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"Clare" - Chapter 15 - "A Future Understanding"

"Brenda opens up about her life to Clare..."

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Author's Notes

"Because of its length, I did think very hard about splitting this chapter into two, but in the end, I didn't. But this chapter is an important one, as we learn a lot more about Brenda and what makes her tick. <p> [ADVERT] </p>On the story timeline, this chapter co-insides with Book 3 – Crete - Chapter 6:- “The Morning After to Chapter 8:- “You Cannot Judge People by their First Appearances.”"

I was in Brenda’s dressing room, staring into her full-length mirror. Noises were coming down the corridor from my girlfriend's kitchen. It was where a late breakfast was being eaten, but I was not ready to join them. There was too much merriment going on in there.

I needed to think about last night and what happened. There had been Rainbow’s, Brenda’s entertainment, the stage show, and my girlfriend sleeping with Jaz. But the thing that was eating into me was Brenda’s rejection. There simply had been no cuddles from her, no kisses and no sex.

Instead, I had been given away to Tina, a woman that she knew I wasn’t attracted to.

This morning, I had put my own clothes back on. They felt warm, snug, familiar, and, above all, reassuring. The clothes my girlfriend had given me to wear were now piled neatly on the side. All traces of Brenda had been removed, with one exception…

Around my right ankle was a silver anklet which had three women’s names on it: Brenda on top, Clare in the middle, and Karen on the bottom. This piece of jewellery had been given to me by Brenda, so technically, I now owned it. However, I wondered how long the two names that sandwiched mine would be staying there. After this week, I just didn’t know.

As I took in my clothed body, I asked myself, had last night been too much? Then I whispered to myself what was really bothering me, “Why had I been rejected?”

With an uncertain sigh, I walked through to Brenda’s bedroom, the walls there a deep red. I wanted to look once again at the eighteen photos that lined the room. These were my girlfriend’s collection, all black and white, full-frontal nudes. Each one showed a former official girlfriend of Brenda’s.

My photo was there, it was the last in the line, the eighteenth, and once again I wondered if that was my true position. No one would want to see me, not after seeing the other seventeen beautiful girls that came before me.

I thought back. I hadn’t been bothered by what happened at Rainbows, nor the kinky stage sex that followed. Maybe I had been irritated by being expected to perform, but beyond that… Well, it had been fun, exciting, and even perverted. It had also been good to have sex again with Jaz.

The things I did last night were not actions that I regretted. However, if I did it again, it would be on my terms, with no stage and no audience. Well, unless I wanted an audience to be there.

But then I came to the part of the night with which I struggled the most: Brenda’s rejection. There had been no goodnight kisses, no cuddles, or whispers telling me how lovely I was, or how beautiful. There was just nothing other than my girlfriend leading Jaz to her bedroom and being palmed off to her best friend in a surreptitious swap.

There I was in the photo, smiling. Then, just beyond my picture, an empty wall space just waiting to be filled with the next girl, my replacement. She would be number nineteen. I could already imagine a photo of a beautiful naked girl smiling there.

Then, to the right of my photo, was Brenda’s last girlfriend, Mia. She had not lasted long, and I wondered if I was going to last any longer than her.

With one last sweep of the room, I walked to the kitchen to join the merriment and have a late breakfast. But afterwards, I had vowed, there would be a long talk with my girlfriend. She needed to know that I was far from happy.


With Paula, Tina, and Jaz leaving us, Brenda turned to me. She knew something wasn’t right, though nothing had been said.

“Let me show you these.” She briefly disappeared into her bedroom before returning with two pairs of jeans. They were blue but cut differently from the skinny jeans I was wearing. At first glance, it seemed they didn’t come high enough to cover my pussy, especially if I regrew my pubic hair.

“These are low-rise skinny jeans. They are meant to be the next big thing, and part of the collection of the clothes I am shooting next week in Madrid.”

I almost grinned, as I thought it would be funny to see my girlfriend try to wear them. Get her mass of black pubic hair and fake cock into them. 

