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Author's Notes

"The continuing sags of Ted and Pam follows Pam into her new career. Previous chapter written by the talented JefferB can be found at; Your comments and votes are much appreciated."

Pam sat in her plane seat, lost in thought. Visions of her time with Ted and Kate flashed through her mind. After all that had happened between the three of them, she realized their actions had been outside society's norms and laws. She questioned herself and her morality. They'd had sex in every possible configuration three people could avail themselves of. For Christ's sake, even though Kate was her mother.

I had heard her mother describe herself as a whore for her relationship with my now-defunct stepfather. I had pimped my mother to Ted, my ex-lover lover. All this was done consciously and planned and scripted step by step. Was I also a whore like my mother? Or was I just a slut with an insatiable sexual appetite who needed her dose of sex regardless of circumstances?

Despite all of the above, the past week had been the most exquisite sexual experience of my life. I realized that I needed to find a lover or lovers with which I could feel the same sentiments of love and lust and, most of all, that sense of belonging I felt with Kate and Ted. Lovers who accepted me as I am and delighted in both their and my sexuality.

I had not told Kate and Ted the whole truth about my position with Wilson and Decker, my employers. Both partners wanted to get into my panties when they learned about my lingerie modeling sideline. I had caught them scouring the internet for images of me scantily clad. They made innuendos about how letting them have their way with me would advance my career with their firm.

That, of course, demonstrated that I was not a whore as I rebuffed all their advances. My mother's characterization of herself as one was also inaccurate. Unfortunately, my mother did not have the options I had.

I had talked to my friend Jeanie, who was pursuing meteoric success in Hollywood and told me to quit and go work full-time for Stella as a lingerie model. I would make as much as I made in my present job and possibly more. Jeanie would, when appropriate, put my name forward to the people who mattered in film to arrange a screen test for me. Jeanie had cautioned me not to approach Hollywood without those introductions, or I would be treated like just another piece of meat by the lower-level schmucks in the film industry.

I trusted Jeanie even though we had not known each other that long. That memorable weekend when we had shared Ted and each other had much to do with that. I was going back to Dallas to quit my job and would move to Atlanta, where I already had a modeling contract in two weeks and was sure Stella would do what she could to help me.


When I got home, my plan was made. I got on the phone and called Stella.

"Hey, Pam, how's my baby girl?" she said when she answered.

"Is that how you see me as your baby girl?"

"Absolutely! You are as cute and cuddly as can be."

I giggled at the thought and, visualizing Stella, realized she was about the same age as my mother. Stella also had a way about her that was reminiscent of Kate. I had a sharp visual image of both of us making love. Jeanie had told me that she and Stella had a sexual relationship when she was modeling.

I returned to earth when Stella queried, "Pam, are you there?"

"Sorry, Stella, I lost my concentration there for a second. You're calling me baby girl caught me by surprise. I'm calling to tell you I'm quitting my day job and moving to Atlanta."

"How wonderful. I'll have to get you additional contracts. That should not prove difficult as that last shoot you did brought you to the attention of many of my clients. When will you get here?"

"I'm resigning today and don't know how much notice they will require. But, mind you, they might bounce me out on my keister, which will precipitate my arrival."

"OK. Keep me in the loop."

"In any case, it will take me a few days to find lodgings and settle in. So worst case scenario, I'll be available to you in about two and a half weeks."

"Baby girl, would you consider moving into my place till you get your feet on the ground?"

"You don't have to do that."

"I know, but I want to. At my age, I only have to stay alive and pay my taxes. I live alone in this mausoleum with my maid Estelle; the other six bedrooms are empty. That means there will certainly be enough room to receive you if you want your own room, or we could share both a room and Estelle's services. With your looks, poise, and confidence, you are not slated to be a model for long. I know you will have other opportunities, probably in Hollywood. So, what do you say?"

I felt as if my pussy had developed a leak. What Stella proposed made me horny. It brought back the vision of both Kate and Jeanie making love to me.

"Cat got your tongue, Pam?"

"Stella, this hit me from out of left field. I had not expected you to make this offer."

"Well, now that you've had thirty seconds to consider what you think?"

"Thank you, Stella, I accept."

"That makes me very happy, Baby Girl. We will take good care of you. Call me when you know your timetable."




The die was cast. Was I lesbian or bi or just a slut who needed her fix. Time would tell. For now, I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

All that was left was to face the wolves in their den.

I had asked to meet with both partners. Wilson and Decker were together when I walked into the conference room.

