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Luke was enjoying his morning hike on Mount Baldy with the sunshine warming his skin and his panting breath coming in deep, regular intervals.  Sweat was glistening on his forehead, arms, and legs as he steadily climbed higher on the beautiful mountain in the morning sun.  There was nothing better than an Alaskan summer, and he knew that today would be one of the nicest days of the year. 

His thoughts were focused entirely on his time with Erin that morning, reliving every sexy moment.  He smiled as he remembered Erin’s completely bald pussy, she had recently come to love waxing all the hair from her mound in addition to her pussy and ass, and the connection to Mount Baldy was not lost on him.  He loved to think in detail about every curve of her body, the way she responded to his touch, the scent of her sex as he kissed and licked her pussy, the sounds of her loud moaning as her hips bucked back on forth on his cock when she rode him, and the feel of her swollen clit against his fingers as he reached around to stroke her while pounding into her from behind.  He thought of Erin’s pussy juice dripping down his balls when she was riding him; it didn’t happen often, but it was so exciting when Erin was that turned on.  God, they had amazing sex, and Luke was so grateful to have such an amazing lover sleeping next to him every night.  He felt his cock elongating in his shorts as his thoughts drifted to the amazing memories of sex with Erin over the last twenty years.  They just kept getting better and better at making each other feel good, and the thought of their future together made him so happy.

Luke diligently stepped on up the mountainside, over tan and grey rocks and red earth.  The primal scent of a recent rain, together with the sweet smell of fireweed and lupine, always reminded Luke of his first trip to Alaska so long ago when he and Erin were first dating.  He smiled as he remembered the teenager awkwardness of his first introductions to Erin’s family, the cool ocean breeze of the Cook Inlet, and making out after missing each other for several months during their college summer break. 

Erin was sexy back then, for sure, but not in the womanly ways she had developed into.  They had been so young and clumsy and uncertain.  Their years together since had given them both such confidence in each other in ways that only a long marriage can instill.  They enjoyed how a small look or comment could so easily lead to an outburst of laughter, a feeling of romantic nostalgia, or a remembrance of hard times overcome. 

Erin’s sexual confidence was only growing, and Luke reflected on their breakfast conversation as he navigated his way up the small mountain.  She was so genuine and open with him this morning, and Luke deeply appreciated her willingness to share her thoughts with him.  She was so confident in their relationship together that she wanted to open the door for Luke to experience other women, and Luke was amazed to find himself reciprocating her feelings.  Erin’s certainty assured Luke of her love for him in a surprising way.  He had always enjoyed the idea of Erin being with another woman, and knew her interest as well, but Erin’s interest in sharing the experience with Luke in real life, and not in some fantasy world, was so appealing to him.  Erin’s genuine interest in Luke having sexual experiences with other women was even more extraordinary.  He was hesitantly interested; who wouldn’t be given the chance?  His reservations about Erin’s sincerity were easily replaced with confidence as he heard her describe how excited she would be to hear his intimate descriptions of fucking other women.  Erin wanted to share Luke’s amazing sexual skill, and it came from a place of confidence and love, not from desperation or apathy. 

Luke paused for a moment on top of a small rise as he collected his thoughts.  He looked out over Anchorage toward the Knik River and the mountains beyond.  He could just make out Denali three hundred miles away through a break in the clouds, and he listened to the birds chirping as they busied themselves among the low bush blueberries and alder.  His breathing slowed as the warm summer breeze cooled his skin.  He took a long drink of water from his pack and decided to sit down for a moment and enjoy the view and the sunshine on his peaceful morning hike.

The sun-warmed rock below him felt calming as he relaxed into a comfortable position.  He thought again about Erin’s proposition and what it could mean for their marriage.  Luke had spent a lot of time thinking about his offer to Erin to be with a woman.  He had also considered how he felt about her being with another man.  He was still surprised that Erin’s desire included him having new partners, and that she wanted to hear all the details.  They would be way off the beaten path, for sure, but that was always their way.  Luke was a box-kicker and resisted societal pressures to conform to a certain pattern of behavior.  Erin had always had the desire to seek out new experiences, whether it was food or travel, or something else.  Sexual adventures were new territory, but when he thought about it, he had to agree that it fit with Erin’s personality.  He knew Erin was right, of course.  She was so often right.  There was room in their relationship for sexual openness.  