Brenda held them up and then hesitated. “Look, I know I make a lousy girlfriend. Since Hugo, I have never been any good with relationships. ” She abruptly stopped speaking, as if that explained everything, before going back to talking about the jeans and then asking me if I was interested in trying a pair on.

I wasn’t, not today. I looked at the clock; it was nudging midday, and the weather outside was sunny and warm.

“Let’s go out for a walk,” I suggested. I needed to get out of Brenda’s apartment almost as much as I needed to talk with my girlfriend.

“We need to talk about tomorrow… and other things,” I remarked offhandedly.

Brenda grabbed her car keys. She seemed worried, which surprised me.

We drove to a large National Trust property, and despite being only thirty minutes away, I had never visited it before. There was a large old-fashioned house and extensive ornate gardens to walk in. It was a perfect place to talk, as you could get lost within its grounds.

On the way, I wouldn’t say the atmosphere was frosty, but it was a little cool. Our conversation stilted, and my replies were often a little on the curt side. It was so different from how we had been last night in the back of Paula’s car as we drove to Rainbows. Then we snuggled up, kissed, and giggled.

After entering, I took Brenda’s hand, which I think surprised her, and we started walking in silence until we got to a large ornamental lake. It had an empty bench seat overlooking it, and I suggested it was a good place to take in the view.

“Do you know why I am upset?” That was my opening question, though as I asked it, I realised most of my morning uneasiness had dissipated.

"I'm sorry, Clare, I went too far. I shouldn’t have done what I did at Rainbows. Sometimes, I get a little excited. I forget we have not been together that long.”

It had been five weeks since we first met, and just over one since I had become Brenda’s official girlfriend. Strangely, in my head, I found myself agreeing with her. It did feel much longer.

“My dear, are you breaking up with me?” my girlfriend cautiously questioned.

I squeezed Brenda’s hand. “No, but we need to come to a future understanding.”

“Brenda, last night, I had a good time. I enjoyed Rainbows, even Hazel, though I am in no hurry to do it again. When we go out, I want to go out as a couple and not to be other people’s entertainment.” 

“So it wasn’t what happened at Rainbows?” my girlfriend questioned. She seemed surprised.

“No, and before you ask, it wasn’t the stage show. It was your rejection at the end of the night. You seemed to think you could palm me off to your best friend just so you could have sex with her girlfriend. That is never going to happen again if you want to stay with me.”

I briefly paused to let Brenda take in what I had just said. It was important, but I wasn’t finished, and I didn’t want her to break my flow.

“We need to discuss everything first. Our relationship has to be based on being equal. But it is always going to be my decision with whom I sleep with. Do you understand that?

Brenda looked at me in such a way I had the impression none of her previous girlfriends had ever said anything like that to her before.

I softened.

“Look, I just needed a cuddle. Didn’t you realise that, despite what happened earlier, all I wanted to do was snuggle up to you? I didn’t expect you to push me away so you could fuck Jaz.”

“Oh my,” Brenda exclaimed. “I didn’t know. I was just horny. It's not often I get a chance to fuck a pretty eighteen-year-old.”

“There is something else. Last college year, my life got a little out of hand, and I cannot make that mistake again. We need to dial it back, and, as I said before, I am not ready to jump into bed with just anybody. I have responsibilities now.”

As we sat there, I squeezed Brenda’s hand once again. It was an act of reassurance; I didn’t want to break up with her. I enjoyed her company and the sex we had together. That had been out of this world. But I had Karen to consider. What she had to say tomorrow would also reflect on what happened next.

I could never see my relationship with Brenda being any more than friends with benefits; I was pleased that was one of her soft rules. No love, just friendship and lots of sex.    

It was a while before my girlfriend spoke. “I didn’t realise. As I mentioned, I have never been good with relationships since Hugo, and as you know, that one fell apart.”

I noticed Brenda’s eyes seemed to drift across the water, they only came back into focus when I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

“Brenda, you are not the only one who had relationships fall apart. Though perhaps mine has been more my fault. But I do understand finding the right path is not easy. We need to find a way; remember, this is my first same-sex relationship, and I am very comfortable with it. I enjoy your company, and I enjoy the sex.”

