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Author's Notes

"I hope this chapter makes the setup in the prior chapters worth reading."

5 - My Story Told, We Connect

“Wow,” I said not really knowing what to say after a story like that. “So, you left the whole thing behind in Romania,” I said more as a statement than a question.

“Yeah. Believe it or not, there are times when I miss it a little. It could be quite a turn-on to know, or at least imagine the effect my pictures had on the guys who look at them, knowing they’re getting all hot and bothered by the sight of my body, yet physically and safely detached from the whole thing. I especially miss the spanking, though” she said watching for my reaction, which was to perk up more than a little. I hoped she was coming on to me as a fellow spanko, but decided it was just my imagination. “How did you get into it?” she asked, breaking my reverie.

I told her my story in a much shorter form; how it seemed as though I'd always had an interest in spanking. How I didn’t understand the sexual nature of it until I was nearly the age she was now and blew an opportunity with a girl who did everything but paint ‘Spank Me’ on her bare butt.

I finished by telling her how I’d figured it out in time and was eventually both giving and getting my first spankings. I finished off by saying how hard it could be at times to find someone who was into it, how embarrassing it could be if you were wrong, and how frustrating it was to find someone who did it but didn’t quite get it, all of which got a knowing smile from Justina.

“You’ve had similar experiences, I imagine?”

“Not really, but I understand what you mean. Since I left my ‘modeling career’ behind, I’ve only had one boyfriend who spanked me.”

“Really!?” I remarked trying to sound sympathetic yet hoping to encourage her desires. “Why is that?”

“Well, I managed to get another boyfriend, Alexei, to talk about it and eventually do it. He spanked me really good a couple of times and then he asked me to spank him. I did, and it was okay for a first time, but the next time he called me Sara by mistake, and that finished it, and him, for me. Since then, I’ve not found someone I felt I could talk to about it.”

“Until now?” I asked hopefully.

“Until now,” she repeated with an earnest face. After a long pause, she looked me straight in the eye and asked, “Tell me, which do you prefer; giving or getting?” Obviously, a loaded question that I felt I should answer honestly, but afraid she might not like the answer.

“I love doing both,” I said, “but to be honest, if given the choice I more often prefer getting, but when I do give a spanking, I really get into it.”

“My pictures; the ones you’ve seen of me getting spanked. Did you like them?”

“Like them? Justina, they were amazing, gorgeous, arousing,” I replied, fibbing a little since I couldn’t really recall them specifically. But pushed to defend myself, I’d say that I wouldn’t have remembered them as I did if they weren’t great pics.

“Nick always said I had a small butt. He’d call it my ‘tiny hiney’.”

“Nick’s crazy! You have … I mean …,” I stuttered, suddenly at a loss for words, but I hoped she’d recognize it as a compliment. “Justina, since the first time I saw you walking down the hall in one of your tighter pairs of pants, I have imagined all the wonderful and painful things I could do with your perfect, round bottom. I…”

“Perfect?!” she said with a little girl smile, “You think my bottom is perfect?”

“Yes, I do, and I would love to be the first one in so many years, to take you over my knee and give your perfect little hiney a good spanking,” I said offering my hands to her across the table. She was still uncertain, but I could tell I was winning her over by her smile and the way she looked at me through downcast eyes. “Justina, have you been a naughty girl? Do you need a spanking?”

She paused, trying to make a final decision, but took my hands and finally answered simply, “Yes.” I waited to give her a chance to say something else, which turned out to be the right thing to do. “I’ve been a bad girl,” she added, with a delicious smile on her face.

“Then you need to be spanked, don’t you?”

“Yes, bad girls get … spanked on their bare bott … their bare hineys!”

“Justina, you’ve been a bad girl, and I can’t wait to pull your pants down and give you a good spanking!” I could see the excitement building in her eyes. “Where should we go?” I asked, wanting to be sure she chose the most comfortable place for her.

She swigged the last of her wine and answered firmly, “My apartment. Follow me.”  She got up quickly, put her bag over her shoulder, and watched me stand as well. Seeing me looking for the waitress, she added, “It’s not far. We can be there in ten minutes.” I took that as a ‘hurry up’ cue and left a couple of twenties on the table, knowing it was more than enough to cover the tab.

