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Author's Notes

"This is the continuation of the Best Laid Plans Saga. Precious chapter was published by JefferyB. <p> [ADVERT] </p>"


Ted stepped away from Kate, leaving her on her knees, as he turned off the camera and lights. He returned to her, holding his hands to help her up. Standing in front of him, she wrapped her arms around his waist, held him tightly against her naked body, turned her face to the side, and pressed it against the hair on his chest.

"Did you enjoy making your audition video?" he asked.

Without moving her face, she replied, "Ted. It was absolutely wonderful. I don't know that I've been that sexually aroused in my entire life. You made me cum three times. Maybe four. I lost count. It was just beyond belief."

"Maybe you'd like to do another one," he said as he let his hands slide down her back until they rested on her butt. He squeezed a little and said, "You seem to respond to the lights and camera."

She looked into his face. "I was responding to you, mister. You certainly know how to show a girl a good time. But I'd be happy to make another film with you any time. Are you going to give me a copy of this one?"

"Sure," he said, giving her a big smile. "I have some editing software to turn it into a real video. All three cameras record at the same time. I just have to review the tape and pick the view I want. It's really very simple and doesn't take long to do. Maybe you'd like to help?"

"I would love to watch you do it and help if I can, but I'm not certain that I want to see my body naked," she said with a wry smile. "I'm too old and flabby to be on film."

"You are neither old nor flabby, Kate," Ted said seriously. "Your body is simply exceptional. And I'll tell you right now that if you had a younger male co-star with a larger tool, you could be making adult movies. You really are beautiful, Kate."

Kate pulled his face down to hers and gave him a soft kiss. "Thank you, kind sir, for your assessment, but I'm not interested in younger men with larger cocks. YOU are amazing, and if you don't mind me being bold, I'd like to think we might explore more sexual pleasures together. I've decided that with age comes a requirement to be totally open about your desires. Life passes too quickly."

"So, you're saying that we should take chances when they come our way and not overthink the consequences of our actions? Is it your opinion that if you think too long, the chance for something good may be missed?" he asked.

"That's about it," she said with a smile. "You are probably concerned that you've been having an affair with my daughter for about two years. You are apprehensive about her feelings and if I will throw that back in your face at some time. All I'm asking is that you don't dwell on it. I've known for a long time now that I wanted to be with you. I know that Pam has been setting me up, and to tell you the truth, I think it worked. So now I'm asking if we can spend the rest of this weekend together and get to know each other much better. We already know that we are compatible sexually. Maybe we should investigate other areas."

Ted looked into her warm brown eyes for several seconds before drawing her into his arms. He kissed her deeply for what seemed to be a very long time. When he broke the kiss, he said, "My dearest Kate. I want to invite you to accept my home's hospitality for the rest of the weekend. My house is your house. Will you please stay with me?"

Her smile dazzled as she replied, "Thank you for the invitation. I would be most pleased to accept your kind offer." Once again, she put her face against his chest and hugged him tightly. After a minute, she looked up and said, "Maybe you'd like to celebrate our negotiation with a glass of wine. I'm a little thirsty after our filming session."

Ted stood back and said, "Oh lord, what a poor host I've been." As he turned to walk toward his pile of clothes, he said, "Did you like the wine I served when you arrived? I have several bottles of that or a decent merlot if you'd prefer a red."

As he picked up his pants, he looked back at Kate. She shook her head and said, "Would you mind if we didn't get dressed immediately? We'll get to know each other better if we are naked. Don't you?"

"I like how you think," Ted said with a broad smile. He picked up his pile of clothes and walked past her toward his bedroom, saying, "Let me drop these off, and then I'll see to refreshments. Which do you prefer? White or Red?"

Ted dropped his clothes on his valet chair and turned to find Kate behind him with her clothes in hand. She placed her stack on top of his pile and smiled. "I think white would be better right now. Red makes me horny, and we might need a little rest before exploring our next bout. Don't you?"

"White it is," he announced. "Would you be comfortable using my bed as a place to chat and get better acquainted?"

"Absolutely," she said as she bounced into the middle of his king-sized bed. "I'm hoping to spend a lot of time in your bed this weekend." Kate lay back on his bed and pointed up. "I'm hoping to spend a lot of time looking up at your ceiling."