“We can be good friends, have lots of sex, even kinky sex, and yes, sometimes I will want to be pushed into sexually experimenting, like collecting names, wearing a piece, or even Club OXO.”

Brenda interrupted me. “You liked wearing a piece?” She questioned, even though she already knew the answer, having been one of the first things she asked after my second date with Karen.

I rolled my eyes and just said, “Yes.” There were more important things to say.

“Other times, like the end of last night, I just wanted a cuddle and reassurance. It is part of any relationship, but to me, it is almost essential.” 

Brenda stared at me. She didn’t know. I looked down at my hands; I needed to find the right words.

“You know about my body confidence issues, which I feel I am almost over.” I paused as I had a thought. “Actually, now I think about it, last night and being hit on by all those lesbian ladies has helped; it was nice to feel wanted. But as I said, I didn’t like your rejection; you pushed me towards Tina. We should have talked about it first.”

 I tentatively smiled and then looked at Brenda. She weakly smiled in return, having been taking in my every word.

“You will need to know my full sexual history to understand, and I come to that. But in short, somewhere inside me lurks the desire to be self-destructive, and this urge bubbles up occasionally, especially when I feel rejected.”

I paused and squeezed Brenda’s hand again.

“It's not anything physical. I don’t self-harm, but I do start having irrational sexual urges. Things like flushing your birth control pills down the toilet and then having sex knowing you could get pregnant. Maybe it is okay if you are married and in a loving relationship, but it is not so clever when you are eighteen and are cheating behind your boyfriend's back with a married man. When I think about it… It is not clever at all.

“These destructive urges are something I am still learning to control. David has helped; he gives me stability. Though, I do not want to stop it completely. It is part of me; I like sex and doing kinky but not foolish things. I just needed to make you aware that as long as we are together, I will always need your support and, above all, a cuddle from you at the end of the night.”

“Oh, I have never been asked that before; a cuddle at the end of the night?”

“Yes, and we need to discuss beforehand if you want me to have sex with someone. I expect full disclosure and the final say. No surprises like Tina last night.”

Brenda nodded. Then asked a typical Brenda question, “Would you fuck Tina again if I asked you to do it?”

“Probably,” I said. “She was very good in bed, but it will depend on what Karen says tomorrow. I am going to tell her that I am with you, Brenda, that I am not interested in a monogamous relationship for the foreseeable future.”

Brenda grinned, and I pulled my trouser leg up to show her the silver three-named anklet.

“If Karen’s name is going to remain on here, it will be up to her. I do not deny that I want her to carry on being my other girlfriend. But I know if I ever have a monogamous relationship in the future, it will be with a man… Does that shock you, Brenda?”

“Not at all, my dear,” my girlfriend replied, sounding very much like her old self.

“Hugo was the only monogamous relationship I have ever had.”

We both chuckled, all tension long gone. I had made my decision. It would have to be seen if Brenda could both adapt and accept that any ongoing relationship would have to be on more equal terms.

With the sun high above us, we found the National Trust tearoom and had a coffee and a slice of cake. While we were sitting there, for the second time in my life, I quietly recounted my full life story. I concentrated on my sexual history, and just like when I told the same story to David, I found telling it very therapeutic.

However, with Brenda, I told her the extra bits. This included what happened earlier this year. I had always considered those six months as my dark days. It had started with my cheating and affair with John and only ended when I met David in Majorca. For me, it was important to make sure my girlfriend knew that I had always been promiscuous, and this wasn't just a new fad since I met her.

I finished my story with, “So, now you know all about me, and you now know that I am not so special after all.”

“Clare, you are special. I have never understood why you don’t see it.”

Special,” I dismissed with a shrug. “Yes, I know I am special, you told me. It is because I can’t keep my legs together or the fact that I can put my ankles behind my head.”

Really!” my girlfriend exclaimed. It had been an involuntary reaction.

