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Author's Notes

"The fifth story of Nicola and Dave's journey."

When I got in that evening, I knew something was wrong, Olivia gave me a look of concern and Nicola seemed on edge. Dinner was well into preparation which suggested Nicola had been home longer than I would normally have expected. Then when we were done and everything was cleared away, Olivia, gave us both a hug and excused herself to do her homework. As a family we were affectionate and not afraid to hug and kiss, this one just felt misplaced.

I patted my knees and wrapped my arms around Nicola when she sat down.

“Okay, spill,” I said.

After a pause, she began, "So, we had a new client in today and as it was potentially fraud, Diane asked me to meet with him. Of course, I agreed.

“Well, we were working through what he had been accused of and he started making flirty comments, he isn’t the first and I’m sure won’t be the last. However, I did my usual and shot it down straight away. This is usually enough, but not for this guy. He had come in just before noon, James was at court and Diane had a lunchtime meeting. Debbie popped her head in and asked if I wanted a sandwich, which basically told him she was going out. He gave it a couple of minutes and got up and walked around and sat on the edge of the desk and started complimenting me. When I asked him to stop, he didn’t.

“I just closed my folders and got up and asked him to leave. At one point I thought he was going to do something more, but I pointed to the camera in the corner of the room. He didn’t click that we can only record with permission and left.

“When Debbie got back, she could see I was shaken up and when I told her, she called Diane who cancelled her meeting and came back. She sent me home and is putting the word out that if firms are approached for a fraud case in the near future to consider assigning a male solicitor. She also contacted the client and told him, in no uncertain terms, that if she saw him again, she would have him arrested for harassment."

I gave her a squeeze and asked, “How do you feel about it?”

“I was angry, but also a little concerned, I mean a kick in the balls would have worked, but really anything could have happened and Diane realised it too. So, from now on no one is allowed to be left alone in the office with or without a client present.”

“Makes sense.”

“I did need the afternoon to calm down a little and desperately wanted to tell you about it. But now that’s all done we can get on with our evening.”

“Did you tell Liv?”

“Yes, of course. She knew as soon as she walked in that something was up," Nicola smiled knowing how perceptive Olivia was.

“Liv,” I shouted up the stairs, “the grups are done adulting, you can join us whenever you’re ready.”


Christmas was over and too soon it was New Year’s Eve. We closed the kitchens at eleven and were finished cleaning up by eleven-thirty. I had been told that Nicola was waiting in reception, so I buttoned my jacket the opposite way and went out to see her.

“Hi sweetie,” she said when I tapped her on the shoulder.

I noticed her nostrils moving, so asked, “Shower?”

“Shower.” She nodded.

On my way back to the kitchen I asked one of the waiters to get her a White Russian and a lager for me.

When I got back down, there were ten minutes left of the year. This time Nicola hugged me and kissed me with some affection. It was short-lived when one of the other chefs greeted her and asked if we were joining the other staff. We took our drinks and followed him out to where people were gathering.

The countdown started, the couples that were there huddled together and when the sound of Big Ben came over the radio, everyone yelled together.

“Happy New Year!”

Nicola turned and stood in front of me, with an arm around my neck she pulled me down for a kiss.

“Happy New Year, sweetie.”

“I'm with you, Nic, of course, it will be. Happy New Year."

We then separated and made our way around the other staff there and kissed and hugged and wished everyone individually our best wishes for the coming year. I also received many complimentary comments about Nicola. The party went on until some of the staff disappeared to get ready for breakfast service. This was when someone kicked my foot to wake me. I had nodded off about three in the morning and a little later Nicola had crawled onto my lap and curled up with me.

I had no idea what my blood alcohol was, so asked the night porter if I could order a taxi. Nicola and I undressed as quietly as possible and slipped into my bed around six. Later Nicola told me that she had been dancing when she noticed I was asleep in the chair.

“I hope you don’t mind,” she said.

“What? Dancing or sitting on me?”

“Erm, yes?”

“You can always sit on me, anytime, anyplace, anywhere. My only demand with other people is that they had better treat you with respect."

Nicola smiled and kissed me on the nose. “My hero! Will you ride in with your white hat and save me?

“Always,” I replied and returned her kiss with one on her nose.

Nicola chuckled at this.

“What’s up?”

“You know if anyone heard us they might think we were sickly sweet?”

“But I’m sure they’d love us anyway. Well, love you and tolerate me,” I replied.

After the holidays, Nicola returned to university and I was moved to the bar for a short while. I had a long weekend at the start of February so, Nicola and I celebrated Valentine’s Day a week early, which was not so bad as we did not have trouble booking a table. Visits to Cambridge were always fun and I was happy that I was getting to know Nicola’s friends there too. A few of them got under my skin a little and I would feel her squeezing my arm when I tensed up about something they said or did.

Finally, her first year was finished. We packed the car and headed to Portsmouth and boarded the Ferry to Caen. From there it was a two-hour drive to Le Mans where we set up a tent and enjoyed the historic race. When we arrived, we heard of a couple of incidents and then a short way into the race a Mercedes took off and crashed. In the end, the BMW team won the race.

