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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 31
0 miles · Berlin



Indefinite Devotion

Alan is desperate to persuade his highschool crush to stay with him.

On their third date, Alan took Meredith to the fanciest restaurant he knew, a steakhouse best known for its long waiting list and outrageous prices. He liked good food as much as anyone and appreciated most wines, but he wasn’t any kind of expert when it...

Honey, I'm Home

A brat begs to be put in her place

Jenny checked her phone. Fifteen minutes until Linda got off work. The sun had started to set outside, and Jenny’s eyes were getting tired from reading. It was time. She put her book on the coffee table and pulled an unassuming black travel bag out from u...

Saving Water

A bit of good, clean fun.

Bright sunlight flooded the living room, but Josh was glad to be out of the searing heat, and reunited with the air conditioning. Panting heavily he leant on the leather sofa, and dutifully stretched his legs. The muscles in his thighs continued to burn,...

Training Master

Kimiko welcomes a new suitor into her world of kink.

Up high on the topmost apartment's balcony, Tadao has a great view of the impressive skyline. His hands drum on the railing, and he enjoys the cool night air. The glass doors slide open silently.'Thank you for walking me home,' Kimiko says, and comes clos...

Of Gods and Love

The princess Deianira is abducted by a great and terrible river god.

The river runs strong and free, carving out rock and the very earth, forever shaping the land.The surface broke, and the king of the river rose with a mighty splash to greet the humanoid figure that was approaching the river.'Welcome, boy,' Achelous said,...