I hadn’t told Brenda or David that I had that ability, being very flexible; it was one of the things that had helped me with my dancing.

It was at this point we left the tearoom, our chuckles having already turned a few heads. I guess most of the customers thought it was mother and daughter, not girlfriends, one with a silicon cock and the other with a wanton bald pussy.

We decided to walk the loop around the large lake; afterwards, we were going to view the house. Brenda told me that she had been here only once before. It had been long ago with Hugo, as he also enjoyed history and the arts.

As we walked, I reminded Brenda of my decision to see her as my main girlfriend, but I wanted to carry on dating Karen without interference from her. I explained once again that while this was my wish, I did understand that Karen may have other ideas.

I also added that I accepted that Brenda sometimes couldn’t help herself from interfering, but if she did, it would be nice if she asked me first.

We reached the end of the lake; it was directly opposite to where we had been sitting before. Well away from the stately home, and there were fewer people here. We took a path off the beaten track and found a hidden stone grotto. It had a seat underneath and another one on top, which was only reachable by a spiral staircase that wrapped itself around the structure. We chose the roof seat, both for the view and extra privacy.

There we snuggled up, just like I had wanted to do last night, and my hand, as it often did, came to rest on Brenda’s fake cock.

“You know, my dear, I used to own a sailing boat. It could sleep twelve and had a crew of two.”

“Isn’t that a ship?” I questioned, not knowing.

Brenda chuckled.

“But why did you get rid of it?” I then asked, my hand now gently brushing her piece, my mind wondering why she wore it. I wanted to ask her.

“The sailing boat was my father's. I have never told you my background, have I?”

I didn’t answer. I just let Brenda carry on.

“My father came from money; he was a Scottish Laird and had a large estate to go with the title. Technically, I still own it, but my father gave it all up to live down here with my mother. He legally protected the estate and then handed it over to the local community. As you might have guessed, I don’t use my title.”

“Title,” I questioned; this was all news to me.

Brenda chuckled. “Yes, I am officially a Lady.”

She then told me she was Lady - with the estate's name after it.

“But I have never used it, though it does come up occasionally in the press. As you know, I am only half Scottish, and I have never lived up there. Though I do know the estate has a very nice whisky distillery. They always send me a full crate every Christmas.”

The irony of Brenda wearing a fake cock and being officially a Lady was not lost on me. I kept quiet.

Brenda went on to explain about her life, much of which I already knew. There was Hugo, her marriage to him, and their long separation, which only started when her husband came out as gay. Just like the first time she told me, her voice wavered. It was clear to me that Brenda still had affection for him. I guessed that was part of the reason that they were still in business together.

“That was the hardest time of my life, splitting up from Hugo,” she stated.

Brenda reminded me that they were technically still married as they had never divorced, and not many people knew that. It was something she would prefer to stay that way. A family walked past; the mother was pushing a pushchair. Brenda watched them and then said something more profound, as it could be a little more relevant to me.

“My dear, I never got over that, as I wanted children. With no Hugo, there were never going to be any little ones.”

She turned to me.

“It is partly why these days I donate to children’s charities, but if you ask me if I could do something again in my life, I would have got myself pregnant with my husband. I have never told anyone that, not even Paula.”

She then added. “Does that make you feel more equal?”

“Yes,” I replied without thinking. I then said something I had been thinking about but dared not mention to anyone until now.

“Brenda, I want children. By my age, my mum already had me and my sister. The thing is, I sometimes worry that living in a same-sex relationship and having children might not work. Do you know anyone who is a lesbian and has raised a family?”

“That is an intriguing question, my dear. Do you think you are a lesbian?”

I smiled. Typical Brenda, I thought. She was more interested in my sexuality. So, I took my time before answering my girlfriend’s question.

“The simple answer is no, but it is kind of fluid. I want to be with David, but he has Sarah. His only suggestion for the future is for all of us to live together in a three-way relationship. He has also told me that he will never leave Sarah. He is there to support her and if they ever split up, it would have to be her leaving him.”