"Morning, Pam. Did you have a good Christmas holiday?" Wilson asked.

"Excellent, thank you. I requested to meet with you today to give you this." I said, handing over a sealed envelope.

"What is it?"

"My resignation."

"You're quitting. After we gave you a chance. Why?"

"After you found out I did lingerie modeling, both of you seemed to think I was fair game for your advances. I truly despise men who feel entitled to judge a woman by her personal life and her outside interests. The not-so-subtle comments you made to me and the touchy-feely stuff you did even after I told you I was uninterested were disgusting. Consider yourselves lucky I am not bringing charges against you for sexual harassment and molestation."

"You would have lost in court. It would be one of those, she said, they said."

"I don't think so. Listen to this," I said, pulling out my cell phone.

Decker's voice came over the speaker. 'Hey sexy, why don't you stay after work and model your lingerie for us.' In the background, Wilson's voice could be heard saying. ‘Yes, babe. Show us your ass and tits.'

"Still think I would lose my case if I put in a complaint? That is just one of my recordings over several months."

"So, what do you want from us?" Wilson asked.

"One-month severance pay, a year of medical benefits paid up front, and the liberty to leave immediately. That will tide me over till I find new employment."

"You realize that we could make it difficult for you to get hired in this industry."

"Listen, you two. If I ever hear that you are talking about me to anyone. I will sue you and send copies of the recordings to your wives. Is that clear? On that note, I will bid you adios," I said and stormed out of the conference room, the building, and into my new life.

I headed to my home to pack and dispose of my meager belongings. I called the airline and made a reservation for Atlanta for the day after tomorrow.

I texted Stella with the date and time of arrival and flight number. She answered with a series of emojis and the words 'will pick you up at the airport.' She signed it with many happy smiles and hearts.

The pressure off, I sat back and poured myself some wine, and the butterflies I had had in my stomach since my return dissipated.

About an hour later, my cell phone rang, and I looked at the screen and saw it was Wild Bill.

"Wild Bill! To what do I owe this honor?"

"Hi, beautiful. I hear you have made a momentous decision today."

"How the hell did you hear about that?"

"Stella called Jeanie, who called me."

"I see a girl can't have any secrets around you guys."

"Not a one. Jeanie told me you also have set your eyes on an acting career."


"I'll do what I can to help. I can't make you an actress, but I can open some doors for you."

"What will that cost me?"

"Pam, you are so naughty."

"How about you, Bill?"

"I have never denied my nature. I'm just a dirty old man."

"I know Jeanie has told me all about you."

"Was that the weekend she came over and made love to you and Ted?"

"You know about that?"

"Of course, Jeanie asked me if she could. I told her to go for it."

"Maybe I should ask Ted if I am allowed to seduce you," I said with my most seductive voice.

"Go for it. I am very seducible by a woman like you. But please understand I am not inviting you to a casting couch audition. However, if you are willing, I would not say no. You are an exquisite woman."

"Bill, your flattery will get you places with me."

"Just ensure Ted knows, as I will not go behind his back."

"I will. Thank you, you have done this poor girl a lot of good. I needed to be flirted with by a real man today."

"Call Ted and tell him all that has taken place today. He deserves to hear it from you. And give your delicious mom my regards."

"Will do, Bye for now."

I got off the phone, blushing and feeling flutters all over. To hear that Bill also desired me did a lot of good for my ego.

I called Mom and Ted and told them all that had happened. Ted sounded worried, while Mom was delighted. I even told them about my call with Bill. Ted didn't sound like he was worried if I hooked up with Bill, I think he realized that whatever happened I would always be his. The sound of his voice sent me to bed for a date with my rabbit.

Having relieved that itch, I fell into a deep sleep.


Arriving at Hartsfield Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, I searched frantically for Stella as I exited from arrivals. But, unfortunately, she was nowhere in sight. I searched my purse for my cell phone to call her when a young beauty approached me and scrutinized my face. "Pam, I'm Estelle, Stella's factotum. Welcome to Atlanta. Stella is parked outside. If you give me your tags, I'll retrieve your luggage."

"Thank you, Estelle," I said, smiling at her use of the title factotum. I handed her my tags and watched as she dashed to the carousel.

She was absolutely adorable. Her tight tush encased in skin-tight short shorts and a crop top shirt were not what I expected from Stella's live-in or whatever she was. But, as she scampered toward the carousel on her long legs, obviously unfettered tits, and that stunning caramel complexion, men's heads turned to follow her progress. I seriously thought that some of them would need physiotherapy for the damage they did to their necks.

