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Author's Notes

"The 'long weekend' holds many surprises for Susan and Mark, and probably for you too!"

Chapter 4 - A Whole Lotta Spankin’ Goin’ On

Part 14 – The Long Weekend & Shopping

I don’t sleep well when I travel, so I tend to sleep longer when I return home to my bed. Susan said she was up half an hour before me and enjoyed staying in bed with me, with no place to be. When I wake, I’m alert pretty quickly, and being in contact with her body was a fabulous way to awaken.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” she said as I smiled at her presence. She turned around to face me and kissed my face several times before planting her lips on mine for an arousing kiss. Our lips separated, but mine continued down her neck to her tasty tits for quite a while and then pointed south. I nuzzled her pussy in her panties but soon slipped them off, giving her a shorter version of what happened the night before.

“Hi, gorgeous! You can wake me up like that anytime!”

“Me? I just kissed you, and you decided to feast on my body! Which I really liked, by the way!” she replied, giving me another similarly arousing kiss. “So, what are we gonna do today?”

“Why don’t we talk about it over breakfast?”

“Okay, what’re you making?” she asked almost as a challenge.

“Breakfast is one meal I can do a pretty good job of! Eggs, bacon, toast, okay?”

She nodded and got out of bed, her naked body more beautiful than ever. We made our way to the kitchen, and I got started. In twenty minutes or so, we were eating.

“Do you have anything in mind for today,” she asked me, munching on her bacon.

“Just one thing, and we don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. Some people would never do this, but I hope you’ll try.”

“Just what are you talking about?”

“Going to an adult store,” I said, trying to gauge her reaction and getting none, I continued. “Maybe get some sexy lingerie for you? Some people are embarrassed going into a place like that, thinking others will think they’re perverted or something.”

“Which one do you go to?” she asked matter-of-factly.

“Jack and Jill,” I replied, surprised by her reaction.

“That’s the one on the way to the mall, right?” I nodded, and she continued. “I don’t know why anyone would worry about that. After all, we’re all there for the same reason!” Her practicality on this surprised me further. She was right, of course, but I wasn’t expecting it.

“You’ve been there?”

“A couple of times,” she replied, looking up at me with a cute smile, knowing she’d gotten the reaction she was trying for. “Do you mean sexy? Or slutty? For sexy, you go to Victoria’s Secret; for slutty you go to Jack and Jill.”

“Oh. I’m sorry. Would you rather go to Victoria’s Secret?” I asked, embarrassed that my mention of lingerie might seem like subterfuge.

“No. I’m good with slutty if you are!” She was enjoying catching me off guard. She took my reaction as agreement and said, “Maybe something dominating? Like a black corset and matching underwear? Or slutty, like crotchless panties? The way you lick me, I’d like a pair of those!” I’m still reeling at seeing this incredibly sexy side of Susan. “You have to get some sexy underwear too! Maybe some toys?”

“Susan! Keep this up, and I’ll skip breakfast and eat you instead!” She laughed loudly, knowing she’d got me good but also that it wasn’t an idle threat.

“Mmm, I like the sound of that! Maybe put butter and syrup on me like a stack of pancakes?” My jaw must have dropped to the floor, but she just laughed. “I’m kidding, Mark! But I wouldn’t mind being your breakfast!” We were almost finished anyway, so I pushed all the dishes aside, picked Susan up, and laid her on the table. Wanting to get right to her delicious pussy I pulled her panties off, spread her legs wide, and dove in to make a meal of her wet pussy.

It wasn’t long before she was moaning and writhing on the table in reaction to my sucking her slippery lips into my mouth. At this, she’d grab my head and push my face into her crotch, not wanting me to let go of her pussy too soon. It wasn’t gentle, and it wasn’t tender or selfless giving. It was raw, unbridled sexual energy that brought her to orgasm much quicker than either of us imagined.

