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"Justina cums from more than just spanking in this chapter about the real 'good spanking' she earned!"

11 - She Gets a Better ‘Good’ Spanking

We did see each other early the next morning. I was pleasantly surprised to see her at my door just before the day began. At first, I just noticed her beautiful smile; a smile that showed how much she had enjoyed last night, but then I noticed she was wearing a dress! Nothing that requires a great deal of description except to say that it was short enough to show off a bit of her luscious thighs, but showing any thigh at all was unusual for her.

“Good morning!” she said, coming to the side of my desk. “I just wanted to thank you again for last night,” she added in a hushed tone. Taking my left hand in hers, she said, “Feel!” and slipped it under her dress and directly onto her ass. “It’s still warm!” she added happily, as though that were the measure of a truly good spanking.

“Mmm, I wish I could warm it up again for you!” I said as I quickly gave each cheek a nice squeeze before removing my hand from under her dress lest someone passing by noticed.

“Ooo, me too!” she replied, “but I want to be sure I’m ready for Friday!”

“Oh, I don’t know, Tina. Are you sure you’ll be able to take another full spanking by Friday?”

“You have to promise me you’ll give me that spanking no matter what!” she said earnestly.

“Well then, you’d better be sure to behave yourself if you want to earn another good spanking by then, and I’m not sure good behavior would include taking my hand and shoving it up your dress to feel your ass!”

“Yes, sir!” she said, laughing. “Now, you’re not telling me that you’d deny me that good spanking because I teased you with my ass? Or my pussy?” she added, placing my hand between her legs over her dress.

“Careful, naughty girl! You’ll get a spanking on Friday, but your behavior will determine whether it’s a good spanking or a good, hard, spanking!”

“Yes, sir! I’ll behave myself, you’ll see,” she replied, giving me what I now recognized as her classic innocent look; downcast eyes and bitten lower lip.

She left my office, but I saw her in the office more that week than in all the months we’d worked together. She’d stop in several times a day, just to say ‘hi’ and other times to find out how my day was going or tell me about hers. Once or twice, I gave her helpful advice on how to handle a work-related problem.

By Friday, I’d decided how I would communicate that she’d earned the real ‘good spanking’, but she beat me to it with another envelope marked ‘Personal’ left on my chair during lunch. Opening it, I found another envelope addressed to “Headmaster”, inside of which was another note from Mrs. Cooper …



As you requested, I have been monitoring Justina’s behavior in my class as well as her others, and I am happy to report she has performed flawlessly. All teachers have noticed a positive change in her attitude, attention, and class participation. I would therefore recommend that she receive the positive reinforcement you referred to in your memo to me.

I am hopeful about continued success and look forward to learning how to implement such a behavior modification plan, so we may use it at the class level as effectively as you have with Justina.


Mrs. Cooper

I decided that a note from the headmaster would be in order, delivered via Mrs. Cooper.  I made up some stationary from the headmaster of the fictitious prep school.


I have received very favorable reports from your teachers regarding your behavior this week. I am hopeful that we have found the proper motivation to allow you to continue to excel as a model student.

I am therefore happy to tell you that you’ve earned the reward we discussed in our last meeting. Please report to my office at 5:00 this afternoon to receive what you have so justly earned.



I placed the note in an envelope marked ‘Justina’ and put that envelope in another marked ‘Mrs. Cooper – Please give this to Justina’. I placed that in yet another envelope marked ‘Personal’ and left it on her chair late in the afternoon. I could just imagine the smile spreading across her face as she read it.

I had come to work prepared to go directly to my ‘office’ from work, including clothes to allow me to change from my casual Friday jeans and sneakers to more appropriate attire befitting a headmaster. The excitement that had been building all day was peaking as I drove to her apartment. Despite seeing her quite often during the week, I had managed to keep my hands off her delicious body, apart from the morning after our last encounter, hoping it would make our eventual meeting even more exciting.

I arrived at her apartment and found the door open again. I went inside and went directly to our playroom, where I found a small leather paddle and a hairbrush sitting on the desk, a suggestion from Tina, no doubt. I had about five minutes left to change my clothes and get into character. I did it in less than two, leaving me with three minutes that felt much longer before she finally knocked on the door.