“Lead the way!” I said and we left.


6 - A Very Naughty Schoolgirl

It took closer to twenty minutes with the traffic and lights conspiring to slow us down, but we eventually pulled into a nice apartment complex, weaving our way through many buildings to one near the back of the whole complex. She waited outside her car for me to catch up, but instead of continuing up the walkway she just stood there.

“I’ve never done anything this sudden before,” she said, as though having had second thoughts during the drive here. “I’m safe with you, aren’t I?”

“Yes, you are,” I said and added, “but if you’re uncomfortable we can call it off; maybe try another time?” 

She hesitated, weighing her choices, and finally responded with a simple, “Okay”.

“The only one that’s not safe is your gorgeous bottom!” I said, getting a smile from her. “You decide where this goes. I’ll leave right after if that’s what you want.”

“Okay, and we’ll see. If it’s a really good spanking, you won’t be leaving so quickly.” It was my turn to smile. “Come!” she said as she turned and started up the walkway to her building.

It was a two-story building with four apartments on each end: two downstairs and two up. We took the stairs and stopped at the door on the right. She opened the door, walked in holding the door while waiting for me to follow, and I closed the door behind me.

We were in the main living area which was open to both a dining area and the kitchen, beyond which were the bedrooms and bathroom. I checked the room looking for furniture and seating appropriate for our purpose. I’d barely taken note of the armless dinette chairs, perfect for an OTK setting, and a sofa with high padded arms, which I could imagine her bending over when she led me towards the back.

“Need to use the bathroom? It’s right there,” she said pointing. I took the opportunity to empty my wine-filled bladder, noting that she went through one of two other doors. When I came out, she was waiting for me and led me into the other room. I followed her into a room nearly empty except for a large wooden desk which had one high-back executive chair behind it and two sturdy, armless wooden chairs in front.

I looked at her and smiled. “I’m the headmaster then, am I?” I asked, assuming the room was furnished for that scenario.

“Ever since that first time, I’ve always loved being the naughty schoolgirl best!”

“So, little schoolgirl, just what kind of naughty things have you been up to?” I asked, assuming I should be falling into my role.

“Not yet. I need to change into something more …”

“Comfortable?” I guessed.

“Appropriate,” she said with an excited smile. “Make yourself comfortable. Get familiar. Look around and be nosy. I’ll only be a few minutes.” She turned and left, closing the door behind her. I heard another door open and close, assuming it to be her bedroom.

I looked around the room and found almost nothing on the walls, just a plaque; a phony diploma, I noticed when I looked closer. There were drapes covering two large windows that looked down on the parking lot for the building next door. When I saw how closely people may be passing by, it occurred to me that apartments were often lacking in sound insulation, and wondered if the sound of our activities might be heard by others. I decided not to worry about it if she didn’t.

I walked around behind the desk and sat down. The chair was quite old and not very comfortable, but I didn’t imagine it got much use as anything other than a prop. It then occurred to me to wonder why she had such an obvious setup for this scenario if she hadn’t been spanked in five years or so. I decided I didn’t really care but would ask her about it later, or another day perhaps.

She had said to ‘be nosy’ so I assumed there were things she wanted me to find and started looking through drawers. In the center drawer, there were a couple of pens and pencils and a wooden ruler.  ‘An implement?’ I thought to myself. “Nah,” I said aloud until I opened one of the side drawers and found several implements to go along with the ruler. I took them out, one by one, mentally cataloging them as I went.

There was a roundish, wooden paddle about the size of a ping pong paddle but thicker and heavier. A black leather-covered paddle was next, about three inches wide and maybe twelve inches long. A long wooden paddle with holes drilled in its face, often called a ‘school paddle’, caught my attention as one of my favorites. It could give a pleasant stinging spanking or blistering hard whacks depending on how it was used. Another favorite, a black leather strap, about fifteen inches long was next. I was about to take a martinet, with about ten long leather thongs out of the drawer, when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I answered officiously as I started to put the implements back in the drawer. Only the strap remained when I saw the knowing smile on Justina’s face. I decided to leave it there, partly as an implied threat, but mostly because I was distracted by how Justina was dressed. ‘Wow!’ I thought as I took a deep breath.