She finally sat up, out of breath, seemingly exhausted, and said, “Oh my God, Mark!? I can’t even describe what you do to me when you do that! Mmm, crotchless panties are definitely on the shopping list! When can we go?” More than pleased with her reaction, I wiped her juice off my face with a napkin, grabbed her tightly, and kissed her passionately.

“Mmm, this end of you tastes good too!” She slapped my arm as though saying, ‘Oh, stop!’ “They don’t open till later, so why don’t we go out for lunch and go there after?”

“Okay. So, we have a few hours before that. Maybe you’d like to play some card games?” she said with a sly smile, telling me she was ready to try my Spanking Generator.

“Ooo, good idea! Let’s do it in the spanking room, and if you put your panties back on, we’re both dressed appropriately! I’ll go get my iPad!”

I was excited to be finally using my program with another person. I had used it with one of the women I paid, her pressing the button to decide how she’d spank me next, but it wasn’t nearly as fun as I’d expected.

I had a pleasant surprise when I got to the spanking room. Susan had changed into her very tight, girlish, white spanking panties. The kind that covers everything but are so tight they show everything as well.

“Mmm, you look good enough to spank!”

“I have a feeling we’re both gonna get spanked! At least I hope so!” she added as she came to me for a quick hug and a kiss. “I have the cards. What game should we play?”

“Something that’s neither too long nor too short. With a long game, you’re waiting too long for the outcome. Too short, and there’s not enough anticipation or worry about losing!”

“How about Ten Card Rummy? It’s a little longer than regular Rummy; doesn’t take forever.”

We agreed that was a good choice, and I showed her how the program worked. She selected ‘Naughty Girl,’ and the five numbers came up with the phrase, ‘Ooo, I get to spank you 42 times with my hand … on your bare hiney!’ I did it a few more times so she’d see the phrase change with the result. Declaring the result ‘cute,’ Susan suggested we get started.

Susan dealt, and we started. We kept looking over at each other with smiles as cards were played. When she picked up a card I’d discarded, her look told me she was close, and I had almost nothing. We went back and forth many more times than I’d expected, and my hand looked decidedly better, but then I discarded a card I didn’t want to but had no choice. She pounced on it as though she might lose if she didn’t and laid her hand down in victory.

“Okay, ‘Bad Boy,’ Push the button!” she said, anticipating the result. I clicked, and ‘Ooo, I get to spank you 20 times with my hand … on your bare hiney!’ Quickly sitting in the chair, she patted her knee in invitation and said, “Come here, you bad boy! You’re getting a spanking!” Pulling my underwear down, she then pulled me down over her knee. “I think you should count the spanks, don’t you?” Nodding my agreement, the first spank landed.

“One! Two! Three!” and so on up to my sentence of twenty spanks, with each one harder than the one before. I got up saying, “Thank you, Miss!” and kissed her hard!

“That wasn’t very many, but it is fun! Ready for another hand?”

I dealt this time and started with a pretty good hand, giving me some confidence that she would get it next. The rounds didn’t go well, though, and my hand didn’t improve while Susan picked up card after card, declaring victory when I needed just one more card to win, which happened to be the last card she discarded.

“Mmm, I hope this one’s longer!” she said as I clicked again. ‘Bend over! You get 40 swats with the paddle … on your bare bottom!’ “Ooo! Forty swats on your bare bottom! Come on!” she cried as she grabbed the leather paddle we’d agreed on and took her position next to the chair. I bent over the back of the chair and immediately had my pants yanked down to my knees for my forty swats.

“That was better, wasn’t it? This is fun! Think you’ll win this time?” she taunted.

She shuffled the cards well and dealt again. I got a starting hand similar to the last and figured the odds had to be in my favor this time. She had at least as good a starting hand, and it was only four of five rounds before she had again won the game.

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“Oh, your poor hiney,” she said as she slid the iPad over to me. Twelve hand spanks on the bare. “Ohhh, that’s not much,” she whined, but once over her knee, she didn’t wait for me to count, instead giving me all twelve, fast and hard on one cheek. It felt great, and I was glad she did it that way.

