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I sat in the car and waited for Jade to come out.  Finally, the car door opened and she jumped in wearing tight ripped jeans, a white blouse and clutching a small blue handbag.

“You took your time, as always,” I said, rolling my eyes and starting the car.

“Well, I needed to fix my makeup. Everything in the boot?”

“Yes, if you packed it or put it by the door, I put it in the car.  If you have forgotten anything we will have to go out and buy it whilst we are there.  There is a large shopping centre just up the road from where we are going.”

Jade smiled, “that could be expensive, you know I love to shop you’re just feeding my addiction.”

I said nothing as I pulled the car off the drive and we turned up the street toward the main road out of the city.

We drove in almost silence, listening to music for a couple of hours before pulling into a service station to get a drink and a bite to eat.

“Chris, are we going to the hotel first?”

“I was thinking that we could go to the hotel and see if we can check in early and then drive round and see Louise’s parents.”

Jade nodded and I took her hand, “look you will be fine. Hey, I have met your parents and whilst I can’t introduce you to mine think of them as my adopted parents.”

“Not the same thing, is it? I am going to be judged against their daughter.”

I laughed a small little laugh, “no, you are not. I have told them about you and trust me they are delighted, it appears that everybody it seems wanted me to move on for years but never said anything.  I should warn you they can be a bit crazy, Alan is a bit deaf. Actually, he is a lot deaf so be prepared to repeat things a lot and they will bicker constantly in a funny and loving way that couples do when they have been married like, for forever. 

"Oh, and the glasses will drive you crazy, he is constantly losing them. The kids when they were very young thought it was brilliant as he wanders around looking for them and they are screaming at him that they are actually on his head.  I Should also warn you that the temperature in the house will be akin to the hottest part of the Sahara desert so don’t wear any thick layers.”

Jade failed to look convinced by my storytelling and I could tell she was very nervous.

We arrived at the hotel and they very kindly let us check in early as our room was already ready.  Dropping the bags off we quickly freshened up and then made the short drive of no more than a mile or so pulling up outside a red-bricked semi-detached house with immaculate lawns and well-tendered borders full of flowers.

Getting out of the car I waved a hand at the front garden, “Alan is a very keen gardener and if you like gardens, then you are in for a treat as behind this house is a very large and long garden.  A nightmare if you suffer from hay fever but brilliant for garden parties, that's when their whole family comes around.  I doubt if the rest of their kids and grandkids will pop round today whilst we are here, but should the hordes descend it might seem overwhelming and it is ok for you to take yourself off for a bit. 

"One Christmas I counted forty-five people in the house. I might have missed a couple of children when counting, and by the end of the day, both myself and Amy had gone to hide in an upstairs bedroom where we played some board games on our own away from the rest.  That was when Amy was about seven or eight so the family has grown even larger now with more grandchildren and even, I imagine a few great-grandchildren.”

Taking her hand, I led her up to the white UPVC front door and turned the handle. As expected, it opened.

I whispered to Jade, “in all the time I have known them, they have never locked that door during the day when they are home.”

“Alan, Irene,” I shouted as we walked down the hall and I turned into the living room area. 

As we walked in Alan was just in the process of getting out of a large, high-backed armchair and Irene was putting down some sewing on a small coffee table which was in front of a dusty pink three-seater sofa where she was sitting.

“Ah, here he is. Good journey down, lad?” Alan's voice was loud and gravelly. He shook my hand, his grip still as firm as ever.

“Not bad,” I was almost shouting as the TV was blaring out in the corner.  I reached down and picking up the remote turned the tv down about ten levels.  I turned to Irene and bending down, kissed her on the cheek.

Irene was a small, stocky woman who, when I had first been introduced to her, had despite her size been quite intimidating.  That intimating feeling was not without cause she had raised six kids all whilst working as a midwife.  Working and raising a family as a woman had back in the day, been quite unusual and that determination also meant that she ruled and looked after her family with a rod of iron. Even now, one look from her would quieten the largest of her sons without a word being spoken.

“You want a cup of tea, love?” She asked, looking up at me.

“Go on then,” I replied, “but first I must introduce you to Jade.”

Alan moved forward and grabbed her hand, “welcome, Jade. About bloody time he moved on. Pretty young thing you are. How you doing? How long have you known Chris? I hear you are still at University?”

He shook her hand and Jade managed through the barrage of questions to mutter a hello.

