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Author's Notes

"While most of my stories start with a spark from some real situation, this one is pure fantasy beginning to end."

1- You Want ME to Do It?

Sara and I had been really good friends for many years, having met when we worked together. We’d occasionally go out for a drink after work to relax or blow off steam. Over time our friendship got to the point where we’d share more than just the events of the day, eventually getting into secrets and desires without it ever being seen as any kind of come-on for either of us.

It was during one of these talks that I revealed my ‘interest’ in spanking, and while she learned it was much more than just an interest, I never shared details of any specific person or situation. She knew I’d had several spanking partners and that I liked getting spanked even more than giving one, which prompted a bunch of questions from her, but still just speaking in general; she took an almost persistent interest in what goes through the mind of someone who really wants to be spanked good and hard.

In one of our conversations, Sara was expressing her frustration with being a single parent and dealing with a teenage daughter. Not being a parent, I couldn’t offer much to the conversation, but she seemed pleased to have someone to talk to about it. It seems her daughter, Kelly, aged eighteen and soon to be graduating high school, was acting out in a much more defiant, and therefore troubling way than before. She went on and on about new friends whom she believed to be a bad influence, staying out past curfew, dressing provocatively, talking back, etc. Her concern was how wild she might get once set loose in college.

“I can only imagine what you’re going through,” I offered in consolation. “Not having any kids, I’m certainly no expert, but aren’t these typical teenager antics?” I asked.

“Not for Kelly! … and not to the extreme she’s gone!” she explained and went on to describe several situations that had happened recently and was afraid she’d lost total control of the situation and didn’t know how to get it back. Exhausting herself with this airing of her problems, she sat back and just looked at me.

“Sounds like she needs a spanking!” I said in an obviously joking manner.

“Hm? Do you think that would work?” she asked with sincere interest.

“Sara! I’m joking!!”

“Well, I’m not! Maybe a good, sore bottom will get through to her!?”

“Again, I was just kidding! … and again, I’m not a parent so I don’t know if it’ll work or not. I have read articles about the spanking of children and they’re unanimous in their opinion that it does not deter bad behavior.”

“She’s not a child!” she defended then continued when I had a ‘So?’ look on my face. “Didn’t you tell me there are adults who enter into some kind of discipline arrangement; domestic discipline did you call it? Where one of the parties is subject to various forms of spanking when they’ve done something wrong, and they feel it helps them to avoid doing it again?”

“Yes, I did tell you about domestic discipline arrangements, but those are between consenting adults and Kelly is kind of in between childhood and her adult years. Also, I’d take those endorsements of DD with a grain of salt. I believe a lot of it is just having fun spanking but having a more realistic reason for someone to be punished.”

“Can we try it at least once?”

“We!?! How did I get involved in this?” I asked with genuine concern.

“I can’t spank her, Mark! Would you do it? Please?”

“No! I think it’s inappropriate and could easily be taken the wrong way by Kelly and land me in trouble, for abusing a minor for example!”

“She’s not a minor. She’s eighteen. Age of consent!”

“And you think she’ll consent to have a stranger take her over his knee and smack her bottom?!”

“You’re not a stranger. If I get her consent, will you do it?”

“Sara, you’re putting me in a difficult position here. I want to help you, but spanking for me is a sensual act. I can’t put my hands on your daughter’s butt! … a very young, tight, sexy butt I might add!!”

“So, she keeps her panties on!”

“And probably wears a thong!!”

“I’ll make sure her bottom is completely covered. Please, Mark!? I have to get through to her somehow and whatever I’ve done so far is not working!”

“I’m not familiar with all her behavior! She needs to be told why this is happening while she’s being punished, as well as what future consequences there are for more bad behavior!”

“I’ll do all the scolding!”

“You’d be there IF I do it?”


The conversation went on for a long time, Sara having some feeble answer or excuse for all my objections, and in the end, she wore me down and I agreed. I had a bad feeling about it as soon as I’d said ‘Okay’! She suggested it be done this coming Friday night. She’d be missing a night of fun with her friends which she hoped would have Kelly taking it more seriously and she wouldn’t have to go to school the following day with a sore bottom. I resigned myself to it thinking there was no way she was going to convince her daughter to willingly submit to a spanking from me.