Brenda knew the first part but didn’t know that David had told me he would never leave Sarah. I knew the reasons why, but I wasn’t going to share them with my girlfriend. It would have to come from Sarah herself as it was too personal.  

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I continued…

“I am not ruling out what David suggested as I kind of like the idea, but practically, it could be a disaster. It has been surprising Sarah has put up with me short-term, and I just cannot see that happening years into the future. She is different from me, harder to read, and there is David… a man that often thinks with his cock.”

My girlfriend started chuckling. “Not much different to you then, as you often think with your cunt!”

I gently nudged Brenda, though I knew she was right!

“What I was going to say is, while it is possible, I could end up living in a three-way relationship. It is probably unlikely. That means it will be David and me or David and Sarah…”  

“Or you and Sarah?” Brenda injected. “I have seen the way you look at her.”

I smiled, though I could also feel myself blushing.

“Brenda, she is attractive. As you well know, she could be a model, and that is why I look at her. As for her sexuality, she might be bisexual. She told me it is something she is currently wrestling with. You have to remember, in comparison to me, Sarah has lived a sheltered life, and her life experiences are very different to mine.”

I then added, “She needs time to make her mind up as to what she wants in life.” Before coming back to my original question, “Do you know anyone who is a lesbian and has also brought up children? I only ask, partially out of curiosity and partially in case I decide to stay in a same-sex relationship.”

This time, it didn’t take Brenda long to answer.

“Though none of my close friends have children, I do know several ladies who now live in all-female relationships with kids. Most were married first, though I do know one couple who is trying to adopt. That is not so easy.”

Brenda then chuckled.

“Clare, if I were you, I wouldn’t concern yourself about it. Anyone who doesn’t mind having sex with men, especially if they can put their ankles behind their head, will have no issue in getting pregnant.”

“It has got to be the right man,” I said. Though I knew, on one level, my girlfriend was right.

Brenda shrugged and looked back out at the water. I knew she wasn’t thinking about that twelve-man ship.

She then said, “With Hugo, I found the right man, but when I was ready to have a family… Well, you know, by then, our minds might have been still married, but physically, not so much.”

I hugged Brenda, and we kissed, our tongues finding each other’s. I sensed we both needed this renewed connection, even if we were in public, though well hidden behind the wall of the grotto.

“Now, where was I with my story?” Brenda questioned as she took out her packet of cigarettes and offered me one. I took it without thinking, and we lit up.

“I know I told you this, Clare, but it was only a few months after Hugo left me that I started realising that he was not the only one who was gay. It was not like a switch. I didn’t suddenly wake up feeling different or say to myself from now on, I'm only going to date women.”

“When I think back, I guess the seeds were sown at my all-girls boarding school. However, nothing happened to me there as I was already into Hugo. But we all knew things had happened there. When I left at eighteen, I was more aware of what lesbian sex offered than anything heterosexual. We just didn’t have any experience with boys. ”

“I guess I should tell you about my first sexual experience with another woman. It happened around two years after our separation. It was with a lady called Jean. Then, she was a lawyer working in the fashion industry, and I met her on a shoot. We were briefly lovers.”

“Our relationship developed into friendship and later business partners. She was very important to me and my wealth. Jean had a good eye on how to make money work for you. She used to do all my legal work until five years ago when she retired to Spain, and Kate took over.”

Brenda went on to tell me that with Jean's help, she grew her companies. She explained to me, sometimes using colourful language, how with guidance, she invested a good portion of her disposable wealth.

One of the first things was the city photography studios, which were developed and then expanded to become the film studios that they are today. But there were lots of other properties she owned, including the block where The Rainbow Bar is located. That surprised me.

Brenda told me that things are different today. When she was first aware she was a lesbian, she realised how difficult it could be to meet women of a similar sexuality. It is why she has secretly supported businesses within the gay quarter. She chuckled as she told me the tendency agreements are written in such a way that it makes a business like Rainbows very viable, providing they attract the right type of clientele.         