By the time Ted returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses, Kate had turned back the bed covers, fluffed the pillows, and made herself quite comfortable. She was propped up on a couple of pillows when he entered the room and still quite beautifully naked. She smiled at him, and he made a growling sound deep in his throat that she didn't hear. After putting everything on his nightstand, he told her he would get something else from the kitchen. This time when he returned, Kate was holding two glasses filled with wine, waiting for him before she took a sip.

Ted set a plate filled with grapes and other finger foods on the bed and took the glass from her hand. They both smiled and touched their glasses. "To a lovely weekend," he said.

"Indeed," Kate responded, "To a lovely weekend."

Both sipped their drinks and began what turned out to be several hours, two more bottles of wine, and a great deal of conversation. They ate, drank, talked, and laughed without concern for the passing of time or their lack of clothing. They spoke of their lives, their loves, and their passions. They discussed work and children, friends, and past spouses.

Ted learned a great deal about her late husband and determined that while she admired him for caring for her and her child, she probably wouldn't have stayed with him long had it not been for her child. Clearly, Pam had been given every advantage a child could have, and Kate put up with him for the child's good.

At what must have been 3:00 in the morning, Ted reached over and placed his hand on her bare skin just above her hip as she was telling him a story about her life. She noticed that Ted's eyes were on her, and he wasn't listening to her for the first time in hours. She stopped speaking and waited to see what he would do. She watched as he lightly ran his hand over the curve of her hip and back up again. His hand traced up her body and lightly ran his fingers around the edge of her breast.

Looking into her eyes, he said, "You have an exquisite body, Kate. Your skin is as soft as a baby's, but there's nothing innocent about it. Your body was made for sex, and I want to help you use it for what it was designed." He gave her a smile and held her eyes as he let his fingers slide lightly down across her tummy and come to a stop about an inch before her slit.

"Are you going to stop there?" Kate asked, returning his smile.

"No," he replied, letting his fingers resume their path between her legs. He felt her open her legs for him to make his destination easier to find. He covered her sex with his hand and rubbed it softly. "Tell me," he said, continuing to hold her gaze, "Do you masturbate?"

Without a flinch, Kate answered, "Yes, I do."

"How often," he asked.

Her eyes closed for a second, clearly, from the feeling he was causing between her legs. Finally, she opened her eyes and said, "Most days, I'll take care of myself twice. Once when I wake up and again when I go to bed. But I've been known to find a reason to pleasure myself during the middle of the day."

"Do you use toys or fingers?" he asked.

Her reply was short as she closed her eyes once again. "Both," which came out as a whisper.

"How is it that you haven't found a man to play with since your husband passed away?"

Kate kept her eyes closed and appeared to be struggling to answer his questions when she only wanted to concentrate on the fingers between her legs. "It's a small place where I live, and I don't need to start any gossip."

Ted leaned forward and ran his tongue across her lips. Quickly she opened her mouth, anxious for him to kiss her, but he didn't. Instead, he said, "You seemed to enjoy my tongue on your clit while we were filming."

Her eyelids opened, and she looked deeply into his eyes. "I loved it. I absolutely loved it. You made me cum so hard I thought I would pass out." She closed her eyes again, lay flat on her back, and gave him a groan of appreciation for what he was doing to her with his fingers. "You know," she said after a minute, "You are the first man to ever do that to me."

"How could that be?" Ted said and stopped moving his fingers.

Kate looked at him and smiled, "Jack always said that a woman's pussy was a dirty place, and he wasn't going to touch it with his mouth. Of course, he had no problem with me going down on him, but he wouldn't do it for me." Kate took Ted's hand and moved it back between her legs. "Keep doing what you're doing, and I'll tell you a story."

Once his fingers began moving, Kate started to recount the tale. "When Pam was sixteen, she was a cheerleader in high school. I went on a trip and ended up sharing a hotel room with Mindy Morrison, whose daughter, Kim, was Pam's age and a cheerleader. For the next couple of years, we did a lot together with our kids and shared a hotel room many different times. Mindy was and is a very sexual person, and when we were alone, we got into conversations about sex.

"When she found out that my husband wouldn't do oral on me, she decided to show me what it was like. At first, I was a little shocked, but after she made me cum the first time, I was hooked. When the girls were seniors in high school, we spent at least one afternoon a week together. She got plenty of action from her husband but was one of those people who could never get enough."

Ted asked, "Did you think you might be a lesbian?"

