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Andrea's Exploits

"Evening entertainment"

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"A new path in life is revealed to me."

Having finished my shower and toweled myself off, Chrissie was back and took my hand, leading me across the landing and into a large room; a dorm, single beds along each side, twelve in total.

“These are yours, aren’t they?” she pointed to the dress, knickers, and bra, on the bed we stood by. “They were next to the dress you were wearing, so I figured they’re all yours.”

“Yes, I think so,” I replied. All the girls had been wearing the same white panties, but I thought they were mine; it was my bra, at least.

Picking up the knickers, I sat on the bed and pulled them on; I grabbed my bra and stood up, facing away from Chrissie; she reached around, took the straps onto my shoulders, and fastened the clasp at the back. Her hands wandered down to my bottom, stroking me over my knickers; I loved the feel of the fabric as it moved under her touch.

“You did well,” she said, continuing to stroke me. “Ronnie was quite excited about your being here; George said you were something else; he was right.”

“I’m nothing special,” I countered. “I Don’t think I look pretty or anything; my tits are tiny, my teeth aren’t straight; what’s special about me?

“But you, Chrissie, you’re beautiful, perfect,” I continued, pushing back a little more against her hands.

“Hmm, I think you’ll discover, later,” was all she returned.

Now I was dressed we went down to the dining room; it was large and immaculate, like the rest of the place. Three long tables were in place, only one being occupied.

There weren’t quite as many people there, perhaps twenty including ourselves, fewer than I thought when we’d arrived a few hours ago, although the whirl of the evening may have distorted my memory.

We saw George and sat next to him. He kissed and hugged me.

“Drink?” he asked, “wine, obviously, soft drink, or….”

“Can I have a very small gin with a load of tonic?” I asked. I didn't like wine.

“I’ll sort it,” offered Chrissie, and she went off to fix the drinks.

“You’re making an impression,” he began. “Veronica’s keen to have you here.”

“Have me here?” I asked.

“Think I can tell you now; this is a girls' school, Andrea, and I’d like you to come here,” he replied.

That explains things, I thought to myself; a non-committal “Ah,” Was all I expostulated.

Not knowing the phrase then, but now TILF would spring to mind, or rather - Teacher, I’d Like to Fuck - might be closer to the mark; an apostrophe can change a meaning…

“So, Chrissie, and the other girls, who were the ‘entertainment’, are pupils here?” I asked.

“Pupils, yes, apart from Jill who’s a teacher here,” he nodded to Jill, sitting opposite. “She likes to be submissive, so joins the girls on occasion; she’s only twenty-two; looks eighteen, doesn’t she?”

How she was dressed, I thought, and no make-up, made her look younger than me. “She’s very pretty,” I said.

Jill smiled; she was about my size, had dark blonde shoulder-length hair, and was also wearing her white dress; she had no bra on, and her breasts were smaller than average, but the nipples stood out very stiffly against the cotton fabric.

“Are you going to come here?” she asked, In a cut-glass accent. “I do hope so; you’re just the kind of young lady we want at the school. As you see we have some fantastic extra-curricular activities!”

“Jill was a pupil here, and returned after getting her teaching degree,” explained George.

“I’m an ‘Old Girl’,” she said. "Didn’t want to leave, so I figured the best idea would be to become a teacher. Veronica encouraged me. I’m your, I mean, the physics teacher. I do some PE too. Most teachers do that one. It's easy: just get girls to run about, jump, or swim!”

“Or whack each other’s legs with hockey sticks,” countered Chrissie, who’d returned with my drink, and one for herself.

I smiled.

“Now we’re all here; we can start,” Veronica announced; she was seated at the top of the table. “It isn’t too heavy, salmon, followed by duck breast and vanilla flan or tiramisu for dessert; after the exertions, a lighter meal’s the way,” she explained, in a teacherly tone.

Starters came out. Two waiters, and two waitresses, issued forth and placed a plate in front of each guest; smoked salmon and cream cheese, not my favorite but I thanked the waitress who served me.

“That’s ok,” she replied, and I realised; it was the girl from the pub! Did she know what went on here? She had to, the pub wasn’t far away, and they must have been here earlier to get everything ready, and there must be a kitchen and chef.

We ate; the salmon was quite nice really, and there was a bit of banter between the diners. I was keen to know what plans George had for me but kept quiet. Another two courses completed the meal; I had tiramisu, as it was rather exotic sounding to me! It was gorgeous and a bit boozy.

Afterward, Veronica stood up and announced that although it wasn’t done normally, as this was a special occasion, we could view some of the video footage in the lounge if desired. Several people followed her lead and went from the dining room into a beautifully furnished room with some four-seater settees pushed along one short side and a large projector screen on the opposite wall. 