They both expressed an openness to allow the other person to try new things, if it was always in addition to their relationship and not seeking to replace it.  Their new sexual adventures would certainly fuel sexual energy; they just needed to point that energy back toward their marriage.  The depth of their love and commitment was the unexpected glue that could allow them to discover parts of their sexuality they had previously repressed.  Luke closed his eyes, turned his face toward the sun, and took another drink of water as he inwardly wished for a few drags on a cigarette to go with the bright Alaskan morning.  He'd never really been a smoker but being outdoors like this sometimes brought back memories of the pleasure a short buzz from smoking afforded him from time to time.

With his eyes closed and as his thoughts swirled around his sexy wife, Luke became aware of another sound among the birds and the breeze.  He couldn’t quite place it, but there was a definite rhythmic nature to the sound mingled with what sounded like moans and grunts.  His training as a medic years before kicked in, and he opened his eyes while he tried to locate the source of the faint sound.  He worried the sounds must be from a wounded hiker nearby, although he had not seen another person on the mountain yet today.  As the breeze slowed momentarily, he realized the sound must be coming from his left, off the main path, downhill slightly, and around a small bend in the mountain.  The tops of a small outcropping of boulders were just visible that he had not noticed before. 

He stood with adrenaline pumping and started picking his way across uneven ground, stepping over the short greenery of the low bush blueberries and cranberries.  The sweetness of the Alaskan summer air felt intoxicating to Luke, but he tried to focus on the potential disaster he may be facing.  Was there a hiker with a broken leg?  Maybe it was a broken back, or worse.  He knew he had to keep his concentration and started to mentally click through the limited supplies in his small backpack. 

He pulled out his phone, hoping for service, and was thankful to see two bars and a text from Erin.

“I can’t wait to tell you about my massage today,” it read with a kissing emoji. Luke smiled happily but then focused back to the present after briefly remembering his fantasy of Erin’s massages turning erotic.  This was no time to be having daydreams; there would be time for that later, and he may need to respond to an emergency just around the corner.

The sounds grew more distinct as he came closer to the rocky outcropping.  Looking back, he could barely see the main pathway but was surprised to see he had been following a poorly worn trail where he had been stepping.  This reassured him that perhaps whatever he would find around the corner had been intentional.  He paused momentarily to listen again and could definitely discern moaning and an odd sound like repeated suction that he recognized but couldn’t quite place in the mountain context.  Luke started again, seeing clearly now that the narrow pathway led around the tall rocks.

The small grouping of six or eight irregularly shaped red rocks loomed above the small trail and Luke could now perceive that they formed a kind of semi-circle.  They provided some privacy on the mountainside, otherwise covered only in small bushes and shrubs.  It occurred to Luke that the outcropping would be a perfect place for an injured hiker to take shelter overnight, but also that it was ideal for a teenage party away from watchful eyes of adults.  He looked around but did not see any evidence of parties; there were no beer bottles or spray paint, or other evidence of people.  It seemed to be a place wholly set aside in nature, ready to fill the primal needs of humans in privacy and protection.

Luke slowed his pace as he neared the red, rounded edge of the largest boulder, suddenly second-guessing himself.  Perhaps whatever was happening here was private, or some kids pulling a prank.  The moaning sound was louder now but did not sound painful.  In fact, Luke could distinguish two sets of moaning sounds now; one was a higher pitch and one lower.  One last glance back toward the main trail, some ways in the distance now, assured him that he was too far in to turn back now.  Besides, he may be the only help to someone in distress.

Cautiously, Luke peered around the edge of the nearest boulder and took in the scene in one quick glance before he quickly pulled back around the corner to collect his thoughts.  He saw that the rocks formed a nearly perfect alcove of privacy with a large flat slab of limestone for a smooth floor.  The crystals in the variegated rock walls of the small grotto shimmered in the morning sun like a natural disco ball on the side of Mount Baldy.  A man and a woman were in the center of the rocky semi-circle.  They were both naked except for brown hiking boots and crew-length hiking socks.  The muscular man was facing Luke’s direction, but a flat-billed hat shielded his face from Luke’s view.  He was tan with wide shoulders and six-pack abs that were visible above the woman’s blond hair.  The woman was kneeling in front of him, the soles of her boots visible below the curve of her pale ass and slender frame.  Her head bobbed back and forth in what could only be an intense blowjob, and they were both moaning and grunting loudly. 