From there we drove a couple of hours to Le Paradis. Nicola had a great uncle who had been killed in the massacre there during World War Two. It was a very mixed visit, there was sadness over what had happened. The farmhouse that was at the centre of it was still owned by the same family and they gave us an incredibly warm welcome. It was only a short visit to pay our respects and then we made our way to La Rochelle, where we had a gite (a French self-catering cottage) booked for three nights.

When we got there, we took our cases in and then walked along the seafront for a late dinner. La Cabane Du Pertuis was a small restaurant with outdoor tables where we ate, overlooking the ocean. After this, we took a walk along the beach, hand-in-hand, before returning to our gite. Along with the drive and fresh air off of the sea, on top of the visit to Le Paradis, both of us were quiet and tired. So, we only had a quick wash and brush up before climbing into bed. Nicola wiggled up against me, pulled my arms around her and it was only moments before she was breathing softly and regularly.

Our gite was an annexe to a farmhouse and it was a rude awakening we got when the cockerel crowed first thing. Nicola rolled over and kissed me, slipped out of bed and I had the intoxicating sight of her bum retreating into the bathroom. When I came out after my turn, I was wide awake and one look at Nicola showed me she was fast asleep. I donned a pair of shorts and walked around to the farm and bought a few supplies, fresh eggs, slices of ham off a joint from one of their pigs, freshly baked bread and milk almost straight from the cow. The farmer had thrown in some vegetables to add to my purchases.

As I was cooking up the breakfast, I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist and the unforgettable feeling of naked flesh pushing against my back.

“Morning, sweetie. That smells delightful!”

“Thanks, but you were meant to wait in bed for it.”

“Oh, I'm sorry… Sir. How naughty of me,” Nicola finished with a giggle.

I turned with the spatula in my hand. Nicola did not step back, just loosened her grip so I could turn. I put my arms around the beautiful woman before me. Nicola looked up at me and I lowered my face to kiss her succulent lips. As I did so, I tightened my grip around her waist, which elicited a soft moan of approval from her. And then I struck. My hand came up and with a flick of the wrist, I brought the spatula down on her bum. Not too hard, but enough to make her jump a little and break the kiss.

“Oh, you fucker!”

I brought it down on the other side of her bum.

As Nicola went to complain again, I gripped tighter and warned her not to complain, “Ah, ah, ah!”

Nicola looked at me and I could see her biting her bottom lip.

“The first was for the attitude. You can lose that right now! The second was for swearing and disrespect.”

I could see it in her eyes, she was laughing her arse off, on the inside and it was about to all burst out.

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“Okay, time-out,” she said, making a ‘T’ with her hands.

I didn't release my grip on her but also did not make a move to smack her bum either.

“What’s the matter?”

“One, where did this come from?”

“You told me to practice, so…” I felt her tense, “I found a newsgroup about this stuff and read a lot and asked a little.”

“Aww, bless you. Do you do anything without researching it to the nth degree first?”

“It can happen. Like, you know, way back and our two friends. Though you’re a fine one to talk. But breakfast first.”

I turned and moved the pan off the heat. Nicola kissed my back and walked over to the table, damn her bum was a distraction. When I placed the plates on the table, we tucked in.

“Two?” I asked.

“Do I get a little warning?”

“Okay, I give formal warning that you will be getting your arse smacked after breakfast for the aforementioned misdemeanour…” Nicola finally burst out laughing.

“For the aforementioned misdemeanour and in future, you can expect to be punished in a like fashion." It was my turn to start laughing.

Nicola reached over and put her hand on mine. “I’m game if you are. Though just remember; anything that happens, happens,” she said with a smile.

“Was there a three?”

“Well, if it’s something that might happen in future, I think I should know the rules of engagement.”

“They did mention about a safe word so that if you want to stop you can call it and it should be something that won’t get confused.”

“Time-out seemed to work,” she said. “And what is going to get me in a situation that might lead to me calling one?”

“Ooh, let me think… your sassy, wise-arsed mouth, giving me lip and not offering the proper respect.”

Nicola cracked up again, “Oh, I’m sorry, Dave.”

She pulled herself up and I swear she wiggled her boobs more than was necessary. She then walked around the table and stood next to me with her hands in front of her and her head bowed.

“I’m very sorry,” she started, “I’ve been a very naughty girl.”

When I looked at her, I had a hard time not laughing at the look on her face. Her lips were quivering, her nostrils were flared and the corners of her eyes were turned up.

Pursing my lips tightly to try to look as serious as possible, I reached out with my fork and dragged the handle down, between her boobs, over her belly and down. I was insistent when it reached her hands, making her part them. Through her pubic hair and then I pushed it between her legs and pulled it out again.

“Leave your hands at your side," I said when she started to cover herself again.

In response, Nicola stood up straighter and parted her feet a little before cocking her head to the side. In response, I held up the fork and inspected the handle.

“Someone’s enjoying this,” I said.

I held the handle to her lips and she licked the length of it. After this, she raised her eyebrows at me. I started to stand up and held my hand out and started to count off points on my fingers.