“But of course, no one there knows I own the building. They just think I am just another regular dyke customer. I like the fact that, until now, no one outside my business circle knows that, not even Tina. So, Clare, you are now sworn to secrecy.”

I promised to keep my mouth shut.

Brenda carried on; she seemed to be on a roll. She told me about some of the businesses she owned, about stocks and shares. With every word she said, I began to understand my girlfriend and realise that she was super rich.

“When I met Jean, I was lucky,” Brenda said. “As I mentioned, her eye for business grew what I had into a fucking fortune. So yes, I am very wealthy, but I prefer to live as a real person and just work as a fashion photographer. You saw the Brenda Ltd board members. They head up my business empire, and there are several layers beneath them, but very few have met me.”  

“But it comes with many problems.” Brenda stopped and looked at me, our cigarettes long ago extinguished. “In case you don’t know, I am telling you all this as I am trying to treat you more equally, as per your request. I also sense, like me, that you are only interested in having a good time together and not because I have money.”

My girlfriend sighed, “Paula will tell you this. She often looks out for me. But it is true to say some of my other girlfriends were not that interested in me as a person. They only saw the money.”

“To sum up, if you have ever watched the TV show ‘Hart to Hart,’ then you know how I live my life, though with more fun, a lot more fucking, and certainly no crime fighting.”

I chuckled. I knew what my wealthy girlfriend meant, and I kissed her.

“Brenda, I can assure you that I don’t care about your money. I want to make my own way in life, hence the need to concentrate this year on my college.” I hesitated, then said, “Though I guess it is nice to be rich, my family has always been more the opposite.”  

“I know no different, my dear. I was born into extremely wealthy parents. My mother's family was well-off too. But a clever girl like you would know that I go out of my way to keep my wealth and most of my love life out of the papers. So don’t go telling anyone.”

Once again, I promised that I wouldn’t.

“I want our relationship to be built on friendship and fucking,” I stated. “With the realisation that one day I will find a partner to have a family with. Maybe then there will not be any sex, but I still want us to be friends.”

“No sex?” Brenda questioned.

I grinned. “We will have to wait and see.”

I swung my legs over Brenda’s, my action catching her a little by surprise. I wanted to face her with my legs now spread, one on either side of her.

“There is something else you need to know now we are more equal. I like being fingered. Just like you did to me on the night we met.”

I then undid my jeans button and slid down the zip.

“Maybe those low-waist jeans would be better for this, but I want you to bring me off with your fingers, right here, right now.”

Brenda looked around. She was unsure. So I put my mouth to her ear and whispered. “If you do this for me, I will do something in return for you.”

My girlfriend's eyes widened as I pulled my jeans further down. I was aware of the warm sun now on my bottom.

“If you make me cum, I let you take photos of me on my own, peeing. I know it's your thing.”

“Oh my,” Brenda grinned. 

Her hands went between my legs. I started kissing her. Our actions were quick and urgent. I wanted to push my girlfriend. I wanted us to press each other’s sexual buttons. We needed this type of sexual bonding for our relationship to work. 

One, two, three fingers slipped into me. My pussy was already awash in anticipation of this risky sex. I pressed down and started to wriggle as I rode my girlfriend’s digits. It was the second time I had sex that day, but my body was now used to daily fucking. It was demanding it.

It was all over in a few minutes. Me grinding on my girlfriend’s fingers, my cum enough to satisfy my lust and to make a point to Brenda. She withdrew her hand, and I licked a few fingers before pushing her hand towards her mouth. She followed my example; we were equal.

“I don’t taste too bad, do I?” I questioned as I climbed off her lap and made myself decent.

“Sometimes I think you have forgotten what it is like to have a true lesbian relationship. It doesn’t always have to be about this.” I touched Brenda’s piece.

I knew this interchange would get my girlfriend thinking, as she liked being in control, and now I was challenging her, making things more equal.

“Why do you wear it all the time?” I asked, knowing I was literally touching the core of Brenda’s sexuality.

She looked horrified that I had asked such a question. But I needed to know.