Luke’s short glimpse of the scene revealed there was no danger here of a stranded hiker and that he was yet unseen.  His heart raced as he considered what to do.  For starters, Luke slid his phone back into his pocket.  Whatever was happening here did not require outside assistance or a 911 call.  His thoughts drifted back to his conversation with Erin that morning over breakfast.  How often would he have a chance encounter like this?  He was obviously intruding on another couple’s intentional private mountain fantasy.  They clearly wanted to be alone.  Yet, if that were true, they could have stayed home or chosen somewhere less public.  Part of the thrill for them must be to be in public, where someone like Luke might find them. 

Luke wondered if they might want to be watched.  That must be true to some degree, he decided.  The thought of someone watching him with Erin was definitely arousing.  Fucking Erin in a place where they may be seen was super-hot to imagine.  It could be on a balcony, next to a curtainless window at night, on a beach, at a football game, or, like this, on a mountainside.  Sex with Erin was always fantastic, but the chance that someone might be watching and turned on by what they saw was incredibly stimulating.  Luke’s cock began to swell with the dual thoughts of Erin sucking on his cock in a public place and the brief mental image of this naked couple so nearby to him.  He decided to risk watching this couple some more and even to make himself known.

He boldly took a full step around the rock edge and tried his best to look casual by leaning his left shoulder against the warm rock wall.  His cock was fully erect now from watching this couple and imagining how sexy it would feel to be the couple.  It was straining against the fabric, tenting his shorts, and tensing in arousal.  Luke could take in more details now beyond his first glance, and he loved what he saw.

The woman was still intensely sucking on the man’s cock, her head and hand stroking and bobbing back and forth in time with the man’s hip thrusts.  The fingers of his right hand were interlaced into her blond hair, and he was gently but firmly guiding her movements as she sucked on his cock.  Luke couldn’t see their faces, but it was clear they were looking into each other’s eyes, and they both continued moaning with pleasure every few seconds with small encouraging grunts and phrases praising their lover’s actions. 

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The woman had an amazing back, which was something Luke always found really attractive.  She was petite with an exceptionally narrow waist, slender shoulders, and wide hips.  Her hourglass figure was accentuated by her kneeling position, and she maintained perfect posture as she slurped on her man’s cock.  Her hips were thrust back, and her perfect ass and bald pussy were like a magnet for Luke’s eyes.  Her naturally blond hair cascaded midway to her back and swished back and forth.  Luke could just perceive blond downy hair catching the morning sunlight on her arms as she stroked and sucked her man.

Even from Luke’s distant point of view, he could tell she was a talented cock sucker.  This blowjob must have been going on for quite some time, at least as long as Luke could hear them, and likely longer.  Luke caught a glimpse now and then of the guy’s long, thick cock when the woman paused for a moment, and it was definitely impressive.  It was at least long enough for the woman to have one hand around the base and to be stroking with her other hand while her mouth worked the tip.  Luke gawked when he saw her take the entire cock in her mouth all the way down his shaft; he couldn’t believe that the guy didn’t blow cum down her throat right then and there, yet they both persisted.

Luke was yet unnoticed and considered his options.  He could leave them to their happy fucking and go on with his hike.  He felt far too aroused to make that a real option.  He could stay silently where he was and watch this sexy couple, then slip away when they finished.  Or he could make himself known and take his chances that their aroused sex would continue.  Perhaps he was right in assuming they may want someone to watch them fucking; they may enjoy having an audience.  But then again, perhaps he would get his ass kicked for interrupting their privacy.

He decided to take a chance and loudly cleared his throat.  He was surprised when they both glanced in his direction, but he was stunned when the girl kept on stroking her man’s cock.  With her hand still on her man’s large erection, she looked hungrily first into Luke’s eyes and then to his crotch.  She noticed his tented shorts immediately and bit her lower lip then looked back to Luke’s face.  With her eyes locked on Luke’s, she slowly leaned back toward her man and licked the tip of his cock.  She reached with her unemployed hand and grabbed her own ass, pulling her cheek aside enough for Luke to glimpse her pink pussy lips part slightly. 

