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I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked at the name.

“Hello, Carole, to what pleasure do I owe this call?”

“I think you know why I am calling you. It is about last night’s conversation and your relationship with my daughter.”

“Thought it might be.”

“I felt it might be easier for us to have a grown-up conversation whilst she is not by your side.”

Carole was Jade's mother and whilst we had never met, we had spoken a few times once our daughters became best friends at Uni, this was prior to me entering into a relationship with Jade.

“Why do I need to be alone, surely anything you have to say to me should also be said in front of your daughter, we have nothing to hide. Trust me when I say that it was a very big step Jade took in telling you about us.”

“Yes, well, her father is currently speaking to her alone. We just felt it would be better to speak privately it would allow things to be said more freely.”

“Listen, Carole, I assume what you are calling to tell me is that you disapprove of our relationship. After all, you said as much last night.”

There was a pause and I could hear the sounds of Jade's voice mumbled and indecipherable voice floating up from downstairs.

“We were a bit shocked and if we are going to be totally honest then yes, we do disapprove. What would you feel if Amy told you that she was dating a man old enough to be her father?”

“So long as she was happy then I would give her my blessing. I admit until I found myself in this situation, then I would have probably reacted the same way as you are now, but.”

I took a deep breath, “I love your daughter, I would and will not do anything to hurt her, please trust me on that. I know that it must be difficult for you to comprehend, but your daughter is a beautiful, intelligent young woman who knows her own mind and I think that you have to respect her for that. It is a testament to your parenting skills you have such a rounded and grounded individual.”

If that last bit sounded rehearsed damn right it was. I had been thinking about what I wanted to say from the moment Jade had said she was going to tell them. I had hoped it would be a bit longer before I had the conversation and that it would be in person. I felt that face to face would be more effective and I could use my charm to good effect.

The flattery worked a bit.

“Thank you for saying, but it still does not get over the age difference, you are over thirty years her senior. Do you think it right?”

“Carole, please, we don’t choose who we fall in love with. I never thought I would love again after my wife died and yet Jade, your daughter has brought me back to life. Given my life meaning. I realise that this is probably not what you wanted for your daughter. But even if you can’t happy for us, please give us your support.”

“Yes, yes, I hear what you are saying and you are correct, we are not happy about this. What about kids?”

“Carole, I think you are getting ahead of yourself, but to answer your question then should our relationship get to that point, then as far as I know even at my age I can still have children and would be happy to be a father again. In the meantime, as I have said I will do nothing to hurt your daughter, I have stressed that she must complete her university studies and I would like her to have a career. As you have pointed out a few times now I am no spring chicken and ultimately she needs to be able to forge a path in this world for herself as I will be gone from the world long before your daughter.”

“Exactly so would it not be better to end your relationship now?”

I paused, clearly, nothing I said would change her mind and to prolong the conversation would only lead to something being said that would be regretted later.

“Carole, I think it is time to end this call before one of us says something hurtful, spiteful even. I will say goodbye now.”

With that, I punched the end call button and stood looking at my phone. My heart was beating quickly, I was hot and sweaty, all through that conversation I had been picking at a thread on my jumper to the extent that I had created a large hole with the thread now wrapped around my finger.

I wanted to yell and shout, but instead, I took a deep breath and tried to remain as calm as possible. I stomped from my office to the bedroom, pulling the jumper over my head as I went. As soon as I entered the bedroom, I hurled it at the bin in annoyance, plucking another one from the wardrobe and pulled it on forcefully.

As I was about to leave the room Jade came running up the stairs and threw herself into my arms. We held each other tightly, no words were spoken. Eventually, we went downstairs and I made a cup of tea, as my mother used to say ‘everything looks better after a good cupper.’

Amy joined us and we told her and each other about the phone call we had just taken. Jade’s call had followed a similar one to mine as her father had tried to convince her to end our relationship ending only when Jade had cut the call off.

Amy tried to help lighten Jade’s mood and they discussed dying Jade’s hair. As I went back to work Jade left to visit the shops so that she could buy a hair dye. She returned about an hour later put her head in the office door to complain about the social distancing queues to enter the shops and to say that her and Amy were now going to dye her hair. She wouldn’t tell me what colour she had chosen saying that all would be revealed later.

I turned my attention back to the screen and continued to work, I occasionally heard a laugh, a giggle, and the odd scream of delight coming from the large family bathroom. A few hours later, my official workday was coming to an end, and closing down my laptop I quickly tidying up before heading to the kitchen for yet another cup of tea.