“Come in,” I said as casually as I could manage.

She walked in, dressed the same as in our prior scenes, but somehow, she looked even better.  Was it makeup? A shorter skirt to reveal more of her sumptuous thighs? A tighter blouse emphasizing her magnificent tits? I could find no obvious difference and decided it was just the anticipation of what was to happen that made her look decidedly more delicious than before.

“Ah! There she is! My model student!” I said in an encouraging tone. “I knew you could do it, Justina.”

“Thank you, sir! It wasn’t too hard, at least most times. I kept reminding myself to do my work and pay attention, so I’d be able to come here on Friday for my reward.”

“And so, you have. Let’s say we skip any more lecturing and get right to it?”

“Yes, sir, I’d like that.”

“So, are you ready?”

“Oh yes, sir. I’ve been thinking about it all week.”

“And what is the reward you wish to receive?”

“A spanking, sir. A good spanking! … on my bare bottom!” she replied with that trademark innocent look, though I knew the look belied the same potent desire I felt as well.

“Very well, Justina. Would you like to increase the intensity a bit with some hairbrush spanking and maybe some paddling?”

“Yes, sir. I think I’d like that.”

“Well then, shall we begin?” I asked, walking around the desk to take my place in the chair. I placed the brush and paddle on the chair next to me, so they’d be within reach while I had her over my knee. She placed her books on the same chair and picked up the hairbrush for a quick examination. She looked over at me with a little smile and put it down again.

Making her way to my side, she lifted her skirt and laid herself across my knee. Almost immediately, I noticed her panties were a little different. More of a bikini style than the large white panties from before, though just as tight, if not tighter. The gorgeous curve of her bottom was accentuated by the panties hugging her crack, but also left a bit of her cleft showing at the top

“These don’t look like the panties approved in our dress code,” I replied both playfully and officiously.

“No, sir. I wore the proper panties to school and changed to these just before I came here. I had hoped you would like them better. The others are in my purse if you’d like me to put them back on?”

“That won’t be necessary. These are rather enticing! And I think we can drop the pretense of punishment, don’t you? We’re both here because we enjoy this, so why don’t we just do that?” I asked, lovingly caressing her beautiful bottom.

“Yes, sir, I agree,” she replied, looking back at me, “… and sir?”

“Yes, Justina?”

“Please spank me! Give me a good spanking!”

“As you wish,” I replied as I began.

The spanking progressed much as it had the last time, except that instead of scolding her, I had her tell me how much she loved getting spanked, and I’d tell her how delicious her bottom was; and how perfect it was for spanking, commenting on how wet her panties were getting. Of course, the dampening of her panties was helped along by my wandering fingers. The third time I stroked her pussy through her panties, I told her it was time to take them down.

“Take them off, please?” she replied, a request I waited not a second to fulfill. A pink glow awaited my eyes as they slid down her thighs and off her ankles, after which she pushed her bottom up in silent invitation.

“Mmm, such a nice shade of pink on your … your hiney. That is what you want me to call it, Justina, isn’t it?”

“Actually? No, sir. I’ve been a good girl, not a naughty little girl, so please spank my bare bottom, sir.”  And again, I complied, spanking one cheek while softly squeezing the other. Before long, though, I took advantage of her nakedness, slipping my free hand into her warm, moist crotch to stimulate all I touched. Tina moaned and writhed on my knee in appreciation of the dual assault, spanking, and fingering with the added pleasure of not pretending.

Upping the ante, I took the hairbrush in hand and showed it to Justina as a way of asking if she was ready for it. A desirous smile supplied the answer I was looking for, so I immediately started patting her bottom with it as though trying it out. As I began smacking her reddening bottom with it, she let a few ‘Oh’s and Ow’s escape her lips, but looking at her face confirmed her utter enjoyment of the increased intensity.

Without the restriction of her panties that would normally be banded around her thighs, she was free to spread her legs wide, which she did after a couple of dozen hairbrush spanks. Surmising she wanted a bit of the ‘good’ mixed with the spanking, my free hand stroked between her legs in various ways, continuously, her soft sighs hinting at her bliss.