“Hey Mark!” Sara said on the phone a day or two later. “I caught Kelly trying to go out last night dressed like a slut. I talked to her about it, and she’s agreed to the spanking!”

“No way! How could you possibly …”

“I gave her the choice of being grounded for a week or taking a spanking. She took the spanking saying she’d just as soon get it over with. So, you’ll come over tomorrow after dinner?”

I reluctantly agreed but was still extremely uncomfortable with it. My biggest worry that I couldn’t say anything to Sara about was how I’d react to spanking this young girl, age of consent or not! Kelly is a very pretty girl with an amazing body including a gorgeous bottom that under other circumstances could make me cum halfway through her spanking! I was going to have to treat this as a job only and avoid any thoughts about what else I’d like to do with her delicious body.

It's Friday evening and I’m heading over to their house with butterflies in my stomach … which isn’t uncommon for me when interacting with attractive, young girls. I knocked and Kelly answered the door!

“Hello, Mr. Mark. Come in,” she said quietly with an air of resignation.

“Hi, Kelly,” I said simply as I stepped inside already having to fight off my reaction to her. She wore skinny jeans that tightly hugged that whole magic middle of a woman’s body and a T-shirt with a white bra showing through the fabric. Between her short shirt and low-rise jeans, she was sporting a bare midriff which is a look that always has me looking back.

“We’re in the family room,” she said leading the way.

“Hi, Mark!” greeted Sara. “Thank you for coming.” Kelly went to sit next to her mother on a loveseat leaving the only place for me to sit was an armless chair that was placed conspicuously in the middle of the room. “We’ve just been talking about it again and Kelly understands what’s going to happen and why,” she explained.

“Kelly,” I said addressing her directly, “you know that you’re about to get a spanking?”

“Yes, sir,” she said with that same sense of acceptance.

“I’m going to pull your pants down to your knees, put you across my lap and spank your bottom!” I warned.

“Yes, sir.”

“This won’t be just a few hard smacks! It’ll be a long, hard spanking that may end with you in tears. You’re sure you’re okay with that?”

“Yes, sir. It’s either this or being a prisoner in my room for a week. I’d just as soon get it over with right now,” she added. I looked over at Sara and got a ‘go for it’ look and mouthed ‘thank you’.

“Okay. Come here and stand in front of me,” I instructed. Reaching for the button holding her jeans together I said, “Now, you’re getting a spanking, Kelly. Your mother has told you all the reasons why. I’m going to pull these pants down, take you across my knee, and give you a long, hard spanking that isn’t over until I say it’s over. If you’re okay with all that, I want you to tell me what you’ve done wrong and then ask me to punish you. Understand?”

“Yes, sir. I tried to go out with my friends in an outfit that was inappropriate for my age. Please punish me … spank me,” she said as I was trying to get the skin-tight jeans down over her shapely hips and bottom. Her panties ended up askew in the process allowing me to see ever so briefly her beautifully bald young pussy. I looked up at her to gauge her reaction and I swore a flicker of a smile crossed her face. She straightened out her little girl, full coverage, white cotton panties, though they were on the tight side. Ugh, another weakness of mine; tight, white panties!

Her pants were down at her knees, I lead her to my right side and pulled her down over my lap. I looked over at Sara one more time before I started and got a silent thumb’s up. Guiding her into position with her bottom bent over my right thigh, her arms and legs could still reach the floor.

“Ready, Kelly?”

“Yes, sir. Ow!” she cried as the first spank landed. Nearly every subsequent spank got a similar reaction especially as the intensity and pace of the spanking picked up. I stopped for a short rest after about a minute, and, while ordinarily, I’d be rubbing my naughty girl's spanked bottom, I refrained from doing so with her for obvious reasons.

When I resumed, in addition to her exclamations, she was also squirming around on my lap; a most enticing sight! ‘Get back to spanking’ I told myself as my hand rained down on her cute, little bottom. Not wanting to make it interesting as I would for a lover, I just held to a very consistently paced spanking of alternate cheeks. I stopped when I started hearing some sniffling.

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“Hurts, doesn’t it Kelly?” I asked.

“Yes, sir,” she said clearly trying to keep from crying.

“Do you think you’ll learn your lesson from this?”

