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Blanche was quite surprised by the enthusiasm with which John took to his new status as her cuckold. Having been convinced that Tom was not a threat to his wife’s affection, he became the interlocutor for the threesome. He repeatedly marveled at her sexual awakening and told her often how much he loved sharing her with his friend.

Most evenings after their return from work, and while preparing and eating dinner, his main topic of conversation was sex involving the three of them. She sometimes wondered whether he would suggest that Tom move in with them. John even wanted to buy a king-sized bed so that he could spend the night with them. It was like having a second husband without getting rid of number one.

After the novelty of the extra-curricular sex began to wear off for her, Blanche would have been content with once per month with both of them.  She insisted that every week was too often for her to take on two horny men, and on weekdays she was too tired after work to do more than make dinner and watch a little TV.

Then, one Saturday night she was under Tom, his lovely cock pleasuring her in the missionary position; John had already licked her to an orgasm and then fucked her until he came in her pussy while Tom and she kissed.  After guiding Tom’s big cock head to her pussy opening, John left the room to refresh their drinks.

She and Tom liked to start slowly with long, gentle strokes until she was comfortable with his length. Then she wrapped her legs around his hips and used her heels to urge him on like a jockey. She whispered to him that her orgasm was approaching, so he speeded up and thrust firmly into her as it became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, Tom slumped onto her chest heavily and made a strange gasping noise. It took a moment for her to realize that something was wrong. She called his name without a response, panicking her. His eyelids fluttered but he couldn’t speak.

“John, call 911! I think Tom is having a heart attack!” she called out as she rolled him onto his back and listened for his breathing.”It’s OK, Tom, help is coming.” She hugged him and kept talking to him.

Before she knew it, the room was filled with firemen and EMT’s. She quickly jumped up and went to the bathroom for her robe, too concerned to be embarrassed by her nudity. She and John followed the ambulance to the emergency room but were not allowed to stay with Tom. After an overnight stay, he was sent home in the care of his son, whom they had called.

Blanche and John took over when the son had to go back to work, visiting him daily and bringing him food. But sex was out of the question until his condition was stable and secure. Sex at home also calmed down, more nearly like before Tom and Blanche connected.

Weeks later, after shopping for dinner one day, she decided to have a cup of coffee. She was waiting in line for her drink when a voice behind her said, “Hi there, Mrs. D. How are you?” She turned to look up at one of her son’s former school chums.

“Hello Jim, I’m fine. How are you? It’s been a long time.”

“I’m good. How is Mr. Adams doing? Is he out of the hospital yet?” Just then the barista called her name and his. “Let’s sit for a minute and catch up,” he suggested. They retired to a love seat that had just been vacated.

“He seems to be OK. We check on him regularly. How did you know Tom was ill?”

“Well, I was there when he had the attack; I’m an EMT now. I guess you didn’t recognize me with my mask on, and things were rather hectic for you at the time.” He chuckled, and Blanche’s face turned red as she recalled that night. She took a drink of her coffee to cover her embarrassment.

“You know,” Jim said, “a bunch of us were crushing on you for a long time. We learned the meaning of the term MILF because of you.” He placed his hand on her thigh, a little above her knee. It was warm and it sent a mini tremor through her body. “And I can see that you’ve still got it.”  He didn’t remove his hand.

Blanche’s brain was speeding. Jesus, he is the same age as my older son. He saw me naked last week and now he’s hitting on me. And it is giving me a thrill. Am I becoming a cougar for goodness sake? She looked down at his hand and then looked into his eyes. Damn, he’s good-looking. He didn’t remove his hand, in fact, he gently squeezed and rubbed toward the hem of her dress as they stared at each other.

“I have been thinking about you a lot since that night, with a predictable effect. I remember once seeing you in a bikini and masturbating to the memory several times. The other night brought it all back.”

“James, despite what you may think, I am a happily married woman, old enough to be your mother. As flattering as this is, I don’t think my husband would approve, and surely you have someone special in your life.” The heat from his hand seemed to have spread up to her pussy making it begin to moisten, and her nipples were very hard and begging to be touched. She had goose flesh on her thighs.

He looked briefly at her chest and smiled. Then he took one of her hands and placed it on his cock which was straining his slacks. “My apartment is right around the corner. We could show each other how this chance meeting is affecting us.”

“I have to go,” Blanche jumped up, spilling her coffee, practically ran out to her car, and started the engine. She was still sitting in the driver’s seat when Jim came out and slipped into the passenger side.

Why in hell hadn’t she put the car in gear and driven off? What was she supposed to do now?  He turned to her, put his hand behind her head, and kissed her on the mouth, a long kiss with lots of tongue pressing her lips until she opened her mouth and let it in. His hand cupped her breast, pinching the nipple. Without a conscious thought, her hand dropped to his crotch.