During pauses, my right hand contributed as well. After drawing the course bristles across her tender cheeks, I’d press the end of the handle against both of her deliciously displayed holes, even inserting it a couple of inches into her pussy. I bent closer to kiss whatever I could lay my lips on before resuming the spanking.

Her spread legs also allowed me to spank portions of her cheeks I wouldn’t ordinarily be able to reach, especially between her cheeks. She reacted most to the swats laid on her lower cheeks, almost between her legs, both feeling the pain and lifting her hips to encourage more.

After a particularly long and harsh series of spanks all over her perfect butt, I scraped my fingernails over the most tender spots, causing her to arch her back, shudder, and gasp for air, her reaction so intense, I repeated the sequence of blistering spanks followed by scraping nails over her beautiful bottom.

“I think we need a little more ‘good’ in this good spanking, don’t you?” I asked.

“Oh yes, sir! Please! Spank me good!!”

“Then I think you’d better bend over the desk, where I can do all sorts of delicious things to your bottom and your pussy!!”

“Yes, sir,” she replied eagerly as she lifted herself off my lap with a little help from my hands on her tits.  “… and sir? Is it safe for me to take my clothes off? I’d like to be naked when I bend over for my paddling.”

“Yes, I’m sure it is. May I help you?” I asked and started unbuttoning her blouse before she could reply. Fully unbuttoned, I spread her blouse open and slid my hands up to her beautiful breasts from underneath, cupping them in my palms. Thrusting her chest forward and pressing them into my warm hands reminded me that I should not forget this other delicious feature of her extraordinary body.

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‘No time like the present,’ I said to myself as I pushed her blouse over her shoulders, and I let her shake it free from her body, while my hands went to the clasp of her bra to liberate those magnificent orbs completely. As her bra came free, I fell to my knees and buried my face between her tits, intending to press them against my face, but found her doing it for me. Turning my face from side to side, I kissed and licked all I could reach before coming up for air.

Being on my knees left me in a perfect position to deal with her plaid skirt. While one hand slid up under her skirt to squeeze her heated buns, the other undid the button and zipper at her side. Once open, it required a little tugging to get the tight waist over her shapely hips, before it, too, lay in a puddle on the floor.

While both hands had pulled on the hem, her pretty, bald pussy was unveiled in a way I hadn’t yet seen it. I couldn’t resist planting my lips directly on the glistening slit before me, and slipping my tongue in between made her knees go weak as she almost collapsed before me. My hands, still on her hot buns, pulled her towards me, which had the dual effect of supporting her body, while at the same time pressing my face into her steamy slit.

Oh, sir!” she gasped, “I’ve never had such a good spanking before!” Furthering my exploration of her hot, wet pussy, my tongue slithered around aimlessly at first, but then concentrating on the hard little nub between her plump labia, I quickly brought her to her first orgasm of the evening. Making only gasping sounds in reaction, she was supported only by my hands and my face bracing her crotch between.

As she regained her balance, I stood up, took her in my arms, and held her tightly, but only for a moment before my hands were again wandering, one to her ass and the other to her tits. Looking up at me as I kneaded her fleshy orbs, front and back, she said, “I think I’d like to be paddled, sir. Please paddle me!?”

As I let her break free from my clutches, she turned toward the desk, and, looking back at me, she bent over it to rest her elbows on its surface. “Please, sir? I need a paddling!” she repeated as she swayed her hips back and forth in invitation. She picked up the paddle off the desktop, looked briefly at it, and then me, and then taking aim, gave herself a good hard swat on her right cheek. “Ooo!’ was all she said as she wound up and gave her left an equally good swat. “Mmm, I really need a good paddling, sir!?”

“Yes, you do, don’t you!? Why don’t you give yourself a few more before I take over?” Looking at me, she smiled before she raised the paddle good and high and brought it crashing down on her right cheek, then the left, back and forth for a good ten swats, biting her lower lip and grimacing as the effect of each stroke was felt.

“Looks like you’ve done that before!” I replied, as I stepped forward and took the paddle from her. Moving to her left side, I placed the small circular paddle against her bottom, and after a few circular strokes, the paddle lifted and came down hard on her cheek with a loud crack.