She emerged from the scrum at the carousel dragging my two suitcases. Despite her objections, I took over one of them and proceeded to the exit. Stella's SUV was parked in a no-parking lane at the door with two airport cops looking at it. One of them was at the window talking to Stella, but it seemed from the smiles both wore that she had him wrapped around her little finger.

Estelle opened the trunk, and we dumped my suitcases before. I climbed into the front passenger seat, where Stella leaned over from the driver's seat to hug me as Estelle climbed in the back.

"I'm so happy to see you, baby girl. I'm also happy that cutting the umbilical cord with your old bosses did not prove traumatic."

"I'm happy to be here, Stella. I feel freer than I have been in a long time. As a matter of fact, since I left Ted."

"Does he know what you are doing?"

"Yes. It worries him. However, he trusts my judgment. His last words to me were, 'Remember that if it does not work out, you have a home here.'"

"What about your mother? I thought she was with Ted now?"

"Well, things have changed in that regard. It is now understood that she is his full-time lover. However, we can share him when I am there. Ted is also ready to share her with me." I said, blushing.

"Oh, my. Things have changed for you, haven't they? And here I thought I would be seducing a lesbian virgin."

"Stella, that train has left the station. I love the thought of being seduced, but the virginity thing has flown the coop."

You hear that, Estelle," she said over her shoulder, "Baby Girl is not as innocent as we thought. I think the three of us will have a blast."

"That certainly is good news for me. I'll admit it was lust at first sight," Estelle said as she leaned over the seat and kissed the nape of my neck.

"So, Estelle is part of the package? I asked.

"She most certainly is. Her mission in life is to take care of me and now also of you while you are with us."

"We're here," Stella said, pulling up to a lovely antebellum three-story house surrounded by a magnificent garden.

We exited the SUV, and Estelle and I hauled the suitcases in. Stella opened the door, and we entered the foyer. I saw a living room behind lovely French doors on my left and, to my right, a library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. There were other rooms beyond, but I couldn't distinguish what was behind their doors as my attention was riveted by a magnificent staircase leading to the upper floors.

"Let's get you settled in," Stella said, climbing the stairs ahead of us.

I followed her up with Estelle, and she took us to an adorable bedroom on the second floor. "This is yours," she told me. "The door on that wall communicates with my bedroom in case you are lonely and need Mama to cuddle you at night. Estelle is in the room beyond mine. Now I suggest after you unpack. You might enjoy a soak in the tub and maybe a massage to relieve the jet lag before we decide what to do for supper. How does that sound?"

"Sensational. I'd love it."

"The bathroom is across the hall. I'll have Estelle draw you a bath. While I go upstairs. My offices and workrooms are on the third floor. I have some work to do, but I'll join you later."

I unpacked my luggage into the closet and into an antique dresser that faced the king-size bed and got out of my travel clothes. Donning a bathrobe, I followed the sound of running water and entered the bathroom. My eyes popped when I saw the enormous sunken therapeutic bath along one side of the wall.

Estelle was there adjusting the temperature and adding bath crystals that foamed and gave off an extraordinary odor of Jasmin. "Hop in, Pam. It's all ready for you."

I shyly removed my robe as she stood grinning at me and hid beneath the foam. Estelle stood there as if she wanted to say something but was afraid of saying anything.

"What is it, Estelle?" I asked.

"Would it be alright with you if I shared your bath?" she asked.

"Hop right in, sweetie. There's enough room in here for four people."

I watched as she shimmied out of her shorts and slipped off the crop top, and hopped in so that she was sitting across from me. She gave a huge sigh of satisfaction as the suds enveloped her. For my part, I almost groaned at my deception of not being able to get more than a glimpse of her nubile body.

We lay there luxuriating quietly for a few minutes before I broke the silence. "How long have you been with Stella?" I asked.

"Since the age of six. For years I was her model for kids' undergarments. I did preteen work and teen work as I grew older."

"And now, do you still model?"

"Only rarely, as my body type is not what her clients seek. My features do not lend themselves to doing teen work anymore, and as you can see, I don't look like the typical adult model."

"And now you take care of Stella."

"Pam, taking care of Stella is my hobby," she giggled. "I am studying law at Emory with a minor in arts management. I plan to be an agent and business manager for the modeling and acting communities. Stella and I became lovers after I ended my modeling career. She had always taken care of me and my earnings. If that had been left to my parents, I would have ended up on the street. In fact, I did end up on the street when I told my parents I was no longer modeling and they would have to look elsewhere for money."

