My hand in his, I led Jeffrey to his desk and lightly pushed him to sit in his chair. Straddling his legs, I pushed my tits into his face again, mmm'ing in my throat and rubbing my nipple over his lips until he began sucking on a nipple again.

"Are you suuure you don't have time for more, Jeffy" I wheedled in my best sexy voice while slowly twerking my hips over his lap. I kept my voice light as I tried to portray a girl who's disappointed at being denied sex. "I remember how good I felt after the last time. I was really, really looking forward to a hard fuck this morning."

Jeffrey stopped sucking on my nipple. "I wish I had time, but a conference call got scheduled for just a little time from now," Jeffrey explained as if I was a child he was denying candy to.

"Well, okay," I pouted and rose up from his lap while doing my best to act like a child being denied candy. Reluctantly I set about putting my boobs back into my bra and shaking the cups until they were resting comfortably. I checked that my chest was dry and began buttoning my blouse up. I sat on the edge of his desk as Jeffrey demonstrated he was a gentleman by handing me tissues from a drawer so I could clean residual cum and spit from my face. 

Using the mirror of my compact I began fixing my makeup. Jeffrey watched with interest as I applied blush with sweeps of a brush. We kept our conversation light until I was satisfied my 'face' was good and I finished by applying a thick coat of red lipstick.

I knelt on the floor before Jeffrey, both of us were grinning while my hands moved to expose his cock again. It was halfway to hardness as I leaned forward to press my lips firmly around the tip. Pulling back, we both could see the red 'kiss' I'd left on the head. Sitting back on Jeffrey's desk, he handed me more tissues to wipe off the lipstick.

While I ran a brush through my hair, Jeffrey put his cock back in his pants and zipped up. Jeffrey kept repeating how he wished he had more time while I kept acting disappointed that I was going to be denied his hard cock until we were standing next to the door. Handing me a large manila envelope, Jeffrey opened the door and in a normal voice meant for his secretary to hear announced, "Look over the contracts and let me know if they meet your requirements. We'll schedule another appointment next month if that fits your schedule..."

We kept up the charade as he walked me to the elevators. When the elevator arrived, making certain no one could see, I grinned and gave his crotch a squeeze before I stepped in and pushed the down button. I felt the satisfaction of a job done well. I'd given my client the happy he'd wanted and I'd left him convinced that I was a nympho who wanted more. Which had Jeffrey already thinking about how soon he could schedule me again. Which would make Marla happy. Which meant more money in my kitchen's Flour tin. Not a bad morning...

Opening the large envelope as I walked out of the building, I folded the bills I found at the bottom and slipped the money into my purse. The manila envelope and blank sheets of paper that had been used as filler went into a nearby trash can on the sidewalk as I waved down a taxi. In the cab, I counted the bills, added in my cut from what Jeffrey had paid Marla for me and was happy at the amount. All for a ten minute blowjob, a quick swallow, and a few minutes of a performance worthy of an Academy Award for acting. Definitely not a bad morning...


The Present…

Checking my watch, I estimated that it was close to Danny's lunch break as the taxi pulled to a stop. The driver wasn't happy. He wouldn't find a fare out here to drive back downtown and no one in the backseat meant no money in his wallet. I knew the feeling all too well. I passed money over the back of the seat to pay the fare with a good tip added. I didn't feel like walking to the subway for a long trip back. I held up a hundred where he could see it, tore it down the middle, and handed one half to him. 

"I'll be here about half an hour. The other half is yours if you take a break and wait for me."

He agreed he needed a break. Carrying large food bags, I entered the construction yard where Danny was employed to sort and move bricks. I shook my head at the thought of rich people paying huge prices for old bricks. Then I thought of how much Jeffrey had spent this morning for a happy. Shrugging my shoulders, I decided to each their own.

Stepping carefully in my heels over the pebbles, rocks, and broken bricks, I slowly made my way from the gate to the nearby cinder block building that contained the office, toilets and a small room with a table and chairs where employees could eat their lunch. Danny's co-workers were happy to see me especially when I held out the bags of burgers and fries I'd brought for everyone. Danny's boss, Mr. Braxton, announced over loudspeakers for everyone to come to the office. Danny was surprised to see me and really surprised when I wrapped my arms around his neck. Damn, he smelled good -sweat and dust and sunlight-as I kissed him long and thoroughly amidst whistles and catcalls from his co-workers while he flushed in embarrassment and pushed me away.

I wanted to talk to Danny. I grabbed burgers and fries and dragged him outside. In the shade of the building, Danny sat on a dusty chair and spread his food out on a rickety table. I eyed the dusty chair next to his, thought of my black skirt and remained standing.

"What do you want, Olivia," Danny asked past a mouthful of food while giving me the squint eye.

"Why do you always think I want something," I asked, crossing my arms under my boobs and returning his squint eye. "I could have just stopped by to give my nerd's rep a boost."

"What do you want, Olivia," Danny asked again. His squint eye became a stink eye.