 We chose a sofa; Jill, Chrissie, George and I took our seats.

The video began. It started with me, standing on the table, fully dressed. I looked wide-eyed and rather apprehensive.

The images continued. Me being stripped, Felicity fingering me, the screen was filled with my Venus mound and vulva; the camera zoomed in on me as I came, showing the wetness of my pussy on Felicity’s fingers as they were withdrawn from me, and traced up the crease of my labia, and over my lower tummy.

Then I was lifted off the table and pushed head-first into Veronica’s pussy; mounted from the back quickly afterward by the first of my lovers, who rode me frenziedly for mere seconds before his climax. I recalled the action and felt my cunt tighten. Quickly the next guy took his place.

I blushed as I looked at myself. Never having seen film of me before (in those days, holiday snaps and school photos were as good as it got), it looked odd; the sounds were the thing for me, and hearing my muffled grunts and the voices of the others heightened my arousal.

Watching and hearing myself being screwed was affecting me; seeing my bottom and soaking, open cunnie for a few moments as the first guy withdrew and the next invaded me, ‘you do look rather delicious,’ I thought to myself.

Now the camera had panned to another girl; I could tell it was Chrissie by the colour of her muff. She was lying on a table, her dress, pushed inside-out over her head, held tightly across her face, being used to restrain her arms as they were pulled up, as if she were surrendering.

I couldn’t see who was fucking her; the image showed just the cock as it burrowed into her, and the sounds again, Chrissie’s moans and the squelch of their union, were most erotic to me; I was dampening my knickers quite severely.

On each side of her stood a guy, each holding a well-aroused erection and rubbing it against her breasts, making them wet and glistening with pre-cum. One then moved up to her face and pressed his tool to her mouth, the thin cotton fabric preventing any entry of that part of her.

He brought himself off and came onto the dress covering her mouth; the camera zoomed in, and you could see her tongue licking on the inside of the fabric, tasting the fluid as it soaked through the thin material.

The guy inside her had cum too, and the camera moved to capture her pussy as the next man took his place; she was wet and slippery, and her sex shone. He entered her fully in one motion.

It panned to another table; Kirsty, whom Chrissie had pointed out earlier, naked apart from her garland, sat on the edge; Felicity knelt behind her, fucking her with a vibrator.

I could see Felicity was receiving oral pleasure, sitting on another girl's face; I couldn’t tell who; she was lying prone on the table, as Mat, I recognised, held her legs together by her ankles, pulled at ninety degrees to his right, so he was inside her sideways, pumping his long weapon into her.

The camera zoomed in on Kirsty’s cunnie, the vibrator sliding in and out, the sound of it...

I now had a really wet cunnie; my knickers were quite soaked. I noticed George, sitting next to me, had his hand between Jill’s open legs.

“You look very, very, hot there,” he said to her.

So that was her eating Felicity while being banged by Mat; putting a face to her prone form made it even sexier. I squirmed so my knickers rubbed against my labia, opening them and getting the gusset wedged tightly into the valley, I could then wank myself by moving backwards and forwards, so the constrained cotton pressed and rubbed the hood of my clit; a good trick I’d discovered to make chemistry lessons interesting…

Jill slipped off the sofa and helped George out of his jeans and underwear; then she stood up, and, pulling her dress up, sat on his lap, squirming as his cock rubbed along the length of her pussy; she was wearing no panties. Bending forward and guiding him into herself, she sat back against him as his tool pressed into her silky hole.

He pulled her dress up and off, then massaged her breasts, pinching the rock-hard nipples, and kissed her shoulders as she rode him.

Jill looked at me and then looked down to her pussy; I took the hint and slipped off the sofa to kneel in front of them; moving to their union, I licked George’s tool as it slid out, then push back into her; the taste of the hot, viscous, juice was sweet to my tastebuds. I moved up, licking her urethral opening, then to her clit, and worked my tongue around the button sticking out proud from its hood.

I kept my head still as her movement up and down stroked her clit against my tongue so that I licked her clit in time with the shafting she was receiving, closing my eyes to listen to the sounds of their fucking. I felt her muff as it grazed my nose.

Chrissie had joined me, kneeling.

“You’re on again,” she said, “I’ll work on Jill; you watch yourself.”

I turned to sit back on my heels and saw on screen George, from the back to one side; me, speared upon him, and Veronica behind me, in the act of pulling me up by my tits and dropping me back onto George’s cock. My face was a picture, eyes half closed, grimacing whilst concentrating on keeping George inside me, as I was lifted almost fully off him. Veronica, looking gleeful.

Felicity then joined us and kissed me; I was pushed backward, and she straddled my face.

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Only my torso was visible now; erect nipples pointing up, back arched, tummy heaving, with the pushing going on inside, and my heavy breathing from the exertion. Felicity’s bottom obscured my face as she pressed herself to my mouth.