The next game started with a lousy hand again, and Susan seemed to be picking up cards quickly. The round lasted much longer than the others, and my hand progressed well again. Finally, I got to lay my hand down to win.

“Okay, naughty girl! Your turn!” I said happily. Her smile told me she was glad she’d finally got to push the button. She got one of the bonus rolls I’d programmed in. ‘Choose 30 spanks or swats … on your bare hiney! Implement bonus! Pick your punishment! Spanked over my knee or bent over and paddled!’

“I pick the paddle!” she said enthusiastically and went to get in position.

“Panties down, naughty girl!” I said as I pulled them down just below her cheeks. A side of me wanted revenge for losing the first three hands, but chivalry won out, and I paddled her hiney much as she had mine. She stood up and hugged me.

“Thank you, sir. Another hand?” she clapped her hands in joy, and I agreed.

We played again with no clue that either of us was ahead or behind, and I suddenly found my hand come together in four straight rounds. I laid my hand down and smiled in anticipation of spanking her again. I handed her the iPad, and she happily clicked.

“Ooo! Another bonus!! Listen to this! ‘Ooo, I get to spank you 100 times with my hand on your naughty, naked hiney! Double Bonus! Bend over for 100 spanks on your bare hiney!!!’ … and there’s another box that says ‘OW! 100!! Your hiney’s really gonna hurt now!’ You programmed this, Mark? I love it! And now I get a real spanking!” She went to the chair, pulled her panties down, and bent over.

“Spank my hiney, Mark! Give me a hundred on my bare hiney! Can I have them kinda fast?” she asked, and I complied with ten spanks fast on one cheek and ten on the other. I kept that pattern up through the whole spanking. She stood up, moaning appreciatively and rubbing her gorgeous red cheeks.

We continued happily playing with wins about even, but Susan seemed to draw large numbers on the number of spanks every time, while I only got a few big ones and several small numbers. When we’d agreed we’d had enough, I took Susan in my arms, laid her on the bed, took her panties off, spread her legs, and buried my face in her delicious, wet pussy.

“Oh God!” she exclaimed as she raised her legs and took my head in her hands, pushing my face hard into her crotch. I kissed her lustily as she recovered from her climax while she pulled my pants down, rolled us over, and impaled herself on my stiff cock. She fucked me hard while I kneaded her small, firm tits. We both came as she bounced up and down on me while I thrust into her and rolled over on our sides in sheer exhaustion.

We lay face to face, our smiling eyes in constant contact as we shared the joy we’d given each other. “I love you, Mark,” Susan said quietly, resulting in a long, loving kiss with our bodies wrapped around each other. We kissed and caressed as our heartbeats returned to normal, and when we got up, we noticed it was about time for lunch and the adult store. We walked downstairs, arm in arm, into the shower, where we bathed each other with gentle scrubbing of every part of our bodies.

By the time we were ready to leave, it was raining, and Susan suggested we take my SUV because my little Z4 felt much smaller inside with the top up. Pulling out of the driveway, I noted with appreciation the very short, flared skirt she was wearing. “Mmm, your thighs are calling to me!” I said, noting that rather than pulling her thighs together, she taunted me as she spread them wider. As I pulled out of my neighborhood, she asked me what I planned to buy there.

“I’m not buying anything, but I want you to get anything you want!”

“You mean like a shopping spree for sexy things?” she said gleefully.

I didn’t take long to get there. The traffic was typical for a Saturday afternoon, though the rain reduced it somewhat. When we went inside, a woman who’d helped me several times recognized me and came right over.

“Mark! It’s good to see you here again! Welcome back!”

“Hi Giovanna! It’s good to see you too.”

“And who is this?” she asked, looking at Susan.

“Susan, this is Giovanna. Giovanna, Susan!” I introduced and ‘nice to meet you’ followed.

“So, I guess you come here often if Giovanna knows you so well?” Susan said with a hint of jealousy. Giovanna laughed.