Luke was shocked and looked back to the guy to see if he was about to get assaulted.  Quite the opposite was true.  The guy gave Luke an upward nod of his chin and raised his eyebrows as if to say “What’s up, bro?  This is pretty hot, right?”  Then he smiled and shifted his focus back again to his own cock.  The girl kept her gaze locked on Luke but began licking her man again and pumping his shaft.  She smiled between licks and moaned in obvious pleasure.  She pumped harder, and Luke could see the guy tensing in delight.  Luke knew he was getting close to blowing his load, and the girl increased her intensity, all the while keeping her eyes on Luke. 

Just when her man was ready to cum, she abruptly let go and stood up.  The guy’s head went back in frustration and pleasure; he was obviously enjoying the feeling of being on the edge.  Luke noticed their height difference for the first time.  She was much shorter than her man and only came up to his shoulder.  Her petite frame made his build seem larger, although he was about average height, the same as Luke.  She was fit and had great legs and a skinny waist with just a hint of abs.  She turned back toward her guy and whispered in his ear.  He nodded emphatically, then smiled toward Luke.  She turned back to face Luke and slowly bent at the waist, pushing her ass back toward her guy.  He grabbed her hips, and Luke watched the girl’s eyes roll back in her head. Then she closed her eyes as her muscular man rammed his cock into her wet cunt. 

Several thrusts later, she opened her eyes again to look back to Luke.  He realized his mouth was agape, and he must have looked rather stupid.  Nonetheless, the girl was obviously getting off on being watched.  She kept her gaze steady on Luke’s green eyes as her man pounded her pussy again and again.  She was gasping now and instinctively reached her hand between her legs to finger her clit while she was fucked like a sex toy.  Her breaths were coming faster, and the guy, already on edge from the blowjob, closed his eyes tightly, trying to hold back his orgasm.  Luke knew the feeling well of wanting moments like these to last.

Luke was still leaning against the rock with feigned casualness, pretending it was an everyday occurrence to stumble across such an amazing and intimate moment.  He felt privileged just to be observing.  However, the couple had bigger plans for him.

As the fucking continued and the guy was trying not to explode, the girl reached a slender arm in Luke’s direction and gave the universal finger curl indicating she wanted Luke to come closer. 

“Come here, sugar,” she panted with a slight Southern accent.  She had to repeat the gesture several times between grunts and moans of pleasure, her other hand still rubbing her clit before Luke understood she was talking to him.  She wanted Luke to join in on the action!

Watching was one thing, but joining in the fun was entirely different.  Luke thought back to his morning conversation with Erin and their agreement to open their relationship to new sexual experiences outside of their marriage.  He never expected his opportunity to come so soon.  As usual, Luke overthought it for several long seconds.  Ultimately, though, he was far too turned on for logic and deliberation. 

Luke sauntered over to the couple as cool as he could muster.  He was sure it looked more like a bumble than a swagger.  The guy kept on banging away as Luke approached. 

“That’s it, honey,” she said, “join us, please.  I want to feel both of you inside me, and I want your hot cum!”  The petite blond reached out both hands when Luke was close enough and pulled off his shorts skillfully, especially considering the aggressive pounding she was taking.  She was bent at the waist and was short enough to lower her warm mouth onto Luke’s throbbing hard cock without trouble.  She began to suck and stroke him while being fucked from behind.  The rocking motion of the pussy pounding pushed Luke deep into her mouth with each thrust.  Luke felt every muscle in his body – and especially his cock – tense with pleasure.  He instinctively slid his hands into her blond hair as the boyfriend had done moments before and helped to guide her moist mouth up and down his throbbing erection.  Luke’s eyes traveled down her sexy tan back to her small waist and flared hips.  He could see the other guy’s long shaft pumping in and out, the girl’s pussy lips seeming to suck him in deeper with each thrust. 

Luke looked up to see the boyfriend smiling at him.  Between pumps, the guy gave Luke a raised eyebrow as if to say, “Isn’t this amazing?”  Luke never imagined a threesome like this before and had to admit it was amazingly fun.  He knew the girl must be loving so much attention focused on her sexy body.

Both Luke and the boyfriend felt their urge to orgasm magically subsiding in a wave of endurance.  The girl did not, however, and came abruptly in a body-shaking orgasm that lasted for seemingly several minutes with her mouth and pussy both full of cock.  Luke and the other guy exchanged satisfying smiles as if to silently say, “Oh, yeah, we did that,” while the girl’s pleasure slowly subsided.  She looked anything but finished, though, even after such an intense orgasm.