She captured the schoolgirl look perfectly! She had on the classic plaid pleated skirt and white blouse, the skirt short enough to be sexy, but not so short as to be slutty, and the blouse, both very plain and rather tight, showing off her amazing chest, but it didn’t stop there. She’d pulled her hair back in a ponytail, tied with colored ribbons creating a youthful innocence about her.

I had just noticed her white knee socks and plain black shoes, when I realized I was seeing her legs, and more interesting, a portion of her thighs for the first time. Curvaceous calves and firm, shapely thighs that disappeared under her skirt to what I would bet would be a pair of plain, white cotton panties that covered her tight, little ass completely, making them a joy to pull down for her spanking. She stood up straight, holding a pair of books to her chest, and waited to be spoken to.

“Yes? What can I do for you, Justina?” I said, trying unsuccessfully to sound authoritative. I was still so enthralled with her costume.

“Mrs. Cooper sent me, Sir,” she said ultra politely. “She told me to give you this,” she added pulling a small envelope out from between her books and offering it in her outstretched hand.

“Bring it here, then!”

“Yes, Sir,” she said crossing the room and stopping between the two chairs offering the envelope to me.

“What is this?” I asked.

“A note, Sir, from Mrs. Cooper.”

I took the small envelope, opened it, and unfolded the handwritten note it contained. I read through it quickly and couldn’t hold back a smile, and noticed Justina do the same before we both resumed our roles.

“This is quite an accusation, Justina. Is this true?”

“I haven’t read it. Perhaps Sir could read it to me before I answer the question?”

“Very well …


Justina has not been paying proper attention in class of late and is frequently caught unaware of the class situation. Today, while she was supposed to be reading, I found her gazing out the window with her eyes nearly closed. Then I noticed one of her hands slipped up under her skirt and between her legs!

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This is obviously unacceptable behavior, so I trust you will give Justina the harsh punishment she so desperately needs to get her mind back on her studies.

Mrs. Cooper

Neither of us could resist smiling, though it was brief. The bulge in my crotch grew tighter as I looked at Justina, now the picture of innocence in her cute little schoolgirl outfit. I tried to look as though I was awaiting an answer to my original question.

She understood and replied, “Sir, I suppose what she said is true, but I wasn’t …”

I cut her off saying, “It doesn’t matter what you were actually doing. What is important is what you were not doing, and that is paying attention, with such clear and obvious disrespect for Mrs. Cooper!”

“I’m sorry, Sir. Really, I am. I’ll do better. I’ll pay attention. You’ll see!”

“I’m sure you will once you’ve been …”

“Punished, Sir?” she said cutting me off. “Am I going to get spanked?”

“You’d be lucky to get by with just a spanking!” I said in a threatening tone. Her eyes went to the strap still lying on the desk. She shook her head ‘no’ almost imperceptibly, which I took to mean she wasn’t ready for that for her first spanking in a long time. I opened the drawer, put the strap back in, and removed the small wooden paddle. A quick look at her face told me it was a better choice. “I’ve paddled girls for less. Yourself included.”

“Yes, sir. I understand, sir” she said as I made my way around the desk. She backed up behind the armless chairs leaving me room to move one of them a little further from the desk, allowing ample room around it.

“You know what to do, Justina,” I said patting my right thigh after sitting in the chair. Trying to look hesitant and embarrassed, but looking at least a little excited, she placed her books on the other chair and moved to my side. We were both having a hard time keeping a straight face, but we also loved every minute of our game.

Standing at my side, her bare thighs practically touching my leg, she reached down for the hem of her skirt and lifted it as high as she could. She paused, letting me take in the delicious sight of her little, white panties at least a size too small, making for a very tight fit. My eyes went from her tight, flat tummy down to her crotch where the tight-fitting panties revealed much; petite lips with a visible line between, almost certainly shaved smooth, and a small wet spot revealing her arousal.

“Are you ready, sir?” she asked as I looked up at her trying to convey my appreciation of her sensual beauty. She took my look as affirmative and gently laid herself across my lap providing me with another breathtaking sight; her tight, little butt in her tight, little panties, instantly making my pants a little tighter. Two of the most perfectly round cheeks with white cotton fabric stretched tightly across were offered to me in the best possible way, their unspoken message of ‘spank me’ caused me to moan softly. 