I was about to head downstairs when I heard a slight moan. Stopping looked over at Amy’s room and then walked over to it and looked through the door which had been left ajar. It came as no surprise to see both girls were naked in a 69 position. Amy was on top and I could only see the top of her head, which was buried between the thighs of Jade. I could not see much of Jade just her legs and a bit of arse.

Both girls were moaning softly and as I watched Amy ran her hands along Jade's legs before pushing a finger into Jade’s pussy. Jade’s legs twitch a little as the fingers slipped between her lips. Amy lowered her torso down fully onto Jade’s body, presumably pushing her pussy more onto Jade’s mouth. I saw two hands snake out from underneath Amy and start to caress her behind.

My cock was rock hard and I was half tempted to walk in and join them, but I held back deciding that stopping and watching was not a good thing either. I quietly walked away from the door and went downstairs to make that drink and put the TV on.


I was still sat watching some trashy TV when Amy appeared at the door. She had got dressed and was wearing a pair of tight leather trousers and a sheer black mesh top underneath which could see her bra. On her feet, she had on a pair of ankle boots with a seriously high heel

“So are you ready,”

“Ready for what? Why you all dressed up” I was tired and slow on the uptake.

“The big reveal of your girlfriend's new hair colour.”

“Oh right,” I jumped out of the chair and started towards Amy and the door.

“Whoa there, just stay where you are.”

I stopped, “come on, it's just hair.”

“Seriously Dad, we have just spent hours making her look fantastic and all you can say is it is just hair.”

“Sorry, I am a bloke. I will never understand, but I do appreciate beauty and I know that Jade will look beautiful and gorgeous no matter what her hair colour.”

Jade's voice floated from behind the door, “Ahhh, you know exactly what to say to make a girl feel special.”

Amy looked at me, “go and sit back down.”

I resumed my seat on the sofa and Amy disappeared behind the door. I heard what sounded like a metallic rattle and then she reappeared although she seemed to be holding something in her left hand. She took a few steps into the room and I realised that she was holding a leather band in her hand, which had a metal ring attached to a leather lead. This lead snaked back towards the door.

Looking back to the door Amy tugged on the lead, “Come on, get in here.”

Jade walked from behind the door and I stared at a vision of beauty. Her hair was now a reddish auburn colour and fell in curls down around her face to her shoulders where it finished in little curly flicks at the top of her breast. Around her neck was a simple black choker with another metal ring on it, to which the lead was attached. On each wrist, she had complimentary black leather cuffs which also had restraint rings. Finally, on her feet, she had a simple pair of black and silver jewelled 4-inch strappy heels. Other than the items described Jade was completely naked and I devoured her naked form with lust and desire amazed that such a beauty wanted to be with me before looking at Amy.

Amy smiled, “She wanted to be delivered to you in all her glory be made a present for you, and I thought I would help.”

I walked towards them both and stood in front of Jade.

“What do you think, do you like it?” asked Jade.

“Beautiful and the hair colour is right for you, it gives you a feisty look. But why like this?” I indicated the nakedness and the collar and lead.

“I wanted to give myself to you completely, to you and your family.”

“Think you gave yourself to Amy earlier did you not, I watched for a minute or so.”

Amy handed me the lead, “She is all yours now. If you were watching earlier why did you not join in or stop it?”

I thought carefully, but quickly, before answering, “Because we,” I pointed at Jade and myself, “agreed that if Jade wished to play around with you then I didn’t mind.”

“Oh, I see, so I am just your plaything, am I?”

I was not sure if Amy was being serious or trying to wind me up.

“No, no that is not why I did not get involved, plus, well you know for obvious reasons.”

“I am not a kid anymore you know. Nothing would be against my will and it is not like we have not messed about in recent weeks. What we have done has been fun and if Jade is happy then I am more than happy to do the same again if not more.”

Jade had stood there patiently whilst we talked over her, but she smiled and put her hand on Amy’s arm, “I have no objection I love exploring my, our sexuality with you as a threesome and pushing boundaries.”

“Do I not have a say in this?”

“No,” both girls responded in unison.

“Now,” continued Jade, “that we have sorted that out, what are you going to do with me? In case you have not noticed I am standing here wearing nothing but a smile.”