Laughing, Kate said, "Never! I liked the sex we had. Of course, I enjoyed getting off several times on each visit. Still, I never considered the possibility that I would give up the feeling of a hot, hard cock inside me. My husband may have been a prick, but I always enjoyed our daily activities once I learned that I would have to arrange things to get the most I could out of it."

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Ted slipped a finger into her now very wet pussy, coated the finger with her juices, and then pulled it out to moisten her clit. As he circled it with his finger, he asked, "So you liked my tongue on you, and now you'd like it on you again."

"If you want me to beg for it, I will," Kate answered with a gasp. But to her surprise, Ted took his hand away and rolled over on his back. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Come here," he said, pulling her body over his. "If that's what you want, here's what you'll have. We'll do it a little differently. I want you to sit on my face."

Kate was confused for a second but then remembered seeing what he was talking about in one of her adult movie DVDs. She got up on her knees and positioned herself just above Ted's face. As she started to lower herself to him, Ted said, "I want you to do to my mouth just what you did to my cock while you straddled me when we were filming."

His words were so erotic that she felt her nipples become as hard as little stones. She rested her hands on Ted's headboard and lowered herself onto his waiting tongue. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her down until she could feel his mouth wrapped around her. His tongue darted into her dripping pussy and then circled her clit.

Kate groaned and slid her sex over his mouth as when his cock was buried inside her. His tongue washed against her clit as she rocked forward and then backward, making it grow harder and more sensitive with each stroke. She pressed harder and moved faster as each move felt better than the last. With her eyes closed tightly, Kate's mind was utterly between her legs. She was aware of nothing but the glorious feeling being caused by his mouth.

Ted was as wholly engaged as she was. The harder she pressed and the faster she moved, the more he liked it. Her juices had covered his face, and he loved the feeling, the taste, and the smell. Without thinking, he moved a hand up on her ass before slipping one of his fingers into her pussy from behind, quickly finding her enlarged g-spot. He didn't need to move his finger as her sliding forward and backward over his mouth took care of that. He required only to keep his mouth and finger still to let her drive herself into a sexual madness, which was happening very quickly.

Kate was now free of any thinking. She moved to gratify herself. Her body wanted to reach a climax and was driven by the urgency of the need. She had no idea of the sounds that were coming from her mouth. She couldn't hear her own animal cries of lust, nor did she hear her scream of triumph when the orgasm crashed into her, shaking her entire body and leaving her too weak to move.

When she finally regained control of her mind again, Kate found herself lying flat on Ted's chest, panting like she had run a marathon. Her eyes focused on his face and saw it still shining from the remainder of her fluids.

Regaining strength, she pulled herself to his face to kiss him. "What did you do to me?" she whispered.

"I didn't do anything," he replied. "You did it all on your own. I just helped a little." Ted put his hands into her hair, pulling her face back to his. His mouth was on hers, and his kiss was hot and frantic. 

Before she knew what he was doing, Ted had flipped her onto her back. With one swift move, he positioned himself between her legs. He buried his burning cock into her unbelievably wet pussy in one quick stroke. "Hold on, Kate," he said as he began to move. "It's my turn now."

His cock looked like a large piston as it rocked in and out of her, hard and fast. Kate wrapped her legs around him as she began to feel her body building to another loss of mental discipline. They were both on "animal control" now, with their bodies commanded by lust.

Kate was completely unaware that as he hammered into her, she had dug her fingernails into his back as she repeated, "Fuck me… Yes… Fuck me!" Urging him to go harder and faster until he felt his body explode and hot cum shot into her in what felt like an unending orgasm.

It wasn't until morning when she saw the scratches on his back and asked about them, that Ted told her about what she had done and said. Kate was in disbelief that she could and would do such a thing.

"We sometimes say and do things in the heat of passion that we might not do when completely normal," he told her. "So what we say and do is completely acceptable because it's just the 'inner you' showing its face."

She had responded by running her fingers over the red marks, looking at Ted, and saying, "I guess it's true. I have never been that sexually excited in my life." She pressed her lips against the marks and asked, "Do you think we will ever do that again?"

Ted laughed and took her into his arms. "Let me tell you something, sweet Kate. I will promise you that not only will we get there again, but it will be better. The more we get to know each other, the better it will be."

She smiled at him and said, "Then can we do it again right now?"