“Look,” I said. “I know this is very personal and probably harder to say than all the other things you have told me today. But if you expect me to wear one in public, I need to understand the reasoning why.” I then added, “I do get why wearing one in the bedroom can be fun!”

There was silence. Brenda’s eyes were boring into me, but I held my ground. We were now more equal, and I suspected when my girlfriend came around and told me. She would find it therapeutic, just like I had when I confessed my own issues.

“Clare, I am not the only woman who wears one, as you know, but I accept it is not common.”

“Don’t worry, Brenda, I like it. It sort of suits you, and I wouldn’t want you to change. I am just trying to understand, that’s all.” I paused. I knew I needed to give something to Brenda for her to open up about her fake cock. So I added, “I am going to tell you more about my experience, as I think that might help.”

“I like to hear that, my dear.”

“We have to remember that I had never worn a strap-on until Wednesday night, and you were there when I put it on. At first, it felt strange and unfamiliar. But by the meal with Karen, I sort of had forgotten I was wearing it.” Brenda smiled. “Up until that point, it almost felt like I was acting a part in a play, and that is what I am going to tell David when he asks.”

“You are telling David?” Brenda chuckled. It seemed to me that my confession was warming her to tell hers.

“Yes, he is just like you,” I replied. “He knows I am promiscuous, though he calls it being sensual, and he wants to know everything about my sex life. It was his one condition when I insisted that we could only have an open relationship because I wanted to explore my sexuality.”

“But as I said, that meal was a defining point, which was helped by Karen liking the fact that I had chosen to wear a strap-on and trousers just for her.”

We both chuckled as we both knew that had been Brenda’s idea.

“Anyway, by the time we were at ‘Club o-X-o’ in those black spangled shorts with the huge zip. Well, by then I honestly believe I had started to think differently. My pussy was creaming when I watched one of the hosts walking in front of me. You know, the way she walked, her bottom…”

I stopped. I had been thinking of Millie.

“And, then later, when we were both watching the blonde pole dancer…”

There was a chuckle, “A Blonde?”

“Oh, shut up,” I playfully interrupted before Brenda could say anything more. She seemed to know I had a thing for blondes, though even in this confessional mood, there was no way I would ever admit to it.

“Anyway, Karen caught me looking and don’t forget, you still got to tell me why you always wear a piece.”

That comment seemed to stop my girlfriend’s chuckle. I smiled. We were equal.

“The thing that surprised me was Karen. She was quite happy if I dressed like that and went out with her. She even got off on it by lap-dancing and using my erect plastic cock as a prop when she rubbed herself on it. I told you that, but as she did that, all I could think was to slip between her legs and fuck her. I felt assertive.”

“Clare, my dear, you know I have always thought you could switch roles in a lesbian relationship. I mean, in a way, I have done just that, I was happy being Hugo’s wife, and now I am happy being a bull dyke.”

“Brenda, you should say a bull lesbian. It is 1987. These days, the term dyke is becoming a little old-fashioned, even derogatory.”

“Well, I am fucking old-fashioned.”      

“You're not fucking old-fashioned at all,” I stated, which brought two smiles.

“To sum up, in the right circumstances, I would wear one again in public and probably enjoy the knowledge that I have a fake cock strapped between my legs. It won’t be often; it's not really me. But I do like the thought of using a strap-on in the bedroom.” I smiled. “It is with that in mind that I'm planning to borrow the one I have and play with it and get to know it. If I see Jaz, then I am planning to fuck her with it. I want it to be with her the first time I use it.”

Brenda laughed.

So, I quickly added, “Unless you want to be my first.”

She stopped laughing, and I grinned. We both knew that was very unlikely to ever happen.

“I have not always worn a piece, you know. It first happened when I was with Paula. The idea came from her when we met another woman in a club wearing one. In those days, Paula was very submissive. You wouldn’t believe it now.”

I ran my hand between Brenda’s legs and touched it. “I quite like it, and I know it is now part of you, but don’t you miss wearing feminine clothes? I know if I wore one all the time, I miss wearing short dresses.”