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I'm so sorry for you."

"Moving right along. Would you like this Japanese Bath Girl to help you wash?"

"You mean wash my body?"

"I certainly meant your body, not your laundry," she chuckled. "I don't do laundry. Oh, and I also will be your masseuse after we wash."

"Stella would be OK with that?"

"Of course, silly. She asked me to offer you my services. You heard her say you would get a massage, right?"

"I would love to have you wash me, Estelle, on one condition, that I get to wash you."

"Oh, I was so hoping you would suggest that. Jeanie told me you were cool. She was so right."

"You know Jeanie?" I asked in surprise.

"Intimately. As intimately as I am going to get to know you."

Her foot came forward, slid between my legs, and caressed my pussy. I squealed at the pleasure. "You caught me by surprise," I said.

"Hang tight. More surprises are heading your way. I plan to drive you crazy."

"Mmm… Please do. You have my permission to use and abuse me to your heart's content."

"Stella and I hoped you would feel that way."

She lifted my foot out of the water and washed it thoroughly. I never realized before how sensitive feet could be. After washing it, she took my foot and sucked on my toes; sensitive be damned, this was downright erotic. Done with my feet, she moved up my leg and washed up my leg till she got to my pussy. She smiled and said, "Nice and smooth, but not smooth enough. I'll have to smooth that out. Sit on the edge, and I'll clean it up."

I sat on the edge as she had requested and she climbed out of the bath. I gawked at the beauty of her body as I could look at it for the first time. Those tight conical breasts capped with prominent erect nipples just begged to be licked and sucked. Her behind with those small round cheeks deserved to be worshiped while her tiny pussy made my mouth drool.

She saw me looking, and as she got back in the water with the shaving apparatus, she asked, "Like what you see?"

I smiled and gave a mock growl which made her laugh. "I'm so glad you like it. Later you can also feel free to use and abuse me. Now behave while I get to work. In a few days, I will give you a Brazilian wax treatment."

She did not use scissors; all I had down there was stubble. So instead, she lathered a shaving brush and coated all my nether parts before skillfully scraping all the stubble. It felt wonderful to be pampered this way. When she pulled my pussy lips apart to check whether any work was needed, I started wriggling my butt to get her fingers deeper into me. "Behave," she ordered. "The good stuff comes later."

She raised her hands and pushed me back so I was lying on my back and had me bend my knees and place my legs on her shoulders. Parting my ass cheeks, she took the brush and lathered around my anus. Stretching each cheek, she touched up that area with the razor.

The feel of the brush and her fingers, coupled with my indecent exposure, set my pussy tingling. Here was a woman I met a few hours ago, and I welcomed the liberties she was taking with my body.

She smiled at me and said, "Done. You look good enough to eat. Just absolutely yummy at both ends. Now out of the bath and let's get you showered and shampooed."

She led me to the walk-in shower and shampooed my hair before soaping my torso. I reached for her tits as she was soaping mine, but she slapped my hands away. "Look but don't touch, greedy girl. For the moment, this is about you."

"They are so pretty, Estelle, I want to kiss and suckle on them."

"You will when I am done with you."

Spread your legs and lean against the wall so I can wash out that pretty pussy of yours."

The feel of her slim fingers screwing into my tight hole made me shiver with delight. Then, she ordered me to turn and face the wall with my legs spread and repeated the process on my anus. It felt so good that I felt my knees almost buckle under me.

Her arms came around my torso, and she supported me so I would not collapse. Turning off the shower, she wrapped me in a Turkish bath towel and had me sit while she dried off and turned on the hair dryer to dry our hair. This incredible minx also used the hair dryer on my pussy and ass. I wondered why I had never thought of that, as it was a delightful sensation.

Taking my hand, she led me to a room illuminated by subdued lighting which contained what looked like a massage table, except it was the size of a queen-sized bed.

"Lie down here on your tummy and place your head on the pillow," Estelle ordered.

Once I had positioned myself, she put a bolster at my pelvis, which raised my ass higher than my legs and torso. "Now relax, close your eyes, and enjoy," she told me.

The lights were dimmed further down, and some barely perceptible music filled the room. I smelled the odor of sandalwood incense wafting through the air. Soft hands spread a warm substance on my shoulders as I let myself be lulled into a feeling of comfort.