“What would your mother think if she knew what we were doing?” she asked once their mouths separated and her hand had left his cock.

“Come to my place and we can discuss it.” Jim tried to kiss her again but she turned her head and he kissed her ear.

“No. Now I really must go home, my husband is expecting me.” She patted his hard dick and reached the door handle. She hadn’t seen such a pout since her boys left home. “Maybe another time or place, but not here and not now. I know what you saw and you may think I’m a slut, but I don’t cheat on my husband. Goodbye, Jim.”

“OK, but you know where to find me if you change your mind.” He wrote his number on a napkin, got out of the car, and watched her drive away. As she approached home, she tried to think whether to tell John of the incident. How would he react? She decided that she should because they may be the talk of the station house.

“I chatted with one of Bob’s old school chums today. I’m not sure if you recall Jim. He used to moon around me a lot as a teenager; hormones I suppose. He came on to me at the coffee shop, and I have to say it was flattering. He kissed me in my car. A few months ago I would have slapped his face for his temerity, but the truth is I kissed him back.

“What brought that on?” John asked when she, rather casually mentioned the incident at dinner.

“He was one of the firemen on the 911 call for Tom. He figured out what was going on, and got the idea that I could be seduced. I wonder if his entire crew is gunning for me. “I am surprised at how much I was affected by it, my panties were damp when I got home. The idea of being seduced by a young stud kind of gets my juices going. Would you like to watch me being ravaged by his whole crew?”

She was teasing him; such a gang-bang would wreck her middle-aged body. But the image made her start to get wet again. Then John stood up and went to her side of the table, unzipping his pants as he approached, his very erect cock leading the way. She took it into her mouth and cupped his balls as she licked it. He reached under her skirt and placed his middle finger under the gusset of her panties, finding her wet pussy and erect clit.

“I love the image of you as the town slut, pulling a train of young firemen, but you might enjoy it too much. Then where would we be?”

Blanche took her mouth from his cock and looked him in the eye. “So I should stick to just him, you think?” She went back to stroking him. “I bet he can recover quickly. I could bring him off like this and then, after you lick my pussy and get it ready, you could fluff him and put him in to fuck me.”

“It sounds as if you would like to fuck this kid. Does he have a big cock?” John didn’t seem upset about the idea of Blanche having a little adventure.

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“I didn’t get to see it, but it seemed quite nice, and very enthusiastic. I did touch it through his jeans when he kissed me. I admit that I find him very attractive and the idea of making love to a handsome young guy is intriguing. He appears to have a dynamite body.

“Would you be upset if I got together with him one time? You know now that it’s only sex, and I will always come home to you.” John was silent for several seconds before responding.

“This seems like a logical next step for us; you becoming a true hot wife by sampling some strange cocks. Let’s see how it works out, shall we?” Blanche almost couldn’t believe her ears; John was giving her a hall pass. She went back to giving him head enthusiastically, bringing him off and swallowing his load of cum without losing a drop. “I’m guessing you like the idea,” he moaned when he became coherent again.

For the next week, Blanche treated John like a prince, with gourmet meals, doing the dinner dishes which was usually his job, wearing sexy clothes, and sucking his cock to completion after letting him lick her pussy. She did not, however, open her pussy to his cock. Mid-week they were sitting together in the den when she informed him that she had a date with Jim on Friday night. She asked him if that was all right. He nodded his assent, “Where are you going with him?”

“I’ll go to his apartment; I don’t want us to be seen playing kissy-face at clubs around town. We probably don’t share the same entertainment ideas anyway. And I want to let him know our situation in case we want to continue seeing each other. I assume that you would like to join us another time if he is open to that.”

Friday after work, Blanche was nervous and excited at dinner. “I can’t believe I’m going to fuck a twenty-something hunk tonight. Are you excited? This isn’t your old, long-time buddy that you have been jerking off with all along. I’m almost giddy at the thought of playing with his hard body.”

Watching her get ready at her dressing table, John asked, “Will you be coming home after?” She turned to him, showing her hard nipples. Her hand started lightly rubbing his crotch. His cock immediately became hard and felt like it would burst out of his pants.

“I would like to leave that open. I’m sure you want me to have the full experience of a young virile man. I will text you when I expect to be back, OK? and we’ll take care of this. I want you to save it for when I get home. I wonder if I should go braless; we aren’t going out anywhere, and what about panties?” She lifted her breasts in her hands and looked up at John seductively.

Then she turned back to her mirror, “I have to get busy, I’m already a little late. Will he wait for me do you think?” She smiled at him in the mirror. John felt a momentary wave of panic in his stomach. He almost told her not to go, but he knew the dice were rolling, she wouldn’t turn back now.