Brenda chuckled, “I would miss you wearing short dresses too!”  

I giggled.

“Clare, you know it is part of me. So, you also know it is hard for me to explain. I could say it is my shield, that it gives me confidence, that I like fucking other women with it.” Brenda smiled. “You know that last one is true.”

I agreed, with my own smile.

“But it developed, and I guess that really started when, by chance, I got to know another bull lesbian…”

Brenda was waiting for me to acknowledge that she hadn’t used the word dyke. I smiled and nodded.

“Well, my dear, this bull lesbian wore one all the time. She put me in touch with the guy who makes them for me now, handcrafted, and from there, it snowballed. It became my thing. I had never been one to go down on a girl, but as you well know, I have always got off when fucking one.”

“So, there you have it, my dear. I wear one because it makes me feel comfortable, plus all the other things I have just mentioned. Plus, of course, I know I will always satisfy any girl who doesn’t mind being penetrated. That is why I prefer slutty, bisexual women just like you.”

I know I should not have, but I chuckled. I kissed Brenda despite the fact she had just called me slutty. It wasn’t such a polite term, but it was an accurate one, and I could live, especially when it came from her.

“I think we should do the other half of the lake walk if we're going to visit the house,” Brenda suggested.

She was right, and reluctantly, I got up. We had covered most of what I wanted to say, and I felt a good deal happier. We had a future understanding.

Tomorrow, I just hoped that Karen would not be too upset when I told her I was staying in a full-on relationship with Brenda, whatever happened. I hoped that she would be happy to be my second girlfriend and to wait to see where our relationship went. Brenda was not a threat. It wasn’t as if I was going to fall in love with her.

After our talk today, I certainly felt comfortable with that decision, but tomorrow was another day. For now, I was happy as we walked along the edge of the lake. Our conversation was now about mundane things, those small things that relationships are built on. It wasn’t until we turned the last lake corner and reached the seat which we used when we first arrived. There, I stopped and sat down on it. There was one more thing that I had to say, and this one was important, but not directly my girlfriend’s problem.

“Out of puff are we, my dear?”

Hardly, I thought, as I patted the seat beside me.

“Brenda, there is one more thing I want to say, and I think you will like this one. Our talk has got me thinking, as I now feel we are in a real relationship. We have set the ground rules, and I want to have fun, but there is one thing I need to do.”

My girlfriend seemed a little concerned.

“It’s a good thing, but I might need a bit of support from you and David after I have done it.”

Brenda still looked concerned.

“I am going to tell my mum about you. I might have to change the story a little, but I want my mum and dad to know I am in a relationship with a slightly older lady who lives on the hill. My mum was okay when I told her about Karen and my sister, Ella, already knows about you.”

Brenda smiled, and said, “I like the slightly.” Though she still had that concerned look and inside, I was just the same, but I dared not show it. So, I quickly added, “Come on, let’s go and see the Duke’s house, though I guess to you, it will be like visiting your old Scottish home.”

That did bring a chuckle from Brenda, and then she told me, using her normal course language.

Fuck no! … Our ancestral home is a castle!

I laughed. Typical of Brenda, I thought. It appeared I had undersold it.

The walk around the house was interesting and certainly an education for me. Brenda seemed to know everything about its history and, especially, its art. She talked about the paintings, and then about the people who painted them, like she was the curator.

It got to a point where I stopped her and asked, “You sure you have not been working here as one of the voluntary guides?”

My comment produced a beaming smile from my girlfriend.

“No, my dear, art and photography go hand in hand and I studied both at university. However, the truth is, I have never studied anything else. I have never had to.”

“Well, you can study my form when we get back,” I remarked, which brought a grin from both of us and perhaps shortened our stay at the Duke’s stately home.

We returned to Brenda’s apartment with thoughts of sex and a kinky photo shoot in our heads. But everything was put on hold when we answered the message which had been flashing on my girlfriend's telephone answering machine...

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Written by wxt55uk
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