“Alan, ALAN, ALAN, leave the poor girl alone, will you, let her speak for Christ’s sake,” Irene had stepped in, “pleased to meet you, heard quite a bit about you.”

Jade looked a bit surprised by that comment.

“Oh, not from him,” she jabbed a finger at me, “he never tells us anything about what's going on in his life, from Amy she talked quite a bit about you.  Come on, let’s go in the kitchen and make them drinks and we can have a quiet chat away from old deafo there.  Chris, sit yourself down and keep Alan company.  Can you make sure he has got his hearing aid in will you and that it is actually turned on for once?” 

Irene turned to smile at Jade and led her out of the room towards the kitchen.

Alan turned and sat back down in his chair whilst I took a seat on the sofa.

“Do you want the paper, kid?” Alan waved the Daily Mirror at me.

“Come on Alan, you know I have never read the papers.  Surprised you are still getting it.”

“Stuck in our ways. Not got this internet thingy, happy with the paper and the TV. Too old to change now, probably couldn’t work it even if we did get it.”

“Think you have plenty of grandkids who could help you on that front. How many you got now?”

“No bloody idea would have to write them all down. See, our Christine's had another one. That’s her second, bonny little lass, right cute.”

I just nodded and listened as Alan told me about the new additions and what had changed in the last year since I had last visited.  As he finished, Irene came back in with Jade behind carrying a tray with four mugs of tea on it.  Jade looked a bit more relaxed, smiling at me as she put the tray on the coffee table and sat down next to me.

Alan reached over and picked up a mug with ‘world's best granddad’ written on it, “no bloody biscuits?  We have guests.”

“You know where they are if you want one get off your arse and get one and bring the packet in for the rest of us,” retorted Irene.

Alan stomped off to the kitchen and Jade looked at me with a combination of bemusement and wonderment.

Irene patted her leg, “don’t mind us, we have been together a bloody long time and with contentment comes contempt.”

I laughed, “you don’t mean that, Irene. You both love each other dearly.”

“Of course, we do, but I am not letting him think he is getting it easy,” she looked at Jade, “that’s the secret, treat them mean, keep them keen.”

Jade nearly choked on her mouthful of tea at that comment and I just shook my head leaning over and kissing her on the cheek before whispering in her ear, “I did warn you.”

We stayed for a couple of hours and then left to go and get showered and changed before going out for a meal.  As we left, Irene reminded us to come back the next day for the family get-together where Louise’s brothers and sisters would be there with their families.  I told her I had not forgotten and it would be nice to see the rest of the family tomorrow.

Apart from a couple of passing comments on the way back to the hotel, I deliberately avoid talking about meeting Louise’s family.  Whilst I had gotten used to visiting them on my own in the years since Louise had died, I had not expected to have such conflicting emotions whilst sitting in her parent’s house with my new love. It had been a lot to process for all of us.

Jade, for her part, also remained silent, perhaps sensing that for once it was better to leave me to my own thoughts for a little bit.

Walking to the little restaurant I had booked for our evening meal, Jade linked arms with me. She, as always, looked resplendent in a pair of beige high-waisted shorts with a matching beige blazer which cut in at the waist and underneath a white vest top.  She had gone for a pair of strappy high-heeled sandals. 

“You ok?” She asked me.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be? How are you after this afternoon and meeting her family?” I was deflecting the question.

“I love them. They are a bit mad, but I can see from what you have told me about Louise where she got her determination and drive from. Irene is a really strong woman.”

I smiled, “she is and she really liked you.  She said you were beautiful and intelligent and then whilst you were in the toilet gave me a warning, well a threat really, saying that I was to treat you right and not mess you around.”

“Did she?  When we were in the kitchen, she quizzed me about why I was with you, but in the end, she said that if you treated me the way you had treated her daughter then I was a lucky girl.  They think very highly of you.”

I felt a bit embarrassed by that last comment and immediately deflected the uncomfortableness I was feeling by cracking a feeble joke.

We were shown to our table, ordered our drinks and after quickly perusing the menu ordered our food.

“So, what did you say to Irene when she asked why you were with me?”

“I told her you were a great shag,” Jade said grinning.

“Well, that is a given, but seriously, what did you say?”

Jade looked at me for a second or two clearly deciding whether she wanted to tell me, “Well, I said that you were good-looking and that I had always been attracted to older guys.”

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She paused but I said nothing just looking at her.