“Ohhhhh!” was all she said as she thrust her hips out, indicating that she was getting exactly what she wanted. Winding up again, I gave her another good swat that elicited a loud, “Ooo, yeah!” from her lips, as her face turned skyward as though seeking help from above.

“It hurts a lot more when you do it, sir!” she said, answering the question about whether she spanked herself hard enough. After a couple of individual swats, I started a series of about ten strokes to individual cheeks alternately. Repeating that pattern left her with a seriously reddening bottom, so I decided to let up a little.

Sitting on the desk next to her, I let my left hand soothe the intense sting, while my fingers wandered into the sensitive nooks and crannies of her deliciously wet crotch. Between the pokes and strokes of my left hand, my right kept paddling with medium swats here and there. All of which was building to a crescendo.

Sensing another peak coming, I slid off the desk to kneel behind her. Putting the paddle down, I placed my hands on her ass and spanked her playfully while my tongue advanced on her pussy again. Arching her hips up gave me the additional access I needed to get my lips and tongue where I wanted them, and after a few minutes of licks, rubs, spanks, and squeezes, she was cumming again, this time more violently.

“Oh my God, Mar … uh, sir!” she cried, losing her place in the role-play briefly, while her body convulsed in time to the waves of intense pleasure.

As the shudders and tremors in her body subsided, she stood up, turned around to face me. “I’d like to do something for you, sir. May I?” she asked as she fell to her knees with her hands going to the waist of my pants. My smile gave her all the permission she needed to pull my pants and underwear down to my ankles and take me in her mouth, making me the one with weakening knees, while she sucked and licked, paying special attention to the underside of the tip.

Bringing me almost to the point of cumming, she stopped and looked up at me, while her hands continued the stimulation of my cock and balls. “I think, sir, that it’s very naughty of you to take advantage of a little schoolgirl’s need for punishment, and perhaps you need to be SPANKED as well,” she said, punctuating the word ‘spank’ with a good smack to my bare bottom.

Again, I agreed, which earned me another spank on my other cheek with her other hand. “Hm?” she asked as she looked down to see the paddle lying on the floor. Looking up at me with a devious smile, she picked it up and, without aiming, landed a perfect swat against my bare bottom.

“I think,” I said as I stopped her hand mid-stroke from swatting me again, “that you’re trying to avoid getting what you so richly deserve! … another good spanking!” I struggled a bit to step out of my pants, still lying about my ankles where she left them, took her forearm, and lifted her to stand before me. “Isn’t that right, Justina?”

“Yes, sir,” she said as her hands continued stroking my erection while giving me that innocent look. It felt so good; I let her continue knowing I’d shoot any second, and brought a beautiful smile to her face when I did. “Yes, I would like another good spanking!”

Turning her sideways, I pushed on her back to bend her over, and with my left arm around her waist to hold her, she was in position to be spanked yet again. I started softly, but built intensity quickly, and added to the fact that I didn’t stop. The ‘Ohs’ and ‘Ows’ were coming rapidly. Holding her up as I was, I couldn’t get my left hand into anything interesting, but she seemed to like my tight grip around her waist, as she pressed herself hard against me while the count of continuous spanks climbed.

“Oh, sir! That’s it!! Spank my bottom!” she cried as she dangled from my arm around her waist. I had gotten rock hard again a good fifty spanks ago, and she was nearing another climax, so I laid her on the desk again with the intent of fucking her hot, wet pussy. She wanted it too, thrusting her hot red ass up at me and crying, “Oh yes! Fuck me, sir! And spank me too! Spank me hard with your cock in my cunt!”

I slid into her easily, and we both gasped as my hips pressed hard against her red, hot cheeks, trying to get another inch deeper. She looked back at me with a big smile since we both knew I was going to last a lot longer than the last time when I’d been about ready to cum as soon as I’d entered her.

With the luxury of time, I could use long, slow strokes that increased the intensity for us both. A few times, I pulled out completely and then spanked her five or ten times, which she loved, especially when I spanked her with my hips thrusting hard into her dripping pussy!