“Not really. The only reason I remember Mark is the first time I helped him find what he wanted; I asked him if there was anything else I could help him with, and he replied …”

“Not unless you can find a girl who will put me over her knee and give me a good spanking!” I finished for her. We all laughed.

“So, is cute, little Susan, that girl?” she asked, feeling safe about the question since I’d completed her statement.

“Yes, but she’s so much more!” I replied, pulling Susan in for a hug while she smiled at me, telling me she liked how I’d answered the question.

“So, what are we looking for today?” Giovanna asked.

We are not looking for anything,” Susan replied, “Mark’s letting me get whatever I want!” she added proudly.

“Ooo, then we’re gonna have some fun!”

“Can I help you pick some …” I started to ask.

“NO!” they both said in unison and laughed together.

“C’mon, Susan. Let’s talk!” Giovanna said and pulled her away.

“I guess I’ll just … wander … or maybe wait in the car?” I said, feeling very useless and not wanting to inhibit them in any way.

“He’s a good guy, isn’t he?” Giovanna asked.

“You have no idea, Giovanna! We are so happy when we’re together, and neither of us had that for a long time.”

“Call me Gi … just Gi. I had a feeling about him. He wasn’t like most guys when they’re here. They’re usually nervous, smart-ass, macho, etc. Mark was polite, friendly, and appreciative. I kept calling him ‘baby,’ and he told me he didn’t usually like being called that, but somehow, I’d made it sound sincere.”

“Yeah, that sounds like him,” Susan replied.

“So, what are you looking for?”

“Well, some sexy outfits. Maybe something dominant, but not too much. Some sexy, girly thing for when I’m the one …” she paused, unsure how much she wanted to reveal about their sex. “Definitely some crotchless panties because his tongue …” Again, she stopped.

“It’s okay. I understand. You’re a lucky girl, Susan!”

“I am! But when I say that, he says he’s the lucky one! Anyway, I’d also like a leather paddle big enough to get both cheeks with one swat!” she giggled. “Also, I’d like to find something … a toy maybe or something else that he’d be surprised I bought! Maybe almost shock him?”

“Okay, let’s take care of the easy items first. I know just the right paddle for you, and on that last item, have you considered a strap-on?”

“You mean, like, to put in his butt? I don’t think he’d like that.”

“Susan, I hope I’m not revealing any deep, dark secrets here, but based on what he bought from me? I think he would love it! I’m sure he’d be very surprised to be bent over waiting for he knows not what, and he sees his cute, little Susan about to stuff a big rubber shaft in his butt?! There would be an element of shock as well!”

“Okay, I’ll try it. The worst that could happen is he doesn’t like it, right?”

“C’mon, let me show them to you! The paddles are over here as well!”

“I don’t want him to know what I bought today, okay?”

“Absolutely! Let’s go!” Gi added as she took Susan by the hand and led her around the store. After quite a while of picking outfits and trying them on, she found everything she’d been looking for, including two pairs of crotchless panties. She wanted to be sure there was always a pair ready to wear!

Sitting in the car listening to music, I was startled when Susan knocked on the window. Indicating she was done shopping and Gi was ringing everything up, I returned to the store to pay the bill.

“Gi was great, Mark! She helped me find everything I wanted!” she said as Gi smiled at us arm-in-arm.

“I hope you have a lot of fun with all this! She’s a treasure, Mark!”

“She is! And I’m reminded of it every time I see her!” After completing the credit card transaction, Gi passed me a large shopping bag folded closed on top. An attempt to look inside got my hand slapped, and a look that said something else would also get smacked if I tried again. I was surprised at the size of the bag, not by the cost, but by the fact that Susan had found so much for us to have fun with! We went out to the car with the bag on one arm and Susan on the other.


I hope you enjoyed this continuation of their long weekend together, and as you can see, it's not over yet! Remember to 'like' and/or 'favorite' my story if you did! Thanks for reading!

Written by 2bespanked
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