Hearing it, Justina looked back at me with a sexy, little smile and said, “I’m sorry, sir. Please don’t spank me too hard!?” My eyes returned to her hot, little butt, and decided it was time to return to my role.

I placed my hand across her firm round globes, resisting the temptation to tear her panties off and bury my face in her luscious bottom. Patting her butt softly, I found I could almost cover both cheeks with a well-centered smack, and that her firm, muscular orbs were not going to jiggle much, but would rebound quickly and probably redden quickly as well. Patting them again, just a little harder, I said, “Have you forgotten to ask for your punishment, Justina?”

She looked up at me with a look that said, ‘Nice touch’ and said, “I’m sorry for my bad behavior, Sir. Will you please spank me?”

Complying with her sincere request, I raised my hand and brought it down on her right cheek, eliciting an “Ooo” from my little schoolgirl that was both pain and pleasure. Giving the same to the other cheek got an “Oh, sir!”

“Yes, Justina?”

“It hurts!”

“It’s supposed to, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said with a smile. She turned her face to the floor as I gave her five or six in rapid succession, alternating cheeks. Squirming on my lap in a most delightful way, I paused to give each perfect cheek a caress and a squeeze. ‘There is not a more perfect bottom in existence’ I thought to myself, as I squeezed. I was already imagining what it would look like with her panties down, but quickly reminded myself not to rush it.

“Ohhhh … owwww!” she said as I completed about six good spanks in a row on each cheek. “Ohhh, I’m sorry Sir!” she added, looking back towards me with pleasure written all over her pretty face. I know well what it’s like to go without a spanking for a long time, and I could imagine the thoughts going through her head. The mixture of pleasure and pain again, as well as another combination of submissive lust, and a little fear about how much more it hurts after so long without.

“Yes, I’m sure you are, but we need to make sure you don’t forget it when you leave here,” I replied as I gave her another round like the last, but a little bit harder.

“Ohhhwwww, yes Sir, I understand,” she said, the gorgeous target of my attack wriggling provocatively in my lap.

“Oh, you do? What is it you understand?” I challenged.

“That I haven’t been paying attention in class! I’ve been a bad girl and bad girls get spanked on their b-bottoms,” she stumbled almost saying ‘bare bottoms’ and recovering, not wanting to rush this either. Upping the ante, I gave her twenty more, peppering her pretty cheeks in random locations. She started moaning at about fifteen and didn’t stop until my hand did.

I love it when a naughty girl shows how much they enjoy getting spanked. Much more than a girl begging me to stop, I much prefer one who encourages me to keep spanking, or to spank harder, or anything to increase their enjoyment of getting spanked. Wondering if maybe she felt the same way or was just having a hard time staying in character, I started thinking about how I might go about changing the scenario.

“Oh, my poor bottom!” she said, reminding me that she wanted more, so I gave it to her; at least twenty-five harder and faster on alternating cheeks. “Oww … ow … ow … oww!” she said in time with the last few, her slight smile showing how she really felt about it. It was time to take her panties down and I couldn’t wait to see those delicious orbs in the flesh!!

Slipping my fingers inside the waist of her tight panties elicited a response, “Ohhhh, please sir! Don’t pull my panties down! I don’t think I can take even more spanking on my bare bottom!”

“You’ve done this enough, Justina, to know that a spanking is always finished on your bare bottom.”

“But sir!! You’ve already spanked me so hard!!”

I slowly pushed her panties down with my palms against her flesh and my thumbs hooked on the waistband, my hands at first against her waist, then her hips as her tight, little ass was uncovered, and then her thighs. I watched with rapt attention as the moist crotch of her panties peeled slowly away from between her legs. Leaving her panties banded about her thighs, just above her knees, I stared in awe at two of the most beautiful, round, pink cheeks.

While I wanted to just grab them, and knead them like bread dough, I knew Justina would appreciate something else more. Scraping the fingernails of one hand from her thigh up over one pink-stained orb, got a low moan and a slight arching of her back, while the second more than doubled that response. The ecstasy was evident on her pretty face as she turned to smile at me.