“Yes, sir,” she said this time looking back at me as if to say, ‘get on with it’! Hearing some soft sobbing that turned to open crying, I decided this would be the last series apart from a suitable finale. On and on I spanked for several minutes, while she squirmed in a most enticing fashion as I increased the force of the spanks gradually but continually. Again, I stopped, this time with her crying louder than before.

“Almost done, Kelly! Ten more really hard ones to help you remember. Five on each side. Ready?”

“Yes, sir,” she said through her tears and then a loud ‘Yeow!!’ when the first hard one landed on her left cheek. The same reaction for the second, though the remaining swats received louder cries as I spanked her very hard. She collapsed on my lap after the last spank, breathing heavily and still crying but softly.

“You can get up now,” I told her though I really wanted to pull those tight panties down to see how red her bottom is. That wouldn’t be unusual, I thought, in this situation, but I knew that once I saw that I would need all my reserves to keep from stuffing my face in her crotch to get a taste of her sweet, young pussy! I love watching them rub their sore bottom, but Kelly threw in an extra, slipping her hand into her panties in back and looking back quickly to see if I noticed and again, I’d swear she smiled when she saw I had.

“I’m sorry, Mom!” she cried as she hobbled over to mother and sat in her lap for a hug. Sara looked at me like this was exactly the reaction from Kelly she’d hoped for.

“It’s okay, honey. You’ve had your spanking and it’s all forgotten now,” she said stroking her daughter’s beautiful, long blonde hair. I made a motion pointing towards the door, suggesting I should leave, and Sara nodded in agreement.

‘That wasn’t so bad’ I thought as I walked to my car. It was difficult fighting my instincts to do all sorts of sexy things to the gorgeous, young girl but it’s over now. I’ve escaped with at least some integrity still intact, and I shouldn’t have to deal with it again, or so I thought.

A little over a week later, Sara called me in the morning saying that Kelly had been a wonderful, well-behaved young girl after the spanking. She called it a ‘rousing’ success except that she’d just caught her in a lie, saying she was sleeping over at one friend’s house, but was really at another; one of the girls Sara didn’t like.

“Will you do it again? … spank her? Please?!”

“Sara! You’re killing me with this! You do realize that your daughter is drop-dead gorgeous with an amazing body! Having her over my knee with her pants down was NOT easy!”

“Oh yeah? Lusting after my daughter’s body, are you?” she said laughing aloud. “Mark, I’m sure that every guy that sees her wants to get in her pants! You were a perfect gentleman last time and I trust you!”

“You owe me big time!” I said accepting what she’d eventually have talked me into anyway.

“Yeah, I do. Can we come over now?”

“Now? As in right now … here?” I questioned.

“I just found out a little while ago about her lie and I want to have the punishment linked to the behavior right away. I thought it might also seem more important if she has to go somewhere else to get her spanking!”

It was futile to argue with her and as they lived quite close, they were at my door ten minutes later.

“Hello again, Kelly,” I said as they came through the door.

“Hello, sir,” she said with resignation like last time.

I took them to the bedroom I use as my office where I have a large wooden desk, with two armless chairs in front of it. I wondered whether the setting would conjure up images of being sent to the headmaster’s office for punishment.

We continued in much the same format as the prior spanking.

“I told Mom I was sleeping over at Julie’s house but went to Autumn’s house instead. Mom doesn’t like Autumn and I lied to her. Please give me a spanking.”

The spanking started and was also like last time, in format anyway, but longer and harder to make her realize that it could get much worse. After more than ten minutes of nearly constant spanking, I announced we were done, except for the finale.

“Clearly you didn’t get the message last time, Kelly so it’s going to be twenty hard ones this time: ten on each side. Ready?”

“Yes, sir” she replied through tears that didn’t seem as genuine as before. I put that aside and started, getting a loud “Yowch!” with the first one. The rest of the first ten got increasingly loud retorts from her. I decided to do the last ten differently … five in quick succession on one cheek, short rest, and the next five on the other cheek. “Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!” she yelled as I peppered the first cheek. “Holy shit!” she yelled after the second five.

“I don’t tolerate language like that, young lady. I’m going to repeat those last five!” Even harder than she got before, she tried to tuck her bottom in as though she might escape the spanking. She screamed but didn’t curse this time and it was over. She got up and went to her mother again for hugs and comfort. I left them alone and went to the kitchen to get a drink. A few minutes later, they walked in.