As I settled into a rhythm of medium-fast strokes, she wanted me to spank her at the same time. Laying down on the desk, squashing those magnificent breasts against the desktop, and thrusting her bottom up even higher, she pleaded for more spanking. “Ooo, spank my bottom, sir!  Spank me until I cum!” Between quickening thrusts into her juicy pussy, I smacked her bottom as best I could. Commenting on how much she liked getting spanked, and what a perfect bottom she had, I continued spanking as we both rocketed towards orgasm, cumming within a few seconds of each other, mine triggering hers.

“Has my good, little girl had enough spanking for one night?” I asked, caressing her tortured bottom with both hands, feeling myself shrinking inside her.

She uttered a disappointed ‘Ooo’ when I pulled out and sat on the desk next to her. Massaging her perfect ass as she remained bent over the desk, I scraped my fingernails over the roundest part of her tender cheeks and watched her body shudder, an echo of her last climax.

“Yes, I have … for tonight,” she pouted, making it clear this was going to happen again. Standing between my legs, she reached out and hugged me affectionately. “Thank you,” she whispered in my ear, “I may want all my spankings to be good spankings from now on!”

As she’d hugged me, I slipped my arms around her to get another handful of the ass I couldn’t get enough of. “Then you’d better be a very good girl!” I said as I squeezed her cheeks hard.

“Ooo-oww!” she moaned, clearly loving the pain. “Oh, I will be! I’ll be so good you can’t stand it!” she said, pulling away to face me and catching me stealing a look at her tits; she pulled my face into them and pressed them hard against my cheeks. “I wonder if bribing the headmaster might help?” she asked as she continued smothering me with those delicious mounds of flesh.

“It couldn’t hurt!” I mumbled unintelligibly from the confines of her cleavage. When I finally came up for air, it was her smiling face that greeted me.

“Thank you, sir,” she said and turned to gather her clothes to get dressed. I watched as she put her bra and blouse back on, then her skirt, leaving her panties for last. “Ooh! My bottom hurts!” she said with a pained smile, as she pulled the tight panties into place.  “And I like it when my bottom hurts!” she added. “See you next Friday, sir?”

“I hope so,” I said, from my perch on the desk.

“Me too! Bye!” she answered and disappeared through the door.

I got dressed as well and put the room back in order before leaving it, only to have Justina pounce on me again outside the door.

“Oh my God, Mark! That was the best spanking ever!” she gushed, as she hugged and kissed me. “Did you enjoy it too?” she asked, looking straight into my eyes, and seeing an affirmative answer said, “I knew it!! You really like spanking me, don’t you? Hmm? You like spanking my bottom?!”

“Tina, have I ever given you any doubt that I did? You have one of the most, maybe the most spankable bottom I’ve ever laid a hand on!”

“Ooo, the most spankable bottom!! I hope that means you’ll want to just keep spanking me?!”

“I’ll give you as much as that gorgeous, little bottom can take!”

“Mmm, you make me want another one right now!” Reaching around back, I bent her quickly at the waist, flipped her skirt up, yanked her panties down, and started spanking a little harder than playfully. “No! No! Just kidding!” she cried, as she pulled away and made a big act of pouting and rubbing her bottom. I offered outstretched arms, and she came to me quickly. I reached around back to get another handful of her delicious cheeks and then pulled her panties back up.

“You need to be more careful about what you wish for! Want to get a bite to eat, a drink, or maybe a walk on the beach?” I asked.

“I wish I could do all three, but I promised my cousin weeks ago that I’d babysit tonight. Next week?”

“Sure,” I said, my disappointment obvious, “next week.”

“I’m sorry!” she said sincerely, “Here, take this, but don’t open it till tomorrow! Maybe it’ll make you feel better,” she said, handing me an envelope. Given the contents of the envelopes we’d been passing back and forth, I was sure it would, but at the same time, I couldn’t imagine what it would be since her bottom wouldn’t be ready for any more spanking for at least a couple of days. “Just read it tomorrow!” she replied to my puzzled look.

We kissed again before I made my way to the door and left, wondering what kind of scene she was cooking up now.

Written by 2bespanked
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