"Don't get greedy," he told her, smacking his hand against her rounded butt. "Please remember that I am very nearly a senior citizen and need a little rest between bouts." He put one of his shirts on her and buttoned it up. "Now, keep that beautiful body covered for a while, and I promise to make you talk dirty again later."

Kate gave him her 'little girl face' and pretended to pout. "I'm taking that as a promise," she said. Then she whispered to the inner animal in her mind, "I just can't wait."


They spent Saturday getting better acquainted, both personally and sexually.

By dinner time, they had used each other's bodies three more times, taken two naps, and spent much time eating, talking, and laughing. Kate found that she loved his sense of humor and that he could tell her jokes that made her laugh until her jaw muscles hurt. With each passing minute, she discovered more about him and liked everything she learned.

Their eyes had locked three times during the day, and the embers in their internal fires began to smoke. On one occasion, they actually made it to the bed, but on others, they didn't make it that far. Once, they never got out of the kitchen, and another time ended up in his oversized chair. The third time they were attempting to change the sheets on his bed due to all of the wet spots from the previous evening. The sheets never quite got entirely off the bed before Ted stripped her naked once again. Since she was only wearing one of his dress shirts with the sleeves rolled up, getting her naked wasn't exactly difficult. She also helped the situation by only buttoning one button and making sure she bent over, letting him get a long look at her ass.

They were exhausted after they finished, rolled up in the jumble of sheets, and fell asleep.

It was after 6:00 when Kate awoke to find she was alone in the messy bed. It took her a moment to remember where she was and what she had been doing before sleeping. When the memory of what she had been doing came flooding back to her, she smiled and curled up in a ball, enjoying her nakedness and the stickiness she felt between her legs and on her belly. No question about it, Ted was a marvelous lover. She couldn't even count the number of orgasms she'd had since she walked into his house almost 24 hours ago. She had probably cum more at the hands of this man in one day than she had with her husband of twenty years. For just a moment, she thought she should be feeling guilty for such wanton bliss but quickly determined that more was coming her way, and she planned to enjoy every second of it.

Just as she was about to wonder where Ted was, he appeared in the doorway holding two wine glasses. "I have a suggestion," he announced. "Why don't you sip this excellent wine before joining me in the shower?"

"I don't know about showering together," Kate chuckled. "After all, we've only just met."

Ted handed her the glass, touched his to hers in a toast, and they both took a sip. "I think that carnal knowledge is the key here, Missy. In that sense, we have known each other for a long time, and showering together is permissible."

"You make a good point there, sir," she said. "Accepting your premise, I believe that it would not only be appropriate for us to shower together but also be extremely fun. Do you promise to wash all of my parts completely and slowly?"

"Only if you insist," he countered.

"Oh, but I insist," she said, giving him a sexy smile, taking another sip of the wine, and sliding off the bed to stand beside him. "Unfortunately, you don't have as many washable parts as I do, but I'll do my best to take care of you."

"You are too kind," he said with a laugh, then leaned forward to kiss her. The kiss was about to heat them both up again when Ted broke it and walked into the bathroom. Over his shoulder, he said, "Follow me, madam. I feel a growing need to wash your skin."

"You have something growing," she offered as she followed him into the bathroom, "But it didn't look like a need to wash to me."

Thirty minutes later, when they walked out of his large shower, they both looked slightly wrinkled, having spent so much time in the water. But being wrinkled couldn't take the smiles off of their faces. While in the shower, Ted had washed Kate's hair, and she insisted that the feeling was better than sex. Ted responded by running his soapy fingers between her legs, and she quickly changed her mind. Kate emphasized that having a sexy man wash your hair while standing naked together had to be pretty high on the list of sensual things to do.

Ted pulled out two fluffy, soft towels and began to dry Kate's skin, seeming to spend too much time on her ass and breasts but making her laugh joyously. Taking her towel, she dried his back before dropping to her knees to dry his legs. When she reached his male parts, she stopped and looked up at him, saying, "This is a position that I like to be in with you, Ted." She gently moved the towel around his balls and watched as his cock began to come alive once again. Before he could get too excited, she stood up, pressing her nakedness against his, took his hardening cock in her hand, and said, "We're going to use this again later, right?"

"If that's something you would like, I feel certain that it can be arranged," he said as he touched each side of her face and kissed her gently.


Written by ChrisM
Contributing Authors
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