“I said that you made me feel special. That we both shared the same interests and despite our age difference we were so much closer in attitude, likes and dislikes than any of the boys who were around my age.  I also said that I couldn’t imagine loving anybody else.  I also said that in a kind of shallow way I loved being your arm candy, that I liked dressing up in sexy dresses and walking into the room and knowing that all the people in that room are wondering why we are together.” 

I felt enormous pride and love as Jade told me this.

“You didn’t say that, did you?  What did Irene say to that?”

“I did, she said she kind of understood what I meant and that so long as we loved each other that was all that mattered.”

“Is that how you see yourself? As a bit of arm candy?”

“Not really, but I will admit that I get a kick out seeing you swell with pride and seeing other people's reactions to us.  Did you not notice the stares we got when we entered this restaurant, for example?  There is a guy with his wife over on the table by the window who had a look of envy. Then there is the couple over by the table near the toilets. I am not sure about his feelings, but when his wife, partner or whatever saw you kiss me there was a look of pure disgust on her face. And do you know what?”

She was waving her glass of wine around so much so that I thought she might spill it.

“No, but I have a feeling you are going to tell me.”

Jade lowered her voice slightly and leaned in towards me across the table, “I fucking love it. I love the stares, the jealousy, the disgust. I like the reactions we cause in others. Hell, I even love the looks of pity I see occasionally.”


Jade was on a roll now and I was not going to interrupt her. This was a side of her I had not really seen before and for all her protestations that it didn’t bother her, I got the feeling that it did bother her and that every look or comment said to her or about her deep down cut her, hurt her.

“Yes, the pity ones are the worse, like somehow you have corrupted me, that you are exploiting my naivety as a young innocent woman.  You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed the looks and the stares whenever we are together we get them all the time.”

We paused as the waiter brought our food and placed it in front of us.

“Oh, I notice it, but I just try to let it wash over me. Maybe it is my age but who cares what they think? At the end of the day, we love each other and are together. What does it matter about the rest of the world?”

We ate a few mouthfuls of our dinner before I continued.

“Only one thing bothers me and that is a few work colleagues have suggested that I just wanted a carer for when I am very old and can’t look after myself. Then I have lost it a bit and been a bit sharp with people, but I do worry about that.”

“That will be a sign of just how much I love you when I am feeding you, wiping the dribble from your mouth. I will even wipe your arse.”

“I hope it never comes to that, I am still young at heart, you’re only as young as the person you’re feeling.”

“Told you before that doesn’t work. That might make you twenty but for me, that means I am well into my fifties,” Jade scowled at me.

“I am fifty-one,” I spat, “just you wait until we get back to the hotel. You are going to get such a spanking,”

“Promises, promises, old man,” Jade lowered her head and winked at me as she said that last statement.

I shook my head, “you are terrible. I don’t know who is corrupting who here.”

We finished the meal and called for the bill. As we left the restaurant, we held hands and I was suddenly acutely aware of the stares we were attracting.  We weaved our way through the tables towards the exit bringing us close to the table where the woman who had apparently looked at us with disgust was still sitting with her husband. 

As we passed Jade kissed me on the cheek before saying loud enough for those around us to hear, “I do hope you are going to spank me when we get home, Daddy. I have been a very naughty girl tonight.”

Trying to keep a straight face, I lightly swatted her arse and Jade drop her arm behind her, running her hand over my crotch so that only the woman could see.  Jade was right, there was a look of pure disgust on the woman’s face.  I thought about making a comment to the woman but decided that we had rubbed her face in it enough and anything I said would only make things worse.

Once outside we both laughed and Jade danced a little twirl as she giggled, “that was so funny, did you see her face?”

Jade was clearly a bit tipsy so taking hold of her hand, I led her to the car.

Arriving back at the hotel we quickly headed up to our room, once inside Jade turned and threw her arms around my neck, showering me with kisses.

“I love you, Chris, you are mine.”

I kissed her forehead, then kissed her nose before pressing my mouth to hers, our tongues dancing around one another.

I pulled her jacket down her arms so that it pulled her arms back and held them firmly behind her back.  This had the effect of arching her back slightly and pushing her breasts out.

“I think you will find that you are mine, tonight.”

Jade giggled, “Yes, my body is yours, do what you want.”

“I intend to,” I growled.

I pulled her top out of the shorts, pulling it up to expose her breasts.  Leaning down I kissed her nipples.  Jade arched her back more and moaned.