Now it was my turn to smile, and showing enormous restraint I laid my palms ever so softly on her silky-smooth mounds. Caressing and squeezing softly at first, but shortly with near abandon, I relished the feel of her perfect bottom. Intentionally letting a finger or two stray to the tight rosebud between her cheeks, and further down between her legs almost to her pussy, the increasing warmth and moisture belied her protests at being spanked ‘so hard’. A little wiggle sent the message that she was getting impatient awaiting the feel of my hand spanking her naked cheeks. 

“Such a naughty girl!” I accused as I smacked both cheeks in unison, and then each individually. Her bright pink cheeks were going to redden quickly, and I worried about gauging just how far I should go, so I lightened my attack a bit; still a good sting, but not quite as hard as I had just before baring her bottom. This seemed to meet with acceptance, as Justina was clearly enjoying herself, despite her painful cries.

“I’m sorry, sir! I won’t do it again! I promise! Pleeeease stop spanking me!!” she cried out while her body sent the opposite message. I continued spanking in groups of six to ten, occasionally throwing in a longer sequence of fifteen or so.

“Ohhhhhhh!” she cried out after one of my favorite spanking sequences; a good dozen to fifteen spanks in quick succession, all in the same spot and gradually increasing the intensity. She barely felt the first one, but the last one drew a cry of only pleasure, not pain. Repeating it on the other cheek got an even better response.

Her beautiful cheeks were starting to get pretty red, and pretty sore, I imagined. I felt I needed to start planning for an ending. As this was a punishment spanking, I should be driving my point home, as I delivered the last fifty or so. I was already a little depressed to think that my time with Justina and her perfect bottom might be nearing an end.

I had no idea how or even if we’d transition from this to any kind of sexual release, but I guessed we would not because I suspected that she’d just gone a lot further than she had intended, and probably wanted to slow down a bit. In any event, that’s the way I’d play it and give her lots of room.

I finished her spanking with a slow but steady rhythm of spanks alternating cheeks, while I scolded my naughty schoolgirl.

“I hope your sore bottom reminds you for at least a few days that you need to pay attention in class and listen to your teacher!” I said, as I pounded out a rhythm on her cheeks. “Do you understand, Justina?” I asked before giving her three good ones on each cheek as a kind of finale.

“Owww!! Yes, sir!” She purred softly, as I took what time I could to soothe the sting and handle those gorgeous globes a little more. She slowly stood up and turned around so that I could see her red bottom, as she bent to pull her panties back up. She turned to face me wearing a contrite look. “I’m sorry, sir. Thank you for spanking me,” she said, as she pulled her panties tight against her pussy.

“If I ever hear again that there is even a suspicion of your doing what Mrs. Cooper implied, your punishment will be considerably more severe. I gave you the benefit of the doubt today. Next time I will not be so lenient. Do you understand?” In addition to the benefit of the doubt, I’d also given Justina a way to ramp up the punishment for what I hoped would be a next time, or conversely, to signal that this was severe enough.

“Yes, sir. I understand. Thank you for that consideration,” she said as she gathered her books and went to the door. As she left the room, I was suddenly both depressed that it was over and unsure of what to do next. I decided that by leaving the room I would be in effect leaving my role as headmaster and assuming my real identity.

As I walked out, she was leaning against the wall with a beautiful smile on her face and her hands still rubbing her bottom. She threw her arms around me, gave me a short, but passionate, kiss and said, “Thank you, Mark! That was fantastic! My hiney really hurts, but it feels soooo good!

“It was truly my pleasure! And I’d be more than happy to do it again! You have one of the most perfect, little bottoms I have ever seen, let alone had the pleasure to spank!” The cutest smile spread on her face as she received this compliment.  “… and I would love to get my hands on it again! You need only ask.”

She looked at me pensively and moved to stand even closer. “I … I can’t do anything more today,” she said struggling with the words, “I hope you understand?” She took my hand in hers, holding my palm up and outstretched, placed it behind her, under her skirt, right on her panty-covered cheek, and left it there adding, “… but I will very definitely think about doing this again, so you can get your hands on my ‘perfect little bottom’ again.”

I gave her bottom a good, hard squeeze and she winced. “I’d better go,” I said as my hand released her heavenly hiney and I turned towards the door. “Bye,” I said turning to look at her, as I passed through the door.

“Bye,” she said and mouthed a sincere ‘Thank you’ as well.

Written by 2bespanked
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