"You wanted something last night and this morning," I crossed my arms under my breasts and scolded with a huff. I really did. A real, honest-to-goodness huff.

"I want that every time I see you," Danny said and reached over to run his hand up my leg, pausing at the hem of my skirt with lust in his eyes now. His hand crept up another inch under my skirt to massage my thigh muscles. "I wish there was a place we could go right now."

"Mmm. That might be fun. As long as something softer than bricks were there," I replied as good feelings ran up my thighs. My huff was completely gone as Danny's massaging fingers slowly made their way up and under my skirt another inch.

With a regretful sound, Danny released my leg and turned his attention back to his food. "So, tell me why you made the trek all the way out here to bribe me with food."

"It's not a bribe. Not, exactly... I want a car," I admitted.

"Is that all," he mumbled while stuffing fries into his mouth. "Ah, thanks for the food but do I need to buy you a car to pay for it?"

"No. No, I'll buy the car. I just need to know if it will raise questions if I pay cash for one. What would be the best way to pay for it? I've got all this cash and..."

"It would raise huge questions with the IRS if you walked into a dealership and plunked down tens of thousands in cash for a car," Danny confirmed. "Why do you want a car? You've gotten along pretty good without one for about a year now and parking is nothing but a headache in the city. Besides, won't your parents ask questions if you have money for an expensive, red sports car?"

"What makes you think it will be an expensive, red sports car?"

"Red because you look good in red. A sports car because you're nineteen. Expensive because you have the money," Danny answered as he rolled up his trash and tossed it into a barrel. "Probably a convertible, too, and damn all how cold it will be in the Winter."

"I'll just buy a more sensible car to drive in the Winter," I reasoned. "We both have a reserved parking slot in the back of the apartment lot neither of us use and I don't have to tell my parents I have a car."

I wasn't sure how Danny would react to the next part, but I gave a mental shrug and ploughed on, admitting, "Marla's been after me for months to work nights. It's more money but I'll need a car to get around late at night when cabs are few."

"You've already been with..." Danny looked away and didn't finish his question.

"This morning? Yes," I finished his question and gave my answer. I'd decided not to hide what I did from Danny. Not only would it be useless, but his imagination would probably create scenarios more lurid than the reality. The last time his imagination ran wild he came up with a crazy scenario where I wanted him to murder someone while robbing a bank! I had hopes that he'd be able to deal with the reality.

"This morning I made more money for a ten-minute blowjob than you'll earn in a week at this job. Just in the gift, I got," I continued to fill in the silence as Danny remained sullen and mute. "I keep getting all this cash that I can't deposit in my bank without questions being raised about how I'm making all of it. Now, you tell me I can't spend it on a car without those same questions.

"You agreed that I should continue to act like a cash-hungry call girl instead of having my fingers on millions of dollars. At least for now. Marla has already given me weeks to settle in now that I'm 'officially' living in the city and not with my parents. If I start turning down easy, high money appointments..."

"You're right. You're right, dammit," Danny said though clearly not liking it. "You're not leaving to buy a car this afternoon, are you?"

"No. I'll be tied up most of the afternoon. I'll have most of next week off so I thought I'd look for one then."

"Why are you off next week?"

"You're supposed to be a smart nerd," I laughed. "Surely you know about menstrual periods?"

"Oh!" Danny actually blushed. I looked at my watch. I'd been here almost half-an-hour. It was time for me to leave.

"I gotta go. See you at the apartment though I may be later than usual."

"Oh. Yeah. Sure, you're gonna be 'tied up' with work," Danny said stiffly.

I laughed and pulled Danny up out of the chair for a kiss. I held him close as his posture relaxed. Damn, he smelled good! "Danny, I was being literal when I said I'd be tied up." I quickly explained Charlie and his passion for ropes, knots, photography, and tall women with big boobs. I also told him that Chalie was the source of most of the sexiest lingerie I had in my clothes drawers. Charlie really liked the ying/yang juxtaposition between rope and sexy lingerie. "If you're a good boy I'll bring home a photo..." I ended in a suggestive whisper as the office door opened and men started down the steps. I guessed break time was over.

Danny all but panted, "I'll be very, very good."

"Ya know. I'm beginning to think you're not as upset about what I do as you seem," I said, twining my fingers in the lapels of his overalls as I leaned close for a last breath of man musk. My hand, hidden from sight between our bodies, slid down to grip a hard shaft disguised under the loose-fitting overalls. "I think it excites you more than you want to admit," I accused. 

I relaxed my grip on his cock and backed away when a co-worker yelled for us to get a room. Another co-worker, at least six-two in height, laughed that he was available once I got tired of 'the runt'.

"Let me know if you come up with ideas about the car," I called over my shoulder as I began picking my way towards the gate one carefully placed peep toe thin heel shoe after the other as all of the men yelled thanks for the food. 

Danny yelled back not to look for a new car at a dealership but to look for a private seller. I laughed when Danny added I owed him a photo for his advice.

Written by campusvamp
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