The girl gracefully disentangled herself from the two men and turned around toward her man.  He bent slightly so she could whisper in his ear for a moment and again gave an enthusiastic nod.  Luke wondered briefly if he had worn out his welcome but was surprised when the girl took a few steps to the side toward a waist-high flat rock and laid down on her back then spread her legs in Luke’s direction. 

Luke was amazed at the sight of her pussy, spread open and swollen in arousal and glistening in moisture.  She had a small triangle of trim dark brown hair just above the hood of her clitoris, pointing the way toward pleasure and betraying that the carpet did not match the drapes.  She again locked eyes with Luke and beckoned him toward her with a hungry look that gave no room for misunderstanding.

“Come here, baby,” she said hungrily.  “I want you to fuck me while my man watches you.”

Luke’s erection begged him toward her, but his mind made him look toward the fit man to his right.  The muscular guy gave Luke another brief upward nod of his head with a grin, wordlessly indicating his approval of the girl’s invitation.  Luke couldn’t quite believe his luck at stumbling upon this sexy couple’s fun time on the mountain and thanked the universe for the chance. 

The reflected light from the rock crystals shimmered on Luke’s fit body as he surveyed the glorious scene before him.  The light also played against the fit woman’s round tits, tight belly, and short, muscular legs as Luke approached her sex.  Her labia glistened in the warm sunlight and folded outward slightly, revealing the puckered opening for his cock.  Her clitoris was swollen and protruded out from under its hood slightly, also wet from her orgasm juices and looking as hungry for attention as her beautiful face. 

Luke held the base of his cock in his right hand as he gripped the woman’s hip with his left.  He slid his erection forward and backward against the woman’s swollen clit, evoking moans of pleasure from her, before burying his cock deep inside of her warm cunt, readied by her man’s cock moments before.  She tossed her head back and let out a guttural moan as Luke began thrusting his cock all the way to the base again and again, gripping her hips now with both hands for leverage and depth.  Luke’s balls tensed again in ecstasy, and he had to will himself to stop from shooting his cum deep inside this petite blond. 

Luke glanced worriedly toward the boyfriend as he fucked this small beauty but was quickly reassured that all was okay.  The guy was clearly turned on by what he saw and was positioning himself near the woman’s face and was too busy pumping his cock to be bothered by Luke’s actions.  The woman alternated her attention between locking eyes with Luke as he thrust into her again and again and staring at her man masturbating inches from her face.  She was simultaneously turning on two gorgeous men and was loving all the attention she was getting.

Luke could feel his thrusts eliciting a bucking response from the woman’s hips as she neared orgasm again, already heightened by the fucking she’d received from her boyfriend moments before.  He could feel himself also approaching climax and tried to hold back to let the moment last.  The woman gave out before he did and began moaning loudly as she came hard on Luke’s rock-hard dick, spasming and clamping down Luke’s cock as visible waves of pleasure swept over her. 

When her moaning subsided, she immediately slid away from Luke and knelt between the two men.  Her eyes beckoned them toward her.  Both men obliged by bringing their cocks right in front of her face, and they both stroked their cocks with intensity.  Her gaze shifted between the two cocks at eye level and looking into the eyes of her lovers.  Moments later, it was more than either man could handle.  The woman reached up and around to the small of the back of each man and pulled them closer to her as they simultaneously erupted spurts of cum into her open mouth and onto her neck, shoulders, and round tits.  She was covered in cum from her face to her chest when they were done, and she smiled first at her man and then at Luke.  With a manicured finger, she reached up to scoop some cum from her chin and licked it slowly, savoring the taste. 

Luke sighed heavily and contentedly as he came down from his intense orgasm.  His fear of jealousy or anger at his intrusion into the couple’s private moment was completely gone.  He felt only a strong satisfaction at his first threesome and foray into an open marriage.  He knew Erin would be so turned on to hear about the details of his morning hike.

The couple was likewise extremely pleased with themselves.  Although neither had bargained on a threesome when they set out that morning, they were both ridiculously turned on by the addition of another man to their morning fun.  The boyfriend, smiling like a kid in a candy store, reached out to fist bump their newfound fuck buddy, which Luke returned without irony, and the petite girl smiled playfully up at them both. 

“So, maybe I can get your numbers and go hiking with you again sometime,” Luke offered, hoping they may be into it.

“Absolutely, bro!” the boyfriend said emphatically.

Written by 2koots
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