The sound as Jill climaxed behind me brought my attention back to the present. George then pushed her forward off the sofa and onto her knees next to me; his cock jammed inside her, doggy style, buried deep, holding her hips and ramming her for all he was worth, crashing onto her and pushing her face down into the carpet, in the throes of his climax.

“Oh Jill, you little bitch!” he grunted, and he came into her, gripping her slight waist tightly. I knew what she was feeling; he’d done me like that several times.

Chrissie had been pushed away to the other side of them; she looked over at me and winked.

Veronica was now addressing the room. The tape was stopped. I had expected more footage, although I had missed chunks while licking Jill.

“As you can see Andrea’s coming out party has been quite the event,” She began. “The tape will as usual be kept in safe storage; I must reiterate, they are never taken away.

“I’m ready for bed so goodnight to all, those staying over - I’ll see you at breakfast.

“Andrea, come with me a minute,” she commanded my presence.

I followed as I walked, my pussy ached with lust from the friction of movement against my cunt hole by my sodden knickers, jammed tightly between my labia.

“I wish to explain, to put your mind at rest,” she began.

“The reason we film,” she continued, “is not for titillation or to broadcast it, but to keep everyone in check; if I were to allow all and sundry to blab about our actions here, we’d be pilloried, this way I can ensure silence. No one will want these tapes to be aired to others; most have too high a profile to risk that.”

I hadn’t even considered it might be a porn video. I knew that porn actors had to be eighteen; myself, and probably the other girls, were not, but this was just an insurance policy, never to be seen.

“Why did you show it?” I questioned, trying not to visibly squirm my hips; my pussy was now aching for attention.

“I’ve an inkling someone didn’t believe we had tapes in the cameras,” she replied, “so I decided to prove otherwise.”

She gave me that evil smile. She’d certainly proved it.

“I think Chrissie will want to bunk up with you,” she continued, “I’ll see you tomorrow; we’ll talk about your enrollment then.”

She kissed me and gave me a stroke over the crotch of my wet panties, finding the fabric already hidden between my labia. “Oh,” I let out an involuntary groan as the material rubbed my clitoris harder.

“My, you’re streaming! Another shower for you, young lady,” she exclaimed.

She increased the upward pressure, lifting me onto tip-toes.

“Or perhaps…” she added with a smile.

I went back and joined the others. Jill said George was sharing with her, and I should go with Chrissie for the night, which I was very glad about; I needed either a serious girlie fuck, or to just bring myself off, as I’d not be able to sleep otherwise.

We went upstairs to the dorm; a few other girls were there already, paired up, one with a guy whom she was riding. The lights were low, the sounds of their coupling more apparent due to the relative darkness.

Bedside lamps showed movements, and the girl mounted on the guy was bathed in profile by the light beside her, showing her small breasts and pert nipples, and her face, with eyes half closed, biting her bottom lip, a beautiful sex face. I could feel her ecstasy and was more than keen to get to Chrissie’s bed.

“Veronica said I should shower,” I stated half-heartedly.

“No point yet,” she countered, “I’m really horny from seeing the film, and what with George poking Jill in front of us, I really need some girlie love.”

Chrissie and I undressed, each helping the other out of her clothes until in just our knickers.

“No, leave them on,” said Chrissie as I bent to take hers down.

We got onto the bed and caressed. I loved the feel of her hands and fingers over my drenched cotton panties; it was more erotic than direct touch.

She pressed the soaking gusset that was between my labia, and it went deeper into my tunnel. I returned the favour. Her silky knickers felt incredibly sexy, and as I pressed them into her opening, she gasped.

“Oh, Andrea, that’s perfect; push them right up into me; I adore the feeling.”

I did so; they stretched and clung to my fingers as I finger fucked her; she did the same to me until my sodden knickers slipped to one side, and her bare fingers met my wet cunt walls directly.

She had three fingers in me now and opened them apart, stretching my opening.

“I’ve a toy in my locker,” she whispered, “Will you use it in me?”

“Of course,” I replied.

She parted from me and opened the bedside cabinet door, retrieving a vibrator which she passed to me.

She rolled onto her front and put a pillow beneath her hips, so her bum was raised. I again went to remove her panties.

She turned her head, “No, don’t; leave them on,” she breathed.

I opened her legs.

I switched on and guided the toy up the left side of the gusset and eased it into her; she squirmed her hips, the vibrations tingling her insides.

I pushed my other hand inside her panties from the right leg’s side and with pressing fingers, wormed my way around her bottom cheeks and rear entrance; my thumb coming into firm contact with her anus, I gently eased it into the wet and slippery, puckered hole.