“For your attitude and the sarcastic way you said, ‘Sir’ earlier. For calling me a fucker. For cocking your head as a challenge. For raising your eyebrows like that, another challenge. Finally, because I think it will be fun.”

After I had finished my list, I walked around Nicola and guided her by her shoulders. I manoeuvred her to stand in front of the table.

“Bend over,” I whispered in her ear, “and make yourself comfortable.”

I could see why Nicola was having difficulty laughing, this really did not feel like me. However, ever since we had started exploring, we were always keen to try new things. Whenever we tried to break new ground, there was often lots of laughing and giggling, from both of us.

I put my hand in the middle of her back and said, “Don’t move.”

I picked up my plate and put it on the middle of her back.

“Ahh, fuck! That’s cold!”

“We’re going to have to work on that mouth of yours, young lady.”

“Ooh, yes please, Sir,” she sniggered.

I ran upstairs and grabbed a couple of things and dropped my shorts and then returned to Nicola.

“So, it was six things…”

“Six? Five!”

“Six, you swore about the plate. I could argue seven as you actually asked for something to be done about your mouth.”

Where she had been looking around at me, Nicola turned her head away.

“Two for each?” I asked.

“Yes… Sir.”

I stood to the side and after removing my plate, I put a hand back in the middle of Nicola’s back. With my other, I started to rub in circles on one cheek and then the other. Then I ran a finger between her legs and cheeks. Nicola shuddered a little.

“Just getting a baseline. Damn! You’re one hot patootie!”

“Why thank you,” she replied.

Then I brought my hand down on one cheek.


“Shh, was that?”

“Yes,” she gasped, “shh, that’s it.”

“Too hard?”

“No, that’s fine. Just wasn’t ready for it.”

Then onto the other cheek. This time Nicola did not say anything but gave a little sigh. I stroked over her cheeks, soothing them.

“For your attitude and sarcasm," I said and stroked my finger over her pussy.

I held it to her lips and she opened her mouth and sucked her juices off when I put my finger in. With a nice clean hand, I rapped each cheek in quick succession. Nicola squirmed under my hand and only breathed deeper, while I was rubbing her cheeks again.

“Not calling me a fucker this time?”

She did snort a little, but then said, “Oh, no, Sir.”

This time I did not touch her pussy nor switch sides, both strikes landed on the same cheek. This drew a little huff out of her, but nothing too much. So, I switched to the other side and smacked her twice on that cheek and was rewarded with a groan. I took my time stroking and rubbing her bum, making sure to give some attention to her pussy, which was soaking now.

“That’s your cocked head and raised eyebrows dealt with, but I have to ask, are you having fun?”

“Actually, it’s okay. The first hits were a bit rough, but it soon started to make my pussy tingle, so I’d say that it’s worth it.”

As Nicola started to breathe a little heavier, she also pushed back against my fingers. I pulled them away and hit one cheek, stroked it, stroked her pussy and then spanked her other cheek.

“That was the fun one.”

I picked up her plate this time and placed it on her back.

“Oh, f…”

“Don’t let it fall,” I whispered.

After a little more rubbing, I pulled back a little further and smacked her right cheek. The plate wobbled but was fine. Then her left cheek and this time it barely moved. By now, not only was Nicola dripping wet, I was rock hard. I just stepped in behind her. After rubbing my cock up and down her wet slit a few times, I parted her lips with my thumb and fingers, lined myself up and slid into her slowly.

Nicola sighed, slowly from tip to base. When I was fully embedded, I took the plate off of her back and held her hips.

“Ready?” I asked.

She gripped the edge of the table.

“Fuck me, Dave.”

Slowly at first, Nicola pushing back a tiny amount each time I pulled back. Every time my hips hit her bum she gasped and moaned. I built up my speed and was thankful that the table was solid as I was slamming into her quite hard. I felt her feet behind my legs and the way her knuckles had turned white it looked like she now had a death grip on the table.

The noises that we were both making, grunting and groaning; puffing and panting, some might call obscene. There was slapping as our flesh crashed together. Slurping and sucking as her pussy fought to keep me inside as my cock teased her closer to her orgasm. Then her whole body tensed and her pussy clamped down on me. Each time I pulled out it was like she was trying to suck me back in again and who was I to argue.

Nicola seemed to be cumming over and over. I had never seen her roll from one orgasm to another, it was the most beautiful sight ever. I could not last long seeing and feeling this and it was my turn to tense up, I gripped Nicola’s hips and tried to push deeper into her than I could go and unloaded.

Our panting became deep breaths, those slowed and our breathing returned to normal.

“Okay?” I asked.

“Mmhmm,” was Nicola’s dreamy response.

Rather than disturb her too much, I picked up the flannel I had brought down and wiped myself and Nicola after I pulled out. I then picked up the after-sun cream I had packed and squirted a generous amount on each of her cheeks. This made her jump.

“Hold still,” I said and carefully rubbed it in.

Nicola stood up and turned to me and with a soft kiss, she said, “Thank you, Sweetie, we’ll have to try something like that again. Now, time to get dressed, we were going to have the day at the beach.”

I would never tire of following her bum up the stairs.

Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading.

Thank you to the moderators for helping me getting this published.

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.


Written by kiteares
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