Taking a nipple in my mouth I teasingly sucked and gently bit down on it, hearing a gasp from Jade.

Continuing down her body, I undid the buttons on her shorts and then yanked them down her legs, slapping the back of each leg, in turn, to make her lift it so that I could pull the shorts off over her heels.

Standing back up, I pulled her towards me giving her a long and passionate kiss as my hand snaked down her body and between her legs, rubbing over her already wet pussy before I slipped a finger inside, seeking out the spot on the inside of her pussy which would see her start to writhe in pleasure.

“Oh fuck,” Jade gasped.

“All in good time. If you are going to tease me and show off in front of people in restaurants, then I am going to tease you for as long as I want. Your pussy is mine, your body is mine, remember.”

“Yes, yes,” was all Jade muttered.

I pushed a second and then a third finger inside her and started to slowly push them in and out of her, gently at first and then with more vigour.  Jade started to twist and turn, but my other hand gripped the blazer, which was still pulled down her arms holding them behind her back and stopping her from breaking out of my grip.

With a sudden, almost howl, Jade came with such force that my hand was coated in her juice as it gushed from her pussy.  Her legs buckled and I had to hold her up to stop her from becoming a heap on the floor.

As she tried to regain her breath, I spun her around and pulled her jacket off dropping it on the floor. Just as quickly, I pulled her white vest top off and threw it on the floor with the rest of her clothes.

Pushing her down onto her knees and between us, we fumbled to undo my trousers and pull my cock out.  As soon as my rock-hard cock was free, I pushed it forward and Jade immediately opened her mouth to take the full length down her throat. 

I was incredibly turned on right now and I pushed my cock into her mouth, not being very gentle as I face fucked her. Jade was gagging occasionally when I went too far down her throat, but at the same time her hands were on my arse cheeks pulling me towards her as I thrust forward.

Spittle and saliva coated my cock and made it shine, with droplets falling to the floor, Jade seemed determined to make me cum. 

I pushed her off my cock and pulled her up, kissing her deep and wildly, “not yet. If you want me to fill your mouth, then I will, but not before I fucked that tight pussy of yours.” 

I spun her around and slapped her arse as I pushed her torso forward slightly so that her bottom protruded out. Pushing her legs open, I quickly pushed my cock into her tight but very wet pussy. Jade moaned and put her arms out to support herself on the bed as I gripped her waist and started to thrust in and out quickly. 

I was unsure where the animalistic passions and desire were coming from but Jade was equally turned on by this and the stream of dirty talk coming from her young mouth surprised even me.

“Fuck me, destroy my tight little pussy,” were the first words she spoke after which she didn’t stop. “Destroy me. You like owning this tight young pussy, don’t you? Give it to me, fuck me harder.”

I was slamming into her like a man possessed, grabbing her arms I pulled her back towards me.

“Oh yes, like that don’t stop, don’t stop. I am going to cum, oh, oh, oh.” She then squealed and I felt her body spasm as a massive orgasm ripped through her body. 

I started to slow down to let her recover a bit, but Jade pushed back onto me, “keep going, I am going to cum again. Give it to me, fuck this little slut of yours. You know I want to. Own me. I am your slut to do with as you please. Fuck me, keep fucking me.”

As she said those last words, an even bigger orgasm washed over her and she dropped forward onto the bed, panting.  Her breathing slowed and she rolled over onto her back and opened her legs wide, almost into the splits, “get your cock back in me.”

I stepped forward and rubbed my cock up and down her slit a few times. Jade shuddered as her pussy was still sensitive from the previous two orgasms.  Slowly, I entered her, feeling how wet and warm her pussy felt and gently started to push in and out of her, pulling my cock almost out of her before pushing it back deep into her. Having been rough at the beginning of this sex session, I now wanted to make love to my young girlfriend.

We gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes. I slowly fucked her and I could feel my balls tightening and the cum rising. Jade obviously sensed it as she placed her arms around my neck and pulled me down, moaning in my ear, “cum for me. I want your cum in my pussy. Fill me up.”

With that, I exploded, my cock jerking repeatedly as sent spurt after spurt of cum deep into her.  Withdrawing from her pussy, I stepped back and Jade slid to the floor, taking hold of my cock and licking the last drops of cum as they slowly fell from my cock.”

Standing up, we kissed and I could taste the tangy and salty taste of myself on her lips.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I know you do,” she whispered as she pulled me towards the bed. Clearly our night was only just beginning.

Written by cethpada
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