I became aware that two people were caressing and kneading out all the tensions of the past few days out of me.

As they worked their magic down my back, I fell into a trance-like condition. I felt at peace with myself and the world, and all of my worries ceased to exist. I was barely aware as, from my back, the magic hands worked their way down over my upturned ass and down my legs.

Soon those hands were back at my shoulders and caressing down my arms and hands. The magic continued as I slowly realized that my legs were being massaged. Feather lite touches fluttered up my inner thighs and approached my pussy.

My body ached with need, and I begged and pleaded to be allowed to cum. The teasing stopped, and out of nowhere, my ass was peppered with spanks. They continued until I felt my behind was on fire.

From behind me, the identity of my second masseuse was revealed when Stella's said, "Baby Girl will cum when we decide she's ready and not one second sooner. If you do not want to be tied down, submit to our treatment."

My mind pictured being tied down and helpless while my body was edged for hours to the point of climax and then denied that joy.

"I'll behave, but don't make me wait too long," I gushed. "You're driving me crazy."

"Does it feel good? Was your bath also good for you?"

"This is one of the most erotic experiences I have ever had. As for the bath, I don't know if I ever will be able to bathe alone after what Estelle did with me."

Both women chuckled and Estelle said, "Don't fret. From now on, I will be sure to bathe with you whenever you wish. Now, lie still so we can finish welcoming you into our home."                                                                                       

My ass was massaged, cooling the delicious burn I'd felt since being spanked, and my legs were spread wide. I loved the vision of being exposed to them in this way. The fingers returned and now fluttered at my pussy. Feather soft, they tormented me. I moaned with pleasure as I felt the pad of a finger running through my slit and trailing through my ass crack.

Back and forth, it went on, teasing and bringing me immense pleasure as I gave my body over to them.

I was astounded to discover how sensitive my behind was to their touch. Thousands of pleasure points I did not realize I owned were set on fire, making my body shiver with joy. The magic finger finally penetrated my sopping wet cunt, and my ass cheeks were parted. I felt liquid being dribbled on my anus and a finger started to rim me before slowly penetrating my ass.

I was skewered at both holes as they plunged deeper into me. I thrust my ass up, attempting to get even more pleasure from this super erotic massage.

I heard Stella ask, "Think she's ripe, Estelle?"

"Yes, I think she's at her peak. It's time we devour this succulent fruit."

"On your knees," Stella ordered as the bolster was removed from under my body. "Now head down and ass up."

Once I had assumed this position, I felt a velvety tongue lap at my pussy, while another lapped at my anus. This incredible treatment continued as both tongues probed deeper and deeper into my holes.

I felt my pussy drip with juice where it was licked by that magic tongue. Finally, two fingers strummed my clit, and I knew that I could hold back no longer.

"I'm going to cum," I screamed.

Estelle said, "Whenever you're ready."

"I'm ready," I gasped as my climax overtook me. It seemed to go on forever and ever. It was like nothing I had ever experienced.

I came back to my senses in a different room. Estelle was on my right side, and Stella was on my left.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You liked what we did to you so much that you experienced what is called, 'la petite mort.' You came so hard that you passed out." Stella said with a smile.

"So I died, and now I'm in heaven, surrounded by two angels?"

"Well, I would not exactly call us angels." She snickered. "Estelle, are we angels?"

"I know I'm not. I actually feel very devilish."

She leaned over me and kissed me gently at first, then with a passion that soon had me on fire again.

I turned and kissed Stella for the first time. I put my heart and soul into that kiss. When I finally came up for air, I saw Stella naked for the first time. She was magnificent. Short-cropped dark hair framed a beautiful face. Her gray eyes seemed to peer into my soul. I kissed the tip of her nose and admired her youthful body. Mouth-watering rounded breasts capped with large stiff nipples, a flat belly leading down to puffy pussy lips, and legs that seemed to never end were stretched out for my viewing pleasure.

She smiled as she saw me ogling her body. "Like what you see?"

"Like it? I love it. Both of you are scrumptious."

"Scrumptious? Do I take that to mean you'd like a taste?"

"Oh, yes."

"Which would you like to start with? Today we have chocolate and vanilla available for immediate consumption," Stella laughed.

"I'd like both as long as they have a creamy strawberry center to quench my palate."

"Oh my, Baby Girl, you have made us so happy. So dive in and munch away."