“Do you have something to say to Mark, Kelly?”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Mark! Thank you for sp-sp-spanking me,” she stuttered. Sara offered her thanks as well and they both left. With similar feelings as the time before, I hoped that would be the end of it, but it wasn’t.

Two weeks later I got another call from Sara telling me about Kelly’s latest misadventures. Obviously, she wanted me to give Kelly yet another spanking.

“Please, Mark! I swear it’ll be the last time!” she begged. “You’ll do it even longer and harder than last time?” she asked when I’d finally given in. Then she let the other shoe drop. “Great! I’m sending her over right now, okay?”

“Sending her over?! You’re not going to be here?”

“I wish I could, but I just got a call about a crisis at work, and I have to go in. You’ll be fine, I’m sure. I’ve already screamed and yelled my head off, so she well knows why she’s getting spanked again!” Again, I gave in and ten minutes later Kelly was walking in my door and headed straight for my office.

“So, what are you getting spanked this time for, Kelly?”

“Mom caught me going out in this short skirt,” she said and paused before adding, “Without any panties on!” The shock on my face had to be obvious when she added to it by pulling up her skirt and saying, “See?” I groaned internally as my eyes fixed on the small, hairless mound with a perfect slit below. When I looked up into her eyes, she was biting her lip on one side, but an impish smile on the other.

“Kelly, I can’t spank you like …”

“I have my spanking panties,” she interrupted as she pulled them out of her purse, turned her back to me, and gave me a look at her delicious bottom as she bent over to put them on, pulling them up tight against her perfect cheeks with a ‘snap’ of the elastic. “Please spank me, Mr. Mark!” she asked in her little girl's voice.

“Over my knee,” I instructed. “You realize this will be harder and longer still than last time?”

“Yes, sir!” she said. Was that enthusiasm as she bent over to get in position? As promised, the spanking was considerably harder and longer than the last one. Using some different patterns this time to increase the pain level, I did at least fifty using the quick five on one cheek at a time. It took much longer this time to get some tears from her, and even then, it wasn’t much more than some sniffling. After a good fifteen minutes of spanking, it was time for the finale.

“Almost done, young lady. Thirty hard ones this time!” I threatened.

“My mom said you should pull my … pull my panties down for these!” she said, seeming to relish the thought of being spanked on her bare bottom. I’m not sure what level of shock and/or desire showed up on my face when she added, “Please, sir. Pull my panties down and do my hard spanking on my bare bottom!?” I was still struggling with whether I should or not, when she wiggled her cute, little bottom saying, “I’m ready, sir.”

Taking the elastic of her tight panties in hand, I pulled them down revealing a full of view the most perfect bottom I’d ever seen made more so by the dark pink color of her round cheeks.

“This is going to hurt a LOT more, Kelly! Which I’m sure is the reason your mother suggested it. Ready?”

“Yes, sir.” Starting with alternate cheeks for the first ten, she was finally showing a more appropriate reaction with plenty of ‘Ohs’ and ‘ows’. Five hard spanks to one cheek had her yelling, “OW-OW-OW-OW-OWW! Oh my god!!” Same reaction and even louder for the next five. “OWWW! Oh please! Oh fuck!” she said and added “I’m sorry, sir!” perhaps hoping to avoid the repeat … which she didn’t, and I spanked even harder on the repeated five swats. I made her wait a little longer for the last five hoping to build some fearful anticipation. “OWWWWWWWWW!” she screamed in one long continuous outburst as she felt the five hardest yet.

She got up once I told her she could and turned towards me and with only a slight delay, sat her bare bottom on my lap and hugged me. “Thank you for spanking me, Mr. Mark,” she said with her head resting on my shoulder. Not sure how/where to hold her, I managed to hug her back without touching anything I shouldn’t, but I could still see a bit of her smooth mound and a little slit between her luscious thighs sitting on my lap.

After taunting me with the act of pulling her panties up, she thanked me again and left. Once she was gone from my driveway, I went to the bathroom immediately to take care of the raging hard-on she’d given me with the sexy displays of her truly awesome body! Afterward, I wasn’t sure whether I was happy about this being the last time or not. The classic double-edged sword. I knew that if it continued and ramping it up as it was, I wouldn’t be able to hold out forever and at some point, I’d be diving into her crotch to eat that perfect pussy! But if it didn’t continue that would never happen.

Written by 2bespanked
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