She gasped and, with tiny rocking motions, pushed herself hard on my invasion, my thumb now fully inside her. I pressed it upwards against the back side of her passage.

“Fuck me hard with that vibrator,” she commanded, “The way you’d want me to do to you.”

I did so, pushing the toy into her yielding sex. I felt the pressure increase as she gripped it, so I had to use more force to get it deeper into her; I felt her bear down against it and push it back out.

“Faster slut!” She groaned, “Like I’m gonna do to you.”

I sped up the spearing of her, turning the tool as I impaled her on it, screwing it into her before pulling it out with force, feeling the suction as her cunt resisted the action.

“I’m gonna fuck you so fuckin’ hard, Andrea!” She exhaled, “Punish me like I’m gonna punish you!”

My hand was a blur; she was writhing, groaning, and letting out little yelps as I thrust the toy in and out of her. Her sphincter gripped my thumb tightly. She had got both hands down under herself now and was frigging her clit manically.

Close to coming, she bucked off the pillow and, stretching her legs wide apart with her hands, she orgasmed.

“Oh, my fucking God,” she moaned. ”Oh, my fuck-ing, fuck-ing, God, yes!” the s’s hissed as she sank back onto the pillow.

I kept my hands and the vibrator, still running deep inside her, motionless as she seemed to crumple into the bed.

Giving her a minute or two, she began to revive; I switched off the vibrator and eased my thumb from her bottom.

She rolled over, looking at me she blew her cheeks out.

“You were fab’, Andrea, absolutely magic!

“My turn,” she said, before I had a chance to recover, “On your face teen-slut!”

I dutifully rolled into the position she vacated. Her hands replicated the movements I had made on her just moments before.

I gripped the sides of the mattress.

“No, arms under you, and hands under the pillow my girl,” she commanded., “I don’t want you touching yourself!”

I did as I was told. My face pressed to the bed and arms under me meant I could not lift my head and upper torso more than a few inches clear of the mattress.

Her hand pulled my knickers sideways, guiding the vibrator to my forchette via the leg hole and from there, introducing it between my labia and into my soaking wet cunnie.

She pressed it home with some force into me; my extreme wetness allowed this rapid and deep penetration.

Her fingers then felt around my bottom, her thumb finding my anus just as I had hers, and she pushed it against that entrance.

My bottom was as wet as hers had been but didn’t yield as easily. She withdrew her thumb and must have stuck it inside herself because when she reintroduced it to my rear, it was slippery and slid through my tight sphincter and into me with relative ease.

I squirmed, not having had that hole invaded before, apart from stroking the entrance and some gentle finger exploration; it felt really odd, but the vibrations in my quim, and my massive arousal, lessened any tension I might have experienced otherwise.

“First time anything up the bum?” she asked, obviously feeling my tension.

“Mmmh,” was all I could utter.

Now she started to bang me harder with the vibrator.

I felt it ramming in, and pulled quickly out to ram in again, thank fuck I was so wet; it was like an oiled piston running in my pussy; buzzing, squelching, and slurping noisily, as it did its work inside me.

I experienced what I’d given her, a blur as the tool thumped in and out, and her thumb fully in my bottom, lifting me by it like a hook inside me, under my coccyx, so that my hips were pulled off the pillow.

The intensity of the banging brought me off. I let out a gasping moan as my cervix bore down to meet the plastic tool, spiked inside me.

She immediately moved and sat on my back, facing down the bed, and while that climax continued to rip through me, she began an even harder thrusting of the vibrator into me.

One hand tightly squeezing my hip, her weight pressing me into the bed, feeling the springs rebounding as we bounced upon it; my senses reeling as my already orgasming frame was punished and pushed into orbit, the toy hitting my cervix as it dipped involuntarily with each climax, I cried out, my voice muffled by the bedclothes.

“Uh – uh, Chriss-ie, please!”

“Oh no, teen-slut,” she cried as she reamed my hole, but the violence of her fucking of me was receding, and knowing I was nearly spent, she slowed the pace.

She lowered the intensity as I trembled and shook under her.

After a few more gentle strokes, she carefully removed the toy and climbed off my back. She stuck three fingers inside me and held them open as she had earlier; again, my cunt filled with cool air.

I lay there for several minutes, Chrissie stroking my back and bottom with one hand, while still holding me open with the other. As I collected my composure, I realised my arms were still under me, and with difficulty, I moved them so I could raise myself on my elbows.

Chrissie pulled the pillow, now wet from both our juice and perspiration, from under me, and I rolled over. She stroked my hair and slipped the fingers she’d had in me into my mouth to lick; I did so willingly, she then pressed the wet part of the pillow to my face, and I breathed in the flavour of our combined sex smell.

“Now you may shower,” she said, as she took the pillow away.

Written by andream
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