I rolled on my side and kissed Stella while my hands roamed all over her body, first concentrating on those luscious fat nipples which I rolled between my fingers. Then, working my mouth and tongue down her body, I suckled those plump nipples, eliciting her moans of delight. As I worked my magic on Stella, Estelle caressed me and wrapped her arms around my torso to toy and tweak my erect nipples. Next, I worked my way down, pausing at her navel to circle it with my tongue until I moved myself to lie between Stella's elegant thighs facing her pussy.

I admired her puffy mound, and gently using my teeth, I nibbled on that delicious flesh calling on me to devour it. Stella bent her knees and drew her legs back, which thrust her pussy forward, and her knees clamped around my ears. I used my fingers to part her labia and discovered the creamy strawberry core I yearned for. My tongue reached in and lapped the juices glistening before my eyes.

As she arched her back, I took the opportunity to do something I had never done before. When Estelle had rimmed my ass, I found it so erotic that I treated Stella to the same pleasure. I circled her pucker with my tongue, causing her body to quiver.

I placed my hands so that I could finger her pussy and clit at the same time while worshiping her asshole. Curving my fingers into her pussy I found her g-spot and massaged it firmly while my other hand teased her plump clit, which was peeking out from under its hood.

She wrapped her legs around my head, holding me tightly while her hips bucked under me till I was rewarded with squirts of cunt juice spraying my face. My tongue returned to lap up all the juices that I could reach.

When she finally released my head, I climbed up her body and lay on her. Her arms circled me, and she hugged me to her breast while licking my face clean. She kissed me passionately before saying, "Baby Girl, you are amazing. I knew we could have fun together but never expected what just happened. I thought I would have to teach you what to do. How and where did you learn?"

"I'll tell you because I don't think we should have secrets between lovers. My mother taught me some. The rest happened instinctively."

"You did it with your mother?"

"Yes. It just happened over the Christmas holiday."

"But I thought you were with Ted. I think I will have to meet your mother. She sounds like quite a woman. So Ted allowed it to happen?" Stella asked.

"Yes, he was both a spectator and a participant."

"You're a lucky girl. Ted is one self-assured and confidant man. Maybe I should meet him too.

"Enough chit-chat," she said in a sassy voice. "Would you like another little cummy before we take a break?"

"Mmm. That would certainly cap my day."

"It's Estelle's turn, and while you take care of her, I will take care of you. Estelle, assume the position," she directed.

Estelle knelt on the bed and spread her thighs while I placed myself behind her and between those slender legs. I wasted no time as I wanted my taste of chocolate. I used my tongue to trail from her cunt up to her asshole. Her position opened her slight lips and permitted my tongue to probe her deeply. I rolled my tongue and thrust it like a mini penis into her and used my fingers to diddle both her clit and ass. Stella lay behind me with my pussy over her face and lashed my cunt and clit with consummate skill.

Estelle was also strawberry pink and incredibly juicy and tasty. The sound of her moans filled the room and filled me with joy. I could not get enough of the tasty morsel in front of me and brought her to orgasm multiple times before I relented and stopped. Stella had been as relentless with me, and finally, we all collapsed in a tangle of limbs on the bed.

The soft kisses and endearment did not stop for a long time.

Finally, we all enjoyed a touchy-feely shower together before getting dressed for supper.


Thus the pattern of my new life was set. Stella promoted my work, and my modeling career grew exponentially. I now did catalog work and represented some glamorous lingerie brands, such as Agent Provocateur, Bluebella, and La Perla. I also branched out into doing commercials for well-known cosmetics and even a perfume commercial.

It was hard work and exposed me to many sexual pressures from photographers and brand managers. Yet, I remained an ice princess to them. Finally, they came to understand that they hired my looks and not the use of my body.

Of course, I still craved cock occasionally, and when the need became pressing, I'd hop on a flight to see Mom and Ted.

Home was a joy, with both Stella and Estelle as my playground partners.

Almost twelve months after arriving in Atlanta, I got a call from Jeanie.

"Hey beautiful, how are you doing?"

"Jeanie, I'm so glad to hear your voice," I said with great sincerity.

"I have Wild Bill on the line with me."

"Hi, Bill, and how are you?" I was more than surprised to learn he was there but thrilled to hear from him.

"Just awesome. Are you able to come to Hollywood in two weeks?" Bill asked.

"I could make that happen. Why?"

"I'm financing Jeanie's new movie and we think you would be ideal to be her supporting actress. So if acting is still in your plans, get your sweet ass over here for an audition."


To be continued

Written by ChrisM
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