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I looked down at the lead I was holding in my hands and smiled, “oh, trust me I noticed. Now my pet get down on your knees.”

Jade dropped immediately to the floor and moved as if to start undoing my trousers.

“No, not yet, come this way,” without waiting I turned and walked back to the sofa until the lead went tight, at which point I pulled it, “come along crawl this way.”

A wicked glint appeared in her eye as she seductively and slowly started to crawl. It was like watching a cat stalk their prey as each limb was placed slowly and deliberately on the floor. She arched her back to push her arse upwards into the air her soft taught skin catching the light as she moved.

I sat down and pointed to a spot on the carpet next to my feet. Jade crawled to the spot and knelt waiting for further instructions. I picked up the remote to the TV and turned it on pulling on the lead so that Jade slumped down onto her bottom, pulling the lead a bit more I pulled her head so that it rested on my knee. I patted her head and turned my attention to the quiz programme which appeared on the TV.

Jade rubbed the inside of my thigh and Amy sat on the sofa next to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her boot gently rub Jade's leg and her fingers were stroking her shoulder and the end of Jade’s hair.

I made no move for the next hour and I could feel Jade’s hands roaming my legs trying to get me to initiate some form of sexual play. I was determined to deny her for a while, tease her. Amy was equally puzzled and she kept looking at me.

It took some effort, but I last for two hours before I sensed that Jade was getting uncomfortable on the floor. I leaned down and asked if she wanted to join us on the sofa.

Jade did not need asking twice and quickly stood up. I still had hold of her lead and once she was standing, I pulled it downwards so that she had to bend over. Sitting upright I kissed her lips and indicated that she was to lie across the sofa with her head in my lap. This meant that her arse and pussy would be on Amy.

Jade lay across the two of us on her back, I resumed kissing her as my hands roamed across her breasts. She arched her back as my hands continued to stroke around her nipples which hardened to the touch.

I looked to see what Amy was doing. She had wasted no time and one hand was stroking the area between her navel and top of her pussy whilst her other hand was running up and down the inside of Jade’s thighs. I could see goosebumps forming on the skin as her soft and gentle hands teased her.

I wiggled out of my trousers pulling them and my boxers down below my knees, this was made all the more difficult by my raging hard-on. Jade turned the upper half of her body to face me and immediately started to lick and suck on my cock.

At the same time Amy ceased her teasing and went to work on Jade’s clit and pussy, one hand circling around and around the protruding little bump whilst she buried two fingers deep into her wet snatch and started to work them in and out of her.

Jade was starting to writhe around as she lay across us, her pelvis rose up and down as her orgasm neared. It did not take long and releasing my cock she suddenly moaned loudly and announced that she was cumming.

Amy continued to finger her and this pushed Jade into an immediate second orgasm, which rolled over her body in waves. Without warning I watched as she gushed, a stream of clear fluid squirting it out over Amy’s fingers and hand.

As Jade’s jerking subsided and she tried to get her breathing back under control, Amy raised her fingers to her mouth and licked them clean before returning them to Jade’s pussy and coating them in the juices that were still trickling out of Jade’s pussy. Her fingers suitably coated this time she raised them to my mouth and I tasted the sweet taste of my girlfriend’s pussy. Amy seemed to enjoy pushing her fingers into my mouth working them in and out dragging them over my lips as she removed them.

Jade pushed herself into an upright position and with unsteady legs stood up. Turning to Amy, she pulled her to her feet and they embraced. I watched as Jade fumbled with Amy’s leather trousers and with help from Amy herself, Amy was quickly naked.

They looked at me.

“Come on get the rest of your clothes off, we are now naked so you had better join us,” Jade said.

“I don’t….”

Amy interrupted me, “don’t think, just do it, I am so fucking horny right now I don’t care.”

I shed my clothes quickly still very unsure about things. All the time Amy and Jade were kissing their hands caressing each other, roaming each other’s bodies, tweaking nipples, and rubbing across each other’s arses.

I took hold of the lead that was hanging from the collar around Jade’s neck and pull her off of Amy and towards me. We kissed and then I pushed her to the ground as I turned her around. I quickly entered her pussy and she arched her back as a loud moan escaped her lips.

I had total control of Jade using the lead and so now I pulled on it so that she raised her upper body towards me as I attempted to kiss her over her shoulder.

Amy was knelt in front of Jade and she started to kiss and lick around Jade’s nipples before rolling over on her...

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Written by cethpada
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