Standing at the door, saying goodbye to him, there was a sympathetic sadness in Blanche’s smile. “You will be all right won’t you?” She caressed his cheek, kissed him briefly, and left. He watched her tail lights until she turned the next corner, then he went to his man cave and fixed himself a drink.

Left with time on his hands and no company, John played a vividly pornographic video. The actress suddenly looked just like his wife and she was entertaining five firemen. The action was too much for John; he took out his cock and brought himself to a long-awaited eruption.

In the aftermath of his orgasm, he decided he was too tired to wait up for Blanche’s return; he had an early golf game in the morning. He dropped off shortly after lying down and had a fitful night of dreams peppered with visions of his wife fucking young firemen.

When he awoke to a cold, empty bed in the morning, his heart sank. She had never spent the night with another man; this was breaking new ground. He looked at  his phone and saw a text from eleven pm saying, “Don’t wait up.” A feeling of dread permeated his core.

He played a horrible golf game, fully preoccupied with wanting to see and hold his wife, to know that she was his again. What will I do if she still is not there when I get home? He declined to have drinks with the guys and hurried off.

Blanche’s car was in the garage and he found her asleep in their bed. He quietly undressed and slipped in beside her, nestling against her warm back. She stirred and turned into his arms before opening her eyes and kissing him.

“Hello darling, what time is it?” she looked at the clock on the bedside table. “Oh, you are home early, I just laid down for a little nap while waiting for you. How are you doing, did you sleep well last night?” She rested her head on his chest and her hand moved to its favorite spot, his junk.

“I was anxious to get home and hear about your night out. I assume that you enjoyed yourself with your young man. Please tell me everything, I want all the details.”

“Oh, you don’t want the gory details right now surely.” She laid her leg over his thigh and wrapped her hand around his growing cock.

“Yes, I do, was it everything you hoped for?” John was caught by surprise; surely she knew that if he couldn’t watch, he wanted to hear all about it.

“And more,” she lowered her voice hoping to lessen the impact, and she raised her face to his for a kiss. I want to thank you, and I suppose Tom, for awakening me to the benefits of being a hot wife, and especially you for allowing me to enjoy them. I love you.” She began kissing her way down his torso until her tongue touched the tip of his erection, making it jump.

“Does that mean that this was not a one-time thing?” John was beginning to have a foreboding feeling. “Was it that special? I thought fucking Tom was the epitome for you.” Sensing that she could not divert him, she moved back up beside him, feeling his cock begin to lose its enthusiasm.

“Don’t you want to make love to me and take possession of my pussy again? I want to reconnect with you, for us to reassure each other that we are OK going forward.”

“And I need to hear what kept you away all night fucking a hard-body stud half your age.” John steeled himself for the moment of truth.

Blanche, being sensitive to John’s moods, heard the warning bells, but as she remembered the last twelve hours, knew that she might as well be truthful as far as she could. She fully expected to go back with Jim, and soon.

“John, I never expected it would be so wonderful. I expected a horny guy who would try to get into my pussy immediately. What I found was a sensitive, considerate lover who patiently wooed me and made love to me.  I now realize that it was the novelty of forbidden sex with Tom that excited me then. This was on a plane above that. I couldn’t stop cumming from the time he sucked on my nipples to feeling his hot cum filling my pussy to overflowing.

“I know you don’t want to hear this but I guess we had better deal with it. I’m sure that Jim will tire of me eventually, but until he does, my pussy belongs to him any time he asks.

“I don’t want to hurt you, but I plan to play this out to its end. Please understand, I never knew how powerful sex could be. Everything about him is perfect, his body, his cock, his lips, his blue eyes.

“His cock is the perfect size, fat but not too long. He fills me exactly enough to stimulate every nerve in my body. He instinctively knows when I am ready to accept his cock, and how to make me cum at will. I never felt his weight bearing down on me; just a thrilling brush of his chest on my nipples until he turned us over and let me ride him. I couldn’t stop kissing him even while I came. My pussy squirted for the first time in my life.

“I loved sucking his cock and balls; John, I licked his ass, of all things, and I want to do it again. He has tremendous stamina, and he loves to eat my pussy.  We made love three times last night and again this morning.” By this time, John’s cock had gone completely limp. Blanche rolled on top of him and looked down at his face.

“This must be terrible for you to hear, but I want you to also hear that I love you and intend to remain your loving wife and to come home to you ready for you to reclaim me however you wish. I promise to come home to you and be your loving wife again.” Then she slid down his body and took him into her mouth.

John’s only thought at that moment was, This is the end of us, and I’ve brought it on myself. He rolled out of bed and got dressed. His wife watched in shock as he left the room. He had no idea where he would go but decided that his old buddy Tom owed him.

On the drive there, his phone buzzed with a text, “John, please come home. I’m sorry. We can work this out. I love you.” He did not reply.

Written by Johnnycumlately
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